Freehold Declares 9 p. m. Youth Curfew -.--.•• • / . ..„•••-. • -.. ,-.

(ds" taxational rtta expected today, tonight and FINAL again tomorrow. ) Red Bank, Freehold / (Bit rxtalli. FM» If C long Brandt V EDITION Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper lor 91 Year* VOt. 92, NO. 240 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 32 PAGES 10 CENTS Nixon Troop Pullouts Are Slated

WASHINGTON (AP) - and prolonging the war when troops in neighboring South table in withdrawals during Showing films of material Proclaiming | "all our major he announced the operation Vietnam. But that will be the six months, that began taken from the enemy — military' objectives" accom- April 30 — as being, proved the only continuing American April 20 than in the six, guns,, ammunition, rice — to plished, President Nixon says completely wrong. military activity involving months between mid-October illustrate his report on U.S. forces yrOl be complete- The President reported Cambodia, he said. and mid-April next year. achievements of the highly ly withdrawn from Cambodia that 17,000 of the 31,000 U.S. He left open the question of Last April 20 he announced controversial Cambodian by June 30 f and 50,000 more troops sent into Cambodia when South Vietnamese removal of 150,000 troops strike, Nixon reported the American [troops will be •have been withdrawn already troops will be withdrawn. over the next 12 months. At capture of more than 10 mil- pulled out of' Vietnam by and the remaining 14,000 will "Our discussions with the an even withdrawal rate he lion rounds of ammunition, Oct. 15, | foe out. by the end of the South Vietnamese 'govern- would have taken out 75,000 15,000 rifles and machine month. U.S. air and logistics ment," he said, "indicate by. mid-October. But when, guns, 2;000 heavy weapons "I can now state that this with 90. thousand rounds of has been the most successful support and military advisers that their primary objective the Cambodian operation was — serving with South Viet- remains the security of South started withdrawals from ammunition for them, and 11 . operation of this long and million pounds of rice. difficult, war," Nixon told tiie . nam's 43,000-man force — al- Vietnam, and their activity Vietnam stopped, presumably nation last night, in a broad- so will be removed by the in Cambodia in the Mure — because of the uncertainties The result of such captures cast speech on the month-old deadline, he said. after their withdrawal from of counter-action. and the destruction of enemy the sanctuaries — will be de- • Nixon announced last night bases and storage centers, campaign to destroy North . Still Undecided Vietnamese bases and war, termined by the actions of the Secretary of Defense Melvto. Nixon declared, will be to supplies on Cambodian terri- After July^l, Nixon said, enemy." R. Laird has now resumed American lives, give tory. U.S. planes will strike at ene- Timetable Slower withdrawals but — contrary time for training the South my troop' hjovements* and Nixon's Oct, 15 target date to some advance speculation Vietnamese army and insure Says Critics Wrong bases in Cambodia if tie de- for pulling 50,000 more troops -r his figures made clear he the success of his program of He pictured his critics -? cides such action is neces- out of Vietnam indicated - he is following a cautious slow- troop withdrawal from South who accused him of widening sary to protect American plans to follow a slower time- down at least .until October. Vietnam* - .. SIC Told

By DAVID M. GOLDBERG weeks, although no formal not actually beginning a full- REPORTS MISSION ACCOMPLISHED — President Nixon remains at his Whita TRENTON (AP) — The charges have been filed scale investigation of the de- House after reporting on a nationwide broadcast that "all our military objectives" head of the New Jersey pur- against him. He refused to partment. in Cambodia ha* been achieved. (AP Wire photo) chasing department says his answer the commission's He added that the four- superior wouldn't follow his questions Tuesday, pleading man panel would meet next recommendation seven years his rights under the Fifth. week to decide whether to ago to fire a buyer since ac- Amendment. hold further hearings in the cused of taking, kickbacks Record Researched case. • Town Near from a customer. ' • Hibbs said that in 1963 he Comment Declined Charles H. Hibbs, who has began looking into Seaman's Hyland declined to com- headed the purchase bureau record "as a result of com- ment on Sullivan's involve- for a decade, told the State plaints by .using • agencies ment. But Sullivan told a re- Investigation Commission : with regard to certain situ- porter On Tuesday that he yesterday that he had rec- ations that existed." had been visited about six By JOHN T. WHEELER ; Thorn, which was cut off from Kompong Thom appeared to ommended the move to Hibbs did not describe the weeks ago by SIC investiga- PHNOM PENH, Cambodia Phnom Penh Jast week by the be a continuation of. g, Com- Charles Sullivan, former di- situations to' the commission tors. •;•••••. (AP) — North Vietnamese capture, of a district capital munist tactic of pressure over rector of the Division of Pur- nor did the commission ask. and Viet Cong forces captured ; just south of it and destruc- a wide area to score propa- chase and Property. Most of yesterday's testi- a town 10 miles.southeast of. But later, he told newsmen mony came from state offi- tion of a major highway ganda gains and confuse the Payoffs Told that included "several irreg-" Phjiom Penh today and bat- • bridge.' '.:. . . Carnbodian high command. cials who said they were dis- tled fpr control of a provin- The buyer involved was Jo- ularities in office- procedure satisifed with some work Bombing Barred including altering a bid." . cial capital in central Cambo- Kompong Thorn's defenders Vice President Nguyen Cao seph Seaman. On Tuesday, done by Middlesex Building ' dla, the Cambodian military Ky flew to Phnom Penh to- the former vice president of Hibbs gave no reason why Supply, the firm for which requested air bombardment Sullivan refused to heed his command reported. ' of the enemy positions yester- day with a delegation of Middlesex Building .Supply., Seaman was' getting con- South Vietnamese Cabinet told the commission thai his" I recommendation to dismiss tracts. . 3 The., attack on Set Bo, to day, the spokesman said, but ; Seaman-.:-SuUivan, a Demo- , ithie'sbiitheast, was the closest "due to the hour it was not ministers, and the Cambodian firm had been paying.Sea-*, They said that Middle- government lessened restric- man as much as $200 a • crat;::left-office, when the Re- sex s o me times subcon- jmjajor fighting yet to the possible." He said he had no, • publicans fbpk over last Jan- 7 Cambodian capital. A spokes- reports of air activity in the tions on Vietnamese refugees month to insure that the, tracted cleaning jobs, without who had been herded into company would get state uary. permission, once to Yankee mjan said the attack came area today, but that a siz- , during the night and the last able force of government reg- camps in Phnom Penh during cleaning contracts. The inci- " Isolated Incident Maintenance Co. of Nutley, 4 the early days of. the fighting. dents were alleged to have' After the hearing, SIC which is headed by former government resistance was ulars was on hand to defend the town. The refugees were given the occurred between 1965 and Chairman William F. Hyland New York Yankee infielder • knocked out at 7 a.m. But of the city from 6 a.m. 1969. ' told newsmen that as far as Gil McDougald. ' he said the Cambodian army .In the past, the militia was to 4 p.m. Hibbs said that when • he he knew,, the Seaman case Earl J. Bgnatoff, the di- was launching a counteroffer . Jhe only defense of some ma- OFFTO VIETNAM —•' N«|jon Gross, winner of GOP's went to Sullivan seven years : sive. •'-.•-•. • .=•• • - •'-•'•• jor points, and bucWed before As Ky and Premier LonNol, 1 was an Isolated incident." He recjor of operations for '1M J US sanatoria ] nomination in New Jersey primaries, is ago, he simply suspended said the commission had New Jersey College of Med- - Eighty miles north of- the Communist command's were approaching the honor tjiown as fie left to make* connections for study tour Seaman- for five days. , come across information on icine and Dentistry, testified Phnom Penh, fighting was re- battle-hardened troops last guard at the airport, a Cam- ported still going on in the week. South Vietnamese bodian air force C47 made a of Southeast Asia and Middle East. (AP Wirephoto) Seaman has been on leave the. case in the course of that he had sent several let- without pay for the past six another investigation and was (See SIC, Page 2) provincial capital of Kom- troops saved Prey Veng, an- belly landing on another run- • J»ng Thorn, a town of about other provincial capital south- way, scattering pieces of its 25,000 on the highway to east of Phnom Penh, but the undercarriage about. There Angkor Wat. nearest South' Vietnamese was considerable smoke, and The spokesman said enemy forces to Kompong Thorn fire-trucks raced out, but the 1 forces had been massing for were 65 miles away. plane did not catch fire. Nor Curfew ' several days around Kompong The attacks at Set Bo and was the ceremony interrupted. By JAY D. ZUCKEItMAN shortly after-10 p.m. last night, when-he con- in his exit from the Borough Council meeting. FREEHOLD — Mayor J. William Boyle last fronted them in front of the Hall of Records.-He . Since then, at least: 40 persons hav,e signed' a' night announced a 9 p.m. curlew for young people said, "I'm running this town, and I'm going to confesskm "admitting toi taiocldng: over the pot. * ; under 18, starting tonight. ' .-, let all of you knowit>" : • Two juveniles were, arrested Tuesday alter- Separate Crashes Kill Borough Police Chief Henry Leftowich . Chief Lefkowich said three of the four fires noon ior violating a borough ordinance regulat- •asked for the'curfew after four fires were re- involved awnings of-local stores. The first fire ing, the posting of signs. Chief Lefkowich said ported in the borough last night. The chief said was reported at 9:07 p-m* at Pinky's Tot and Teen the two had put up posters on the B. F. Goodrich the fires were "evidently being set." He added, Shop, South Si. The second was reported 35" store and on the corner of Main and Sheriff Sts.' "The situation is so bad, I think a curfew ordi- minutes later/at Feigenson's Shoe Store, West The posters reportedly supported the Black 3 Monmouth Residents nance is in order." Main St. The fourth fire was inia pile of debris Panther Party. , , Three Monmouth County Miss VanSchoick was treat- cident which they said oc- A custodian m the Court Street School this and old tires in an alley to the rear of the B. P. -The chief'also said the department received .residents died yesterday in ed for injuries in the hospital curred about 5:30 p.m. morning discovered a broken soda bottle filled Goodrich store on East Main St. Damage was re- fire calls during the day from local merchants three separate auto accidents and was.released. She was Mr. McKenzie suffered fa- with gasoline, Apparently, it had been thrown ported to be minor in all cases. • complaining of "hippies" hanging around their in the Central Jersey area. charged with failure to yield tal injuries last night when through a window into the hallway, charring only One juvenile was arrested last night on a •stores. . • Dead were Denise M. Ty- the right of way by Patrol- his panel truck was struck in the window shade, and.landing on a cement floor. charge of loitering, according to the police chief. One "hippie" said last night, he called the nan, 16, of Revolutionary man Herman Grillon, who is the rear on Rt. 34 in Wall Capt. Stephen Serafin said the police jverecaHejL He said.anoither was picked up on^sgmething re-...... police to report a group of six to ten white, •' Road, Colts Neck; William P. continuing to probe the crash. Township by ajassenger_car in shortly after the fire bomb was discovered. - fating to his parole, but the chief would not re- middle-age, short-haired men blocking the side- .Robinson, 56,' of Squankum Mr. Robinson was killed that left the scene, "police Chief Lefkowich referred to "the situation" lease details at the time: . walk on Main St. Tuesday night, but was asked ' Road, Eatontown, and Jack when his tractor-trailer col- said. ; ]•''., in relating the fires to the groups of youths roam- . The chief said plainclothes officers estimated how he wore his ha(r before the police accepted RL McKenzie, 25, of Pine lided with another on Rt. 34 Arthur D. DeVecchis Jr., ing borough streets for the third successive night. most of the youths roaming the streets last night his report. He added that nothing was done to Brook Drive, Neptune. in Madison Township.. . • 40, of. Broad : St., Matawan The youths were making their presence felt to were from out of the borough. He added that 90 break up the gathering. Miss Tynan was killed in an The driver of the other, rig,. was arrested four miles from show "their dissatisfaction with an ordinance ,ner cent were judged to be juveniles. Chief Lefkowich said, "Arson is serious and' accident that Injured two John'F. Short, 27, of North the scene and (charged with regulating parades and rallies in the borough, other persons at W. Front Plainfield.was in fair condi- causing death by auto, drunk- Last night's arrests brought ihe total to could cause a lot of damage. The American St. and Middletown-Llneroft which was adopted Monday night. The ordinance five in the last three days. One juvenile was ar- people are ready for repression rather than anar- , tion today at Sduth Amboy en driving, reckless driving, may face a court battle as to its constitutionality. Road, She died in Riverview Memorial Hospital. and leaving the scene of an rested Monday night on a disorderly persons chy. When these kids -start jeopardizing property, Hospital, Red Bank, at 6:55 The mayor told some youths of the curfew charge for allegedly kicking over a flower pot it's time to step in." . Police are continuing ,to in- accident, police said, p.m., two hours after the vestigate the cause of th (Sec Monmouth, Page 2) crash. In Fair Condition Miss Tynan was a passen- ger in a car driven by Mark E. Erdmann, 17, of Gordon The Inside Story 'Parade' Ruling Challenge Set Corners Road, Marlboro. - He was admitted to the same Antiques show readied In Colts Neck ...... Page 19 . hospital and was reported in Shad boner tells how •. ....Page 20 By IIALLIE SCHIt/VEGER identity with what ono insur- < The new ordinance, which sure the borough against any lic hearing Monday night fair condition this morning Engagements and weddings announced - Pago 21 FREEHOLD — If you want ance broker called an "insur- Mayor J. William Boyle says claims which might arise. called the measure unconsti- with head injuries. Hirst fires Warriors' surge -. Pago 23 to have a spontaneous dem- able interest." applies to rallies or assem- The governing body can re- tutional and said-jt discrlm- Police said the Erdmann Bulldogs bite In net tourney Page 23 onstration here, forgot it. ,. Meanwhile, the American blies, as well as "parades — fuse a permit even if all pro- ' inates against poor people car struck a car driven by Monmouth Park Today Page 24 If you want to rally in'the Civil Liberties Union plans to "We nicknamed it the parade visions of the ordinance are and students, particularly in Judith VanSchoick, 28, of 230 Amusements 31 Television SI park to protest the latest war file suit — perhaps as soon ordinance," he said yester- met. ..-..• its'insurance requirement. Swimming River Road, Eat- Astro-Guide 30 The Chuck Wagon 25 activity - or oven to support as today — to Invalidate the day — requires, among other Defines Provisions Mayor Boyle yesterday ontown. ,Bridge 30 it — forget that, too. borough's controversial pa- things that an.application for The code defines "person" maintained that the borough The VanSeholck car wns Classified Ads 26-29 Women's News 19-21 And if you are not a mem- rade ordinance, adopted unan- a parade permit be filed with as "any person, firm, part- is not trying to restrict pro- proceeding west on W. Front Comics "...30 DAILY REGISTER ber of an organized group, imously Monday night. ' the borough clerk at least 20 nership, association, corpor- tests and rallies, but to "in- St. and pulled into the inter- Editorials fi PHONE NUMBERS don't even try to apply for a Although the borough has days before the proposed pa- ation, company or organiza- suro that the people involved section after stopping for a Financial 7 Main Office ,...741*0011 parade permit. Yoju can't got required organizations to get rado dato «rid Unit "no parade tion of any kind or class" and are a bit more responsible for sign, police said last night. Here's to Health 8 Classified Ads ...... 741-SW9 the required .insurance, permits for parades for "16 permit shall (be issued unless "parade" as "any parade, what they're doing." • The Erdmann youth was Obituaries ,; 4 Home Delivery 741-M1J A Daily Register spot check or 20 years," according to and until there has been de- march, ceremony, show, ex- However, ho said that he driving south on the Middle- Opinion Page -.. fi of threo insurance companies Mayor J. William, Boyle, the livered to the,borough clerk hibition, pageant, procession (See ACLU, Page 3) . tpwn-Llncroft Road. Outdoor World 9 Mlddletown Bureau 671-MM ta the area yesterday ro- previous requirements were a certificate of Insurance In of any kind, or any similar Art Lovers Kntertttlnment Nightly with Palette Talk 18 Freehold Bureau ...4«.J«l voalec] that Insurance Is not simple; pay a $25 toe and the amounts of $100,000 to display In or Upon any street, Art auction Saturday, June 6. Mildred K. Duo in Cocktail Sports „. 23-25 LongBrartchBtire«u 2ZMMI don't violate any borough or- (300,000 bodily Injury and (50,- park or other public place." available to nny grourt that 11 Rain date, June 13, 5 Pompano Lounge, Alpine Manor, High- Synagogue Page S SporU Department 741-M17 does not have an established dinances. 000 property damage, to In- Some 160 objectors at a pub- Drive, Rumson. (Adv.) lands. (Adv.) -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MJDDLETOWN, N. J.: THURSDAY, JL:\E 4, 1970 Pressures to Get Mental Health Funds Are Urged By DORIS KULMAN health in this country are re- of the places hurting for federal Community Men- NEWARK - Declaring leased." lack of the federal funds. ial Health Centers Act has that the Nixon administra- Exhorting those- attending Gordon N. Litwin, • board been rejected. tion "Is drying up money for yesterday's session of the president of the county's Dr. Jacobson's statement mental health centers," Dr, N. J. Mental Health Associ- Community Mental Health at the conference luncheon Avrohm Jacobson, an As- ation's annual conference to Center, said last night that followed comments on Tues- bury Park psychiatrist and "positive action," Dr. Jacob- the board is "in the midst day's resignation and/or president of the Monmouth son said "votes do count. . . of great difficulty in getting firing of Dr. Stanley F. Yol- County Medical Society, yes- exert whatever pressure you cooperation from federal au- les as director of the Na- terday urged citizen pressure have as an individual or as thorities." He said that the tional " Institute of Mental on New .Jersey's congression- a member of an organiza- board hasn't been able to o Health. al delegation "to see that the tion ..." learn why its application for Blasts Nixon • funds so vitally needed for Monmouth County is one a $300,000 grant under the Dr. Yolles left with a three- page blast at the administra- tion for what be said is its "lack of commitment to sup- Sociologist Gives Prescription porting mental health ser- vices for children." He also charged "sharp curtailment" of mental health programs For the American Society and said the Community Mental Health Centers pro- NEWARK -Ric for Ameri- tion from objects." wear their hair as George grams won't start any new can society: "consume less The young are expert- Washington wore his, or who centers this year and may and act more." menting with new life pat- wear open shirts or study at have to financially abandon That's the prescription of- terns, Dr. Etzloni said. Pace College, that will spill those already started. fered yesterday by Dr. Ami- In a reversal of our life over into legislation ..." (Secretary of Health, Edu- tal Etzioni, chairman of the order, some of the young The mental health profes- cation and Welfare Robert H. SCHOOL WRECKED IN ARAB ROCKET ATTACK, ISRAELIS SAY — This is the wreckage of a one-story religious sociology department and di- "are saying that they can sionals should help those who Finch announced that he had school in Bj»H Sh»an, Israel, whkh the Israel! military command said was destroyed by Arab querrilla rocket* from rector of the Center for Pol- produce enough to keep feel threatened by the chang. canned Dr, Yolles. Dr. Yol- icy Research at Columbia themselves adequately fed ing life patterns gain insight les said be couldn't be fired " Jordan yesterday. The Israelis said one girl died and 11] persons, seven of them children, were wounded. University. and comfortably clothed" by into their fears, Dr. Etzioni because he'd already quit.) . (AP Wir»ph It NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR ITOiANCIMO Up to Trenton times." department^ Office of Teach- AP^E>1T1ORDA1NDD BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OP THE BOROUGH OP RED BANK. IN THE COUNTY OP MONMOUTH (not less than two- But he said when he told But Egnatoff said they, had er Education and Certifica- thirds of all the members thereof affirmatively concurring) Afl FOLLOWS: Section 1. The several Improvements described in Section 3 ot this this to Seaman, Seaman told nothing to do with his action tion. Dr. Wayne T. Branom, ordinance are hereby authorized as goneral Improvement to be made or ac> quired by the Borough ol Red Bank, In tho County of Monmouth, New Jer- him not to do it that way, and said that he felt power- formerly superintendent of sey. For said improvement* or purposes, there are Hereby appropriated. th« Egnatoff said he acquiesced, eum of $399,000, said sum being Inclusive ot all appropriation! heretofore less to act* autonomously schools in Hillside, is consul- made therefor. and later added that he felt tant to the project. 6ecUon 2. For the financing of said Improvement* or purposes and from purchase officials iin to meet the mil $398,000 appropriation, ncgotfablo bonds of the Borouth, that the final decision was Trenton. He said he never each to be known as "Water Bond" are hereby authorized ta'tmUtmed In The project is being car- the principal amount of (398,000 pursuant to and within the limitations rep- up to officials in Trenton complained to. state officials ried out by the department in scribed In the Local Bond Law constituting Chapter 1 of Title 40A. of tht New Jorsey Statutes. In anticipation ot the Issuance ot said bonds, and to and not to him. about lackluster performance accordance with a request temporarily finance said Improvements or purposes, negotiable notes oMhl iBorough in the principal amount of not exceeding 9398,000 .are hereby Subsequently, Egnatoff by state contractors be- made by the state Board of authorized to be lasued pursuant to end within the limitations prescribed by said, Middlesex continued to cause the complaints never Education. A proposal had Section 3. (a) The Improvements lVerehy authorised and the MVtral clean the college facilities al- work. ' purposes for the financing of which said obligations are to be Issued/ all been made by the state Board as shown on and in accordance with the plans and specmcaudns therefor though he said he did not of Examiners for such a study on file'In the office ot the Borough Clerk and hereby approved)' we ipj "I had contractors brought proprlatlon made and estimated cost of eaoh such purpose, and the estimated believe it had a contract, before Director Sullivan and to develop a systematic ap- ^maximum amount of bond* or notes to be Issued tor 'each purpoipurposeH ' trar»t 1 n followi; - During th at time, it received^ nothing was-done," he saidr proach to evaluation of per- $76,312 from the state. "They had their wrists formance as a prerequisite to IMrPIROVBMENT OR PURPOSE (a) The Improvement of the water XSEMfKhtNOTES During intense questioning slapped and that was the end Issuance of a teaching certifi- supply and distribution system o< the cate, Rorough by the construction M a l,- by SIC attorney George of it." • 500,000 gallogall n concretoncrete . reBervoIr on THE "GREEK BOY" STRETCH WIG linlidd ownened by and In tthh e BBorouun tt Tower Hill, IncludinIncludig excavation •nfl sitit e work anill work and alll vrork and materialtil s IncidentaIidtl l therettheto 1242,000 COMPLETELY CAREFREE : 25.00 • (b) The Improvement of the waler supply and distribution system In and of the Borough by the reconstruction Isn't it you? That delightful tousled look—so of Uie Tower Hill filter plant, replace- ment of booster nump and appurten- perfect for the casual summer life. Slip in on Weather: Cool, Rain Expectedances and rebuilding aerator and sp- purlcnanccs at the Chestnut Street water (aclllly, and replacement of for glamorous evenings after you've been Considerable cloudiness fled their homes and nearly Mich., to 91 at Needles, Calif. booster pump equipment and ap- with chance of periods of rain 2 feet of water swirled MARINE purtenances at the pearr Street water tumbling in the waves all day. The longer lay- (acuity IIM.OQD through Saturday. High today through Pensacola's down- Cape May to Block Island: 1 '• Total MHJ.OOO ' ' in mid 70s, low tonight in up- town business area at the Section 4, . The following matters art hereby determined, dteltTtd, ered back is so flattering, too. Just wash, North to northeast winds 10 recited anri state: per 50s. Cool Friday, high in height of the flood. fai The said purposed described In Srctlon 3 nf this ordlnanoa am to 20 knots today. Northeast not current cxpennfls and aro eacli a property or Improvement which till drip-dry, brush and go! Kanekalon Modacryl- upper 60s. Outlook Saturday, 10 to 15 knots today. North- iBorough may lawfully acquire or maKfl AS a general Improvement, and no Rainfall overnight gen- part of the coat thereof his bun or thail be ipeolaiy s««e«i«d on proptrty considerable cloudiness and east 10 to 15 knots tonight, •pcolally benefited llwrohy. , , ' , • ,.: > ic in natural looking lustrous shades from pale erally was light to moderate cool. Variable 10' knots or less to- <'b Thee avnrajaveragce period of usefulnesunetulnoBs ofr Haisaitd purpostlpoiei, within Ihihtl where showers occurred. Bos- UmltRtlons of section 4A:2r4oA:2-r22 ott untiunill LocaLocall Bond and according to morrow. Considerable cloudi- tho roftfionahlrhl o life thdthdrdoff . I s tt tlntnmnnt required by mild LLaw lifti ness with chance of rain linen duly made and (tied In tlin offiofficc e of the Bo rough ClClnrll t nntl ft, corncorn* day's high was 83 and the low Scattered showers • dampened Iilotlt o exnciitrtd onlgiunlill thereothff linl n henhn n MinMid In tlin ntflco of thn DirectoDit r through tomorrow. Visibility of tho Division of I-zicul Kttmnoe in the ]>c|mrtinmit nf Community Affair! was 61, It was 75 at 6 p.m, parts of the Pacific North- of Uio HUtlo ot Now Jomny,. nml mieti Htatrrrmnl shown ihft the- groin tw6 to four miles in rain and debt of the Boroufih nit defined In unction 1(fA;^*1D nf imM Unw In InarftMed MffliMty Wifl Solon The overnight low was 61 and west and the Midwest. t>y thin ordinance rty £)f>fl,00o unit the Immnnco of tlin nftlrt obligation*. one mile or less in fog to- Ruthorl^crl by this ordliiunoo will lie within all debt limllntloiti prescrititd the temperature at 7 this Clear or clearing skies dom- fcy fltiWi Lnw. . r morning was 62. There was morrow morning other- (d) Not cxcctMlIng S&MJOO on iiccount nf Intnirnt, rnslnecrlni and inated a large interior portion Inspection oontrl lognl nnny/, in unit flhall taa charged AH R rmft of lha cont ot «nld< j>urpoie« to b* TIDES financed by tho Isntidncn of nnlil otifiRStlohM Thundershowers spilled Cooler air settling deep- Sandy Hook .. (01 ThlThin* ordtnnnatordtnnnalt j nulJiorlKPnulJorlKPlj d obiLgjitlnnn of tho HoHorougr b aotely. for rain Into scattered areas from sen donorlbet bed in subsection (li> of Hrctlon 4OA4OA:24OA:2*: *7 n. juuruur.. Law,, anand er into the Midwest dropped Today - High 8:54 p.m, ild 6nl.gat.onilt i nilthnrljKwlthrljK , by ththii n onllnnncll n nrnr«« lo bo IMIIBIIMII I fof r ppupurr- the southern Plains to New osca which aro "uGlMlrjultlaUnfuGlMlrjultlaUnfT within ihihn meanini g finind HmllMlonllonnn off SecSSece - temperatures into the 40s and low 2:42 p.m. lioion 40 A ;.!(;'.!•('!(& off utilldd Liw nml are rioriurioriucLlhlc, purmmntt t n nuh one lilioo n ((c)) ott England today. from the eastern Plains to the unctioti n 4OA:2-l4OA2ltt off «ntttll LawL , frof m tlio gruan debdbt nf (ti(t n HoH w urrn *Uta*Utd Tomorrow -«- High 8:24 any annual or mtiiplemonlnt rialit fllntomcmt ot ttia A daylong cloudburst yes- eastern Great Lakes. Hot boctlon II. The full ffsJUt ifntl cmcmill! t or tho umouil„ i a.m. and 9:36 p.m. and low (o lliu, purinttjjitl l ppaymenpayment tt nff I tthh e principaii l oor anand 1Intnrput m li terday in the Florida Panhan- weather that had simmered 3:36 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. authorltert by• UUUU« ordinanceordinan . SSaid obligtiobligation*o' s shal"P"hll li'jHto lUnwlt , iitillmllld <)bll|«- lion* of tin Sorouih, unit the Borough nlmll he ohll««ti;n to low nil vilsrim dle poured out 7 inches of rain coastal Washington and Ore- For Red Bank and Rumson taxes UDoupon all tttho Unabltanahle propertproprty within UiUrea HorousjHorouulii (or 111* ptymnni it in the Pensacola area and gon seeped inland to the uM' obflialloniIlijulloini nmnmll InteresInterestt thereothereon withouwithoutt limitatiolimitation na In rate (rr amount. bridge, add two hours; Sea 6ecllon_ecllon t«6.. TinsTills' ordinanc- e shall take effect ttwenty ilnya a'tir lha' flrat caused a city reservoir to Rockies, but torrid conditions Bright, deduct 10 minutes; publication thereof s/lor final adoptionadopiton^ajjirovlde, an nrovldedd by /aid f/oo«I Ilond Uw, burst last night. hold fast In the Southwest. Long Branch, deduct 15 min- The. btttttl orrilrtnnne publlslietl hdrewjlh was Flee from flood* Temperatures before dawn utes; Highlands bridge, add An estimated 400 persona ranged from 37 at Pellston, 40 minutes,

Jim* 4 I6JO0 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MJDDLETOWN', N.J.: THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 Top of the News Overall Success of Sweep

;,.;:lDiIA,'Peiru — A strong earth tremor shook downtown lama last night, but there was no immediate information on itfl'intensity or extent. It appeared, however, to be less than half as strong as the big earthquake Sunday. Into Cambodia Unknown WASHINGTON (AP) - Se- Police sour«es said they had no reports yet of any Pentagon officials, indicate This was a reference to had been dependent on the / nior U.S. military officers damage of casualties in Lima or the provinces. the final results — good or- moves by the North Vietna- Cambodian sanctuaries, offi- say it is too early to tell , The University of California seismograph station in bad — will not be determined mese, detected by American cers said. whether the allied sweep Ba-ketey, Calif., said to tremor registered 5.6 on the Richter perhaps until fall. reconnaissance, to set up a Experts doubt whether the through the Cambodian sanc- scale at 12:09 EDT. The upbeat tone of Nixon's new supply line from south- waterway will permit the tuaries will be a long-range The U. S. National Earthquake Center at Rockvillc, Interim report on the Cam- ern Laos using the Se Kong North Vietnamese to equal success. Md., had recorded Sunday's earthquake at 7.5 on the bodian venture seemed to River, which flows into the tonnage formerly moved The officers agreed with Richter scale. leave little room for the pos- northeast Cambodia and links into the Cambodian base President Nixon's assertion sibility that long-range re- up with the Mekong River. areas from the now-severed yesterday that the Cam- sults might fall short of ex- May Use goats enemy supply line. bodian sweep had been highly pectations. But he did cau- Cahill Signs Drug Legislation With boats, the enemy may Nixon perhaps had the successful in capturing or tion briefly that "we can ex- be able to pump new supplies TRENTON - Gov. William T. Cahill signed into law destroying huge amounts of river bypass in mind when pect setbacks and reversals" along a water network tying last night a package of bills aimed at beginning the financ- enemy war material, as long as the war goes on. he indicated US, war planes the Ho Chi Minh Trail to ing of his drive against narcotics. But, they say, the true Are Less Bullish will be in the air over Cam- areas in South Vietnam bodia after the July 1 dead- — Included was a measure appropriating $800,000 for 50 test will be determined by Military officers are much where North Vietnamese and line for U.S. ground troop additional state troopers on an anti-drug squad. the enemy's ability to re- less bullish than Nixon in Viet Cong troops in the past withdrawal. CahUl also signed bills allowing school districts, counties store supply routes to key looking six months to a year '.-, and municipalities to hire rehabilitated drug addicts; pro- third and fourth corps ahead. viding $100,000 for training local police in drug control;,set- areas of South Vietnam. "Signs are good," said one Alarm Sounds In Red Bank ting up .drug education programs for teachers and pupils; Time Gain Hoped general. "But it remains to appropriating $175,000 for teacher drug education programs, Even more fundamental, be seen whether the enemy RED BANK - Two fire Villa Place, Eatontown. and appropriating $500,000 as part of a federal program to the officers added, is whether can overcome the problems alarms were sounded in the The second sounded at 10:18 expand the New Jersey Regional Drug Abuse Agency, the operation gained the time we have given him. borough yesterday. last night at the River Street the South Vietnamese forces "The North Vietnamese al- The first was at 11:14 a.m. School just after thunder and need to prepare for taking ready are making a really for a car fire in the driveway lightning struck the area. An Commuter Funds Allocated over the main combat role determined effort fo re-estab- of 13 E. Westside Ave. and investigation revealed noth- WASHINGTON - Awarding of a $10.2 million federal as more U.S. troops with- lish their supply routes and was extinguished by Patrol- ing wrong at the school and it grant to New Jersey for purchase of 45 electrically-operated, draw. . bases west of our farthest man Paul Lang. The car be- was assumed that the storm multiple-unit railroad passenger cars was announced yester- The officers, and some top limit of operations." longed to Cathy Sutter, 39 triggered the alarm too. day by tiie office of Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J. •••;- The cars are to be used on the Pennsylvania mainline from Penn Station in New York to Trenton and on a branch line from Rahway to South Amboy, the office said. It said the grant was awarded by the Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transit administration and the ACLU Plans to Challenge funds are to be released today. / SPEAKS TO CONGRESS—Venezuelan President Rafael Calderas addresses a Joint session of the Congress , Firms to Cancel Insurance yesterday in the House chamber. Behind him are TRENTON — Six Insurance firms Wndling part of the House Speaker John W. McCormack, left, and Sen. Freehold 'Parade' Ruling $443 million in fire coverage on state buildings and property Allen J. Ellender, D-La. (AP Wirephoto) say they will not renew policies which expire July 1. •i (Continued) thony Smith, former council- the time and place, but that's Each of the firms said unfavorable claims experience did not want "political gath- man and former Planning all. is the reason for the planned cancellation, which one broker erings" going on. Board chairman, who. said: "In this case of the Borough for the state said will be fully restored through other com- Cites Talk "If these hippies. wanted a of Freehold, this is a cynical panies. Debate Is Decided The mayor said he had had parade permit I would not in- and barefaced attempt to pick : The broker, Frank Gauver of Cape May, said yesterday a long talk with, some 15 sure them. I wouldn't want to and choose among groups the he is not overly concerned by the firms' move. He said the young people Tuesday night deal with them. borough fathers want to have 15 otter firms which handle insurance for the state have outside police headquarters. "My companies would not publicly assemble within the i indicated they will stay on as carriers and may agree to ex- On Med School Law "I told them they can do insure them ... not because borough." -' -tend -their coverage to the canceled policies. exactly as they've been do- they are hiptpies, but because Richard B. Ansell of Asbury The six companies were not identified. However, some TBBNTON — Gov. William The aide said the action ing. They, can still use the of the way they are, reckless Park, ACLU attorney, said a state officials said the plan to cancel policies could be T. Calvin's office decided that was justified "in a spirit of park, bring their blankets and and careless in their social suit would be filed for a de- based on national student and civil disorders. this week's broadcast of the fairness" because of the con- soda and records, but there habits . . . clarator judgment to invali- Rutgers Kadio Forum should troversial nature of the issue are to be no political Allegiance Cited date the ordinance, but he did depart from its usual news and because "we .thought our • speeches," he said. "If some- not know whether it would be "I have a strong sense of Market Moves Slightly Higher interview format and present side, of the story would be thing goes wrong, who do we filed in a federal court or a allegiance to my country. If y a debate because the gover- neglected" if Dr. Stetten got look to? We'll draw the line state court. these fellows can't respect :YORK — The stock market moved moderately nor feared that his side of the to present Rutgers' case with- if it becomes a political "We are examining the le- what the country offers they higher yesterday in heavy trading. controversial legislation to out challenge. . thing." gal alternatives," he said. The Dow Jones average of 3Q industrial stocks closed up unite the Rutgers Medi- Informed of the impending don't deserve to live here." What did the goveror's aide Borough Attorney Sam Mat- 4.25 points to 713.80. cal School with the New Jer- ACLU suit, the mayor said, "The ACLU bases its posi- think the three reporters on lin defended the measure. Advances led declines on the New York Stock Exchange sey College of Medicine would "That's all right. Let them tion four-square on the First the program would be doing? "We don't write an, orfll- by about a 3-1 margin. Big Board volume climbed to J6.6 be neglected, a Cahill aide test it. Our lawyer feels it's Amendment constitutional nance to be unconstitutional," million shares from the 13.5 million shares traded Tuesday. said yesterday. "It never occured to me un- constitutionally proper." right of public assembly and said Mr. Matlin, "Any ordi- brackets it with the right of Analysts said investors were anticipating good news The governor's demand for til this moment that our ac- Two of the three insurance Mayor J. William Boyle nance has inherent depriva- coming out of President Nixon's talk on Cambodia last tion could be construed as a free speech," said Monmouth "equal, time" got his repre- brokers contacted yesterday tions in it ... takes some- night. lack of confidence in the even Lloyd's of London could County ACLU President Wal- sentative, Chancellor of High- were angry — one at the bor- thing from somebody and Prices also rose on the American Stock Exchange. The ability or professionalism of ough for what he called "the insure an unorganized group. ter Marvin Jr. last night. er Education Balph A. Dun- The broker said his "high gives it to somebody else." Amex price-change index climbed 0.27 to 21.46. Volume ] the interviewers," the aide re- start of a dictatorship" and "Everybody knows no gov- gan, 12 /4 minutes of question- risk" man, who insures peo- Although Mayor Boyle had jumped to 6.29 million shares from Tuesday's 5.68 million. plied, "that's not true at all." the other at the town's hip- ernment can put a prior re- ing by three reporters on ple who can't get regular in- said the ordinance applies to The governor's side has pies, whom he called "trou- straint on free speech ... 1 the 25-aninute program origi- surance, at two to three times rallies and public speeches, been heard and heeded by blemakers and unwashed idi- Postal Reform Action Near nally scheduled as an inter- the regular rates, had said "We are saying that as Mr. Matlin said the code was the Assembly, which narrow- ots." view of Rutgers Medical no unorganized group could, soon as the ordinance goes to "designed to be a parade or- WASHINGTON - The Nixon administration's postal ly passed the medical school School Dean Dr. DeWitt Stet- Problem Noted get insurance. court we expect a chancery dinance." .reform, legislation makes its debut on the House floor next legislation. It goes before the week, a year—and the nation's first postal strike—after it ten Jr. by the reportorial The third insurance broker, judge vould immediately Mr. Matlin said the ordi- Senate on Monday. He said the ordinance had was sent to Congress. trio. The. program wasn't re- from one of the largest insur- knock it out on the basis of nance is "generally reason- made him "sick" when he arranged as a debate. ance agencies in the area, previous decisions that there able ... we tried to elimin- , ..The bill calls for a massive overhaul of the Post Office read about it because "if he said, "A club like the Lions can be no prior restraint on ate as many problems as we Into a semi-autonomous agency able to set its own rates, Unscheduled Guest Junior Champ (the mayor) can discriminate Club would have its own in-' the right of assembly. , could ... If we wanted to ; wages and investment plans. ; Mr, Dungan was a lastHBiin- against them he can' discrim- surance, and would probably-•• Right Recognized make it so all-inclusive as to _,. ^Action on the measure, which carries an-8 perxentpay ~ "ufe unscheduled guest dis- Day Saturday inate against me. He could just.have to get it extended "The ACLU recognizes the covef every possible eventu- hike for postal workers, is expected to head off renewed •' patched by Gov. Cahill after say 'I don't want anybody on MIDDLETOWN - The Jay- — but a militant group that's borough has a right to pre- ality it would run to diction- talk of. a second walkout because of Congressional inaction. the governor demanded the street over 40 years old' cees are urging adult support going to protest against some- vent disorder. For instance, if ary size." "equal time". The demand . . ' He didn't go into this for the annual Junior Champ thing? You're-going to have you had two parades at the , Both Mr. Boyle and Mr. came one hour before the blindly. He knew they Track and Field Meet to be a real problem. I don't know same time and place, there Matlin said the ordinance was Congress Reform Views Sought show was scheduled to be couldn't get insurance." held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at who would insure them. would be chaos. " similar to ordinances in 15 WASHINGTON — House Democrats vying for leadership taped on Tuesday, the Middletown Township Lloyd's of London ... may- The broker said the require- "There have to be reason- out' of the 53 municipalities in positions are going to be asked for their views on congres- The governor wouldn't have High School field, Tindall be." ment is unnecessary, anyway, , able regulations regarding Monmouth County. sional reform proposals before the issue becomes over- accepted an interview of the Road. But Broker Number One, because Freehold has its own shadowed by a scramble for the majority leader's post. chancellor for next week's The competition is open to who also declined to be iden- insurance. Reps. Henry S. Reuss of Wisconsin and Charles A. broadcast as meeting his youngsters 8 to 18. Refresh- tified, said he doubted that The other broker was An- Vanik of Ohio, two reform minded Democrats say they "equal time" demand, his ments will be available. . Dig they must... hope to determine where the various candidates stand on aide said. MacDara F. Lyden, Jaycee such issues as seniority, powers of committee chairmen, "Maybe the same person president, said: "The so-called and the practice of holding secret committee sessions. wouldn't be listening next gap between adults and teen- week," the aide declared, agers is a much talked about Parade Code Is fay we will! "We thought the debate form topic of concern within our Deht Ceiling Bill on Tap would be the most effctive." society. The Jaycees believe WASHINGTON. - After surviving war critics' attacks, Is that the. way it's going an endorsement of Junior In the House, a bill to raise the national debt ceiling by $18 to be whenever the program Champ by the adult commu- By Freehold Group billion heads for the Senate amid indications its quick- pas- features a guest who opposes nity, through their attendance sage might hinge on the Cambodian war policy debate. actions favored by the gover- will mean a great deal to the FREEHOLD - The Con- tinue to' sit home and remain The House passed the measure yesterday by a 236-127 nor? participating teen-agers, in cerned Citizens of Greater apathetic about the changing times in Freehold, the mayor vote. It permits raising'the national debt limit from $377 "It wasn't meant to set a addition to being a very en- Freehold last night took is- and the council will continue billion to $305 billion. pattern," the aide said. joyable day." sue with Mayor J. William Boyle and the Borough Coun- to pass these stupid ordi- cil; for jpassing_a jrontrover- nances. . . Come with Father Strano to the 1970 sial parade ordinance adopted "In Mississippi, Alabama, Monday night. Georgia, Arkansas, people a,re allowed to voice their "We feel that if Mayor differences against govern- Boyle wants to run Freehold ment, but this does not hold as a dictator of some for- in Freehold, N.. J,. . . eign country would, there is nothing that the minority "We feel that the (Mon- PASSION PLAY groups can do to stop him," mouth County) Freeholders P6 Wi$6»* Finance your sewer should take a firm stand and 1 the CC said, in a prepared system hookup costs **YM7T1 A lIUJTCDr AIT Father Strano's complete tour of Catho- statement. use some of their influence UD£iKAJVlJVllilvLfAU lie Europe also Includes Fatima, Lisbon, in this matter. We feel that at Madrid, Lourdes, Paris, Switzerland, Rome, "He has closed off an through us on our (next performance I960) Mr. Boyle has slapped the and the Rhinoland. avenue of protest that was black community again and special low terms guaranteed by the constitu- also slapped anyone else who tion of this country, which does not approve of his dic- Pathar Edward D. Strano gave every individual the tator-like conduct in council sewtcsisou* ' St, Mary'i Parish freedom of peaceful assem- meetings and. . .the ordi- CENTltAL JERSEY BANK Bordantown BIGGCSTASSSri bly and freedom of speech." •''nances that he passes." 21 days, Including The CC statement contin- CAH WSHBIPYOUT ues, in part: PAPAL AUDIENCE "It has been a known fact for many years that, a few REEDS JEWELERS - 35 Years of Diamond Leadership Departing July 30th people in important positions can bring hardships on the minority groups in any given community. •System' Programmed '1092 "It should be known that IneludM everything from and the roasorf why few black to N«w Yorki NO ixlrn or people are Involved in any „ hidden eoiti of my kindi ex- cept * lew lunctm. All lint •-—-—YIIOBO ofa only a tow ofifio political or civic organization elm hotel*. Rev. Edward D. Strano high spots I Phono or wrllo in Freehold Is that they have ULTRA MODERN MAONIFICBNT On tho samo tour you can kneel •""Five hundred native villagers St. Mary's Rectory Father Strano today (or your boon programmed by the syg. DESIGN PBAR 1HAPI at tho vory grotto whero Our Lady DIAMOND BRIDAL SET DIAMOND BRIDAL SIT offer the Passion Play only ovory Bordentown, N,J. 08505 own dotsllocl Itinerary. tem to think that once they appeared to.Bomadottel Float In $280 ten years to fulfill a vow mado by Dour Father Stranoi Pleaea tend (telephone have a home and automobile, your otoamorup the sparkling Rhino I CASH sr LARGB SHLBCTIOM their ancostors in 1033, your colorful Illustrated (older toi 208-0381) they do not hnvo any more Mnrvol at tho troasuras of Spain, CHAROI PROM 175 I* UMM I As a mombor of Fnthor Strano's Name responsibility lo themselves tho graceful beauty of Franco, tho I tour you oon participate In this and tholr children as far 113 alory of imperial Romol Join in tra- Addreei ,.-... Zip HEEDS JEWELERS nevor'to-bs-forgotlon saorod axporl- their community Is con- ditional frolic of Bavarian peasants I 401 Cookmon AV«,, ASIURY PARK • 40 Ircad It, MR IAMK •nco, Your place Is reserved for youl City Phone ,, cerned. Opin WidiWMfBy aM Friday Nlohli 'III », "As long as people con< -THE DAILY RFXISTEBj RED BANK • M1DDLET0WN, N. U THURSDAY, JUNE 4. 1970 R. K. Mellon 60 Firemen Obituaries Benefactor, Battle Blaze Dies at 70 At Church PITTSBURGH (AP) — Rich- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Mrs. Antonia Bunce, 98 ard King Mellon, who for Sixty firemen from' four r more than 30 years guided companies fought a stubborn one of the nation's largest . Maze at Emmanuel Baptist family fortunes and built a Church, Rt. 36 and Seventh A Roebling Grandchild multimillion-dollar philantrop- Ave., early this morning add ALL ITEMS three and a half hours later MIDDiLETOWN - Mrs. An- ic system, died yesterday afternoon at the age of 70. had it under control. WHILE :, tonia M. Bunce, 98, of Tan- Death was attributed to nat- The church sustained heavy ,.-' glewood Farm, Kings Hwy. ural ; causes. At his side in smoke and water, damage, THEY LAST! 1 Bast, granddaughter of John West Perm Hospital here according to Fire Chief A. Roebling, builder of the where he had been hospital- James Posten. Geraniums ized for several days were He"said a passing motorist Brooklyn Bridge, died Tues- reported the fire at 3:10 a.m. ~ day in her home. his wife Constance, whom he married in 1936, and four and the three Atlantic High- C ' Mrs. Bunce was bora in adopted children. lands fire companies respond- : Staten Island, a daughter of ed to the. alarm, assisted by A quiet man who guarded ;- the late Anton G. and Laura the Community Fire Co. of his privacy almost as much •••_ Roebling Methfessel. She Middletown. 48 as his fortune, Mellon spent F was the widow, of George C. much of his time giving away Origin of the fire is un- known, according to the :: Bunce. millions to charity. Another chief, who said it,started in She was ' a member of of his prime concerns was the rear altar area. No in- Christ Episcopal Church the preservation of man's en- juries were reported. TOMATO-VEGETABLE here. She lived in Middletown vironment. 66 years. Threats Bring Surviving are a daughter, Drug Possession and FLOWER PACKS Mrs. Adam Schildge of Mid- Fine of 48 . dletown; six grandchildren, Charged to Two DEAL—In Municipal Court and 13 great-grandchildren. MIDDiLETOWN — Two yesterday, Judge Harold Hal- Mrs. Antonia M. Bunce JAPANESE Arrangements are under young persons were arrested pern fined William. Palka, Your Choice! yesterday morning for pos- the direction of the Worden Lady Bess Drive, Deal Park, session of marijuana as they 1 BLACK PINE Funeral Home, Red Bank. Mrs. Murray $100-$50 of which was , sus- JUNIPER BLAAUW (canned) sat in a car in the Middle- pended — on charges of ver-, COLONIE, N.Y. - Mrs. town Township-Parking lot. bal threats of bodily harm and TAXUS SPREADER (canned) Arthur Schiller, Elizabeth McLaughlin Mur- Detective Capt. Robert use of abusive language. The 3.87 ray, 98, of 13 Locust Park Letts identified the pair as complainant was Joseph Sil- Paul B. Brown, 17, of 9 yerman, Lady Bess Park. UPRIGHT YEWS B & B Former Teacher died Monday in Albany Med- Walker Ter. and Wilda L. LINCROFT — Arthur Rich- Jacqueline . McCoy, N. WILLOW | ical Center of injuries suf- Armstrong, 17, Of 102 Hattie Fifth Ave.,.. Long Branch, ard Schiller, SO, of Majestic fered in an automobile acci- Court. ' .- , Ave., died Wednesday at was penalized $25 for having' TREES I dent. . The teens were released to. fictitious motor vehicle li- Cape May. He was born in GREEN-GOLDEN Newark and had resided in Born in New York State, their parents pending a ju- cense plates and #0 for hav- 1.57 each Union, and Scotch Plains be- she was the daughter of the venile court hearing. The ar- ing an unregistered vehicle. fore moving here in 1960. late Mr. and Mrs. James rests were made by Pa- Edward M. Cullen, Elberon trolmen Dennis Vaspory. Ave., Allenhurst, paid $15 for 4.87 Mr. Schiller was employed' McLaughlin. careless driving. •5,000sq.ft..bag 5;45 as a teacher at the Sayre-- She was the.widow of Wil- 10,000 sq. ft. b&g 9>95 ville Junior High School for liam H. Murray. Youth Charged COLORADO 11.years. . Surviving are a son, Ken- Two Charged 15,000 sq. ft. bag 13.95 He was a veteran of World' With Rape Try neth Murray, with whom she In Vandalism BLUE War II and captain in the lived; a daughter, Mrs. Jo- HAZLET - »A 17-year- Army. He graduated from Se- seph Karlik of. St. Peters- old Keansburg youth was MIDDLETOWN — Two lo- Scotts ton Hall University in South |30" to 36" burg, Flal,' and several charged yesterday with the cal 14-year old boys were, Orange. ' ' . Lawn Touch-up Special grandchildren and . gr^at- attempted rape of an 18-year- charged yesterday with five Mr. Schiller is survived by grandchildreri. !' old Union Beach girl behind separate acts of vandalism Buy any size ;bag»f; Turf Builder his wife Virginia and three Bradlee's department store at the Century Welding Co. and get a handy aerosol can of SPREADING sons, Edward, Arthur and Arrangements . are under Rt. 36. on Railroad Ave., Belford. j Scotts Spot Weeder at special William, and his father, direction of the Bedle Funer- YEW olice—said—the—girl—w etectiye Gapt.__-Robert [—savings;—Knpck— ou^-scattered- Arthur. He. is also survived- al Home, Keyport, N. J. cutting through a wooded Letts said the vandalism, oc- weeds by simply pressing a but- by two brothers, Eugene and area behind the store when curring since November, has ton. "'•• _•.'..•.•.. ". .• 18" to 24" 1*57 Reverend Francis Schiller of she was attacked. Two caused several hundred dol- . St. Patrick's in Jersey City.'•' Theft Suspect! younger children saw the in- lars worth of damage, espe- 25c Services will be held Satur- cident and ran to the store cially broken windows. , . (1.49 value) ,. RHODODENDRON 088 • day at 9:45 a.m. at the Rossi Found Innocent where off-duty Patrolman Juvenile Detective Arthur Combination special ends June 30 ROSEUM V Funeral Home at 1937 West- FBEEHOLD^After a two- Richard Kirk called officers. Stover made the apprehen- field Ave., Scotch Plains. day trial, a jury yesterday Detective John J. Feth- sions. The boys were released PINE BARK A concelebrated Mass will found a Marlboro man inno- erston is continuing an in- to their parents pending a MULCH be held at St. Leo's Church cent, of charges'of armed vestigation. juvenile court hearing.. here at "11 a.m. Interment robbery of $200 from the Air- ORTHO PENNY SALE will be at the St. Gertrude COCOA SHELL port' Plm-Bus nepot, Hazlet MULCH Cemetery in Colonia. Jan. 12. NOW IN PROGRESS! " Friends may call at the fu- Joseph DeGregory of 277 neral home on Friday, from '.'•• ; A .v . Main bftlce: !; Ticetown. Road; -Marlboro, lot Ouitamt St.. Red Bank, N. J. OT101 7 to 10 p.m. Branch Offices: was acquitted of rob- 819 Et. 39, Miadletown, N. J. bing. Wallace Rast, an em- .30 East Main St., Freehold, V. J. '. Jl» Broadway, Lout Branch, JJ. J. \ Mrs. Antonia Cosine ploye of the bus depot, while armed. EttebUihed In 1878 by John II. Cook and Henrr Clay . KNOWN FOR VALUES FREEHOLD—Mrs. Antonia PubUvhed by The Red Bank Register Incorporated : Superior Court ..Judge . Member of the Associated Press — The Associated Prtsa Is entitled Cosine, 65, of 91 Center St.. exclusicluslvcl' y. to the use for rejrabUcatton or all the local news printed In thl* died Tuesday in Jersey Shore Clarkson S. Fisher presided newspapearipaper at well ae all AP news dispatches. OPEN: DAILY 9:30 to 9:00; SAT. 9:30 to 6:00 . Medical Center, Neptune. ' over the trial. David Foley Second class postage paid at Red Bank, N. J. 07701 and at additional represented DeGregory. As- mailing offices. Published daily. Monday thrown Friday. PROSPECT AVENUE • LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER • LITTLE SILVER i She was born in Puerto- 1 month—J2.75 < months—1H.0Q ', Rico and had resided here sistant County , Prosecu- 3 montha—»7,50 . \ 13 montn»—JJ7.O0 Do you have a Grants Credit. Account? Takes only minutes to apply. tor John A. Petillo present- . Subscription Prices In Advance :•• seven years. . Home Delivery by Carrier — She is survived by two ed the state's case. Single copy at counter. 10 cents: by Carrier 50 Centi Ter Week sons, Carmelo.Rivera of New York City and Juan Claudio, .with whom she lived; a daughter, Mrs. Isidira F. Or- ";• tiz of Hightstown; a brother [: and a sister in Puerto Rico, J and seven grandchildren. The • Freeman Funeral • Home, here, is in charge of arrangements. '-.;••'•;'•, our moxi

Herbert H. Gaffrey ST. PETERSBURG BEACH, Fla. — Herbert H. ( affrey, 59, formerly of Rumson, N.J., died last Thursday at the Veterans Administration Hos- pital, Bay Pines. He resided at 236 41st Ave. here. Mr. Gaffrey was born in Newark, N.J., and had been a bank clerk for the Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., New York City. He was a member of the Rumson Presbyterian Church, the St. Petersburg Beach Chamber of Commerce and was a veteran of World War . II. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Marjorie P. Gaffrey; two sons, James H. and Thomas H. C iffrey of Mid dletown, $,J., and three grandchildren. The Beach Memorial Chapel, here, was in charge of arrangements. DEATH NOTICES BONOB s— AnUmla A!., ago 9S. a Tunglewood Furmn, King* High way East, Mlddlotawn, N.J.. oi Tuoaday, Juno 2, 107O. Devotoi mother of Mr«, Adam Sohildije. »l randchildren, 13 great irnuMcMI gren. Funeral aorvlcea 11 a.m, ,Ba/tur (lay at Chrlit Church, Kings' Hlgti way. Mlditlotown. Interment Mornvl fil Cemotery, Htatcn Inland, N.Y. Friend* may call at tho Worden Funeral Homo, oo E. Front St,, Red lank, 3-4, 7-0 p.m. Friday, KIRHY — Cliir« T., on Juno 3. 1070, ff 113 Hcnddl Avenue, North Arlington. Bolovcil wire ol Jonenh J.: dcvoteil mother of Mr«. Dmlcl (Margarel). givanajh ol uttlo Ferry,. John K, of Holmdcl ond lh« Into Jomoj X Klrby. Dear »l»lcr of Jnmc« I, W » r n e r o r II « 11 f • x, Mm. W.ll' YounK ol Uciirord and Mm. Flor- ence T»ylor of Almn, all of Nova Koii«.--fiK8U p r randmolher ol nevrn grandchiidro ilatlvea and frlcndn «r« jnvttt ~ attend the fu- fill £"".." 5JVmV *""«*«Funoral, Homenull,, , 189 1ld«o IU»a<1, North Ar4lngton, oonn flal- ice to ouirdavr tady, Jun^ o (I, at D a.m. TIICJI•h for I HigLadh My •aLqueea onf .„,_nequlcof p»ai:. mo aChurt 10t am. nlijrmeni. llol.....v. riro««./.?_ cemetory Via- {tttlon 3-8 and 7-J0 p.m EGALCERIES ROUT! 35, MIPDLETOWN, N. J. 671-0400 ROUTI 22, UNION, N, J. MU 8.5100 UM Our Convwlfflf Chargt Clan « NlM Til filO — far. 'Til tiOO -THE DAILY REGISTER, R£D BANK• MIDDLETOWN, N.J.i THLRSDAY, Jl.NE 4, 1970 Linda Piniak's Tempi* to Install Of fleers tomorrow Becker Gets Air Medal For Heroism Scholarship Awards NEW SHREWSBURY surer, Amy Binder tad dbap* FT. WOWERS, Tex. - of the downed tirmft were after liftoff resulted in A Man Mit/vah T%$ service *t lain, Joseph Singer, The Tin A)r Medal % heroism wifely m bmA,, Hi* Wil- successful meat,"" BED BANK - Linda 'Mom Xmite tomorrow corresponding secretary wifi to Vietnam white serving ful evasive maneuver* 1*. Becker slw wesw *t Made atfflnai Israel will fee centered around the be elected later. . with the 44th Medical Brigade against heavy enemy fire Silver SUr Medtl for gal- Plniak, daughter of Mr, and installation of the officers of •JW -been given First Lt. lantry in , action, the Army RUMSON — Congregation mention to Robert Emmer, Mrs. Alejc Piniak of Reck- the Temple Youth Group. The "Frederick W. Becker,Jr. at for being; the outstanding Bat Mitzvah Call Gary Bernstein Commendation Medal and the B'nai Israel's board of educa- less, Place, will celebrate her' officers will serve for the , the Army Primary Helicopter Purple Heart. A 1065 grad- tion has announced the recip- members of the 10th grade; Bas Mitzvah Sunday, at 1 p.m, 1970-71 year.. RUMSON - Eve Sherry School, where he Is a train- To Torah Saturday . uat^ of Christian Brothers ients of scholarship awards Michael and Malvina Sil- Rabbi Edward Ellenbogen Margol, daughter of Mr, and ing, adviser and counseling Academy, Llncroft, he at- bersteln Award: Larry Loig- in Congregation Beth-Shalom. Mrs. MarVin Margol, will cel- RUMSON - Gary Steven' presented at the graduation Samuel Rabinowitz will of- will conduct the Installation officer at the school's 3rd Bernstein, son of Mr. and tended St. Bernard College, man, honorable mention to ceremony and preach on ebrate her Bat Mitzvah to- 'Warrant Officer Candidate Mrs. Jerome Bernstein, will Cullman, Ala., before enter- of the high school' last Friday. Andrea Houtkln, for being ficiate, "The Most Inflated Com- morrow and will chant a pro- Co; . be called to the Torah as a ing the Army in 1967. Albert and Ullian Fink students who excel in the stu- , Linda is a seventh grade modity in America." To be phetic portion in honor of the Lt. Becker was cited for Bar Mitzvah Saturday and He is the son of Mr, and Award: Susan Kramer; hon- dy of the Bible. student at River Street installed are: president, occasion. heroic actions while piloting will chant the prophetic por- Mrs. Frederick Becker Sr., orable mention, Martin Chaf- School and a member of the Bonnie Greenberg; first vice She Is in the seventh grade kln and Steven Levine for bit- Lawrence Sternfeld Memo- ' an air ambulance on a rescue tion of the week. 44 Ninth St., West Keens- rial Award: Daniel Goroff for French Club, She Is also on president, Daniel Goldstein; of the Thompson Junior High mission to a downed heli- He is in the seventh grade burg, N.J. He and his wife Ing the outstanding students being the outstanding student second vice president, Marge School in Middletown and the copter ambulance. in the ninth grade. the staff of the school news- of the Forreptdale School in Rose, daughter of Mrs. Mar- In the 8th grade. Schulman; recording secre- eighth grade of th e B'nai Is!- It read: "Despite intense Humson and the B'nai Israel gret Powers, 390 Port Mbn- William and Barbara paper. She is an activemem- tary, Linda Greene; trea- rael High School. enemy fire, he landed and Hebrew School. He has re- mouth Road, East Keans- Grossman {Memorial Award: Valedictorian of the class ber of the National Confer- remained on the ground un- burg, reside on Rt. 3, Mineral Amy Komar for Being the was Janet Sternfeld. Saluta- ceived awards for Sabbath at- torian was-Henry. Fox. ence of Synagogue Youth and to (V"> fniurert and t,h» crew tendance at the synagogue. Wells, Tex. outstanding member of the a member of the graduating 11th grade. ....<•" Jack Kaplan and Dr. Bert- class, A reception will fol- IIUUIIIUIIIIIIIHMIIHW Rabbi Arthur H. Hershqn ram Felnswog made the for- Memorial Award: Janet mal presentations of the Isra- low the services. Sternfeld for being the out- el Scholarship Awards to Vic- . standing member of the. grad- ki Feuer, Paula Kaminow uating class. and David Weingarten. To Celebrate Men's Club Award: Henry .Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff de- Bag Mitzvah Handler and David Weingar- livered the charge to the ten for being the outstanding graduating class. Murray RED BANK-Carol Cohen, boys in the 11th grade who Guth, chairman of the board, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.- have shown dedication to presented certificates to the Herman Cohen of East Ber- their studies, service to their largest class of graduating se- gen Place will celebrate her synagogue and leadership po- niors, IS students who have Bas Mitzvah Suiiday at 1 tential. completed five years of high Harry and Claire Roman school education. p.m. in Congregation Beth Award: Janet Stern/eld, hon- Shalom. Samuel Rabinowitz orable mention to Arthur will officiate at the services. Cooper, for being outstanding Temple Sets students in the study of Jew- Carol is a seventh grade ish history. Confirmation student at River Street Samuel B. Rosoff Memo- NEW SHREWSBURY - School and a member of the rial Award;, Paula Kaminow, Monmouth Reform Temple Honorarian Society, the honorable mention to Roselyn will have its confirmation ser- French Club and is on the Jacob and Joel Sllverst«in for vice Sunday at 2 p.m. staff of the school newspaper. being outstanding members 1 Following the service, par- of the 10th grade in the study ents of members of the class She is an active member of Midrash. will-have a joint reception in of the National Conference of Sylvia K. Siegel Memorial the temple social hall honor- Synagogue Youth and a mem- Award: Robin Goldstein arid ing the confirmands. ber of the graduating class Larry Loigman, honorable Maurice Meyer, chairman of the Hebrew School. A re of the ritual committee, and ception will Mow the ser- Robert Lane, president of the vices. Consecration congregation, will assist Rab- bi Edward Ellenbogen. Rob- Bar Mitzvah Set Service Set ert Woolf is chairman of the ELBBRON - Rabbi 'Jo- ' parents' group sponsoring the For Scheintnan seph Goldman will conduct reception. Adam Schneider, WANAMASSA - Gerald services tomorrow at Temple son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Scheinman, son of Mr. and Beth Miriam when he will Schneider,, will present the Mrs. Arnold Scheinman of speak on ''The Meaning of class gift to the president of 503 Runyon Ave., West Deal, ..Covenant," ° followed by- a the congregation. will celebrate his Bar Mitz- conservation service for vah Saturday at Temple Beth members of the > 1971 con- The confirmands are' Marc ; Beerman, Nejl; Brandwene, Toraji. Rabbi' Jacob* S. firmation class. Richard Fenicel, Daniel Gold- Friedman will*officiate.with The students will be formal- stein, Bonnie ;Greenlberg,, Al- Cantor Harry Bettman; sing- ly presented to the congrega- lan Greene.'Micha'el.Harran, ing the liturgical portions o! tion-as they proceed to the Martha Kota'n/ William Marx, the service. Think rich. You can name a We're always ready. Just altar for the special blessing Richard Mausner, Carol Ros- Wednesday is the first day of consecration. ddzen reasons why you should drop a hint or surprise yourself.= enberg, Adam Schneider, of Shavuoth and services will The parents of this year's Jack Singer,- Joseph Singer, be held with Rabbi Friedman look your best this summer. class have invited members Robert Siuger.Philip'Stelner, reading a sermon, "Stairway. of the congregation to the David Woolf. • to Heaven." The next step is to try on this oneg shabbat in honor of the splendidly cut polyester, wool confinnands. This will cul- minate . in i- service • Sunday and mohair striped tropical suit, at 10:30 a.m. when members by Hickey-Freeman, 215.00, of the class will participate in Broad and Front Streets, a chorale, "Confirmed .in JUNE SALE OF GIRDLES AND BRAS Father's Day is Sunday, June 21. Rnd B^nk. N.J. _ Righteousness," prepared-by \mmmmmommR Rabbi Goldman. • Warner's* Poirette* Youthcraft* Peter Pan . • Nemo* Lilyette* Surprise ; . Oor June stoek-up sale bring* you girdles and bras by the most famous the kind of savings you've been, waiting for. And youil find exactly ; whaf s right for you because we have every style ... . you've dreamed of. Pamper your figure end your . . . poeketbookotthesame time! NEMO'S LIGHT CONTROL OR FIRM SUPPORT GIRDLES, PANTIES NOW 7.99-12.50 Whether you like the lightest, garterless pantie or a t zipper girdje with firm support, Nemo has it—and Jyou know how beautifully Nemos keep their shapes, and yours. Nemo soft cup or contour bras, Reg. $4-$5;Now$2-2.99.

Natelsons hints the handicap know about the thret Natelion chargejj committee should cut the fellow in, plans, pick up a folder at thedesk. the Tom Weiskopf cream flannel Club Coat a stroke or two. He looks' too good. Avisco rayon and polyester in a new double breasted model by Palm Beach41 with light cream twill Broad and Front Streets, Red Bank. lining, 55.00. Charge it. If you don't Telephone 741-5300. FROM OUR READERS THE DAILY "You Look All Right To Me — I See I REGISTER No Reason To Prosecute" la 1*78, — Ptttti&ed b/ The Bed Sank Jtegisttsr, Incorporated Non-Anarchht Write* '• • JJ. U. Box 1091 M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher • - "• • Dickinson College ,„ ' / Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor ' •••,'••?•••- •' Carlisle, Pa. A,'•„.;,. To the Editor: ' ' . •'•.''>' . Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor Residents of Monmouth County: —6 Thursday, June 4, 1970 As a sophomore at Dickinson College, I am writing this letter in hopes of helping you to understand the motives and desires of students here concerning the activities embrac- ing many campuses, and perhaps reflect the attitude of a majority of students across the nation, Dickinson is a small, liberal arts college located in Car- Williams and Gross lisle, Pa. The townspeople are conservative and often re- New Jersey will have one of its will be many — but looming as the act strongly to the college's activities which they fear will affect their lives and those of their children. Normally, more interesting U. S. Senate cam- most important, of course, will be the the campus is quiet (we joke — not always laughingly — paigns this year with incumbent Har- present and future role of the United about our apathy) and, as a whole, dedicated to the aca- rison A. Williams Jr., a Democrat, States in Indochina. New Jerseyans demic process; a great majority of us go on to graduate opposing Nelson G. Gross, a Republi- school, particularly in law and medicine. can. will want to know where we are head- Following the spread of Ihe war into Cambodia and the ing and what our senators think of Kent State tragedy, the college witnessed a massive surge To no one's real surprise, Sen. of activity, of restlessness, of confusion, and of helpless- Williams and Mr. Gross fought off the situation. ness. Late Monday night a student assembly was called to primary election opposition from . Mr. Williams is on record as oppos- plan action. This was the first of several such meetings. formidable challengers — but the par- ing the Administration's stand and Mr. The student body was at first irrational in its desire for Gross, to the regret of many conserva- action and in its effort to denounce its previous apathy. ty faithful reacted as they usually do Within an hour, however, order governed and marked the by selecting the strongest candidates. tive Republicans, has taken a similar beginning of a dedicated cause to which two-thirds of our It is to Sen. Williams' credit that approach. It will be interesting to see students are' committed. (This has been substantiated by he was able to battle the latest threat how their campaigns develop in this a college referendum.) I will no,t deny that many fac« respect. Mr. Gross' independence from tions — the SDS and other groups — tried to manipulate to the state's Democrats from the the group and superimpose their values, but their leader- Hudson County organization. To us, the Nixon Administration has been a ship was rejected. that in itself is a major achievement. pleasant su/prise — and we are im- The assembly voted to strike, agreeing with the Nation- Mr. Gross registered his victory pressed by/Ms desire to speak frankly ' a! Student Association's resolution protesting the expansion on major issues. of the war and the resumption of bonibing in North Viet- with strong backing from county Re- nam. We realize that, we are not actually striking 'against publican organizations. He is also a Both Sew Williams and Mr. Gross the college, for neither is the college at fault nor does it political ally of both President Nixon are intelligent and able candidates, ex- hold the power or capacityto resolve the source of concern. and Governor Cahill. All of those pertly equipped to bring forth many of Let me stress, tha,t this involves an individual commitment credentials put him in an exceptionally the problems confronting the Republic on the part flj;,each"student, and that the decision has in no way interffijied with, students who wish to/continue the.ii1 strong position. and the state. We look for them to normal academic pursuits;:; .,' -,.."'•;.[•''•'•'••• .[ The issues during the campaign wage a constructive campaign. We have sehta ;grbupoi •'student lobbyists to ^Washing- ton in hopes ^gaining congressional support for our cause". We are boycotting carbonated beverages, asking these pow- Mr. Campi Steps Down erful companies to aid us in lobbying. Three hundred peo- Serving as county Democratic haps the fact that the Democrats have ple have begun a,hunger strike initiated by a fraternity! made some inroads in several political the money saved is going toward postage for letters and chairman in strongly Republican Mon- A CONSERVATIVE VIEW telegrams to state and national governmental officials. mouth can have its deep frustrations. areas can be attributed to him and the We have plans for a massive, but peaceful march on the And P. Paul Campi probably would be organization. U.S. Army War College, located in Carlisle. We have ob- the first to admit it. Much praise for his work and dedi- tained a permit to march and have asked for local and state cation was heaped on Mr. Campi by Afterthoughts on Genocide police protection. Several colleges in the area plan to join Now Mr. Campi has announced he us on this march. All of these efforts are working within will step down from that post His de- his fellow Democrats, among them By JAMES J. KILPATRICK the Senate. At the moment of ratification, The Senate Foreign Relations. Commit- a treaty becomes by definition a part of .the system, our system as well as yours, because we wish cision, he stated, was the result of Rep. James J. Howard. He, too, noted the supreme law of our land. If this con- no violence, no more Kent States. tee still is sitting on the long-pending 1 "thought and deliberation," but he did the preponderance of registered Re- Genocide Convention, but out in the liberal vention is to be considered as a sober, sub- In closing, I ask you to consider what I have said and publicans means Mr Campi "has the stantive act, every word of the proposition understand that our sentiments are shared toy thousands of not give a specific reason. v/ jungles the natives are getting restless. other,:students.. ,We have not closed down the college; for extra burden of always fighting an up- The Washington Post finds the Senate's merits the same critical study that would It is known that many of the be given a proposed amendment of the . neither apathy'rior irrationality stifle our cause. We are hill campaign . . ." Interestingly, Mr. failure to ratify the trea- younger Democratic leaders have been ty an "unsightly stain on Constitution. against expansion of the, war in Southeast Asia, we are con- unhappy with the county's. party, lead^_ Howard knows that only too well — : the good name" oLJhe ___JjLJlucn an examination, the Post is cerned students, but we are not radical anarchists. For d, to his credit, has managed to" nofmucliThelpr "GenbcideTar defined~iir~ —thbse^oFyou-who-sympathizer-even-to-some-extent, there ership. And the feeling has been that U.S.A. The American Civ- ,is; much left to be done. For those of you who cannot a. restructuring job is highly in order. register handsome victories. il Liberties Union. »is the convention," the Post tells us, "con- sists of the deliberate and systematic ex- : agree, please respect us as we respect you. Perhaps the problems come from Richard T. O'Connor, a Freehold clamoring for action. Under the circum- termination of an ethnic or religious For peace, . the fact that the Democrats, in recent attorney, is expected to succeed Mr. stances,' it may be no group." The mind boggles. Perhaps the Holly Moremcn years, have fielded some outstanding Campi, according to reports. He is bad idea to look squarely Post is thinking of some other convention, Lincroft, N. J. at this proposition. The for such words as "systematic" and "ex- candidates — only to have them lose part of the so-called younger group termination" appear nowhere in the docu- in the elections. There is always a eager to give a new look to the Mon- proposed treaty has to be regarded as one of two ment at hand. close second look when that happens mouth Democratic organization. His KILPATRICK tnings. It ^ either a se. ' * • * . * Treniendous Service : and this made Mr, Campi's role even first job, however, will be to bring rious act, having substantive meaning as We find, rather, a congeries of words ! ' ,' • '•' 21 Jean Tef. „ more difficult. unity to a party that is having prob- a matter of law, or it is a mere gesture and phrases having- a most uncertain Middletown, N. j. To the Editor:. But there is no question that he lems these days getting the wide voter having no real meaning whatever. meaning In terms of international law. Un- 1 We would like to enlist your aid in thanking people in gave his best for his party— and per- appeal it would like. •p The predominant arguments, if I read der the convention, the crime of genocide 11 them correctly, are that the treaty is mere- involves certain acts committed with intent this and other Monmouth Co.unty communities for a tre- ly a gesture. Seventy-five nations have rat- (and there is a nice slippery word for mendous service to me and my family this week. ified the Convention in the twenty years you) to destroy in whole or in part (we On Monday, my five-year-old son becameacutely ill and A Birthday for Steinbach may pause to meditate upon "in part"j:, was rushed to Riverview Hospital by the Fairview First Aid - since the United Nations first took action. Squad and the Middletown Police, saving his life. It was fitting that in this — its ed,the slogan "100 Years Bold" in this , By failing to go along with the crowd, the a national, ethnical, racial or religious anniversary year. And it certainly is group. . The next day it became necessary'to rush the baby to 100th year — the Steinbach Company Senate is bringing needless shame, upon St. Christopher's Hospital in Philadelphia. On a few min- celebrated another milestone, the dedi- in" order. The company, with its roots the nation. Besides, no one has been One of the forbidden acts is "causing utes' notice the First Aid Squad again provided an ambu- cation of a $2 million merchandise so strong in Monmouth County, prides prosecuted anywhere for genocide; so why serious bodily or mental harm to members lance, and a volunteer crew that gave up their entire after- worry? of the group." Either "mental harm" noon to help us. We owe these men a debt we can never distribution center in Eatontown. itself not only on its good business means something, or it means nothing. It policies but also on its community in- The morning Post views lawyerly ob- repay. This is another example of the out- jections to the Convention as silly and ab- means, we must suppose, whatever it may • At a time when jolice departments are being criticized standing growth of the Steinbach op- volvement. Steinbach is, a model in • surd. Critics are merely "conjuring up a some day be construed to mean by judges, from many directions we can only be grateful for theii out- host of hobgoblins." They are submitting foreign or domestic, presiding at the trial .eration. which continues toexpand its . this respect and sets an example for 1 standing help. All along the route to Philadelphia, the po- . .a."grabbagjQf,bugaboos.'.' The purpose.of of somejublic official or private person lice of more, communities than we can name and the New- county facilities and buifintsjole as" a -other commercial and industrial or- cfiafged with"this gauzy crime.' ganizations. .the treaty, says the Post, is simply "to Jersey state police provided clearance on winding, low- good neighbor in the-process. .. place this country where it belongs, in the Another forbidden act is, "deliberately speed roads and through heavy traffic. Steinbach president Michael A. "ranks of those seeking to safeguard basic inflicting on the group conditions of life •Again, our son may owe his life to many people who do Eatontown, with its excellent busi- \ Slovak provides the superb leadership human rights throughout the world." calculated to bring about its physical de- not even know him. They were "just doing their job," per- ness climate, is a fine location for the for his organization. The enthusiasm, * * * struction in whole or in part." Criminal haps, but with a speed and compassion we should all ap- 115,000 square foot facility. Abottt 120 statutes, we are taught, must be strictly predate. he generates is, to a great extent, - NOW, SOME OF us might have sup- construed. Who can construe this clause? persons are expected to be employed posed that the United States of America We can only say thank you to all these men and hope ' responsible for the important place What is meant, at another point, by "pub- that someday we are privileged to-help someone as they there., already stands well in the vanguard of na- lic incitement"? What is meant by "com- Steinbach holds in the county. We tions seeking to safeguard basic human have helped us. commend him and his company.' • plicity in genocide"? Who knows? Knows The Steinbach company has adopt- rights. The record is flawed, to be sure; it who? Very truly yours, « is, far from perfect; but these things are Making gestures is a pleasant pastime. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stiedler INSIDE WASHINGTON relative. What have the Russians done for Men and nations make them all the time. \ human rights lately? But writing law is something else entire- For those of us who still take the Con- ly, and adding to the supreme law of our stitution seriously, it is the first alterna- land, in the fashion here proposed, is a Wealth of Talent! Douglas' Tax Returns Checked tive that carries weight. A treaty is no matter to be taken with utter seriousness. N '\-'\ •122 Avenue of Two. Rivers'^ !. paper resolution, expressing the sense of By ROBERT S. ALLEN vestigators have received a considerable Suppose we take this convention that way. ™ ^ «!„" "•:; Rumson, N, J, -: • , and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH number of documents and records from To the Editor: > ' • . ' • ,, ,; •: the Securities and Exchange Commission. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Sincere thanks to the Kutnson-Fair Haven High School Justice William O. Douglas' income tax These relate chiefly to Douglas' dealings for two recent, memorable, and highly polished petfor- " returns are being closely examined by the with the Parvin. Foundation, which de- mances. ... *. special.House Judiciary subcommittee in- rived most of its income from Las Vegas I refer to the presentation.of "L'il Abner" at the'Gar- vestigating the financial and other affairs gambling operations. den State Arts Center on May 23 and "Sprlng-Tasia " pre- of the New Left and peacenik jurist. What. Consumers Want sented in the school auditdfium on May 28. The • secret tax re- Douglas headed this foundation for By SYLVIA PORTER volving defective consumer products of one What a wealth of talent and teamwork! ports..were._obtained-afteiL_: in_ye.arsjat_a.salary_.ofJ12,7J§._pjer_aib_.. Warning .to__businessmen: .brace, your- —type-or-another.- . A salute-to each student who participated and, cer- a hitch due to an unex- num. The SEC records reportedly show self for the impending report of the Na- It was disclosure of a parallel list of tainly, to Messrs. Grammer, Varian; Walters, and McCut- pected demand by Inter- that he advised the .tax-exempt foundation • Uonal Commission on Product Safety. It dreadful accidents that led to the '69 Child cheon; Mmes. McDonald and Grammer. . , , nal Revenue Commission- on tax and other legal matters. is due June 23 and it will disclose the find- Protection & Toy Safety Act: frightening RuthKerr er Randolph Thrower." In other words, • while a member of ings of hearings held all over the U.S. burns from toy stoves, lifetime injuries Following the setting the Supreme Court, the-militant leftist ap-/' in the past two years on from needle-sharp removable eyes in up of the special subcom- parently was engaged in private law prac- the safety of products stuffed toy animals, horrible scars from mittee to probe Douglas' tice. ranging from plate glass exploding cap devices, sickening examples extra - judicial activities, . The investigating committee has been to power lawn mowers, of what happened to kids who swallowed President Nixon directed told -that in the last week or so, Douglas aerosol cans to soda bot- ballons with whistles or who were hit with that all government agen- participated in a meeting of the board of tles, wringer, washing toy arrows or darts from which the rub- ALLEN cies make available' their . ,the..ulira:HberaL.Center for. the Study of ... machines to power" tools, ber suction tips had been removed, etc,;v records and, files relating to" the 7i-year-61d Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, eyeglasses to hair dryers, etc. jurist. But when the investigators asked Calif. He has. been a member of the board cribs to playpens. * * * • for his tax returns, Commissioner Throw- for a number of years, and several months While the report will er balked. not propose additional IT WAS AFTER revelations of dan- ago was made chairman of a newly cre- gers so deadly our lawmakers could not The Internal Revenue chief contended ated executive board. mandatory safety stan- the law required an ex- PORTER dards for household prod- duck their responsibility for the public safe- ecutive order from the Last month, this column revealed that ucts, it will urge strengthening today's ty that the National Traffic and Motor President to turn over Douglas was paid $6,800 for various ser- federal watchdog systems on a do-it-or- Vehicle Safety Act went on the books and the returns. vices for the center. else basis. It will make1 concrete recom- the Federal Flammable Fabrics Act was This view was chal- * * * mendations on how you, America's busi- enacted and amended to give it teeth. lenged by subcommittee A HUGE $575,578 million cut in foreign nessmen, can improve your self-regula- And, these are just a sampling of con- members. But rather aid spending in the fiscal year starting tion. sumer protection laws passed in the face of than cause further delay, July. 1 has been agreed on. by the House And it will pinpoint for all of us 15 the opposition of some .of the most power- Rep. William McCulloch, Appropriations Committee. major consumer product categories In ful business lobbies In our nation. Ohio, ranking Republican The. overall total of the new foreign aid which it has found unreasonable safety There's no point In businessmen or committeeman, moved budget is $2.3 billion. their spokesmen arguing that we, Amer- hazards. This alone will be a blockbuster. ica's consumers, are already overprotected that the full Judiciary That figure is $203 million less than • * * GOLDSMITH Committee be formally the budget for the current fiscal year. by dozens of competing public and private JUST THE SUMMARIES of the stor- consumer agencies scrambling all over asked to request the President to issue the * • * * executive order demanded by Thnfwer. ies told at the hearings will make you . each oilier for publicity. PRESIDENT NIXON recommended a squirm with horror: documented tales of , Nor Is there a,ny point in businessmen This proposal was unanimously ap- budget of $2,876 billion. That was a steep electrocutions, amputations, disfigurations, proved by the subcommittee, and also by or their spokesmen pleading for a slow- $803 million below what was proposed last horrendous burns. down In consumer legislation until they can the full committee, headed by Rep. Eman- year. Notwithstanding that huge reduction, Just the repetition of the statistics uol Cellcr, D-N.Y. Shortly thereafter, the find out what we, America's corwumqrs, the Appropriations subcommittee, headed which are becoming all too famijiar will really want, v desired executive order was forthcoming by Rep. Otto Passman, D-La., In charge from the President. ' give you nightmares: each year, 18,000 Wo want product? which won't malm or of foreign aid, pared the President's re- Americans killed and another 20,000,000 in- kill us or members of^our family, assum- "There's one guy I'm not flolnat o It can also be reported that the in- quest by another $575,578 million. jured In home accidents, a majority in- ing we m, them with reasonable caution, VPt» forl"' * -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. ].: THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 Monogram Still Good

By ROGER E, /SPEAR picture and depressed trading reflecting the slackening in Q — I invested in Mono- levels, Company operates in demand for recreationed ve- gram Industries at 50 per the areas of sanitation prod- hicles. Successful share. It is now down to about ucts, aircraft components, Monogram Is well po- 13. What should I do? M.J. fastening devices and con- Coin'Buggy sitioned to benefit from the A — General economic ducting materials. Sanitation recent antl • water • pollution Investing woes and continued operat- systems used in the aircraft, laws which require stricter ing losses at a subsidiary hospital, commercial and rec- regulations on sanitation de- All reports point to a bad year for insects. Spray now to control gypsy moths, tent caterpil* reational Industries are the (National Screw) appear to vices in boats. In fact, MG's pollution control. Retain your lars, canker worm, leaf roller, aphids, ants, termites, leaf miners, borers, bagworm. Stop In be the primary factors re- company's most profitable recirculating units are the commitment. * and choose from Becker's large inventory of chemicals. spdnsifole for Monogram's un- products. However the only ones currently approved impressive present earnings growth rate here has slowed, by New York. Q — For,the past 15 years I have been investing regu- ORTHO GREENFIELD MALATHION PRATT Monogram's earnings for New low odor formulation. A the rest of fiscal 1970 may larly in Mass. Investors Trust. 1 r SEVIN TRICIDE most versatile pesticide. METHOXYCHLOR improve only moderately. This is my last year on a sal- jt Xtf7" "C C P FURNITURE CO. £ Tho Hew lafa Insecticide. High- An eieellent systemic product Recommended to replace DDT, Weakness in the automobile; ary. Would you advise con- ly recommended by agricul- developed by Elanco Research. 2.95 but is much less persistent In J W i-i J3 1 Keyport 264-0181 aerospace and farm equip- PINT tinuing my investment here tural agents. the environment. ment markets where National 4* or would it be wiser to bank PINT 2.98 QUART 5.50 Feahiret.., Screw is heavily involved is 6-OZ. 1.39 PINT 2.98 expected to continue near- this money? A.T. A — Since you are about ORTHO HOME GALLON 15.95 "SIMMONS" term. IMG's long-pull pros- 2-LB. 3.39 OUART 4.98 pects are enhanced by an ac- to retire, income and safety ORCHARD EST. 1868 tive acquisition program and should be your prime objec- ORTHO TOMATO growth opportunities in the tives. If you haven't a suffi- ORTHO SPRAY ORTHO sanitation products fields, es- cient backlog in a savings1 ac- Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 A fin* multi-purpose orchard VEGETABLE DUST pecially important now in count then by all means pro- ROSE DUST ISOTOX view of heater emphasis on spray to control insects and A must product for tomato tect yourself against sudden A complete rote duit. Controls Ortho famous multi-purpc-sse disease. I growers. emergencies by establishing insects and diseases. systemic Insecticide. FREE this cushion. Your Mass. In- Ortho sprayer with each quart. 10-OZ. 1.69 T4-0Z. 1.39 10-OZ. DUSTER 1.49 vestors Trust fund has an OUART 5»*O above-average performance MB. 1.69 28-OZ. 2.49 1-LI. REFILL 1.49 record. And even if you are unable to continue your reg- 4-LB, REFILL 4.49 4-LB. 4.9S ular payments to this fund, PRATT PRATT capital gains and dividend re- LAWN INSECT investment may increase PRATT 74% PRATT DIELDRIN FLOWABLE your total number of shares CHLORDANE TERMITE PROOFER SEVIN SPRAY in the coming year. Kills difficult to control Insects An excellent soil insecticide. The most preferred long last' The new form of Sevln. Easier such as chinch bugs, sod web- Kills termites and onti. ing termite control. to use. Campaign Pieces for Vibrant / worms, ehlggers, fleas, ticks. Buck Sales OUART 4.98 QUART 4.29 PINT 3.39 Color and Loads of Storage Space 1 Gal. Covers a '/z Acre Increased GALLON 10.44 GALLON 9.99 OUART 5.79 GALLON 17.95 In Quarter TRU TEST WASP ORTHO ORTHO LONG RANGE PRATT WALL TOWNSHIP - Ac- ROTENONE DUST CHLORDANE DUST cording to the first quarter Miner and borer spray Mills JET SPRAY Effective ant control. report, consolidated 'sales for NON TOXIC DUST borers with affective Undone. Buck Engineering Co. Inc. Kills hornet, wasps with 12 ft. .79 and subsidiaries for the three- spray. .79 MB. month period that ended PINT 3.25 1.49 4-LB. 1.49 March 27 were $765,557, an in- 5-LB. 2.49 crease of 65 per cent over the $463,054 achieved in the first quarter of 1969. 4 Basic Units Most of the increase was a result of the three acqui- sitions made by Buck in the past 12 months. MAKE A HIT WITH DAD Buck is a leading manufac- ARRANGEMENTS OpenA, turer of educational equip- ment and programs used in UNLIMITED Charge teaching electronics, electro- B S4.88 Account' dynamics, and power technol- Stack Them! Line Them Up! ogy in schools and industrial Mix, Match Them! training facilities. Due to seasonal fluctuations Be your own decorator, line them up as 2-di'amrchest of the educational market, a functional wall unit, use the chests as the company's operations usu- 30x16x18%" imd'S Re«.4».M ally show a loss in the first coffee, end tables. They're brightly open bookcases £\ A gg two quarters. Net loss for the C 14.99 enameled inwhite,rgd,yeUowtb!ackto. first quarter of 1970 was $37,- 12.99 add a bold modern dash of color to 30x9x48" 2-£%n^n4 M 542, compared with a 1969 fig- bedrooms, dens, family room. Hand- 3-drawerchest ure of $53,851. somely styled with antique brass finish (A) JIG SAW. long life motor. Make straight, curved, or scroll cuts 30x16x29" Keg. 11.99 in wood, metal or plastic. Base tilts for angles urn <05> brackets, pulls. Drawers with gliding 39 MCAP Offers center guides. Don't wait. Get yours 3-drawerdesk (B) CIRCULAR SAW. Best general purpose saw around. Keeps saw* NOWatthese lucky sale prices. 35x16x29" Summer Work dust away from cutting edge. Uses 7V4" or 6" blades. 73pj_(Q6) 39 Xw. 8119 LONG BRANCH - The

. -A'

"It's the milk. Baby can't happens." The authority An hour passes and Wor- noon is shot, down the drain the Worried Mother in an after a lifetime of study and By HtfflN J. POLK, M D. practice. The average doctor Springtime Saturday. Noon. drink cows' milk." speaks again, "A soybean ried Mother is still uncon- with a Worried Mother and a hour of confrontation. Worried Mother looks at me milk is just the thing for your vinced. She cannot be awed, Colicky Kid. Finally, Worried Perhaps President Nixon has learned a thing or two Sizzling surf in the offing, from the Doctor's'Life. beckoning beach. Worried coldly. "It can't be the milk Here's baby charmed, stampeded or ab- Mother leaves me to my ex- has it all wrong, What we doctor. I grew up on milk and Worried Mother is not sure. solved into using' the milk hauston. really have to do to convince The doctor has learned this Mother whines at me across from the Worried Mother and the fidgeting form of her first I was just fine, my mother To Health Centuries of nursing have substitute because "her moth- Student activists, how little the under-30 set that all is says." been supplanted by the cow er says, her friends say, and you know. One man in one futile, is to give a Worried the Colicky Kid, He has offspring. "Skin rashy. Nose learned patience and perse- stuffy. Much mucus. Coughs Where did Grandma get her in a bare lifetime. The can is even the little girl next door hour cannot convince one Mother with a Colicky Kid to degree? "Well," I continue to Now I am the confessor,- easier, quicker, less bother. says" that milk is better than Worried Mother that her child each one for an afternoon. verence, ingredients of matur- a lot and wheezes sometimes. ity. Perhaps we really should B.M.'s irregular. Constant profess, "breast-fed babies absolving. "Not at all. Some The can is available, adver- soybean substitute, will not thrive on cows' milk. There is nothing so frus- don't have these problems." children just don't do well on tised, attractive. We discuss An hour passes, another 20 One seasoned clinician can- trating as a doctor • patient expose each of our carp- crying. Colicky." pus activists to a Worried Organ recital. I've been "Do you mean, it's my cows' milk." And the friendly the pros and cons of nursing, minutes. The surf sings faint- not overcome the wiles of the relationship in which the doc- adviser, "Let's try him on a of milk formulas, of milk sub- er in the distance, the beach's advertisers, the whims of the tor cannot put across the Mother. It might teach them here a million times before. fault. Is my baby sick be- some of the forgotten virtues. 'As professor, I pronounce, cause I didn't nurse him?" milk substitute and see what stitutes. beacon dims. Saturday after- grandma and the wishes of ideas he so fervently espouses


GARDEN &PATIODEPT. PVC CORD PATIO FURNITURE \ WITH CUSTOM :ONTINUOUSPVC TUBING WAGON GRILL : \ :\ Comfort curve high crown back ' ! with matching colored, high im- SIDE pact, plastic arms, post-leg con- MOPEL V SHELF struction with 1" tubular U" 12 V-749 'SPECIAL > brace. Self leveling legs. Fire pan adjusts to 8 cooking heights. Doubls chroma plated KING SIZE grid. Aluminum legs with 6" wheel FOLDING 99 CHAIR ; 1-QUART CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID. 39' 5-POSITION •FOLDING CHAISE

MODEL KG. 14.99 1-902 20-ln. DELUXE ROTARY MOWER 10"x2O" 3V2-H.P.4-CYCLE BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINE WITH EASY SPIN TOP RECOIL STARTER DOUBLE HIBACHI • Deluxe fold-a-way handle • WITH ADJUSTABLE GRIDS • Metal engine shroud Cast iron bowl. Hardwood han- • Fingertip height adjustment dles and bwe. ' •,,.•••;.'• from VA" to 3" < 9W %W UK.M.97 JUMBO BRIX SELF STARTING CHARCOAL BRIQUETS ... 54' GRASS CATCHES FOR MODEL 1-90Z-MODEL GB-8 7.99

SEASONAL DEPT. 6-FT.x15" DEEP 48" x 29" HEAVY DUTY HURRY ...HURRY STRIPED VINYL "FLEXWALL" DON'T MISS THESE INSTANT POOL SURF RIDER FUN N SUN STYLE 9307 KIDDIES POOL.. .JUST THE RIGHT SIZE ^r .beach or back- -w t*ft\ No nuts, no bolts, no ' ard pool. Great valuo | - # «f sere-*?. Just add water SAVINGS ..lots of fun. and kids. Model "61SFW Not all Hems in all storw.


HEAVY DUTY ''Green" light lolls you to shoot! fast F 1.8 lens } "Rod" light tells you to use flashl , C.D.S. thru-the-lens meterr RUBBER MAT "Flash swoop" flash for bettor f'; Electric motor drive Bag of 260 puffs. coverage. Includes camera, film, cube & batteries. AUTOMATIC Assorted decorator colors.

0»£N DAILY 9,10 A.M.'Til 10 P.M. SUNDAY* 10 AJN.'TIL* P.M. MIDDLETOWN - ROUTE 35 •ForM*tAltowidbyLaw -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BAifK• MIDDLETWN, N. J.i THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 We'd Welcome Those Capistrano Swallows

By WILLIAM F. SANDFORD publicity about the punctual- The Indians assigned a pro- ding the town of its airborne the eutrophlcation of waters The best practice is to avoid tablespoons of washing soda. A' lot of people in other ity of their swallows' return tective spirit to each form of vacuum cleaners, it, should which is destroying many of all those high potency deter- Then launder with two Ublfr part! of the country must each spring (somewhat exag- wildlife, and the swallows had surprise no one if a plague our ponds as habitat .for aqua- and settle for the mild soap spoons of washing soda 8»d nave been shaken and a bit Outdoor gerated) made the town a one of their' own. Those who of mosquitoes or crop beetles, tic life by consuming their ox- products. Householders with any laundry product that con- Incredulous at the news this a world • known tourist at- unduly molested any creature or both, is delivered upon ygen content. The fact is that a "soft" water supply have tains less than 1 per cent week out of San Juan Capis- traction, they'd best give a exposed himself to the wrath theni. just about all the high power less Of a problem than those phosphate. Some of the {prod- trano. It seems some of the World thought to the birds' more of its protector. What seems Detergents detergents are heavy with, in hard water areas. ucts reported to contain less residents of that southern Cal- utilitarian values. They've like superstition may have Some conscientious house- phosphates. Comparative lists Here's a washday recipe than 1 per cent phosphate art ifornia mission town are turn- never known what it's like to had its origins in painful ex- of. different researchers vary suggsted by the National Lux, Ivory Snow, Fleecy ing on the bird that put them wives have inquired of the cal airport, providing an open be without them and might perience. ' Should the% people relative phosphate contents of and are not, we understand, Wildlife Federation: Whistle, Jet Spray, Lestoil, on thft map. area for flight and a large find their successors a more who are anti-swallow have various detergents, seeking always accurate or always Pre-soak laundry in a solu- Downy, Pinesol, Trend, Bo/> Among those startled must building with eaves furnishing damaging nuisance. their way and succeed in rid- the tow-value ones to avoid fair. • tion of warm water and tour ax. be the many local property nesting sites. But the swallow owners who have spent mon- flight patterns are directly ey and a lot of effort in un- over the airport's pedestrian successful attempts to attract traffic, and the patrons don't another swallow — the pur- like it. ple martin. The cliff Swallow, Some homeowners report- which is Caplstrano's .bird, is edly have not been hospitable of the same bent, a flying au- to their new neighbors, and tomated insect trap which have knocked down the nests. should be much In demand Even at the mission itself it where mosquitoes or agricul- was reported some nests were we tural pests are a problem. We knocked down, but mission fa- could well use the thousands thers say heavy rains dis- • of them that congregate at lodged them, DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES San Juan Capistrano. The swallows have their But the people there — at friends. Many have asked (or least some of them — are a local ordinance to protect saying "Ugh! They're a them. (Note to Capistrano MISSES' & JUNIORS mess. They are a nuisance." bird lovers: You don't need BEACH BAGS ,. - An accident is blamed for local law; they're protected BETTER the pUght of swallows and by international pact. You FOR MISSES - people^n the town. A huge need only enforcement.) ^orange packing house which Some have established sanc- was their principal abode tuaries for them on their Carry-oil totes or JAMAICA SEfS .burned'last October, and the properties. big duffle bags of , birds have had to find a new Even if the good people of rubberized fabric in e. One of these is the to-this mission town forget that cheery colors. You'll find jaunty nautical look sets arid new longer polka dot tops over white shorts, of 100% cotton or 65% polyes- WAD Installs, Makes BAN LO ter, 35% cotton in summertime colors. Sizes 5-15,6-16 In group. Awards to Students » \ FOR* WANAMASSA - Michael William Garforth and William Toxfralized* Lynch of the Governor's Com- Newton. LonT n>;lon socks Jn mittee to Employ the Handi- capped was the guest speak- Awards from the society a wide?' choice" &i er at the annual dinner of the were presented to seven dis- Without-a-Doubt Society, at abled high school seniors, for Terrace Gardens, here, dur- scholastic achievement. ing ,which officers and direc- Receiving the awards were: tors for 1970-71 were installed. Delta Albano and Mary Shaw, CAMP SHORTS Installed by J. Robert Red Bank High School; Downs, master of ceremonies Thomas Batzel, Brick Town- FOR BOYS were: Donald Hanson, • presi- ship High School; Douglas dent; James A. Shappell, first Dyketnan, Freehold High vice president; Norman Wil- • School; Thomas Lupinski, Rugged 100% cot- ton shorts with five ' son, second vice president; Monmouth Regional High Miss Marjorie Pryor, treasur- School; Martha Shedd, Mid- pockets, self belt, In er; Miss Marjorie Smith, re- dletown Township High solids. Sizes 6-16. , cording secretary; Thomas School; and Gail Meixner, - Casler, corresponding secre- Keyport High School. tary; Miss Mary Maurer, fi- A plaque tor"WA D of the nancial secretary, and Joseph Year" was awarded to Miss IAS Timmohey, sergeant - at- Gertrude Reznik, hospitalized •firms. at Jersey Shore Medical Cen- •:'•" Installed as directors were: ter; and a pin for special ser- ". Mrs. "Robert Downs; Mrs. vices went to Miss Marjorie *fl% f cotton ffery ' Kenneth Glfford; John Axell; Pryor. lined jacket with

MEN'S CABANA SETS TERRY CLOTH FOR JR. BOYS BEACH We Have 2 Tracks Operating 6 Days A Week JACKETS To Insure You of Prompt Service FREE GUTTERS Jackff Jined with {ir MEN'S DELUXE Cannon 9-oz. cotton JM 0*7 PERMANENT PRESS ON EVERY SIDING JOB CONTRACTED terry, cotton boxer /• ** • DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1970 trunks. Sizes 4 to 7. GOLF ; Pick blue, gold JACKETS / or white in soft FREE ESTIMATES 100% cotton ter- by DEERING 741-0175 or 938-2505 ry/ with 2 big MILLIKIN pockets. Sizes S, SHREWSBURY ALUMINUM M, L and XI. Shrewsbury, N. J. < '- Permanent press* ^ . YOU'LL FIND US IN THE YELLOW rAOIS »Mrt and bib t UNDER SIDING CONTRACTORS. MEN'S Double pleated SURFERS bock yoke, rag- Ian shoulder, BOYS' BLUE BELL* inside pocket, MR. WRANGLER9 of 65% Da- Popular new style with ^ won* polyester, drawstring waist, in bold WO BERMUDA SHORTS 35% combed prints on cotton sateen. DISCOUNT OBPAftTMKNT STORKS Permanent press in cotton. In sizes In sizes 5, M, L polyester • cotton •36 to 46. GET SET FOR SUMMER plaids, baby cords, solids. Sizes 8-18. WITH OUR NEW BOYS' BEACH BOY DONNA'STRETCH SWIMSUITS vwwtmi WIG *tl«eve Flap pocket, zipper fly, full nylon support in 77% cotfon, 23% * polyester plaids. Sizes S, M, L, XL.

GIRLS' NYLON GIRLS' POLOS WINDBREAKERS Sleeveless cotton 1 Zipper front style ^ ffcfl L, % with hood and iwo | SPS9 polos in lots of Why fuss with your hair? Style this modacryi- pockets in solids. In necklines, stripes Ic with any way you choose, slip it on, and size*3-6X,7-14. and solids. 7 tol 4. you're setl Pick from a wide range of flatter- ing tonos. MILLINERY DEPT. OMM DAILY f ilO A.M. TIL 1« r.M. SUNDAY* 10 A.M. TIL 4 tM. MIDDLETOWN-ROUTE 35 •tot ta\t All«w*d bv U*. OtlfcOUNT OHN DAILY tlJO A.M. "TIL 10 P.M. MIDDLETOWN - ROUTE 35 SUNDAY* 10 A.M. 'TIL * P.M. *frr S«l« Allowtd by Uw. , -THE DAILY REGISTER, B£D BAJVK • MIDDLpTOWN, N. J.J THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 On Campus With County e Students ; W» fW« Obiw, daughter of his acceptance at New- Miss Julie Salwen, daugh- among 24 girls participating and Mrs. Donald L. Bush, she Richard Long of Wanamas- Also, Elizabeth Walsh, Ann Jtitu, Arthur E. Tre- of "Mr. and Mrs. D. Irving bury School of Business, Bos- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Martin in the program. is- one of 56 Key Girls, offi- sa will play the part of Tulsa Mary M. Campbell and Lu- name, Manasquan; Judith L. Qbrow ol 11 Somerset Drive., ton. Raymond, who will be a J. Salwen, Conover Lane, Miss Deborah Bush of 173 cial hostesses of the college in Glassboro State College cille J. Demasl, Hazlet; Mar- Buddie, Matawanj Joanne F. Ilumgon, and a junior at El- graduate, of Rumson-Fair Rumson, took part in "An Kemp Ave., Fair Haven, is "who welcome prospective stu- Campus Players production guerite C. Fernandez, Keans- Zarrlllo, Middletown; Mar- mlra College, is engaged in a Haven Regional High School, Evening of Dance," presented one of several student lead- dents, their parents and oth- of "Gypsy." The show is run- burg; Barbara J. Minor, Key- garet B. LesWw, Ocean senatorial race study in which will be enrolled in the ac- by the Dobbs Dance Club ers this year en the campus er pests. Miss Bush is a se- ning for six performances this port; Anita S. Carr, Long Grove; Celeste Gould, Col- she is interviewing senators counting program at New- of the Masters School, Dobbs of Colby Junior College, New nior in the liberal arts pro- week at 8 p.m. in Tohtil Audi- Branch; Mary L. MacPher- leen Simmons and Robert L. In New York and Washington, bury School. Ferry, N.Y. Miss Salwen was son, West Long Branch; Jo Pasternak, Wanamassa.. D. C. under the auspices of London, N.H. Daughter of Dr. gram. torium. the college's field experience program during the current six'week third term. The pro- gram affords students the op- portunity of participating in three off-campus learning ex- periences that test and rein- force on-campus learning. SALE TODAY Peyton Wheeler Ird, at a >t,ru Sol. ^I^W^ ^mr formal pass - in - review am awards ceremony held at North Texas State University received the General Dynam Ics Award of Merit, pre sented annually to the most outstanding sophomore cadet ' of each Air Force BOTC de- tachment. He is a technical sergeant. WESTINGHOUSE Mr. Wheeler graduated from Red Bank High School FM/AM TABLE RADIO in 1968. His parents live a 167 Prospect Ave., Bed Bank Wide range 4 inch speakers. Slide rule vernier tuning. Auto- matic frequency control on FM. Automatic volume contrpl. , Miss Klmberly Beth Cole- man, daughter of Mr. and line cord FM antenna and built in AM antenna. Mrs. Roger B. Coleman, 24 Borden Place, Little Silver, will be one of 15 students YOUR from eight states to enter CHOICE: Mary Baldwin College, Staun- 12.97 ton, Va., as honor scholars WESTINGHOUSE next September. Selection of jionor scholars is based on Jnerit with high school rec- PERSONAL TAPE RECORDER ords, college board scores, OPERATES ON PENLIGHT BATTERIES leadership qualities and char- Miniature microphone with stop/start switch. Variable speed acter. Miss Coleman attends Red Bank High School where control. Gift packed with earphone and magnetic tape. she is a member of the Na- tional and French Honor So- cieties. APOLLO 10 Raymond Ward Tardiff, son Proctor Silex of Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Tardiff, of 11 Elmwood Lane, FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC PORTABLE Fair Haven, has been notified PERCOLATOR 6 Firms To Makes up to 11 cups. Special flavor 77.77 selector lets you brew the exact- Get Safety flavor of coffee you desire.- 8.88 Full size 88 -character keyboard. Complete with impact resistant carrying case. Ribbon color selector. Full carriage 4 SLICE^ELECTRONIC Awards a'ccepts standard business envelopes. Pro ttt tabulator. . EATONTOWN - Six area COLOR CONTROL TOASTER Touch margin sets. 1, 114, 2 lino spacing. firms will receive awards AUTOMATIC TOASTING ~fl A A A tonight for their 1989 rec- ords in the.statewide Inter- •' TIME CONTROL J| \f # JJ JjT j ^ WITH PAPER SUPPORT Plant Safety Contest conduct- Toasts 1 to 4 slices at once. Toasts any kind of bread-even ed by the State Department frozen—and reheats cold toast. Chrome body. of Labor and Industry. Merit and group plaques will be presented by James Conlon, deputy director of the su».*,,«'' General Electric WARING 14 SPEED 4 department's Bureau of. En- SOLID gineering and Safety, to At- CUSTOM ELECTRIC CAN OPENER STATE lantic Semi-Conductor Divi- OPENS MOST BLENDER sion of Aerological Research WITH AUTO. TIMER Inc., Asbury Park; Bendix SIZE CANS Corp., Eatontown and Holm- 7.99 % i v * i Light touch of lever and can is. pierced. Magnet holds lid jiiel, and M&T Chemicals Inc., JeSions, if any. uliouia > made Bank. bury Park, pleaded guilty yes- she can expect from her Oatermoor, immediately in writing to John Bry- Objextionx, If any. should be made an, Clerk of the Borough oJ Red Immediately in writing u> John Bry- terday to charges of robbing Quarterly Dividends an, Clerk of the Borough of lied D. W. BARR OFWCWUJ . Bank, $17 from Sheffy Rahey, Bertram Felnevrog, President 1 (Signed) HOME IMPROVEMENTS «0 BeHevue Ave.. Rumson PETEB QAW.TRO Edgewood Ave., Ocean Town- KATHLEEN GALATRO June 4, 11 11.00 ship, Feb. 22 in Asbury Park. WHITE ALUMINUM Bed Bank Shes proud.. Superior Court Judge NOTICE of the well groomed genertl NOTICE Take notice that Chris •Williams T-A Clarkson S. Fisher accepted Take notice that Fair Liquors, Inc., Chrle' Bar, has applied to the Mayor COMBINATION (pptuuice of her Ostumoor. We're Wiitt is Maylair Unuors haa ap- and Council of tho Borourfi of Red the plea and set July 10 for $1499 proud to offer thii inurt buy Bank for a Plenary Retail Consump- sentencing. tion License-No. C-7, for premises Blt- WINDOWS 14 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION uated at. 103 West Bergen Place, Red to you it onljr.. • Bank, N. J. Assistant County Prosecu- Objections, if any should bo made tor John A. Petillo presented Immediately In writing to John Bry- • TRIPLE TRACK • BAKED ENAMEL FINISH Bread St. and Bergen PL an. Clerk o[ the Borough of Red the state's case. Deputy Pub- FREE ESTIMATES — CALL 842-2053 Bank, N. J. RED BANK BOlt l a (Signed) lic Defender William J. SHOWROOM AT 112 FAIR HAVEN Rt>., FAIR HAVEN // costs nO more for an Ostermoor " '"' OHRI8 WILLIAMS Gearty represented Hunt. »AMB PRICI May 28, Juno 4 17.00 OST Quality mattresses for over a century COME TO FROWN'S FOR RED HOT VALUES! PUBLIC NOTIOB An Ordinance entitled A",,jPr! Coupon SALE IN STOCK-NO WAITING! Keep Sun Out j SUTTON i Co. PICK 'EM UP — TAKE 'EM HOME Furniture ^ Carpets — Bedding PLASTIC "I, «l,l» ill! HWY35 ,i, HOLMDEL TRASH CAN Vll' WJ Oil INMt IyW LINERS BigM nil titr tut

FOR r Lite-Prtof SANITARY WINDOW SHADE Up to 36" wide. ON YOUR Heavy Duty Pure white. Lett ROLLER you iltep later, ALUMINUM COMBINATION keeps roomi NO MORE HEAVY cool. 1.79 CANS TO CARRY WINDOWS Add 39c for new roller. PKG. OF 10 • Triple Track • Fully Weather Stripped REG. 98c 47' • Clean from Inside • 15 yr. Point Guarantee SAVE 1.47 LIMIT 4 — Good thru 6/6 * HEAVY DUTY — Don't confuse Parties & Picnics HOUSE PAINT 1 White & Colonial Colon Clothes Covers with light aluminum windows. Equipment Covers YARD & GARDEN THESE SIZES ONLY - BRING YOUR MEASUREMENTS Basement fcWorksho p 36x51 —' 36x39 — 32x51 — 32x43 — 32x39 — 24x39 ., HEAVY GAUGE PLASTIC With ntri linith tli-twlit clpiurci PRE-HUNG I PRE-DMLLED — INSTALL YOURSELF!

Coupon Sale COLONIAL ALUMINUM Reg. 8.45 Gal. #98 ALUMINUM !SALE PRICE ..... O ICE CUBE PER GAL. CROSS BUCK DOOR TRAYS SAVE 1.00 i PRE-HUNG • PRE DRILLED PULL BAR EJECTOR READY FOR EASY INSTALLATION 95 JN1R10R PAINT REG. 1.98 Another great buy! This door hat block Celling White & Colon itrap hlngei and block push-button hard* 2 ,„ V ware; automatic closure and storm chain. 49 One of the LIMIT 2 — Good thru 4/« THESE SIZES ONLY - BRING YOUYOUR MEASUREMENTS!; I FIT OPENINGS FROM 3iVi TO 37"" WIDWIDE ' IN . 80 TO 81'/V HIGH great new HEAVY GAUGE suit looks TEFLON II A fresh new approach to fashion with wide SKILLETS SALE rig. SALE lapels, shaped waist, Reg. 7.95 Gal. 7" ; 3.49 2.79 bold flap pockets 1 ALUMINUM SHUTTERS SALE PRICE and dqep center vent. 8! ; 3.99 3.39 WHITE—BLACK—DARK GRIEN—MANY OTHER COLORS PEROAL. Cool wrinkle-free 10" 4.99 ' 3.99 WIDTH HEIGHT REG. SALE • NOW It 39 10.7S blend of polyester Choke of Color SKILLETS 14 42 11.25 "?99 PAINTERS and wool. Come see 8" 3.98 2.99 14 46 11.75 SUPPLIES 10"...... 4.98 3.77 16 SO 12.50 what this great new 16 SS 13.50 8.99 Including look can do for you. Irushei - Roller and Tray .•:. $ V- OTHER SIZES to 80" HIGH ALSO ON SALE Turpentine • Drop Clothi LAWN CHAIR Ivwwwvwwwwvv by TELESCOPE #8501 WEBBING PORCH TIME OUTDOOR CLOTHES DRYER FOR , STURDY VIKING PORCH, 9.98 30 LINES — 6' EACH ... I 1 «95 LAWN CHAIR PATIO and DEN REPAIRS ROLL-UP BLINDS 32 BROAD ST. RED | BANK 17 foot 39c Attractive blinds In groon, .white 72 feet 1.59 or frultwood. Thoy keep out the Free Delivery—Call 741-7500 White t Oreon » Turquoise sun, are easy to clean — ilm* OPEN DAILY I A.M. - 5)30 — WED. & PRI. TIL * pie to hang. Get yours lodayl Est. 1925 MEN'S SHOP 26 BROAD STREET STRAW RUGS 30" to 9'WIDE 2'x4' 89 ON THE EVEN FOOT Charge, Diners Club, Ciirle Blanche ' 3'x5' ,..,.. 1.59 Priced rou/vc$ ICONViNISNT from 2'x7' .:„..„. 1.59 HAS EVERYTHING CRIDIT PLANI 1J . . . - -THE DAILYY REGISTERHiUISIfcH,, REIttUD BANK-MIDDLETOWNBAim-MIUUUilUWH,. NH. J.Ii THURSDAYinulUUAI.. JUNjunEt «4,, i»i197« 0 — "• f Hot School Lunch Program OK'd in Atlantic Highlmdg, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - the actual physical class program providing 20 stu- The board hired Mrs, Vir- The Board of Education in size." • dents enroll. Cost of the five ginia Dick of Katontown, a special session last night ap- Mr. Frankenfeld said he week course will be $15. third grade teacher at a sal- proved a hot lunch program expects a contingent of par- The board accepted with ary of $9,000. Mrs. Dtanne for the coming school year. ents to come to a board regret the resignation of Miss Rutten of 49 E. Mount Drive, A survey was taken to de- meeting to complain. ."Next Gail Robinson, fifth grade a first grade teacher was ?f termine ' how many parents year's fourth grade will be a teacher. hired for $6,900. , favored, the proposal. Of. the_ class of over 30 students for parents returning fo'rms, 279 the third year in a row," he are for the program, dis- stated. senters numbered 112. "these rooms are so The board authorized crowded there is hardly School Superintendent George enough room for breathing. H. Wuesthoff to purchase an What are we going to do?" GREAT GIFT IDEAS air conditioner for his office. Mr. Frankenfeld demanded. The unit now in his office '•'Buy air conditioners," an if feasible will be moved to apparently warm board FOR BIG AND TALL MEN the library where the board member said in jest. meets. The board awarded con- up to size 60 John Frankenfeld, board tracts totaling $691 for custo- member, said, "I have re- dial supplies. COLOREST ceived a number of com- The board' approved the Remember Father's Day, Sun., June 21st plaints on class size. Not just establishment of a summer PLUSH TERRY KIMONO the teacher-pupil ratio but instrumental music lesson Heavyweight cotton terry wrap* •' around; blue or white, sizes '16 2X(46to52),3X(54to60,) HAS MOVED Teachers', Board Aides PERMANENT PRESS SHORTY PAJAMAS Dacron* polyester and cotton in Slate Talk in Holmdel solid tones, sizes to 60. i 2 DOORS UP , HOLMDEL - Attempts to that Public Employes Rela- break an impasse in contract tions Commission (PERC) ATHLETIC SHIRTS Swiss negotiations between repre- representative Leo Rose rib combed cotton, big • • . . 3^*5 sentatives of this township's would meet Monday at the sizes 46 to 60, tails 38 to 52. TO 17 BROAD. Holmdel Intermediate School teachers and the Board of BRIEFS Paknit combed with dissenting groups. Education will begin Monday cotton knit, big sizes 48 to 58. evening. . "We don't yet know wheth- Board negotiator chief John er we'll meet together with T-SHIRTS Combed cotton knit, J. Landers Jr. said after last bigs 46 to 60, tails 38 to 52. - night's special board meeting the teachers or separately," Step in and be surprised! Mr. Landers said. LEGAL NOTICE BOXER SHORTS Cotton Paint, wallpaptr, broadcloth, 46 to 58. Also, NOT1CK At the meeting last night Take notice that willow brook Inn, permanent press boxer shorts. artist materials and tnc. trading a.i The Willowbrook Inn the board: accepted the res- has applied to the Mayor and Council ,At3for$7. or the Borough or Fair Haven (or a ignation of Indian Hill School helpful advice, pjenaj-y retail consumption liquor !!• cense for premises located at 740 Rlv- teacher Mrs. Sally Truskow- EXTRA-LONG TIES •r Road. Fair Haven, N. J. just as before. Objection*. If any. should be made ski; appointed six new staff Including clip-on styles. Immediately In writing to Roy W. members; and instructed the Nelson, Clerk of the Borough of. Fair But much more of Haven, N. J. administration to write let- LEATHER BELTS OFFICERS 50 William Spreen—President ters to all state legislators of Genuine calfskins, 44 to5S. from < 710.River Road, Fair Haven. N. J, everything, in a new, Smily M. Spreen-Vice President the county to inform them 710 River- Road. Fair Haven. N. J. Eleanor M. Mitchell—Secretary the Holmdel Board of Educa- beautiful big store. 144 Fair Haven Road, Fair Haven, tion is "vehemently" opposed LET US Tilt YOU ON OUR MAIUNG LIST . Sf NO IN YOUR NAME 4 ADDRESS William Spreen, -Jr.—Treasurer ,T4« River Road, Fair Haven, N. J. to a bill that will provide • May 28. June 4 $11.00 state aid to private schools. Route 35 Asbury Park NOTICE Take notice that Josephine Acerra Public hearings will soon be- COLOREST NOW AT 17 BROAD STREET, RED BANK • Same Phone • 74T-T30I Widger, Executrix of and Trustee un- ASBURY PARK CIRCLE - der Last Will and Testament of Fer- gin on this issue. dinand Acerra, deceased and Emma Acerra T/A Maryann's Inn have ap- plied to the Township Committee of ocolta -Neck Township for a Plenary Retail Consumption License for prem- ises situated at north side of County Road Bast at Scobeyvllle, N. J. .- Objections, If any, should be made Immediately in writing to Harry Crlne. Clerk of Colts Neck Township, II I I '(SIGNED) JOSEPHINE ACERRA WIDGER. Executrix of and Trustee under Last: Will and Testament of Ferdi- nand. Acerra. EMMA ACERRA May_28,_June 4 810.50 •"* NOTICE Take notice that The Food Circus Supermarket of Mlddletown, a corpo- ration, T/A Food Circus, has applied to the Mayor and Township Com- mittee of the Township of Middle- town for a Limited Retail Distribu- tion License for premises 835 State Highway 35. Mlddletown, N. J. Objections, If any, should be made Immediately In writing, to Charles V. Carroll. Jr., clerk of Ihe Township- of Vlddletown, Mlddletown, N. J. OKFICKKs Joseph A. Azzolina, President 43 Borden Rd.. Mlddletown. N. J. A*r»xi *"*»*, , «"*" * t ^» •«.*•«.»• Louis Scaduto, Vice President ISO Hamlltonian Drive. Mlddletown. ^'^ Grace 'Scaduto, secretary. Treasurer ;1 ISO Hamlltonian Drive, Mlddletown. ^;^^r^ May 38', June 4 . $11.00 -»,<-' iiiiiiilliilllllllllfllil NOTICE ^* .-. Take notice .that Bitow, Inc.. has poiled to the Mayor and Council of Sir Boroush- of Red Bank for a Pie- - nai-y Retail Consumption w'Broad Package Privilege license C-12 for premises situated, Meredith Circle, Milton, Mass. innerspring construction.Ehirably for. Covers aren't the latest (but costly quilting. Never before at Vice Pres.' Austin F. Lynne, 54 Hoi- ; mer Rd., Concord, Mass. covered, pre-baflt borders, boflt they're stfflbeantifd) and ^ this this price-only because the Controller, Robert ,B. McCann, IS 1 Locke St., Andover, Mass. it \- for years of comfort. low price, who cares! covershave been changed do you 4# j i TS DIRECTORS OP FIRST NATIONAL -sawe-this muchJii«rt#^^r^f^*U|Tk J Mlddle»exKTve!JSSomerTUle, Mail Hlllard J, Coan 1010 Memorial Drive,, Camnlrdge, Mass, W°tirlce T. Freeman . 11 _LorenaLorena^ Road, Winchester, Mans, ,j(ohW--~n E. Lawreno- --e WlnlhroW n St., SoutS h Hamilton. Maw, 'Joohhn F. Lebor. Ml Walnut Street, •Cincinnati ,IIII;IIII)UU,, wiOhin no Edwardwdd A. MerklMrkle 4lt5 Hcrklmer Ave., Haworth. New Jersey ,.»• Arit'latrO'Keerte • • 3 Commonwealth Ave.( \V, Newton, Maafl. B^nard M» O'Keette , 0 BoyMon Street, Boston. MftHs. W'lfam A. Ryan 88 Cary Avenue, Miltnn. MaM. Alan U. Haberman ^ , Edmunds Rdi, • J33BO •,New Jersey, will sell at Public P -« To he held at its office, Thurs- day, June lllh. 1070 at ten o'clock In the forenoon, property formerly belonging to Johanna Klmball, at S7S Beers Street, Borough of Keyporl, JVlanmouth County, New Jersey, con- •Isting of a Iwo jtory frame dwelling, known at IJOI 3, Block 33 on the Tax Hitp of the Borough of Kcyport and T '13rtlrtilarly m-jicrihcrt In a riced • ru-jor/leil In the Monmotilh County f :':• OffK-e on May I, 11170, 1 B '. 38SS. Puce 17!) of Deeds, •Is will he rnlerlfllnerl and the p? i>crty struck down to the highest bi'lder. - Cash or rprliflRr! check, nnyabln to the Monomulh County Welfare Hoard In an amount equal to si least 20 per cent of the successful bid must Uf deposited at tilt; time of sale; brilmu'P fif HII* j)urclm«e ni-|<-,> to In, p Ufl within thirty diiys nfter nnnroval j) the Olvl'lnn of Public Wellnre of the New Jersey Donnrlmrnt of In- tltutlon* mid Affpncles; conveynncr FREE o tm made by Bargain and Sale )»eil. Th« pretnlsrs will he sold sun- IX i I\A I- ti ir niti ITA r*inirrirx*r\\f OPEN ^ED. set to covenants, conditions of record. Stoning ordinances,, governmental regu- lations,-and Much mute of facts as on ACME furniture company Acaurate survey may disclose, PARKING ALONG _ .Th? Monmoulh County Wclfnr" Board KIWI'"" the right to role »n« and .11 bids. SIDE OUR cind FRl. InInspecllos n of the premises may I-H . HI.IIIIIIIBB iliirlnr business hours. DDATEDA : %hiy p.lOlO n ''I ••ctor nf Welfare _; onnioiilh County Welfari Board STORE \ 137 Monmouth St. 747-2104 Red Bank ' -Hj*. • ••' R neRlddir, JDtq.- j,c5oun»el . Hay M, Jun« i (34.00 -rTJlU DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDUiTOW.V, N. J.; THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 13

Of Assault ©wr cmnpltf • steek "FREEHOLD — Two Long 1 Branch men were convicted of Stereo Rpck and Roll of atrocious assault and bat- • tery here after a two-day' IPs ! trial. Many great artists Daniel Mancini, 275 Nor- , grove Place, Elberon, and to clwose from. Edward Lavole, Ocean 20, All Major Labels , Long Branch, will be sen- SPECTACULAR S tenced July 24 for atrociously I assaulting William Krug, Sec- ) ond Ave., Long Branch, April * 11, 1969, and beating him | 39 $$070 9 about the face and head, r.9.4.89 %) nq. S.I9 A third defendant, Nicholas I 3 Panaccione, Jane St., Long ALBUMS CONTAINING MORE THAN 1 UP. ' Branch, was granted a judg» •I ment of acquital Monday. MULTIPLY BY THE ABOVE PRICE i 'The trial was before Mon- •IATIIS GRAND FUNK RAILROAD ,| mouth County Court Judge BLOOD SWEATS TIARS THRU DOG NIGHT 'i M. Raymond McGowan. As- STEPPEN WOLF CREAM i sistant Prosecutor John W. SUPREMES JANIS JOPLIN ! Applegate presented the RASCALS @ JETHRO TULL * state's case. Richard B. An- IVRDS SMITH | sell of Asbury Park repre- WHO ' MOODY ELUES : sented Mancini and Lavoie TRAFFIC SLY THE FAMILY STONE ;> and Martin Rudnick of Red R0UIN9 STONES CREEDANCE CLEARWATER ,', Rank represented Panaccione. | LtDZIPPLIN TEMPTATIONS KING CRIMSON SANTANA CROSir, STILLS l> NASH IRON BUTTERFLY Youth Held PLUS MANY, MANY MOREI After Chase high prices are SHOW, w? TODAY thru SAT. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — A 16-year-old Elizabeth youth THERE'S A Was apprehended Monday STURDY morning after he led police HEAVY on boat and foot chases be- | tween here and Highlands. STEEL VINYL I Police s,aid the youth took a 15-foot fibergtess outboard Jumbo boat owned by Dalton Car- WALLS LINER hart of E. Lincoln .Aye. from Family FOR EVERYONEI the harbor Sunday night and STEEL TOP RAIL beached it at the far end of ' the facility. Size Monday morning he - re- turned to the boat and was observed entering Jt by off- f duty Patrolman ' Kenneth 88 VGrover, who gave chase in 8x20" 6'x15" [the harbormaster's skiff. WITH MOTOR and ? 'The boy beached the craft : in Highlands and made his SPIT ATTACHED 8 j way ; back here along the 12.98 VALUE! $999 $C99 1 beach, where he was finally 1 -caught by Sgt. Samuel Giizzi 2-GAL INSULATED ALL ALUMINUM and, lodged in the Freehold jtoyenile shelter ' pending a hearing. «*%\ PICNIC FOLDING LAWN/

< •••.. Rotary Takes 'trip to Moon' P'K i™ I CHAIR M ;arms . . . MIDDLETOWN >— Rotar- Heavy padded ' lans*. enjoyed .a vicarious i/ , ,, . . I cushions 20-INCH tft£ - to . the moon as SPLIT Keeps hot or cola with ;f |,af are Ge,orge Young.of East Han- carry-all handle. weather- owsr, N.J. Bell Telephone Co. 1.39 VALUE! proof. SWIM RINGS p'fltttlc relations supervisor/ RINGS described the Apollo 11 space fUJSjt and Bell's part in it. 'Introduced by George, St6U,( Rotary' past president and Reed Matchstick Bell System official," Mr; PLASTIC Young illustrated his remarks ROLL-UPS utfth a 22-minute color film of DRAPES tfie epic first moon landing 36"x72" $166 by America's astronauts. 48"x72" I The Bell System supplies 60"x72" about 809,000 miles of wire 72"x72" and all types of communica- 96"x72" tipns facilities to keep the as- tffljiauts in constant commu- nication with their colleagues R«ddy to hang,, fully ori'""" earth, Mr. Young ex- lined . . . easy to car» for . . . nicely tail- 3 plained. , ••-, •.;,. White or brown plastic, ored ... pretty prints color film depicted the' eaiy to care for ... jfge of the', three astro-, . . . each panel 27"x complete with hardware. najjs frcom liftoff at Cape' 87". While Quantity Lastil ennedy through Neil Anpn-. strong's history-making firstj step on the moon to the splash d6wn and recovery in the Pa- cffife by frogmen from the Navy's famed helicopter 66. HARDWARE •^M, we can solve the com- FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON plicated problems involved in landing men on the moon, GASOLINE POWERED then I believe there's hope we crosplve our many problems KNIVES or hpifon .earth," Mr. Young SCISSORS LAWN MOWERS SUNTAN = SHARPENED OIL or = (|6iirses Offered PINKING $ VI ft 97 ^HIGHLANDS - Summer | school. will be conducted SHEARS LOTION = Z o 01. BOTTLE — again this year at" Henry SHARPENED OUR DISCOUNT PRICE 59.97 Hudson Regional School. The six-week session will • begin | 20" AMF Rotary Free Wheeling. KNIT SNAKE JuneJ9jnd end on Aug. 7. All steel reinforced for extra " |Cr§sses will beheld Mon- strength. Light enough for a wom- 39 f d^ihrough Friday from .81 an to use. Ad|. cutting height plus n' TUCK KNITS KEYS many added features. 1 a.fti||tq;^:15 p.m. The school Acetate and nylon 100% acetate. 45" 2.35 LIST 2 d local and vacation- MADE . . . machine wash- wide. Other pat- ijiife ftn opportunity able. 54" wide. tarn, Included. ir i a Jfalling grade or 22 Inch "MEDI-QOIK E LEAVE THEM WHEN 22" AMF HOMKO $199 a, low,. passing Self Propelled OUR REG. PRICE OUR RE9. PRICI YOU COME Push Rofary sBlYARD SUN BURN = SHOPPING, PICK "AMP" 3.98. YARD 2,98 , -will be offered in THEM UP With Free Grass WHEN LEAVINGI alt;the major,subject areas Loaded with Power Special COOLER 5 frojni grades seven through :| Catcher Foalurcs 12; In addition, the following ACETATE VALTEX enrichment courses are being 5 OL SPRAY = offered:' College Review! PRINTS PRINTS Chemistry,' ; Marine Biology TOASTERS ant Personal Typing. ^ • 1AMPS 10d% acetate.. .. 100% cotten . ... Registration will be kept • IRONS&etc. Scarf patrerni... Calali patterns ... J09 = op^ii; until June 26, with the OUR LOW EVERY DAY OUR LOW F.VFRY DAY 45 wide. 45" wide. exception of the enrichment REPAIRED PRICE 87.97 PRICK 107.97 — 1.7? LIST courses:'-' OUR RES. PRICE OUR RIO. PRICE $ 75 All "AMF" moweri have "AMF1 flexor blade. Guaranteed 1.9B 1.91. American Legion against bent engine crankshaft. Easy Amfold handle. No as- iWASHi 3 tembly. All with easy pull recoil starters. Right out of the SpjtiMsitaed Services , See Our Beautiful Selection Of LEONJARDO - In a pic-' carton, ready to go! ture caption depclbing iMemo<. rial Day services here, the FABRICS and ACCESSORIES " nsor was Incorrectly identi- FOR THE ROMANTIC BRIDE AND BRIDESMAID fied as Veterans of Foreign , AIL AT OUR LOW wars Post 338. Tho sponsor ATL ANTIC DISCOUNT PRICES was actually American Le- gion post 388, Leonardo. Shore Ontptny Club Will Elect Tonight LONG BRANCH - Officers mil be elected tonight at the final m«etlng of the year SHREWSBURY AVE. at RT. 35 NEW SHREWSBURY «f the tferaey Shore Ostomy STORE HOURS MON. thru SAT. ? /VM k> 10 I'M SUNDAYS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Club in the employes' cafe- w>r.a at Monmouth Medical .Center, 14- BB^MI—alM—WWWM^——^^^wn» •!•—•—-TH inxj E L/rklUDAIL YI l\£s\>l>JlKEGISrER t-IX,, JILLB£D/ O/Yi'IBANK-MIDDLEPOWNV • iU* tSLSL«&.J UW.'.i !'N•. j.J.Ji THURSDAYi UUiUJLTl 1 ,. 4\si*uJUN E 4-», **197• w 0 y-— Matawan Jamboree Set To Start This Saturday KATAWAN - The Mat*. try store, handwriting analy. ri, chairnuu, «Bd Mrs. Ed- cepted by Sirs. James, who carry the bell in the borough w*a Historical Society wiU sis by Mrs. Clifton James, win Domlnlck. now has storage facilities Memorial Day parade. sponsor a "Jamboree" Satur- games devised by Mrs. Rob- On display will be miner' available. Tickets for the "Baltic Mu- ert Malkmus and Mrs. Oliver day In the Main St. parking als, Mrs. B, Koopman's Mrs. S.H. Hopkins reports sic and Dance Festival," lot opposite Fanners and Leifeste, a magic show by gourds, the Alexander Glass scheduled for Saturday, Sept. John Fritz, pony rides, a that contributions for the Pre-Season Merchants National Bank, be- Company's glass blowing ex- grammar school bell fund 19, in Matawan Regional High ginning at 2 p.m. trained raccoon and a clown. hibit, Mrs. Amy Miller's School, may be had from Ml' Donations for the trash and have fallen far short of the JCtlO- 1T» event, under the chair- beaded flowers, "Silhouettes" sum necessary to build the chael Kidzus. manship of Mrs. Genevieve treasure table are being by Ludi and beaded jewelry. sought by Mrs. John Tanrtnuv planned monument. Plans The next society meeting 30 BROAD STREET RED BANK SPECIAL! Donnell, will feature a coun- The society encourages were completed for a float to will be Monday, June 22, townspeople to attend in old LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE fashioned dress and will MOTICR award a prike for the most Take notice lhal U*net*e Bloom- r^rg tra.1ln$ as Ked B»nk liquor handsome beard, "GOLDEN ANCHOR" •TOUeS lo Uit V»v« •JIQ I^Ucatewon h»s aprJied w thf A chuck wagon dinner will (Lfifiwiu MV'or and <\xim*l oJ th« Horoucri oi INVISTMINT CIKTIFICATIS 3 (He Bwrnuf* tv S< . . - Kf.1 B»nk lor > rifiwv RM«il r>l«- be served from 5 to 7 p.m.; triNatJtvn Lli~fn»* IMS for pr*ni'*« MINIMUM S1»,M* s-KimiM ,il 230 Xi«4>anlc Street, Krd dancing music from 8 to 11 CENTRAL Bins;, X. J, MINIMUM 1-VBAR On^cU^Tis, H any. rtrouM be m«dr p.m. will be provided by The 'A TBRM *Tnm(s!i*ttlv In writing to Jfthn BryAn, Clerk ol ihf Borough of R*d RanW. Stoned Hedge. Local talent al- Earnlntt Compounded AIR CONDITIONING IJSSKTTE BIOOMBBRO or MollM Ouortvlyl XISKAX :30 Mechanic Strtel so is invited to perform. Red Bunk, X ). 6 COMPLETELY INSTALLED Individuals and organiza- M«y W. June 1 »••••• ,;M im* i, IV *••« XOHCK NOTICK tions interested in selling • Take noticce that Ro»# Vary TToo- t*«ti m««!e to Jo*" BTJTW, Moate** rnnlnol . 1rAdin1di£ ts CommulfxCl s Wire st their wares at the jamboree 6 ROOMS 7 ROOMS 8 ROOMS CSerV e! UK Kuweit ft.' Red RanXJQuor stor« nas applied to. the May. may contact Mrs. Donnell at tn Uwwf»r to TenM^Kv Inc.. Uvdl or and Council o? \hr. Borough ol R«l INTEREST u D»nr.T's rftr premises iocatfd t Bank for a Plenary Rt4&i] XUetrtou- The Gift Shop, here. T4J Jtairm BrtSer Avnnit. KM Bank tiw license I>-6 Uv premise* situJUfd JJ. J., 5hf Plm»ry R»Uil Oonsumjitlim at IS< MonmouUi St., Red Hank. X, J. Store window posters adver- Anchor Your Savings to .. . Objections, It any, ohouM be made *777 $888 *999 JirrnM No. C-M dtretotore Issued ui PeUmos. Inc.. lT»tHn« u Pearson's immediately in' wTiting to John Bry- tising the affair were made Bhrtwsrtmrv Inn. lor the nncnliM to- an, Cletrk of Ihe Borough ot Red OIM »t sw Shrewsbury Innw, Red Sink. by fifth and sixth graders at Installationto exIsUnstktwmr : and wiring. FREE fiuk. K. J. MARINi VliW S MART T0MA1N0 Broad Street Grammar Conditioning Swnrvy , Feliwrar, so Bell«vu« Av*. 26 Allen Place School, ander the supervision 30 BROAD ST. noe, Rumson. president , Red• Bunk-• • , JS. J. •ydaey Kruntr, 11 Sherwood Road, May &. June 4 $5-00 of art director Mrs. Vernon RED BANK, NJ. NOTICE CALL 747-0825 DIRECTORS 'AND STOtKHOU>ERS Take notice that Lorajo Inc., trad- Ellison. pr. Harold Better, 98? Htrdtnc Rod., ing as Luicl'e has applied to the MIDDLETOWN AH. HIGHLANDS I UNCROFT Mayor and Council of the Borough of Historic memorabilia relat- IV. Bertram Felrawm:, (0 BeUevm lied Basic far a (denary Retail con- 47L2400 291-0100 I M2-44O0 Avenue. Rumson u sumpUon C-33 )icens« for premises ing to Matawan is being ac- WUllvft HlmcJmin, EM]., 88 Leeds tooued at SO Newman aprliics Road, I rtUe Drive, Unoroft Bed Bade. New Jersey. . Dr, Sydney Kramer, 31 Bhenrood O^JectJons, tf any, should be made Ro»d, little Silver Immediately in writing to J«bn Bry- Mr. Ixrais Miller, U Qtrdin no»d an. Clefk of the Borouth ot Bad Uttle Silver Bank. N, J. »Ir. Frederick Strom, us OFFICERS • Circle. New Shrewsbury Louts Accra — President , Sir. Howard Tfcrabour, Kimwood 90 Birch Drive, Shrewsbury. NN.. 3. Drive. Unorott Ralpalph Accrra—Secretary-TreasureArSretaryTrsurerr Objections, if anv. should b« —.,-. 173 Branch Avenue,Red Bank, i^ immediately tn wrltinc to John Bry- BOARD OF DbtECTOR8 an. Municipal clerk of (he Borotujh Louis AAcerra e* Red Bank. N. J. 90 Blroh Drive, Shrewsbury, N. J. ™ ™° TONBAOIOO,LVC . B&lph Acerxa , /lAONTGO/WER 7-11 North bridge Ave. 175 Branch Avenue, Red Bank. N.J. Red Bank, N\ J. STOCKHOLDERS HOLDING ONE (1> June 4. 11 S2O.O0 OR MOKK PGRCKNT OF ISSUED NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND Ol!TSrA?.DLVG STOCK Notice Is hereby given that seala Louis Acerra — 85 Shares, 85% „ i fclda will be received by the Ma 90 Birch Drive, Shrewsbury, N. J. and Council Qf the Boroutfi of t Kf-lph Accrra—15 Shares, 15% Haven for maintenance and rewt ITS Brunch Avenue. Red Bank. N.J, materials In the Borough of Fafli June 4. 11 $14.50 Haven in the Coun-ty of Monmoutl: with an estimated amount of fllO ton* NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . H" Broken Stone F.O.B. Pair He Notice Is hereby given that sealed Ten Borough Storage yard; , 11.50C bids will be received by the Mayor frail Asph. Oil Grade MC-1, RC-2 orand Council of ttie Borough of Red 1 RC-3 F.O.B. Dealer's Plant. NOTE: Bank, at the Municipal Bulldtnf at THE DISTANCE FIROM THE DEAL- 32 Monmouth Street. Kid BaiikT N.J., ER'S PLANT TO THE PAIR HAVEN tor the conslractlon ol a i,600,K»l BOROUGH HALL WILL, BE TAKEN Gallon BrestrefQed Concrete Reser- j INTO CONSIDERATION IN AWARD volr and Stsrage Tank, wdjth Aoces- ] ING THB CONTRACT; and opened Borles, at Hill Top Terrace, Tower and read In nubile at the Borough Hill. Red Bank, New Jersey On July Hall. River Road. Fair Haven on 6, Win at 8:30 Prevailing Time. COME TO WARDS Jane 22. 1970 at 8.-00 P.M. Dayilljh Specifications and Proposal Forms Saving Time. are on file at (he office of the Bor» r SpedlicaUons and forms *f bids, ouith Engineer, Heivry P. Labrecque, for the uroDOsed work, prepared b.v 17 Linden Place, Red Bank, N. J. Henry F. Labrecque Engineer anc and they may be obtained upon prop- approved iy the Sfate Highway Com- er nottHc-atlon and tmymanl of th» inwsloner, have been filed In the of- cost of. prepairauon oi said. Specifica- fice of the said engineer at IT 14mten tions. . i FOR "COOL" SIGNATURE® place. Red Bank. New Jersey and Bids must be abcomipaoled by a or said State Highway Commissioner, certified check In the amount of tea Trentoa, New Jersey, and may b« per cent (10%> of the bid made pay- Inspected by prospective bidders dur- able to the BorouKh M Red Bank Ine business nours. and a Bonding Certificate as reaulred I Bidders will be furnished with . hi' the Specifications with the Nan. eop_>py-o; f the speclflcaUona by the en Collusion A««d«vit. Blheer eai proper notice arid — The Mayor and Councdl reserve the AIR CONDITIONER BUYS- mentsdm . of cost of preparation. ' sat to reject any andTor all bids. roust be made on standard proposal DANIEL J. O'KERN forms In the manner designated tnere- Mayor ln-and required by the specifications, John Bryan must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, Borougn Cleric bearing the name and address of Did- June 4 . SR.25 der and name of the road on out- side, addressed to ROY NELSON. NOTICE TO BIDDERS „ WARDS PRICES ARE LOW! BOROUGH CLERK. BOROWGH OP Separate seated bids will be re- FAIR HiAVTBN and must be aceom- ceived by the HazSet Township Soajnd. jwnled by a Non-Collusion Affidavl of Education at the office oTthe Sec- and a certified check for not lesa retary, 1719A Union Avenue at arid- than ten (10%) per cent of the die iload, Kazl&t, New Jersey until amount bid, provided said check need 2:00 p.m. on June 16, 1070 for iur* [ hot ^>e more than $20,000.00 nor less nishlng: . ; I than $500.00 and be delivered at the Student Seslu and Student Seating place on or before the hour named Wood Shop. Mechanical Droving above, The Standard Proposal Form and Metal Shop Supplies and the Non-Collusion Affidavit are Music (Sheet) supplies attached to the supplemental specif!, Fine Art Supplies cations, copies of which will be fur< Business Education suppliea COOLS UP TO 220 SQ. FT. niched on application to engineer. Mathematics Supplies Awards-Athletics and Band "By order of the Mayor and Coun- Home Economics Supplies ell U Hie Borough of Fair Haven." Hoof - Haslet Avenue School The Mayor and Council reserve the Bids will be opened by the secre-. tight to reject any/or all bids. tary of the, Board who will publicly ROBERT MATTHEWSTTHEWS , announce the bid total. ' ROT NELSON* The conditions, terms and specUlca> Cl tlons for the above may be obtained Cek from the Secretary of the Board of I June 4 $1«25 Education at the address shown be- low. . NOW The Board of Education reserves i the right to reject any or all blda I and to waive any Immaterial infor- FOR EASIER malities. ONLY Dated: June 1, 1970 i ROBERT O. HAVEN8, GARDENING Board Secretary , Haalet* Township Board of Education I P. O. Box 257 1719A Union Avenue Hazlet, New Jersey 07730 • Sleep In cool bedroom comfort tonight! Dehumfdlfies a tf cook; June 4 19, NOTICE removes up to 4.8 gallons of moisture from air daily ' AN ORDHNANCE AiMIENDINO-AND| SUPPlffiMENTTNO CKAJPTKB 2a • Convenient.push button control for off, fan, and cool-- ABTIOLE 15 "TRUCKS OVBli POUB (4> TONS EXCLUDED" OS11 THE aaBUNANCB KNOWN BY ITS ! • Keepi your air fresh) Stale air, pollen and dust are filtered out. SHORT FORM TITLE A8 "RE- VISEO . ORDINANCES OF 19S1", ADOPTED JUNE 5. 1081. • Lightweight, compact in size, eosy to handle and install s BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor md Council of the Borough of Red RENT A Jank, that CShapter 20 of "he above- entitled Ordinance be amended and supplemented as follows: RIDING MOWER SECTION 1. CSiajitar 20 "Traffic Ac!'/, Article W, "Trucks over Four (•WTMIS Excluded", Section 1 Is here, From A to Z by amended to. add subpapatixaph (*) I as follows: LAWN THATCHERS • TILLERS (&) Canal Street, between day Street and Hudson Avenue. , POWER SWEEPERS t ROLLERS SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall .000 COOLS UP TO 920 SQ. FT. take effect upon Its passage and- pub- I LAWN VACUUMS • CHAIN llcatton according to law. PUBLIC NOTICE SAWS • AERATORS The foregoing Ordinance was Intro- duced and passed first reading at a I regular meeting of the Mayor and ' Council of the Borough of Red Bank ' A to Z RENTAL held on Monday, June 1st, 1970, and will come up for final conslder&tioa ], and passage at a regular meeting of CENTER said governing body to be held on 111 NEWMAN Monday, June 16, 1070, in the Hu. 7' i\ - nlclpal Building. Monrnouth Street, SPRINGS ROAD Red Bank, New Jersey, ut which . NOW SHREWSBURY lime and place all persons desiring to I plng Cuittr) n Dov opportunity. ONLY CENTER* °'« » « • *•* Dated: June 1, 1970 '189 ••MM Phoni 7414040 - JOHN BRYAN, Borough Cleric ,J J Brlngi cool comfort info yoor Bring room. Dehumtdifles as iK'ieeob;' ^ ' • 4 removes up to 15 gallons of moisture from-air doily . , - .. (h '•' Rotary control for off. fan, lo-cool, and hl-cool , l Filters out staie arr, pollen, dust. Keeps air fresh, dean »temperature you pre-set

Finast .000 ® COOLS UP TO 1,250 SQ. FT. THURSDAY & FRIDAY JUNE 4th & 5th ONLY NOW $ POT ROAST ONLY 229 CHOICE • Automotleany brings cool comfort to several rooms. Dehumidified removes up to 18 gallons of moisture from, air daily • Keeps your air fresh! Filters out stale air, pollen, and dust • Thermostat control automatically keeps the temperature you pre-set • Hos 2 cooling speeds; slide-out chassis for easy service EXPERT SERVICE, REPLACEMENT PARTS AVAUABll NATIONWIDII USE WARDS "CHARG-ALL PLUS" TIME PAYMENT PLAN TO SAVE NOW ON MAJOR APPLIANCES 362 Broad Sf. & Maple Ave. RED BANK •yMQ** WARDS Monmouth Shopping Center Phone EATONTOWN CIRCLE Open 9:30 AM.'til 9:30 P.M. 542-2150 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: THURSDAY. JL.NE 1, 1970 IS Talks Open Today in RCA Strike 1 Father knows best. CAMDEH iee first toin 2290 eral] waawage JjicremJncremes bvy laborlabor strikesirike. The lWiioRadio CommunicaCommuiilc - tHoia before a ttderil m«dU phla Before mtt&ater Alex years staged by the union grade groupings." tions Assemblers Union, to:, ator were on tap today for Kapner, were, to be the first against RCA, It affects 13 The offer provides for im- also approved the package. f tefrresentatlves of RCA and since Monday, plants In five states. mediate Increases ranging Three northern New Jer- 3 the striking International tin- Picketing Curbed After the breakdown in from 20 to 49 cents per hour sey plants, a total of 4,000 J in*; of < Electrical, Radio and Yesterday, RCA obtained a contract negotiations Monday and deferred increases of an employes, are Communica- J Machine Workers, court order that limits picket- a company spokesman said additional 51 cents an hour. tions Assemblers Union mem- i ;The union has been on ing at entrances to four of its RCA had made "a final of- The new package also In- bers. \ strike against RCA since New Jersey plants and pro* fer" that included what he cludes added retirement plan An IUK sppkeHman, Daniel ! Monday in a demand for hibits Interference with non« said were "substantial and benefits, a new comprehen- Arnold, said the RCA offer ; higher pay and benefits in a striking employes leaving and Immediate general wage in- sive insurance plan, better was "garbage," and added ; new contract. entering the plant. creases and additional gen- medical and vacation plans, that it was Inferior to the and other fringe benefits. IBKW pact. He also said the An RCA spokesman said union objects to a clause In the package was okayed by the new contract that re- the International Brotherhood quires workers to work over Trial May Start of Kleclrical Workers last time even if they don't want WtihVigor in Trenton Today week, averting a nationwide to. TRENTON (AP)-ITie ex. Mrs. Buck from Freehold, Tuesday night to Clara tortion and conspiracy trial was dismissed by Judge Bar- Maass Hospital! Belleville, of Newark Mayor Hugh J. low after chief Assistant U.S. with emphysema^ Addonlzio and seven co-de- Atty. Herbert J. Stern told Addonlzio and seven code- fendants could get underway him he might call as a wit- fendants are charged with in earnest today before an ness a man he identified only extorting $253,000 from Con- all-white Jury of aeven men as Raymond H. Buck, also strad Inc., an engineering and five wemen. from Freehold. ;j consulting firm which has „federal District Judge Although Mrs. Buck said done work for the city of ' George H. Barlow and the she did not know the pros- Newark. The eight were in- j attorneys in the case will try pective witness, Judge Bar- dicted last December along i to select six alternate jurors low dismissed her saying she with seven others, two of '"after which the lawyers will might recognize him once he whom have died and five make their opening state- took the stand. others who will be tried later. iCments to. the. paneL,"". , " A Freehold pn In addition to Addonlzio, &r: The12 regular Jurors were 5*'chosen yesterday after two It was learned that Buck Boiardo, Blancone and Vi- *Sdays of questioning by Bar- is president of a Freehold caro, the other defendants Flow. Pefense attorneys used firm and signed gome checks are former City Corp. Coun- 2MNMIMIVRMMttN!ttftflMA£ . 14 of' 15 peremptory chal. that may be use)} as govern- sels Philip E. Gordon and $ With This Coupon 5 $ lenges allotted to them. Nor- ment exhibits. Norman N. Schlff, Anthony ;* man, N. Schiff, • a former Addontelo was permitted,by LaMorte, head of the MUtiici ''.Newark -city corporation Judge Barlow to return to pal Utilities Authority and £ counsel, used none of his Newark' to visit his wife James Callaghan, an'author- j challenges. Doris who was,,. admitted ity employe, j> Dismissed ,T' Seven black prospective ^jurors were dismissed per- A'.emptorally by defense attor- Builders to Hear neys. The federal government T made no challenges. K The racial makeup of the , vjury is considered significant Richard J. Sullivan J & B Rare Scotch means good taste. Shows you really care. Specially^ wappKl '<£ because Addonlzio faces a POINT PLEASANT - BA environmental control •ruiioff: ejection June 16 Richard J. Sullivan, new com- committee chairman; Ber- 362 Broad St. & Maple Ave. . for Father's Day. DON'T DISAPPOINT DAD. *'against.^enneth Gibson, a' missioner of the state depart- nard Chodos, vice president :' black civil engineer who. for* ment of Environmental Pro- of U.S. Home and Develop- . mehy iwprked for the city. tection, will keynote the ment Corp,, Freehold;' a rep- m scots \ In the prelirrtinary city Thursday, June 11, N.J. Shore resentative from the Ocean . election May 12, Gibson gar- Builders Association meeting County Board of Freeholders; : nered twice as many votes at Kings Grant Inn. Charles Pike, director of Mon- y as Addonlzio In a five-man He also will be on a panel mouth County Planning , race. But a runoff was re- of experts on the subject :of- Board, and Mr. Israel. '•> quired because Gibson got ' ' less than SO per cent of the water pollution control. < total votes cast. Shore BA president Sydney £ The first challenges came H, Israel will present an as- T from attorneys for reputed sociation resolution - which | Cosa Nostra lieutenant An- calls for the Ocean County jfthony "Tony Boy" Boiardo Board of Freeholders to take §and for Joseph Blancone and immediate action to imple- ANNOUNCING - - •-;. i Ralph Vicaro, formerly as- ment the county's master re- gional sewer plan. the SLACK SHACK sociated with Valentine Elec- ojrlc Co., a firm which has On the panel with Commis- j done extensive work for the sioner Sullivan are John Fel- city. Law enforcement offi- lows of Toms River engineer- ,. cials have said Valentine is ing firm of Fellows Read and '•-, '-.goes i - {/really controlled by Boiardo. Weber, who prepared the 3 One prospective juror, a county's master regional sew- er plan; John G, Read, state First Merchants Now Pays _with Higher Interest Tour money works harder for you...every day on Regular PASSBOOK SAVINGS Interest paid front Diy if Otpttttto Day of WHMrwil, eompoundrt and piM (juuttriy> • ' REFRESHMENTS 6n One Year, aufomitieally renewable CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Interest compounded dally. Certificates avillibl* In t $1,000 minimum amount and multiple* of $100 IherMltir. Pays a :C-.,i. 5.65% yield for the year. Celebrating Our On Two Year, automatically renewable CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Interest compounded daily. Certificates Yield available In a- $1,000 minimum amount 5.9% and multiples of $100 thereafter. Pays a EMTIRE STOCK SALE foron»Yaar 5.9% yield (or one year.

Highest Interest allowed by lav/ TODAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY! For information ask any of the First Mer- chants people in our 13 convenient community offices. ,' • Slacks—Shirts—Belts—Ties—Leather Goods, Etc.

ST _L! OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.

13 CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES Head Ofllcai 601 Mattlson Ave., Asbury Park Asbury Park • North Asbury • West Asbury • SUck Niptune City • Brlilla '» Colts N«ck • Fair Haven • Holmdel • Mnnalapan • Manasquen • Millitona • Red Bank • Upper Freehold ? Member Federal Reserve System 88 BROAD STREET RED BANK , Fedinl Deposit Insurance Corporation . 842-0437 T\ 16- -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • M1DDLET0WN, N.J.: THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 Sea Bright Employes Boys More Politically Aware MemorabtejGifts Get Salary Increases Than Girls in Brookdale Test SEA BRIGHT — Borough The superintendent of bor- for the Graduate Council has approved salary ough maintenance gets a $300 LINCROFT - Students at structor at Brookdale, pre- ley Jr.? In what way does Roy increases for borough em- increase, bringing his salary Brookdale Community Col- sented 94 BCC students. (37 Wilkins' solution to the* racial ployes. to $7,600. • lege have completed a study males, 67 females) question- problem differ from that of ttrra Identification An amendment to the bor- The beach manager will get to determine whether BCC naires, each consisting of 33 the Black Panthers'? What is ough's 1968 salary ordinance, a $150 increase for the sea- males are more politically politically comprehensive the EOA of 1964? What do the Bracelet-Watch first introduced in May, was son and beach personnel will aware than BCC females. The questions. Questions includ- initials HUAC stand for? Is approved at a public hearing get a $5 a week raise. Casual results of their investigation ed: Name your state sen- the Northeast considered lib- by Swank Monday. borough employes will get have tended to indicate this ators), your U.S. congress- eral or conservative? Who is so. man, the U.S. secretaries of are the Weathermen? Who is Members of the police de- $2.50 per hour instead of the '&& partment will get a 10 per curent $2 hourly rate. Judy Urban and Connie defense, of state, and of the U.S. ambassador to Viet- nam? What, is the UAW? cent Increase, bringing sala- Increases also range Falvo, under the direction of HEW. Of what political per- suasion is William F. Buck- ries to these levels: chief, through the salaries of other Joan Claffey, a psychology in- The results of the study in- $9,526; captain, $8,800; lieu- borough employes in varying dicated that 15 or more cor- tenant, $8,679; sergeant, $8,- percentages. rect responses out of a' total 558: patrolman, $8,376, and Police Commissioner John of 33 questions was, in fact, probationary patrolman P. Weir announced at the Harris, Upham Co. quite high. Females and A Satin finished pendant (chanceman), $5,940. • meeting that due to increas- males were divided into two . .in-gpld filled, J5.95 . The borough clerk and as- ing complaints against groups of "high scorers" (15 B Oval circle, pin with a sistant borough clerk will get' or more correct responses) sculptured edge speeding violations on Ocean in sterling, $6.95 ' an 8 per cent increase, bring- Ave., and especially in the To Expand Office and "low scorers" (less than 15 correct responses). Re- C French florentine ing their salaries to $3,812 North Beach section, his de- pendant in and $4,24". respectively. RED BANK - Harris, Up- Amboy office, will become as- sults showed that 33 per cent partment will start a "crack- ham & Co., Inc., has an- sistant manager of the Red of the tested BCC males (12 , sterling, $4-95 down" on traffic violators. Monogrammed D Matching earrings and nounced the consolidation of Bank office and the two reg- out of a total of 37)scored ' pendant,'gold filled "We are determined to -its Perth Amfooy office with istered representatives, Rob- "high," while only 6 per cent Jewelry with diamond cut run. make our borough safe both its office at 103 E. Front St. ert Zambo and Jack Dorftnan, (4 out of 67) of the tested ...attrlctly person*! gift! $12.95 . . for regular residents and vis- The firm also announced will join the sales staff here, BCC females scored "nigh." itors," ihe said. "We will plans to expand its office Mr. Brower resides with his Out of a total of 33 questions, not tolorate the speeder and here. wife, Louise, in Rumson. He the males' individual aver- Skindivers Sports Watch. I The ring careless driver on our is active in community social age of correct responses was Stanley P. Jacobs, who, . WJTHA^TDMATIC DAY-DATE DIAL streets." about 40 years ago, estab- and civic affairs and is a 12, as compared to the fe- leadens males'; 8.; i - • Council appointed Jacque- lished the Red Bank office for member of the Navesink Country Club in Middletown. ABoy'st.... . line Jaczala as gate atten- Bisele & King which merged Because they also wished lOKgoktriflfti dant at the borough beach with Harris, Upham & Co. Mr. Clevenger, a graduate to simultaneously test the re- B Two spinels offset • and Peter Lang and Timo- on Jan. 2, 1966, has relin- blrthstone. 1OK of Princeton University, is a lationship, if any, between goldring, $12.95 ' thy Lake as special police quished his duties as co-man- past president of the Prince- membership in a fraternity; C Boy's ortseyohsatiit offficers. ager to allow for more lei- ton Club of Monmouth Coun- or sorority and political finish, 1OK gold ring,, sure time. ty, and with his wife and two awareness, the two students $24.95 ' He will, however, remain D Marqulseshapebitflfl children lives in Fair Haven. Ipresemted half of the ques- storm in 14K«Okf, Honolulu Trip as a registered representa- tionnaires to fraternity and $24.95 tive and continue to assist cli- Litter Invades Wilds sorority members. The re- For Met Men ents in the area with their sults showed there is no re- NEW YORK, N.Y. — Har- investment plans. INTBRLOCHBN, Mich. (AP) lation whatsoever. Each so- old H. Foulks and Daniel E. iThe announcement further —Even in the wilderness rority member averaged a to- Verniero Jr., Red Bank rep- disclosed that the former there are litterbugs, students tal "of 9 .correct responses; resentatives of Metropolitan manager of the Perth Amboy at the Interlochen Center for no - sorority members also Life Insurance Company, office, Donald F. Brower, will the Arts have learned. Twen- averaged 9. Fraternity mem- Frederick W. Seidenzah! have been invited to partici- become co - manager with ty-seven students and three bers averaged 12 correct re- pate in a four-day business John B. Clevenger, the pres- teachers went on a five-day sponses; non-fraternity, 11. '. A rugged, masculine wotch., Seidenzahl. :...:'. conference with company of- ent Red Bank manager. Mr. field trip into the upper Pen- Wear It for work, for play, for fun!. The participating students -Water-resistant. Luminous dial, ficers and field, representa- Brower and Mr. Clevenger insula woods, and spent much moveable lapsed time outer dial. Has Retired tives at the Hilton Hawaiian have been associated' with time picking up someone were selected at random and ' Day and date changes automatically ', AS Broad Street Monmouth RED BANK - Frederick Village in Honolulu next Harris, Upham for many else's litter. Jack Hood, leader in a variety of places — li- every 24 hours, sweep second hand, week. years, and are natives of-the of the trip, said: "To get a brary, lecture rooms, teach- R*. $18.95 Rid Bank Shopping Center j W. Seidenzahl of 120 River- I Open W«d. and Frl. Open Mpn. thru Frl Last year both men placed area. . meal one night, everyone had ing stations, college foyers ; view' Ave*, Little Silver, has till » p.M. till » M, Sal. 10 to < more than $1,000,000 in indi- Robert Letts, former assis- to bring in a box of litter. and grounds, coffee lounge, retired from the New Jersey vidual life insurance to rank tant manager of the Perth No one missed the meal." and the "Conversational Pit." Bell Telephone Company af- among the leaders of Metro- ter 44 years of service. politan Life's 30,000 field rep- ~"Mr7~S0denzahr~w"as em- ^resentativesin the U.S. and ployed in the company's plant Canada. Both are members department here. In his ca- of the staff of tiie company's reer, he held various assign- Red Bank office at 12 Reck- ments, including lineman, in- less Place. Remember staller, insideman and power- Mr. Foulks lives at 667 . man. He is a member of Red Greene Ave., Belford. Mr. Father's Bank Council, H. G. McCully Verniero's home is at 225 Day, Chapter, Telephone Pioneers Peachwobd Road, Middle- of America. town. June 21st THE PUZZLE THAT PUTS THE CARPET PIECES TOGETHER

DACRON AND WORSTED TROPICAL SUITS at Robert Hall inflation-fightfng voluntary-controlled SWINGY SHORT-CUT SKIRTS

ACROSS DOWN low prices 1 9 TROPIC-HALL better-quality soft Jersey knits Famous Carpet Store 1. Rug Edging To Fix warp knit... the close-weave, smoother, more 2. Longtime Education ' comp. value $5Q &$6Q i95 expensive type of knit... acetate or acetate- Our Low Values are 6. We Remove It and-nylon, with soft-luster or matte finish; Dirty Rugs Come out 7. Use in Hallway - . Light-as-air blend of wrinMe-shurming colorful prints, bold stripes, solid tones $ GIFT Dacron polyester and wool worsted, 3" brief 'n belted swlngy fullness 25 PRIZE CERTIFICATE flawlessly tailored in handsome two and SORENTO* three button single-breasted models with free-and-easy young lines with a spirited, terrific For The Correct Answer! important fashion detailing! The outstand- natural way of moving as you do... buttoned- effect and unadorned styles with self-fabric value RBR-6-4 ing patterns and colors you've admired i95 belt and with completely elasticized waistband Mail or bring your completed puzzle in higher-priced suits are here for you now to either store. in sizes for regulars, shorts and longs. 49 JUNIOR SIZES 5 TO 13 DRAWING AUGUST 31st EXTRA ADDED SAVING... from correct puzxles for Prize! COMPLETE ALTERATIONS INCLUDED SHEH4DI ROUTE 35, SHREWSBURY, N. J. 741-6272 COMMUUIt f ROUTE 3S, SIA QIRT, N J. 449-5900 CC P KEANSBURG: RT. 35 on MAIN STREET tMIC»«D 2027 N. E. 49rh STREET rOMrANO BEACH, FLORIDA ASBURY PARK — Rt. 35 of Asbury Circle MADISON TOWNSHIP — Rt. 9 PERTH AMBOY —365 Smith Sh, West of RR Station (South of Rr. 516 Sayrevllle and Freehold) THEDMLY flTi

RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 Basie 's Band Will Feature Red Bank Centennial Fete RED BANK - "The big. gest event to hit Red Bank," the Centennial Dinner Dance, tomorrow evening in the Mol- ly Motor Inn, prom- ises to be an evening fujl of attractions. YEAR'END PARTY—The Jorseyana Club of the Shrewsbury Boro School staged a historical program at the Shrews- The biggest attraction will bury Presbyterian Church. Taking part were, front, Donald Fariello, 13, chairman, and State Sen. Alfred N. Beadie- be "Mr. Red Bank," himself, ston, wH'h bronze plaque given by the club to the church for its 220th anniversary. In rear, left to right, are "Count" (William) Basie and his band, who will return to Theodore D. Parsons, former state attorney general; John T. Cunningham, vice chairman, N. J. Historical Com- his home-town for this occa- mission; Dr. Ervin L. HaTiacheri president, Brookdale Community College, Lincroftj Dr. Ross Roby of Philadelphia, sion, to help celebrate the , and Shrewsbury Mayor Robert C. Lawrence 3rd. (Register Staff Photo) centennial. Count Basie was born on Mechanic St., in 1904 and played the piano locally be- fore moving to New York, then to Kansas City, where Jerseyana Club's Plaque he took over a 10-piece band in 1935. 'Greatest Ever' Count Basie and his band became internationally known, and in 1956 were la- 1 1 For Shrewsbury Church Mary Stalllngs Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern "Count* Basle beled "The Greatest 'Ever" j' SHREWSBURY - The old to 1925, State Sen: Alfred N. Mayor ' Lawrence com- fill its mandate of serving by a poll of 62 fellow musi- be vocalist Mary Stallings, the Centennial Committee. the door on a lirst-come, ' and the young came together Beadleston, a former mayor mended the young club mem- the community in this way." cians contained in the En- Another of the evening's at- The "Count" will receive a • first-served basis. cyclopedia Yearbook of Jazz. at the annual year-end party of Shrewsbury and a grand- bers for doing - "afi outstand- The work will be completed tractions will be the presenta- special award from his home - Admission to the 8, p.m. to of the Jerseyana Club of the The Basie Band also won tion of Red Bank's Centennial town. Other awards have son.' of Edward Clarke Haz- ing job." •' h • by fall. 1 'am event will be J12.50 Boro School. ard, "was present. Monroe G. MaYx, president Dr. Ross Roby of Philadel- the Down Beat Critic's poll Queen,, Pamela Grillon and been kept a secret by. the , The result prompted Theo- Sen. Beadleston presented of the Board of Education, phia, a great-great-great- and the Down Beat Reader's the runner-up, Minnie Boyd. sponsors. per person. This includes a dore D. Parsons, a Red Bank original recipe books of the presented an oil 'painting of grandson of Col. Samuel0 poll of France's "Le Jazz Awards Slated Dale Myers, chairman of . buffet-style dinner and danc- attorney and former state at- E. C. Hazard and.Co., estab- the church to Mary Grace Breese, who was a church Hot" magazine. Topping the evening will be the dance committee, said ing to the music of the torney general, to say to the lished in 1883 on Sycamore Fariello, first vice president elder here in 1795, gave a Featured, with the band will the presentation of awards by tickets will be available at "Count." girls and boys: "You have Ave., to John H. Livingstone of the club. Mary Grace said brief family history. ' inspired me by your work. I Jr., director of the Mon- it will hang with others ac- "This is part of a wonder- j feel the future of the country mouth County Library. quired over the years in the ful experience," commented is secure in your hands, in Mr. Livingstone said the school halls. The artist was John T. Cunningham, vice : spite' of the way some young volumes will be placed in the Mrs. Samuel Phillips of Free- chairman, N. J. Historical Rutgers Grads Hear Plea& people have been acting Eastern Branch here. hold, formerly of Shrewsbury. Commission, and former ! lately." Grandfather's House 1763 Document president of the N.J. Histori- , The full house at the Sen. Beadleston described Francis R. Borden, an cal Society. Shrewsbury Presbyterian his grandfather's house and eighth generation trustee of Plaques to Residents Church burst into applause. the early' days of Shrews- the, church, gave "The Doc- • He gave engraved plaques For Dissidents and Peace Mr. Parsons presented a bury, when "everybody knew . trine of Predestination" to to 11 residents who live in plaque from the club to the everybody else." Richard L. Kraybill, presi- houses more than a century NEW BRUNSWICK (AP)- said, "but the basic chal- ent mayoral candidacy in Pennsylvania; Tom Wicker, church, commemorating its A highlight of the pafly~wa¥ dent of the Board~of trustees.'"old. — ~ JRutgers^raduates heard a lenge to a "deeper morality 1969. columnist for the New York BOth anniversary. the presentation of the an- The work is by the Rev. Miss Jost received a cup defense of student dissidents cannot be brushed aside on Sharon Smith of Somerville Times; Robert D. LiUey, for- Under the leadership of nual (history medal award Samuel Blair, the first or- for her service and was and pleas for an ending of that ground." was valedictorian. mer president of the New Jer- Miss Louise .Tost, a teacher given by the . Daughters of dained minister to be pastor called a "rare citizen" by the Southeast Asia- war dwv: , He called for confidence in School's First sey Telephone Co. and lead- who is club adviser, the the American Revolution. Re- of the church. It was pub- Mr. Cunningham. ing their commencement cer- this generation of students, The Rutgers Newark grad- ing figure in the Governor's fourth-to-eighth graders pre- cipient this year, always a lished in 1763. Donna Fitzgerald, club emonies Wednesday. saying "They're not necessar- uation was the school's fir Commission to Study Civil sented highlights of the his- secret until the last moment, A new joint- project was president, offered the greet- The 49th commencement at ily right in aU they proclaim At the Rutgers Colle"^ Disorder; Hugh .N. Boyd, tory ofthe church since it was Donald Fariellb, an outlined by Dr. Ervin L. Har- ing and introduction of offi- Douglass College, the wom- but they are for the most part emonies in New Brunswick, . president and publisher of the received a royal charter from eighth grader who acted as lacher, president of Brook- cers and also gave the closing en's branch of the state uni- an honest, sincere, concerned Dr. Gross conferred 11 honor- New Brunswick Home News; King George II of Great chairman of the annual meet- dale Community College, Lin- remarks. ••••;! ' versity, turned into a two- group of young men and wom- ary degrees. The > recipients ; genetcist and co-winner last Britain in 1750. ing. Mrs, A. Franci$^pieti;ieh, croft. The college and the The Rev. Mr.' Steele.,gave hour long plea for peace. en who have been shocked in- were: year of the Nobel Prize in 'Learned Much' regent ",of thV Shrewsbury club will begin, after July 1, the invocation and the Rev. And on the main campus, to the realization that all is Gov. William T. Cahill; Dr. .physiology and medicine; The Rev. James R. Steele, Towne Chapter of the DAR, to collaborate on the compila- Dr. Arthur S. Joice,' pastor Dr. Mason W. Gross, the pres- /hot well and are desperately -'Glenn T. Selborg, chairman John Birks C'jpizzy",Gillespte, the. present minister, said: made the presentation. tion of an index to the 9.00- froirifl?49 to 1958, gave the ident of the* university, told ^anxious to find:out why." of the Atomic .Energy Com- jazz trumpeter; Dean C. Wil- "I've learned much from you. Shrewsbury Mayor Robert page "History, of Monmouth benediction. 3,100 graduates and guests At Douglass College Mrs. mission; Dr. Martin Meyer- .lard Heckel, of the Rutgers- You know a great deal about C. Lawrence 3rd presented a County, N.J." . Mr. Cunningham summed that there's a widespread feel- Angie Brooks-Rudolph of Li- son, president df the State Newark Law School; George this historic church," check on behalf of the club The volume is much in de- up the spirit of the occasion, ing among students "that beria, president of the 24th University of New York at Segal,, sculptor from North In addition to Mr. Parsons, to Mrs. Bayard Stout, presi- mand, Dr. Harlacher said, when he s^id; to the upturned their education has not mjet General Assembly of the Buffalo and- soon-to-be presi- Brunswick; and Franklin whose father, the late Rev. dent of the hoard of trustees and an index is vital. He re- young facesr.''We're proud of their or society's problems" United Nations, and valedic- dent of the University of Taylor Jones, educator. Dwight L.- Parsons was pas- of the Moninouth County His- marked that the college con- you.-. Who \ could resist the and the^s students may very torian Susan Lester of Ridge- tor of the church from 1908 torical Association. siders it "a privilege to ful- Jerseyana Club?"•; '. well be correct. field both devoted their re-

1 ^ ' - . . v : • ' • • • • • • ' . • •• • I Speaking in Rutgers stadi- marks, to the peace theme. um Gross said: - Patches Worn Ballots Examination .,".. 'Loud, Clear Vloce' Most members of the class "One loud and clear voice and many faculty members New Reel Banl^ Food Sales that we are hearing today, wore white arm patches in and not the only one, is that- -the shape of a dove oh their BlockingPrevented certain aspects of otir soci- black, graduation gowns. FREEHOLD — Superior ination should be permitted. ety are absolutely wrong and During1, the NJftional An- as such intolerable. Let us Court Judge Elvin R. Sim-, Mr. Selikoff said he had a thenv, half the seniors gave mill denied a motion yester- not make the mistake of ac- the familiar peace sign, rais- handwriting expert available. Code Spiers Much Concern day which sought to prevent to examine the absentee re- cusing these people of being ing two fingers in a V. Later, the examination of the Long By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU the public Jn any store, estab- 'The ordinance means what first aid squad fund raising immoral no matter how much many carried white flowers, turns. RED BANK — Confusion lishment;^ ,place of business it says., activities during which food they may offend the usual Branch absentee ballots from The court order signed by another peace symbol, during the May 12 election. continued yesterday among located within the" Borough of . "It is intended to mean is sold from booths to the pub- standards. •-,.-• "the procession. Judge Stanill permits Mr. owners of food selling estab- Red Bank any food for con- Jbusinesses which sell food lic. He indjeated thai excep- John Toolan, representing Selikoff,. Mr. Scott and a "There may be fakes and There were 684 graduates lishments who sought to in- sumption not within the en- , through a window or hatch to tions granted to borough spon- frauds among them," Gross Long, Branch Mayor-elect handwriting expert to exam- terpret' an ordinance regulat-' closed premises of. the vendor members of the public istand-- sored organizations might in- at Douglass. Henry rR. Cioffi, argued that ine the. ballots. ing retail 'food business hours before' the" hour of 6 o'e - <;t ing outside the building, such vite other groups to seek simi- Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Shir- under the law, an" examina^ / ley Chisholm, D-N.Y., told 612 After a recount of machine • and how it would affect their a.m. or after the hour of 11 as hot dog stands where you lar, treatment. tion of the ballots was not' and absentee ballots last Fri- graduates at Newark Rutgers permitted. busJnessC : o'clock p.m. of any day." .'.'. have a wfoidbwl facing the Richard DjFiore who oper- GarrPulls that. universities must meet day, Mr. Cioffi has a 37 vote . The measure was adopted Violators, according to the street. It does not apply to ates the'food;'concession at the needs of social change or He maintained that only a lead over Mr. Scott. by Borough Council Monday, ordinance will upon conviction . restaurants, where people recount of the ballots could The Brothers on West Front face continuing violence on 1 A court hearing . before—^ Section one ' of the ordi- be ^)able to a fine of not can eat iijside," Street said, '"As I read the Back Vim their'campuses. be conducted with' the pre- County Court Judge M. Ray- nance reads: "All stores, es- more than $500 or imprison- Councilman .William S. An- ordinance I see no mention She also said U.S. leaders siding judge ruling on the mond McGowan will begin . tablishments- or places of ment not td exceed 90 days, derson who cast the only dis- of windows or serving must change their attitudes validity of the certificates of tomorrow concerning the ab- ' business' engaged in the di- or both. senting vote' at Monday's hatches. If that is what it On Votes toward student demonstra- election. , sentee ballots. rect sale to the public of food Owners of food selling es- hearing, gave a similar in- means, why not say so? Fraud Alleged LONG BRANCH - Milton tors. Benjamin Gruber of High- for' consumption not within tablishments expressed fears terpretation.. lands, who also represents the enclosed premises of the 'VThe way I read it as a Garr, ' unsuccessful City Mrs. Chisholm supported Marshall Sellkoff of Free- that the ordinance may affect "The ordinance," he said, businessman, it could mean Sen. Eugene McCarthy's an- hold, representing William J. Mr. Scott, has indicated that ; vendor, located within the take-out business in diners, "does, not affect restaurants Council candidate in the May any.take-out orders from any 12 election here, ^yesterday tiwar candidacy for President Scott who is challenging the he may call about 60 per- Borough of Red Bank, shall pizza parlors and restaurants. where you can buy food inside sons from the Witmer House, ' be closed to the public, and establishment. If it is meant directed his attorney to with- in 1968, then broke with the election returns, maintained At: Monday's hearing May- the premises. It is directed to cover specific types of sale, regular Democrats to sup- that since fraud was alleged 75, Cooper Ave., Long . orDaniel J. O'Hern explained against, selling food through draw legal action to set Ae:-businessJherein shallibe why not be specific and make aside the voting returns; ; port John Lindsay's Independ- in the complaint, the exam-- Branch, to testify. and is hereby prohibited be- that the ordinance prohibits ^serving hatch for corisump- It clear to all?" . fore the hour of 6 o'clock only "the open air sale of •tion outside the premises." Mr. Garr's attorney, Peter foods." ,-.,.,., At Monday's hearing, Mr. John Chiafullo of, Red Bank Falvo, filed a, show cause or- a.m. and after the hour of 11 Pizza on Bridge Ave. said: o'clock p.irn. on all days." •Samuel Caroteniit'o, borough Anderson, said his opposition der May 26 seeking reasons to the ordinance was based on "This could severely offset my why the election returns Section two reads: "No per- attorney, on being asked for business. I have no eat-in/fa-' son, firm or corporation shall an interpretation yesterday the fact .that it could inter- should not be held in abey- told The Daily Register, fere with fire department and cilities. All my business is ance, according to the can- sell or offer, to sell directly to take-out orders. I do not serve didate. through a hatch ,but my cus- In a recount of the' ballots tomers come through a door Friday, Mr. Garr picked up dlre*ctly to a counter to be 100 votes to hike his tally to County Now Setting Up served, When they go put. 2.144 votes. The discrepancy, This coujf) cut my business it was said, was discovered by a thira; We cater to the when a voting, machine was whole area and .not (to Red tabulated and it was found Bank alone. This might also that he had received 104 Drug Control Service offset similar establishments ' votes on the machine in- in the same way." stead of the reported four FREEHOLD - Freeholder be connected with the As- tiple groups working to com- A bar and grill room op- votes. Director Joseph C. Irwln says bury Park out-reach center bat addiction and drug abuse erator who wished to remain Flaws Noted that from Monday on, begin- of New Jersey Regional Drug have been Invited to a June anonymous said the ordinance Mr. Garr said last night ning June 8, the addict seek- Abuse Agency. 23 meeting sponsored by the would definitely affect his that a continuation of his suit ing help and the susceptible At other times, including the Board of Freeholders and its business. would not materially change Individual deciding about the critical hours of early morn- Interim Committee on:Drug "The way I see It," he said, or set nside the election re- use of drugs will be able to ing, the line will be answered Addiction. ' thte means I cannot sell sults. He added, however, call a 24-hour telephone ser- at the state-operated Dis- The meeting, to be held in take-out orders after n p.m. that "irregularities and dis- vice sponsn*""! by the Board covery House, a 24-hour the auditorium' of the: Mon> The public would be affected crepancies" were apparent of Freeholders. • > treatment and rehabilitation mouth Shopping Center, Ea« as well. Why should the coun- during the voting count. The niimoor is D88-8333, and center located at Marlboro tontown, is intended to cpordl- cil have the right to tell you Calling for sweeping re- unless specifically requested State Hospital. nato the work of the separate when you can buy food to forms in the election laws, by the caller, there will be Future" plans •'include""exv groups; W|tH the; county-wide take; out?" Mr, Garr called on legisla- no police involvement. .pension of the service to ,, program now In operation. A diner operator said; tors to view rules establish- Calls will be answered by cover assignment of speakers The Metropolitan Regional "Some of our business is in ing the* qualifications of both trained personnel provided for organization programs, Council's Drug Addiction Ser- take-out orders. Many people voters and local election FORECAST IS FAIR —. While merriment goot on all around them, Ktypbrf < through the cooperative ef- distribution of general Jnfor- vices will continue to act as work at night and cannot, board workers, dltcuit the progress of their annual fireman'* fair now In progress, Th'» fair, whleb fort of two local agencies. mntlon on the use of druRs consultants and advisers to come in to seat. This meas- "I' think," Mr. Garr said, will be held each evening until June 6, is taking place at A too Held off Boiri St. Answering Potntn ; and the county facilities that the overall program, while ure would be unfair to us "that a candidate should,at Between 9 a.m, and 5 p.m., are available. conducting Its training groups and to them and it would af- least have the right to lose Comparing notes from left are Councilman Julius J, Roiata, fafr chairman, Fir* those calling the number will Representatives of the mul- throughout the county, fect business." " honestly." Chief Robert Rose, and Bruce 0y, assistant chairman. (Rtgiittr Staff J -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • M1DDUET0WN, N. U THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 p 10- Articare9 at Monmouth Medical h a Specialty By ELEANOR MARKO New artists continually in- "They wa"nt us In the new Certainly, and we coin a quire from members of the wing," Mrs. Turchan com- phrase, her* was "ArUcart," Monmouth Medical Center Art Auxiliary about exhibi- mented about the expressed a kind of TLC served only by has 15 paintings in its perma- Palette tion participation details. Mrs. enthusiasm by Mr. Bartel for MMC and supported heartily nent collection — all acquired Robert Smith of Rumson, more works. "But, the place by those patient (and some- through the efforts of its Art show chairman; Mrs. John is completely marble - so times, impatient) artists, who Auxiliary, Talk Ryan, Locust, treasurer, and that will be another problem that night especially enjoyed A soft-spoken art group, Mrs. Edward Gentile, Rum- to solve," she added. the satisfying feeling that founded In 1893 by Little Sil- son, secretary, are officers Meanwhile, it seemed an their contributions were ver artist-teacher Betty Hart, Rumson, president of the Art who delight in encouraging additional tasty morsel of working to please so many— the auxiliary is considered Auxiliary serving in her sec- artists to join the fold of ex- conversation to digest along not an easy task in these by the hospital administrator ond term, made the presenta- hibitors, matching the gra- with the delicious fare served days so wrought with excess- George J. Bartel, to be a tion of tlie 1970 selections for ciousness of the president. in Auxiliary Hall. es of bitters and barbs. unique contributor of a spe- the center's permanent col- cialty service. lection. They are a watercol- Expressing .appreciation to or "Rocks and Surf" by Pat the Art Auxiliary and its par- Lafferty of Runuon, and ticipating artist exhibitors, "Derelict," an oil by Helen some 75 of them, at a buffet Bachner of Beknar, two art- fflB?P ff BeTy Cocker o\ Rumson, u included inJhe fir. supper and reception for them ists who have consistently given by the board of gover- participated in the auxilia- manent collection of Monmouth Medical Center, nors of Monmouth Medical ry's shows, which have Center in Auxiliary Hall on changed with the seasons — Bath Ave., Long Branch, Mr. spring, winter, summer and Bartel commented on the fall. In addition to the ac- BAUR STUDIOS 3ss popularity of the changing ex- quired two works by the aux- hibitions and cited the artists iliary, a large oil painting for their cooperation in fur- "Ocean Grove" by Betty ROCKS AND SVftF, a water- nishing such a large exhibit Cocker was presented at the currently at the 80 mark. buffet supper by the Rumson color by Pat lafferty oj Thousands of persons who artist as a gift to the center's Rumson, is new acquisition come to the medical center, permanent collection. Ur. Bartel said, continually for Monmouth Medical Cen- relate their enjoyment of the The total 15 acquired works, ter permanent collection by colorful works which decorate three donated by artists them- Us Art Auxiliary. the hallways. In 1963, works selves, hang in the center's 1135 OCEAN AVE. I . SEA BRIGHT were hung on one floor. Now, administrative offices in Bor- 741-9393 •••:" •«'•••• he said, they are on all of the den Hall. six floors. The single purpose of the •• t Summer ftnum •, Specialists, he said, who auxiliary continues to be to MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-5. CLOSED SAT. have come to the center from give spark and life to the throughout the world to study otherwise dull halls at the the computer hospital system hospital and through the 20 that has brought the center per cent commission realized worldwide renown, have ex- on sales, the money is direct- pressed delight and astonish- ed toward the purchase of ment in the unusual art col- works for the permanent col- DERELICT, at oil painting The YOUTH CENTER'S lection on the hospital walls. lection. Five paintings have One visitor from Europe, Mr. been sold from the current by Helen Bachner of Bel- Bartel related, told him "The show, which will continue to mar, was chosen by the An computer was, as expected, August, when a complete new Auxiliary for the permanent amazing ... but I have spent exhibition will be sought from collection of Monmouth Medi- a day looking at the most un- gpunty artists. Seven paint- usual thing I have heard of ings were sold In the last cal Center. . . . paintings on hospital show. The center's patients j walls. I am going back to my have become some of the new hospital in England and see purchasers. if I can get an art collection started." Mrs. Thomas P. Turchan of Summer Art Program _ "Save IO%-2Q%.3O% on Better Quality Children's MIDDLETOWN - A sum- mer art program for children, "The Creative Workshop" will be held here in the Old Blacksmith's Shop, Kings SWIM and PLAYWEAR Hwy., June 29 through Aug. 17, featuring creativity in EvsryHiing from our regular stock—no elost-outs, no special purchases— weaving, mobiles, print tech- everything back to regular price when sal* is over niques and basic fundamen- tals.

Instpuctors will be Miss •>'?•.. Laury Egan of Navesink, a • "\ SALE STARTS FRIDAY, 9:30 A.M. graphic design major at Car- negie-Mellon University, and Miss Deidre Sheean, The Vis-

ta, Wlddletown, a graphic de- i•.'W'-y-..'.••:••'•< '• •<:•;.. sign major. at Pennsylvania 4.50 REVERSIBLE Academy of Fine Arts.-. for a BOY'S Summir TENNIS • .' ' ( .• . .;•'•' .• '. •' v' :' . 3.50 SHORTS — F»meus fcrane* ne-lren. M««y i«yl«st 4,f«.I4;,... fli'47/ Coming DRESSES 4.00 SPORT SHIRTS — r*mwM hut — shert.siem — I 99 and H-BACK DRESS I Shows . . -wHh. matching pa.nty 7.00 SLACK 'N' TOP ihtS —< AH n4*lrtn. CShirt..»., laeh RED BANK - The Harbor 3to6X. School of the First Presby- terian Church of Red Bank will hold its first Outdoor Art 3.OP PAJAMAS — F« iiffflfltir, Lena.; pants .with .narfcileevet $17.'.: '" Auction as a benefit Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Wil- liam Lee residence, 5 Popo- 2" mora Drive, Rumson. Sen. Al- fred N. Beadleston and State Sixes 7 te 12 Assemblyman John I. Dawes for a GIRL'S Summer ) • .£" will be guest auctioneers. REG. 5.00 +. 3.99 Among the artists who will be 6.00 and UP SWIM SUITS — m*u, i*im. *«•«. *n*}., represented are Wlnl smart, place iiiifi ip»ei«l!y pt'itti 4e iev*.yoti 1.00 *r rneri .. Ida Libby Dengrove, Cell Malts wives 'on any Grayer, Betty Hart, Herbert S. Wylie, Mary Vetrano, Nick 5.50 SHORT SETS — SUM 7*i 4 to *x «r. i.oo beach in our one- Caivano, Ruth Stapleton, John 3.50 and UP BOYS' ; -, , |«n) , „-, ..;..„.-„ Figaro, Pat Lafferty, Diane 6.50 JUMP SUITS — Terry. A vtry Wuv bfind. Sli.i 7 piece, bikini and Fitzgerald and Warren Satter, cut-out iwlmiulti. among others. SWIM : 13.00 SLEEPING BAG —' W«fc«bie — e«ni«r'»iiu •« quii»-i A9f . Then choose a smart NAVESINK HOUSE SHOW ' for «4ntplng

HO ART RECEPTION 3.00 and UP — OVERALLS, CRAWLERS, ETC. M«ny ityi« far O37 • SHREWSBURY - The ,.l»fi«»i tni tiddltn ,, 4»\M"> ''' TO Guild of Creative Art, 620 •\.z Broad St., will hold a recep- 3.00 to 8.00 BARGAIN RACKS — odd, «,d .nd. f. ^ *20 tion Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m, r for Lucille Chayt, abstraction- FAMOUS BRAND STRETCH spring and tummtr reduetd for quick eta*rinct , /{',' t. ist painter, and Arle van Ev< erdlnpen, ceramist, featured In "a duo show through July *Y»u'll find big birqtlni In «v«ry dtpirtmtirt *— ' ;••',, ^ at the gallery, The latter is SUN SUITS but eur intlre ilock li not en ult. - • ' ,vj' associate professor of art at Monmouth College. Bono SHOW and KOV«R*ALLS MASTER CHARGE , LITTLE SILVER - Middle- "• You Can Always Charge-It! • ••) AND town artists Frances and Reg. 3.00 It up Douglass Mcllvain (Mr. and MASTM-CHAHSB/UNLCARD/IANK-AMIRICARD/YOUTH CSNTBH CHARSE ': UNI-CARD Mrs,) will be the featured artists In the Little Silver Borough Hall Art Show June 14 through July 25. 99 AAPL SHOW Junior Bazaar SPRING LAKE - The 34th 1 Annual Spring Lake Exhibition Clrtle Hn» Shopping Center ft Irood Street of the American Artists Pro- fessional League Is set for HIM birth «» 10 Iki. MMMquan, N. J, nil AOnN| ••• vi tune 2B at the Warren Hotel • . . Irt the heart of red bank at 20 broad itrMtl Miemi. 74M*tl Works will be on view untl Labor Day.

swi, •THE DAJLX,REGISTER BED BANK. MIDDLETOWN, N. J.i THIMSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 Hillel Names P ces Mark Woman of Year Antiques Show, It 7 ;;PBBTH AMBOY - Mrs. joined the religious studies de. >. " StOth. Anniversary Chana -Shapiro of Elizabeth partment at Hillel in Septem- f LONG BRANCH - Mr. and Mrs. Howard 3. Pierce Sr., received the Hillel Acade- ber, 1561. She taught kinder' 104 Seventh Ave., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary my's annual "Woman of the garten and first grade and Set for June 13 May 27. . Year" award at a meeting presently serves as school COLTS NECK — Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Paul Fournier; Mrs.. last night here in the school. registrar. ert Aklus is chairman and Harold Gunther, tickets, as- They were feted at a party in the Masonic Temple, PaJr Haven, given by the Adah Chapter, Order of the Eastern Wesented by the PTA, the Mrs, Shapiro attended the Mrs. Charles Huheny, vice sisted by Mrs. Helen Van award cites Mrs. Shapiro for Beth Jacob School, Herzel chairman of the Ladies Aux- Brunt; Mrs. Robert Gammer, Star, of which Mrs. Pierce is a past matron. She also Is her consistent dedication and College the University of iliary of the Colts Neck Kire publicity, and Mrs. Hubeny chaplain of the lodge. devotion to the academy. Company's 4th annual An- and Mrs. William Leschick, Connecticut and Rutgers Uni- Mr, Pierce, a semi-retired movie projectionist, has been : The meeting, moderated by versity and was active in, the tique Show and Sale set for contracts. employed by the Walter Reade organization for 50 years. Sirs. Sue Letter, featured a Hashomer Hadatl and B'nai June 13 from 10 a.m. to 6 Refreshments will be avail- dramatic presentaion by Mrs. Akiva Zionist groups. She p.m. on the firehouse grounds, able all day. Children under Mr. and Mrs. Pierce (she was the former Marie L. jSugerie Tick, Mrs. Alex True- initiated the audio-lingual He- Rt. 537. 8 years old will be admitted Fary of Sea Bright) were married in St. James Episcopal heps and Zev Krautwlrth. brew program for Wndergar- More than 25 dealers will free to the show when ac- Church here by the late Rev. Morton A. Barnes. They are Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, ten and first grade students be represented at the event, companied by an adult. In the parents of three sons, Howard Jr., Lester and Floyd Where she spent her early at Hillel after completing a case of rain, the event will Pierce, all of Long Branch, and have five grandchildren. childhood, Mrs. Shapiro three-year course at Rutgers. Including New York, New be June 29, Jersey and Pennsylvania. Committee chairmen in- ^ — How quickly can you clude Mrs. Edward Connors, refreshments, assisted by Seafood Lovers! find your5 most COLLCCTOR'S ITEM — Mrs. Charles Hufceny, right, co-chairman, of the fourth annual Antiques Shew and Mrs. George OPEN FOR FRIDAY LUNCH Sale sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Coifs Heads PTA Neck Fire Company No. I, praviaws a polychrome MATAWAN — Mrs. Mi- figurine, one of the many items to be shown at. rhe chael P. George has been June 13 event, of which Mrs. Edward Connors, left, is elected president of the Ra- chairman of refreshments. Hours for the show are 10 CLAM HUT vine Drive School PTA. Restaurant - Cocktail Loungt a.m. to 6 p.m. on the firehouse grounds, Rt. 537, Other officers are Mrs. Colts Meek. (Register Staff Photo) Kenneth Dornlch, vice presi- dent; Mrs. Eobert Stafford, OPEN WED. recording secretary; Mrs. John Donegan, correspond- 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. ing secretary, and Mrs. Al THURSDAY 4 P.M.-9 P.M. IT'S A DATE Course, treasurer. • FRIDAY NOON-10 P.M, GARAGE SALE Mrs. Benjamin Michaels, At> . Mrs. George Gillam, Imme- • SATURDAY NOON-10 P.M. RED BANK "-'A garage lantic Highlands, is chairman. diate past president of the • SUNDAY NOON- 9 P.M. sale for the'benefit of the (Eus,ic will be by Vlnce James Monmouth County Council of AdiacMt to HlgUm* UWtr P«N< Mgnmouth, Day Care Center and his orchestra of Perth Parents and Teachers, will Install officers at a meeting foot of Atfartfc Sr. «ff far A«MM will be held Saturday from Amboy. A buffet will be 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Fel- Wednesday, June 10, at 8 Your Will, Birth certificate. Marriage certificate. served. HIGHLANDS.— 872-9753 Tht deed to yoarhouse. Insurance policies. Can you lowship Hall of the United p.m. in the school. lay your hands oh them immediately? Are they safe from fire and theft? You can say "yes"— if you Methodist Church, Broad St., have them in one of our safe deposit boxes. Isn't the the event sponsored by the small, tax-deductible cost worth it In peace of mind? Revitalization Corps of Great- Thursday • Friday • Saturday Come in and see what size box you'd like... today. er Red Bank Area. There'* an office near you • • . RUMMAGE SALE HIGHLANDS —The Ladies Auxiliary of the Twinlight Post, American Legion, will LINK FENCE hold a rummage sale tomor- row^and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. here at 148 Biy Ave. In addition to clothing for adults and chil- dren, there will be new cloth- MonmouthCounfy ing, jewelry and household items. The auxiliary will meet June 10 at 8 p.m. in Andy's Shore Bar. SPRING DANCE HIGHLANDS.— The High- lands -Yacht Club and Ladies Auxiliary will hold their dn- f•", Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation nual spring dance Saturday at 8:30'in the clubhouse.

Your Choice: PREMIUM GALVANIZED OR t along with you m ••'. -r.o PORTABLE 8-TRACK COLOR BOND VINYL FABRIC TAPE PLATER Check these features: 100-ft.x4-ft. High • All American Made Material Completely Installed . . • 59 Reg. 69.95 A Good-JooWng, lightweight solid state player plays all the popular 8-track • All Posts Leveled in Cement cartridge pre-recorded tapes instantly. Battery operated, also runs on , house-current or 12-volt auto and boat batteries. Two 6* speakers With • 9 Gauge Wire separate tone and volume controls. Concealed handle. For TAPES FOR AIL TASTES. Tremendous saving on 47 • All Posts—Galvanized all 8-track tapes. Everything from Rock to Country & West- only ern, even some shows Beg. 3.98 le 7.98 3 Construction Pipe 189. Stow Houns Wed., Frl. 9:30-9:00 p.m., Mon., Tuei.. Thura., Sot. 9:30-5:30 p.m. • Deluxe Aluminum and > Gates, Ends and Corner Galvanized Fittings Posts — Slightly Extra master tharge TH« IKfillMHK O*(IO U \ 'Cham* AMMint:' • Use Sears-Convenient Credit Plan

Satisfaction SEARS COMPLETE BROAD STREET Guaranteed or Your RED BANK Money Back IF ITS QUAUTY YOU'RE 100KWB FOP LOOK PoTTlMI 11*1 tffl

1 A -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK - MIDDLETOWN, N.J.J THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 20- Short-Seasoned Shad Is Boned by an Expert By MARGOT SMITH cuts. The tail-end bones are thin and wiry; FLANK-SMOKED SHRIMP 2 pounds fresh shrimp MIDDLETOWN — They say that if you about mid-fish, they become stlffer. To make sure everything has been re- water enough to cover eat shad with tiie bones in, you won't be 1 teaspoon mustard seed able to get your shirt off your back. moved, dip your finger in fish blood and VJ cup vinegar There are a lot of bones in shad, but run it "against the grain." Remaining 2 bay leaves, crushed the meat of this lovely and short-seasoned bones will show up. >/2 teaspoon salt fish is so delectable, the painstaking task At the head end of the flank is a bony Vi teaspoon red pepper of filleting it is well worth the trouble. concentration about three-quarters of an '/«teaspoon black pepper Boning shad is almost a lost art. Har- inch thick. This should be removed by Prepare a plank, preferably of oak or old Jacobsen of Pearl St., one of the last cutting it off on the bias. hickory. With nails long enough to extend of the red*ot shad boners, offered to show And here is how Harold cooks the shad, through the plank about an inch, strike us how, with the hope that his instructions nails at a uniformly tilted angle so they would be registered in this column for pos- and shrimp too. -In his busy and varied protrude for impinging the shrimp. Space terity. We're happy to oblige, and.hope past (no busier or more varied than his them according to the size of your shrimp. that this eyewitness account of Harold's present) Harold was once in the fish busi- II your plank is not oak or hickory, deft motions will inspire others to try. " ness. He's frequently down by the water- cover (he spike side with foil, punching the Shad, says Harold, is easiest to bone side, meeting the boats when they return nails through, so that resins from the the day after it is caught; Die meat be- with the day's catch, and when he has wood will not spoil the shrimps' flavor. comes firmer. time, he does his own fishing. Prepare a fire with green hickory, oak After scaling, he strips off the side BROILED SHAD or fruit wood. Mr. Jacobsen makes his fire in a clean metal trash container, with a lid meat, sometimes called steaks, leaving the Soak fillets of shad in a mixture of half centerbone, insides and head for discard- to be used during the actual smoking. water, half vinegar (white or cider) for Combine water, vinegar and spices and ing.' Each flank piece will have a bone four or five hours before cooking. down the middle, and two parallel rows of boil several minutes to blend flavors. Add bones. He removes the flat sidebones by Place strings of bacon, or pieces of washed shrimp to vigorously boiling water sliding a sharp knife neatly under them smoky slab bacon in creases where bones and cook until they are solidly colored, along the length of the fish. have been removed. Sprinkle with a little about 5-6 minutes. These "ribs" are pulled off, from the salt and paprika and broil eight minutes. Drain shrimp and spike them on the 1 If fish is not completely done, bake several board. Place board in trash can, tilted head end and tail end, toward the center. more minutes, until flaky. There remain two rows of bones and the against the side, and cover. Smoke them middle bone. These, he loosens by running The shad may be planked, and smoked, 5-10 minutes, depending upon how much a sharp grapefruit knife along both sides of by the same method described in the fol- smoky flavor you like. Serve with tartar each, pulling bone away from flesh as he lowing shrimp recipe. sauce, cocktail sauce, or wedges of lemon. Beist That Secret Is Told

Dear Ann Landers: When our family that I was placed bore. Season: We are build- our home. (Most all were ex- I was 13 (11 years ago) my in a foster home. ing a new home and that's ecutives of the firm.) A few My foster parents were the all Freddie talks about. He days ago the phone bill came ; uncle started' a homosexual Ann Landers has memorized the dimen- relationship with me. It last- finest people God ever put on sions of all the rooms, knows — a staggering $82.1 had the ] ed until I was nearly 15. One this earth. Out of their own mmmmm the technical names for mor- calls checked. It seems one A TEDIOUS TASK But well worth it for shad lover*. Harold Jacobtan's an ex- ; day we were discovered by funds they paid for my psy- ago and I see no purpose that tar mix, wood treatment and called a couple of his former pert on removing the 1,100-or-jo bones that fan through the delicoui fiih. In the ; my father. The next night my chotherapy and put me could be served by digging termite protection. He draws secretaries — one in Honolu- foreground: Shrimp, planked for smoking. (Register Staff Photo) uncle killed himself. This through college. up old bones. My fiancee is diagrams and gives lectures lu. What should we do? — caused such an upheaval in I recently became engaged very naive and her parents of the windows, the air con- Mrs. ???!!! to a wonderful girl. We plan are ultra-conservative. They ditioning and the lighting. In Dear, ???!!!: Send .him NURSING HOME to marry in August. My real would be shocked to death. brief, he monopolizes every parents -demand that I tell the My foster parents have conversation and our friends the bill with a note saying, Milk and Honey Boon in June • 24-Hour Cora are sick of it. Last night he • RN on drty oil rimti girl and her family the whole begged jny;_folks_to_stay__ouL "You forgot to put this on ingredient—in a—variety of watermelons and fresh sweet- • Medicare Approved sordid story of my past. I of it but they are adamant. hauled the blueprints out of —FREEHOLD-— Leading the your credit card." plentifuis list for June will be cakes and pastries. corn. Heavy shipments from NAVESINK HOUSE do not feel it is necessary for What should be done? Eric his pocket and spread them on the dinner table. We had What awaits you on the oth- milk and dairy products and Eggs also continue on the Florida are now rolling into 40 RIVERSIDE AVE. RED BANK them to know. I'm not the Dear Eric:'Your foster par- Northeast markets/Both pop- M2-MM same person. It was 11 years six guests and I thought I'd er side of the marriage veil? Mrs. Sylvia Meehan, county plentifuis list, with June pro- ents may be "the finest peo- die. How can you be sure your home economist, points out duction expected to be three ular favorites will add to the ple God ever put on this that June is Dairy Month. per cent above a year ago joys of the month's many fes- earth" but they are not very I hate to deflate his ego be- marriage will work? Read Ann Landers' booklet "Mar- Milk production will be at the and prices lower than they tivities — whether it be a bar- realistic. Your fiancee and cause this house means a seasonal peak in June, and were then. becue or a graduation party, her folks should be told and great deal to him. But he's, riage — What To Expect." prices for milk and dairy Send your request to Ann Lan- Unexpected bounty enriches a hot day's refreshment or you are the one who should becoming a pain in the ankle. products will be more favor- any meal's component. tell them — with your foster What should I do? - Fed Up ders in care of your newspa- able. Milk, buttermilk, choco- the produce stands — fresh parents at your side. • Dear Fed: I can think of per enclosing 50 cents in coin late milk, cream, cottage If there had been only the few things in this world less and a long, stamped, self-ad- cheese, ice cream,.evaporated homosexual incident; I would interesting than other peo- dressed envelope. milk, nonfat dry milk," butter, say "keep quiet." But the sui- ple's blueprints — unless per- yogurt and all other dairy [A Touch of cide makes the story spectac- haps it is slides of their trip products are good choices for ular — one which is sure to or movies of their child's VFW Delegates June meals and snacks. OF RED BANK be remembered by people- birthday party. There are Are Elected Honey will be a co-featured 24 BROAD STREET who know you and your fam- times when a wife must be KEANSBURG-The Ladies item on the month's list. The ily. Someone would surely brutally frank to save a hus- Auxiliary of the Veterans of 1969 honey crop came to a History pass the word to your girl and band from himself. Tell Fred- • Foreign Wars has elected as record 283 million pounds. her parents. Then where die he is imposing on people its delegates for the depart- Grocers' shelves are now would you be? ' and to cut it out. Warn him ment convention Mrs. Leon well-stocked and many tempt- A Roxanne Skimmer If they cannot accept you that if he starts talking about Kegley and Mrs. Dorothy Uf ing features will lure" the food after they learn of your back- •the house again you'll ka. Alternate delegates are shopper. Use it as a spread, in ground it is best that you promptly change the subject Mrs. Reynolds- and Mrs. Ger- syrup or sweetener; for baked Snow it now. . as an act of mercy. Then do ald Scalzo. products, cereals, glazes for Dear Ann Landers: My hus- it. Mrs. Beniadette Van Hart vegetables, chicken or pork, band is one of the greatest Dear Ann Landers: Big is recipient of a 25-year mem- and a host of other delectable guys in the world — but he Problem: Last month we en- bership pin from the auxil- dishes. is becoming an insufferable tertained several couples in iary. ^_^ Refreshing and tasty —and Pine convenient — canned" apple- 60" Hutch • sauce continues in heavy sup- ply. Stocks were recently rec- Cornelius Cobb presents these de- For ord large and prices remain lightful examples of dining room fur- attractive. Chilled applesauce niture with all the charm of the past Shop-at-Home makes a fine dessert on a for a home of today. Even one piece warm day. Use it, too, as a Service garnish for meat and poultry will accent a whole room. Come in dishes, and as the important and let us show you this up-to-the- Call Your Local minute furniture with the charm, of Grants Store! Secretaries. the past. - . '

Install Staff >• EATONTOWN - Mon- mouth Legal Secretaries As- sociation held its annual in- > SAVE 15% stallation dinner at the Cry- : • stal Brook Inn. Mrs. Elizabeth Schiller, GEMINI COLLECTION j president of the New Jersey Oval Tabla >' Association of Legal Secre- (40"x60" ExWndi to'i Chitr Mat.', Chair! >• j taries, installed the following 40"x84") i • officers. >• PRINT SHEER DRAPES >•• President, Miss Marjorie Custom Collected Early and Biel, Matawan; vice presi- American Furniture WHITE PLAIN dent, Miss Elma Bosselman, Eatontown; recording secre- Enjoy sheer drapery coolness all tary, Mrs. Jean Napolitano, CORNELIUS COBB h Oakhurst; corresponding sec- i • summer — brighten your rooms EHIUHBEL, retary, Mrs. Edwardean Buz- ON ROUTES! 431-1771 from our Gemini collection of soft zard; treasurer, Mrs. Ruth summer prints -— 15% off regu- Lane and' governor, Mrs. DAILY TO J - FRIDAY TO I , lar retail on all widths and lengths. Alice Brewer, Eatontown. Mt¥¥¥¥»*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»¥»¥¥»'¥¥i '•


So. our cofnpltt* Una ol KllSCh* ortalii and dtapiry h«4wa

If there.'s more than enough of you, disguise FULL OF WONDERFUL WEDDING GIFTS the fact under this arnel jersey skimmer. The separate havy trunks smooth over any prob- lems below the waist. And Roxanne's unique \ SILVER, LENOX, PEWTER, CRYSTAL, GOLD bra-size oups give you perfect fit on top. I Sizes 32-40B, 34-40C. $30. MIDDLETOWN LITTLE SILVER 30. MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER Highway 35 Mlddletown Proiptct Ave. title Slim 671-2020 747-5663 gifts 264 Norwood Av«, Charge your purchase — Take 3 months Do you have a Grants Credit Account? lamps DEAL daily 10 to 6:30 to pay—at no additional cost. Take* only minute*, to apply. home tccenoriti w»d. »va. 7 to ? Store Hours: Dally 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. -ASaturday 9:30 a.rn. W 6 p.m.

_— _. l, ' . ". -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • M1DDLET0WN, N. J.s THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1670 Moller-Story Cureton*Wood I Engagements NEW uomown - w Weddings y Mr. Cureton w«* gr«*tuit*d Patricia Ann Story and Jons I#n Wood became the bride fnim Montnouth Regftntd High School and attend- Paul Moller .were married of Jerald Robert Cureton Sat- ed Montclalr State College. Saturday at a Nuptial Mass urday here in Trinity Episco- pal Church. A reception was He is an alumnus of Tertiplo here in St. Mary's Catholic University, Philadelphia, and Church. A reception was held held in Battleground Country Club, Manalapan. will attend the Marshall-Wy- in I)od's Shadowbrook. eth School'of Law, College of Parents of the couple are Parents of the couple are William and Mary, Williams- Mr. and Mrs, Maurice J. Mr and Mrs. William II. burg, Va. Story, 52 Frost Circle, Mid- Wood, 23 Won Place, Eaton- The couple will reside in dletown, and Mr. and Mrs, lovvn, and Dr. and Mrs. Jcr- Williamsburg. Johan H, Moller, 89 Walnut akl Curelon, 81) Hiveredge Ave,, also Middlotown. Kodd, New Shrewsbury. The couple are alumn.) of The bride, a graduate of CAKE SALE Red Bank Catholic High Mnnmouth Regional High TIED BANK - A cake tale School, She was graduated School and Muhlenberg Hos- for the benefit of Cub Scout cum laude from St. Joseph's pital School of Nursing, Pack 17 of the United Metho- Miss Sharpe V Miss Hewitt Miss Balocca College, Emmitsburg, Md., 1'lainfield, will be a staff dist Church will be he 1 d j and is a management trainee nurse in the Intensive care tomorrow beginning at 9 a.m. Milliken-Sharpe with the Prudential Insurance unit of Riverside Hospital, at Foodtown, Newman HOLMDEL - Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sharpe, 1 Home- Company, Newark. Newport News, Va. Springs Boad. stead Place, announce' the engagement of their daughter, Mr. Moller, a graduate of Miss Janet Bose Sharpe, to William Edwin Milliken Jr., Stuart School of Business, As- son of Mr. and Mrs. Milliken of Springfield, Vt. bury Park, attends Rutgers The bride-elect is a graduate of. Red Bank High School University, Newark, and is a junior accountant at Engel- and Chamberlayne Junior College, Boston, Mass. Mrg. John Moller Mrs. Thomas Iatou/.zl hardt Industries there. Mrs. Jerald Curelon SUPERAMA (The former Mary Theime) Her fiance was graduated from Kimbel Union Academy The couple will reside in (The former Patricia Story) (The former Nancy Wood) in Meridan, N. H., and Wenworth Institute of Technology, Oakhurst, ' SEWING MACHINE Boston, Mass. Iacouzzi-Theitue REPAIR SPECIAL Auxiliary Set Brown-Hewitt , HAZLET - Miss Mary Pa- The bride attended Bari- He is. an iron worker for Lo- Singer • Weitinghoust • • HAZLET - Mr. and Mrs. James T, Hewitt, 15 Daniel To Close Season tricia Theime and Thomas tan High School, where the cal 45, Jersey City. They will White and Japanese Maku bridegroom . was graduated. reside in Keansburg. Drive, announce the engagement of the! rdaughter, Miss MATAWAN - The Mata- Harold Iacouzzi Jr. were Necchi Sewing Machines Kathleen Marie Hewitt, to Steven Louis Brown, son of Mr. • ,! wan Borough Auxiliary to the married Saturday here in St. LOOK • Ad|u" M°<:hlM and Mrs.,Frank M. Brown of Clinton, N. Y. A Sept. 1? Bayshore Community Hospi- • Check Ttnilont, wedding is planned. Benedict's Catholic Church. Homemaker Is Cited lmi IT *tal will hold its last meeting • Lubrlcati oil pom • Miss Hewitt, a graduate of Raritan High School, is em- of the season June 8 at the The Rev. William J. Bausch JAMESBURG - Mrs. S. ing Homemaker Association nflAI of New Jersey, held in Fors- • Inifall n.w n.tdli ployed ;as a secretary at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Trinity Episcopal Church celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Herbert Thompson, Middle- gate Farms Country Club. Holmdel. Hall, West Court, at 8:15 The parents of the couple town, a visiting homemaker YOU Her fiance received a BS degree in mathematics from pro. with Family and Children's Also representing the Mon- are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore mouth County agency at the Syracuse (N. Y.) University. He Is enrolled at the New York A dessert buffet will be ... Services — Visiting Home- Preblick, 3 West Jack St., meeting, at which Dr. Wil- Institute of Finance and plans to attend New York University featured which will consist of maker-Home Health Aide Ser- FABRIC DEPT. and Mr. and Mrs. Iacouzzi, liam J. Dougherty of the for' a' master's degree in business administration. He a large variety 'of sweets, all vice of Monmouth County, at ATLANTIC SUPERAMA, New Shrewsbury served as an "Army officer for four years and is employed as 35 Virginia Ave., Hazlet. New Jer.sey Department of Open Sunday 'HI * pm. U 1-1483 made, by, the members. received her, 10-year certifi- Health was guest speaker, i systems analyst by the American Stock Exchange, New Friends of the members are A reception was held in York City. cate for service at the 10th was Mrs. Betty Wallace, di- welcome to attend. Buck Smith's Restaurant. annual meeting of the Visit- rector. The' newly elected officers Cruse-Balocca for the next year will be in- HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balocca stalled at this meeting. They announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Anne are Mrs. John Thaler, presi- Mary Balocca, to Gary Cruse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry dent; Mrs. Alfred Casa- Cruse, Essex St., Keansburg, N. J. They plan to be grande, vice president; Mrs. married next May, John Applegate, correspond- The bride-elect, a graduate of St. Angela Hall.Academy,, ing secretary; Mrs. Edward New York City, is employed in the credit department of H. Brown, recording secre- Sears Roebuck and Company, Hollywood Mall. tary.; Mrs. Russell Mallett, Her fiance, a graduate of Middletown Township (N. J.) treasurer. Mrs. Charles C. High School, attends Brookdale Community College, Lin- Shock Jr. will install the new croft, N. J., and is a full-time special policeman with the officers and also give a talk Middletown Township Police Department. He was a security .on the new hospital and the policeman for four years with the Air—Force and served- ili for a year in Vietnam, where he received tile Air Force Mrs. Casagrande has some Commendation Medal. • tickets left for the July 2 performance of Tom Jones in the "C" section at the Garden SPECIAL Auxiliary State Arts Center. CUSTOM-MADE 2nd Birthday Fete 24" FLOOR To Install MATAWAN -. The Mata- UNION BEACH - The sec- wan Township • Auxiliary to ond, birthday of Ronald Bayshore Community Hos- Cabansag Jr. was celebrated STACK pital will meet June 9 at by his parents, Mr. and 8:30, p.m., in the Andiron Mrs. Cabansag, Eighth St., at GILLETTE SWEDISH TANNING SECRET" PILLOWS Restaurant, Marlboro. an outdoor buffet party at Officers to be installed are their home Sunday, with Get the Mrs. Gerson Wexler, presi- some 50 relatives and friends VOTING secret to a UPHOLSTERY dent;. Mrs. Richard Mattone, attending. HEADQUARTERS Fabulous tan. FABRIC 95 first vice president; Mrs. Ed- Stop in and Tan your COVERED ward Kastango, second vice ANTIQUES SHOW pick up your ballot president; Mrs. Peter Iorio, EATONTOWN-An antiques favorite way.. 6 . treasurer; Mrs. Gerard show will be held Saturday Lotion O'Neil, secretary; Mrs. from 10 a.m. to' dusk on the Oil Deforcf Frank McKeown, correspond- mall at,the Monmoutii Shop- Butter Spray ing secretary; Mrs, M, -J. . ping-Center here. Exhibitors Butter Decorators Sullivan, program; Mrs. will be from throughout the "Dhrinctlv* Workmanship" Richard J.- Browny hospi- state, including local dealers 13 MonmouHi St. Rtd Bank tality; Mrs. Thomas Tenny- from Long Branch, Freehold, 747-4421 /fi| son, publicity; Mrs. Donald Asbury Park and Jamesburg. Shanosky, membership, and Special features will be .a Own Friday 'HI » P.M. 'S' Mrs. Harry H. Birmingham coin exhibition and a carica- ' ""IT COtTI LESS AT DfeBRA'I" Totti up to II monthito pay and Mrs. F. J. Smith, Junior ture presentation by Anthony Auxiliary. DeGregoria of Fords.

II FREE GIFF BLACK BELT GELUSIL FEMINIQUf After Shave With j hair set Liquid Antacid Feminine with hygiene Not every extra body deodorant for fine memory. man gets to Texturiies spray. wear the hair in the ING RIOT pink box. and adds 3 oz. Black Belt. body.too. 6II. or. FAMOUS

Regular Gentle Care HOLLYWOOD in the blue box. DESENEX Hot, tired AUERESr COPPERTONE ItchH y feat? Keep cool New! with Desenex Aerosol. 5in51 HAI KARATE* te^ For Athlete's Be careful how you use it' Jpot-Oescnex KrfT- .Powder. s=t^=d l^oz.Powder

Famous Mokt Iniwriprlna or Foam QUEEN SIZE Get 5 Clairol lipsticks Innertprlnq for trying New MATTRESS OR 04 95 maltrou and BLACK BELT bex spring UN-BURN HAPPINESS I FOAM-IN CONDITIONING HAIR COLOR Slops burn pain— Not every especially sunburn. man gets to j Now Push-Button Hair Color woar the In 8 Natural Looking Shades BURLEY Conditions, Black Bolt. KING SIZE Soothes skin. I Send 25( and packago top from Mattress and 2 With tht purchait i FREE Happiness* Foam-In Conditioning Hair Box Springs flflQC Burlty Color to cover cost of mailing of any bedding Item (2V4 oz.) and handling to:' Shavo Cream with I CUIB01 INC., 8t» MDD, Tonkin, N.Y. 10)01 4V4 II. 0L Burlcy Cologne

sorry wi cirviot honor rmmipir cmuiili Iron innnldoili, tluti of J nt sot, or riniitili iitmWii wlltoul lull ollir loim, Coo4 only In I Hot Hdu.rihk In norm no Hn\\cU In OulHI. Cllir wM II • cm It imroducKl, or wtiin proflbltrt, ln«i « riilrkM -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BAXK • MIDDLETOWN, N. U THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 22 < EXE CM TO US' 1 Area Health Offices Set to Open »UBUC AUCTION SALE By CAROL JACOBSON . Monmouth County Welfare said, would go to the Shore NEPTUNE — A com- Board, and Dr. James Ruddy, Center. munity health office will open consultant to the Neptune The state legislature has July 1 in the MCAP building Township school system, not yet appropriated the at 29 Main St. and Spring- funds, but Mr. Gage said he oo A.M. SATURDAY, JUNE 13th. W»** woad Ave., Asbury Park, for spoke to a small group of MIVIBW: SUNDAY, JUNI 7ft. O» to Ww P.M. ADULTi ONUT. residents of Area 29,,- from primarily professional per- hoped enough pressure would e Ocean Township, including 16 sons at Ford Hall in the hos- insure legislative action. f %5f SS iS? 'municipalities south to South Mrs. Brown, whose wel- pital. Comport - Auitrlcm - Hallo - Engllin - Am.rlean Etc.), H"tf«im» W«» JzZr i*W$. Plo'r ami Wo" Belmar. Mr. Gage, also a member fare offices are moving from Dr.««ri, O««loitol Tablti end Ctaln, Twin and DwkM'»?"""•;£fJJJS*nK* We"lMl«l Cbolri,, D*ski, SolliM, Library, Lov. Stow, Corrlogt l-omji, Uwnlni c»» "< E™SfrtoY Prlnli, W«tir. Two other offices will open of the board of managers of Asbury Park to Apple St., Bookcom, Pour Poit.r »«di. Bathilor'i Chtili, *uih and COM W* CMM* Il*T"V2,cm ,M K»lt«r colors. Floor end Tobl. Umpi, Full Hi «! MQUIIIII Jobl« «£"• (Wrvlc; •• ,1*}' S2,V wnoMiTportobl. on Springwood Ave. within Marlboro State Hospital, said, 11 T f 1 New Shrewsbury, spoke, Flnplcc. Accoutrinwitt (Bran), Brlco-broc, Vawt, gf"" "' ,'lS1'J"?n*, "ipi,"" Dining Worn several months. "There are more admissions T.uvl.lon (RCA), Floor, Flgurlim, Bliqui, • JH» mntnl,*;Li ^6 Dnir lOEh, »nwll Kitchen about the more than 8,000 l n from Neptune to Marlboro Set (Wolnul), Brtaklrenr, S.rvl» Plot.i, eurtrlcal Aopllonci, W«iJ»r oM onw "="d*, r hqrd w A volunteer staff, a social cases the board has serviced. Appllaicti, Mlicllamaut chlnawor., Olai.war., KllcS.nwcir.. Chryiljr *»«"*'» JJ°,TouKlcor Mtol! worker, a community health than from any of the four •qulppid with .v.rytmnB by! a toll.* - Ilk. n.w. Mow.r Riding (Jon ir) Mod. T 4imMa" »»J nurse and a clerical worker counties the state hospital ad- There are actually 15,000 per- will serve the area with a ministers," and stressed the sons eligible for welfare ser- importance of services in this &«£«£%«.«<. a. *;» P.M. I. «rr.», « "V^&^ population of 104,080. vices in the county. "In one tract tin tain conitomi/ wught altar at n It ld.ol lor ,"•«""""•"•'r.™ilTh. all bt area. dime location and tht mo.f d.ilraW. tract .1 it. »U. In nimrwtowJr- ™j »W , lor Mai- month, from April 1 to May 1 It was announced by Ben- required to »oy a dipoill at tlm. ol icH. of IIO,0M (com or wHJ«j JJ *",?"',? ,* Incut, the u»u«1 R.ol jamin Schultz, president of With each Marlboro admis- 1, 1970, we had requests for llonol l.rm» mm conditions onnnuncd at time 01 tale. J"u«""»»r, *tlolL5* «S?r« it«d sion costing $24.74 a day, the Ettot. purchot. aBr.emenl. Title to be convayed will bt_ hot er on e«ec«tor« ««»a. the Shore Area Mental Health 300 services," she stated. O. coon, Services Inc., at a meeting center's purpose would be to By Order of: DONALD HULNICK, eneculor 11 j • Problem Told *. o. cool, ft Assoclalii, and Appraiser*, 45 W.rt Rlv.r ROBd, Rumion, N. J. B. in the Jersey Shore Medical lessen the cost of hospital Licensed Real Estate Broker. (201) M1-401J. Center. He led a four-mem- admissions by offering avail- Mre. Brown said there were Edwin V. Gage Sale No. 30W. PLEASE NOTE: A Collectors Paradise. ' ber panel discussion about able services on an out-few services available from Mrs. Eugene I). Badgley cut out and save (hit at a»,lr will n»t appeor QQBln. the concept of the center's patient level. this area except for them- providing a "continuity of Services Unit selves and the Police Depart- care" through referral coun- Mr. Gage emphasized that ment. She said the lack of seling and before and after a "center" does not neces- mental health services, adds health care to persons with to "the deterioration of the I sarily mean a medical build- mental health problems. ing, but rather a coordina- client." Leaders Speak tion of services with informa- "The poor lack competence HUH Edwin P. Gage, chairman tion available both day and to use existing facilities. . , of the Mental Health Board night to anyone who is in unable to use facilities with- and a member of the state need of immediate care. out help. . .transportation. .. Board of Mental Health; Second in County an enormous problem," she Mrs. Eugene Badgley, presi- continued. . dent of the Mental Health The Shore center is the Association; Mrs. Pearl second state certified organi- Dr. Ruddy. capsulized the Brown, supervisor of the zation in this county. The need for current services in \^ first one was The Mental the light of a "more volatile ¥/ Health Community Center of and mobile society. . .with a Monmouth County, Inc., area lack of information about 28, centered in Long Branch where to go and where to HIGHLANDS at Monmouth Medical Center get help." that, umbrellas 11 service Mrs. Badgley spoke of the LOBSTER POUND agencies contracted for re-importance of the initial vol- ferral clients. Most of these unteer program the Mental agencies will undoubtedly be Health Association will begin Wholesale - Retail used in area 29 until enough June 15 with six orientation data has been organized to sessions. Those persons with PITCHER INN determine the services a specific amount of time, needed in this area. perhaps one half day each EVERYTHING The other two designated week, would be screened, RIVERSIDE AVE. (RT. 35) RED BANK, N.J. areas are Red Bank and trained and oriented for the FOR YOUR north, as area 26, and the referral and counseling pro- western half of the county, gram. as area 27. There are "Involving the community CLAM 50 areas in the state, ^accord- in this program is vitally im- has DOUBLED your pleasure... ing to Mr. Gage. portant," she said. "A strong A total of $625,000 comes volunteer program would lift from state and county funds the center off the ground." BAKE to care for mental health patients in the county. Mr. LEGAL NOTICE has DOUBLED your fun Gage praised the one half Contact Ray Shigant million dollars the county NOTICE freeholders give, $1 for every • GROUND BY THE BOROUGH OF by resident of the county, with RED BANK, IN THE COUNTY OF HIGHLANDS the state, until now, giving MONMOUTH. NEW JERSEY, AP- PROPRIATING $37,000 AMD AU- 25 cents per person. THORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $35,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE Allowance to Rise BOROUGH FOR FINANCING SUCH LOBSTER POUND APPROPRIATION DOUBLING the size of its But Bill A303, which passed BE IT ORPAINSD BY THE BOR- OUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOR- Foot of Atlantic Street the state assembly last OUGH OF RED BANK, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH (not lesa spring, would double per cap- than two-thirds of all the members Off Bay Ave.. Highlands thereof affirmatively concurring) AS ita allowance to 50 cents per FOLLOWS I person, bringing another Section 1. Tho improvement de- 872-9861 scribed In Section 3 of this Ordi- $125,000 into the picture. nance Is hereby authorized as a gen- eral improvement to be made or ac- HORN N MUSKET TAVERN That amount, Mr. Gage quired, by the Borough of Red Bank, in the County of Monmouth, New Jer- sey. For the Bald improvement or purpose stated In eald Section 3, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $37,000 said sum being Inclusive of all appropriations heretofore made famous for therefor and Including the sum of $2,000.00 aa the down payment lor aald improvement or purpose re- quired by law and now available therefor by virtue of provision 4n a budget or hurl gels of the Borough ^Charming Revolutionary War Oecor i i COUPON previously adopted. Section 2. For the financing of said Improvement or purpose and to meet the part of said $37,000 appropria- ^Monmouth County's Most Convivial Atmosphere tion not provided, for by application hereunder of said down payment, ne- gotiable bonds of the Borough, each to be known as "park Bond" are * Superb Selection of Your Favorite Beverages hereby authorized to be Issued In SPECIAL! the principal amount of $35,000 pur- suant to uie Local Bond Law, con- stituting Sections 4OA:2-1 to 4«A:2-63 * Superior Continental and American Gourmet Cuisine of the New Jersey statutes. In an- ticipation of, the issuance of said Rayco Custom Fitted bonds and to temporarily finance said Improvement or purpose, negoti- * Entertainment Nightly by Piano Artist Maurice Caruso able notes of the Borough In a prin- cipal amount not exceeding- $35,000 are hereby authorized to be Issued pursuant to and witJiln the limita- * Delightful dancing every Friday and Saturday night to tions prescribed by said Law. The maximum rate ot interest wfcioh any SEAT COVERS of said obligations shall bear is six the VYALLY OSBORNE QUARTET per centum per annum, or any higher rate permitted by law. Section 3. (a) The improvement heroby authorized and' the purpose tor the financing of which said obli- gations are to be Issued In Uie pur- Come in SOON and Re-Discover the joys of Oie. chase of the following plots of land In the Borough on Harrison Avenue and Marion Street for use as a park and playground, described by refer- ence to the Tax Map of the Bor- ouKh: Lots No. 17. 16. 10. 20. 21, 21A. 22 and 23 In Block ISA, all as HORN 'N MUSKET TAVERN shown on and In accordance with the plans therefor on file In the office of tbe Borough Clerk and hereby ap- proved, (b> The estimated maximum at the MOLLY PITCHER INN amount of bonds or notes to be Is- sued for said purpose Is $33,000. The said purpose described In Hall Construction Co. Section 3 of Lhls Ordinance Is not a current expense and Is a properly or Improvement which tho Borough may lawfully acquire or make as a gen- eral Improvement, and no part of the Little Silver - Contractor coM thereo/ has been or Mia) I be specially osBCBsed on property spe- cially benefited Uiorpby. • Installation Included (n) The porlorl vtmnce of the »ftld obligation* autho- \ rized by thin ordinance will be within Painting and Wallcovering t Sound System all debt limitations prescribed^ by • Universal General Sheet Metal Co., seoo (d) Not exceeding $2,000 on account of Interest, engineering and inspec- tion coats, legal and accounting cx- Edison, N. J. penacfl and the cost of issuance of coupon worth Raid obligation ft, an defined and au- .• • • - Sheet Metal , thorized liy BeoUnn 40A:2-'hif Ration* of tho Bor- ough, and Uie Borough nliAll be ob- • Singer Hardware & Supply Co., ligated to levy ad valorem taxes upon all the taxable property within the Borough for tho payment of nitld Jersey City, N. J. obligation!) and iMerest thereon with- out limitation a.i to rate or nmo'jnt, Hardware floctlon fl. TWa ordinance shall lake effect twentv davit lifter tho flrnt utillcatlon thereof after final a (lop- • Noel Nilson, Red Bank, N. J. Eon, an provided by niUd Local Bond Law, Air Conditioning RAYCO Adopted: June ,1, 1OT0 Approved: IMNIEL J. O'ltBRN M ayor Attest: JOHN BUY AN AUTO SERVICE CENTERS EBorougii Clerk STATEMENT Thf bond orffntmcft published here- with Jw« fcewi 1 0 1 tournament here yesterday by ters to end the inning. board in the sixth, Tom Gig- shot it back to first to com- Y&ttl.c 2 0 0 1 Whilman.c 1 0 0 plete the twin killing. !Mnan,rf 2 0 0 1 Morton, !W> 3 1 I holding off Shore Regional, Manasquan made it 4-0 in lio got things started with a M'C'v'Icn" 3 0 11 Fletchftr,of 1 fl 1 the bottom of the fifth frame walk. Donohoe followed with The Warriors got the run Val'Mno,2t> 1 0 « I Roberta, rl 2 11 5-2. Tygt>'rly,t> 101) 2 0 2 when Whitman led off with a an infield hit as did Steve back in the bottom of the Wygal.p 0 0 0 Hliat.p 201) The Big Blue Warriors will M'C'v'e,i>h 10 0 1 31 0 single and took second on O'Horo to load the bases. frame when Martin-~walked Kor»man,p 0 0 0 I meet the Toms River South ! Waldrop.p 0 0 0 1; Morton's ground out, Fletch- Stan Yates then sent a and Dick Bailey singled. After D'm'ree,vh 1 0 11 Indians Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. R'cloppl,pr oloi Hirst was brilliant for most er and Robert both slammed bouncer resembling a Balti- Clark fanned, • Whltnian sent doubles scoring runs. Both more chop to first. The first the runners to second and 22 J 0 1 19 II 8 of five innings before he be- Shore Heg ,—. ...000 001 1—2 came visibly tired and the hits, were solid liners. Fletoh- baseman grabbed the ball and third on a grounder and Mor- Manastjuan 001 121 «-» Blue Devil batters began to get to him. Hirst looked strong in-the early part of the game, fanning the last two men in (he first and all three batters Bulldogs Bite in the second. The Warriors had a fruit- less threat in the second when IJarty Fletcher and Bill Roberts,, hit successive sin- A DIAMOND THEFT — Marty Fletcher of Manasquan slips into third base safely gles. Shore's starting pitcher, Semis Berth ahead of the throw to third lacker Tom Giglio of Shore Regional in a semi-final Kevin Ijougherty then doused WEST LONG BRANCH - The Piners had to beat the game of the Monmouth College Invitational yesterday. Manasquan stole the show, previously - undefeated num- ! the flarije striking out both Upsets marked , the second 5-2. (Register Staff Photo) , Jim Webster and Hirst to end day of play in the Monmouth ber one doubles team of the inning. /' College Invitational Tennis Bruce Spector and Gary Wl Strike First tournament here yesterday as Newman to turn the tide of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional the* match. ' . Manasquan got one across and Lakewood both came out Marc Kotlover and Phil in the fed when Bill Martin victorious. Yanks 'Cater Works led off Ifith a single and took Levy dropped the first second «!n a balk, Tim Homer Rumson, seeded fifth in the set, 6-3 and were down in the then y&lked and George tourney; eliminated fourth- second, 5-2 before rallying to ClarkVfgrounder sent both seeded Long Branch, 3-2 at win the-next five games and runnersfjup a base. the campus- courts, while the set. The duo then went on' Lakewood,. sixth seeded, With Bat and Glove to win the last five games of Manasquan loaded the turned ba6k third ranked By ASSOCIATED PRESS batting average of .275 and 38. . .one more than team- bases \Mien Skip Whitman the third set for the match. Monmouth Regional, 3-2,' at Jack Kline, the Golden Fal- Danny Cater, whose char- has hit .310 this spring. mate Roy White and two less walked.;] Long Branch High School's * ter membership in Hitters His fourth homer, a two- than league co-leaders Boog The run scored when Rick cons' singles ace, fell to courts. Steve Cohen in a three-set Anonymous might not last out run fifth-inning wallop, gave Powell of Baltimore and Tony Mortongrounded to short. Jim Rumson's win put the Bull- the summer, is in danger of him the club RBI lead with Oliva of (Minnesota. McCortvHle grabbed the ball marathon. The final set went dogs into the semifinals to 10-8. The loss for Kline further exposure. , .as a and ,threw home, but the -against defending champions gloveman. • , catcher, took his foot off the was only his third all season. Christian Brothers Acad- Bruce Pazlovsky was the Cater blasted a two-run plate on. the throw and Mar- emy tomorrow. tin was 'called safe. only singles winner for* the homer last night, powering Lakewood will meet second Falcons.' He defeated Ross the New York Yankees past How They Stand Hirst notched two more seeded Asbury Park for a Kansas City 5-3 and earning in the Shore fourth Wishnick, 2-6, 7-5, 6-3. AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAr. I.EAOUB berth in the semis. high marks from Manager East OlvUlon Kast Division frame, but Kevin Donohoe be- lUinuon-FH (3) — I-onr Branch (1) W I, Pet. OB W I. Pet. OB The number one doubles Single* Ralph Houk. . .for his defen- t Baltimore .'.34 15 .680 — Chic a co ...,...»»»2tt 20 .S65 "~ came the first Blue Devil to Ken Rcunlck (L) d. Tom Avohen, New York .28 23 ,M9 6Vi New York ,25 24 .510 V team of John Watson and sive skills. 1 hit the ball out of the infield 6-3. 4-0; 6-2, Washington .21 24 .600 9 St. Louis ...~23 24 .489 3 Henry Handler (R) d. Craig Poole, Detroit .22 24 .(78 10 Pittsburgh , 24 27 .471 4. Frank Shanley'gave the Bull- 6-0, 00. Boston 21 25 .4S7 11 when he sent a Jly ball to . "He's always been a good Cleveland ...19 27 .413 13 » Phlladelnhla 21 28 .429 t'i dogs a big victory en route to DOUR Douty OB) d. Dan Northrup, Montreal ._.!« 32 .333 11 Fletcher in centerfield. 0-1, 0-1. • ' hitter, but he's the most West Division the win, The tandem defeated Minnesota ...---.31 14 .889 — West Division. The Warriors went ahead by ]>oiibles ' underrated defensive ball- California 31 IS .633 2 their Green Wave foes, 6-4, John Watsun and Frank Shanley Oakland —.26 24 .620 Ti Cincinnati -...37 15 .712 — (R.) d. Howard Shatktn and Glen player I've ever known," two in the fourth without the Kansaa City 19 29 .396 HVi Atlanta 28 19 (1A 0-6, 6-4. Bronson "6-4, 0-6, 6-4. Chicago 18 31 ,367 15 Loa Angeles 39 £r aid of a hit. Hirst led off with Dave Levin and Lou Dlvorkln Houk said, singling out the Milwaukee IS 33 .313 17(4 Henry Handler, playing in (L) d. John Ryan and Rick Kaplan, San Francisco , 24 28 a walk and made it safe at first baseman in a postgame l.aat Might's RCMIUS Houston . ._..w.-.._.23 20 .442 14 6-0, 8-0. Oakland 4, Baltimore 1 San Diego .....23 32 .418 U'A the second singles slot, tribute to the Yanks' tight Cleveland 7. Milwaukee 6 second when, a got Lakewood (3) — Monmouth It«. it) Yesterday's Results whizzed past Brancher Craig Singles Detroit 5, California 4, 11 Innings stuck sjiiside the catcher's fielding during- the come- Washington 5, Chicago i Houston 5, Montreal 0 Poole, 6-0, 6-0, while Doug Steve Cohen (1>) d. Jack Kline. FORM ISN'T EVERYTHING—Ken Resnielc, Long Branch New York 5 Kansai City 3 . chest protector., The next 4-6. 6-3, 10-8. from behind victory. MlnneBOta at Boston, rain Mew York at Atlanta/ rain Douty came through with a Nell Malzllsh'(L) d. Paul Spencer, High School's ace natter, appears to be off balance' Today's Gamen Philadelphia u, Cincinnati « pitch was wild sending Hirst 6-2, 6-3. "Hank Bauer, Cater's for- • Baltimore (Phoebus 3-3) at Oak- 6-1, 6-1 victory over Dan Bruce Pazlovsky (MR) d. Rosa after following through with a forehand shot in his Chicago 6. Los Angeles 5, 11 In- to third. Martin followed with Wishnick, 2-6, 7-5, 6-3. land (Hunter 8-5), ntght nings Northrup of the Wave. Double! mer manager, used to tell Detroit ICain 3-2) at California a walk. When Martin was Marc Kotlover and Phil Levy (L) .matc'h against Rurrvson-Fair Haven Regional'* Tom me he was a better first . (Murphy 6-4), night San Diego at Pittsburgh, rain Lakewood really had to go d. Bruco Spoctor and Gary New- Cleveland (Moore 3-4) at Milwau- St. Louis 6, San .Francisco 5 caught in/ a jftindown between man, 3-6, 7-5, 6-1. Avchen yesterday, but he came through to win a baseman than Joe Pepitone, kee (Peters 0-0) Tonight's Games first, ana; second, Hirst came some to beat Monmouth Re- Mark Measncr and Chris Bechtle Chicago (Janeskl 4-2) at Washing- Los Angeles lOstccn 7-4) at Pitts- (MR) d. Jack Lehman and Marc but,I'd always argue with ton (Bosnian 5-4). night burgh (Olaas 2-7) , gional. dlose, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2 verdict. Kansas City (Rookcr 3-2) at New New York (Beaver 7-4) at At- scampering home. Poraerantz, 6-3, 6-4. him;" Houk said. York (Batmaen W night lanta fjarvls 5-3) Minnesota (Kaat 5-1) at Boston Montreal (HcOtnn 3-4) at Houston Shore'{Started its first real 'Always There' (Slebcrt 4-2) (Griffin 1-6) threat itt;t3ie fifth, but a tech- nicality kept any runs from "Now I know what Hank scoring.! Lions Climax meant.. Cater is always Mike $onan opened .with a there." walk. McConville then slapped Peak (12-1) Underrated has been the. a liner down the right field tag for Cater through his six line wiiich went through a major league seasons, but wide opening in the fence in Track Year the word usually applied to his unsung hitting talents. The COUPON right field for the first hit off MIMH/ETOWN — Two Hirst. Ronan had scored school records fell by the way^ quiet Texan came to the Yankees from Oakland in a !•••!•••••••••••• side here yesterday as Mid- winter trade with a career dletown'High capped a 12-1 S ••'•'•.*"?• 8 p.m." KnniM Cltr CD k (5) SPECIAL! season with a 92-34 win over ' ab r b •h t h P.Kelly.rJ 4 0 0 Clarke,2b 4 12 H Raritan. H'm'd' 4 0 0 . Kenney,3b 4 0 1 S jSAT.NITE 4 11 422 Oliver,3b 4 12 WWte.K 4 1 2 DETROITER ii Brent Gierhart threw the Plnlella.lf 4 111 4 11 • U {••••••••••• 4 0 21 Bletary.rt 3 0 1 Sever8n,2Sever8'n,2b 2 0 111 Woods.rf 10 0 discus 152-2 to break the old K'k't'M* 10 01 4 0 0 • _ • STOCK CARS Rodr'g'z.K'kp't'Mo* 41 00 101 Michael,iMunson.ol 3 0 0 lion mark set by Dave Sieg- D 2 0 0 1 Kcklck.p 3 0 1 • I ••!••••••••• fried in 1968. Seigfried's B'gm'ier.p 10 01 Akor.p 000 34 3 81 34510' MUFFLER • • 35-Lap Mod.-Spti. ' heave was 148-11. Kansas City .100 200 O0O-3 New .York 002 080 00x-6 Steve Stein pole vaulted 12- -,E-^Aker. DP-

•.-.""• hurdles. 5 • ;ML STADIUM "•.*<•• Court School Middletown won 11 of the LIMITED • V • 68L6400 LOSING WITH GRACE — Tom Avchen, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional'* top sin- 14 events. Set for CBA th Home ef Au TIME Mlddlelown '(M) — narllan (34) LINOROFT — The fifth an- • E • " " " gles player, is a study in form as he strokes a forehand shot back to Ken Res- 100-vard dash—1. Steve Wiltshire (M), 2. Elsenmann (R), 3. Hobson nual Garden State Basketball ONLY! • C • Racing at tht nick of Long, Branch. Avchen lost a heaftbreaker to the Green Wave star, but Rum- (M). T-ilO.S School will be open to boys son defeated the Brandhers (3-2, to move into tomorrow's semifinals of the Mon- 220-yard dash—1. Wiltshire (M), J A | ' J*'»V *"«••" 2. KauHmann (M), 3. Bayers (R). from fifth to eighth grade T—123.1 Installation Included mouth College Invitational against first-seeded Christian Brothers Academy. 440-yard Jack Hurdlor- -graduates J«ne-I5^19-Irom..HL'| S T 5 RT. 34. BELMAR. N. J. _ (M), 2. W. oombn , 3. Welngarton (M towards the purchase of any 18-10 record and a perfect 11- Fazzone, Red Bank, complied Dlat.-20'lii'lat.20lii ' scoring record. TwomlloTwo-mllo-11 . Pete Contortl ((M)M , 0 mark In district competition a 4-0 record and 0.92 earned 2.._Ranmiy (M), 3. Scruggs (R). Cox, the head coach at CBA this season run average has compiled .a record of 150-37 In eight years. In 1065 RAYCO MUFFLER he was voted the state high Coupon Not Valid Afttr Sat., Jun» e Mrs. Weaver's school "Coach of the Year" Navesink Best at the American Basketball NEW! GRAND OPENING Clinic. EXACTA NAVESIN'K - Mrs. Ralph Cox is a graduate of Ford- WAGERING Weaver led Class "A" golfers ham University where he SPECIAL with a low gross of 50 at played varsity basketball and Navesink Country Club, Mrs. received his Master's Degree NOW thru AUGUST 8 in Education from' St. John's RAYCO ANY CAR PAINTED (1 color) Harold Kelly had low net with OCEANPORT, N.J. COMING! HI-LIGHTS • PIUS 5 SMALL University. AUTO SERVICE CENTER X mll» from Dirdin St. Parkway, Exit 10S 95 piu. 37. OCEANPORT HANDICAP DENTS REMOVED Four full outdoor courts and outdoor and Indoor dining terraces 89 point In Class "B", low gross three Ml indoor courts In- Phone 542-1333 , Sat, June6 COLLISION IXMRTS — went to Mrs. W. R, Ed Klely, cluding a rebound machine GRANDSTAND $2.25 COLLEEN STAKES TRUCK MINTING HOURS DAILY 8.5:30, SATURDAY 8-5 CHIIDMH UKDIN;|» NOT AOiUtTIB who shot 01. Mrs. Edmond will be avallablo for the Wed., June 10 Burk's 35 was good for low course, RT. 35 NORTH OF EATONTOWN CIRCLE POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 PM A & L AUTO BODY net, , x For further information Clewd Mimerlal Day 75 BAY AVE., HIGHLANDS • Low putt honors went to contact DeClark at 673 West Mrs; Weaver with 13. Front St., Red iBank. -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, it U THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 #11 •

Handicap. By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN er positioned deeper in the big in the first race. The ap- Jeanne's Fleet. This is only closing day. My Dad George, winner of the Flamingo and Jockey Mike Mangancl- Register Sports Editor pack than second, as Royal prentice jockey, brother of the*' second meeting at which lo (if the name sounds fa- Signal, Garth Patterson up, standout Carlos 11. Marquez, Sam, 16, has been a rival on Florida Derby before, finish- OCEANPOBT - Cragwood ing second in both the Ken- miliar, he's the guy who pi. Stable's Capercaillie shook set the pace with Ladie Sa- drove his mount hard on the a regular basis with Eddie, loted Dust Commander in the die, ridden by Eddie Maple. inside to beat Moonlighting, a veteran at 21. tucky Derby and Preakness, loose out of a 17-horse field ran once here last summer. Kentucky Derby) made , his which resembled a cavalry The winning three-year-old Walter JBlum up, by a' nose Even before Saturday's Monmouth Park debut in filly covered the six furlongs at the wire and post a $133.60 Belmont Stakes is run, train- Louis Rowan and Wheelock charge to register a convinc- Whitney's Quicken Tree, win- yesterday's sixth race. Man- ing four-length victory in. in 1:10 2-5. win payoff. er Frank "Buddy" McManus ganello finished out of the Easy Does It Gold Nalim teamed with says My Dad George's future ner of more than $500,000, yesterday's 19th running of has been assigned top weight the money aboard > Brash, the ?25,000-added Miss Wood- "She broke real good and Accordian, Paul Kallai in the may include a stop at Mon- ness. Ditto for his effort in run wonderful," said Velas- irons, to form the DD payoff, mouth Park for the $100,000 of 126 pounds for Saturday's ford Stakes at Monmouth $25,000 - added Oceanport the featured eighth. •; Park. quez, who made the trip the lowest of the possibilities Monmouth Handicap on The 5-2 choice among from Belmont for a lucra- which ranged as, high as a disappointing Wednesday tive appearance at the track high as $3,115.40. feature crowd of 12,635 where he made a name for The number of lucky win- pulled away from Royal Sig- himself two years ago. "I was ning combination ticket-hold- nal midway through the going very easy with her (for ers—9 and 1—was 163, 153 stretch under jockey Jorge the lead)." of whom bet $2. There were Velasquez and breezed under Patterson, on Royal Sig- eight $5 ducats and two $10. firttton the wire. nal's performance, said, "She MONMOUTH FODDER Capercaillie, trained by broke good but hesitated Jockey Joe Culmone will, McKenzie Miller, paid ?8, just a little bit going past get an early meeting ".rest" 15.20 and $4-40 for those who the nVain track. She was run- starting tomorrow. "Jersey walk the chalk line, but by ning pretty easy around the Joe" has been suspended for that time many of them may turn, but the filly that won five days for crossing Rol- have headed for fiie hills. was galloping with one ear licking over too rapidly at The nine-race card offered up, and I said she'd be tough the start of opening day's more than its share of from here." (Monday) sixth race, causing victorious long-shots, ignited Paul Kallai, who piloted interference resulting in a by Gold Nalim's $133.60 win Goddess Special to a third disqualification of his mount payoff in the first race which place • finish, added, "She from fourth to last place. paved the way for an $800 broke good, but she has been The Marquez boys—Carlos Daily Double. running a route and lacked and Rafael-aren't the only .Paul Kallai rode Native speed today. She ran a very brother act at the current State to a $113 win return game race and will be tough meeting. Tuesday's last race in the third race, while For- next time." was purely a "family affair" ward Gal ($38.60) and Fran- Royal Signal paid $5.80 with Eddie Maple on Go WORM'S-EYE VIEW — Gold Nalim, right, with Rafael Quickly winning by a length Speeb cesco ($25) scored in the and $4.60, while Goddess Spe- A. Marquez in the irons, battles Moonlighting, Walter sixth and seventh races, re- cial returned an even $12 to over brother Sam on Blue aboard, down the stretch in yesterday's first race spectively. show. Other than that, things Capercaillie earned $19,576 •'TBluin) 5.00 3.40 at Monmouth Park. Gold Nalim, a 60-1 shot, scored Sk'liirj"Rest (Beneito) 4.20 went pretty much as expect- of the Miss Woodford's gross 2ND-J5.00O; Mdn.; 3 & 4 yp; 64. ed! value of $30,550. Accordian (Kallai) 7.00 4.40 3.40 LOW big at the wire for a $133.60 payoff and paved the Ivy Walls (Cuslmano) 6.40 6:60 Capercaillie remained in Rafael A. Marquez aboard Rocket Burnt (C. H. Marquez) S.8O way for an $800 Daily Double. contention all the way, nev- 60-1 shot Gold Nalim scored , (Dally Double (8-1) Paid S800.00) WAREHOUSE OVERSTOCK

Cralty Action (Ianclll) 13.20 6.B0 Briirfit Prospect (Plomchok) 4.00 1970 Original Equipment Tires 4TH—S5.C00; Clmg.; 3 yo; li',-m. Quite Rightly (Aristne) 8.00 0.00 4.60 Number One Cat (Blum) 9.00 4.60 Tree Moss (C. a Marquez) 3.20 5TH—J7.50O; Alw.; 3 yo; l-m. • JP'nlo'JPnlom liepliep'm (Br'rd(Brrd) 7.20 4.40 3.00 Dovhlt Crafty E—H (E— . Maple) 19.00 8.40 fintton* Monmouth Park Today Summer Resort (Mole) fibtrgliu (KXAOTA W VMB SH6.CO) 6TH—S0.0OO; Alw.; 2 yo; f.; 5-f. DELUXE CHAMPION Vorward Oal (Blum) 38.80 13.60 7.80 Tiger Coed (Hole) ll.«0 6.80 Entries Selections • Bchool Board (Cuslmano) 4.00 7TH-J10,0OO; Alw.: 4-up; 6-f. Francesco (Martinez) 23.00 7.40 4.00 SUP-R-BELT 11T—H.300S Chnr.; 3 £ 4 JOJ; 1,'r Jooaste, (Maple 8.) 107 1M Distinctive (Blum) 3.60 2.00 •wett Ui (Maple) 114 • 12-1 • Oood Sense (Solomone) 113 , 7-2 l-Rlght Jab, Orbit of Glory, Koyal Comedian (Brouaaard) 3.20 Fancy Amber (NB) 115- 15-1 Lady HUUborauih (Hole) 113 4-1 8TH—*25.00 Take to Task (Verardl) • wjV1 8-1 Mltty Star (Mlcell) 112 304 3—Vallaurls, Extravlhlctdar, Kins Barney (Hole) 5.40 3.20 can deliver 50,000 miles or more! •WAI Jab (NB) 115 52 Voluntario 3nl IC.H. Marquez) 3.20 2-Plf it you drive sensibly and follow Firestono's recommended tire Demon Maid (Hole) 117 , 20-1 6TK—16,000; Alw., 3 4 4 foil 6 f. Via Rica . (KXACTft 6-8 F»ld maintenance program, you can get 50,000 miles or more on a Polyesttr set ol Firestone Deluxe Champion Sup-R-Bolt tires. Ortalllto Mlo (Arlatone) 113 10-1 ••' Port Sparkle (Ttaornburi) 111 12-1 4-Superflnity, My Dottle, Alt.: 12,635 — HANDLE: tl,483,117 Banker Bud (Mlcell) 115 . 2-1. . Nlckerson Rd. (Marquez) 130 !•! Cord Body OrWt of Olory (Broussard) 115 34 Ifalural Charmer (Mlcell) Oil' 10-1 Cralm Check • Petrous (NB) 115 1S-1 - 5-Lady HiUsborough, Good Ed Carleton League IND—14,000: Clmi.; 3 jrs.; S I. Rocky Mount (Maple) 113 , 3-1 South C. Echo (Moseley) 107 10-1 Elated Prince (Hole) 113 / 3-1 Sense, Queen of Hope Slates First Signup King Groton (Marquez) '112 5-2 'Charging Knight (Iannelll) HI 8-1 TalarU.' (Aristone) 113 3-1 - Jamibove (Kallai) 113 7-2 (—Rocky Mount, Imabove, MIDDLETOWN TWP. - Park Ridge (Maple 8.) 107 .12-1 Ticker Time (Hole) 113s K 64;• Tryouts for the two Middle- Jeft The Doe (Carmcan) 105 10-1 Apopoka (Blum) 113 8-1 Ticker Time *town Youth Athletic Associa- Pat DMtafano (Hole) 112 . J2-1 Brandy Kay (Msrquez) 111, 12-1 7-Imblbe, Kushka, Deb's *' i Bay Bee (lmparato) 109 . 6-1, Real Note (Maple) 113 8-1 tion Ed Carleton League Cooked Captain (NB) 112 41 Tell'Thee Oood (Blum) 111 8-1 * Darling teams will take place Sunday New, Team (Oustrrrano) 115 8-1 9th-*10,000; Alw. 6F at Middletown High School ' F**^ Roman (Loguerdo) 12-1 &-Carry Sabers, Dr. Zetzel, Deb'e; Dartlnj (Solomone) 112 J-l Athletic Field at 3 p.m. 3rd—$5,000! Mdn.; 3 jo»; II. Kushka (NB) 115 3-1 Say Not So All boys 16-18 are eligible, when you buy .EitraveMcular (Hole) 315 ' 8-5' Noble' Gesture (NB) 118 121 Bold tribute (Hole) 121 «-l : Via Rica (Patterson) 115 31 i-Directlve, Sir Omul, for the Middletown Lions or • •'I the first tire Ctia'es Olip'r (Lorgmierchlo) 11812-1 Script Gtrl (Patterson) 112 4-1 Ollaa (NB) 115 4-1 LittLittll e (ReRdd OiOnionn 121 (LannelU(I ) 6-1 the Middletown Wildcats., Ap-, ANY SIZE LISTED Vall»nrti (Blum) Mas 7-2 Imbfte ' (Mooeley) 113 5-2 Master Piper * at our regular • 111M Royal Orbit 7.75-M or 7.75-15 BLACKWALLS 6.95-14 7.35-14,7.3B-IB FANTASTIC $75,000 STOCK BLACKWALLS BLACKWALLS BLACKWALLS 4(0* State Scribes Tab S 4\^ LIQUIDATION 68 78 WHITEWALLS WHITEWALLS WHITEWALLS 4 for $102 I WHITEWALLS 4 for $78 4 for $90 4 for'$110 OF MEN'S Plus 11.97 or' Plll»«.04oi\ ' «2.04p«rtlraF«d, Plus »1.96 par tire Plus 41.83 perllra «.O8 per-tire Fad, QUALITY EXCIIB tax and 4 Fed. Excise tafc and Fed. EXCISQ la* and Exclsotaxand4 - tiras off your car. 4 tires of! your car. 4llre«pf(yourcor. tlr««Dtf your car. CLOTHING NEWARK (AP)-Hard-hit- Most Valuable Player, a nar- Here are the teams select- ting Atlanta outfielder Rico row winner. Singles and pain proportionately priced. 1 ed in the New Jersey writers Catty, who isn't listed on the Felix Millan of Atlanta, the poll: ' SAFETY CHAMHON* CHAMPWH"" DACRON • WOOL BLENDS official All-Star baseball bal- 1989 All-Star at second, SPRING-SUMMER-FALL lot, has received unanimous' topped Ron Hunt of San John Bench, Cincinnati, c'; Dodgas. Mercury*. support for a National Francisco, Glen Beckert of Willie McCovey, San Fran- Pontltct, T-Bhis Compact Sin Economy Buy! WINTER League starting berth in a , 8.25-14.8.16-IB 6.00-13' Any Slu litted Chicago, and Ken Boswell" of cisco, lb; Felix Millan, At- BLACKWALLS BLACKWALIS BLACKWALLS poll of New Jersey_sports- New York at second. lanta, 2b; Bud Harelson, New erWHITEVVALl8 SUITS— writers; In the American League York, ss; Tony Perez, Cin- Carty, who returned from a voting, first-baseman Boog cinnati, 3b; Hank Aaron and bout with tuberculosis to hit Powell of Baltimore and Rico Carty, Atlanta, and SPORTCOATS .342 in 1969, was left off the third-baseman Harmon Kille- Roberto Clemente, Pittsburgh; 48-player ballot compiled by brew of Minnesota were the of.; Tom Seaver, New York, WHITEWALLS 7.3B-I4,7.35-IB, major league player repre- only uncontested winners. and Jim Merritt, Cincinnati, \ * 4for$9B WHITEWALLS 6.95-14, 6.B0-I3 and 4 for $61,80 I Plua37«to430per sentatives in February. But Pitching, which is not listed . Plui 12.33 or I tire Fad, Exolae UX •2.35 partita Fed, Plus H.BOpertlra I and4recippibletlrea his absence became, conspic- Excise tax and 4 F«tl. Excise tax and on the-' computerized ballot, American League tlraa off vour car. oil your car, Larger TOPCOATS uous when he took a com- was listed on the^ballot used Bill Freehan, Detroit, c; 4 Urea off your car. «liea4for«64,64. • Tweedi • Chselti • Solldi mffnding lead in batting. As In the Associated Press poll. John Powell, Baltimore, lb; Limited qunntllloa womo »lion...don't mta» outl • Vested • Double procured 'of Wednesday he had a -.435 Lcfty-Rlghty Combos Rod Carew, Minnesota, 2b; • 2- and 3-Button • Plaldl mark, 14 home runs, and 45 The writers lent Heavy sup- Luis Apariclo, Chicago, ss; INSTANT CREDIT THtf FACT runst batted in. port to the left-right combina- Harmon Killebrew, Minne- BOOKLET Use your active bank credit card DURING THIS SALE Carty can win a starting tions of Dave McNally, Balti- sota, 3b; Frank • Robinson, This facMIIM 18-page booklet to open an account at Firestone. nnnwera oil your auaatloi^i eibouft berth on the National more, and Luis Tiant, Min- Baltimore, Tony Oliva, Min- tiro construcUon.'ubrict, etcv . League team only by a write- nesota, in the A.L. and Jim nesota, and Frank Howard, $OQ00 in vote on the bottom of the Merritt, Cincinnati, and Tom Washington, of; Luis Tiant, Don't take chances on old worn tires. NOW. ..m 'II buy the unused mileage In your tin*. Seaver, New York,, in the from computerized cards being Minnesota, and Dave McNal- JACKNICKLAUSACKNICKLAUS AUTOGRAPHAil 39 used by the commissioner's N.L. ly, Baltimore, pitchers. TRUCK TIRE SALE TO office in the all-star vote. GOLF BALLS/ for Pickups, Vans & Campers The. Jersey writers ^lso Tirttton* AS $QQ00 gave unanimous support to L Carty's teammate, Hank Benefit Horse Show TRA «.70-IB,tuba-tvpe,blackw«ll Aaron, and Pittsburgh out- Plmt2.40Feil.e».ta«and tire oil your vehicle, 89 Pfk|ll Ol

By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN Kovaleski of Red Bank is dinner chairman. Register Sports Editor Jim Mason, a Daily Register first team All- This 'n* that from hen 'n' there. . , . Monmouth County choice at end from Baritan The announcement that the New Jersey high The Chuck High School two years'ago, was voted the out- school basketball tournament championship standing football player by the Braporia College, game will not return to Atlantic City's Convert- Kansas, coaching staff for his play during spring lion Hall next year does not come as a sur- practice. prise. In fact, it was anticipated in this corner Roger Probert, son of Mr, and Mrs. John It. more than a month ago. about 10 years old," said the major, "but his Probert, 12 HEltop M, Freehold, has been The interesting part of the N. J. State inter- mother must have given him more loving care named an Outstanding College Athlete of Ameriv scholastic Athletic Association's release was the than mine." ' ca for 1970, an award sponsored by the Out- reluctance of James G. Growney, executive Bill Herring has bowed out as the Keans- standing Americans Foundation, Roger, who has secretary-treasurer, to mention that the City of burg varsity basketball coach after two seasons. played two years of varsity football and track Atlantic City wanted no part of the schoolboys He will enter private business. Junior varsity at Lebanon Valley College, attended schools in after the debacle following last March's Group mentor Bill Collins is the leading candidate to Shrewsbury and Little Silver before heading for IV finale between Woodrow Wilson and East lake one step up to replace Herring. Bishop Eustace Prep School in Pennsauken for Orange. Instead, Growney chose to ignore the THE GOOD OF FOOTBALL his first two years, playing varsity football. As trouble along the boardwalk ia favor of implying The Moranouth-Ocean Football Coaches As- a junior, he attended Ramsey High School and that the NJSIAA withdrew from (he arena sociation will meet Wednesday, June 10, at Ocean played varsity football, goJf and basketball. As IT'S CERTIFIED— Monmouth College Athletic Director Bill Boylan, right,, presents voluntarily. Township High School at 8 p.m., with the em- a senior at Lenape Regional High School, Med- an NAIA AM-Ameriean certificate to national diving champion Allan Frederick of The opinion of this writer is that the climax phasis on promoting sportsmanship and ethical ford, he played varsity football and track and to the schoolboy basketball campaign would have behavior among athletes and coaches. The as- received honorable mention, All-Burlingtx>n Coun- Rumson. Hawk swimming coach Dick Steadman teams his approval. The former been welcomed back to Aycee, if the state had sociation wants to adopt resolutions concerning ty, as a halfback. Rumjon-Fair Haven Regional student earned the honors when he copped the one- elected to take action against East Orange, film exchange by mutual agreement, scouting of Junior Tom Quigley of Red Bank has been meter NAIA title at the national championships in LaCrosse, Wis., topping an out- whose fans ignited the post-game fisticuffs. final pre-season scrimmages and the use of man- named Ihe winner of The Joseph O'Flaherty standing freshman year at Monmouth. Frederick also won the District 31, and Metro- Leftovers from the banquet table: New York power in junior varsity and sophomore games. Track Award at Culver Military Academy, given Giants' placekicking specialist Pete Gogolak President Ken Schroeck, Long Branch High annually to the member of the track or cross- . politan championships on the one- and three-meter boards. used his appearance at last week's Keansburg School varsity mentor, asks one question of country team who has made the greatest contri- High' School fete to promote the opening of his Shore grid coaches in his plea: "Can you give bution during the academic year. Quigley, the new and unique "Ball-a-rama" in Seaside up one evening for the good of football?" son of Mr. and Mrs. Marian Quijgley, 140, Bruce Heights. The idea, it is assumed, will be to try The answer, which should be a resounding HA., has lettered in both track and cross-country your foot at booting a football or two through affirmative, will come in a banner attendance, for two years at Culver. Padres to Get First Pick the uprights, an off-shoot of the baseball batting something which has been lacking at association Jim Hofford of Middletown led Ms Mt. St. cages. Suggest using the "American" style of meetings the past two years. Mary's of Maryland trade team to a fourth place kicking, rather than the side-saddled approach CAUGHT IN A CORNER finish in the NCAA College Division Atlantic of Gogo. The Shore Baseball Umpires Association will Coast track and Field Championship at Carlisle, Turning to Gogolak on the dais, Keansburg bold Its annual dinner on Friday, June 12, at Pa. The ex-Mater Dei High School performer's For Top of Draft Crop Mayor Harry Graham recalled that Sea Gilt's the Colts Neck Inn, at 7 p.m. Honored guests high jump of 6-8 took first place and tied the Alex Webster, Giants' coach, and he grew up include Bill Stratton, Howard Peterson, George conference record in (bis ninth annual meet at . NEW YORK (AP) — Base- Cincinnati, Rich Hand of San Diego picks first, fol- together. "We played together when we both were Deitz, Russ Macaluso and Bill Hillman. CM Dickinson College. ball's endless search for new Cleveland, Bert Blyleven of lowed by Cleveland, Montre- •••BB talent focuses today on the Minnesota and Balor Moore al, Milwaukee and so on down mom mmmmmmmsm annual summer draft of high of Montreal. to the New York Mets, Hazlet Recreation Schedules Tennis school and college graduates They have been drafting No 23, and the Baltimore and 21-year-old unsigned free agents only since 1965. Orioles, No. 24. They draft in Lewis' Home Runs Stand OutHAZLET — The Recreation Classes for adults are sched- players. The draft will run Two sessions are held each reverse order of their 1969 Commission here has made uled for morning, while teen- available to all residents, ten- for two days and more than year,' one in June and the finish, alternating by' agers will have classes in 1,000 young men probably other in January for the se- leagues. As San Diego and nis lessons which will, begin will be picked. mester graduates. This is not Montreal' each had a 52-110 In Youth Baseball Activity June 15 and run through July. the afternoon. to be confused with the an- The free agent draft repre- record, the commissioner's 1 Dor) Lewis blasted two nual minor league draft when office flipped a coin and San take sole possession of first The F. J. Ientile Inc. sents baseball's attempt to home runs and Paul Brenner control the flow of schoolboys the clubs select other pro- Biego won the No. 1 pick. place in the Lincroft Little moved into first place by with major league potential fessionals. pitched the Astros to an 11-7 League's Alpha League. Out- topping the Beavers, 3-1 on Why wait witfiout going through the A fairly good All-Star team There are two divisions of victory over the Giants in the standing pitching on the part the fine pitching of Jamie could be put together from wild bonus scramble of earli- the draft-the regular phase Red Bank Little League last of Bob Britt and Neil Givens Roman who fanned 13. Pete jer. years. the initial drafts of 1965. covering players picked for' They include Joe Coleman of the first time and the sec- week. and the power at the plate of Ministries double drove in for Although' • an occasional Washington, Billy Conigijaro ondary phase, covering play- The Astros (5-0) are the Dan Russell have led the two runs to win the game. schoolboy or college star is of Boston, Rich Monday of ers who were drafted, previ- first-place squad in the Na- team. The Penguins won their able to command $100,000' or Oakland, who was (he very tional League. more to sign his first pro ously but did 'not sign. In the Omega League, the fifth straight game in the first selection, Ray Fosse of The order to the secondary In other National League Omega Junior League. Buddy Father's Day? contract, the vast majority California, "Alan Gallagher of Keansburg - Middletown Na- settle for considerably less. phase is determined by low games, the Pirates beat the tional Bank Wildcats took Carter is the Penguins hitting San Francisco, Berhie Carbo with San Francisco winning Braves, 7-5.' Eric Kroman star. Figures 'show about half of of Cincinnati and Ed Leon of first place by defeating the those drafted will sign. The the No. 1 position this June. was' the winning- hurler. previous leaders, Kinney Cleveland, who originally was • The record for a draft The Tigers are still unde- unsigned go back in the pool drafted by Minnesota but ,:The Mets won their first Shoes, 17-9. Steve Morse led feated in the Alpha Pioneet for.future deafts'but not by Is 1,169 in June, 1967. Nor- game by defeating the Car- League. The Coyotes defeated • signed later with Cleveland in mally the regular phase is the winners with six RBI in- the same team. + 1967 after going through the dinals, 8-7. Dick Ashton cluding a homer, triple and the Rhinos, 14-10 on three HASPEL SUITS YOU PERFECTLY | about 10 .times as large as socked a homer for the losers, homers by Brian Meade anc Normally the process of draft, again. . i the secondary. a single. moving from high school or but Kim Hanson's blast in one by Jeb Buhner. The FOR SUMMER IN THE | college team to the majors the bottom of the eighth did Rhinos' Eddie . Bennett involved several years in the the trick for the Mets. Han- Fair Haven Tigers slammed two. NEW PRADO CORD0 minors. In contrast, pro foot- Stock Gar Driver son was also the winning Set Grid Signup The Ravens upset the ball usually can make imme- moundsman. FAIR HAVEN — The Fair league-leading Crows in the diate use of the college prod- The Angels kept their lead Haven Tigers of the Pop War- Alpha Junior League, 15-5 on uct who thus can demand in the American League by ner Football League have the power hitting of Phi higher bonus payments. Eyes Championship upending the Tigers, 8-7. Joe set registration for tomorrow Trezza, • Ernie Kernstein, Four pitchers from the Ciamoli got the win, while at 8 p.m. at the Fair Haven John Kalachi and Dick Yura. June 1969 draft, when 1,147 WALL TOWNSHIP points. Elliott has a win and Joe Sestito smacked a home Youth Center. Parker Bohn of Freehold last The Angels defeated the players were selected, are two high finishes to show for run for the winners. •• All Little Silver and Fair Mets in the Senior League currently on big league ros- won a modified stock car his year's work to date. Haven boys from 10-14 and ters.-They are Don GuMt of championship at Wall Stadi- .., The Orioles fell from their II. Jim Licht was credited um in 1953. Since then, he Both former champions will previous first-place tie as the ranging between 65 and 120 with his fifth straight win on tacked on four sportsman be; in action this Saturday *WMte Sox defeated them, 16- pounds are eligible. the mound. Pop Warner Slates crowns. This year, by virtue night in a 35-lap feature event 3. Dick Steethoff slammed Football Registration of two wins in the early go- along- with other standouts three home runs for the win- ners, and also got credit for RJJMSON - Youngsters ing, another modified tiara including Gil Hearne of from Rumson, Sea Bright could be just over the hori- the win on the mound. zon. : Wrightstown, Charlie Decker Jerry Agee belted one for, and Monmouth Beach ' may of Norristown, Pa,, Charlie • register for Pop Warner foot- Bohn, with his two check- the losers. ball on Saturday, June 27, at ered flags, now leads, his Kremer Jr. of Lakehurst, The Yankees evened their Foixestdale School at 10 a.m. modified colleagues, but not Con Stives of Hightstown, record at 3-3 by nipping the by1 a large margin. Bohn has Bill Brice of Glendola, Dan Indians, 9-8. Steve Nesci Boys who have reached blasted a homer and won the then: 10th birthday by Aug. I accumulated 184 points to McLaughlin of Jackson, Joe date but another four time pitching duel, while Ronnie and those who are not 14 by Severage of Wall Township, ' Mangarelli also hit a round- the same date are eligible. champion, Tommie Elliott of Dick Lewis of Cream Ridge Toms River is running a tripper. Boys 65 to 120 pounds may and Bobby Rossell of Borden- compete. very close second with 182 The Applebrook A's won town. their 10th straight game to Please Do Not Buy Robin Purcell Tops this product. Many of our friends, who are excremenrallsrs (the collectors of internal residues), would be put out of business if In County CYO Meet you continue to use CLOROBEN regularly. RUMSON - Robin Purcell, a sixth grader at St. Bene- • ' Dissolves grease, slime, dicts School in Hazlet led soap anil detergents in her team to four% place in drains, drain linei, grease the Monmouth-Ocean County Haspet takes this favorite classic summer annual CYO Championship trapi, septic tanks, cesspools suit and brings it right up to the minute and drain field*. track meet at Rumsbn-Fair . Haven Regional High School with light body tracing and "now" • Restores drainage area Sunday by garnering more fashion colors. Tailoredjpf an easy-care absorption by^ dissolving points than any other contes- blend of 75% po!yester-25% cotton, it grease accumulation. tant. . resists wrinkles; keeps you cool, crisp and i • Remain! in suspension for Robin was chosen outstand- comfortable, even in the stickiest weather. ing girl athlete of Monmouth more than 72 houn, dissolv- In a handsome range of traditional as ing) greaio throughout the County when she tied for The most useful EQUIPMENT lyifem and preventing new first in the 220-yard dash, well as fashion shades. $65.00 accumulations from forming. took first in the,, broad jump YOU CAN BUY! and placed third in the 100- • Dots not harm beneficial yard dash. Snapper V21's are the easy-handling, multi-pur- digestive bacteria ai caui- Holy Cross was the win- pose mowers that DO MORE FOR YOU. Perfectly * tics and acids do. No en- balanced and a Joy to handle. Grass Catcher Is ning school in the event with BEHIND the mower, between handles. So you can lymes or,bacterial additives 129 points, while St. Cath- t close trim on either side. Hand-propelled and needed. erine's of Spring Lake was self-propelled models... with or without elec- • Eliminates foul odors by attacking (he cause Instead of second with 95. trio starters. 21" cut) 3Vi HP engines. merely masking them. The outstanding junior boy Robin Fnrcell Self-propelled models feature 4 speeds forward, in the meet wns MH"">1 plus reverse and rear wheel drive for greater • Used worldwide by unitary engineers in municipal, Indus- Kretowta of Holy Cross. traction. Froo wheeling for In and out trimming. Open Wednesday and f rid ay eves, till 9 p.m. trill and governmental waste disposal systems for 30 years. Kretowlcz won the 220 and Two Foursomes Tie Buy a Snapper for years of pleasure and satis- , footlon. the broad jump. In Fort Best Ball Marjorje Stanford was » BAGS • BLOWS tops in the girls' senior cate- FT. MONMOUTH - Best gory. Miss Stanford from St. Ball play at Ft. Monmouth » CLEANS UP LEAVES MINER SUPPLY CO Dennis of Manasfuian, cap- wound up in a tlo between Op«n Man. thru Sat. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. ay+on&lllaqee tured'first in the broad jump two foursomes. Friday IVM till • P.M. and second in the 220-yard f> dash. ' The team of Jim Young- MEN'S and BOYS' OUTFITTERS SINCE 1846 George Moss of Holy Cross blood, Sam Codomo, Terry was Wie outstanding boys' se- Crum, and Tom McNeary MONMOUTH MOWER Inc. South of the Krummy Krupp ctor athleto. He grabbed stroked a 65 to tie with the For the Bed in Yard Care Equipment first in tho shot put and foursome of Hank Landls, Wil- On Wonderful Wait Front 100-yard dash, and second in ly Doxoy, Wlllio Wyant and HWY. 35 671-1073 MIDDLETOWN the 220 and broad jump. Joo Robison. 19 Broad St. Red Bank it* . -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK - MJDDLETOWN, N. U THURSDAY, JUNE 4. AUTOS FOR SAMS ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AND FOUND PUBUC NOTICE IMP AND fOVND 8 SSSTJB. SSSPSWH- tiOST — Six wteki old tauiky vw- py. iiltck with wklte ffluk. Kewwd. «wer« to "Metif" aoneroun rewa. .1 • ti»M 741-3059. wlU tie paid tnr her return, Cn AUTOMOTIVE what a NEW dealer in -••-'" or 48M151 ejiyUme. , AUJOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE I,O8T — One carat diamond belwoen 11)82 BU1OK - LeBaVo two-door Family Pharrnacy-Uttle Silver Mar- •port Imrdton. Power brakes «mt l,i'.-..oil Hunii lmrMmr l"l Reward .toerW" radio! «nd heater One own Write to Box Y-1M. TOO Daily Regl- or _I(l9o._7 PUnkt radio. Well kopt. call 842-jlOI.J. IMPALA HARDTOPS ALTOS FOB SALE NEW—D»«!«r We hove bought Ihete can back AUTOS FOll SALE trom NATIONAL CAR RENTAL lor NEW 1970 S3M below cost and we ore palling s..«eV.r» j the saving on to you. Save as 140t — 164$ tlful condition- A«kl NEW—Policies much as U,0W. All with air condi- mOlU nller 8 P.m. tioning, automatic transmission, SEDANS & WAGONS (More Classified Ads NOVA radio, heater, . V-l engine, power NEW—Low Pricei steering, wheel covers, tinted glass. On The Next Page) Some hove power disc brakes, Driven only 3,11011 to 8.000 miles. VOLVOS AUTOS FOR SALE NEW—*Sales Management $ All come with new-car warranty. ALSO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Through a special purchase from NEW—Parts Management CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION, ALL MODELS a number of 1M? creompuHs have 2317 lust arrived FOR ONLY NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST C: Douglai Alan NEW—Service Management WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION J DELIVERED $ VOLVO DEALER. MERCEDES-BENZ Sales & Service - TRY US - 2395 Foreign or Domestic DELIVERED RED BANK Delivery One block from BRIGGS Little Silver R.R. Station AUTO IMPORTS IMOceonpertAve. UflteMnr TOWNE AUTO CITY 842.5353 721-0500 AUTHORIZED DEALER FIRST AVENUE 291-1101 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RT. 9, MADISON TOWNSHIP Newman Springs Rd. 741-5886 Red Bank


1970 AMX 390. 4-SPEED. FACTORY EQUIPPED. $3195 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TWIN-BORO MOTORS NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 747-0040 RED BANK RAMBLER SELECT USED CARS 1969 AMBASSADOR $2895 1967 CHEVROLET :....: $1650 IT'S Impala two-door hardtop. Automatic, power steering, With air. Automatic, radio and heater, full power, vinyl top. -radio, heater, air conditioned. ' f 1969 JAVELIN !.: $2350 Slick shllt. radio and hooter, power steering, low mileage. Like new. 1967 REBEL $1050 BUY IT FOR LESS AT TOM S FORD 1969 REBEL ...... 1 ' •... .$1995 Two-door sedan. Automatic, radio find heater, V-8, automatic, rodlo and heater, 10,000 miles. Like new. 1947 REBEL WAGON $1295 1969 VOLKSWAGEN , $2175 / Four-door. Automatic. Radio and heater. Station wagon. Radio, heater. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN ' $1250 1968 AMBASSADOR ...... l..$1575 Two-door sedan. Rodlo and heater. "WHERE PROMISES ARE Four-door sedan. Automatic, radio and heater. 1967 CHEVROLET : ,„ .....;...„$ 975 1968 CHEVY II ....!:. $|395 Four-door. Automatic, radio, heater. Four-door sedan. Radio and heater. , ... ' 1966 TOYOTA $ 950 PERFORMED 1967.AMBASSADOR .:..;...... :...... ".:..:.....;...$1495 Corona, tour-door, rodlo, heater. Two-dDo'r hardtop. Automatic, radio and heater, power steering, power brakes. 1967 JEEP 4 Wheel Drive ...... 1 ...... ':.. :I..S2250 1966 T-BIRD ..J. '. '. $1675 Four-door station Wagon, Radio and heater, snow pN>vr. ,: Two-door hardtop, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioned. 1967 AMBASSADOR .....1...... : .—...... $1695 1966 RAMBLER 770 '. $ 895 I DPL 2-door. Automatic, radio, heater, full power. Four-door, automatic, rodlo, heater (2). . 1967 MUSTANG .;...... ;.„„"„.„„ $1595 1965 PONTIAC ..„..:...... $ 795 * Air conditioned, automatic, radio and healer, V* 33,000 miles. ' LeAAans Custom. Automatic, radio, heater. ALL MODELS & COLORS IN STOCK Immediate ^ delivery TOM LYTTLE, PRESIDENT LINCOLNCENTER •••• IN SHREWSBURY? TOM'S i, mboy THIS WEEKS "BETTER eatub FORD i yport Of course, right in your own back yard there HAS IDEAS" IN USED CARS! is an array of the most beautiful late model 30-DAY MECHANICAL Lincolns at your disposal. Stop by today and BEnEF Matawan inspect them. \ 100% GUARANTEE IDEAS '69 Lincoln '69 Lincoln- Continental Mark Ill's . Continental two-door hardtop •69 FORD $3195 '68 OLD5MOBILE $2295 '66 LINCOLN $2695 '65 BUICK $|3f5 Torino Country Squire. V-8. Auto- Burnt orange with white top, white |7»/#T/*»C Two-door hardtop. V-8. Automatic, Four-door hardtop. Light Bluo, Electra. Four-door. Green. Full (1) Black with white leather interior, matic, power steering, green finish. black vinyl roof and blue Interior, leather interior. Executive car—7,000 %H~E §ls^ AIR CONDITIONED. Green with power. AIR-CONDITIONED. (2) Black with red leather interior. miloi. You'll like Its greol styling. block vinyl roof, Full power. AIR CONDITIONED. A great price. •65' BUICK ..$1395 •tr FORD .$2495 •47 PLYMOUTH $1295 Electro 225. Twadoor hardtop. . Oolaxle 500. Four-door hardtop. V-S. Four-door. Automatic. Green. AIR •66 FORD $1495 Gray. Automatic. Power steering". '$9 Lincoln '69 Lincolh Automatic, power steering, Yellow, CONDITIONED. Sound Investment. Folrlane Station Wouon. White, V-S. AIR CONDITIONED. A new plus Continental two-doer hardtop Continental four-door sedan block vinyl roof, A rcol jborp cor. Automatic, power steering. It will In luxury at a nice low price. '67 CHEVROLET $1395 jo f«t. '69 FORD $2t95 Mollbu. Two-door hardtop. Blue ex* '65 BUICK .,... , $1495 Urn* with matching interior. '$•-

All above cars are equipped with power steering, brakes, windows, six-way seat, WALL and air conditioning. Some have many other extras, and balance of factory LINCOLN-MERCURY Warranty. Shrewsbury Ave. at Sycamore 747-5400 -THE DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N.J.s THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 21 AUTOS FOE 9M& AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOE 8ALK AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOfj FOB SALK AUTOS FOB SALE AUT06 FOB tUE AUTOS FOB fAUS ivtr.. iirlv. SALE T/Uir t, STATION WAGONS TO »0wi~S&OO¥ — lckw "truck". -- oat owns*, fit Kvton.lnc. it.. ft. 1, Prlcel tot quick Hltl -, CUUSJM, Two- MZ-UH «il»raa«Sr tt"" ipiw rap RALLY M>oaT CAMAKO- VOLKBWAOKN IMS — »»M, w»ni> *iutr«b««l< IBM VOLKBWAOKN — fjau BMCHB 3M B-ISOT M.JMJ. Body Ml Countrry |e«»n*D»«i«nier 1092 tVyrnLANE Um-lW. Three-speed, iTrVjiooa mechanically. Asking HIM, Btwk Vinyl lop, bit engine, AiliTni IMS Country BrdnaAIr Maroon, cftui^jgj; Alt $178. Phoii* 1M1 BUICK-Threen¥Uon. luc, black vinyl Interior, radio, jjjI and R8 options. 350 i-speed. Cal engine, four-»pesd. , AM/FM radio. lOAfl impalit-9 piiNMenHr, ulr ilues, Exce t condition. Hunt sell. l-cyunilir, lour-door nurTtap. lUdlo aftsr I HMO miles. Top oondlllon. Priced to 7BMHD7 alter 5 p.m. New tiro. Very clean, HIM. Call KW) Ohovrolet-Alr ' Hovel. »ir Call 747-M33. hotler, flood condlUon. lira or btst liiiircaU mi-Mt altar 4 p.m. NEED A OOOD USED BTATIOt. 747*766 1069 Oldimoblle VliU Cruiser Bpn- KITBON ClMVllOLKT OO. offtr. 7+1-2322, lMt O-iLDIMOSILL X r-tt - AutomaUc WAtJONf See Mount English For, TWIN noiio tinTona •enter, air , ., IIH» OOflONET H/T Two-do- - Mr.o .good second ear, Bast 1970 <5TO HARDTOP today, ned Bank. 7(1-5000, Jci'I) Hs-Iei uml Bervlcu floM, Blutk Vinyl roof. Blsirk (tries. Offer. tn-li&. Price start at y:tvM plus Ittlght Bet u< now and «avc t lava »1000 off original Hit. Fully IWi MU8TANO — Automatic, powe ltlOS BUICK BKYtAIlK — Converti- Kam Air 4iO Mas;num enflne, Tor- IBM OLDSHOBILB U Coupe WMH ltd DODOK DART — V-l. [KWrsr cuulppBd Including hydramatlc, power slaertng, «OJS, Call alter 6 p.m. 717-flOM ble, 340 cu, In.. 300 n.p, KnKlne BUn' 'luefllte on column, 3.u Sure-grip air. On* owner. Call steeilns;, Oood all round. »300, ClU eteerini and dim Brakes, Rally II 7414589. 1057 CIIEVIIOLET—Bxr.allcnt conrtl- RASSAS PONTIAC dard Fenton llwr *htlt, (;untom fc«- rear. Bucket*, sport steering wheel, 8T1-M18 «venln»«. wheels. consolB, air, tinted glass. tlon, 301 m. In. lull race, Holloy dual turex include rear ctlr iilvock. fl-traik AM rflitlo. CornDleta Instrumentation Cuatom sport lionrlnr wheel, white- Kroll Motors Jno. • feed, ftug headers. Four-*jpocd, Ma- 30S liroad Bl 741-tifiD Red Bank •tereo fajio unit. Uuit >ell at 11000. Inoludlnfr Sun Tftch. Vour Keystone IMS PLYMOUTH — D»p«rMle,l>l« iec- valla. AM/FM etereo radio. Only 8600 370 Broadway Long Branch. N. J roon. Best orfcr._264-8ITiljirtjsr Ojt.rn. PS, until 9 WK-KH with F7O-I4 rtiUncl, Only $W0 ond dr. Pused InjpsoUon In reb. miles. Like nuw. 222-MOO Call MM>2I5. . * miles. One owner. Immaxultte. I.— ruary. New sxhauet sy/stem, genera- "iMJ KORD OALAXIK — Two-door HIM MKUCKDEH - Model 210. Juot 1964 VOLKRWAQKN — CMrvoriiriieT firm. Call -M2-3M1. tor and voltaje . renilalnr. Battery Pat Kttfan'f i Auto Salts RASSAS PONTIAC MGI! 10M — Must sell. paBtied Iruiiioutlon. Hcd Icauier buck* •U1I under (uuantst. »1K>. Call Hi- Hwy 38 H7-1113 Keansburn fatdback, Dluo ittid white. Atr condl< i;ln. ltun« K'XHl. >V/), 7<7-M<8. Hxcolleiit condition. New uip. New IMS AMBABOADOR — Urn mll«ne. soo Broad St. Til-mao Red Bank Call alter 8 tlociHd. $'J(i3. c;ull befurij' nuouUuit!, tires, Very low mlleiiKii, $7M) or best »W% evenings alter 1, all day Sat. Bvea, until 0 7(7O71B 7B7-41U0. ~tm$ VOLKBWAOEM — slue. WA rea«onitt)lo offer 787-IC95, 26i«70. Automitic. Oooil coniUUon. 1*65. and Bun. AUSTIN IIBALBV SPRITE - 15,00 CaH fli&ODlfl TRUCKS FOR SALE IMS POB8CHB 0118—Champagne yel. 1002 CHISVROLKT—Imimtii, two-door UNCOUT CONTWBNTAL — 1084 miles. In goon condition. Red win hardtop. V-s, atatidard trimsml^tslon. 1067 8HELBV OOBRA. — Hxclllsnt top low, ma*- wljeela, MlcWln X-A'», black top and black Interior. Best ol Leu than (3,000 orljinal mllei. fac- condition. Cm i» teen at Colonial m. 9 . SSSF 1170 CH VROLET — 14 ton pick Jicfory aTr. tinted glass, AMFM, tl.OOu fer over ItlM. Call 842-7iW a(te All around guou condition, (303. COKVETTB 196r. — 350 h.p^. 4*peod, tory air, 0 Ures, plus unowa on rims, ratiro, 1-10 a. Front St., Red Sink. miles. 3I8-1BM. 24M-5OC7. AM-B'M rudlo, t»po deck. Two top", H395 Firm. 812-0538. 6W-38M. Four wheeeel ddrivei , fewer ul 5:30 p.m. {2500. 741.WA'i. CHEVnoLKT — tM9 Bel Air station 100J MERCURY — Convertible. U 1063 PORSCHE — flood condition. IBM MUSTANO OT fABTBAOK — Walton. lactory air conditioner, heavy Ml 3&S1 " JB6TBUNBBAM TIOHIR - $1300 V.s'. I0MI BARRACUDA — Sports fail 2B0 tilich berformiince engine, i.epeed stuck*, snow tires and Hms. 1065, Excellent condition. Mas wheels. Call back. Very reasonable. JTUndy, aOO V-8. Power brakes and 106(1 POItD FAIRl^ANE BOO. Automat- Call transmission. IUoUo*tape player com* H6-4688 after 6 p.m. Hteerlne. New Urea, stereo «y»lem, ic traruimlsnlon. Vfl. Ijovr mileage, Ex- 741-3649 or T4!-9r7fl Call aAer 3, »7i-fl82B. •• INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 8ALEJ {12D-4SB0. Mu»t sell. ABIIIHK 5800, ^^l•\m. cellent condlUon. 264-6617, blnatlon, 1005. Can be seen at MU- Rarltan Oartte Inc. IBM RENAULT-IMq. Um mileage! 8BB A "KUH8EU, MAN" — For the dletown Bhell, Hwy. 39, acre«s from I!W3 OLDaMOBFLIl — Convertible. »• Main St.. Keyport excellent condition 35 mpg. »100S. SCENIC CAR SALES . • BUHLBR tc lil'ITBIt 1968 conVBTTB! — Yellow converU- >>e>t car buyi. RUSSELL Oldimohlle- Mlddletown Bhopplnt Center. Oood cowlitlon. Vm. ri,YMOU'J'H — CHRYSLER Cadillac Co., I'K) Newman Bprlnit lid., M2-18M. 19M STUDEBAKEft - 14 ton r,lclmo 431-0863. ble, Bust offer. Call. FORD LTD — 1M0 two-door hardtop, U Hwy. 3a 872-O2J1 Highland 32110 Hwy. 35, Hazlet, 26I-0108 774-8681. Itcd Bank. 741-0910. 1M2 CHEVROLET WAGON — Oood r °Til22oT «">• Call 8U4WI Towns Chevrolet IMS OPEL WAOON — Air condltloi dark ffreen, black vinyl top, power Ilr»t Ave, 1083 .PONTIAC — Tnmpost converti- IM2 CAOILLM1 — Coupe de V«l», 19QQ CAT>ltl>AC—Tw«-door. On« own- condlUon. »2&>, Call Ing. Excellent condition. Asking I130C ble. Maroon Exnellent condition, fully equipped. Rum good, body In ur. flood condition, flnow tires, Pow- M2-MK. RHEVROLET 19«3 - Ofls ton ututiliti y l bodbodyy . Lilt gate. 4-speed4-speed . DualsDuals. A»kln« $1150. TU-4082. KOoii condition! »45O firm, 787J)7l(). «r. >550. Clll 741-2539 after 6 p.m. IIWJ voun-nooK BEL AIR — B«t 19C5 VOLICflWAOEN — WHIM. In 1063 CHEVROLET — Bujicr Sport 1064 TI14 TRIUUPH-'ExcBllent con- 1065 BUICK 1.10 BABUE convertible. offer over (290. Excellent condlUon. food condition. Sun roof and radio. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 3'£T, white, factory nlr. Kxcollcnt Con. dition. J8M. Call Power steering and brakes. Asking Oall 717-0163 after « p.m. IBM OHC VAN — Excellent eondl- dltlori. M'& Call 741-0734. 741-5198 or 747-2116. 4860. Call 747-5M3, 1009 PONTIAC ORAND PRIX — Blue 1M7 VOLKBWAOIUf — Excellent con- DATSUN ZOOO ldUB — Simrta coupe, OU>8MOBIt,E—1004 Jet«tar 88, four. vinyl top. While inUom. Air condi- tininn. New brikti. Tiro extra UreJ. 1060 SUNBEAM - Four door Excel- »1000. oall S»1^1M after g p.m. IM7 CHEVROLET 2«-ton rack truck, black top convertible, yellow body, door hardtop, Clean. Beat after, Call lent condlUon. 25 mpg Beat niter or tioned, tilt wheel, m«e; wtieeU. Call H50. 1918 OMC 1-Um panel with Aty. Whltwalla. $2000. 542-7544. 741-7864. will trade wlUi ca»h for corvette. 291-34M. mi BUKK lNVICTA — converts*. m snow plow, W5O. 7»7-a4O». CHICLE CHEVROLET Oall 741-6534. NINE-PABSENGEn io«3 Country (e Oood condition. 1750 Oall 74742M 1959 AUSTIN HEALEY 325 Maple Ave. Red Bask 1985 BUICK. RIVIERA — Full power, dan. Automatic transrnls«lon. railo, a/ter B, 1»» DUMP TRUCK — BOO WHAT A DIFFERENCE ,7000. In 'excellent running condition, 741-3130 factory air. J^Clt heater, extra wheels and snow Ures. (350. •luioun Low, mfleate. MM. W-lttQ. CONVXRTIBLB — Oood imt OPEL KATJETT Bports Coupe. 10B8 FORD —J4-ton pickup, Oood BEST BUICK — OPEL BUYS Radio. (200 llrm. Oall evenings, 1068 OPEL — S00O mllea, 1850. 10671091 VALIANT STATION WAOON— eondlUon. Call after 8 p.m. Btraub Motors 22t-8aM. station wagon, Chevelle courier, au- Good runmnK condition. 17ft. 1885 PONTIAC Tempest Custom con- 767-2597. A DEALER MAKES! Hwy. 35 Keyport 261-4000 tomatic, power iteerlng, S1400. Phone 741-3M2. vertible, low mllessre, extra food 1969 VOLKSWAGEN — Bquarebaek. 691-05O6; ' OLET PICKUP — V, ton, 1988 PONTIAC CATALINA — Con blue, mocnanlcally excellent, mini AUSTIN AMERICA — Two-door. Jour- condition. Asklnt »"K>' 284^7097. e body. Was u»e4 tor camp- vertlblc, 6,1100 oHefnal miles, ABklng condition, under warranty. 741-1301. I96T TRIUMPH OT«. 28,000 mile*. speed, 11,872. P.O.E, alltmiy kltner 1MT ENOLISH TOWD K» mllej. Wnsjuuwjnd dl«ffljjM 12200. 812-0808. 741-2293. Excellent running condlUon. Call with automatic. Alto Sprites, Mldseti, er. M MO MIDGET — Convertlbla top 842-4424 evenings, MOB roadeters — OT. 'kta MOTORS plall» bumper, radio, beater. 11780. SPECIAL* 1008, CHBVELLE MALIBU — Two. tonneau' and full covers, Cal Asbury Park. 775-3(83. 787--81808 . • door hardtop. Automatic. 110410, 711-OOM after 6. 1961 VOLKSWAQEN _ dood condl- whltewalls. (1700. 542-5650. 1962 CHEVY II — I10O. Needs motor. Pre-Owned Mercedes-Benz 1903 VOLK8VVAOEJN—Oood condlUon. M7B, 7il-«138aatter 7ep.m.' °" ' MOTORCYCLES 1S6J PONTIAC — Ventura, Excellent New clutch, new brake*. Cull alter 291-3M1. condition. All power. $975, 6 p.m. 741-0842. I960 NOVA — Two-door »port coupe, JAouAJt cuAeeic itm — cour 234-8586 Vinyl top. Bix-cyllnder, automauc. MUST SACRIFICE ~tiW, Rambler. HONDA—lJBcc Scrambler.JUlw 1955 CADILLAC — Goal conoltlon. K-i, Sacrifice. 787-0626. Two-door, white, clutch. Ideal com- dooi. MI&aT^ExceMent condition condition. .Us; than WOO miles. I 1067 MGB — Excellent condition. Low New whltowall Urea. 1400. Call after muter. (828. 7U-58M. throuihout. frlrst of lit kind. Call 642^274. TT5-»tOB «Tlnlngs. mileage. Call 5 p.m. 222-3668. PLYMOUTH VALIANT 1963 — Four- days. Mir. Durkee, (77-M3O, ev*nlnr«. 671-9377 door, whltewall tires. Runs good. Besi RAMBLER 1M* — CltMIC 770 sta- W4U» 1968 PONTIAC OATALOTA — Four oHer. 871-0324. tion waxon, Sxcellent condition. Goo< 1059 • ENOLISH FORD — Four-door door, sedan, power steering, power tires. JJ50. 6424MM. SHOBE CHRYSLER-PLYMOVTH After «. 721-«18. aedan. Four cycllnder Btandard trans- brakes, whltewalls. Avocado green, 1967 FIREBIRD — V-8V8.. 326, AutomatAutomat- First Ave., Atlantic Highlands mission. Excellent condition. Good vinyl top and seats. 24,000 miles ic. Low mileagmileagee . ExllExcellent t conditionnditi , lOSt FALCON STATION WAOON — 291-S20O BINELU - 125 1C1 C »O0 mllM, second car. 5109. Call 747-6567. S1800. Call alter 7 p.m.. 787-9835. (1575,(1575 . Call 2291-26019 . Six cylinder. Running condlUon. Needs PLYMOUTH—198t Sport Fury. .Two- or b«et •*J»fi,^» / seme work. yt>. ir door automatic. Excellent condlUon. 1068 MUSTAHO — Power brake*, 18%. 1-6 call S42-U0O. After B, 7<1- HONDA — .3M Wtr.- •* AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE steerlna;. Afr cpndltfoned. Boom tires, A-i condition. W1-2M8. 1B85 MUSTANO — Witts COJlverU- ble, 8-cyUndar, four-speed flick 10«5 BULTACO ~— S300 ce. oood eon- OrlrlnaT owner. M.000 mllea. Clean. diuon. liH. ty _1 Lower Main Matawan. S926V Phone 812-5O72. 1B02 FOUR-DOOR OALAXIB-»1M, 1069 BUICK LeBABRE Four- Call door, "atr conditioned, fully (quipped, 747-MU. idlUon. Call ik.«m. 1066 VOLKBWAOEN 1M0 — Radio, 1063 BUICK WILDCAT — ConvirU- 'am YAMAHA 250 cc — B»tter than One owner. Very low mileage. White. ble. Oood condlUon. WOO. Oall Jew cxwdlilsn. gM^g^ •"•'5 »m> H2O0. Call 671-1228 after 8 p.m. 284-2625^ 197« HONDA - SPORTS CARS AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Oood 'O0*1"011 'IMS CL lit HONDA — Urn rollssj*, 1967 230 SL, Roadster, automatic tranimiiiion, pow*r ixcelleat condlUon. «W ineludM itsiring,. AM/FM radio. Excellent condition. nelm«t. 747-4°M. •• •_ 1968 280 SL, Coup, roaditar (two topi), automatic Thurs. - FrL - Sat 683-17<6. Miatawan. tranimiiiion, powtr itaaring, AM/FM radio. Exctllant con- dition. .•••.•• MOBILE HOMES NEW 1970 CADILLACS SIOOO-SISOO CONVERT on*_bt ourU Bus*s to your OWB am DeVllla Hdtp. CP». Choose from 1 •46 014s D»lta»l Holldoyidn. ' book. Werner Dodie, DeVIII* Hdrp. Sdn. Choow from S '46 Chrysler Nawport 4-dr. Hdtp. lord. 1ST17-3800- . RELIABLE - DEPENDABLE D»VIII« Conv. - Chcojsfrorol '65 Ol* Vt Holiday Sedan (More Classified Ads •65 Bulck Wlldcal ' X-dr. Hdtp. On The Next Page) SALES and SERVICE NEW 1970 OLDSMO1IUS '65 Olds Delia II 2-dr. Hdtp. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Choose from 2,7% •66 Sulck Custom Electro 225 4-door WANTED-AUTOMOTJniE Our Customers Agree—Experience Counts! OVER $3500 - •'66 Ford Mustang • Conv. BUY AT WHOLESALE and SAVE 70 Codlllox Fleetwood Brougham •67 Plymouth Bslvsdsre 4-dr. Sdn. '68 Cadillac Eldorado Hdtp. Cos. •66 Ford Galaxle J00 2-dr. Hdtp. Spring It HERE! HUGE INVENTORY OF USED CARS FORCES '«8 Cadillac Coupe Blue/Block '65 Bulck Riviera 2-dr. CO*. Monmouth County's Oldest •48 Cadillac DsVIII* 4-dr.Sdn. REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE — 3 DAYS ONLY 'il Cadillac DeVIII* 4-dr."Sdn. and* w» n«tct 100 U«*eJ Cir« $500-$1000 W» will fratls or buy out flffiRCEDBSJBENZ DEALERSHIP $3000-$2|00 '65 Pontloc 4-dr. Hdtp), right — Call or Com* in '47 Cadllldr DeVIII* 4-dr. Hdtp. '44 Bulck Wildcat 4*. Sdn. •68 Chrysler 4-dr. Hdtp. Gold/Black •65 Olds U Conv. TOM'S FORD *65Pontlos Tempest Moor $2000-12500 Custom ASKFOKIDSIGUR '66 Ford Custom 500 '48 Pontloc Boniwvlll* Brougham Hmt.n 2M.1M0 4-dr. Hdtp. V-l Hdtp. Cp», RETAIL AS IS •67 Lincoln Continental 2-dr. Hdtp. "44 Chevrolet Impala Hdtp. Co*. Murphy & Davison - • •:. PRICE •M Cadillac DeVIII* 2-dr. Hdtp. '61 Pontlac Gran Prix 2-dr. Hdlp. WHOLESALE '47 Pontlac Bonnsvlll* 9-poii wgr •44 Olds Dynamic M4-dr. Hdtp. AUTO PAETS-BEPA1RS •4o Cadillac Colols Coupt MERCEDES BE]\Z 7969 BARRACUDA, 2-daor hardtop, '44 Cadillac DeVIII* Coupe $ '49 Oldsmoblk Cutlass 6 Town Sdn. WE'VE SOLD tV SERVICED (|ust north of FREEHOLD CIRCLE) - V-8,automatic, power steering, radio, $2495 '47 Pontlac Bonnevlllc 2-dr. Hdtp. FOR SI YEARS — new rubber. 2150 '44 OldsmoblliPS Uxuiy Sedan HWr. 9 462-5300 FREEHOLD •UY WITH CONFIDENCE 1969 FORD "Fairlane Cobra", 2-door $1500-52000 '44 Olds Toromdo Custom GUARANTEES HONORED AT ANV V-8, automatic, 427 engine, radio. $2495 '2050 '4SBulck Skylark i Hdlp.Cpe. AAMCO SHOP NATION WIDE '44 Oldimobllt 9) Luxury 4-dr. Sdn. '48 Chevrolet GS 11 RED tANK — MMROO 1969 MUSTANG Fasfbaclr V-S auto- Sport Von Custom CADIUAC-OLDIMOIILE 193 N*vcm«f) Springs Rose! matic power steering, 390 engine, $2695 '44 Olds Dynamic IIHdtp. Cp*. MOTORS INC. '2050 '44 Pontlac Executive Hdtp. CM. Ireadway at Fort* AJIURYPARK— 774.MM bucket seats. •44 Olds Delmoit 81 4-door 109 Rillroid Avanu* •44 Mercedes 220 S 4-dr. Sdn. Lenglmidi 1968 PLYMOUTH Sport Satellite, 2- s '45 PotlMoc B«in«vlll* 4-dr. Hdfp. 222-1234 dr. H.T., V-8, automatic, power steer- $2095 AUTOS FOB SALE inq, r.adio, bucket seats,,vinyl top.) 1850 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 4-door Sei $ dan, V-8, automatic, power steering, $1795 1495 9 ACRES whitewalls, vinyl .interior. OF 1968 CORVETTE Convertible, BI6, $ NEW & USED CARS V-8 enqine, 4-on-floor, bucke't seats. $3995 3575 1968 FORD Galaxy, 2-door hardtop, K "We hove what you want" V-8 automatic, power steering, vinyl $1895 '1560 "30 Years of Quality Service" roof. yv ~ ECONOMY SPECIALS -v~ $ 1967 VOLKSWAGEN Fastback se- dan, disc brakes. $1595 11 1965 FORD Folrlane, 2-door, automatic transmission. S 70 C < M255 ,'i Sport coupe, bucket seats. : : *'9 < ' • 1944 CHEVROLET Impato, J-door hardtop, power t 7Q(J I 1966 MUSTANG Convertible, 6-cyl- $995 • • steering and outomotlc transmission. — #T3 I inder, 'standard shift. *888 Drive The Best! 1966 FORD Fairlane Wagon, 6-pas- STATION WAGON senger, 6 cylinder, automatic trans- $1395 H077 THE HAPPY DIFFERENCE I SPECIALS /w mission/, radio. A b»tter-looking, b«Her.p6rformina ear at a prie* lower than m? PLYMOUTH, Fury III, slallon wagon, V-8, powtr steering, Green. Warranty transferable $ you expected to pay, plus top irida allowanca on your old ear 1547 CHEVROLET, Nova, station'waoon, ^-cylinder, $| 9QC 1964 CORVAIR, 4-on-floor, radio. $495 377 . . . that's tha happy,diffarance. And that's tha ditfarane* you aulomotlc transmission. •". d • « TO 1967 CHRYSLER, Town and Country, station wagon, *1 QQC $ gat with a RUSSELL trade. V-8, automatic transmission, power steering I 779 1964 CHEVY Belair, radio, 6-cyHnder $595 1967 BUICK, Custom Sport Wagon, V-S, automatic automatic transmission. 420 1967 CADILLAC , -tronsmltnon, -power- steering,-~...,..™. 1f68 CADILLAC 1967 CHEVROLETi station wagon, V-8, automatic $1 "COUFS bsVILLE BDAM DBVIttt transmission i , 1964 CHEVY Impala, 2-door hardtop, COUPsfDsVfLLE~ $ Yellow with block vinyl top ond Burgundy with block vinyl top 1966 BUICK, Sport Wagon, V-8, automatic trans-fl ••QC $1195 ond block Italher Interior. An Whit* wllh black cloth Interior. mission, power steering, foctory air condition ltJ9 /V-8, 4-on-floor. 778 block Interior. Fully equipped An exceptionally clean on* owner with oil ths «»lrn. Excellent exceptionally clean cor. Com- car. Fully equipped with all tin 1945 CHEVROLET, Impola, station' wagon, V-8, auto- t| 1 QC condition throughout. FACTORY pletely equipped with oil In* matlc transmission, power steering • • • •» 1963 DODGE wagon, V-8 automatic, $ extras Including C/fyfOC $495 •xlras Including f]]g[ FACTORY AIRC0N0,9i»t»« radio, power brakes, trailer hitch. 338 CONDITION. "495 FACTORY Al R COND, 9•»•» » •» 1968 CHEVROLET 1968 PONTIAC 1967 MERCURY ' COUOAR IMPALA CATALINA Four-door sedan. Gold with gold Two-rjodr hardlop, Metallc gr*in Two-door hardlop, - beige with with green vinyl bucket siall, WOW 1970 1970 block vinyl bucket seots, auto- cloth Interior, V-l, oulo. trans- l-cyllndsr, aulomotic transmls. 1964 PONTIAC, Grand Prix, V-8, automatic Irons- 795 matic transmission console, pow- million, powir itMrlng ond don, power sleeving. An excel, mission, power slotting. Real clean, .j tr steering ond power brakes. power brakes. An exceptionally lint sporty cor equipped with SPORT FURY cleon car C1QOC BARRACUDA Excellent condition •<*>•• FACTORY AIR C1O0C (964 OPEL. 2-door sedan, 4-speed transmission 395 , j ' throughout. 9 • 079 throughout. 9 • O79 1964 CHEVROLET,..Bel Air, 2-door, qglomdtlc trans- Two-door hardtop, bromo with CONDITIONING. mission, :f •.-'..- ;:.,...... :;~x... .,_-.,. 795 I Convertible, lemon twist with black r r black vinyy l roof, laddie tan bucket 1964 PLYMOUTH, Valiant, ^2-door nordtop,- automatic fop, V-8, automatic, powor •foering, e 1966 OLDSMOBILE transmission, power steering 795 leati, radio, powtr steering, power 1968 CADILLAC 1967 CHEVROLET eri "tl" LUXURY IBDAN 1964 CHEVROLET, station wagon, u-cyllnder, aulo^ whitowalli, radio. List $3395 CLBETWOOD BROUOHAM IMPAIA matlc transmission, power stoorlng 695 braksi, air-conditioning. List $3750. Two-door hardtop, blue wllh Gold with block vinyl top and 1964 CHEVROLET, Mallbu, convertible, Maroon, auto- B*lo* with ton Italher Interior black vinyl Interior, tlght-cylln- black cloth Interior, Excellent matic transmission ••••„• ;•-. 695 and tan vinyl top. Like new In der, automallc transmission, condition throughout. Fully 1965 PONTIAC, BonncvMIs, 4-door hardlop, V-B, auto- every reipecl. \ Fully equipped power sleerlno. Excellent' con- tqulpped with all the *xtroi In- 995 with oil the Uxtrai Including matic transmission, power steering x dition In Cl COC cluding FACTORY titOC 1966 BUICK Special, automatic transmission, power FACTORY AIK every reipect. AIR CONDITION. •tatting and factory air conditioned ..... 995 CONDITIONING. 1965 BUICK, Skylark, eonv«fllbl», Yellow, automatic Iraittrrillslon, power tteerlno 695 695 1967 CADILLAC 1965 (FORD, Folrlanj, automatic transmission. ( 3499. SEDAN D1VILLB WE NEED USED CARS!! 1943 CHEVROLET, ImpolD, slandord Iransmlsslon 495 I Blue wltn blue leather -Interior and blue vinyl roof, Excellent W« will alfhtr buy V*«r I» In GEMICO ' ASSEMBLERS Town 4 country Doaie, to SNAPIFH20 '69 CHAMP 1001 Auto Parts Matawan. VENTURE—OATAUNA-PACBSHIP FOR WOODWORKING OPERATION MAMNSR-FICO—HARKENS Opaningi DOW aviilabU lor parmanant full tirnt raltabl Distributor TURNABOUT DOLPHIN girls and woman. No axparianca naeassary. Excallani Sanding and/or woodworking machine axparitnci prs- Sflbstarl Sails Trailex Trailers JOB — Interesting and d I versified, Ihopptnn CJenitr. Eatontown on f#rr»d, but no) n*e»tsary. Wages eommaniurai* doing enjoyable work. Sen-ral •• • - fljo^ Kfie "MlerTlw of uVf'.f 8""»nrt v 61 Orchard SI. Red B«nk r«1--" working conditions, congenial surroundings and naw plant wirh openings tn Kant Brunswick, Key- wldes excellent lor summer homo PKI>AL PONTOON BOATS — Two port, Woodhrldge. THE ATE n "MANAOKH TRAINBE- Minor repairs needed. Cost $4CK experience. 'us retire- . JU 35 South Ambn; ••urn. Sell lor JIM each. 741-1124 -IIver 2.1 Ho»pll«U«*lJon Open 9 to 6 Mon. thru Bat. Phon. INTERVIEWS: Not necessary, we nent plan. A..,,-1 , ,r.-.S Drlvj-lri 721-MM J3' OWENS — In w»»er, KeypoM Apply: 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. train you. TliralfT, Hazjel i!M-52M. "{?• SHASTA CAMPING TaAIl.BR - MnrlnA CA)i TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS ? AM. • 10 A.**. J P.M.• 9 P.M. S«lf-"\ BlrPtis 6 or 8. Excel, lent condition. ;9l-SM8B. M6.H7O. HOVflS ••- Part-time, weckenda, nither 18' CABIN CRUISER — Two bunks, LANVIN-CHARLES OF THE RITZ I or 'J days. Weekdays, we IIRVP basin, hfad and Imtrh. Ftbcrglas licit ESTEY METAL PRODUCTS INC. mornings. afternoons, evening torn. 3S h.p. Mcri-ury motor and con Rt. M Holmdal. N. hnurn Rvsllablt and comblmtlon WANTED-AUTOMOTIVE trols. $M)0. 787-6180. I Catherine St. Red Bank of shove. HELP WANTED-Male-Female WE PQN'T SELL JUNK — ~2o~iTA~aRo(frf~~fiXTdtop skiff. New WAG KB - - Not a sales commission Nor ,lo we buy It — rtiiRs and valve [nh, npwlv j>alriter position. We do buy *lpan, late model cars re»ny [or water. First *S75 takes It HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE ('an lip seen Rt Stlrfside Martin •I top dmlar. See or call WAi,L ( HELP WANTED—MALE HELP WANTED-MALE AGE - 24 or older and married pre- lilNCOliN-MEHCl'RV, 7IT-M0O. Sea Bright. MOTHER'S HELPER — Mvi-tn. Nea WAITRESS - Experienced only. A ferred. in' ALUMINUM .TON BOAT — Used ilepcndRhlp, agpresslvf. love children ply tn person, Matawui Diner, Hw YOUNG MAN — Interested In learn- JUNK CARS one yt-ar. Oars. $.Vt. Good salary. Under 30. Please ca 34, Matawan, FIELD REPRESENTATIVE ing waterproofing business. . Chance Call anytime between 9 a.m. and Bi'Jcmi!) MSSOSI to join (trowing: company. Must have 10 p.m. for appointment. PICKED UP COOKTAIL AND PINNER WAIT. Perhaps you're looking (or a job that general cement work knowledcf. PARTTIMK -/AITRES8 RESSES WANTEH — Age 21 In T nan a definite RURI. A Job with a Good pay. Call atter 4 p.m. 264-1383. Twinbrook Auto Wrecking ends. Call I91J1533. l>anny'.i Italian Ueataut-anl. 842-441 company that will tell you before you 264-6700 rnnK — Kull or part-time. Extended STORAGE AND SERVICE Ask for Jar.k. WOMAN WANTED — Record kee start exactly what your position will ?are facility EMEBV MANOR, M»U- Eatontowrt 542-2235 Ing and Inventory controls. Mu be several years from now anil how CAREER OPPORTUNITY n. M6-64OO. WHY HAUL, YOUR BOAT? — Man. MATURE WOMAN — For doot»r' you will get tnere. A company that Eatontown Police Department Is sc- Monday through Sunday GET CASH FOn YOUR FOREIGN — office. Dutlea: receptlonirt, tvpln have some experience. Apply Pevo will invest a great amount of tfmo AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH small repairs can be made, bottom bookkeeping. Four nayn ner wee Knitwear, 395 Wharburton St., Lon ceptlng applications for the position 'POSITION AVAILABLE scraped In tlie water. Try our Hlvhij Branch. 229-7300. and money to j> you Into a of patrolmen. Applicants who are MOTORS. INC., Hwy. 35, Batonlown, Service. Reasonable rates. Call 883- Holmdcl area. Reply to Box Y42^ competent executive. It ao. talk with two-year residents of Monmouth Coun- CAREER OPPORTUNITY — Join one B42-2U4. The Dally Register, Red Bank us, a fast-growing company in a very 3::il or 566-S184. HOSTESS — CASHIER — Apply in pe ty, and between the ages or 21 and of Monmouth and Ocean Counties all phases of accounting and prepara; CARS WANTED - We nay lop $: WAITRESSES—All ahlftr Experience, son Ye Cottage Inn, 149 Wfascinating business. We want aggres- SO, may contact Police Headquarters, fastest growing real estate agencies. for plfisn used cars. Call Mr. Vincent COMPASSES ADJUSTED only. Apply tn person,. The new Mer Front St.. Keyport. sive men with above-awrage intelli- 41 Broad St., Eatontown, or call 51-2- We will train and prepare [or licens- Ion or financial statement*. Liberal M'.'-5500. Robert A. Redmond jnaid_Dlner, Hwy. 38, Leonardo. EXPERIENCED WOMAN — For su1 gence tn leadership ability. Must he £100 ing, through our special company rlnge lienellts. Salary open. ___ 264-801.1 shop. Day work. Call 812-6990 high school graduate. Excellent sal- school, qualified young men for posi- CASH FOU USED CATtS _ Truck MOTHER'S HELPER ~ Silnimei ary opportunities. Planned program of jSpERIENCED PORTER — pTve- tions In one' of today's most lucra> RADIO MARINE CORP. foreign or domestic. Ilcan. opposite Sleep In. Experienced with chlldrei ;>'JI)-6{H2 advancement. Finest employee bene- day week, fringe benefits. Call (or an live professions. If you are Interested 20 Bridie Ave. 717-5100 Red Bank Two Guy*, Mlddlctown. 671-9R14- BUSINESS NOTICES Mu5t he neat and pleasant. Refei CREDIT INTERVIEWER — Nfttlona1 fits including life Insurance, hospttnll- appointment. 747-1800. In" first year earnings of $12,000 with An rqmil opportunity employer encen. 5J1-2KM. jewelry chain looking for married zRtlon,- profit-sharing, etc. Those se- unlimited future Income potential, call lected will have mi outstanding future, MEN — Over 18, for evening con- 8t2-43S0. ™,JPERiENnEr>. t-tOENSED REAL women, with or without credit ex Bee George Lcndh. cession attendant*. Must be willing AUTO RENTALS PASTE WAX BEAUTY perlem-e, f*r Immediate opening In to work week-ends. Apply in person, ESTATE SALESMAN. Paul Brslir Let us liven up those listless floora, our iiatonlown. N.J. a tore. Hour* Eatontftwn Drive-In Theater. YOUNQ MAN WANTED — Full lime. A(ceni'.v. "" " Call Gordon for rree estimate. 542-H6€, CLERKS varv, transportation needed, part-time LOCAL FINANCE Must have N.J. driver's license, be BII8 DKIVEIta — IIolrnd»l Township TOM'S FORD work. If interested, call 542-5771 be- SECOND COOK able to drive all types of cars. Call ioard of Education. Mil; or Pemile. 15 clerks needed for fultween 1 and !i, COMPANY COUNTRY 8UDSER CAR WASH, 671 •oslllons now open. Will Iraln now RENT A CAR BACKHOE WORK B299. F6r September openings. Call J64-7147. Scwpr lines. Free esllmates. time temporary office work PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY Keynorl, N. J. 500 Hwy. M IfilltVm Keyport After 6 p.m.. 747-HS06 ACE EMPLOYMENT AOENCY RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTED- HARD WOUKINO — Non-r:om|)laln- YTUPWS f>r two girls to Uke STOCK BOY — Part time. Must be To learn painting trade. Coll 741-7813 InK younc men who nprd money for charge of household. Two DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY I to 2 years duration. Hour 20 Thomas Ave. 747-3494 Shrewsbury over 16 years old. Apply In person. complete c Prices start at ?6.9!> and up Econo- BLACK TOP SERVICE — Charles after 6 p.m. collCRe. Wftll established Ice cream n family. Live-In. Iteterences. Call Stanley Jr. Save and Pave. Now la LPN — Three days week, 3-11 1 Positively no phone calls, pix shoes, routes. Must be available today. Paid '47-110303 . DD a.m. -5 V-Tn. Car of Red Bank, 210 B. Newman tlip time to get your driveway paveri. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or 5 p.m SHREWSBURY MANOR, NURSING 1031 Hwy 35, Mlddletown. UBHERS — Pull time. Must be over by commlslon only. Call 405-Olal be- Sprints Rd, 747-0173. Call for free estimate. Fast dependa- HOME, 741-2059, 16. Apply ln parson, evenings only, tween 3 and 9 p.m. MEN . . WOMEN . . STUDENTS , . Office is conveniently lo SHORT ORDBR COOKS—Excellent Atlantic Theater, Atlantic Highlands. ble service. You name it, we'll pave HOUSEWORK — 10 am. to 3 p.m year round positions available. .Miiat ESTIMATOR — For custom construc- It!. 787-3226. cated in Shrewsbury. Five days. Dependable. OWD trans )ly In person. NO PHONE CALLS. PAINTB/RS — Experienced, reliable. tion company. Experience necessary. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES LIGHT HAULING — Clean yafd«, cel- portatlun, W, Keansburg area ..-WARD JOHNSON RESTAURANT, Steady work, good pay. Call Call 071-2600. Mon through Fri. Irom EARN$I25+Wk. Call collect: 623-8050 RT. 35, Mlildletown. 787-8832 alter o p.m. 16' WOOD—Four years old. 18 lip.lars, paragps. moving flrnlture. Free 787-2627. 9 to S. • NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 984 Evimudc. Both cood shape. Ex- estimate!. Dally. 741-6762. DENTAL ASSISTANT — Red Ban] CERAMIC TILE HELPER — Cal MAINTENANCE MEN WANTED—To AUTO MECHANIC — To work In _ • NO BONDING. NO INVESTMENT fras, oars, anclioJ*. line, gas tank, area. Write' qualifications to Bo:between 7^ handle porter work—floor waxing. 50-50 shop. Full benefits. Call or ap- • UNION SCALE + BONUS cushions. S35O. 8,:H)9?6. • TASK FORCE W-17I, The Daily Register, Red Bank Work In one building. Good starting ply In person. Town & Country Dodge, • RESORT ARE* ROUTES LAWN CARE 744 Broad St. Newark, N. salary, fringe benefits, paid vaca- 60 M«ln St., Matawan. 586-870(1. • • AU. EXPENSES PAID 1966-27' REBEL CRAFT — Cabin CLERK-TYPIST -* To work Siturd EXPERIENCED PAINTERS — Apply tion. Part and full time, mornings or cruiser. Fly bridge, out ringers, depth Cuffing and Trimming EXPERIENCED NURSES AIDES— through Wednesday from 10 a.m. to In person between 6:30 and 6:30 p.m. evening*. 747-5566. COLLEGE STUDENT - To work on COLLEGE STUDENTS finder, shlp-tn-ahore radio. Beautiful 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. shift and 3:30 7 p.m. Require legal age, accurate at 45 Hendrlckaon PI., Fair Haven. boat for summer. Some Knowledge oi SECURE YOI'R BUM MB R JOB NOW condition, $4.1)00. In water. 671-0372 at". Free Estimates .m. to 11:30 p.m. Private nursini typist, with pleasant personality. Al MACHINIST — All around-lob experi- boats and gas engines required. Cal" Open 7 r' vs 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ter'S p-m. Or HS6-J500. - Call 8421247 after 6. Kome, Mlddletown. 671-0177. so opening for an evening part-time SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT— ence preferred. Paid holidays. Paid between 9-1 p.m. 388-2280. and weekend Credit Interviewer. Ap> •Full-time, experienced only. Apply ln vacation. Hospltallzatlon. Sick days. GOOD HUMOR HADE TO ORDER — Foam rubber ATTRACTIVE GIRL FRIDAY —Neat, person, PORT MONMOUTH GtlLF PART-TIME HELP WANTED LIGHT HAULING dependable, agsres&Ive, willing t tly in person, Personnel Office, SERvioE, Rt. 36 and Wilson Aye. Apply Kruger Machines Inc., 545 5R,"> Shrewshurv Ave., Shrewsbury, N.J. cushions of leatherette. Canvas cov- learn. Executive secretary potentla -Jonmouth Medical Center, X/ms Grove Ave., Woodbridge. Apply ln person, Belford Esso, (Opp. Red Bank airport! ers (or all boats. 842-2205. SMALL MOVING JOBS Branch. Hwy 36, BelrojU FREE ESTIMATES Good salary. Under 30. Please ca MAN — General maintenance. Perma- BARTENDER — six days a week. You must be IS years or older, and THE SKIPPER'S SHOP Also some clean-up work. M2-2091. TYPIST — Eatontown. Will cowtlde nent position in Red Bank. Call 741- Call 291-0533. CUTTEIt — For ladles' knit strorts- ;ave a valid N.J. driver's license. V wife, To $80. Ma-npower Inc. 75S7 after 7 p.m. wear. Plenty «t overtimp. Permanent 1970 Chrysler Outboard Motors EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — • Ask for Jack. position. Applv Devon Knitwear, IW5 On The Next Page) Any horsepower available Call alter 5 p.m. Please apply In person, Town an Vont St.. Red Bank. 842-4343. ACCOUNTANTS — Kcoent public ac- DIBH WASHEJR — Apply 1 po rson. EARL K. JANIS Surf Diner. Hwy 35, Mlddletown. counting experience necessary. Send n Wharburton ' St.. Long Branch. 229- (More Classified Ads Outboard service, marine supplies. (also known as "Runt") CASHIER — PART TIME Must be over 18. THE NEW MER-7300. Dyer Dhows and Skimmar dinghies. LAUNDROMAT ATTENDANTS — Weekend position available ln mo< resume and Balary requirements to MAID DINER Hwy 36, Leonardo. 4fi First Ave., Atlantic Highlands ern hospital coffee shop working Sat- Box U437, The Dally Register, Red EXPEItlENCEI) SHORT onnBR night work in Atlantic Highlands and Bank. FOUR MAINTENANCE MEN — For COOK—Apply In person. HEX D1NEH, 872-0367 Boh WHaon Highlands. Hours 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. urday from 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Board of Education Maintenance HELP WANTED - MALE Mature woman preferred. Ca and Sunday Prom 1 p.m. to 5 p.m, MAN — To work in boatyard. Some 117 W. Front St., Reel Bank. COLUMBIA SAILING YACHTS MIDDLETOWN Interesting position offers good sat* Dept. Starting salary $4,0*1 per year, RANGER YACHTS 291-1713. experience preferred. Apply in per- two weeks vacation alter one year, EXPERIENCED PAINTERS—Steady O'DAY SAILBOATS ary ami pleasant working condbuons. Son\ PUDASUIU) BAY KARINA, 580 hoapitallsatton and Major Medi- work. Call ZONE MARKING CO, SECRETARY Contact Personnel Oftfce, River view Fatten Ave., Long Branch, cal paid by. employer. Pension Fund 671-0768. THE YACHT SHOP Parking ' lotsi recreation area, traffic Hospital, 741-2700. Ext. 225, f«r and 12 Holidays per year. Apply In control layout stencil work. Phone 747- Interview. > AUTO MECHANIC — Experienced. person at 1719A Union Ave., Hazlet, ASPHALT PAVINR FOREMAN—Ex. SALES : 1184 Ocean Ave., Sen Bright. 842-1913. 4506 or 747-1055. 2-3 afternoons a week. Steno re An, Equal Opportunity Employer. Full benefits. Ask for Frank, at F4H perlenced. Call. quired. Must be experienced. Perma- MOTORS, Rt. 3S. Batontown. 642-1117. New Jersey (over Sweet Shop). 681-SOOO. IS' THOMPSON . — Wood hull, 1.1OHT HAULING—CLEAN CELLAUB, nent position. Own transportation to WAITRESS — Over 21. Will train 9 a.m. to A p.m. Mon throitg-h Frl. TRAINEES and trailer. 7 h.p. Johnson. Electric YARDS, OARAGES — Free estimates. Rumson. Send resume and references Steady night-work. Call REAL ESTATE SALES — W« el« WE NEED MECHANICS atarter. Plenty accessories Needs Call after 3 p.m. 741-2149. bo Box F-16T, Tha Dally Register, 872-1565. looking for full and part-time men PRODUCE MANAGER—Union store Full-time days. Apply now at TOM'S some work. Call 542-5693 morning Red Bank. to form a dynamic sales force In the All benefits. AopIV FOOD CIRCUS FORD, Hwy 35, Keyport. or call 264- and evenings, all day Saturday and LANDSCAPING — Lawns, yard care, EXPERIENCED Answering Servlc Neptune-Asbury Park area. II you're SUPERMARKET, Rt. 35, Mlddletown. 1600 After 6:30 oall 671-5192. Top TQ $10,000 Per Year Sunday. gardening. Call lOpenutor, 12 noon-7 p.m.. Wed. inexperienced, we will train you to wanes, hosnltallzRUon, uniforms sup- HOUSEKEEPER—Live In. SIX1 days, Thura., oocaslonal Illl-ln. 747-0400. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER — To 1965 17' DUO flberglas. 65 h.p. Mer- 842-07H Tftrea school children. Hed Ban, become a licensed real estats sales, work Mlridletown-Hazlet area. Apply plied. Retirement, paid vacations No experience neces- cury. Trailer. Accessories. Like new. area. Ideal for widow *• or grajiti MOTHER'S HELPER — 15 to II man. Earnings are unlimited, and a PINE-DELL BUILDERS, 593-I7M. Clean, modern shop.. • ^^_^ TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED draw against commission 1B available. tl.2.'iO. Call 671-3974 after 5 p.m. Free estimates mother. $100 per week. Call U2-8B54. years, responsible girIrll to sleep ln TRUCK DRIVER-HELPER—On sep sary in our -field. Five- ' Call 741-0902 or 747-9756. Five days. 583-9221. THE CROWN AGENCY. 988-140O. DRIVER-SUPERVISOR — Mobile THISTLE CLASS 17' SAILBOAT — WAITRESiSS — Full-U_m_eFull-time,L daya. no Powerwash Unit. Full time. Call (or Uc tank truok. Call after 6 p.m. day week, six paid Honduras mahogany interior, new ALL. TYPES OP HOME REPAIRS Sundays., Apply SCHNETOER'S TAP EXPERIENCED DENTAL ASSIS SECURITY GUARD appointment. 842-5617. 787-0437. , ALTERATIONS - PAINTING nooM .AND KE8TAURANT, 121 TANT — State qualifications. Red 1989. SlIMO. 291-8012. Broadway. Long: Brandt. Bank. Reply to Box W-172, The; Permanent, fuli time position avail- MECHANICALLY INCLINED YOUNG NEW CAR CLEANUP MAN - Toi holidays, hospitaliza- 23' .SHELTER SKIFF—135 h.p Calmer Free estimates. Prompt service. able for reliable man willing to work MAN — For general repair, main- wfl«e*. Apply In person, Town & BCOTTO & SONS KEYPUNCH OPERATOR / JUNIOR Register, Bed Bank. tenance and delivery In an active, Country Dodge. 60 Main St., Matawan Bunk, head, sonar, winter canvas and R42-095O • 741-3963 rotating: shifts. Good sala-rv, pleasant tion, paid vacation, extra.". In water, ready to go. TAB OPERATOR — For manufac- SECRETARY — Recent graduate, tc working conditions and full fringe bene- local business. Will consider college CARPENTER WANTED — Must be 564-3122. . turing company, experienced on 026train In personnel. Light ateno Re< fits. Contact Personnel Office, River-, or high school student. If local. Cal] , company-funded prof- MOWING —Overgrown lawns and and 056 equipment required. Knowledge Bank. $78. Manpower-Vine, 4 W. Fronrf A to Z Rental, 741-0040. experienced. New homes and remod ESTATE SALE — Esg Harbor Skiff field. OalL view Hospital, 741-2700, Ext. 22B. for etlnc Oall 842-1809 after 5 p.m, 7(1-5100. of other data, processing equipment St., Red Bank. fl42-O43. an interview. An equal opportunity it sharing plan. Tre- 31', twin Chryslers. Clayton 26' Skiff. dealrahie. Five-day week 8:30 a.m employer. JV J.-Wilson. Boat Works, 117 River BASEMENT WATERPROOFING- to-4:45 p.m. Excellent company-bene- DAY WORKER - Experienced. Twt rnenclous growth j»p- St.. Occauport. 229-44C8. Guar&nteed. All methods. Free estl- fits. Please apply between S a.m! and to three days. Own transport&tloh, HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED MALE COMET SAILBOAT — And trailer. mateB. call Desert Dry Waterproof- 12 noon at WHEKLOCK SIGNALf 8t2-2055 after 6. "TIGER WANTED" ing 842-4468. [NC, 273 Branchport Ave., Lon portunity with ag- 12 yearn olrl. In good condition. W50. Branch. "$20,000 REWARD" Call 747-0442. FURNITURE MOVING — Attics and SEWING MACHINE gressive firm in busi- cellars cleaned. Free estimates. Call CLERK - STENOGRAPHER — *u OPERATORS FAMILY 747-3002. Board of Education Office. MuM bt If you believe ln your own ability and v FACTORY JOBS ness for 32 years. No BOAT OWNERS! fluent in shorthand. Salary 33,704 To work on ladles and children's cai would like to earn more than 920,000 . MEN LANDSCAPING AND LAWN SERVICE start, two weeks vacation after on< coats. Union Shop. 35 hours per week. a year, then we want to ta,lk to Why flaht traffic every' day? It limit to advancement ALL YOUR FITTING OUT NEED3 , —Fertilizing. A. R. DIAZ, 186 W. Treat yourself to an experience. year, full family hospltallzation ant Openings .in various sections. SHORE "YOU". Experience helpful, but not WANTED doesn't pay when ' permanent, year New Jersey's Largest Front St.. Red Bank. 747-5019. Major Medical (paid by employer). COAT CO.. INC. 26 Bridge Ave., Red necessary, we offer a company paid possibilities. Must be Pension Fund, 12 Holiday a per year, Bank. (One block from R.R. station] In-depth training program, substantial round Jobs are available nearby. • ' Marine Supply House drawing accounts, and the. best sales Becouse of our rapid growth In aggressive, Intelli- WINDOW CLEANING Apply in person at 1719A Union Ave., QUIZ! Our friendly old file THE BOATMAN'S SHOP Reasonable. Home and oommerclal Hazlet, New Jersey (over Sweet Incentive program in the Real Estate Monmouth County, ws need men S4 Wharf Ave. 7JI-57B0 Kert Bank Shop). 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Any spare time? Hxtra mone' Business. ^'THAT'S'WHY WE'RE THE who con learn to represent this factory Is easy to gent, self-starter, in' work. 787-4527 or 264-3850. Friday. If you answer "Yes" you could - LARGEST REAL ESTATE AND IN- Op?n Mon. • Frl.\9-6. Sat. 8-6. Sundays an Avon Representative. Call now SURANCE FIRM IN MONMOUTH leading service organization as work- reach; where Hwy 35 good health. We are and Holidays 9-1. PAINTING — Two teachers. Interior J. Blrchall, 741-4343 or 462-3377, Ing supervisors. Earn $143'per week and exterior. Reasonable rates. Free SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS — COUNTY". We have one opening ao meets Hwy 34 at the 24" SKIFF — New motor, fully estima ten. 739-0123, 946-954 9, Experienced bllndstltch and single 77-4-1220. why not ffive II« a call for a confi- to start Increase to 5160 to KM interested only in life- equipped, good condition,. call after needle. Call Avalon Dress Manufac- GENERAL INSURANOE-Pairt-Ume, dential interview. when you take supervisory respon- Keyport Exit af Iht 6 P.m. 222-1434. ALTERATIONS -— On dreaues, turing Co,, 222-5250. sibility. time career candi- coats. Modest chargea. Calt 1 to 5. Call Garden State Park* 14' OUTBOARD BOAT — $50. Needl 542-6065 RN or I*PN — 3 p.m -11 p.m. am 741-3450. The work Is Interesting, steady, way. Schooling, ikllli dates. painting. Call l p.m.-7 a.m. Excellent pay am CLEANING WOMiAN — Aipply In per- THE KIRWAN CO., HAZLET rewarding and offers chance for 741-3157. AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE AND benefits. Apply BROOKOALE steady advancement. Good company not required. Apply ta REPAIR — On all major brands. HOME* Hwy 35, Hazlet, son mornings. SHORE POINT INN, CALL 264-7200 Submit hjnJwritten reiume •»: 18' CABIN BOAT — 50 h.p. outboard. Residential, Industrial. Commercial, 3360 Hwy 35, Hazlet. benefits. HWY. 3J U4-S0OO KEVPORT Hake offer, S Long Branch Ave., Apartment Houses, Call APOLLO, Full-timelltime, permanent MOTHER'S HELPER — High sohoo' MAINTENANCE MAN — Full-time Write Box U-135, The Dolly Reg- "H", P.O. Box 307, Tomi Riv.r, Oceanport. 333-5756. 8*2-7*38. Sase apply in person, CaxCax- Job. six hours at night and Sat. inera,1 28 Broad SSt.t, -ReRed dgirl, summer. Own room. Care of one mornings, cleaning office buildings. ister, Red Bank. ATCO CERAMICS CORP. N. J. 08753. 16' METAL LIFEBOAT — seats 21). child. Beach club. References. 493-3187 Must be willing to work. Reference Has mount for outboard. In water. SHORE MAINTENANCE CO. MOTHER'S HELPBR-aummer. Higl required. Call 542-2463 for appoint- tSO. Call .842-33O8. Window* washed. Rooting, painting school giri. OWJI room. Care of twi ment. Good salary and company leaders, and gutters. Flagstone sealed. children. Beach Club. 842-1136 eves. benefit*. SAV-COTE Lawn, patio furniture painted, etc. CLERK TYPIST HELP WANTED-Male-Female HELP WANTED—Male-Female HELP WANTED—Male-Female 22S-5O32. WOMAN WiANTED — To heVp wltr SALARY J3.6O PER HOUR Tho'YACHT SHOP Interesting and diveralfed position tousehold chores one day a week, Must be available Immediately. No 1184 Ocean Ave. Sea Bright 84M913 CONORETK WORK — Sidewalk*. yplng purchase orders and perform Fair Haven area. Call 741-3216. experience necessary. Good advance- 17' BOSTON WHALER — "Nauset". t>atlos, driveway*, etc. Free estl- nft clerical duties related to purchaa ment Guaranteed Increment within Homellte 65 h.p. - motor, trailer, new males. O»ll 291-0034. Ing.- Some familiarity with technlca BABYSlTiUURS — ^a first month. Call 741-1015. canvas. $1850 firm. In water. . Sea Call LAWNS EDO-ED — In Red Bxnk- language would be helpful. Position STOCKMAN — Apply In persen CBS ErlBht. Phorte 842-0298. MJtldletown area. Jle&sona^le, Call requires good typist and general of- Supermarket, 38 Main St. WOOD PUSSY SalDoat and trailer. days alter 6 p.m. 741-8305. fice background- Kearufturg Flberglas. Excellent condition. HELP WANTED-MALE B .vears old. $1095. Call 747-9442. We offer a liberal benefit program good starting salary,. and tftft opportu nice work EMPLOYMENT DISHWASHER — Full time. Apply 16' OLD TOWN — Lapatrake, fiber- nlty to grow with a dynamic company. n penon, Shar* Point Inn, 3360 Hw EXPERIENCED flan . bottom, with trailer, $165. Call 35, Hazlet. ^ ' HEJ^P WANTED-FEMALE Investigate this opportunity now. Call BOSTON WHALER—17', with 90 h.p. or 469-3250 or apply Personnel <" AUTO outboard, all canvas, canting plat- DOMESTIC — 'Over'.2a Live-in. Ex- form and trailer. All ,!n good condi- perienced cook, licensed driver pre- Part-time iobs with exceptional earn- MECHANIC if you can tlon. Call 8J2-7292 evenings. ferred. Excellent salary- References M & T CHEMICALS INC. ng opportunity. Call Fri.. June Si 7 rcqulrwl. Light housework, no laun- to 9 p.m., 5S8-O426 or 774-5192. Preferred on Imports. All fringe bene dry. Write P.O. Box 72, Rumson, N.J. Church St. ' Matawan, N. J. fit*. Apply ln person, Red Bank AuU COMMANDO An equal opportunity employer Imports. 119 E. Newman Springs Rd. PERFECT AUXILIARY OUTBOARD WAITRESSES - Must be over 21. Ah FACTORY HELP — Full time day« CUSTOMER SERVICE Red Bank. 6 & 7.5 H.P. 3 SHAFT LENGTHS positions available. Must apply In per- Experience helpful. Paid holldtys and •on. NO PHONBJ CALLS. Howardother company benefit*. Apply In per- MONTGOMERY WARD CARPET MECHANIC AND HELPERS MARSH MARINE Johnson's Restaurant Rt 35, Middle- son, Ralph Frledland Bros., Locust Earn up to $150 per week if you are —Experienced. PHONE town. - a qualified TV or refrigerator re- 291-9132. 65 Orchard St. Red Bank 741-6767 St., Keynort; pairman. Positions are for steady em- OARDBNBR'HANDYMAN — Part- 17' GRADY WHITE SKIFF — 1968 DENTAL ASSISTANT LEOAL SECRETARY — Experienc ployment. Excellent company benefits time. Please Telophone. 60 h.p. Johnson. Trailer, full canvas OMlrstde In modern busy four-jrirl preferred but not neccMary. TyptnL and advancement opportunities. Apply a42-10O4 and accessories. Excellent condition. office. Experience preferred but will and shorthand Mscntlal. Permanent Personnel Office, Monmouth Shoppln (AND YOU CAN!) >1; 291-2435 after 6. . consider intelligent. Ambitious trainee. only. Phone 342-2588. -enter, Eatontown. An equal oppoi SCHOOL CUSTODIAN — Colts Neck Write P.O. Box 153,. Red Bank. Salary tunlty employer. Township Schools, 40 hr. week, hours CATAMARAN — Four-year-old 18' according to ability and experience. RN'S, LPN'g — 7 to 3 and 3 to 11, 3 to tl p.m. Free hospltaUzatlon, Aqua-Cat and trailer. Good condition. All -benefits Included. Call AUTO BODY MEN—AmA helpers. « medloal~surgic&!, and major medi- Call 741-7961 after 6 p.m. SECRETARY — For legal oKice. M2-47OO. approved apprenticeship training, cal coverage for employee. 10 days' CORSAIRE — 18' Cruising Sailboat. Experience preferred, but not essen- CLEANING WOMAN—Shore Point Inn, jee's Garage Inc., 853 Broadway, W annual accumulated six leave, an- Two bunk.!, sets of sails seagull. tial. Write Box U-13I, The Daily Hwy 35, Hazlet. Mornings, approxl- Long Branch. 222-3644. __^_ nual paid vacation. Experience not Van der Leur. 48 Wallace, Red Bank. RRiFter, Red Bank. mafely four hours. Apply in person. required but will be recognized ln 842-4266 or 1212) 279-7100 days. INSPECTOR contract. Pay range S4500 to J8000. WAITRESS WANTED — Full time. PN'i — 3 to 11. U to 7. King James Write Board of Education, Cedar Dr. COME WORK IN THE NEWEST NICEST 1.968 17' THUNDERBIRD—"Sioux." Year round only $1.60 an hour. Lining Home. Incoming and In-process inspection of School or call 452-1106. . Flberglas dry hull, 65 h.p, Evlnrurle, Uniforms. Meal allowance and tips. small fabricated parts. Some experi- Built-in fuel tanks, trailer 'and ac- Apply weekdays, .2 p.m. — fip.m , 291-3400 ence with measuring instruments re- cessories. Very low hours. Al- F. W. Woolworth Co., .62 Broad fit, HELP WANTED — Apply In person. quired. Please contact llr. O. Lelnlng' SALES CAREER ways stored Indoorsj Like "new, $1995. Red Bank. One Hour Martlnlilng, Campbells er. M2-9200. Hecon Corp. Mid Mon- We have an outstanding opportunity SUPERMARKET IN NEW JERSEY 431-0883, . . • Junction, Belford. NO PHONE CALLS mouth Industrial Park (31 Park Rd.) for a mature, highly motivated per- GENERAL OFFICE WORK — Wom- New Shrewsbury, N. J. an, rull time. Finance or Insurance MATURE WOMAN — For four after- lon who has owned a business orr NEW AND USED hack E round helpful. Salary commen* noons a week In doclor'n office. Gen- ART-TIME HELP WANTED — Foi rved 1n cither salen or administra- Th« n«w Stop 4 Shsp opening in ':.'. • gurate with experience. 566-0700. eral office assistance.Permanency re haying season. Call Ecllt tti l l SAILBOATS quired. Write, stating qualifications, 462-5578 NEPTUNE CITY , ~; 11 MONMOUTH SAILING CENTER o Box U-136, The Dally Register, Red Bank. BLOOD DONORS WANTED — »7 pel bfiiwl fringe benefltn. Call 519-7587. - • • , *' •''' • '• "'/.••• --• - We,I 61. Monmouth Beach 222-3402 donation, $10 for AB Type. Free blooi vftnTnga call 671-2646 (or appoint- : IS' CHRIS CRAFT 8PEEDBOAT—CO ypa card Issued.Houri : Tues. am ment. will off«r iti •mploym far tnd tway *h« btii working ." (',-. , '• >j•.[-iV'fiQ h.p. inboard. Good i-ondlUon. $400. ARE YOU SHARP Thurs. evenings, M) p.m.. Sat. 9 a.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F :: Call after 6 p.m. 671-0840. ?art-tlm« John with exceptional earn 4 p.m. Closed (lr»t week each conditlbni in this arti, baeauit— ' .-.'• •••'•;.. •.'•'•''•'.:.k'':'"$'. . ng opportunity. Call *Frl.. June 5, 7 month. Ellza'ieth Blood Donor Cen- O'B" SWIFT HYDROPLANE WITH FIGURES? Lo 9 p.m.. W6-042S or 774-5192. «r, 30 Main St., EiUmtown. N.J. MACHINIST |fll bt tt» mojt ithtctiyt itort for mllti around, to :thef_ ;»/:';; ;vlS;'l Plywood construction with heavy can- 542-SAHO. aabls ot operating all machines. ; vas front deck. Very good condition, Bookkeeping Department of growing Bome sheet metal work. Must be an . In or work In. •.' •• ' ,'•. u," . .".'• '"• •• •'Vi5'"\-;;•!•'• ready for water. Evenings after 6 local concern needs a gal to work ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT EXCEPTIONAL BALES OPPORTU all-around man. Liberal fringe bene- p.m. 741-2382. full time. Must be ntat and accurate Alert, neat, conscientious, with Inltla ^ITY—Salary and commission. Start fits, , It'i laid out int.lligtntly, to you can g»t ysur work don* with figures and be able to type well. live. Will train. 711-6611. nK salary up to »700. No traveling, XKPAJNLEflSBTEBL-—Bow-r»JI, 'uture management opportunity. E* RADIO MARINE CORP. with tha'laait poiilblt waitt oHimajr —B-air pole outriggers. Pair flghtinii CTntMBBTtw»ioon«T>pentniryen cellent fringe ~b#nptlt*. cull evening! 2O"BI'ldfee"AV«:-""747"-»t1)O—Reit-Bttllr chairs. Flherglas. 18' Terry Skiff. 40 We offer liberal company benefits in- round. J2 an hour. Trade Winds Mo- IM2-3589. An Equal Opportunity Em- h.o. Evlnrude, 24' Fisherman's Skiff. cluding paid vacation, Blue Cross, el & Marina, 8ea Bright. Call 842, Moyer M/F. An equal opportunity employer If you hava a-plaiting personality, an| 787-RE81. requires competent executive tecre- 341 Mople Av«., Rid Bank rience preferred, but not nei:e«sary. RN _ Part-tlme'TTi^rmr-S^fri^tyri HELP WANTED—FEMALE lory to handls correspondence, medi- 741-7S04 ' Writ* to Box Y-I22, The Dally Regis. p.m. Atno 3 to 4 nlghtq. a wpfj-t. I cal reports, ihorlhond and tape APPLY TO STOP & SHOP ter. Red Bank. >.m. to 7 a.m. Rlvercrcftt" Nursln dictation. Account!, appointments, lorn*. 747.4:118. , WOMEN chest X-rays and electro cardiograms. WOMAN WANTED-.rtrtlrrd or scinl V/A AUTO RENTALS AUTO BENTALS rrllrrti. for compnnlon *n4 limit All Ages Buy Avon. Why Not Sell MUJI have knowledge of medical of- 100 SYLVANIA AVINUI, NIPTUN* housework In exchanRe for room To Them? You coll On Customers fice procedures. with all modern conveniences and In Your Own Locality — Hovs High home facilities. .References, Writ Excellent starling salary — i'h day M.P., P.O. Box 116, Rumson. Eornlno Potential - And Bn|oy Life week, Hours f-5. Prefer mature or Interview Hours: Ai An Avon R«pr«s«ntatlve. Coll single person without family. Musi a * • ' CLERK-BOOKKEEPER - Rhellrrd Now - J. Blrchall, Diet. Mor. workshop srttlng. fieneral office be able to start late June or July worker. Typing n^senllHl. 35-hour 1. Coll mUK lor appointment, week, fringe benefits, For appoint- Mon, thru Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. ment call 229-6M7. HELP WANTED - MALE HELP WANTED - MALE Tues. and Thurs. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 3*L HELP WANTED-FEMALE w «•. RENT A FACTORY FRESH FACTORY JOBS DRAFTSMEN OPENING SOON COUGAR '' W« need woman On both our flnl ond lecond ililfls. Electronic " STOP & SHOP MONTEGO • MARQUIS No rotation of houri. You may work An excellent orowlh opportunity with a company that Is en Ihe move. > a.m. to 4 p.m. or 4 p.m. lo 12 midnight. 10c an hour nun prsmlum WITH AIR CONDITIONING Mus"i*"' t hav«i\j»ni . experiencvnpvi iflllrDe wllm h Prlnled circuit Board layout ond be obl« for sacond ihlft work. to reod Logic Schemotlci. NEPTUNE Somt of our glrli AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD average ai hfglt as Bring Sample* S3.70 per hour In tin deportmenti whtre l I I n I """ opinlngi exlil. APPLY IN PERSON Ilinr W« aljo hav (trnnl- Interviews Dally 1:30 fo II a.m. WALTV room YARD SALE W«pf.. 00. $4T,«00 Tof Bi«_«ro*ln| family. K»- 7 extrai. house, (inplac*, lie WV«H9»lm»u"r ORGAN Frl^ Jun# 8, and Bat,, 3w 0 sanded Ranch. Six bedrooms, SHRaWSBUBV Va.WB 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. MONMOUTH BBAOH-ltommitf Krt. three Baths, living room, din- UTtlX SILVER DUTCH «n«tt«. Avsli- en, tpicloui game room, laun- Uful grounds. Entrance hall, 24>M liv- room with fireplaceice.. dining, room,, ttX-__. STUDIO ACCOWM0N--120 bass, six (Mfts. to 6. Chairi, lamn, (tudio couch, abl>lee JuJunr e 1. 222-MM. dry, basement, Sewers, Two- In kitchen, iir-n, basement Juit list- crib, cltsii, china, antique manttl, car gfcrage. ing room, with ftrtplice. spacious ed., .priced to sell. CARS — Any agu, Any lime. Prolesiloiixl Pom* King with ampll- ' type mower, drywv- o4d« and MBR RENTAL — kitchen featuring all modem convol- Bta.« proved uenftr, Chlldrtn's OF ASBURY PARK her ariaotunent. Llhe n'w. Wu |7M, i, i McOarter Av«.. r*ir HavM. -,.xJ ~dp&rhn'eni,apftrimenl, ~Jtvsuionabie. Cltll ence>. Three bedroom*, u-o * - giVe Center, H2-MI3, sol ling for MOO. 2IU-3034. •7-44IH afl«r 3 plm, $38,600 Walk lo beach. Stone con- 15x39 lalouslid and paneled Florida JMMACmvATE LINOftOFT p NEW HAMMOND (lAHAOB BALB — To J>eneHt atrucllon, modernized lor room. Exquisite decor throuiciiout. Four bedroom , din, garage. Large WYPBRJENCED BABY-SITTER — At AIR CONDITIONERS-on «nle at 10* MonmouUi Day Ce,r» Center, at >,.• BBA BRIOHT — Fumtstitd ttucllo large family. Eight bed- Circular driveway to two-car attached plot. 130,000. beach .club or horee. High School Ju- CADETTE ORGANS over tOHt book prices, 5000 BTU in HeUwdtst Church, (Fellowship Hyili, apartment, H75 per month. All utll rooms, two baths (plumbing garage. Must be seen. nfor. Preferably Kod Bank. Wjrewn- 7.1KK) BTU models available. Call 'M Broad St., Red Dank. Sat., Junt lies. Air conditioned. 8424088. In for •ddltlnnal bath). New Kiry. humson area. Call 741-9168. $555- • from 10:30-2:30. "all electric" kitchen. On •"IltKfiTONK STORE, Red Bank 7(7' /)NO BIIANCH ~ Modern two- newer line, Low tuxes. Close MIDDMSTOWN 185.000 SCHANCK AGENCY dli 1700. 2 . Bxporlencoil. Work BEDROOM, living room, kitchen sets, — And ladder, Jj*!?* "',, » ; ledroom. July J, $!M a month. Be to schools. Mint condlUon. Hilltop wooded acre wtth view. Rained alter 3:30. ^rlgldalrc, washing machine, two llv- curlly. 741-0001 after 6. ranch. Hpaclous living room wllh fire- REALTOR ino room rtialrs, SI" TV. Reasonably BaTtiiT' SierraT wllllio pjol "iViM". 137,900 Gracious Colonial on beauti- place and lighted planter. Ful! rllnlnK « Linden PI. Red Bank prYeed, like now. 671-0658. Jsel one season. Perfect condition. room, 27x14 game room. Three bed- 747-u:H»7 •Bun. M7-4OM TSAYWWIWBR AVAILABLE — ;fu« U66. 563-1746. Matawan, COMMERCIAL RENTALS fully landscape*! groundi, In rooms, Vh baths and Sauna. King- PR 5-9300 BEDROOM BET — Washing machine, highly dealrabU area. Three stone patio. Two-car attached garage, parly bar find Incidentals, Oatl any, a i 10 bedroomi, IV, baUis. Must be rlog kennel and <4 acrs fenced dor NEW SHREWSBURY 300 Main St. Asbury Park time. 506-8242. i. NaM) brand clothing, 300 lrp, •sen. Ufnt condition. run. Large mortgage available. Call 9E —• Would like to care for el- *^WrV4Et£.eii, dr«tyini board, antiquaes I..sewin*s perwm In "her home, Op«n dally -tit p: Bat, "ir^ran"" RED BANK today. cod 1;jasi z sssass & DINING ROOM SET — : MOVING-MUST BELL — Like new ulilne, TtMis, ttc. Low priced, 4 $30,600 Itanchllke split level. I/reely ( formal dining room, Duncan Phyfe lores PI,, Hftw .Monmouth. Irecd property. Four bed- Situated a on 17 attractively landicaped WILL BABYSIT - In my home or 787-B1IB. tablo wltli two leaves and pads, six rooms, oath, game room. WATERBURY AGENCY acrei, thl* lovely home hai knollv chairs, white covering, serving table, „„„ _ Nearly new BUSINESS OFFICES Solidly constructed home tt pine paneled living room, dining room ywr home, O»» fip-TARY POWER MOWER - 10- china closet. All in new condition. en», cpndnp't cl»*e», mlscel- a tnod price. rtcaltor Inatiror and o*n plus kitchen and powder .,— _-—-MS. . ll*Frl.t iVBbf Sat.. IV , M1/ 0W kt ov - 3v.« A at P 4ft Years Of Service leoumith S li.p. enrlne. one yeir MOO firm. Coat <20OO. Call Mr. v First floor. All utilities supplied. Will riiom on tirnt floor. Second floor han BKBBLB COLLEGE] STUDENT old, »i0. Call 842-26HT atter 5 p m! MclBtrich tor appointment. 741-6888. .nioppln« Center. Newman Bprlnis partition to suit. 62 Maple Ave. 747-3800 Red Bank three tiedroornH, and two full biUin TiBflreJ position as lieach babynll- Basement recreation room hai Hi own j.r Bea Bright clubs. Mon.-Prl. Loves ltd., Bhrewoiury. OM61 SINK - With fixtures, REDDEN AGENCY SPARKLE AND P'ZAZZ nreplace. Offered at »I05.00Q, "ilidrcn, good organlter. License, 8x- L'" '. electric, looks like new! FREE DELIVERY JJllSnt references, MM5M after 6 CaH 842-4020 Prevail both Inside and outside this I —On orders over 5100. MACHINERY FOR SALE Realtor % ouutanding/homel The central vacu- FEIST AND F*IST II —Ita ctitup, only 1.1 delivery charge um system makes caring for the Realtor $12.99 on orders UNDER J100. - OATBIIPILAR D-« BULIiDOZEB— FFICB SPACE — Shrewsbury Ave, 301 Maple Ave. Bed Bank three-bedroom, 11x20 living and 13x11 Real Estate Ap»r>l HOMBS^FOUNP FOR OLDSI _.j occupancy. SAMUEL TEI0HE1 nished. Main thoroughfare, high vo!< hf-ridolKy, fouMpeed turntable, In DOQB I — Cash pud (or pedlrreed AOENCY, Oceanport Ave., Octanport. 199 Broad, Red Bank 741-3450 Deal, lime summer traffic. Within walking Excellent condition sliding door record cabinet. (50. S22- litters. i. 6tao Lernw, Dot Trainer, 253- •HOUMDEt Klberon . hoo - mn distance ot large residential area. 6974. T781. and Wall .... $26,300. Call AlLAIRE - PARROW ' $350 Per Month CALIFORNIA 'REDWOOD CENTURY BUI Co., -4505. AGENCY. Realtors. Middletown 6 NEGOTIABLE PRICES SURFBOARD—«'9" long, 2054" wide, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE—B & H BBRO AOENCY "Move right In and up". French Pr* Corners, 671-2500; 199 Broad St., Red Uon. Askin Oreon stamps will now be liven with Rt. 35 vlnldal touch, Four-bedroom Colonial, CONTEMPORARY FAIR HAVEN — On PJver Rd. New Bank, 741-3*50. 671-1142. grooming and bathing. Muter Charge Two baths. Powder room. Family^ Make an appointment today to see this contemporary custom built home accepted. CANINE COLMSOSS. Inc., room (fireplace). Two-car garage. with four bedrooms, den andd stustudyd . CALL 842-4020 Basement. Vmr taxes, good schools unique three-bed room, three-bath CUB- 1 BEAUTY SHOP — Mlddletown. Good CEMENT MIXER FOR BALE 35 Third Ave., Long Branch. 229-8993, BUMSON WATERFRONWATERFRONT — om home situated on an acre ot wood- Three fireplaces . VA baUia. Air conc - GAB DRYER — (40. Best offer. nlshelshed rentalretl . JunJ e 1 t o AugAg . 11.Flvi and convenient transportation. Hard ed groundB, This home Is fullv air- dltloned. Asking 170,000 741051441-0514.' location. Reasonable, Call after S, Call 747-2925. WEIMARANER PUPS — Champion bedrooms, three baths. 11200. 747-3816. to find 4n tills desirable townahlp. 871-3148. 74.1-M97. Call •lock, Field and Bench. Whelped $48,000. conditioned. Extras Include most ap- TURN OF TUB CENTURY COLO- 787-3381. April 15. $100-J150. Reserve youi pliances. Andersen windows, lu-ri liANDSCAPINO BUSINESS FOR SALE WINDOWS ROTTED? MINI MANSION system and more. Asking only $47,600. NIA1. — Cal™11l todat< ' y to see «M' » spa..... CALL 1948 PIPER PA-12 super Cruiser, one pup now. Call 899-1412. JOSEPH S. LANS clouj home in Up-top comutlon. Four B re or Call us for. free estimate of replace' In i lovely setting on a hill featurln large bedrooms, two baths, mode 5?'i J)°' , "nllre plane. Days 940. merit house window. CAIRN TERRIERS - AKC S* fireplace in living room, butler's pan- RUSSELL IM. BORUS 7719. Evenings and weekends, 542-3180. cellent quality puppies. Inoculated 'Realtor . deluxe kitchen and beautiful M' famfa - — Grocery, Deli-tyj>e. West try, formal dining room; four bed- Main St. ily room with beameeamed cellinglli . St. Keansburg. For rent. Phone 1904 APAOHB BUFFALO - Camping PROWN'S Completely guaranteed. Paper trained rooms, bath, plui plenty of room to Holmdet 04S-4237 /REALTORS James PaTlah. Offerered at ((33,0003 . E.A. ' 787-82,50. A Terms nvaiable Ma9609 roam. Rent thli lovely horn* for 140 600 River ltd.. Fair Haven ARMSTRONG AGENCYGENCY, Realtor, effia: ^A" *• «=««»rte. in 32 Broad St, Red Bank 741-7500 per month. Call RUMSON WATERFRONT CONSOLE PIANO — Rental returned, QBRMAN SHEPHERD FUfPS AKC - M7-463J 555 Prospect Ave. Little SilveSilverr . T41T41- KITCHEN CABEJET3 — IS1,- with used 3 months. . .S635, . .FRBEHOLI For discriminating buyers. Top quality 100" on the Navcstak River. Bmall MIDDLETOWN — Five-year-old ffmr- plus temperament Black anj tan. Wo- BETSY ROSS A&ENCY cottage with living room, two bed- INSTRUCTION Blnk, working oven, range, dlshwajihcr KIMBALL PIANO AND ORGAN Realtors-Member Multiple Listing! rooms, kitchen and lath. Central air bedroom split level. Mvlng room, klteh- RIVER PLAZA — Three to flve-bed- O-reat for summer home. 264-3609. WAREHOUSE. 12 Throckmorton Bt., en, recreation room,, unfit:y room, room Cape Cod on pleasant dead- 117 Hwy 38 284-3458 Keyporl conditioning. BulkJhead and dock. baths, basement, attached garage, SURFBOARD - 8'6" Ron Jon Pin Freehold. 4S2-4730. SCOTTIBS — AKC. Adorable, well- Taxes under W00. Perfect situation attach end streeIreetf. Three bedrooms, one halt THUNDER JAGUAR OUITAR—With bred puppies. Inoculated. Paper MIDDLHTOWN — FiveJbedrooro bi for expansion and Improvement. Ask- carpeting. VA no down, FHA mini- bath lupstairs. Main floor haa car. 0 Must Be qu ;1 trained. Terms available. Completely level. Lease and deposit required. ing $25,000. mum down. Full price, $31,900. Im- living room, kitchen with cose, Fonder Super Reverb ampll' $375 per month. 78T-8881. mediate occupancy on closing. Sub- Mealcfaat' 1hTi&rW "- " " ' Her. Excellent, condition. Best ol«w guaranteed. D46-9669. _st counter, dining room and 88 HBA7Y CHAIN UNK FENCING over S350. -Call -222-7485, JOHN F. ANDERSON ject to government approval. Playroom, (or extra bedroom), bath. —Iil6lumnr"pb»l-iSia-riill.--H0—Tf»Iil6lumnrpb»liSiariill.H0Tf»> BAY OELDINO 18,3 hand*, BBA BKKJHT, — Furnished duple*, Full _->asement with laundry roorn._ djtlonal couchcouch , good conditionditi , J40J40. REVERB BIQHT-PIECB DRUM SE( Six years old. Bound. (300. Call Summer rental. One bedroom, llvln, , AGENCY PALACE REALTY Available ~ for occupancy mid AtiiusT —With snare, bass, torn tome, cym- 691-1318. room, kitchen and bath. Located rlgta $25,000. Owner. #2-5727. Principals fOREIGN LANGUAGE TUTOR — bals, cases and stool. 3160, 542-7187. on the Shrewsbury River. Also ocean 636 River Rd. Fair Haven ASSOCIATES only trench or Spanish. Honor Society LONGINES SYMPHONKTrB RADIO SIAMESE KITTENS—Purebred. Oal privileges. Oall A. KOZICKY, Real inember. Experienced. Oall 741-8265 —Four-band, 180. Asking J4O. Shuro HEAHINO AID — Fitted for man1 after 5:30 pm Estate, Broker K2-2223 or mil Oa.fl 741-4477 2958 Rt. 35 264-5300 Hazlet C»ZY BUT COOL — Thlji well built after 6 p.m. microphone, »0. Asking $35. 741-6430. left ear. Like new. Reasonable otfe Peterson, MZ-2827, evenings and holi- (Across from Red Oak Diner) tbrce-bedroam ranch is located Jn fin- will be accepted. 74,7-3381. days. HAZUET RANCH Licensed Real Estate Broker est area of Fair Haven on well land- HORSES BOARDED — Larce ba scaped lot with many tall tree*. Large i COMPUTER CAREERS BEAT THE HEAT! OUITAR—Violin and Instrument oasee, with indoor ring. Yellow-broet Hors FURNISHED OR UNFURN1SHBD- Imagine!! Three bedrooms, science new kitchen, fireplace in Uving room, In business. Industry and government New and used. Belling at our cost, Farm & stable. 833-5885. Foucfeedroom house In beautlfull kitchen plus dining area, basement HOUSE AND COTTAGE paneled game room in basement •tart with EOP1 training. Day and We open 8 a.m. every morning. Anderson's, 30 Broad St., Red Bank. wooded residential area. Two l>ath family room, soreened patio and more. EDEN ACRD KENMEL References required. After 6 call 741 AH for only ON SHREWSBURY RIVER Owner asking $35,M0. THE DOW: eveningsi . CL.Call . E0PEOPII a_t. 542-2$l542280..»0_ o_r. PROWN'S 14 CU. FT. HOTPOINT FtttBEZER— Por "Heavenly" Oroomingr 6TBA AGENCY, Realtors, U E. visit, _ECPI , 2BS5 iiopm«»'iMonmout"h ~Par k' Hwy." , Boarding. 842-4039. 0041 or weekends. Do you like boating;, or just a water Front St., Red Bank. 7«-«700. Vest Long Branch. 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-7500 Two years old. Excellent condition. $24,000 view? Ttus home has it all. Three $100. 671.1594. CERTIFIED TEACHER — In second FOR LOVELY ANTIQUHS — Art oL BABSET MALE — Regtoteted. Trl VA and FHA terms bedrooms, large living room, dining TRBBS-PBIVAlCY-LrrTLB BtLVBR - ary education will tutor a limited Jects, rare china, glassware and oth- GAS RANGES — Four burners. Nat -color, two years old. Deslret WANTED TO RENT •- (BUY-RITE REALTY, « room, family room,' two batbs. open WhsA more can one ask nor? Wood- number or students Ih French, from er Interiors. Cut glass, American and ural gas ranges. Excellent condition loving hom» in the country. (50, and «creened-ln porches over the wa- burning fireplace (n living room, June to September, please call 741- Enjllsh silver, old pattern glass, 36" wide with automatic pilots, stor 747-SSH. FURNISHED HOUSE — Englnee: Licensed Broker ter, plus a summer cottage, all for formal dining room, eat-In kitchen, Jewelry collector!1 Itcma, e-W. "you age compartments, ovens and brol needs 3 or 4 bedrooms. One. yea: den, game room, four large bed- IBM for Information. era. 520 each 7-41-5672. AKC MINIATURE SCHNAUZJi; lease. 1st. Aug. or Sept. Phone days 787-1010 rooms, 1'h baths. Two-car carage jnujt visit RU8CIL,'8 SYCWMORE PUPS — Champion aired, dockej ' PAUL BRASAR and patio. Offered at $53,900. TD. A. TUTORINO-8PANISH — High School, GREENS. Browsers welcome. No ob- cropped, shots, paper inatned. 462-908S 747-9303, Malby. college level. Ccj-tlfled instruction. ligation. 38 Sycamore Ave. (Shrowa- OAEKAOE DISPOSAL — Sink, Hx FIVE BEDROOMS REALTOR ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Realtor, IU» Qays or evenings, 220-1116. bury area). Little Bllvcr. 74a-168: tures and dnalnboard, $25 or lies OUTB KITTENS ,— Free to anyone RENTAL REFERRALS FOR ROOM 794 Broad Bt. Shrewsbury 7«-0221 Prospect Ave. Little Silver. 7*1-4500. offer, Boy's Spyder bike, excellen who will provide a good. home, lit- —Apartments and homes for new env OCEAN TWP. SCHOOLS GIBSON OUITAR — Glb»on ampll- condmon, $15. 7^1-778T. tle Silver. Call 747.5575. • ployees at Bell Telephone Labora- 'i ENROLL NOW fier, 12".and 15" speakers. Both Fuzz tories. Please call collect, B82-3627, ON DEAL LAKE WOODED LOT • For July- 6th Class • TEljBVlBION . — RCA console. SI' ADORABLE PUPPIES — Mdxei Mon. through Frl. 9-5 p.m. Overlooking brook In lovely Fair Ha- LOTS AND ACREAGE reverb, trem. $160. Mrs. o'Bhaughnes- good condition, $35. Also, O.E. elec GVi baths, kitchen, dining room, liv- ? In the only breed. Free to good home, Oall WANTED — One or two-car garage ven. Frame and brick four-bedroom , School In Monmoutn County Trie dryer, »25. 840-9500. 588-6403. ing room with fireplace; den, full Colonial, 2j- college piano major, to Improve tools, etc. Factory store open Hon.- FENDER BANDMASTER AMPL1F1 Six months old, AKC registered. Shopping Center, unfurnished two-be "Our 52nd year" son. This moat attractive Uiree-fced- blocks, from Hwy 35 and 36 Intersec- reading, ryllimle and playing ablli- Frl., 8-4:30. ATCO OERAMIOS Corp., BR — Excellent condition, $125. Con Reasonable. 462-3382. room apartment or home. Yea 648 Hwy. 85 Shrewsbury 741-SMO room, two-bath home wltli brand new tion. Write Box F-166, The Daily Reg- UM. weekly or bi-weekly lossons now Hwy 35 at Parkway Exit. Keyport. tact Jack at 568-7767. ly lease available from permanent!! kitchen and self-cleaning oven Is of- ister. Red Bank. •."roughthrough . .A««u|tA ^. BeginnerBeginners accepled TOY FOX TERRIERS — All ajrss, looted family. Call Mr., Crosset, 542 fered st $31,000. All this and low, low Call 747-M9 ir Haven. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA — BALDWIN ACROSONIC PIANO — Chihuahua pupptee, grown male. Fpj 2150 . WAU. TWP. — Lot 50x100. Maglll 1969 edition with yearbook, book- Model #967. Cherry. Very good cona terrier stud servfee. (609) 7994148, taxes, too. HURRY! Rd., off Rt. 34. Owner ROCK: .AND FOLK QUITAR LESSONS case and 3-volume dloUonaryl $350 tlon. $600. Phone 747-9095. YOUNO HXECUTIVB — Relocatim HOLMDEL RAY VAN HORN AGENCY 493-2353. —Kor boKlnnera, taught by college Call 542-8703. • BOY'S AND GIRL'S BICYCLES $8 to POODLE — AKC, cnocol&te, toy In Keyport, needs 3-4 bedroom home WOODED rtudent. 671-JOOO. male, eight weeks Phone George Lendh, 264-4100. New five-bedroom Colonial. Den with Realtors HOLMDEL — Acre plus, wooded SIMMONS HTDEABBD — 66" lone S8. — Lawn mowers, needing minor fireplace, formal dining room, kitch- 804 River Rd. 747-4100 Fair Haven building lot Call Excellent .condition. Slipcover, eiccl repair, $5 each, 872-OT16. JUDDLBAOBD EMPLOYED WOM- en, dinette, beautiful screened porch. ' 6864325. lent condition. {200. 741-6127. WHITE WROUGHT IRON PATIO TA GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AN—Wishes comfortable room. Musi Good value,..»62,000. OARL P. ^JEL- MERCHANDISE AKC. Beautiful, large boned, black be convenient to public transport HAVE A TAX PROBLEM? ELECTRIC WALL OVEN —, Stain. BLE 36" round, with extended mosh tan and sliver. $50. 946-4822. I.DRS. Realtor. 948-4443. FOR SALE ICBJ steel. Thermador. $40. Call top, and four chairs, $55. Oar-top car- Uon. Will baby-sit. Call after 8 p.~ Look at this two-story, three-bedroom COMMERCIAL PROPERTY I 671-D038. rier, Sears, enclosed canvas with DO YOU UKE DO0S7 229-0528. • COLTS NECK Red Bank house with trees, fireplace board floor, 42"x42", $15. 3cotf« seec In living room, open porch, garage. COLONIAL STORE FOR BALE—6.000 yURNITUBB AND APPLJANCES - SPECIALS—clothes tree, small desk, spreader, ii. Call lS46-9724 after 6:30 WOULD BOMB NICE FOLKS—Like All brick three-bedroom ranch. Fire- Near stores and school. All In good sq. ft. 170' frontage on Rt. 34 near Wtlltra and people) with credit prob- lanvps, maplo twin bed complete. p.m. How about Charlie? (PR»E) Whe to lake a refined ladyy, senior cttl places In livingg room and paneled condition. Convenient to everything MAtawan. Paved parking lot 30 cars. lems, Immediate delivery. Instant andirons, place, oak we met him in the cold and bltte ten, to board for S1000 per mononUrU t basement game room. BeautifullBeautifully and reasonable taxes. Asking J30.O0oT We are expanding. October occupan- credit. Call Mr. aran, 373-sau. ohept of drawers, 60" secretarial OARAGE _SALE — Antiques. Oal winds of the marshes we knew he wai Port Monmouth - dletown are landscapeldd d witih 25x20 outbuildinoutbuildingg. cy. - We will give mortgage. Central desk, queen size bed complete, mwpli china closetet,. dtska. Lett hand guitar. something special — abandoned, a 787-0526. Loww taxetaxess. GGoodd schools. Nice area. ALLAIRE-FARROW AGENCY air conditioning. 3 yean old. Ideal tor SURFBOARDS - 8'8 Weber FFeath- cricket chair, bookshelves, vacuum Huge witch:h»« potpuv.. olu—d pin,—e sawbucl^~ i gunshot wound on the leg. You knew Juat reduced to $40,800. ILLMBNSEE 199 Broad St., Red Bank 741-3450 retail store or ollices. Clothes Closet. •r. 180; 0'4" Weber Perrormer, 160. by the way he looked at you tie had mw> BANK—Or vicinity, four-bedrooi cleaner, walnut. ova/1 coffee table, tablc, clothes, etc.. etc. Saturday lived with people and liked them house, unfurnished, rent to $27& AGENCY, Realtors, Rt. 34, colts Mlddletown 5 Corners 671-2000 583-1600. Ask tor Mr. Beeman. Oood condition. Call 747-S443. typewriter stand, otc, RUBCU/s, 2i 10 a.m. 845 Tlntom Ave., Nc~ mojifii. Call after 6 p.m. 2M-9198. Neck. 462-3172. . ° E. Front St., Red Bank. Shb Alter a few weeks In the construction 78" MEYERS field office he blossomed — tall up, PROFESSIONAL Gentleman and Wl TRIPLE "A" D-RUMS — Four-toieca drum set, cym- DINETTE] SET — Rug, one yea,r old, eyes bright, quick to learn, affection- wiivt to rent for mid-June to —' HOLMDEL BUSINESS PROPERTY SNOW PLOW bals, etc. Excellent condition. S2O0. Portalble dishwasher. Double case' ale, fine watchdog. Suddenly he waa September one or two rooms, EXCELLENT CONDITION Phone 741-7077 after 8 p.m. ment window fan. Couch. Chair. 842' responsible (or the office and prou light cooldng, weekends and twe HILLTOP ESTATE EIGHT ROOMS—OMSVAVA.. batlu, fulfull cel- With electric hydraulic pump. Mount 5292 betwee>etwei n 8-8 pjn. of .the Job. Now the Job Is ended an weeks In August Within 5 miles ...Buy tills three-bedroom home V.A. Large rambling three-bedroom -brick lar, 50x1550x1500 ' lolott . Business coneconedd . $17,$ - for Scout. $300. Call 747-1881. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING - Charlie mutt go...somewhere...soon, Red Bank. Jftone 783-8289. or P.H.A. at only »2J,000. Full ba«e- ranch, situated on 414+ awes, with 909000. MMonmouUi St., Red Bank. 7U-9MJ, Contents of homes, stores, estates, MOVINNCdl — Must sell all household He deserves new friends and the af ment, wall-to-wall carpeting...bathroom * J^norsmlo view of Harltun Bay DESKS 115 up. , tables. cellars, attics. China, glassware, an- furnishings. 20 Oull Rd., Mlddletown. fection ot people who really like dogs, and dining room Just remodeled. and Atlantic Ocean. A rare proportv. adding machines, typewriter!ters, olflcoffice tiques, art objects and all bric-a-brac, Ho Is about two year* old, tutri Ger Chain link fenced-dfenceddn yyard. Call AP- CARL F. ZELLERS. Realtor. W-4443, eoulpment, etc., ain prices. r.uacll'n. !5 East Front St. 741-1003. man shepherd, black and brown. FURNISHED ROOMS all A REAL ESTATE WANTED new or used, AAU LMIJSI FULL SIZE PULLMAN SOFABBD — PLEBROOK AOENCAOENCY at 566-7600 LITTLE SILVER — Beautifully land OUTLET. 1 Three slipcovers. Excellent condlUon. quite handsome to see and In perfec -7600. scaped ranch. Three bedroom*, two Rt. 35, Oakhurat. 631-30$0. SLIDING OLA88 DOORS — 6'xS'lO iiealtt!. Call Leans Ferrer at 741-2772, LAROB ROOM — With shower. Fin KEYIPORT — Four-bedroom Colonial. with screens. Like new. $7(5. dull Phone 747-2421. • 7-9 p.m. • batfis, modem kitchen. Large living BUYERS WAITING 016-4255. floor. Private entrance. Call 747-104: Raised living room with wall-to-wall room, formal dining room, paneled BARGAIN BASEMENT FENDER JAOUAR OUITAR $135, 8-« p.m.. 4-8 p.m. 948-8441. carpeting,. 1T4 baths, laundry area, den. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Sunporch For homes, estates, firms, aoreate, Pick and choose. Small quantities of OE HBFRM-BRATOR — S4», • May Nev, wst WW^1 PROFBSSipPBBSIONAi L OOO OR00MI two-car built-in garage, forced hot and attached garage. Inrmodlate oc- waterfronf, businesses, industrial and nardboard, plywood, moldings, shut- tag dryer S35, air conditioner S2, appointment only. AKC ] FURNISHED ROOMS — Also et water heat. Priced at |24,WO cupancy. $38,500. 741-8039 after 7 p.m. business properties. Drcxel coffee table, fireplace • screen, flclenc4es. Summer rentals. Twin ters, door seconds, 13.85 each, shelves, OARAGE BALE — Thurs., Fnl., Sat. and •chntuter puppies. 671-9621. Lights Hotel, Highlands. 872-9738. RAY H. STILLMAN, Realtor raany lumber Items. No one to bother old plates, rug sweeper, garden tools, 10-4 p.m., 522 Sherman Ave. KEYPORT — Two-story masonry. LITTLE SILVER - Modern ranch ypu — shop as you please. > tricycle, baby carriage, car-bed, strol Beirord. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY- MED BANK — Or) river. Near Two large bedrooms, modern kitchen. lesss than 10 years old, all oversized "Our 62nd Sear" tor, ttc. 842-5078. , ... . Male, AKC, 7 weeks old. Rln Tin Tlr (torei and transportation. Kitchen Hi baths, recreation and laundry rooms ini excellent condlUoncondlUon . SeSett on MULTIPLE LMTINO BERVICJ: RED BANK LUMBER GARAGE BALE - Moving to Florida, blood line all shots and wormoi nrlvllegea. Ladles only. Phone 74 room, forced hot water heat. Asking 3V, acres ot high land amldit many 648: Hwy 35 ghrowebury 741-8600 Antlmies, stc. June 4, 5, 6, 10 to 5, 739-0790. $15,800 to cash or conventional buyers. dogwood, oaks, hemlocks, pines and Pearl and Wall, Red Bank 7(1-5500 FLOTATION BILLETS 12 Packer Ave.. Rumson. spruce. Secluded but convenient to LIBTINQS OF BETTER HOMES Ot polystyrene. 8!4"*24"xO6" (12»i cu. AKC PBKINO-ESB — Adorable blac BITTNBR & CARTON AGENCY In Keansburg • Mlddletown • Hul-lel t • r pups. 8 weeks old. Shots, wormed 68 Main Bt. 161-2818 Keyport everything. Can boo subdividedsub-divided. Sale , KITCHEN CABINETS .. II.!. flS.W each. For• docks, floats, SURFBOARD—8'2" custom. Good fo: Evenings 586-4832 by owner. Asking $6800$68,0000 . ClCalll 747-3117473111 Holmdel. The Bmolko Agency. 787-'•01230 . Attention builders, landlords, home- someono just going short, dhca-p. B42-32J4 after 3 p.m. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE for appointment ownerlars I cabinet factory showroom AKC IRIBH SETTER PUPS — B* WEST LONG BRANCH — Three-bed- COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL QI* i 1° quantity of custom ralsed- RED BANK LUMBER room ranch, finished basement, den, SHREWSBURY - 200 year old Colo- O-ARAQE SALE — 109 Bw4mmin cellent bloodline. Mother on prenv DOUSES FOR SALE nial. Three bedrooms. 2U baths, Se> We have ready qualified buyti Wnel door cabinets. Oak, walnut. Pearl.and Wail fits, Red Bank lses, Alter 3:30 p.m. 717-2747. plus many extras. Excellent area tor for fast efficient serv co, ear . D, Jtiony finish. NOW available for that River Rd., New Shrewsbury, June children. Asking MJ 000. CAMASSA a0t s 00<>1 Oa 1 p m> fjipenilve look" kltohen at great ANTIQUE WICKER. BABY. WARD - ami 6, 10 to 5 p.m. Many like no\ SIAMESE KITTENS — SealpOlnt *' '* ' " *"" - ROCHB, Realtor, Rt 34° Coll eck. ROBE — Excellent condition, $50. Items. LIKE OLD HOUSES? AGENCY, Realtor, i Parker Ave., 462-2741. Member Multlpl -'-' S ;jWngs-to_you,-OOMB-IN~wIUi-mea" .ShoLs1_..LHter._lralncd1._$lS Calf FABl-HAVBN -Four-bedroom-VIO' jmtln..8llyer-741«833l. * " YlC 6."' •""*"•*" "* •"•*•-- ..~,—. ..•• Hard roiiK' twin: Maple"f irtMMIertttU,' PORTABLE utereo record player, sui 542-7062. MIDDLETOWN Three-bedroom •oremonts. Kitchen Cabinets Clear; $100. Doublo box' springs' and met- torlan In beautiful condlUon will- » YEARS OLD AND A BARGAIN ranch. Bath. Full finished basement. KicfConter. 2S24 Morris Avo., Union: troBncs, loom, J60. -K--'- lamp, alto saxophone, vinyl love sea OHBAT DANE PUPPIES- charm. Bright living room and dlnlni Close to school. 6714710. WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST jBt-1060, call collect. and chair, metal cabinet. 842-5168. AKC registered. room, large new cat-In kitchen, del MORE SPECIALS — Boudplr piiair, and lovely recreation room with 814% ASSUMPTION MIDDLBTOWN - Bl-levcl, six years WO 14' DIVINO BOARDS - With HI Fl set. SunchT towel rack, clothoi TWEED COUOH —. Coffee table Up old. with over one acre ot land. Four YOUR HOME anchloM. call Peninsula House, right Hoover and parts. All In excellent Franklin stove, bath and powder Commuters dream. Large split. Lovely bedrooms. 17x13 living room, 23x11 Call today ana give detailills and etih tree, snack tablos, oval mirror, small condition. 842-3702. LABRADORS — AKC registered. 10 room. Large enclosed porch, 100' lot .. 843-2100. mirror, largo jug, coffee mill, kitch- yellows and blacks. Top breeding, with trees. Transferred owner asking residential area. This home accents paneled den with built-lns, dining PBON * AS L?" APACHE CAMPING TRAILBII— en scale, furs, tlnons, wooden bowls SURFBOARD - 6'U, RRoundtal! field trial and gun stock. TW-0071. spaciousness and privacy. Interior bal- room, kitchen, 15x33 patio, two-car ami spoons, ladles' drGBscs, swettors, Good condition. Asking »766. Call cony overlooking 20' living room. garage. Laundry room. Many extras, SPRING LISTINGS NEEDED Weeps four. Oood condlUon. S4TC. etc. Aluminum pots, opora glasses, 711-8174. PONIES FOR SALE — Mare, two. At'LAIRE-PARROW AGENC Klnr size bedrooms, full basement. Including central air conditioning * 291-0009. tins, records, books and other bric- year-old .foal. Excellent with, ctilldrsn Appliances, air conditioning, wall-to- and humidifier, landscaping, an We havo Qualified buyers now wilt- a-brac. RUBCIL'a, 15 E. Front Bt., Rod TWO BEDROOM BETS—Dining roor 2O1-17O0. 1D9 Broad St., Red Bank 741-3451 wall carpeting Included.' Attached ga- appliance* wall-to^wal! carnctlnx ing for 3 to (-bedroo(bedroom ranches, priced ATLANTI d VC TRADINa G POST -- 170 Mlddletown 5 Corners 671-2.W betweeween JM.OOO and $60,000, A so 4 to 3Kn 4 *" i. ncr Branoh. Antiques. Sank. «e-l. Kitchen set, table, four chairs COLLIE PUPS — AKO registered, rage. Large lot with trees and 18' throughout, to name a few. Excel- fi bedroodo m CliColoniall s priced between Sft flass and used furniture. Wed. On.ll 201-1145. swimming pool. Much more. MUST lent school system and commuting fa- 10 REFURNISHING.! Excellent choice of Sable and white. Phone BE 8BKN! ' , cllltlM, S42.0O0. Call after « p.m. 747- 165,000 and $03,000, Memberembers of alt fnn « *," ?••"•• »nd Bat. and Sun, 3M AUTOMATIC COPilBR — 747-DS76. IMMEDIATE Uirbreo Multiple Listing "Services serv- JP-9 p.m. Buy and sell 229-3838, livinlii g room andd bedroom furntuurfurnturo ASKING 126,000 AND ANXIOUS 4070. Principals only. and kitchen appliances. Ownor trans- torv reconditioned , Wllh warranty GORMAN SHEPHERD PUPS—AKC Ing.g . th- e Colt• s NecK-Holmde" l area. JBBe, ADDINO machines. fforrcill . PliPliono o 071-90320719032. Calalll 741-50O8 any time, KIRWAN COMPANY REALTORS 1LLMBN8EB AOENCY Realtors n l l w or Rin-Ttn-TIn blood line. One male, one OCCUPANCY Airport Plata Hailet Rt:.. 34 Colts Neck 462-3177 iUL i* "JL. " "«»d. auaranteed. OH RBFRIOBHATOR — IS cu. ft, GARAGE SALB — Juno 6. 7, 344 I romaR S45 oach. Wormed and shots. CALJ, 204-72OO PAUL H. 8TRYKSR, Realtor. Farms I&?"„««,»JS. aerplco's, 101 Monmouth lcdso Drive, Applebroqk, Midi Call 671-O387. WANTIQp — lletwcen 2 and 6 acres Bt Nent to thdnlnr f47-O48B frost free. OB) washer and dryer. OLDE SHREWSBURY Whirlpool portablo dishwasher. Jed- town. -0-5 p.m. TWO MALE KITTENS — One era) TRANSFERRED. Oft JUST OUT- and farm estates. Slate Highway 34, zoned light Industrial In Monmou' i ilr-rn »i Ion air conditioner. 542-70011. GROWING YOUR HOME? - Call or County. Call alter 7:30 p.m. 787-7288. TRAlLmrt 6x100 HEAVY OAItAOK BALE - Frl., 5th. Bat., BUl and white one black. Housebroken $26,500 write for AppleBrook's monthly Homes ,-Two wheell ssix-pli -ply tires, Cnll Holmdel. Phone 04U-4141. tires, Cnl MASON EQUIPMENT :J Cpmont mlx- Stove, $1», rolrlKorator, $16, tawr Oood homes only, 747-3068. Half-acre. Dining room, living room, for Living magazine, offers pictures, 74T-Q4H, p.m. only. or, Tlpo scaffolding anil \vartou« oilier mowet,. *»12, living room furniture kitchen, three bedrooms, bath, fu pricess, descriptions. AbsolutelAbsolutely no fl HOP b S10 and 515. clothing 10c to S3. Man basement. Oarage. Call evenings, 741' LEGAL NOTICE iKUS , — W« «y «nd sell items, Call lor appointment after 6 0323, cost, no obligation. A>PI.S]BKOOK LONNO H ANCH INCOME! PROPERTY •IITI i.uro' gl«»"Ware, - plcluro fruniDii, pV 201-11108, StSor ltoins lor to «3. If rain, Jun REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ABBNOy, HoaflOrs, MO Hwy. 3S.Mli? Two-fawo-famii lyy hmhomee o n largarge lot. ThroeThroe- 7th. S Market Bt,, »t Bodraan P«rk room apartmenpatment dodownw . TThreeh - ffl' '"•mr.sM , etcom. Oper n 12 to 0 P.m Red Bank. RUM80N RARITY NOTICE TO CONTIIAOTOIIS BI n0 r1 " ,'; " P house, 117 Main GERANIUMS APARTMENTS Room for all the family In tills five- MATAWAN — Btrathmoro. Four-bed- room apartment 'up. Exterior has Notice Is hereby given that sealed iiJL ' Monmoulli. While they Inisl; $5 a dozen, Lame OAOAQ1B BALE — Antiques. House, bedroom, four-bath Colonial. Attrac- room Cape. Air conditioning, Private aluminum siding. Additional rooms bids will be received by the Mayor BB 1 holjfnd brty things. Bric-a-brac, RED BANK — Luxury high rlst can \}0 added in expansion attlo at ' ' - Mcilltornuicnn. flowers, In 4" pota. Mllie's Croon- tive family room, large kitchen, en landscaped rmtlo. Oversized lot. Must modest cost. Full price,' $22,000. and Council or the Borough of Red ol Bo fnmsc*. !O1 Shor« Blvd.. Keansburg, 62 BeHovue Avo., numson. June 5, o, apartments. Immediate and future oc closed and soreened poroh. three-cat be aeon. SC8-&485. Bank, N. J, at the Municipal Build- '|| "' """"natilc of- 9:30 to 4:30 p.m. cupanoy. Monmoutn County's fines! garage. Magnificent grounds wltt ing at 32 MonmouUi Street, Red Bonk, centrally, air-conditioned building. Blu. statuesque trees and flowering shrubs. BPR1NO LAKE HEIGHTS - $17,600 N. J.,,for the Re-conttruotlon of the d[os, one, two and three bedrooms, Asking $73,000. This cozy ranch baa two matter site BANBBURO — Three family. Sop- 1000 Ration per minute Booster Pump swimming pool, sauna rooms, boa bedrooms, cat-ln ktlchen, charming with Accessories, at the Chwtnut marina and garagea on premise!. 94. WALKER & WALKER, R.alton woodburnlng fireplace, full basement rate utilities. Income $240 per month. ItWY 38 741-5212 SHREWSBURY m,o00. Will finance. 843-36S0, Street Water Plant, Red Bank, New ,hr. doorman. Rlvervlow Towers, and garngo. F.H.A.A,, and V.A,, flnancflnanc. Jersey on July 66, 1970 at 8:30 P.M. Illvsr.ldo Ava. 74M731. Ing availablavailablee . T1111BB BHRO AGENCAGENCYY, _ , NEPTUNE— 27,600 Frovaillnff Time RUMSON neauora, Rt r£ and Sunset Avo., This outstanding ranoh features five Frovaillnff Time, . MONMOUTH DBAOH - River * Burt WANAMASSA. Please call collect SpecilicRjtlona and Proposal Forma CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Olub Apartmtnti. One and two bed Four year old Colonial. Four badroom sodrooma, family site kitchen, large aro on flic at the office of the BoBorr - 922-04D4. -•on apartmenU In moisrn build IVt batna, oil hot water taaiaboaft living room, formal dining room, tiled ough BlnglneorBlleo , HenrH y F . LabrecqueLabequ , heat, air conditioned, fireplace. 65x100 bath, full basement and too many A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI Alr-condltlonm. lolence kltohem, RUMSON — Three bedrooms, 2tt extras to mentionention; F.H.A. »nd V.A. 17 Linden Place, Red Bank, N. J. ltd up, Call neildent Man Small maintenanop freu lot. Throe baths. L-Bhaped ranch. Oil heat. JaT- financing availableilbl . THE UKIta and they mny bo obuinod upon prop- blocks to SCIIIOOIH. ntorcfl, buaon, Quid ouBlod, heated broezoway. Two-car ACIBNOY. Hoallors. HiHi.. 3S and Sun- er notification and laymen! of th« area. $30,000, B42-4034. Knrago. Modern kitchen. Qxpunitlmi cost of preparation oi »tud Apeoiflca- attlo over garugo. Boautlfully land- sot Ave, WWanamosna . Please call bedroomsedrooms, two balhi, wlL. _. INTiUULAKEN — 216 DNrtlCinore Ave, acaped 1*1 acres Owner selling, un. collect 023-M04, Illiln must 'je accompanied by a General Contractors Pcnrl and Bead Restrlnglng atudyudy , full dining rroomo , can Now BOiilinern Oolonlnl wllh mammoth dor 170,000. 8»a-OM0. certified check In the amount ol ten [Adding Machines-Typewriters air oondlUonlng. Tiiloony with Imlin pool. 110,000 re(iticUon ! por crnt (10%) of the bid, made view. 1450. Adulli only, 741-Ooic. In next 10 dayi. Builder. Wl COLTS NECK—First Three- payable to the Borough of Red Bank OAnPBNTRV - Addition!, P»n«llng. Hlxportly on braided nylon. 11,00 s, year-olldd spacioul s CoCVl onial Cape. 1-1/3 and n JJornllnsr Cprllfkale an required •ADDINO MAOIIINBB — Typewriters slops, sWoWRlks, pntio. odil fet;», striind, Sterling olasps from 75o, LONCl DHANC1I — Bummer rental, aoros, Tflrst lloor: L...iving. room, ffor- by the Speclllcatlona wllh tha Non- nKIIBSILLBB', 3D Broad St., Rid Furnished lour rooms and bath, Pr: OOliONlAL — On almoit one acre lo ma) dtnlitg room, largm e .utlflti. '.yr roroooo m *°'d, rentod, repaired, Berploo's, 101 Kensnname rates, R43-438lt, 7(7-MM. val« tieach, 1120,15(3. . Older home but Tn excellent oond 7413111 betw CoHu»li>oHu»li>n AllWavll. jMonmouth st,, Iteil Batik, 747-0488. Ilnnk. (Inn. Throe bolroom am om off eil-ln Kitchen, familily ...roo.m with P.m., 031-8641. ..ThTThe Mayor and CCounrll rraerve the Nursing Home FlVK-ItOOFlVKItOOM APARTMBNAPARTMBNT — Steam raised hearth, enclosed poruh, Kor rigght to reject i\ny and/or all bjd hheat t and not water,, wall-to-walwall-tot w l car bedroom, U4 bathsaths, SSecone d floor: BATONTOWN - Now homo. Four- DANIEL J, OHB Plumbing and Heating petlngg . 1 or 9 aflultsaflults, nn»n»ntt 1171 i Three bodroomsbodtooms, bath. FFulu l hnisomontisomonti ,, licdroom Colonial, 3',i baths,, ppaneled umontls Bought or llcstylcd IIB1M NOW AVAILAHLM Itnr pa- month. T87-MM alter i, N els RU^1SON -- A grand old home . central air ooiuiltloningltloning,, two-o&&r gaga- den, formal dinindnngg rroomom, largrgo -HitchHitch- John Bryan ixcelleiu aondulon, Klve Itodrooms, rage, sat.flOO. ownerne , 74747-M8J7 , en and liviniving rooroomm , twooartwooargaragetwooargaragg e, (l(loutt s Ktt reasonatilo ratesrates. Now In (he lOfff — Bummer renti Horougn Clerk llmo t o pisei s your lovaldd oneo i InI n CORRIGAN'S jl MUii. 18x18 living room, j]on, MlDpLETOWN SPECIAL One acre llot. Fulll ha«mnonta«mnt . Many June 4 t«t til buy tin dlamonilii you don't wonilerful nursllig home. ComjJino studio arartment. Air con. Aagnl'rioent dlnlnir room, Large kitch- Beautiful three-bedrootbreebod m rand) nltuat* Extras. Call ilayi 2222-381B or evenings us, we lisa ove and anre, lllyjin- 127 Oakland St. ,, ais-ooea, m, PLUS a garaga with t lmm I i 542-3003. *"•' or lit ui rontylo them for you inartment nttitonod, Olinic oil on I/I'/•"J acre lloto ,, OvcralmOveral««l llivini g fenonalty. n«mslll»«'. 36 Broad Bt. vttWV NURH IOMB, R«rJ Bank 747-2706 «0UTII BAOBTRAOK VidtN- •room witith fireplacefil , dlnln" '"i rroomo , LITTLID SILVUIl BpUl level. Four HOUSES FOR SALE Av«,A , R«d BllllBall , 747-431-43100, ' 9U-room erllcUnoy, pool, from 102000 WAMti B, IMZ den, niin-horch, two baths and two"t-oar bedrooms, family room, anolcucd , PLUMBING • HaaHng. • " _ _ season. ver Rd., garage. Central alr-condltlonlngi Top, imroh, twa-cawacar RarnRa. . Kxtiellent ilTllpo ' aim"" lirioml to" "Veil In "Upper ndin. Large lainluMpcil lot. 3 General Contractors Odd Jobs or > condition. L , Bathroom r»morJ»llng. MATAWAN — House for sale, Tw. 40's. Cnll B4Jti. srt (or appointment. minnutet s rive.. to railroad station or KBA.NSBUBQ -- Moder ons-bedrooonsbedom Open IIOUHJ on Sat,, June «. from 10 LibteAugUMt cupancy Oall POR REAL SERVICI UtlllT JIAULINO -- OlltUI, .m< apartment. Adults only. JJ«»t«»t, hohott w« (arm bedroom*, large bath, llvlm * R line, LibteAugUMAugUMt ococcupancyc . Oall ddl(lon<. Alterations. Sower Tronchlng and roomi,, dining ro _ - m. to f:30 p.m., 30 Tllton ltd., ownener llor «ppa1ntrnentppa1ntrnent , Principals n rtiei nleanoil up, Kroe islltrntes. and gas included. 1168 monthth. 7BT- only. 747-4783. IH REAL ISTATI ««, Ilpols 'ai)4 Niw llom»« 7IM140 nfiar a p.m, i aft 1 pm ronr eenclosen a porch, two-car IhitalUtlon Work. >J3,m,.90, . Ca*h or conventional, ... _ ^- Three-bedroom ranch on MOM, .-- cmtom built brlok ranoh, Comult a _u-aaon, n»iph A, qoit, 7 »A«T KBANSIluno — Four rooms, brokers. one acre nclmloil wonilcil tot. Walk- ncvon vf«ir», ,on lake with dock. Fainting and Decorating Hoofing, Siding & Insulation flthed, Heat, tu and hot.w«lt« {49,800 — m edrooms, i\ liatli ing distance to shona. Two ballis, Beautifully Iiini)»t«pe4, About 3 acres, Member of d AlulU only, Ocoupanoy July Call today! iMropUce In (anil large living room wllh fireplace, (or- ,O«n be dlvidtd, AMomatio sprinkler, ON ANO BujLDBR - Oonj. CAIIL 1). JONWB - PtjntlD* and J-4 licdroums, nv« balhs, 90/ covered Rail Bank Ar»a »'•» hom« Improvoirunts. nn,ion< , lining «• i, forformam l dinin"lnlnig room, largi null dimni room, wall-to-wall car- walln»pirln«. irullV initiMo. rot Cut ,nftrt>1 JtED BANK—Four-room. Two lar| in. One aqre, A A, AltMHIUtONb netlng. Paneled den, soreonod-ln terrace, <• i|r«l tlr condlllomin. Many »bl», yft, «,ti«a|«,, call MJ-01M. oitliiinws, call a2B-38.1J, heilrooms, llylni room, kltoliea aRi [TOY, nea lor. Ms rroapect Avo., (torch. One-car garage, Full ilry bale- extras, \ '( to school train, ocean. MLS pattli fi72*87w, . I Silver. HUW0, merit, $47,500. Ownor, 717-1434. «olf, $1BU^OO. Own«rVll31-O700. \ THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK MIDDLET0v7.\', N. J.: THLRSDAV, JUNE 4. 1970 so city Children'** letters to God US Bard 37 Jailbird Pu%%U England G, Howeli By Jo African 40 Scheme HE'5 THE ONE WHO DOESN'T ACROSS girdle ISREAWTOea.PlO o A' Dutch 41 Amulet , HAVE A • CLOVE™ 1 Small valley 42 Risky or 43 Rascals' B«if(STH£6 5 Cemented critical 23 Lairs > NICE SHOT! 44 4th dynasty 10 Engrossed 44 Dairy 24 At this place king of with product • 25 Gadget used Egypt emotion 45 Ship's prow in game of n curling 46 Necktie 14 Newsman 46 Excla- 47 Former Abel mations 26 Clerical collar President 15 Actor Peter 47 Garden 48 Above 16 Lyre-like vegetable 27 So. American 49 Very small instrument 50 Consumer insect 17 Florid or 51 Neckpiece bird Blondie 28 Pertaining to 50 Up to the ornate 54 Tel- time that 19 Virginia 55 Blockhead the whale FDRVOUR 51 Wild hog willow 58 Festival 29 Cut THOUGHTS 30 Printing 52 Exuding 20 Hoofing 59 to impede moisture material or bar type size 60 Demolish 31 Picture 53 The summit 21 Race track 56 Equal: 22 Peculiarity 61 Very: Fr. puzzle 82 Cheers 32 Plunge into comb, form 24 Cad: colloq. 57 In favor of 25 Dirk 63 African water 26 N. American antelope Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle snakes DOWN 29 Ensign 1 Skillful 33 Dyeing 2 Girl's name rannri rnnraia rimnnn apparatuses 3 Falsifier 34 Coagulates 4 Man's nick- 35 Man's name: name R E P 1 | King Featont Syndiolo. he, 1970. Vorid ri|lx> iwmli abbr. 5 Used in 1 NKjilP L » I.I 1 boxing A 0 MlEpfclo 1 HAIGIEI 36 To moderate M A A y HlUiti Mary Worth 37 Wood- 6 Faithful AHAIUUIMII VOtTRE. A BRAVE I HAVE TOLD MAR? YOU'RE PUTTING WORD! THEH WE CAN EA5ILV REMEOT worker's 7 Russian anna m WOMAN.MRS. WORTH! VBOUT YOUR FOOLISH IN AW MOUTH, CONNIE! THAT. MK.WORTHITHAD AND I tool mountains mnnnm raraia arinnn KRISSIE.THISKtfy •WaCOMETOTHE NFATUWIONWITHTHAO I HAVEN'T EVEN MET ARE H AVIN6 SUPPER. TOGETHER. 8 Sea eagle nmaa manra MO0RE.DARUNG 38 Forbidden dnnrnm DEAR.DEAR COUSIN-MARY LOONy-BIN*. THE YOUNG MAN! AFTER THE 5HOW 70NIGHT! 39 Friend: Fr. 9 Explode IIMPIR nnian rararm WORTH! 5HE WILL BE SHE AGREE.' WILL YOU JOIN US? COMPUTERIZED ASTROLOGY onnasi HERE FOR A IONS 40 Not poetry 10 Invaded 5TAY...I HOPE! FOR FRIDAY, JUNE 5 41 Belt or 11 Italian wine IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY-Domesfic affairs wit be of great importance. Buying, renting or redecorating a home will absorb much of your attention. LIBRA March 2l-April 20 Sept.23-Oct.22 MONEY. Someone's CAREER. Personal feelings cottH be hurt contacts wjth "people by innocent remark about Who matter" wiB be viewed money. Stay off the sttbject all jealously, so give no one cause day. for gossip. Andy Capp TAURUS SCORPIO April 21-May 20 Oct»NoT.21 REGRETS ^ TRAVEL. Heavy traf- Even if cautious ALR5ABY. EH? THAT I'VE fic or other difficul- people throw cold ties will make traveling no plea- water on your ideas, stay ONLY GOT sure but, short or long, trip optimistic-and keep trying. should be worth the trouble. . SAGITTARIUS V WALK a • GEMINI fNov.22-Dec.20 *3*My f HEALTH. Excellent OUTONI II II f Practiaclity, not anli- day to start dieting, ll 11, ment, will guide you, 'give' up smoking, etc You'll so' it's good time to think out have strong self-control. career or business problem. CAPRICORN £ CANCER" Decr2Manrl9 June21-July21 i. Be patient with those People sometimes ? less well organized have trouble express- than you. In fact, let them ing their feelings, but you may show you how to loosen up. The Wizard of Id get demonstration today of friend's faithful affection. • _ AQUARIUS •iJan.20-Feb.18 Bridge Advice LE0 Jut Don't let lack of pres- By ALFRED SHEINWOLD July22-Aug.2l et ^ sure slow you down. Get things in order, in prepara- In some situations a defend- North dealer Anything under- er can't be sure of choosing • handed wiU have un- tion for busy time. Neither aide vulnerable 7 the best play. In such cases favorable repercussions. Don t NORTH cut corners, even to be good ^ PISCES it often pays to do whatever declarer doesn't want you to • A6 > sport. Mjff Feb. 19-March 20 in those around you nished in today's hand, Aug.22-Sept.22 « • QJ75 will be balm for any worries played in the 1969 world WEST ROMANCE. CooDy you might have. championships. EAST critical Virgo evalua- • Q54 • J 1098 73 tion could blight relationship. West opened a trump, and tf 96 32 ^? 7 Be careful what you say. declarer drew two rounds. Af- O A'J6 ter noting the bad trump • A9 2 O K82 break, declarer switched to + 1083 Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace SOUTH clubs, losing the king to • K2 DAPBURN West's ace. West returned an- CA854 - . ether trump, and South won O 10953 ITS THREE fliM-flNTH* U6HTS IDJIT BOX!.' in- his own hand to lead the" ARE STILL ON ODER AT LUKg/'S nine of diamonds. • North Eart South Wttt HOUSE- GLORY BES HE J • Pass 1 (j j»iM Why the nine? A defender P MUST BE HAVIN'A AIL-NI6HT will usually cover an honor, *ywi AH ANCIENT TRIBAL THE STONES ARE NOV/ WOW/ THE the king; and South could lat- WHAT'S THAT CUSTOM, THE ONE I ONLY A SYMBOL-FOR OLDEN PAY'S- er lead another diamond to concentrate on thwarting ABOUT? FOUGHT IS EXILEP THE ANCIENT CUSTOM. WEREN'T SO them, you may do them more BECAUSE HE IN THE CUDEN GREAT' make sure of a trick with PISGRACEP DAYS HE'D BE good than harm. >; THE YIUAGE STONED TO dummy's queen. This was all WITH HIS DEATH. he needed.for his contract. 'DAILY QUESTION: Should Cover' Partner opens with ii-NT Perhaps West couldn't tell (16 to 18 points), and'the inert what was going on in dia- player passes.. You hold: S — monds, but he should have K 2 H - A 8 5 4 D —10 9 5 3 known that South was trying C-K64. What do you say? to avoid a cover, if only for Answer: Bid two clubs, the that reason, West should have Stayman Convention, asking covered the nine of diamonds partner to show a majorsult with the jack. 'YOU PEOPLE SgR KgTHISCCJFFe of four or more cards. If he Dummy's queen would lose bids two hearts, you will jump 1 USED THE OMLV POUND WE HAO I* to the king, and East would to four hearts; if he bidsiany- Nubbin Beetle Bailey return a safe black card. thing else, you will old 31NT. WHAT IS / HOW IT TOPAV/ [ aose UP AT \NOON?f DOOOK? IM A WHOIB NEW SET OF AILMENT&

and Lois


* -THE DAILY REGJSTEH, Hf,D BANK-MIDDLETOWN', N. ).: THURSDAY, JINE 4, 1970 Television Today Whispers on Wuu% O WCIS-TV WABC.TV o O WOR-TV CD WNDT.TV O WNICTV SeenFrankly Folksy V/NEW.TV ID WPIX-TV 9 IndicaUi Color o By WILLIAM CLOVER The actors sing along heart- DAmMCMOVIB y O THIS IS TOW JONES IC) NEW YORK (AP) - A lly, with Nancy Dussault, 1 iOO 0 "Mr. lalvnVa RIA« Ik lar i)u"Him : CUCUndlnd * LLonjlll , LLtttH Ulcharif, AM Truck- frankly folksy musical, "Whis- David Cryer, Patrick Fox, 1 :30 0 "Aid Any 6kl" inf Company, IB) 0 MILLION DOUAR MOVIE pers on the Wind," dared Mary I/>uise Wilson and H. IliM S "U»aby ol Iroadway" "One Hlnute (o Zero" ularrlng: rtnherl. Mitclmm. 1:00 0 "Abwrt fae»" Arin Blyth, A hard ttltltn Infantry ffnlnnel and a girl premiere last night at off- G. Brown sharing in much 0 "0*caut4 Y«uV« Mint" civilian worker ma«t in •> amail Koraan vlllaca under Broadway's Theater De Lys. merited applaus*. 4:30 Q "Tamahina" lira, (|a^2) O "Houdinl" 09 N.Y.P.D. ICI It is professionally neat and Hurt Brinckcrhoff's direc- ^Candy Man" Part II. Pollc* wltnr»a a group ther- persuasively modest, de- O "Tr* Irnhir DouUoon" apy aeiilon at t narcotlra rehabilitation ctnttf. tion occasionally indulges In liberately countering in meth- more than necessary activity EVENING rjp SOUL ICI • JO 0 DRAGNET l ticks" running for 10 years, "Whisper.? on the Wind" "Illo Uranile' 0 O TEN O'CLOCK NEWS 4;J» Q DICK VAN DYKE 0 fAHIS 70M IC) so this just might become an- speaks softly of life, love and S F TROOP ICI "Call Me Kiitn," Jarlt Brennin tnda tha "twin" of other sentimental sleeper. loneliness, but creates en." . "The Great Troop naUiry" hlf dec«aae«i aweetheart under atranfa drcum- IB SEGOVIA MASTEK CLASS alancM. in, The cast of five, slipping in tertainment of triumphantly 1M O CM NIWS-WALTER CRONKITE (Cl tX NEWSFRONT and out of multiple vignettes ingratiating chnnm. ' Q HUNUtY-BRINKLEY REPORT (C) 11:00 Q O NEWS, WEATHER. SPORTS IC) -) B (LOVE LUCY 13 PEYTON PLACE with easy adaptability, trace -i 0 ABC EVENING NEWS (C) O THE LATE MOVIE the life of a youth through the WHAT'S MY LINE "ftorfiner* Creek" iiUrrinfr rtsndolpli Scott, Mlr- bruhses and smiles of Mid- PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES (*".) fiuertta Chupnian. A plomer town il torn apart by ALTER a ranae war and apt mmn'a vengeance. (1948) MUSICIANS WIN SCHOLARSHIPS — Lianne McCarthy, center, of New Shrews- western upbringing, the break § IM HUNCH CHEF . JD PERRY MASON : ? /'Four in Hand chicken" • ( "The Csaa of (lie Reluctant Model" from home to compromise 7|S9 0 FAMILY AFFAIR ICI bury and V«rnon Buntin of Eatontown, both 17, accept $25Q scholarship awards . • ' -. Buffy and Jody "Adopt" a runaway orphan bey with* lllW O NEWS. WEATHER. SPORTS (C) success in big town. . tut (tie knowledge or llnclf BUI or French, THE IONI&HT SHOW (Cl from Mrs. Bruca Whitenack, prasidenf of Mu»ic Maker*, af fifth annual banquet of Writer John B. Kuntz has an EADE O DANIEL BOONE ICI . Uueata: Lynn Kellogf, Stiller and Mean, Herb Foil- brick . - ; Monmouth Regional Music Makers. At Methodist Church, Red Ba'nk, baton fwirlers, j;ii :• V ' *Tha 5'r«Hor'.''panlel'a mualon to obtain plani for eye /or the tiny significances ' Jl. Fort Deti«tl'a ewfonsca Involves » meeting with a. O I IiJO MOVIE of youth and an ear for 0 ,(,•;; i.i»tui who clainia to be » defecting Brltiah olllcer. , .• "Six of a Kind" (1S34) ultrrlng. W. C, Field*, ipeeialty twlrUri, color guard and drum majorettet received recognition. Kenneth charlu Rugglca. cnuy complleatlom that ttxut an the sad-funny inevitabilities of HEATRES rnuplea' aecand honeymoon drlv* to California. Fitld revived John PJiilJp Sou»a award from George Hoffman, band director. Mon- O THE DICK CAVETT SHOW later years. His lyrics for Lor mouth Regional i!«g« band enfer+ained and also wat recognized with awardt. A wait to u» HiuhiuwM fltme «* Queatt fleymoor Kenh. author Crane's score advance mat- 11*0 O THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW (C) ' - (Register Staff Photo) ters with cadences that mildly tlM&^WW&CQW™*» t. vi«r th. ««m rti^T ©UK REPORT •-:•'• w1(«t Job «» > topl«« wdtrew lur I2|IS O TONI&H1 AT THE MOVIES echo Dylan Thomas. The RED BANK "Uil chanca for Ml*" aUrrlnr Branca Bettota, narrUie. 1 , music Is unelahorate but at- • WAV THE CLOCK IC) Claudia CFora. Bon at the commandant of the Qtt» nan prMon Mmp In lUly alila a yrlasntr't etcapa. 2 NEW JERKY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF tractive in rendition by a quin- ARE.TON '•00: B THt MM. MAJORS HOUR alarrlnr Tenne* 1 bloWr/ljUva tha Vena Motioni ' ?»rt I AMn'i Mmian, Jean Kent, sir fraud* Drake* btttla e(aa ahrar, makea • atlro- RED BANK NEPTUNE CITY nliif claim r«|trdinr Don Holllnier and 1 vlltt to ajelniajalnit •* would 1ti*e ttyrant. ' CARJ.T0N- Seaboard TbermstmagoiBttat j • wtddlna ctiapel. (K) 0~ JOE FRANKLINJSHO SHOWW , NEPTUNE CITY- OtAREDO(C) , I:IJ O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW. Oone With THe Wind 2:M| 1:30, Merw Ufa ot u AmoHesn Wife Scheduled —, returning to TUnger headquuler* with a 'Kury of the Cono;o" (1952) •tarring Johnny Well* EAT0NTOWN Changes Name . ibla carkoj 1* Intercepted In turn ty outlaw*. mullet*,. Sherr8heny. Moreiand; Junxtc Jlnv eneounttra a MANALAPAN — The town- CAM YOU FOP THIS? ICI great' iungi' •a« alampedaUmeeda* ajidtfecld*. to lad the m- COMMUNITY— LAKEW00D KEANSBURG - Seaboard aonforIL -•: Ann« of the TKouMWd Dayi 3:00; ship's cfean-up drive gets un- WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW IC) IiJO 0 REEL CAMP 7:30; 10:00. TOWN- Finance Company has IRONSIDE IC) • DRIVE-IN- A Dream of Kings 7:15; 9:25. der way Saturday. w« My Itwmy" U.B. o((ld«la negotiation the n- 1110 O NEWS How The Went Wae Won 8:49; COUNTRY- changed its name to Avco Fi- li40 O THE LATE SHOW t of American ntleonera from Red China are Stay Awa.y Joe 11:40. HOW »• W«»t waa Won 8:00. A Board of Health an- -1 af nronlerlnf me CAM of Uu Communm ' Contraband Spain" (1911) iterrlnl Richard Oreene. nancial Services, according to ilan. (Ri Anouk Almee. The atory of amuf gltra and Intrigue FREEHOLD LAURELTON nouftcetnent states: "On four in Barcelona. Edward Sklpton, manager. SHOW (C) MALLI- DRIVE-IN- successive Saturdays, the The change is the result of p MJdnl(rht Cowboy 7:10; 8:20. • What Do You Say To A Naked 8am«nthi a Secret Spell" SamanUta Mi only « liOO O NEWS AND WEATHER t*d| «!»; 12:25; The Mercenary township will provide man- combining two consumer fi- •hort tlmi to revtrae a apell her mother her put •JilS 0 THE LATE LATE SHOW I MALL II- on Darrtn or ela« he will be a mouae. (It) "The Thief of Dameecuf (««« power and trucks to pick up nance subsidiaries of Avco Anna of tils Thouaand Day* 1.00. TOMS RIVER items to be discarded by B HE SAID. SHE SAID (Cl 4M 0 THE LATE LATE SHOW II ASBURY PARK Corporation — Seaboard and 0 CIS THURSDAY NIGHT MOVIE "timmer Love" (Jtlil .tarrlaf Jftn Bawrn. MoUy C0MMUNITY- homeowners that are' not Bee. Tecmie romance and oompilcaUMa when a LYBIC- Let It Be 7:40; 8:35. Avco Delta Finance — into a "Fanny" autrrlnf Lejlle Carcn, Maurice Chavaliir. mualcal comboiet a job at a eo-ed iummtr camp. Folfiunt lore ttory eoneernlni a young vttmn who Anne of the Thomand Daya 7:00; DOVER- normally accepted by the gar- single financial services or- muTtM ait tglnir widower wfen (be mas alia lovei 1111 O 6IVC US THIS DAY (C) bage collectors." CFARKGABLE deeldu ta go to aea. (1W1) MAYFAIR- Boti.ft Carol A Ted A Alice 7:1»; ganization. How The West Wai Woo 3:00; Avco Financial is a division iVTVTEOTGH 7:00; 9:46. North of Red Bank The schedule is: of Avco Corporation, a diver- tatEflOM) ST. JAMES- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Saturday — Area south of Bon ft Carol ft fed & Alice 2:15; sified company with interests 7:30; 9:36. 'ATLANTIC--' the Pennsylvania Railroad OLIVlAdeH/MIIAND FARMINGDALE ' Without a Btltoh 7:00; 10:15; How tracks. * in. aircraft, space, insurance, STEREOPHONIC COUND to gave « Marriage «:35. land development, motion pic- Xapu SHORE DRIVE-IN- Saturday, June 13 — Area Midnlght Cowboy 8:3A; 1:30: Tha MIDDLETOWN tures and broadcasting. oooil, tti« Bad, it * " -north of the Pennsylvania Boh ft Carol & Ted A Alice 7:38; Railroad tracks and Tennent Nixoir Makes Point 91ZB. HAZLET Road and east to the town- Sign Permit PLAZA- ship line (including Holiday Dream ot Kings 7:16; 9:25. North and Monmouth Heights RT. 35 DR1VE-IN- developments). Granted In Bob * Carol & Ted A Allot 8:30! By CYNTHIA M)WRY Moore and Danny Thomas all 12:30; The Sllencere 10;30. Saturday, June 20 — Area HELD OVER! « NEW YORK (AP) - will return to network tele- KEYPORT between Gordons Corner and Natalie Wood Roborr Culp Ident Nixon's progress report vision in new series next sea- Keansburg STRAND ART- Naked Pine Brook Roads and Pen- Elliott Gould Dyan Cannon What Do You3 ;S The Happy on Indochina, carried by the Television son. Each is a- star pretty KBAWSBURG — At a quiet Lady Tilo; 10:35; y End- sion and Pease Roads (includ- much created by television. Ing 8:40. three major networks and session Borough Council last EAST BRUNSWICK ing Yorktowne I and II de- Bob £ Car dd many Independent stations Comment The following season, how- night granted\a variance to TURNPIKE- velopments). Wednesday night, was brief ever;' TV's own will be get- a beach club operator to Saturday, June 27 — Area and to the point. ting some high-powered com- erect a free standing sigrf'in north of the railroad and west «Miieining designed as com- a residential zone. The President went on the petition from motion picture PERTH AMBOY of Tennent Road excluding p Dean Martin as MATT HELM air live promptly at flfp.m. edy. starts taking the big plunge. The applicant, David Kee- AMBOYS DBIVEIN- . the areas serviced June 20 In one segment, Miss Wor- len, trading at the Lighthouse Bkullduigery^suS; 12:35; Nlfht of :EDT, and finished IS minutes James Stewart is the most the Living" Dead 11:00. • < (this date includes pick up «•» 'The Silencers' ley walked up to Blocker, Beach Club Corp., was also later. His address was unusu- recent addition to the large MENLO PARK af Holiday Park, Manalapan dressed in the uniform of the granted .permission to permit al In that flliri clips were roster that Includes Shirley CINEMA- 1970 and the Yorktowne guards of the Tower.of Lon- parking within 10 feet of his cut in showing weapons and MacLalne,- Tony Curtis, Poets Corner). don. property line, to construct a supplies seized by the United James Garner and Henry "Are you a Beefeater?" lighted cupola on the roof of States and South Vietnamese Fonda. RICHARD troops during the Cambodia she asked. an existing building and to operation — film supplied by "No, I'm a vegetarian," he Stewart's half-hour comedy construct six additional ca- Middletown Students BURTON — th« White House, replied. • , • series is scheduled for NBC banas adjacent to a swimming After he finished, corre- Blackout and the incompre- broadcast, part of a Warner pool. • GENEVIEVE spondent of all three net- hensible sound of studio audi- Brothers deal with the star,. There were no objectors. For Peace to Canvass ence laughter. that includes some theatrical Council introduced an BUJOtD " 'works took over for another IT nr"*THE IS minutes for a summary, Andy Griffith, Mary Tyler films. '••••• amendment to the parking or- MIDDLETOWN-A teach-in alition coordinator, has de- and a community wide can- HAL VVALLIS noouctioN adding a few embellishments dinance raising the weekly scribed objectives of the Stu- r vass are planned this month or statistics here or there. parking fee at the borough dents for Peace. STARTS FRIDAY owned Raritan Ave. parking by Middletown Students for "We members of Middle- ;•';.••••• O'Connor 'Grows' Peace, local branch of the 3 DAYS ONLY ~x .••;••> Des O'Connor and his Lon- lot from SO cents to 75 cents town Students for Peace have and from 75 cents to ft on Monmouth County Coali- organized ourselves into a WINNER OP 11 . don-based summer ''Music CollegeParleySet tion of Students for Peace. •Hall" series on NBC may not weekends. single body to facilitate the ACADEMY AWARDS constitute the most electrify- Public airing of the meas- The teach-in, scheduled at expression of our dissent with •< mg entertainment, but O'Con- ure will be June 17. the high school the evening the policies of the United •i • nor has a nice understated In Professors Issue of Friday, June 12, is jointly States government presently BEN HUR ; way with humor, an attrae- Food Handlers' sponsored by the Students for being pursued in Southeast •ytlvej singing voice and sort WEST LONG BRANCH - the "hearings are merely the Peace and the high school Asia. We protest the war in Starring next logical step in the inves- Vietnam and the extension of umot grows on the viewer, A spokesman for Monmouth List Requested Political Science Club. CHARLTON HESTON College said yesterday the tigation that began immedi- The students plan to go that war into Cambodia. .-.-•,•?. Aitt'i important member of HOLMDEL — Reports STEVEN BOYD his cast is.a little dog who hearings that will be held to ately after the Incident." into the community Satur- "We feel that the Presi- • Gen. Taylot's speech, • that. a few establishments dent's recent decision to ex- .atyjtytpt4ftp.-n1p' O'Connor — determine if the . college day, June 20, to explain their Performancss Nightly before an overflow crowd of within the township are sell- position on the Vietnam War pand the war, made without ' nd'j)he eM—whenever he should terminate the employ- ing foods without a proper 6:45 and 9:30 -''' geW' near, fhls week Des students, ., was • terminated and solicit residents' sup- Congressional consent, has ment of. two professors "are food handler's license led the TX*added a'talfciiigtrout who did when Student Government port for Congressional action threatened the integrity of The freshest not comparable to a court of President Jack Lovttt Board of Health to request an against the war. the Constitution and has - Vocal Impressions of James up-to-date list of all license law." slugged Prof. Greenberg Student coordinator of the violated the spirit and will of • • Stewart ah* Kirk Douglas. holders from its executive Professors John IHo and while the professor was try- teach-in is John Policandrio- the American people, who '*•?-Weakest element of the officer, Joseph P. Quail. theyearl" Michael Greenberg received ing to reach a microphone-to tis. Coordinating the.jcanvass want tfte war to end," young -show is the comedy sketches —Mr. _i}ua!L ,lws__ready__tlie_ Rogers stated. -Mtt AU'S letters yesterday ordering press his arguments that the 1 ~and-lts_follQVLUp jctwlties •;/.:/ivhlch seem to add up to a lot applications (or new~scaven- THE PLAZA them to appear on June 10 are Karen Pohl and "Bruce «' of. noise, people and confusion general, an architect of gers' licenses far trash col- and 17 respectively "to show DeCourt. • but few laughs. American lndo-Chlna policy, lectors operating i\the_munic- \ cause why you should not be Joel E. Rogers, County Co- • "Music Hall" gubacrlbesto should answer questions from ipallty. The licenses were ef- separated promptly and per- -the tenet that television per- the floor, fective June 1 and must be manently from the faculty of TOWN , < formers seen weekly in their obtained before the end of the HIGHWAY 9. IMtWBOD TOWN 361 «M Monmouth College" for their The letters, written by Dr. Bieher Heads own series make exciting William G. Van Note, presi- month. ;i guest stars. This week the. part in a demonstration that NOW PLAYING ended in an early termina- dent of the college, charge The board began prelimi- Citizens' Group •'-American Imports were Jo- the professors with "aiding nary .discussions on an out- Anthony Qulnn t inrtt Worley doing Just about tion of a speech by Gen. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - in the prevention of freedom line for a new guide for lo- NOW • 2ND BIG WEEK 'i Avhat «he does on "Laugh- Maxwell Taylor. "DREAM OF KINGS" of speech" and states that cal residents, which will In- The Matawan Citizens for I ^rl" and Dan Blocker doing Th,e college spokesman said FOR ADULTS ONLY they may bring witnesses and clude, amon^-' other health Public Schools,. formed ,ta, evidence in their own behalf, and sanitary information, the December to keep the com- necessary requirements for "THE HEROINE SPENDS COUNTRY and be represented by coun- munity informed about Its ' HIGHWAY 9, IKFWOatl COJNTRY 3tl(MI residential sewer systems. AS MUCH TIME STARK-NAKED . cil, schools, has elected Raymond AS ANY PSWOBMEH, SINCE 'FLIPPEB'!" NOW PLAYING Bleber of 41 Ivyhill Drive president for ' the coming "HOW THE WEST How Are You Doing without WAS WON" BERKSHIRE HOTEL, KEANSBURG year. A FRANKOVICH PRODUCTION I SOCIALLY? Other officers are Mrs. FOR COLUMBIA RELEASE FOR ADULTS ONLY Bor«d? Loit' track ol old Iriimls? Rwronli/ Howard Kalick, vice-presi- COMPLETI UnallacliKII A navy Short Ar«o resident? Find FREEHOLD MALL new lound (Hindi at our club designed far dent; Mrs. E. Peters, cores- TOMATO PIES IIUCTION llnoUi. All eg* groups . . , «fl|oy portl«», Stitch, . mmm mm. noun«. urttw dancing Initruetldni, «to. - ponding secretary, Mrs. Ray- SPAGHETTI NOW PLAYING ATONTOWN LAST CHANCE mond Blober, recording sec- M»t|l

er comes after the damage, there was an apparent break- Convention in Chicago result- checks-and balance system- By DAVID M. GOLDBERG death of two Black Panthers at the scene, the grand jury — The charges that New has been done. There arc; a' TRENTON (AP) - One of following a raid on their could find only one spent York police failed to prevent down of police performance. ed in part from "a police serve as checks on abuses of the favorite tenets of Black apartment. After the raid, the shell that did not come from construction workers from at- — The charges by the Nation- riot." executive power. number of U.S. Senators who, • Panthers, Weathermen, and police said they were fired on a police weapon. tacking peace demonstrators al Commission on Violence It is the court's contention The problem, however, is are saying- just that these that the legislature and judi- assorted other radicals and by the,Panthers and shot in And all charges against the and Mayor John V. Lindsay's that the disturbances at the that the check on that pow« days,. revolutionaries is that there self-defense, but of nearly 100 Panthers were dropped, subsequent allegation that 1968 Democratic National cial- branches r- under the justice in what they call the system Last (Monday, the New Jersey Supreme Court gave them a valid arguing point. For the court, in upholding 13th ANNIVERSARY SALE! the right of the state attorney general's office to keep files on demonstrators and dissent ers, said there is no reason to believe that such files will be misused by law en- forcement officials. Or, to put V it another way, law • abiding REPEATED BY citizens whose political views may differ with the majority, POPULAR have nothing to fear from their local police. DEMAND LAST CHANCE The State SALE ENDS House Scene TUESDAY, JUNE 9th NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY DURING DIAMOND POOL'S That may or may not be a GREAT 13th ANNIVERSARY SALE. FABULOUS SAVINGS ON POOLS, SUPPLIES, valid conclusion for New Jer- sey. It may, in fact, be the ACCESSORIES AND MORE! BEAT THE HOT WEATHER RUSH, SAVE $$$ NOW! case in most of the state's 567 municipalities. But in SAVE view of some documented in- stances of recent police and OVER 20% governmental action, it does not exactly encourage per- ON OUR COMPLETE sons holding unpopular views to speak their mind. PACKAGE DEALS The court decision stems HVDEPPRK from a suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Jl Giant 24'x4'Pool Union on behalf of six Jer- PLUS TREMENDOUS DECK AREA, sey City residents who range COMPLETELY FINISHED ideologically from the chair- y man of a Students for a Dem- included At No Additional Cost! ocratic Society branch on the NOTHING ELSE TO BUY far left to the head of the lo- • All Aluminum Maintenance Deluxe Thermometer Free • ' Owner's Manual cal NAAOP in the near cen- • Oeluic Hi-Speed ShockSS4 ter. Sand Filter Vinyl Cleaner • All Around Deck w Fencing Insect Repellanl .Their objection -is to a • Palio wilh Fencing -Aulo-Clor Dispenser memo sent in 1968 to local In and Out Ladders 14 Super Slicks police departments. Arthur J. AuloSkim - Balance Plus Slit Filter Media i Conditioner 4 lbs. Sills, then the attorney gen- Deluxe Vac Deluxe.Foo|bilh eral, asked that information 24'Vac Hot . Foolbalh Solution be compiled on persons and 24'Heavy Gauge ., Algiclde 18' x4' groups who might tie involved Ground Liner pH Briquettes Deluxe Net Leaf Skimmer > Water crarilier SIERRA "600" ROUND PACKAGE in future, civil disturbances. Deluxe Tatt Kit Filter Cleaner .POOl, FILTER ond LADDER PACKAGES Their principal objections f were to forms asking police Sensationally priced 15'x4 2Vx4' 24'X 4' to list the names of individu- PACKAGE PACKAGE PACKAGE als along with their marital, draft, occupational and finan- Reg. $420.96 cial status. 249" 359" 399" Anniversary Special! Reg. $324.97 Reg. $480.94 Reg. $540.96 Save $120.97 The argument is that it is Save $140.97 not difficult to embarrass a Limited Time . .. Save $74.98 Save $120.97 man in the eyes of his em- ployer or his creditor by send- ing an investigator around to YOUR ask questions. Furthermore, CHOICE the AOLU says, the possibil- $1995. ity of such action is likely to deter potential dissenters COMPLETELY INSTALLED from speaking out. That argument was upheld by Superior Court Judge Rob- ert A. Matthews, who ordered the files destroyed. But the Supreme Court thought other- wise. The high court, in a 7-0 de- cision written by Chief Jus- VILLA SIERRA tice Joseph Weintraub, says such arguments are silly and GIANT 30' x 15' x 4' POOL that the ACLU is dredging complete with lift up "hypothetical horribles." TREMENDOUS DECK Furthermore, it says, the na- Deluxe Hi-Speed Owner's Manual tional commission studying Sand Filter Shock SS4 the 1967 racial disorders in All Around Deck w Fencing Vinyl Cleaner Newark and elsewhere point- Palio with Fencing Insect Repellent 21' X 4' ed out the disorders might In and Oul Ladders Aulo-Clor Dispenser Auto Skim 14 Super Sticks PACKAGE have been averted with bet- Filler Media Balance Plus Slii VILLA CARRARA ter intelligence before the Deluxe Vac Conditioner 4 lbs. 24 Vac Hoi ' Deluxe Footbath POOL, FILTER and LADDER PACKAGES fact. 24' Heavy Gauge Footbath Solution Ground Liner Algicide 15'x4' 18'x 4' , 24'X 4' But the key to the high pH Briquettes court decision is its trust of Oeluxe Net Leal Skimmer PACKAGE PACKAGE Deluxe Test Kit Water Clantiar PACKAGE Reg. $480.96 the police to do their duty as Deluxe Thermometer Filter-Cleaner it is written in police manu- 269" 309" 419" Save $120.97 als. NOTHING ELSE TO BUY! Decking nol included, RiB. $344.97. Reg. $430.96 • R<9. $560.96 "Lawlessness," says Wein- bui available Optional traub, "has a tyranny of its So»e $74.98 Save $120.97 - Save $140.97 own, and it would be folly to deprive government of its power to .deal with_the tyr- anny merely because of a figment of a fear, that gov- ernment itself may run < V amuck." There is also this quote: "The basic approach must be *" that the executive branch 12'x36" may gather whatever infor- mation it reasonably believes MUSKIN CORONA 24' x