| E V ^ Everett's
VOL. LVII. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1915 NO. 23 MASON MARKETS. Booster Club banquet at the Hotel KA0i<:8 AT QUICKSTEP PAHK. Sweeney tonight. No.'2 red wheat ?1.23, No, 1 white Fine Weatht.'r, Fine .Sport, Large The POPULAR STORE EVERETT'S $1,18, rya 80c, oats 48c, good dry Will Clipper of St, Charles Is work Field nf Hor.se.s, |EV^ Alaska Pink Salmon, can 10c com 78c, clover seed |6 to $7.50, ing at the bakery. beans $2.80, potatoes 25c, eggs 17c, New and classy dresses at Mrs. WELL ATrHNDEI) ANNUAL GATH- There was a largo attendance at Pitted Prunes, pound package.. .15c Cash Grocery butter 17c to 20c. Cattle: Prime McKlggan's this week. Come In and ' ERINO HELD TUESDAV. the first matinee races at Quickstep 25 lbs. Cane Granulated Sugar,$1.70 steers 7 Mic, light butchers 6c to 6 %c, see them. * park last Friday. Bring Us Your' best fat cows 5c to ^VjC, common There wore 20 horses In the four Moss Rose Flour, sack ,»5c cows 4 to 4 "/ic hogs 7 Vic, veal calves The Salisbury hardyare and Rod events, and the time was fast for so White Poppy Flour, sack »Wc 4c to Sc, lambs 5c to 8c, spring lambs man market have something to say ADDRESS BY HON. S. L. KILBOURNE early In the season. BUHER AND EGGS 9c, sheep 2c to 4c, on page 4 that will Interest you. The races wore best 3 In 5 except Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg.,.lSc Four automobiles bearing repre Fine Weather, and Vvvy Enjoyable the green race, which was 2 In 3.
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