By Their Attorney 7.54 Patented Feb
Feb. 19, 1952 D. B. LUTEN, JR., ETAL 2,586,070 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING PHENOLIC DERIWATIVES Filed Nov. 3, 1947 Aromatic Mixture of A and 5 Recycle. Additament and/6r Portion of Product Addition Product AC Admixed with B b separator Desired Derivative A inventors: Daniel B. Luter, Jr. Aldo DeBenedicts by their Attorney 7.54 Patented Feb. 19, 1952 2,586,070 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,586,070 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING PHENOLC - DERVATIVES Daniel B. Luten, Jr., and Aldo De Benedictis, Berkeley, Calif., assignors to Shell Develop ment Company, San Francisco, Calif., a corpo ration of Delaware Application November 3, 1947, Serial No. 783,832 13 Claims. (CI. 260-624) 2 This invention relates to a novel process for divided, part being recycled to produce more of the production of derivatives of aromatic organic the addition product, and part being taken as compounds, and to novel compounds produced by the final product. - Said process. Another preferred embodiment of the present In general, aromatic compounds are easily invention contemplates the formation of an ad obtainable from natural or synthetic sources as dition product wherein one component thereof components of mixtures of closely related com is the aromatic compound from which the desired pounds, such as mixtures of isomers. In order derivative may be prepared, while the other com to prepare derivatives from an aromatic com ponent is a material which emerges from the pound contained in such a mixture, it is cus O process substantially unchanged, and, after Sep tomary first to separate the aromatic compound aration of the desired derivative, may be re from the mixture and then to treat or react it cycled in the process.
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