Wesley Staples Resume
Wesley Staples 2700 Cahuenga Blvd East #4315 Union & Non-Union Los Angeles, CA 90068-2155 323-850-5125, cell (323) 445-6364 323-850-5125 FAX cineteach@aol.com EDUCATION & TRAINING: New York University, Bachelors Degree CCNY & Cal State Northridge, Graduate Classes University of Scranton, Masters of Science / Curriculum & Instruction Neuhaus School Houston, Certificate/LD dyslexia and ADHD American TESOL Institute, TESOL Certificate L’Alliance Française of Houston, 7 years Dance: Daryl Heinlein / Harkness Ballet CREDENTIALS: California, Multiple Subj. Elementary Credential California, Secondary Credential New York, Secondary Credential California, Studio Teacher Certificate # 90239 American TESOL Institute, TESOL Certificate Certificate/LD dyslexia and ADHD IATSE/Local 884, Member HOLLYWOOD PERFORMERS ACADEMY: National Director of Education FOUNDER: Swan's Island Library and Educational Society, Atlantic Museum, Island Youth Center OWNER: The Studio School Tutoring Center / Oakwood PRESIDENT: The Studio Teachers, Local 884, IATSE/AFLCIO (12 years, www.thestudioteachers.com) PRESIDENT: Cahuenga Hills Tennis Association (30 years, www.cahuengahills.org) BOARD MEMBER: Actors Fund of America, Looking Ahead Committee CHAIR: Cahuenga Pass Coalition SEMINARS TAUGHT: DGA Trainee Seminar (yearly), Department of Labor, class for incoming Studio Teachers and renewal for existing Studio Teachers (yearly) CLASSROOM TEACHER: New York City (7 years); London (I year) SUBJECTS TAUGHT: ALL ELEMENTARY SUBJECTS and the following SECONDARY SUBJECTS: Algebra I & II, Geometry, American Sign Language, Spanish (speak), French (speak), English Grammar, Literature, Composition, Latin I, II, III, Physiology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology I, Phys & Earth Science, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Keyboarding, Social Studies, Government & Global Studies, History (Ancient, Western Civ, World, US, California, Texan, Canadian, Maine), Art History, Painting, Sculpture, Music, Graphic Design.
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