Shetland Livestock Marketing Group in conjunction with Aberdeen & Northern Marts had forward a total of 2701 sheep on Friday 18 th October 2019.

There was a large variation in types, breeds and quality today. Strong fleshy lambs of all classes were just as well bid for as in previous week’s especially native lambs. The quality of breeding ewes was poorer but still met a ready demand with buyers going away short of requirements.

Suffolk x lambs averaged £45.35 for 496 sold. Leading Prices - £66.50 Bayview, Bridge End; £65 Brough, ; £62 Roadside, ; £60 North Gluss, ;

Texel x Lambs averaged £49.73 for 91 sold. Leading Prices - £55.50 Easterleigh, Burravoe & Brindister, Burravoe; £55 Sandview, ; £50 Bretta, ;

Cheviot x Lambs averaged £29.31 for 393 sold. Leading Prices - £52 Bankhead, Mossbank; £50.50 No 7 Coates Gardens, ; £49.50 Hamister, Symbister; £47 Pettigarth, Bressay; £46 Brindister, Gulberwick & Greenhoulls, Brae; $44.50 Brough, Bressay; £44 Easterleigh, Burravoe;

Cheviot x Ewe Lambs averaged £39.03 for 75 sold. Leading Prices - £55 Pettigarth, Bressay; £50 Islesburgh, & No 7 Coates Gardens, Lerwick;

Lleyn x Lambs averaged £38.19 for 66 sold. Leading Prices – £50 & £45 No 13 Wirliegert; £44 Brindister, Gulberwick; £41.50 Hjogaland, ;

Lleyn x Ewe Lambs averaged £36.81 for 76 sold. Leading Prices - £53 Valeside, Hamister; £47 Burnbank, Sandwick;

Shetland lambs averaged £15.82 for 417 sold. Leading prices - £39 Niaroo, Gloup; £32 East Gate, East Burrafirth; £29 Pouster, Effirth; £28 Kjemlea, Uphouse; £27.50 Upper Hillend, Voe; £27 Westerloch, Burravoe; £26 Upper Hillend & Keldabister Farm, Bressay; £25 Doonbye, Ollaberry; £24 Virse, & Niaroo, Gloup; £23 Scatsta, Brae; £21 Brindister, Gulberwick & Freefield, Bridgend; £20 Hamister, Symbister;

Shetland Ewe Lambs sold to £27 Lonahoull, Haroldswick.

Cheviot x Ewes averaged £40.83 for 278 sold. Leading Prices - £72 Hamar, North Mavine; £68 & £60 Islesburgh, Sullom; £59 Heatherlea, Bixter; £57 Ramnabanks, Dunrossness; £55 East Gate, Eats Burrafirth; £53 Clibberswick, Haroldswick; £52 Annsville, Sand; £50 Houlland, ;

Shetland Ewes averaged £12.42 for 317 sold. Leading Prices - £31 Greenbraes, Isbister; £29 Heatherlea, Bixter; £28 Pettigarth, Bressay; £26 Bonnie Brae, ; £25 Roadside, North Roe & Annsville, Sand; £21 Ramnabanks, Dunrossness; £20 Scatsta, Brae & Berry Farm, ;

Suffolk Rams – Leading Prices - £460 & £440 Seafield Farm, Lerwick;

Texel Rams – Leading Prices - £480 Seafield Farm, Lerwick;

Cheviot Rams - £260 Seafield House, Lerwick; £250 Uphouse, Weathersta;