Baldry Anna Costanza CV Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Anna Costanza Baldry Address(es) V.le Ellittico,31, postal code 81100, Caserta, Italy c/o Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples Telephone(s) +390823274766 Mobile: +39 3466113795 Fax(es) +39 0823274792 E-mail
[email protected],
[email protected] Website Nationality Italian/British Date of birth London (UK) - 16/05/ 1970 Gender Female Work experience Dates 2005 till present [current university/academic position] Occupation or position held Associate professor in Social/Forensic Psychology [granted in 2014 to full professor capacity] Main activities and Teaching and research victimology, methods in social sciences, forensic psychology responsibilities student supervision (PhDs, graduates, undergraduates) Name and address of Second University of Naples, Department of Psychology employer Type of business or sector Psychology/Criminology Dates 2001-2004 Occupation or position held Lecture in Social Psychology and Interview, Questionnaire Techniques, Community Psychology, Psychology and Law (part time) Main activities and Teaching and research responsibilities Name and address of Second University of Naples. employer Type of business or sector Psychology Dates 2002-2003 Occupation or position held Researcher at the National Research Institute of Statistics, ISTAT Main activities and Research in charge of the International Violence Against Women Survey, for the responsibilities National part Name