Pathways Parashat written by | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of Pathways Parashat Shelach written by | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of Pathways Parashat Behaalotekha written by Yossi Katz | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of Pathways Parashat written by | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of Parshat Naso – The Menorah and the Seven Pillars of Torah written by Nasan Maimon | June 15, 2018

The seven pillars of Torah parallel the seven branches of the menorah in the Beis HaMikdash. Speaker: Nasan Maimon.

For more: The Drowning Man & The Tzaddik written by Meir Elkabas | June 15, 2018

Rebbe Nachman tried to help a drowning man.

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Pathways Parashat written by | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of Meir Elkabas – Parshat Behar written by Meir Elkabas | June 15, 2018

Meir Elkabas discusses this ’s Torah portion, Parshat Behar (it is a double portion this week, Behar-Bechukotai, this video focuses on Behar.) In this video, we learn about the of the Shmita year and . Reb Meir explains that we go through life thinking we accomplish everything but really we just “do” and Hashem accomplishes. He also speaks about the Divine Providence of living in the Holy Land, Eretz Yisrael.

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Pathways Lag Ba’Omer Special Edition written by | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of Pathways Parashat -Kedoshim written by | June 15, 2018

“Pathways” is a weekly Torah publication exploring the festivals and parsha, published by BRI. To receive “Pathways” delivered straight to your email box, simply use the sign-up form on the right column of