1 Dr. Richard Rankin Russell 2012 Baylor Centennial Professor Professor of English Graduate Program Director Director, Beall Poetry Festival: www.baylor.edu/beall Department of English One Bear Place Box 97404 Baylor University Waco, TX 76798-7404
[email protected] 254-710-4815 Education: Ph.D. in English Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), May 2001 Dissertation: “Seeing ‘with a myriad eyes’: Contemporary Northern Irish Literature and Identity.” Director, Weldon Thornton, UNC; Second Reader, Michael Valdez Moses, Duke. M.A. in English Literature, UNC, May 1997 Thesis: “Black Passage(s) Through White Spaces: Uses of Masking by Faulkner’s Characters of Color in Go Down, Moses.” Director, Fred Hobson M. Phil. in English Literature (Modernism), University of Glasgow (Scotland), July 1996 Thesis: “Ulysses: The Old Sow That Eats Its Children.” Director, Robert A. D. Grant B.A., summa cum laude, British and American Literature, University of Memphis, 1994 Honors Thesis: “The Place of the Natchez Trace in the Short Fiction of Eudora Welty” Books under Contract: 1. “Seamus Heaney: A Critical Introduction,” under contract with University of Edinburgh Press; distribution in North and South America by Oxford University Press. 96,000 words. Due date: January 15, 2016; publication date: Fall 2016. Books: 1. Seamus Heaney’s Regions. University of Notre Dame Press, June 2014. 498 pp. Back- cover endorsements by Stephen Regan (University of Durham), Bernard O’Donoghue (Oxford University), and Henry Hart (College of William and Mary). Second printing issued, 2015. Favorably reviewed in Publisher's Weekly: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0- 268-04036-9, The Oxonian: http://www.oxonianreview.org/wp/tag/richard-rankin- russell/, Publisher’s Weekly, Irish Studies Review, Heythrop Journal, New Hibernia Review, and the Irish Literary Supplement.