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OCTOBER, 1875.




Abdy, Miss Ch.irlotto Mary ... Abdenc, Evrieston Park, Kiugston-ou' Thames Aberdeen Towu and County ,J^^^k Aberdeen Aberdeiu, Francis ... Mouti'Dse Ablewhite, Benjamin Mtilmesbury, Wilts Abranis, Samuel ... Argyle Road, Mile End, E Abram, George Perry West Borough House, \Viml>„rne, Dorset

Abbo+ , The Ehns, Upton Lane, near Stratford, Essex ' Acl V >f'^i./

Ackeid, George Holland (de- ceased).,. Executrix, Harriott Susan Ackers Congk'toii, Chosliiro Ackland, Frederick Tabor 0, J^tlham Park Road, Upper Toothig, Ackroyd, Ann ... ,.[ ^, Hesketl) Street, Ackroyd, Edward Soutliport ... Back of the Bank, Little IJulto,,, Jjoltou ' Ackroyd, Elizabeth 2, Hesketli Street, Ackroyd, Joseph Sontlijiort ... ^U, Wolsvy lioad East,Mildniay Aconley, Parlc,\ ' Jemmy ... Helmsley, York '' Aconley, Robert ... HuddersHcld Ac!;oii, John Mauchester and Liverpool District Bank, Tuustall, Adam, Lady Stafibrd 1, Lombard Street, E.G. Adams, Robert (deceased) .*.*.' Jcthig Executor, John Adams Selby, Yorkshire Adams, Thomas ... 0, Sydney Terrace, Adams, Henry Lewisham, S.E. Jh, Dover Street, lieicester .



AclaniH, Charles John 40, Gracechurch Street, E.G. Adamson, Joseph Isiah 20, Castle Street, Liverpool Adams, James Scovell 75, Old Broad Street, E.G. Adcock, John Taylor Hexthorpe, Doncaster

Addisou, Joseph ... • •• Maplodurwell, Basingstoke

Addisou, Richard ... • • • Water Street, Liverpool Affleck, James 9, Ravensworth Terrace, Westgate, Newcastle-on-Tyne Agelasto, Augustus Stephen Liverpool I Agnew, Stair 22, Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh Aikin, James Gambia Terrace, Liverpool Ainslie, John Archibald (deceased) Executor, Archibald Aiuslie Dodridge Ford, Edinburgh Ainsworth, Thomas 26, Portland Crescent, Plymouth Grove, near Ainsworth, Thomas 32, Clayton Street, Blackburn Ainslie, Archibald... Dodridge Ford, Edinburgh Ainslie, George Smith Guernsey Aitchison, George Nairne ... 4, Upper Gilmour Place, Edinburgh Aitken, Robert Almont, Girvan, N.B. Aitkeu, James Carron Inn, by Larbert Akroyd, John 2, Royal Exchange Buildings, E.G. Akers, Thomas Henry Northallerton, Yorks Alberts, Carl 55, Francis Street, New Leeds, Leeds Alcock, Mason Ballymena, Co. Antrim Alderson, Revd. Christopher Kirkheaton Rectory, near Hudders- field Alderson, Rev. Christopher, &; Kirkheaton Rectory, near Hudders- Alderson, Mary Augusta field Aldred, John Thomas Grantham Alexander, William Dollin ... Springfield, Upper Clapton, E. Alexander, George William... 30, Lombard Street, E.G. Alexander, Genl. Robert 0, Marlors Road, Cromwell Road, Kensington, W. Alexander, James ... ,,. 10, King's Arn?'. Yard, E.G. Alexander, Miss Charlotte S. 10, King's Arms Yard, E.G. Alexander, Anne ...... 10, King's Arms Yard, E.G. Alexander, Mary, and Alexander, Catherine Rose Hill House, Dorking

Alexander, Julia Charlotte . 128, Harley Street, W. Alexander, James, and Alexander, Julia Charlotte 10, King's Arms Yard, E.G. Alexander, James ... 10, King's Arms Yard, E. C. Wood, William Mark and Fountaine,Charles George Alexander, James, and ... 10, King's Arms Yard, E.C. Alexander, James Dalison Alexander, Sir John W. Bart. 27, Eaton Square, S.W. Alexander, Henry Browne ... The Laurels, Barnes, Surrey Alexander, George Rathvindon, Leighlin Bridge, Ireland Alexander, Kelsick 5, Mount Vernon Green, Liverpool Alexander, Charlotte Melosina Glenmore, Drogheda Elizabeth LIST OF .STIAnEIIOLnERS.

AJger, Tob I 2, F(.rd Park, Mutloy, Plymouth Allau, Mrs. Ann ... Sinclair Villa, Croxteth Road, West Dulwich Allan, John (deceased) Acting Executor, John Har- rison Allan 2, Leadeuhall Street, E.C.

,te, Allan, Robert Gilkisou 17, James Street, Liverpool Allan, Alexander ... 70, Great Clyde Street, Allan, John 13, Queen Street, Glasgow h Allcard, Edward ... 28, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Cotterill, Thomas and Wansey, Henry

Allcard, Thomas ...... 23, Prince Consort Road,Belsize Park, Hampstead, N.W. nth AUcock, Annerley ... Smethwick, Birmingham Allen, Joseph Kent Villa, Shooter's Hill, S.E. Allen, John Oldfield Hall, Altriucham Allen, James 120, Church Street, Lancaster Allen, Thomas I, Essex Court, Temple, E.C. Allen, Bertram Grey Edenmore, Londonderry, Ireland.

Allenby, Samuel ... Cadwell Vale, Louth, Lincolnshire Allies, Thomas William 22, Portman Street, W. Allison, James IG, South, St. David Street, Edinburgh Allis, Henry Jacob and Bristol ieds Allis, Francis

Allison , David (Address not known) 3rs- Allpress, Edward Whetham Cliefden, Eltham Allport, William Manning ... Coombe Lodge Coldharbour Lane, ers- Camberwell, S.E. Allhusen, Christian Newcastle-on-Tyne

Allsop, Coleridge ... 76, Old Broad Street, E.C. Almond, George ... Oxford Road, Dewsbury Almack, John Beverley, Yorkshire )ad, Aloof, Solomon 213, Brixton Road, S.W. Alston, Jabez Heywood, near Manchester Alston, John Patrick Muirburn, Glassford, Lanarkshire Altham, Revd. Isaac Withernsea, Holderness, Hull Allsop, Samuel Newland Terrace, Stretford, near Muii- chester Allmond, Miss Eliza Chalgrove, near Wallingford, Berks AUejLder, Miss Fanny Alice... 35, Kensington Park Gardens, W. AJl.iider, Miss Mary Mtinder .'^5, Kensington Park Gardens, W. Alien, Joseph Mareland House, Shepton Mallet Alcock, John 154, Loughborough Road, Brixton Allen, William John 9, Tokeuhouse Yard, E.C. Allen Alfred and ... Stock Exchange, Manchester Yeates, Thomas ... Allen, William Shepherd WooiUicad Hall, Cheadle, Staffordshire Allen, Charles Poole 20, Croys Street, Manchester Aman, William Theodore ... Walton Park, near Liverpool ,na Ambler, John Charles II, Cannon Street, Preston Ames, Edward Levi Clevelands, Lyme Regis, Doi'set .


AmoH, (jleoi'Lju Acliuid (.'are of Lfnidon and Westnunstcr ]Janlv,St. James's Scpiarc, S.W.

Ai)ii)liliiti, ]']

AiiccU, .JaiiK'.H ...... 87. Glassfonl Street, Glasgow AucoU, .lokii U."), Mstoii Street, (ilasgow Aiulursnii, C;ii;irli'S Williaui... 2, raiiini'stoii lu)ad, Edinburgh

Aiulovsd!!, Joliii 1.2;'), Vv\)st (Jeoi'i^e Street, Glasgow Anderson, Aliix.imUu' 51, New IJiiJge Street, jMauchestor Anderson, Luwis ... iib, Joppa, J'ortobelh), near Edinburgh Andisun, Miss .Icniinia .lane Care of A, Hogg, Z, Bristol Placo, Edinl)urgh Audrado, Saniuel Da Costa,,. 1. Jewin Crescent, E,C„ Capua, .Toliii Pennan Andrews, Edward l>augli .. High Street, I'ershoro Andrews, Gcorye William ... George Street, New Market Street, Sydney, Austri'Jia

Andrews, Saniuel ... Th;uu(,s Wharf, Ten-lo Back, Jhistol

Andrews, Stephen Fo:c (J, Cheap Street, Da. . Andrews, Thomas ... Colerainc, Ireland Andrew, Thomas ... -.. Delwiek Terrace, ul, Ackers Street, Manchester Andrews, Joh u 20, High Street, Eareham, Hants Andrew, Edward ... Dutlley Hi)usc, Liverpool lload, Birk- dalc, Southport

Anuandale, James ... Shotley Grove, Blackhill, Dnrham Ausley, George John .„ Dnnniugton House, near Siuglethornc, Hoi ...eruess Ansted, CharL.-...... i 29, Ponton Place, Pentonville, N. Anton, James Leyburn, near Bedale, Yorks Antrolius, Sir Edmund, Bart. 14(;, Piccadilly, W, Autrobus, llev. John Little Cloisters, Westminster, S, W. Anwyl, John 02, Threadueedle Street, E,C, Anderson, Lawrence Gilbert 491, Lawn Market, Edinburgh Anderson, Robert ... 21, George Square, Edinburgh Andrew, John May 81, Queen's Crescent, Havcvstock Hill Angus, Rcvd. Joseph College, Regent's Park, N,W, Anthony, Joshua ... Alphington Gate, St. Thomas, Exeter Apjdeton, Lewis 4, Kensington Terrace, Handsworth, Birmingham Appleyard, James ... White Lee, jMytholmroyd, Yorks Apsej', Joseph Lloyd 4, Godolphin Road, Shepherd's Bush i Arber, J, H, B. N,, and Exchequer and Audit Department, Arber, Frances Somersfjt Plouse, W.C. Arbuckle, Matthew 1, Albert Place, Greenock, N.B.

Archer, Thomas . Care of J. it R. Morison, Perth Arding, Cecil 23, Clarendon Road, Jersey Ai'gyll, His Grace the Duke oi Argyll lioupo, Campdeu Hill, Kensing- ton, W. Armstrong, George 13, Baxtei' Gate, Doncaster Armstrong, Thomas Fairlight Hali, Hastings

Armstrong, William Barton , .. 93, Higligate, Kendal Armson, William Biirra Penrith, Cumberland xVrmstroug, Henry... Care of J. R, Armstrong, Riimford Place, Liverpool .


Ariabtroug, Johu . . • • • 23, Cecil Street, Carlialc

A rill strong, .Tolni ... • • • (Address not known)

Arijistroiig, Williiuii I 'elaw J J ouso,CheHtt'r-le-Strcet,Durham Annston, Ann Cosby, near Lutterworth, Leicester Arinstroug, Heury Bruce G, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.G. Aruold, Miss Sarah 03, Montagu Square, W. Aruokl, Saiuuel James Sandliild I'ark, near Liverpool Arnold, William Aslmcss Hazel Bank, Altrincham Aruold, Wm. Aslmess & Hazel Bank, Altrincham, near Man-

Doig, David • • • chester

Aruold, iUfrcd • • • 34, Stockton Street, Moss Side, Man- chester

Arnott, Dr. George ... Mill Bank, Lockerbie, N.B. Arres-Mather, John Halrule, near Hawick, N.B.

Arthur, William ... • ... 140, liolland Road, Kensington, W. Arthy, Rev. W. R. Bridge ... Weston Vicarage, near Otley, Yorks. Artindale, Edwin James Greeuhill, Burnley Artindalc, Thomas Frederic Burnley Arden, George Loudon Road, Worcester

Arbuthnot, Charles George,

Atkinson, William... Abbotsbury, Newton Abbot, Devon AtkiiiHon, Edward


Baade, Miss Malvina (Address not known) Back, John Alfred .. The Old Hall, Badger, Hethersett, Wymondham Richard ... Surrey House, Newbold Terrace, Leamington Baddiley, John ... Spring Gardens, Bagot, Doncaster George Talbot Care of Child & Co., Fleet St., E.C. Bally, Laurence Richardson Liverpool and London Chambers, Liverpool Baily, Reuben Ramsgate Baily, Rebecca ... [[] 71, Gracechurch Street, E.C, ,.


Baily, Walker ... Champion Tarkj Denmark Hill, S.E. Uttily,Miiriaui!o, ... Baily, Walker Lewis, .Toliii C. A. ScofieUl, Rev. C. A. ... Bailey, Mrs. Anne... Green Lawn, South pf»rt Bailey, Mrs, Susan... 23, Adam Street, Baker Street, Port- niau Square, W. Bailey, William Laurence ... Aiuderby, Yorks Baillie, John .. 2, Craigio Terrace, Nowingtou, Edin- burgh Baillio, Henry Robert London and County Bank, Greenwich Bailey, Mrs. Charlotte Morley 10, HaiDpstead Road, Elm Park, Fair- liehl, Liverpool Baillie, Thomas 15, Victoria Street, Edinbiu'gh Baillie, Nicol 2, Rill Bank Crescent, Edinburgh Baillie, Rev. John... Wyvenhoo Rectory, Colchester Bailie, Major James RingdMH'erin, Killyliagh, Co. Down Baiu, James Argyll Cottage, Sutherland CroHcent, Helensburgh Bain, William City of

Bairstow, James • • • Heath Lodge, Skipcoat, Halifax Bairstow, James ... Hebden Bridge, near Manchester Bairstow, John George Street, Halifax Baker, Charles John 2, Bloom sbury Place, W.C. Baker, John (deceased) Acting Executor, Jolni Gil- bert Baker 25, Sidney Villas, Richmond, Surrey Baker, Ifeury Goldney The Lawn, Budleigh Salterton,Devt»n Baker, John Russell 1, Park Hill Villas, Highweek, Newton Abbot, Devon Baker, Robert Largo Barham House. Redford Road, Leamington. Baker, Edward Milner Caton, near Lancaster Baicer, John Copleston, M.D. 0, Gambler Terrace, Hope Street, Liverpool Baker, William Proctor and Redclift-Bucks, Bristol

Baker, Arthur . Baker, Alfred Tewkesbury Baker James and Richardson, 29, The Pavement, York John ...... » Baker, Miss Sarah Crewkerne, Somerset Baker, William and Sons ... Bristol Baker, William Brunswick Buildings, Liverpool Baker, William Shorecroft House, Retford, Notts. Baker, Miss Mary Player ... Care of F. Wills, Esq., Grove Villa, Clevedon, Somerset I


Baker, William Edward J^orchester, near Fareham, Hants IJiikor, (n!()rg(^ l5ros('h>y, Sliropsliive Baker, Henry lOS, (;ower Street, W.C. Baker, Janies 29, The Pavement, York Bakewell, Arinytago 7, Hamilton Terrace, Hendon, N.W. Bakevvell, Charles tleury ... (>)u()rndon, near Derby Jialdersuu, Kev. James Clark United Presbyterian Manse, West Kilbride, N.B. Baldorsou, Mrs. Jane Marshall United Presbyterian Manse, West Kilbride, N.B. Baldock, Edward Holmes 8, Grosvenor Place, Hyde Park, W. Balgaruie, Eobert... Westborough Lodge, Scarborough Ball, Miss A le, Elizabetli 18, Calthorp Terrace, Banbury

Ball, George . iuoeiit 33, Parsons Street, Banbury, Oxon. Ball, William 131. Upper Parliament St., Liverpool

Balliugall, Peter ... • • • 47, Cathcart Street, Greenock Balme, Louisa Clare Villa, Harrogate Balmer, William ... 1, Fenwick Street, Liverpool Baly, James Warwick Baly, John Nicksou Warwick Baldwiu, John Avenue House, Berkeley, Glo'ster Ball, Georgo Henry St. (ileorge's Mount, New Brighton, Cheshire Ballantine, John ... 30, William Street, Edinburgh Ballance, Arthur Wm. Oak Villa, Clapham Park, S.W. Ballance, Edward Kemp Oak ViUa, Clapham Park, S.W. Bagshaw, Mrs. Eliza Ann ... Care of H. C. Simpson, Leopold Street, Derby Balme, Charles 10a, Coleman Street, E.C. Backwell, Peter Oliver Bardo, Frederick, dz Albert Road, Stoke, Devonport Stratten, Arthiu* Clegg ... Bawdon, Thomas ... 91, St. John's Street, Clerkenwell Ball, William Smith, & 114, Cottenham Road, Upper Holloway, Ball, Elizabeth Jennings... N. Ballard, William ... Abingdon, Berks Ball, Frederick 14, Arboretum Street, Derby Ball, Alfred Loughborough Baufield, John Ifracombe, Devon Bank of Belgium and Holland 31 & 32, Lombard Street, E.C. • Bankart, James ...... Southernhay, Exeter Banner, Harmood Walcot ... Liverpool Banning, Henry Thomas ... 40, Chancery Lane, E.C. Barber, Charles ... 7, Cowper's Court, Cornhill, E.G. Barber, Frederick (deceased) Executor, Barber, Stephen Denmark Hill, Camberwell, E.C. Nicholas Barber, Joseph Samuel ... Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road, Barclay, Georgo ... 17, Coates Crescent, Edinbu_'gh B.arclay, Alexander Charles... 25, J>olton Street, Piccadilly, W. Baring, Brothers and Co. 8, Bishopgato Street Within, E.C. Barker, Henry llaiue Silver Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. Barker, John Lees.,, 13, Pall Mall, Manchester !


Barker, Tliomiis its ... Hanging Royd Mills, Hebdeu Bridge Marker, Sevrdl William 'nn^. Sycamores, Old Trailbrd, near Manchester Barkway, Rov, Alexander Free Church Manse, Calsalmond, Bauuernian Aberdeenshire Barlow, Aloxaudcr lioLL I'ralt West Barlow Charlos 2J, JuJiics .Street, ]>uckingham Gate; Jaines Pratt 100, Buckingham Palace Road, W. West Barrett, James Staplow House, near Ledbury, Here- fordshire Baruett, Arthur ... W. Vyse House, Alton, Cheadle h liarnett, Henry («leceascd), Exctri.r., Mrs. Eliza Barnett 13, Montpelier Road, Blackheath, Barnes, S.E. on. Thomas ... Quay, Waterford Barnes, John 3rpool Rudley Hall, near Burnley B.araes, Wilhelmiua Maria ... Mercers' Hall, Ironmonger Lane, E.G. Barnes, Dora Elizahetli Mercer's Hall, Ironmonger Lane, Barningham, E.G. William Pendleton, Manchester ]}arr, Mrs. Elizabeth Chenies Box, Bucks Jiarrett, Oetavius Moulton ... The Holt, Bishop's Waltham Barrett, Henry .„ Beech Street, Barbican, E.G. ] 'arrow. Miss Jane [hton, 22, Percy Street, Liverpool Barrow, Joseph ... Chester Barrow, Frederick John 33, Ampthill Square, W.G. Barrowman, Thomas (), Vittoria Terrace, Wheatsheaf Lane, South Lambeth, S.W. Barrow, Richard treet, liridgman Syndnopo Hall, Matlock, Derby Barrow, Thomas Waller 6, 'Nightingale Terrace, Woolwich Common S.E. T) -n 1 . .1 Barry, Kobert Alexanarnard, Alfred (deceased)' Newnham, Ghmcf'ster Executor, Charles ^ I>arnard P>rockweuVilla,Portishead, Barton, Thomas near Bristol Henry .„ Long Stratton, Norfolk Barker, »oa(l, Frederick Topclifle, Thirsk P'arrie, Joseph Johnstone ... Dundee IJarnard, George Edward ... (>o, Old Broad Street, E.G. P>arruw, Richard Cadbury 20, Highfield P J, Edgbaston Barron, Matilda Marv Care of Captain E. A. Lynch, Strode House, Beckeuham, Kent 12 ORANn TRUNK RAILWAY OF fANADA.

Barnes, Sarah Ann Mary ... Care of Miss Ambury, 21, Hoe Street, Barnes,E, A nibnry Naufan,an d Plymouth Barnes, C. Amy Mainporfc Barrett, John 27, Richmond Terrace, Clapham Road ]iarber, Thomas ... Eastwood, Nottingham Barry, William Henry, and 7, Birchin Lane, E.G. Barry, Horace ...

Barnes, William ... Great Duryard, Exeter Barten, John 107, Wincheap Street, Canterbury Barwick, John Marshall Leeds Barber, Cecil Henry 3, Anerley Grove, Palace Road, Upper Norwood Barrell, WiUiam ... 16, Lord Street, Livei-pool Barrell, John Pensford, near Bristol Barber, John The Scotches, Belper Barbara, George ... Danehurst, Hampstead Barrett, Henry John 42, Finsbury Square, E.G. Barnett, Charles, and 80, Ossulton Street, Somers Town Nntt, John Barry, William Henry Barry, Horace, and Birchin Lane, E.G. Barry, Arthur Barrett, Joseph 88, CroAvn Street, Liverpool Barnes, Dennis Church Street, Accrington Barrett, John 3, High Street, Stepney, E. Bark, Thomas 13, Leigh Terrace, Mere Lane,Waltham Barrett, George Goodwin Inner Temple, E.G. Bass, Richard Cubbington, near Leamington

BasKett, Gustavus Lambert ... Tehidv, Camborne, Cornwall Bastard, John Algernon 11, Angel Court, E.G. Batchelor, Rev. Thomas John Care of Western Branch Bank of (deceased) England, Burlington Gardens, W. Ex. Revd. E. R. Beevor ... Bates, Thomas 51, Gracechurch Street, E.G. Bateman, Rev. Josiah The Rectory, Southchurch, Essex Bateman, Reginald 42, St. James's Square, Bath Bateman, Catherine 47, Main Street, Kinsale Batho, Joseph Alexander ... 58, Regency Square, Brighton Bathurst, Miss Mary Selina... Hyams, Bagshot, Surrey Battersbee, Mrs. Elizabeth ... At Ri-^v. D. Wheeler's, Doon Hf)lme, Weston-super-Mare Battersby, Revd. John Tollesbury Vicarage, Kelvedon, Essex. I Battye, George Colne Mills, Colne Road, Hudders- field Battersby, Thomas 1 5, Montague Street, Edinburgh Battye, Thomas Hudson Marsh Grove, Huddersfield Batten, Mrs. Mary Brend ... 10, Queensborough Terrace, W. Bateman, Robert Hartley ... Colne, Lancashire. Bateman, William Baumann, David ... 70, Fore Street, E.G. Baxendale, Joseph (deceased) Executor, Joseph Hornby Baxendale Woodside, Whetstone LI.ST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 13

Baxeudell, Joseph 2, Macdonald's Lane, Corporation treet, Street, Manchester Baxter, David Dock Buildings, Montrose toaJ Baxter, Charles Ross Dundee Baxter, Joseph 11, Orchard Street, Kensington,W. Bayley, Abraham ... 151, Grove Street, Liverpool

Bayley, Francis • • • 66, Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, W.

Bayley, Rev. Thomas • • • Peun Wood Vicarage, Near Amersham,

Bayley, William ... C/o. H. B. Clafin & Co.,^123, Portland ppei* Street, Manchester Bayley Elizabeth ... Bayley, Harriett, aud Quarry Square, Hastings Bayley, Emily Bayliss, Moses Ashfield House, Compton Road, Wol- verhampton

Bayliss, William ... Bythorn, Torquay Bayliss, Richard, aud Spondon, near Derby CuUen, Thomas ... Bayliss, Thomas Zachariah ... 2, Gladstone Terrace, Belgrave Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham Baynes, James, jun. 7, Coltman Street, Hull Bayne, Mrs. Anna Katharine Harlington, Hounslow Beal, Henry 25, King Street, Portman Square Beale, John Alcock Brockhurst, near Lutterworth lam Beale, Henry Hjirvey 5, Adelaide Place, Cork Beamish, Miss Aline M. Hilda Spy Hill House, Queen stown Bean, Alfred William Danson Park, Welling, Kent Bean, Richard B^dhampton, Hants. Beare, Miss Martha 15, Union Place, Blackheath Road, S.E. Beardshaw, Henry Stock Exchange, E.C. of Beardmore, William Parkhead Forge, Glasgow Beardsall, John Nicholson ... 68, New Walk, Leicester Beale, Joshua William 5, Adelaide Place, Cork Beach, Sir Michael Edward Williamstrip Park, Gloucester Hicks, Bart. Beardall, George Bennett ... Monk Wearmouth. Sunderland Beaumont, Robert Halifax Road, Dewsbury Beardsley, William Frederick Loughborough ne, Beaumont, Jonathan Dewsbury Beattie, Margaret ... .,. Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh ex. Beaumont, Major- General ... 40, Inverness Terrace, Kensington rs- Richard Hy.John Beaumont Gardens, S.W, (deceased) Executor, Ken- rick Bacon Beaumont, Rev.James Akroyd Weldou House, Leamington Beaumont, William (deceased) Executrix, Miss Hannah Prospect Place, Mossley Road, Ashtoa- Garside under-Lyne Beavan, Charles ... 91, St. George's Road, South Bel^ravia* S.W.

Beck, Edward • •• High Street, Whitchurch, Salop

Beckitt, Mrs. Ann • •• Catherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne

Beck, Henry • •• Milton Green, near Chester 14 UlUiVn TRUNK KAIL WAY OT ("ANAUA.

Bock, Francis, and 7, Great Tower Street, E.G. Wilkiu, Frederick

lieck, William Southwell .. 41, Tavistock St., Covcnt fJardru, W.C. Beck, Nathan Scaton, near Workington, Ciunberland Beckett, John (deceased) Executrix, Ann Beckett.. 5, Claremont Place, SlicfRcld

Beckley, Major Thomas, U.E. C/n. H. King (fe Co., G5, Cornhill,E.C. Beckwith, Edward Lonsdale Jleform Cluh, S.W. Becker, llcv.FerdinandWilh elm G2, Wells Street, Hackney, E. Beck, Henry ...... Artlegarth llavenstonedale, Westmore- land.

Bedolfe, William Viner Boadle, 2',i, Palmerston Terrace, Lords^hip M.D. Lane, Dulwich Bedwell, John Ralph ... 3, Raymond Terrace, Cheltenliam Beddome, Betsey ...... 53, H;unilton Road, Everton, Liverpool Beedham, Braylesford Harry Kimbolton Beech, James Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Beeley, Edmund ... East Retford, Notts Beevers, Thomas ... Cured ale Mills, Kirkstall Road, LocdB Beilby, George Thomas Falcon Cott. Morningride, Edin1>iirgh Beley, George Parsons High Street, Belgrave, Cliai'lotte 5, Bromley Gnjve, Sliortland?;, Kent Belgrave, Frances Louisa North Kilworth, Leicestershire Belfrage, Anckcw William Ann Street, Edinburgh Bell, Henry C*raek Street, Stockport Eell, Peter 41. Gilmour Place, Edinburgh BeiL Andrew .50, High Street, Stroud, Gloucester Bell, Horace Louis 11, St. Helen's Place, E.C. Bell, George Carruthers, Ecclcfechan Bell, Thomas Torbeckhill by Ecclefechau Bell, Alexander Henry Exchange Place, Dundee Bell, Jane Dacre Banks, Ripley Bell, John o-.n Queen Street, LUverston Bell, John Between the Waters, Ecclcfechan, N.E. Bell, Charles College Green, Wakefield Bell, Samuel Alexander Tyluey House, Suaresbrook, E, sex Bell, Wallace Hallbank Gate, near Miltou, Carlisle Bell, William (deceased) 7, Sussex Street, Grange Lau(^, Executrix, Alice Bell Birkenhead Bell, Edward ^ucas 28, The Albany, South Corridor, Old Hall Street, Liverpool Bell, James Moreton 3G, Gloucestoi Place, Porhuau Square Bell, William Market Street, Lancaster Bellamy, Thomas Dash 118, Jermyn Street Bellew, Richard Montesquieu tfc Custom House, Dublin Bellew,MissPaulineGrattan Bellman, George ... Batavia Buildings, Hack ins Hey, Liverpool Bellman, Henry ... Bungay, Suffolk Benbow, Mrs. Elizabeth 15, Beauchamii Walk, Leamiugtun, Benington, Edmund Bond Street, Wakefield Bennett, George ... Duftield Road, Derby ..

LIST OF SIIAREIIOLPEIIS. 15 ru'iiiKitt, llovd. Edward Dalby Rectorj', Terrington, York Hennett, Jolm Goole, Yoi'kshire Bennett, Edward Roliinson... 5, New Broad Street, Halifax Bennett, William, and 2, Crown Court, Tlin'.-'lncodlo Street, Payne, Henry William... E.G. Bennett, William ... HoUingworth, Hadlicld, Cheshire Bennett, William ... Grasmere Lodge, Anerley Park, S.E. Bennett, William ... 78, Sandgate Road, Folkestone Bennett, Jolm Hollovray House, Exeter Bennett, Thomas ...... Dovereux Chambers, Temple, E.C. Bennett, George, and ... Duffield Road, Derby Spry, Alfred Bennett, John Nicholas Pi/mouth Bennett, Tliomas Sawle 2, East Southernhay, Exeter Bennett, M.D,, James Risdou 15, Finsbury Square, E.C. Benn, Anthony Staresmore ... Rugby Benn, Joseph 176, Grove Street, Liverpool

Beusley, Robert Lubbock . . Grantchester, Cambridge liensley, William Thos., LL.B. Eaton, near Norwich Benson, Miss Margaret, St. Maiy's Convent, Derby Benson,Miss Everard C. and Benson, Miss Le(mard Anne Benson, Mary The Convent, Derby Bcntley, Joseph 118, ]3radford Road, Huddersfield Bcntlcj^ John Dalton, near Hndderstield Bcntley, Miss Helen Highbury Grange, N. Bentley, Revd. William 27, LansdoAvnc Road, Dalston, E. Burkitt, Emma, and Bnrkitt, Edward Ber.tiey, Edward ... Liscard, near Birkenhead Bcntall, Francis ... Andover, Hants Benton, Herbert Daniit 108, Mortimer Road, N.W. Bentley, Robert Charles Don caster Berg, Ellis (Addi'ess not known) Beringer, Robert ... 3, Wcstow HiU Terrace, Upper Nor- wood, S.E. Berkeley, Granville Charles 7, Wilton Crescent, S.W. Lennox

Berkeley, Captain Robert . . Care of Cox & Co., Craig's Court, S.W. Berry, Josiah Spring Gardens, Hudderslield Berry, Josiah and Huddersfield Turner, Joseph Brooke Berry, John Tayfield, Newport, Fife Berrey,GeorgeJames(decsd,) Execntor, Charles E. Berrey Reigate HiU, Surrey Berridge, Thomas Marriott,.. Ry



Bctts, Kdward LadU (dccoasod) Executrix, Mrs. Anno Betts The Holmwood, Bicklcy Park, near Cluslchurst Bettany, David 4, Northfield Villas, Lovell Road, Leeds

Bettison, William ... Bridgegate, East Retford, Notts

Bevan, Kcv. William Latham Hay, i Ji'ccon

Beviugtou, John Baxter , . . ]\larket Place, Leigh, Laiicashiro Bcw, Johu 8!), Ll(»yd Street, Grccnheys, Man- chester Bewors, William ... Wellington Terract^, Barking, Essex Bewley, Mrs. Mary Vicarage, Al)bey Town, Carlisle Beveridgo, James ... Daii-sic-by-Cupar, Fife Bibby, James Jenkiusou Hardwicke Grange, Shrewsbury Bickerstetb, Jane ... Care t>f London and County Bank, Bayswater Bickersteth, Edward Robert 2, Rodney Street, Liverpool Bidden, William Laveuham Hall, Suffolk Biggar, William ... 0, Newtown, Ashford, Kent Biggs, Dr. James Strange ... Springfield, Tooting Bigland, John ]iedfoi'd Lodge, ni\ Bishop's Auckland Bilborough, Alfred 15, Beech Grove Terrace, Leeds Billing, Eliza Ann... High Street, Warwick Billing, Henry (deceased) ... Extrix., Mrs. Eliza Ann Billing High Street, Warwick Bilton, Edward Stanton Wcstgatc Hill House, Newcastle-upon- Tyne Bindloss, AVilliam ... Kirklaud, Kendal n Binger, Job 0. and Chester Lee, Elizabeth Margaret Binks, Benjamin, junior Leeds Bintliff, Thomas ... Sackville Street, Manchester Birch, James Drury Lane, Liverpool Bird, Thomas Vickers Old Castle Buildings, Peesou's Row, Liverpool Bird, Charles Henry 7, Castle Street, Liverpool

Bird, Samuel .... Care of lonidcs

Birkett, John Lord, and The Albany, Old Hall Street, Liver t Birkett, James pool Birch, James Arthur 80, Deansgate, Manchester Birtill, Henry 5, Tjeamington Villas, Redland Park, near Bristol Birtwhistle, William Northgate, Halifax Birtwhistle, John Burton ... Beverley, Yorkshii'e Birrel, Peter 167, Hill Street, Garnet Hill, Glasgow. Bischoffshnim, Henry Louis Founders' Court, Lothbury, E.C. Bishop, Miss Eli.'^a 16, London Street, Folkestone J LIST OF SHAREHOLDKR.S. 17

Bishop, Edwin Brouj^litou .''(O, Clinton Boad, Bow, E, near r.isliop, RicliJird ... 11), Clifton Villas, ]Maida Hill, W. J'.ishop, Lieut.-C'ol. Hy.rarlott 12, The Crescent, St. Helier;^, Jersey IJiss, William Henry 2"), Charles St., St. Janus's S^., S.W. Jjissull, AVilliiuu ... 27, Hiirborne ll(.)ail, Edi-'baston, Birmingham Blivboy, John James W^)otton, near Liverpool

J>lack, Algornou ... .. 0, ClKitham Terrace, Larkhall Lane, Man- Claphani, S.W. Blaukaddei", Eliza ... 11, Elm riace, South Lyncondje, Bach ex ]jhick, Williiua Forsyth Biisement-,7, Ixumford Street, Liverpool Blackctt, Mrs. Emma Mary Whitfield Hall, Laiigloy Mills, Korthumberland Blackwood, Alexander 2, Long Acre, Aberdeen 3auk, Bladen, Francis Josepli Stafford Lodjfe, Belvedere Boad, Upper Norwood, S.E. Blayden, George ... 5, ToUington Park, Horns<>y lload, N. ])lair, Mrs. Alexis ... Pitt Terrace, Stirling, X.P>. Blair, George Beetsou Care of II, Jiarbour Bros., Aytoiin Street, Mauchcster ilantl Blair, John TCnowe, Pollocksliiehls, Ii.B. ]jlake, Henry Y\ ollastoa 18, London Street, E.C. Blake, John Kar,slak(3 20, Campden Grove, Kensington, W. Blake, William John Danesbnry, Welwyn, Herts Blake, Stephen 2, Leslie Park Boad, Croytlon Blake, William, and Jiridgehonse, near Ilininster, ipon- Barham, Alfred G. Somerset Bl^ke, Stephen Osborne House, Holland Park, X.W. Blake, Bichard Taylor 1, Lombard Street, E.C. Blaker, Nathaniel Baino 2l>, Old Steyne, Brighton B>la[cey, Henry Halifax, Yorks

]>lakeway, W'illiam Evan .. 50, Threadneedlo Street, E.C. Blankey, Henry ... 14, EuHeid lload North, De Beauvoir Town, N. Jow, Blane, Lient. Robert Artlir. 22nd Ilegiment Blatchley, Frederick Saltash, Cornwall ]jlatherwick, John Alliance Chambers, George Street, 37, Sheffield Bleakley, William ... Myrtle Grove, Prestwich, near Manchester Bleaklcy, John Dudley Villas, Old TriifTord ]>leeck, Cliaiies Thring The Chronicle Office, Bath Blewett, JMiss Harriet Tea'j( Riclnnond, Yorlishire Bliss, George Brigliton Terrace, Banbury, Oxon

Lvet' Block, William Allan 21, Princes Terrace, Priuce.s Gate, S. >V". Blood, Thomas (deceased) Executor, Edmond M. Blood 3, Bryaustone Place, Bryanstone *ark, Square, W. Blonnt, William ... 124, Chancery Lane Bloxam, Matthew Holbcckc Rugby. Warwickshire Bloxam, Mrs. Janet Scott ... Wellesley Villa, Paiuswick Road, The row. Park, Chelteuham 18 OKAND TRUNK KAILWAY OF CANADA.

Blood, IMajf)!' Jolm 4, Charles Street, Lowndes Square, S.W. Blow, Jjiines Croniwell Terrace, Tlio I'lainSj Blnndell, Cliarlea Eihviird ... 20, Spring Street, Hull Bliindoll, Robert ... Benliam, Hork'y, Surrey

Blnndell, Joseph \\'iigstiiff ... 1(5, Gresham Street, E.C. Blyth, James (deceased) 40, Lowndes Scpiare, S.W. Exrciito)' Walter Heuiy M. Westminster Read, S.W. Boag, Robert Crieh, near Belper, Derbyshire Boaden, William Ramsden, Street, Barrinv-in-Furnc.«s Boardman, Artliur North Street, Bishop Stortfo-'d Boddy, John Dalby, near Pickering Bodger, William ... 132, Trinity Street, Cam1)ridge

Boeme, Alexander Ecklcmans .')',), York Street, Northumptuu Bolton, Francis Leo 8, Couk Street, Liverpool Bolster, Richard James National Bank, IMill Street, Co. Cork Bolingbroko, Mrs. Famiy Statlurd House, Newmarket Road, Cecilia Norwich Bolingbroko, Horatio Norwich

Bomforth, Mrs. Elizabeth ... Melbourne Villa, Bedford Roaa, Soutliborougli, Kent Bond, George Bittcsby, Lutterworth Boness, Jessy 2, Slioe Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. Bond, George Henry AV^iveliscombe, Somerset Bonneaii, Hope Chark'S Care of William Taylor, St. Paul's Tcri'ace, Wolverhampton Boutflower, Ven. Archdeacon St. Lawrence Vicr.rage, Appleby, Samuel Peach Westmoi'eland Bookey, Major V/illiam Denbane, Rathdrum, County Thomas Erskiue (deceased) "Wicklow Extx. Bookey, Mary'Deborah I Booth, Julia Elizabeth 93, Rotherfleld Street, Essex Road, Islington, N. Booth, Mrs. Augusta Do Capell De.-boro' House, Desboro', Market Harboro' Booth, John (deceased) Actij.Keor., Robert Brindley Borley, near Macclesfield Booth, William Pithy 148, Union Street, Aberdeen Booth, John East Lancashire Paper Mills. RadclifFe, near Manchester Borland, Captn. Oswald, R.N. Care of S. Dobree and Sons, 6, Token- i house Yard, E.C. Borrett, Mrs. Mary Ann ... 8, Suffolk Place, Pall Mall, S.W. Borradaile, John Osmotherley 150, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Borski, Widow Willem Amsterdam Borthwick, James Dougal ... 486, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Bosley Robert High Street, Worcester Bostock, BeHJn* Silvester ... Mere Field, Haslington near Crewe Bostock, John .. ... Middlewich Bostock, Dr. John Asliton ... •Care of Cox & Co., Craig's Court, S.W. Bosanquet, George Stanley ... 73, Lombard Street, E.G. Bostock, George Jackson ... Middlewich, Cheshire Botwood, Henry Rogers Broseley, Shropshire


Eolt;;r<;ll, llichard...... Vine Cottage, Thames Dilt(m, Surrey

l>ottu!)iley, Jiimos ... (i, Rodney Street, Liverpool Bottoinluv, .rainos... Care of Mrs. Foster, Ropor Gate, JN)ntcfract Bougiitoii, Edinuud Noilands, Erdington, jJirmingliam Boiiltoii, Vvilliiuu Honvy l,Sprmg Villas, Fiuchley Common, Louitoii, i;uv. AVilliarn Ht'ury liar rock llall, W :gan Bonltoii, Alfred Kaiuhdcu & Ijoiiltdii, ({L!()ri,'o

Bourne, ( Icorgo Driulcwater WesuL.n Siibedge, Broadway, V>'orce.ster

Bou.stead, Edward ... T), Newmau's'^Court, Cornhdl, E.C. Bouslield, Sauuiol ... l;j, St. Mary Axe, E.C. Boustield, Itovd. Alfred Ratley Vicarage, Kineton, Warv.ick BoutUowur, Clmrl'jH AV. M. ... Dundry A'icarago, Bristt»l

]5ouniu, John (), Redlaud Park Villas, Bristol Boucher, lljvd. Albt. Fras. ... Heath House, Cheddletou, Leek Bouvcrii;, I'liilip P. (deceased) Rcccidoi; Houblc.P.P. Bou- C;iro of Ransomo &: Co., 1, I'all Mall verie East, S.W. Bowen, Miss ]Mary Auu Hay, Brecoushiro Bowie, AUau Stewart Union Bank of Scotland, Coatbridjje, Bowdeu, Edwrad ... 19, Beaumont Terrace, Buckland, Portsmouth Bowden, Ilovd. Clias, Edward 2, R;imsay Gardens, Edinburgh Bowdiu, William Coruisli ... Xewton Abbot, Devt)U B(jwilii), William ... Cheapside, AVakelield, Yorks. Bowcil, Iv'cVv... Edward Lougliboyno Rectory, Londf)uderryj Bowen, .FaiiuiS William 2, Paper Buildings, Teaipie, E.C. BoAVer, Jolin llicliard Leatield Moor, Allertou, ne;iv Leeds Bowe.^, (jleoi'go 38, Threadueedle Street, E.C. Bowker, Joiiu Water Lane, Radclilie, ur. JManchester Bowlcer, James Blackburn Street, Radclilie, near Maucliestcr

Bowman, Tliomas ... Soutliampton Bowman, John Johti Street, Bristol Bowring, Edgar Alfred, OU, Westbourne Terrace, Vv'. Bowriug, Edwin ... 8, Regency Square, Brighton Bowring, Henry Price Allerton Hall, Gledhow, Leeds Bowtell, Henry Samuel 148, Upper Brook Sti'eet, Choi'lton-cii- Modlock, Manchester Boyd, William Smith 13, Sloorgate Street, E.C. Boyd, Captain Archibald D. 115, Westbourne Terrace, W. Boyd, IMrs. Jean McLean Dunlop, "NV^m. Carstairs, and Kidd, Robt. Bohun Boydell, William Thoma,s, and 3, South Square, Gray's Inn, W.C. Boy dell, HiUTy Samuel ... Boyer, George Phelps 8, Warwick Crescent, "W. Boyer, Revd. John Quorn House, Leamington Boyle, Miss Mary Louisa ... 22, South Audley Street, W. BoylejWilliam Robt. Augustus 7, Chm'ch Street, Kensington. 20 OliAND TUUNK KAILWAY Ol' CANADA.

V,i>yh), Ciipt. Hon. V.i^U'vt Francis, Ji.N. Cdt'Coasud) ... Excriitin; Rev. Win. Skinutr St. Liike, Torcpiay, Devon. Uoylc

I Joys, .Iiunes, (dccwi.sed) iJ.rdii'tor, Kuvd. Edward Bandolph Cottage, St. Paul's Road, (iiMcv Canulen Town, N.W.

I'oydi'll, Frank llobcrt i).( J teat James's St., Bedford Bow, "NY. C.

Boyd, (icorr^o 17, < )sborn(! I'lace, (Jovan near (Ua.sgow lUadky, Jolin Vresal], Fleetwood, Lancashire l)radl)tiry, Villiaiu I'rostojj... A\'renl)Ury, near isantwieh, Che.'^hirc Bradford, AVilliaui Marlboro"' Villa, lladford Struct, Higher !Bronghton, Manchester ]>rado, Daniel, and Ivendal Tlionisoii, Cliarlcs I'radley, Thomas ... Suinnicrhill, Kendal ]>!-M


!5randey Hcrhcrt ... I'aradiso S

]5radford, James ... Railway Station, Portsmouth Bradshaw, Kohcrt... lligli Glenliug. Mockram, Vrigton.shiro

Ml Bracken bury , Miss Enni! a Jjme ]21, London Road, South Lowestoft .B>radbmy, Thonia.s Haigh ... Bradley, near Huddersfield Braithwaif'o, John... Holm Cottage, Brady, Ma>;ievo John Court of Chancery, Dublin Bracher, Jetlu-o ... Worcester City and County B;aii:ing Company, Evesham Branigan, La"\\TeucG Boyne View, Droheda

Brady, Francis :>, St. Thomas Street, S.E. Braidwood, Joliu ... 20, Albert Drive, Crossbill, Gla.sgow BraidAvood, Mrs. Janet 20, Albert Drive, Crossliill, Glasgow Breaks, Miss Mary Jane ]jedalc, Yorkshire Brcgazzi, Vincent 29, AYright Street, Hull

i .


Bivreton, Charles ((leceasod) A'.''cv('^/.i',Ciirnliuo]in!ioNiii Tlic liar Iionsc, P.ovcrloy, YnrlvsliiiL' l'ivwster,Kuv(l.E(hvjir(l.Touts Caro of National Provincial Hank nf Enj^'laiid, liishopsgatc Street, E.(". P>rewster, John Tliotnpsou ... Tlic I'ark, N;>ttin,nliam

]5i'ereton, Tlmhias ... ',i, Turk Street, Irlain's-o'-th'-Heiglit, jManclioster JJrcars, ]*lp]iraini ... no, Garlsido Street, :>rane]icsicr

Jiive"-;'.', '-I'lii'iiias Sewell CatluiiU'al Close, Norwieli Brewer, E;;inc:s 7, Osliorne Villas, Stroud Green L'Uie, i Holloway, N. BrcAVster, Robert ... Sprin.L,' Villa, Moat Road, East Crccu-

Briilson, Thomas Bidgsvay ... l-ridge Tinnse, Dolton Bridge, Jt)hu .57, Inverness Terrace, Kensington Gardens, W. Jiridge, Edwiu L9, 31ayfield, Victoria Crcsccut, Eceles, near iMauchestcr. Brie: ley, George ... Halifax

] 5 rierle}', William Houry ... Union Street, Halifax l^.rinis, James Xorth Parade, liurnley ]iriody, James Maynootli, Co. Kildarc Briscoe, Lieut.-Col. HyHon ... Junior United Service Clul>, Charb s Street, S.W. British and Foreign Marino Liverpool Insurance Company, Linuted Bridger, George, and Tho London Company,8, Old Jcwry,E.C Thompson, .lames Stratton

Bridges, Lt.-Col.Edwd. Smith tl' Guards' Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Nowmau, Jolni Adam Richd ]?ridgos, Lt.-Col. E.hvd. Smith Tliorpo Hall, Colchester

Briggs, [h)i\vy,M.lJ., ant I ... Xorth Parade, Burnley Briggs, Beiijainiu Whittani Bristow, John and... 45, North John Street, Liverpool Bristow, William Bright, John Stephen Court House,Stoke Street, Miill)orougb, Ludlow, Sliropshirc Briggs, Col. John Patrick ... lioujechvard, Jedburgh, N.B. ,nro Britton, William ... Park Lane, near AVigau Briggs, Major-Gen. David ... Strathairly, Largo, Eife Bvice, Vvilliam Southern oC), Sti'and Promenade^ Bootle Briei'ly, Samuel Southport Brierly, Joseph Castletou, Rochdale. Briggs, Henry, M.D. North Parade, 13uridey Britton, Heury William 22, Queen Street, Ramsgatc. Bricc, Robert Dadford Northampton. Bricc, Henry 21, Chambei'lain Street, V\'ells,Sou-iOrset Briggs, Thomas Southwell, Nottinghamshire Brown, Aubrey 70, Old Broad Street Broad bent Thomas, and Gomersal, Yorkshire Wolfcnden, Henry Brittlebank, Miss Matilda ... Rosehill, Derby Il ''


Broiulnieiul, .TiiiiK's LaiKjport, Roinersot lirojidiiiciul, Eliza J'lilfrcy ()rlaii(l(», Milvorton, Sonursft Uroiullmrst, Mrs. Florenco Care of Coutts tt Co.,; Strand, W.C. Oeorgiua Toxuua Broivdhurst, Sanuiel Oroat Sankcy, near Warriii^'ton Brocklebank, llalpli Liverpool Bi'ochiicr, Carl Christian Hi^irli Street, Hull Brock, Joliii Allan Chilton Sti uirport, Worcestershire Brock lubank, ThonuiH Livev[)ool Brockbank, llobcrb 20, Iluskisson Street, Liverpool Brodrifk, jMrs. Matilda Salter Care of Augustus Carrini;ton, lirain-

tre!.», Essex Brodie, Miss Elizabeth .,, Auclienblao, 'vincardinosliirc; Brodie, lioliert ... „. 102, Penibrokj ]load, Clifton, Bristol Brogden, Thomas ... Tockwith, near York BromtieldjMiss Louisa (deceased) Ad. E.''ii)\,llmn\yhry Salway Guildhall, Ludlow, Salop Bronitield, J'ev. Henry Bljifkley, Worcestershire BrouK't, dolm Addinell Tadeaster, Yorksh ire Broniilow, David Battlesdeu Park, Woburu, Bcdt:, Broom Held, David Kelso Brook,. Amos Longwood, near Huddorsfield Bros, Tliomas Kemmins, and 15, Union Court, E.C. Bros, .ramcH Header Brown, Henry Coles L' ton, Beds. Brown, John 5, Dorset Gardens, reighton

Brown, Henry i;'., NVyle Cop, Shrewsbury

Brown, Tl:omaa i S, St. Vincent Street, Edinburgli Brown, Thomas Skipton, Yorkshire Brown, Edward Swi'don How.Ambloside, Westmear Leeds Brown, George 23 .t 24, Queensferry St., Edinburgh

Brown, Tlobei't Mansel !), Lime Street, E.C. Brown, W^illiam ... Jeai)urgh, N.B. Brown, Thomas, and i]?, Nicholas Lane, E.C. Sime, John Brown, William .Master of Walmesley Church Schools, liury, Lancashire Brown, Duncan 48, Windsor Terrace, Glasgow Brown, (^corgo Fenwick ... Scarborough, Yorkshire I Browne, Edward JJranch Bank of England, Plymouth Brocklebauk, Ralph, Junior... Liverpool Brook, Harvey 2G, East Mount Road, Yjrk Brooke, John Park er Dewsbury Brooks, Mrs. Emily Margaret G, Kent Terrace, Regent's Park, X.W, Brooke, William Lombe 1, Risby Gate Street, Bury St. Edmunds Brooke, Benjamin Nottingham Brown, William Stevenson ... ]']ast Park Buildings, Shawlands, Glasgow Brooksliaw, Joseph 21, Chorlton Street, Portland Street, Manchester


TJrothcrton, Oo<>rgo Uriali 4, CuUam Street Bntwn, William ... I'J, Cumin Phico, Grange, Edinburgh IJrookHhaw, Eli 25, Bradshaw Street, Shudo Hill, Muu- chester IJrooks, Audrowr Gooil Council House, Shrewsbury Brown, I^>^)L!l•t lli'iiry 3, Mincing Lane, E.G. Bnnvu, ^Villirlm David 8, Standishgato, Wigan Brown, Thomas ... 9, St. James Row, Sheffield

Broatlliead, W;iltor ••t at IMt's.^rs. Whitaker

Bnnvu, Thoinaa ...... 37, Nicholas Lane, E.G. BroolvsliooftjEdward A. D. ... Kirk Ella, near Hull Browne, INIiss Adt'laido Carlingford, Co. Louth Browuo, Henry, il/.Z>. Oxford Road, Manchester lirowno, Frances JNIaria Buckley House, Sidbury, Sidmouth, Devon Browno, George Buckstono ... Myrtle (Jlrove, Halifax Browne, Mrsi.Elizabctli (discd.) Care of London Jind Westminster Bank, Ej'ti-ic, IMr.s. INlary Harwell St. James's Si^uare, S.W. Browne, Mrs. Martha, iuid ... 12, Rectory Grove,, S. "W. ]>rowue, MisM Amelia Louisa .r>rowne, Henry Douglity ... Stock Excliange, E.G. Br(jwu, William Henry Stock Exchange, E.G. Brown, Patrick Huntley Villas, Overton Road, Brixton

Brown, AUan McLiu\ ;). 2(i!), Camden Road, N.W. Brown Elizabeth, ... Oakwood, Crof t-on-Tees, Yorkshire Ijfowii, (leorgo Heworth Green, York

Brown, Matthew ... 49, South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Browiijohn, llevd. Simijou East Lydford Roctoiy, Sothrertou, Do well Somersetshire Browning, Charles LloyJ Chad Mont, Edgbaston, Birmingham Broughtoii, Joseph Rose Hill, Derby Browse, George William Henry Westerlauil, Teignmouth Browning, George Fuller ... Paglesham, near Rochford, Essex Bruce, Charles Dashwood Preston (deceased) Execidric^ Hxm. Harriett Elizabeth Preston ]5ruce (Address not known) Brundoll, Benjamin Shaw ... 1, Princes Street, Doncaster Bruco, James 3S, Lombard Street, E.C. Bruce, Sarah Etty... Heyman's Green, West Derby, near Liverpool Bruce, Miss Mary Campbell 70, Blenheim Crescent, Kensington Park, W. Bruford, John The Nerrols, Gheddon, Taunton Brunt, Thomas Jiuir. Ashby do la Zouch Bruttou, William Henry ... Beach House, Exmouth Brydeu, William Anderson ... The Cedars, Clapham Common Bryan, James Council Excise Buildings, Greenock Bryans, Rev. luchard Chatsworth House, GreatMalvern Brydges, Capt. Henry Edward C/o Cox ct Co., Charing Cross Bryant, Revd. John Barker North Dalton, Hull ..


Bryce, James Hereford Gardens, Park Lane, W. Brynier, Mrs. Maria Fern Bank, Forest Hill, S.E. Bryan, William Jjuncs " The Beehive,"Leadenhall Market,E .0. Bubb, Charles 10, Great Winchester Street, E.C. Bucbau, David l!^ew Langhton, Cramond Bridge, neai Edinburgh BitcliaB, Katlicrino Carmichael The Grove, Hanwcll Buckley, Abraham 0, Edward Street, Werneth,

Buchauan, JMrs. Margaret . . (Address not known) Buchau, Matliew Tomcraggach, Blair Athole, N.B. Bnchaiiaii, Johu ... Ness Bank, Inverness ]3uchauaij, David Smith oO, Meadow Side, Dundee ] >uckcrficld, Thomas Heuchmaii 2, Mortimer Terrace, Highgate Head Buckley, Bicbard ... Greenfield, Manchester

Buckley, Charles ... St, James's Street, Burnley Buckler, Miss Fanny Washing- Albert Terrace, St. Leonard's, near ton Exeter Buckler, Elizabeth... 80, St. George's Squiu-e, Portsca Buck, John East Mount Road, York Buckwell, William 10, High Street, Deptford, S.E. Buckle, ]Mary Agnes 133, Hyde Park Road, Leeds Bucklei", Heurj', it Stock Exchange, E.C. Warwick, Mrs. Jane Buckingham, William Southernhay, Exeter Buckley, Samuel ... Birmingham Buckmaster, Miss Clara 0, Grove Road, Kingston-on-Thames Buckle, Thomas ... Great Ouseburn, near York Bulkelej'', John Way Dalniellington Iron Woiks, by Ayr Bull, Eliza Clydesdale House, Spring Grove, Isleworth Bullock, James Hawthorn ... 8, Ann Street, Kendal "'ullock, Edward Theodore ... 10, Charlotte Street, Brandon Hill, Bristol B ley, Henry 10, Castle Street, Liverpool Bu.lock, Ecv. James G., and Colchester Ashwin Manley ... Bullen, Thomas 1 3, Hereford Road, Bayswater Bulteil, Samuel William Victoria Park, Manchester. Bunnell, Mary Elizabeth, and Bunnell, Peter ... Beckenhalii Road, Penge, Surrey Bunn, Robert Thomas Grey Street, Newcastle-tm-Tyne Buuscn,Kevd.Henry George do Donington Rectory, near Albrighton, W olverham pton Bunbury, Henry Shirley Custom House. Dublin Bunting, James Highfield Road, Chesterfield Burchatt. ^Vlbert Hy. G. 4:3, Alexandra Road, St. John's Wood Burdon, John 14, Giles Gate, Durham Hurge, Charles 3, Austin Friars, E.C. Burge,Geor

Burgess, Robert William . . 80, Anson Street, Bai-row-in-Furness Burgess, Charles ... 3, Coultou Street, Barrow-in-Furness W


Burls, Edward JansonPead... Bancroft, Hitchin, Herts Burloy, Thomas ... .'Jj^Doylc Terrace, Guernsey Burus, Rcvd. Jnhvz 17, Porteous Road, W. Buniet, Agues 2, Addison Terrace, Victoria Parle, Manchester Burnett, Joliu 2, McDonald Lane, Corporation Street, Manchester Buniaud, George ... Stock Exchange, E.G. Buru;ind, Lewis Wliituioro ... GI), Lond)ard Street, E.G. Burras, Alfred 11, Williamson Terrace, Cc^lchester Row, Walthamstow Burnio, Rol>t. Jno. Diclcson... Swansea Wagon Co. (Luuited), Swansea Burrough, James ... o, River Street, Putney Burridge, Alfred ... 18 , Viuibrugh Park, Blackheath, E.G. Hill, Busk, Stephen 12, Pancras Lane, Bucklersbury Butcher, Miss Maria (Jeutle Street, Frome, Somerset Butclier, Frederick, and Butclier, George Tring, Herts Butelier, Thomas Robert .. ai, Hungerford St., Camden Town, N. Butler, William ... Low Road, Hunslet, near Leeds Butler, Robert Bradley Court, near Newbury Butler, Erasmus ... Pontefract Butler, William Joseph Woolston Lodge, nr. Faringdon, Berks Butler, Rev. Edward Langrod Castle, Llyswen, via Hereford Butler, Capt. Wm. Theobald 25, Charles Street, St. James's, S.W. Butler, John Phillip Upper Baggot Street, Dublin Butler, James Tlie Cottage, Beastoji, Nott-s Butler, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth' Llangoed Castle, Ll}seu, Hereford Butt, Charles / • • • • The Ferns, Amhurst Road, Stoke Newington, N. Buttterworth, John Spotlaud Bridge, Rochdale Butterworth, Robert GO, Whitworth Road, Rochdale Butterworth, Richd. Henry... Boston Spa, Yorks. Byerley, Alfred Kent Street, Portsea i


Byles, Edith Adeline 1, Clarendon Villas, Grove Street, Byles, Natliauiel, iiiul South Hackney, E. Diidiam, Cliarles


Caddiclc, Edward ... Wellington Road, Edgbaston Cade, George Ellis 8, Coburg Terrace, Hull Caiues, Elizabeth llobecca ... Care of Coutts Sz Co., Strand, W.C. Caird, James Key Dundee Cairns, John Cutt's Lime Works, Ladybank, Scot- land Caithness, Rt. Hon. Earl of... 17, Hill Street, Berkeley Square Calder, David 2, Regent Street, Anlaby Road, Hull Caldwell, Eev. James Care of Scott and Francis, 5, Waniford Court, E.C. Callard, Miss Jessie Jane ... Hahlon House, Exeter Caledonian Banking Company Inverness Caley, George Co, Park Street, Hull Calvcrlcy, Richard Fulwood Piirk, Preston Cameron, Hon. John Hildyard Care of A. Lawrie, 10, Charles Street, St. James's, S.W. Cameron, Donald, M.A., LL.D. Care of John Cameron, M.D., 17, Rod- ney Street, Liverpool Camidge, Rev. Charles Edward "NVheidrake Rectory, near York Cammell, Charles ... ^N'orton Hall, near Sheftield Campbell, Joseph Stott Easter Warnstou House, Edinburgh Camp, John 3, Villiers Street, Leamington Campbell i.^c." i.zon Warwick Campbe]i Char i M. Shrewsbury I h[ Campbell, J .. ^c^trick F. W. The Lodge, Wellesbourne, W^arwick Campbell, James Archibald... Tower Lodge, Rugby Campbell, John Gt. George's Street, Belfast Campbell, Miss Elizabeth ... 8, Rockstone Place, Southampton Campbell, John Francis Niddry Lodge, Kensington, W. Campin, John Bicester Campion, Miss Mary Barry Denmark Hill, Camberwell, S.E. Canby, John Steel Works, Barrow-in-Furness Cancellor, Francis and 7, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. Butter worth, Joseph Canham, Alfred ... 121), Stamford Street, S.E. Cann, John, and Langbourne Chamljers, 17, Fenchurch Doyle, John Henry Street, E.C. LIST OF SHAREHOLDEKS. 27

Cannings, Freclk. John (deed). t, Ejtx., Mi-3. Eliza Cauuiug 3, The Villas, Devonshire Road, Forest Hill, S.E. Canning, WiUiam ... Debden, Barford, near Leamington Cannon, William ... Devonshire Road, Princes Park, Liver- pool CantrelljThomas JosephjM.T). Chesterfield, Dulwich Wood Prk., Upper Norwood, S.E. Capel, James Bury Stock Exchange, E.C-. Capper, George Copeland ... 4, Adam's Court, E.G. Cappei*, Iwov. Daniel Glenville, Bitterne, Southampton Carlill, James Green Parliament Street, Hull Carleton, Henry ... Eustace Street, Dublin Carleton, Emily Augusta ... Seapoint, Monkstown, Co. Dublin Carling, John 3J, Strand Chambers, Barrow-in-Fur- ness Carlisle, John, and Pritt, Francis Drinkall ... High Lawn, Bowdcn, Cheshire Carlyon, Eevd. John St. Mervyn Vicarage, near Padstow, cot- Cornwall Carmichaol, Andrew Halliday 154, Queen's Road, Liverpool Carmichael, Adam .. Markiiich, Fife rlull Carmichael, Liobert Coldstream, N.B. ford Carnegie, John Chesterfield, Derbyshire Carnellcy, William Fern Lea, Fallowfield, Manchester Carnsew, Rev. Thomas Stone Flexbury, Bude, Cornwall Carpenter, Charles Piekv.'ick Norfolk House, Bath Carpenter, Charles 45, ]5runswick Square, Brighton Carpenter, Charles, and 45, Brunswick Square, Brighton

'eet, Carpenter, Sophia Carpenter, William 4, Brabant Court, Philpot Laut*, E.G. Carpenter, Jaiiies ... [oJl- Lean, Liskeard, Cornwall Carpenter, William, and 4, Brabant Court, Philpot Lane, E.G. Carpenter, Sophia Haywood Carpcuter,Miss Anno Sophie & A^'est Green Lodge, Tottenham Carpenter, Williara Carr, John Hide Hill, Berwick-on-'" "ed Can', Jonathan Tiverton Mills, near Bam Carr, Thomas Tiverton Mills, near Bath Carr, William Tiverton, Bath Carr, William Thomas Park Terrace Far, Headiugly, nr. Leeds Carr, Rev. Edward Henry ... Abbey Hill, Lanorby, Bexley Heath Carreg, Griffith Llewellyn (dec. ) Exor., Robert Carreg Cefumine, Pwllheli, Carnarvonshire Carre, Wdter Riddell (deed.), Exor., Thomas Alexander Riddell Carre... Cavers Cari'e, Lillieslcaf, Selkirk Carrick, Theophilus 14, Jarratt Street, Hull

Carrin gton,W il I iam Town scud Croxden Abbey, near Uttoxcter Carriugton, William Henry, 77, Cornhill, E.G. Knight, jrcli John W^atson, and Booth, George Robert

I •^


C;in-t)ll, Theodore Frederick, 80, South Mall, Cork and Carroll, Joliu Tlionuis Carroll, Walter ... 0, St. George's Terrace, Brighton C;'.rcy, Charles James, Il.N. Le ValLjn, Guernsey Cart, Henri Care of H. E. Symons, 54, Thread- needle Street, E.G. Carter A: Co. (Address not known) Carter, Kicliai'd Davis St. James's Green, Thirrlc, Y(jrks, Carter, Miss Susan Trunkwell House, Reading Carter, Nicholas ... Harrogate, Yorks Carter, Dr. Thomas Richmond, Yorkshire Carter, William Catterick, Yorkshire Carter- Squire, Mary Cattevick, Yorkshire Carter- Squire, Sarah Auue ... Catterick, Yorkshire Carter, Roger 8, Kidbrooke Grove, Blackheath Carter, Thomas Henry 110, Ebury Street, Pinilico Cartwright, Alfred... Borrowash, Derbyshire Cartwright, WilliamAlexander 240, Duke Street, Park, Sheffield Ca".h, William 20, Nicholas Lane, E.G. Cafson, William ... Sharnbrook, near Bedford Cassels, Andrew and 2, Royal Exchange Buildingf--, E.C. Wiesso Ludwig ... Caswell, Mary Wync Howe, Fleetwood, Lancashire Custle, Tudor Grove House, Clifton, Bristol Vaughan, Revd. J. Stuart Castle, Bodham, and

Vaughan, Philip Henry ... Castle, Major Charles Stapleton, near Bristol

Castell, Joanna Eugenia Cjo T. P. Cohen, 32, Fnchurch ^-:t., E.C. Castellain Alfred ... Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. Huth, Ferdinand M., and Meinertzhagen, Daniel Catcheside, Robert, and Newcastle-on-Tyne Proudlock, M. W. Cater, James 9, Lucas Terrace, Alfred Street, Bow Road, E. Catlicart, David McCul»l)in ... 4, West Nile Street, Glasgow Catherwood, William Bailey 71, Highgate Road, N.W. Catter^d^ John New Brighton, near Birkenhead Cv.itley, Henry Gritliu 23, Hyde Park Gate, South Kensing- ton, W. Cattlev, William Esdailo Ospisdale, Doruock, N.B. Gaunter, Robert (deceased) ... Exccntrix, IMrs. Isabella Gaunter 25, Howard Place, Edinburgh Cave, Rev. Ambrose Sneyd Care of Worcester City and County Cave BroAvn Bank, Malvern Cavell, George 50, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Gavell, George, and Nokes, Frederick John ... 50, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Caw, Elizabeth Ruan, Huyton Park, near Liverpool Cawley, Stephen ... Hehningham Stonham, Suffolk Cawood, Charles ... Dugglebj', Wharram Station, York I .


Cawtlira, Carl Bavbex* Cavo of Thos. Cawthra, 23, ilichmond Grove, Longsi<,dit, Manolioster Cawthra, Samuel Claurle Care of Thos. Cav/thra, 28, Kiclimoud Grove, Lougsij^ht, Manchester

Cawtlira, Thomas ... 28, Bichmoud Grove, L(mgsiglit, jManchester Cawscon, Samiiol William ... SN)ek Exchange, E.C. Cayley, E.lward Stiiliugil.'.afc Vv'vdale, Bron;;])ton, York

Caxfiiovo, TJemy ... r/i, Threadnee.Uc Street, E.C.

dial )i )t, ]\Iiv.. Anna Maria . . 8, Cliatham Place, Hackney, E. Cliadwick, Jolui. Ml, Great Bridgwater Street, Man- chester Cliadwiolc, William .'il. Chapel Street';- Hyde Clialmers, Tii'iiry ... Xew'pcn't, Salop Chalmers, David, M.D. I'iVorton Village, Liverpool Chandlers, William T, Castle Street, Liverpool Charahers, Thomas 20, Hopwood Lane, Halifax Cliaiubvrs, James ... Hebdeix Bridge, via IManchester Chambers, Jlev. Joliii Westropp Wellington Lodge, Kingston, Dublin Chambers, William Grant ... Eastlands, Kent Iload, Southsca Chambers, Ilcv. Wju. Hampton 00, ToUington Park, N. Chamberlain, Rov. (Cauou) Limber Magna, near Ulceby, Lincoln- Thomas Ffostor... shi Chamberlain, Joseph ,'\ugi:..icnsRd., Edgbaston, Birmingham Chaiidjerlaiii, (leorge Knowsley JBuildings, Tithebaru Street, Liverpool Chand)crlaiii, Thouipsou Eshton Hall, Gargravc, Leeds Ohampness, Williain Os Lansdowne Villas, Lee, S.E. Chaudless, Ideiiry Goro 21, Henrietta St., Cavendish Sq., W. Chandler, jMary Ann I'rentwood, Essex CliamUer, Thomas... Stock Exchange, EC. Ciiapliii, Eiistacho St. Pierre D], Victoria Street, S.W. Cha|)liu, Ernest 01, Victoria Street, S.W. Chaplin, Percy Chavenage, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Bow Chaplin, Jolm Wortley 44, Gresliam Street, E.C. Chaplin, ?drs. Anna A. Elm Terrace, Beverley Road, Hull Chaplin, Mary Jane Care of Mrs. Winterton, Castle Street, Plinckley, Leicestershire Chaplin, Jaljoz ... ,„ Smockington, near Hinckley,Leicej-ter- \Slllg- shire Chapman, William Union Workhouse, Wolverhampton

Ch;ipman, Henry ... i>, Lonsdale Terrace, Edinburg' Chapman, Charles ... 2!), Belsize Park, Hampstead Cha]nnau, Francis Stewart 14, Austin Friars, E.C. Chapman, Thomas, and Dobrce, Bonamy 41, Lothbury, E.C. Chapman, Edward Stile Fai-m, Turuham Green, S.V/". Chapman, Rev. William Henlev-on-Thames Chapman, William 103, Micklegate, York Chapman, David Barclay Roehampton Chapman, John Heathfiold, Sevenoaks, Kent Chapman, Thomas... 25, Bryanston Square, S.W.

i .


Cliiip mail, EchvartiH. (deed. A'.tij. Exiiv., Cliristoplier liicliardsau Chapman, Thomas... Chapmau, Mary, aud Taylor, ll'ibcrfc Watkius Chapman, Mrs. Mary Chapmau, William Thomas... Chapman, Mrs. Elizabetli ... Chapman, Jonathan

Chapman, Thomas .Smith ... ChappeU, Robert John Chappell, William George ... Chappelow, John ... Chappie, Edwin ... Chappie, Edward ... Cliapple, Miss Jane Chtuxl, John Charles, James Charnley, John Heaton Charnley, John Heaton Charnley, Richard, and Charnley, Y/illiam Charters, George Washington Chatburn, Sarah (deceased) ...

Act 1)1(^1 Exor., David Doig... Chave, Thomas Anstey Chave, William Francis Chawner, Rev. Chas. Fox ... Cheere, Miss Frances

Ch eesmond , Sarah .. Cheere, Robert Cheshire, Thomas ... Cheslyn, Miss Anne Chevalier, James ...

ii; Checkland,Tnrvil...

! i Chichester, Revd. James H

I;!; Chiene, George Todd, LlSr OP SIIAREnOLDERS, •^1 •J X

Christoj)]iorsi)n, Dcrni;'.u o, Tokenhouse Yard, E.G. Chubl), TL'iiTy 33, John Street, Bedford Row, W C Chul)l), HamniMiul... Bank of England, E.G. Chiiinlev, Geome ... 03, Wigmoro Street, W. Churchill, Anna iM;iriii, and... Thornbury Park, Gloucestersliirc Churchill, Emily Chnrtou, Rovd. Charles 4', Buckingham Place, Brighton Chuter, Robert (deceased) Execvfor, Robert M. Brown 9, Lime Street, E.G. City of Glasgow IJank (flasgow , 70, Claphani, John Foster ( i ai n ford-by-D;irlingt on S.E. Claphani, John Stock Exchange, E.C. Claphani, Edwin ... Stock Exchange, E.C, Clare, Charles Lei-h Hope Field, Park Lane, Higher ]3roughtou, Manchester Clare, Thomas Russell Street, Heywood Clark, Kathauicl (deceased) Gloi\ccster 21, Terrace, St. Georr/'c's° xmes. Exec H true, ]\Irs. C. Clark Road, Pimlico, S.W. Clark, George (deceased) 10, Sidmouth Street, Regent Sq., W.C. Executor—James Lenioiuc Deinnan 20, Piccadilly, W. CLark, Henry ChesterHeld Clark, Thomas Chatfiehl ... 03, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C. Clark, Thomas 38 , George Street, Edinburgh Clark, Frederick ... 5,SumnierliillGrve.,Xewcastle-on-'J'yue Clark, Edward Queen Street, Lancaster Clark, Richard Eeroyd I^oncastcr Clark, Edward Havdey o,SummerhillGrve.,N'ewcastle-on-Tyne Clark, JMiss Ann ... 19, Priory Place, Doncaster Clark, William 2, Railway Street, New Brornpton, clou- Chatlnmi Clark, William Koomabaree, King Charles Road, Surbiton, S.W. Clark, James Kirkland Park, Strath aven, ur. Glasgow Clarke, Thomas Hall Gate, Doncaster Clarke, Mrs. Charlotte 123, AVarwick Squnrc, St. George's Road, Pimlico, S.W. Clarke, Samuel David 75, Towuhall Road, Queen's Road. Dalston, E. Clarke, Thomas Wnih-on-Dearne, near Rotherham Clarke, George Constable Burton Hall, Bedale, Yorks. Clarke, Archibald ... Douglas, Isle of Blau Clarke, William Henry C. Lloyds, E.C. Clarke, Miss Rose Ann Hcigham, Xorwich Clarke, Miss Hannah Ann ... Heigham, Norwich Clarke, Joseph (deceased) Executor, William Clarke. Biltou, near York Clarke, Mary Anne Unthauks Road, Norwich Clarke, John Jeffkins 2, Royal Exchange Buildings,' E.G. Clarke, Frederick ... 2i, Austin Friars, E.C. Clarke, Samuel Thompson . 10, Medley Street, Hull n2 GRAXn TIIUKK KAILAVAV OF CAN'ADA.

C]arko,Eovd. George Frcdk... T'ptoii, near Loutliani, Ilii,t,'by <'Ijirl

Clandet, Frederick...... (I, Coleman Street, E.C. Clan!.(h1(.iij V/illiani, and ... ]5anipton, near Chesterfield Hedferii, Peter Chiy, Capt. Alliert O'Hadioran Care of rJriiidlay tt Co., 55, Parliament Street, S.W. Clay, Francis Janneey (deceased) Actiitii Exor., Janies (.^uin... National Provincial Bank of England, Bath Clayton, Jolui Sluiw Liverpool and London Chambers, Liverpool Clayton, Francis Corder 18, AVJieeley's Ptoad, Edgbastou, Bir- mingham Clayton, Sands Stock Exchange, l'].C. Clayton, Bic!;;;rd f'-iulth South Stainley, Pii)]ey, Yorkshire Clayton, Ed\var

=1 .


Coats, Jervis, Junr. 78, Queen Street, Glasgow (Joiitt's, Charles Hi'ury 0, Norfolk Street, Manchester C()at( s, William Martiu Endless Street, Salisbury, Wilts (/i>ates, Waltex' Nugt-nt 21, Mincing Lane, E.C. Coates, William Stuckoy's Banking Company, Bristol C.)atcs, Alfred Eilimiml UO, Coltnian Street, Hull Cobb. Joseph Richard Brecon Cochrane, Kobort ... 27, Ibrox Park, Ibrox, Glasgow Cochrane, Kenneth Gallashiels, N.B. Cochrant', William... District Bank, Manchester Cockorton, iLnias ... 2, Austin Friars, E.C. Cockroft, David Midglcy Cahler House, Todmordou, Yorks CoL'klo, Charles Moss 9, Bolton Gardens, So. Kensington, W. Cockayne, William, Jmir, AnL'f'l Street, Sheffield Codd, Capt. Fhilip Latew ar

Cole, Capt I in (Jeorgo Crozier 1, Stanley Place, Bath Cole, Richard 02, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. Coleman, Francis Xortliy ... Park Cottage, St. Minver, Cornwall Coleman, Mrs. Harriett 2, Cross Park Villas, Teignmouth Coles, James 14, Lower Parade, Leamington ' Coles, Alfred Market Place, St. Albans Coles, John 30, Throginorton Street, E.C. Collett, Mrs. Amelia Clare Lodge, Spring Grove, Isle worth Collett, Daniel Weymouth Collect, Trusson ... 20, Great Titch field Street, W.C.

Colley, Mrs . Mary ... no, Queen's Gate, S.W. Collins, Richard Hcnn 4, Garden Conrt, Temple, E.C. Collins, William ... Bagshot Park, Farnb»»rough Station Collins, Edwin Cannock, near St;;fford Collins, Edward ... School Mills, Longmill Gate,Manchester Collins, Christopher 114, Unett Street, Bivmingham Collinscm, John Summer St., Edgbaston, Birmingham CoUiusim, Thomas... Corn Market. Halifax Col'inson, John, and 20, Charlotte Street, Carlisle CoUinscm. Mary

Collinson, William Richard . . London Joint Stock Bank, Charter- house Street, E.C. CoUison, Charles Fredk. H. ... 10, Montagu Street, Montagu Sq., W. Collier, William ... Helesby, near Frodsham Colliuge, Arthur ... 25, Clapham Road, S.W. CoUis, Mary Mayfield Grove, Cheadle Hulme, near Stockport C(jliyor, James Care of Milligan, Forbes & Co., Brad- ford, Yorkshire 34 OHAND TKUNK RAILWAY OF CAXAPA

Collycr, William ... Geddington, Kettering Colqnhoun, Leonora (deceaaed) E.>'(;cntri.'\ Isabella Morris Croxton, Lincoln Colqulioiiu, Capt. Isaac Fern Villa, Carmartheu SJolvilh^, Ilfc. Hou. Barou, 42, Eaton Place, S.W. Charles John Com ins, Win. Hardy 9, Montague Place, RubscII Sq., AV.C. C

Concj% Rev. Charles Baring... AVestward Ho ! Devon Council, Michael, and Cross Kiel, Co. Meath Council, Mary Connel!, Tlionias ... Sunk Island, Attringham, near Hull ConstaV)ie, Patrick... Baledgrave, lucliture, N.13. Contostavlos, Paut»ileon Brunswick Buildings, Brunswick Street, Liverpool Connington, Henry, and 3G, Talbot Road, Bayswater Barlev, Robert William Connors, Charles ... Grove Lodge, Grove, Hammersmith Conor, Rev. John Richard ... St. George's, Wellington Salop Conacher, David ... Markinch, Fife Constable, William, and 14, Cook Street, Liverpool Constable, Mary Louisa Conway, Henry L, White Street, Coventry Conybeare, Gcnl. Frederick... 2, Mar^oes Road, Kensington Couybcaro, John Charles ... Dry Hill, Tonbridge Cook, Richard 45, Cheapside, E.G. Cook, Miss Harriett Springfield, Streatham Common Cook, Edward Clovelly Cottage,Bexhill,near Hastings Cook, Robert, and Read, Harry Lee 1, Mitre Court, Milk Street, E.G. Cook, Joshua, (deceased) ^4o^»^f/^xor.RichardMoxon, Ropergate House, Pontefract Cook, Charles Invercauld Arms Hotel, Ballater, Aberdeenshire Cook, Samuel Avon House, Tulse Hill, S.E. Cooke, Henry 4, St. Ann's Church Yard, Manchester Cooke, J. Francis Griffith, & Alverley, Doncaster Parker, Henry Yarborough Cooke, John Dublin Cooke, Revd. John Anderton St. Mary's, Hexham Cooke, Edward Annesley Shannon Court, Bristol Cool

Cooksoii, INIrs. Emma Mury A. Worksop jVIauor, Worksop, Notts Cooksoii, James 282, Gt. Homer Street, Liverpool Cooksoii, llobeit ... Hyde Park Terrace, Leutls Co( tksoiijMiss Julia MaryAn no 24, Montaiiu Square, Hyde Park CoonuT, Tliomas ... liasford, Clicshiro Coomer John North k South Wales Rank, Liverpool Cooper, Thomas ... Playford Vicarage, near Ipswich Coopuv, Sidney 48, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Ooopcf, .lohn ... Mount Granville, Drogheda C(jopur, I'hipps 48, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Cooper, John ... Sunny Hill House, Normantou, near rby Cooper, Tiiomas Berwick St. John, Salisbury, Wilts

Cooper, William ... Crescent Wood Road, Upper Syde, > ham Hill, S.E. Cooper, William MausEeld ... 11, Maud Foster Terrace, Skirbeck, Rostim Cooper, Thomas ... Limpslield Lodge, Lower Tulse Hill, Brixton Cooper, William Jai^ijer (deed.) Actliuj Exor. John Johnstone At Messrs. J. & D. Cooper's, 15, Wel- ith lington Street, Leeds Cooper, Edwin Geo. 13Gi, Horuiuglow Street, r>urton-on- Trent Coote, Thomas Oaklauds, St. Ives, Hunts Cope, William Henry Gloucester Rd., Regent's Park., N.W. Cope, Richard Pendrel 4, Austin Friars, E.C. Copleston, llevd. John Gay... Ofl'well, Honiton Corder, James 20, BirchinLane, E.C, Corderoy, John MiU Lane, Tooley Street, S.E. Cordukes, Thomas... Belfast Corfe, Mrs. Elizabeth 42, Lausdowne Road, Netting Hill, W. Corfiehl, Thomas Holbeachc 24, High Street, Barnstaple Cork, Elizabeth Maria Ayott Villa, Carletou Road, Tufnell Park, N. Corlett, Nicholas ... Steven Street, Stretford, near Man- chester Cornell, Joseph John Quyc ... 54, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Cornall, Thomas ... 8, Haymarket Street, Bury Corner, George Ive (deed.) ... Executor— George Vesper... Waddon House, Church Road. Lower Tooting, S.W. Cornfute, James ... 11, Barossa Place, Perth Coj'nish, Charles ... 94, Victoria Park Road, South Hackney, E. Cornmell, Richard ,. 7, Great St. Helen's, E.C. Corry, J.*, es C, Charlotte Quay, Cork Corry, James 12, Buckfield Road South, Liverpool Corser, Rev. George James ... Burrington, near Ludlow Cory, Thomas 23, St. Mark's Road, Southampton Cottam, Heury 46, Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park Cottam, Thomas and 1, Uiiiou^Street, Retford, Notts Cutta, Joseph .


C'ltton, TTenry Men-ton Couch, Miss Miiria... C

Coultliiird, CieH)rgo ... Conltliiirst, AVni. IMaitliow S: Mii)oril)iiiikH, EfUvjvnl Coultimrst, Win, Mattlunv tt Antrobiis Hugh Liudsay Ounpcos, FriUU'is ... Cnnrtanld, Sauinol... Cousin, ^Fiiry Elizabeth Cousins^ S.-iuiuel ... Cou-iiui*, Susan

Coventry, 1 [einy Tlionir.s . . Cowan, Ilicliiinl ... Cowan, Alexandcf Oswald, .V. /), Cowan, John

Coward, William ...

Coward, Catlierinc Cowbrougli, .Tames Cow'jill, t!('orij;c and Smith, William Cowell, Jane (deceased)

ii?.''r)r. Lerescho John TTenry Proctor Cowell, Pov. Maurice Byles Cowley, Ah'xander... Cowley, John

Cowley, Mr.s. IMargaret

Cowley, Norman ... Darl)y, Rev. Martin Bavlio Rawliuson, Eev. Thomas cb Bvuce Sir \N m. C, Bart. Cowley, Jose])h Cow.Ushaw, Thomas

Cowper, Miss Fanny Cox, Alex. Robb ...

Cox, William Albert

Cox, Charles ... ,.,5 Cox, Richard Sneacl

Cox, Ceorge .


CdX, S.imn "I Wiilkov Dor))y Cux, W'ilUaiu roim (tlool.)

}]••(!' II tor — CAmvhfi Cox Leicester Cox, Cliarlos William Clayhauger, Chard, Somcr-sot Coxou, Mrs. Saviih 39, St. Augustine's llouJ, Camdou Square Crabb, Margaret ... 14, deadersou Place, North Lcitii, Edinburgh Crabbc, Eliiiiua Gleu Eyre, Southampton Crabtruo, Thomas ... Holme House, Addingliam, near Leeds Cralitroe, James 355, Stockport Road, Manchester Craddock, Abraham Petwick Farm, Faringdon, Berks Crad.lock, Clinrles Iliuhard „ 5, Gray's Inn Square, W.C. Craig, Captu. .Jamus ... 5, Hamilton Street, Saltooates, N.

Craig, William ... Coatbridge, N.B. Craig, .Tohu Netherleu, Partick, near Glasgow

Crake, William Hamilton ... 7J, Old Broad Street, E.C. Crake, George Newcastlo-on-Tyuo

Crampton, Thomas lluss^ll ... 15, Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C. Crampton, Johu ...... Mansfield

Crane, James ... Tolpuddle, Dorchester UCllV Crankshaw, Thomas 4, Petworth Street, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester

Craustouu, John ... Ludlow, Salop Crass, William John 19, Ellison Street, Gateslieatl, Durham Craven, Frederic ... 44, Portland Street, Manchester Craven, Halstead ... Campbeltown, N.B. Craven, Hiram Fulwell West House, Sunderland Craven, William ... Clapton Lodge, Halifax Craven, William (deceased)

Exor. —Frederick C raven. . 54, Mosley Street, Manchester Craven, William and Halifax Parkinson, William Craven, Chas. Alfred Dewsbury

Crawford , Charles ... 94, Ranelagh Road, Dublin Crawford, Emmerson (deed.) Old Bank, 9, Park Row, Leeds EMric, Mrs. Mary Hannah Crawford Crawford, James ... Harplaw, Largs, N.B. Crawford, John 57, West Nile Street, Glasgow Crawford, Lawrence 39, Heriot Row, Edinburgh Crawford, William Shannon Lakelands, Cork Crawford, W. Stuart Sterling 128, Park Street, W. Crawford, William 32, Shore, Leith Craiifurd, Hon. Isolda Caroline Burgli Hall, Lincolnshire Crawfurd, Charles W. F., (Lieut. R.N.) Burgh, Lincolnsliire Crawfurd, Julia 5, Park Terrace, Ayr Crawshaw, Si)non ... Askham, Bryan, near York Here- Crawshaw, Edward Warmsworth, near Doncaster Crawshaw, Simon ... Bank Top, Dewsbury Crawshay, Edwin ... Abbotts Woods, Newnham, Gloucester Creak, Albert The Wick, Brighton Creak, Bertha The Wick, Brighton 38 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OP CANADA,

Creak, Rev. Hy. B. (deceased) Act. Exor.— Fredk. Creak Orove House, Leicester Creak, Frederick ...... Crove House, Leicester Creaiie, Heury ...... 21, Grosvenor Square, W. Credit Foncier of Encjlaiid Clement's House, Clement's Lane, (Limited) E.G. Creasey, George Lyndhurst Road, Peckham, S.E, Creasey, Isabella ... Lyudhurst Road, Peckluun, S.E. Creasey, Mary Rebecca Lyndhurst Road, Peckham, S.E. Cree, Edward David Upper Tooting, S.W. Crellin, Horatio Nelson Park Side, Kerr Road, Richmond Creswell, Captu. Edwin John 22, Clermont Terrace,Prcston, Brighton Cresswell, Captain George .. Royal Hospital, Dublin Creswell, Keppel ... 8, Bishopsgate Street, E.G. Watson, Edward, and Watson, Isabel Mary

Crichton , Will iam ... Clydesdale Hotel, Lanark Cridlaud, H. (Address not known) Crier, Alfred ... 1, CromweU Tei'race, Halifax Crighton, William (deceased) Exccvtor—Henry Crighton West View, Bowden, Clicshiro Crippin, William...... Atherton, near Manchester Crisford, John James ... 91, Lodge Road, Birmingham Croasdill, William (deceased) Exccvtrix MissAnn Henderson St. George's Place, Canterbury Croft, Alfred John Mardeu (deceased) Act. Exor.—Francis J. Croft Lee Villa, Storoton Road, Oxton, Bir- kenhead 1 Croft, Wellington ...... 39, Guildford Road, Lansdownc Road, South Lambeth Crofton, Frederick Lowther Stock Exchange, E.C. Croftou, GeorjTO ...... Inchinappa, Ashford, Co. Wicldow Crombie, William Reid 174, Argylo Street, Glasgow Crompton, Robert ... 30, West Bank, Chorley, New Road, Bolton Crompton, James Barlow 30, West Bank, Chorley, New Road, Bolton, Lancashire Crompton, William 3, Elm Street, ofF Oven Street, side of the Moor, Oldham

Crompton, Miss Elizabeth 4, Durham Terrace, Holderne.:!S Ro; 1, Smith Hull Crook, .Fohn Evelyn, M.D. Northfleet, Kent Crook, Noah Laurel Cottage, Troxfield Green, near Petersfield, Hants Crooke, James (Address not known)

Cropper, Edward ... Swaylands, Penshurst, Tonbridge Crosby, John 32, Blackfriargate, Hull Crosland, James ... Royd's Mount, near Hiiddersfield Crosland, Mrs. Mary Ann Care of James Crosland, Royd's Mount near Huddersfield Cross, Mrs. Clara Frances Freckleton House, Lord Street, West Southport ^


Cross, Davi

Crowther, Robert ... Leeds Old Bank, Leeds Cruickshauk, Anthony Letheuty-by- In verarie-bj'- Aberdeen Cruickshank, John William... Sittyton, Whiterashes- by- Aberdeen Cruickshauk, James (deed.)... l>Vor.,Robt. Alex. Cruickshauk G7, Bothwell Street, Glasgow Crump, John 7, Nortli John Street, Liverpool Crump, George Hajumercon... Peutropant Hall, near Oswestry Cudworth, J.)liu William ... 43, Mount Preston, Leeds CuUen, Johu Jeffrey 5, Sydeidiam Road, Croydon Culliugwortli, Geo, Daniel ... Dewsbury Cumberland, Lieut-Colonel ... Euham Lodge, KeniUvorth Road, I, Bir- Bentiuck Harry Leamingtou Camming, Lieut- Col. Robert Lilybi-ook House, Charlt<;n Kiug-s, near Road, Octavius Cheltenham Cumming, William F., M.D. Kiiiellan, Edinburgh Cummins, Johu Blake Heathbourue, Waudswortli Common w Cummis(m, J

Cutler, Eger ton Garrick House, 5, Adelph i Terrace, W.C West Cust, Mary Honoria 48, Green Street, Grosveuor Sq., W. 40 ORAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Ctirzou, Nathaniel Charles... Efcvvall Hall, Derby Ciithbert, John Rawliuson ... 24, Park Crescent, Brighton Ciithbertson, John Uinberley Cott;ige, Barrassic, Troon Cuthbertson, John (deceased) Exo?-., James L. Cuthbertson 1, Upper Xilo Terrace, Rochester Cuthell, Andrew ...... 123, St. George's Square, S.W. CubitT, Georgo, and Gregory, George Burrow


Daglish, Robert, Juu. St, Helens, Lancashire Dakin, Artliur 7, Huntingdon Place, Tynemouth Ualby, William Bartlett 18, Saville Roy Dall, Miss Janet ... G, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh Dairymple, John ... IjPeel Terrace, Newington, Edinburgh Daly, John 5, Victoria Street, Liverpool Daniel, Edward ... Rotterdam Daniell, John Henry 4, Lombard Street, E.C, Darbysliire, John ... 51, Pembridge Villas, Bayswater Dabyshire, John ... Royal Hospital, Putney Heath, S.W. Dariey, Henry, and Wiuglield, Bray, Co. Wicklow West, Very Rev. A. Wm. Dariey, John Sharleston Colliery, near Normantou Darling, James Stormouth ... Edinburgh Darling, John Forest Stor- Bank of Scotland, Kelso mouth, and Darling, Patrick Stormouth Darling, George Erskine 178, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Darling, John Forest Stor- Bank of Scotland, Kelso, N.B. mouth Darlington, James... Meriden Hall, near Coventry Darsie, George Anstruther, Fife, N.B. Dart, Joseph Henry, a, Great Winchester Street Buildinorp, Dart, John Webb, and E.C. Turner, Robert Maynard Darsie, John Rodger 23, Manesty Lane, Liverpool Dashwood, C. J. A. (deceased Executrix, Jane Dashwood CAddress not known.) Dashwood, Thomas Alexander Walsworth, Hitch in, Herts Dtinnatt, Philip ... The Park, Hull Daunt, Edward Stephen Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow Davey, John J, Eva Cottages, Falcon Road, Batter- sea, S.W. Davey, William ... 12, Endsleigh Place, Plymouth Davie, Ann Margarel, 44, Quay, Yarmouth Davie, Eliza Frances The Elms, Bishops Tawtou, Barnstaple ->


Diivics, Miss Mary... Care of John Senior, Brooklaudf. Birkenhead I'oon Davies, Thomas Richmond Vale Terrace, Bootle, near Liverpool Davidson, James ... C, Crosby Square, E.G. Davidson, Robert, and 43, Lothbury, E.G. Smith, Thomas Hector

Davies, Henry- 1 6, Winckley Street, Preston Davies, Alexander... Fleetwood, Lancashire Davis, David G, Sussex Place, Southampton Davis, Mrs. Lucy Martha (deceased) E.cor., Francis A. Davis 323, Clapham Road, S.W. Davis, Miss Mary Ann High West Street, Dorchester Davis, Jolm (deceased) 5, Higher Terrace, Mount Radford, £xoj'., Rev. J. G. Davis Exeter Davidson, James ... Market Street, Haddington, N.B. Davidson, Robert, and 43, Lothbury, E.C. Henderson, William Gavin Davidson, William (deceased) Exor., Thomas F. Davidson (Address not known) )uriiU Davidson, James ... 33, Malpas Road, New Cross, S.E. Davidson, Miss Justina Nairn Davis, Ed'vard 54, Sutherland Gardens, W. Davis, Thomas Chippenham, Wilts. Davis, Rhys Bryngwynn Place, Pontypool Davis, Henry Iron Gate, Derby Davis, Mrs. Amelia 68, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Davis, Miss Edith Wood, N.W. itosi Davis, Miss Bertha and Davis, Miss Emma Davis, Henry Parell, M.D. ... 1, Euslon Square, N.W. Davis, Robert High West Street, Dorchester Davis, William Dean Park, Teubury, Worcestershire Davis, William Samuel Dean Park, Tenbury, W^orocstershire Davis, Henry and Davis Alfred 12, Gordon Street, Glasgow Davie, Capt. Chas. C, B.N., (deceased) lUgP, Acting iiVor.,Revd. George Bisliops Tawton, near Barnstaple John Davie Davies, Catherine ... The Poplars, Ewyas Harold, near Davies, Mary Hereford Davies, Sarah Anne Davies, Jane Elizabeth, and Davies. Rebekah Davies, Charles Edward 11, Guildford Road,Thorne Road, So. Lambeth, S.W. tter- Davies, Griffith 10, Sweeting Street, Liverpool Davies, Jane Kerr... The Laurels, Edgbaston, Birmingham Davies, Charles Edward 9, Popham Road, Islington, N. Davies, Rev, BMijamin The College, Regent's I'ark, N.W. ;aple Davies, Samuel Bevan Barrington Road, Altrincham Davies, Susanna Benet 59, Fentiman Rd., Clapham Road 42 ORANl) TKUNK RAILWAY OP CANADA.

Davies, Thomas Cliironl, and RJiicolas, rUiry, Lancashire Mrs. Alice Eliza ...

Davies, William ... Ryton, near Shifnal, Salop Davies, William ... (Ad(hess not known)

Davison, Thomas ... 28, Donegal Place, Belfast Dawson, Huyh o. Esses Court; Temple, E.C. Dawson, Joseph (deceased) ... Executor, T. C. Dawson ... Winthorpc, xSewark-on-Trent, Notts Dawson, James Park Mount, Macclesfield Dawson, John 23, London WaU. E.C. Dawson, Sarah Ueadiugley, near Leeds Dawsou,George James Crosbie & Dawson, Mrs. Catherine Rowley Park, Stafford Wel)ber Crosbie Day, Rev. Henry George St. Leonard's House, Ludlow, Salop Day, Mark Bond Street, Dcwsbury Day, Rev Russell ... The Yarrells, Poole, Dorset Day, James Borrow Bridge, via Tebay, Wcstmore- li^nd Day, James London, Brighton, & South Coast Railway, London Bridge, S.E. D'Evclyn, Rev. John Williams Annoy Rectory, Ballymoney, Ireland Deacon, William Samuel Birch in Lane, E.C. Dean, Miss Elizabeth AnnieH. Fore Street, Bridgwater Dean, Robert Holme House, Linton, Sldpton-in- Craven, Yox'kshire Dean, Robert Cannon Hill, Clanghton, Birkenhead Deane, Richard Wallis Victoria Park, Dover Deacon, William Cope Paul's Bake-houf-e Court, Doctors' Conunons, E.C. Dean, George Henry 40, St. Julian Road, Kiiburn Deane, George 13, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street, E.C. Deans, Miss Mary... Melbourne Vicar;ige, Derbyshire Dear, John Islington, Liverpool Dear, John Gothic House, ]:Jaldock, Herts De Broke, Lady Margaret W. Plas Newydd, St. Asaph Deedes, John 2G, Chapel Street, Belgrave Sq. Deighton, Miss Fanny Castle Terrace, Bridgnorth, Salop if:^ Deighton, Miss Jane 5, Markham Street, Haxby Road, York Deighton, Miss Ann Waterworks, Lendal, York Deighton, William John 78, King William Street, E.C. De la ViUesboisnet, \\'iUiam Espiveut 47, Rue Bonaparte, Paris De Lindon, Baron Hugo Wurtemberg Delacour, James ... County Treasurer's Office, Court House, Cork Dolmar, Edward ... 631, King AVilliam Street, E.C. De Montbrison, Adrienne ... St. Roch, near Aniillars, Amelie Conqviere (Tarn et Garrone), Franco Dempsey, James ... 71,WilberforceRoacl,FinsburyPark,N. Deuholm, James ... Dunse, N.B. Deunes, Porter Stockton-on-Tees .


Dennis, John Cliarles Rosel )rough , Chathill, Northumberland Dennistown, James Wallis ... Karewood Glen, Selkirk Deuison, Edward Fansbawo Care of H. S. Lefevre and Co., G, Warn ford Court, E.G. Denison, Miss Augusta Beckett Doncaster Denison, Mrs. Helen 33, Wilton Place, S.W. Denison, Mrs. Susan Ann F. Belle Vue House, Ea( on Park, Norwich Denny, John 189, High Street, Stoke Newington, N.

Denny, Arth'U" Maynard Care of l^/fartin ifc Co., G8, Lombard Street, E.G. Dent, William Leyburu Dent, Digby Gledstanea Care of Mrs. C. Dent, G, Sheffield Terrace, Kensington, W. Dent, WiUiam Terlmry Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, S.E. Denton, Mrs. Eliz:;, Wade Street, Halifax Depaiva, C. II. 24, Clissold Road, Albion Road, Stoke Newington, N. Do Quetterville, Fredk. N., tt Jersey Gwyer, Edmund, Junr. De Home, Matthew Kendnl De St. Dalmas, Anthony St. l^Iai-tin's, Guernsey Francis Emcrio Derry and llaphoe, the Riglit Derry Rev. Lord Bishop of De Stern, (Baron) Herman ... 9, Angel Court, E.G. Dethick, \Allliam ... 45, Bloom Street, David Street, Man- chester

Devenish , Henry ... The Lawn, Whitclnircli, Hants Dewhirst, John Southwell, Nottinghamshire i Dewhurst, Henry ... Apsley, Huddersfield De AVinton, Thomas Wallsworth Hall, Gloucester De Win ton, Rev. Henry Bonghrood, Rectory, Llysweu, Hereford Diggles, Alfred Seddon 4, Half Moon Street, Manchester Dick, George Forthfield, 1, York Road, Trinity, near Edinburgh I Dick, Robert Greenhcad, Glasgow D ick , And rew 3, St. Peter's Place, Edinburgh Dick, Andrew Elder Secretary, The Standard IMarine Insur- ance Company (Limited,) Glasgow Dickson, George ... 5, Bulmans Street, (Glasgow Dixon, John (deceased) Acting Exor., Thomas William Tatton Wythcnshawe Hall, Cheshiiv. Dickson, David Guitar, Biggar, N.B. Dickson, Walter ... 124, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh Dickie, John Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh Dickson, Miss Elizabeth Pilrig Street, Edinburgh Dickson, James 13, Chapel Road, Anfield, Liverpool

Dickson, Margaret. . Charlesville, Moffat Dickson, James Falkner Crescent, Derby Rd., Bootle, near Liverpool Dickson, George ... 449, Argyle Street, Glasgow Dickson, Maggie H. T. 7, Granby Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow 44 GRAND TRUNK KAILWAY OV CANADA.

Dicksou, jPcler (decoaseil) Exccitto,', James Uicksou... Care of James Waddel, 410, GaU(»w- gate Street, Glasgow Dickson, .Tames Gilchrist ... Edinburgh Dickson, Walter George 3, Royal Circus, Edinburgh Dickson, Andrew Jolin 15, Brunswick Street, Hill Side, Edin- burgh Dickinson, Ricliard Prospect Terrace, Burnley Dickinson, George Franc'.s ... Farley House, Kingston-on-Thames Dickinson, William Newcastle-ou-Tyue Dickinson, William Lccson ... 1, St, James Street, ^Manchester Dickinson, James ... Queen Street, Uiverstono Diggle, William ... Astley, near Manchester Dilks, James Forest Grove, Nottingham Dinsdale, Charles ... 45, Moss Street, Keighley Dinliam, William Henry 43, Charlotte Street, Evorton Road, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester Dinning, Annie Market Place, Hexham Dippel, John George 10, BasingluOl Street, E.C. Dipuall, Sidney Alger Calvert The "Pah," Busliy New Town, Hants Dix, Thomas, Junr. 10, Amwell Street, IMyddleton Square, Uix, James 1, Harman Villas, Wood Lane, High- gate, N. Dix, Thomas 10, Amwell Street, E.C. Dixon, William 5, liower Lane, Maidstone Dixon, Edwin Merridale Grove, Wolverhampton Dixon, Joseph (deceased) Act(j. Exor., Mary Ann Market Place, Knaresbc rough Dixon Dixon, W^illiam Causeway End, Newbiggin, Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland Dixon, Miss Annie Hunter ... Causeway End, Newbiggin, Tebay, Westmoreland Dixon, Mrs. Margaret Causeway End, Newbiggin, Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland Dixon, Thomas and Newbiggin, Ravenstonedale,Westmore- Dixon, Mrs. Margaret land Dixon, Robert Wellington Road, New Wortley, Leeds Dixon, Daniel, and Dixon, Sarah Ann 44, Crosby Street, Maryport Dixon, Heury Archer Thornbury, Rochestown, Co. Cork Dixon, John The General Infirmary, Leeds Dixon, Richard Bassett Preston Dixon, James Bassett Preston Dobree & Sons 6, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. Dobson, Robert 13, Bridge Street, Wt;rrington Dobson, John Woodlesford, near Leeds Dobson, Matthew ... Cheadle, near Manchester Dock ray, Elizabeth (deceased) Excctitor, Thomas H. Green Winslow, Bucks Docwra, George, jun. Handsworth, near Birmingham Dodd, John 8, Westbourne Terrace Road, W. T


Dotld, Thoni.-is A. H. ."i, Bentinck Villas, Ncwcastlo-on-Tyne D«hI(I, Mrs. INTelior (ilcceiistti) B-vor., Edward Dt)Jd Ravensworth Terrace, Westgate Hill, Newcastle- on- Tyne. Dodd, Henry AUuntt 0, jVIoorgato Street, E.O. Dodd, Mattliow, iuitl Jarrow Station, N. E. Railway Com- Dodd, Matthew, Jnnr, pany, Co. Durham Dodds, Thomas Kindrews Street, Darlington Dodgson, William Oliver •2(), Royal Exchange, E.C\ Doe, George, and Torrington, Devon MoKelvie, Alexander Doke, William Woodward ... Liverpool Dolmau, Ann Helen St. Mary's Hill, Inchbrooke, Stroud

Domett, John 13 iV: 15, Lover St., Manchester Donald, Jonathan Seaton l';u'k, near Workington Donald, William ... Rankhead, Perth, N.L. Donald, William McAliste-r ... Helensburgh Donaldson, Christopher 18, IJilliter Street, E.C. Donaldfon, Alexander 5, May Tfrrace, jMount Florida, Cathcart, Glasgow Donaldson, Agnop, and 2, AUuway Place, Ayr Donaldson, Mary Donaldson, James, M.D. 0, Granby Terrace, Killhead, Glasgow Donnell, Joseph ... Victoria Str(>et, Liverpool Donnell, Robert ... Teia[ile Court, Liverpool Donnisou, Frederick Stock l"]xchange, E.C. Dormer, Mrs. Florence Ann 22, Jierkeley Scpiare Doughty, Alexander o, I'arklield Road, Prince's Park, Liverpool Dongall, Andrew ... Strawberry Hill, Inverness Doughty, Frederic Gooihsin Wo; )ill )ridge, SutlJ )lk D;;)nglas, Andi'ew ... Panniuie Street, Dundee Dcmgias, William, and Lancaster Buildings, Liverpool Douglas, Margaret Hill ... Douglas, William Lancaster Buildings, Tiihel)ai"n Street, Liver]>ool Douglas, William Henry 15, Clifton Road, Camden Square Douglas, William Thomas ... Banbury Douglas, Mary Anne, and Banbury Douglas, Ellen Eliza Douglas, John Monteatli Cupar, Fife Douglas, Charles Crokat iy[odifordCt.,3R,FenclmrchStreet,E.C. Doubleday, Charles 134, Crown Street, Liveipoul Douglas, Robert ... Ruabon, North Wales Dove, James 42, Sb. Andrew's Sc|uare, Glasgow D'Oyley, William ... ]0, Sussex Square, Brighton Dow, William Jlil lie Kirkcaldy, N.B. Dowie, James Tower Buildings West, Liverpool Downe, James Prospect Villa, Park Road North, Acton, W. Downes, Miss Phillipa F. C. Dalkeith, Cambridge Park, Twickenham Dowie, Kenneth MacKen^ie & ] 7, James Street, Liverpool Dowie, James ..


Dow, Thomas Kirkcaldy, N.B. Dow, Win. MiUio Dowall, Charles Kelly, Bleach Arbroath Dowie, Kenneth Mackenzie... 17, St. Janir ot, Liverpool Downio, Elizabeth... 27^ Peters ,uc, (xlasgow Downer, Frederick 7, Copth, .rt, E.C. Dowues, Arthur William 25, Cliarl .rcet, St. James'H, S.W. Downes, WiUiani Walley Nantwich, Cheshire 7 ..nliam, Joseph... Chesham Field?, Bury. Lancashire Downing, John Davison 20, Nixon Street, Loraine Place, Xew- castle-on-Tyno

Dowaon, Frederick. . (Address not known)

Dowson, Edward ... Care of H. Tudor cfc Son, 29, Taread- uecdle Street, E.C. Doyle, Daniel Heywood's Bank, Liverpool Doyle, Andrew Care of ]\Iartin & Co., 02, Lombard Street, E.C. Drayson, George Foord Twitliam Hall, Ash, near Sandwich Drayson, Geoi'ge, jun. Sandwich, Kent Dresden, Edward Zadock 17, Gracechurch Street, E.C. Driffield, Walter Wren (Address not known)] Driffield, Mias Louisa Eliza... 147, Walworth Road, S.E. Driver, Alfred Broad Sanctuary, Westminster Drinkwater, Peter Bourne ... Lyncombe, Torquay Drysdale, Andrew ... 71, Tooley Street, S.E. Drummond, James Coatbridge, N.B. Du Bedat, John ... 45, Pembroke Road, Dublin Dii Bedat, Peter, and Bank of Ireliind, Dublin McCormick, John Du Bedat, William George ... 2, Foster Place, Dublin Du Bedat, Mrs. Catherine Sophia... 45, Pembroke Road, Dublin Du Bedat, Peter ... 2, Westmoreland Street, Dublin Du Boulay, Mrs. Mary Farr Shaftesbury, Dorset Du Boulay, John ... Shaftesbury, Dorset Dubois, Theodore Judkin ... 89, Chancery Lane, W.C.

Duckworth , Henry. . Care of Sutclifle Gai'uett, Amergill, near Burnley Duckworth, Charles Eyes ... Mellor's Buildings, Liverpool Dudgeon, John 8, Tavistock Square, W.C. Dudley, Rev. Joseph Sarnstield Rectory, near Kington, Herefordshire Duerden, Bobert ... SkcUowcd Row, Princes Bridge, Colne Duff, William 5, Nicholas Lane, E.C.

Dufourcq, Felix ... Care of Baring Brothers

Duu, Robert 0, Buccleugh Place, Edinburgh Dun, John *... Cupar, Fife Dim, llobert, Firthfield, Anstruther, Fife Cameron, Janiesi, and Wallace, James Dunbar, Miss Jane 17, Lynedock Place, Edinburgh Dunbar, Anna 17, Lynedock Place, Edinburgh Duncan, James 20, Cleveland Street, (jllasgow Duncan, Watson Cranston ... Heathcrfield House, Islo of Wight Duncan, William ... 100, Higii Street, Pai.-,ley Duncan, llobert Bank Side Mill, Rochdale Duncan, Henry Cairucross ... Liverpool Duncan, John G2, Dover Street, Glasgow Dunham, Samuel ... 2, Royal Exchange Buildings, E.G. Duulop, Charles Walter (Address not known) Dunlop, William ... 282, Buchanan Street, Glasgow Dunlop, Robert 3, Victoria Place, Glasgow Duncan, James, M.D. 8, Heni-icita St., Covent Garden, W.C. Duusmure, James ... 53, Queen Street, Edinburgh Duncan, Andrew ... Rue IV.ndreuse, St. Martin's, Guernsey Dun, Thomas 130, Canning St., Bridgeton, Glasgow Dun, Mrs. Margaret Wilson 0, Buccleugh Place, Eilinburgh Dun, Miss Isabella Gi'angc, Lindores, Abdie, Newburgh, Fife Duu, Miss Jane ... Grange, Lindores, Abdie, Ncwburgh, Fife Duu, Thomas CroHslea, , near Glasgow Dunn, Chrirt. Blencoe Noble Cricli, Derby Dunn, Henry 424, Rochdale Road, Manchester Dunn, George 7, Duke Street, Tavistock, Devon Dunn, James 10, Wilson Street, Glasgow Dunn, Robert 17, Devonshire Street, Portland PI., W Duun, Dr. Joseph Thomas Holt 00, Hereford Road, Westbourne Grove Dunning, William ... Winton, Northallerton ' Dunning, 'Charles ' eased) Eccutrix, Ann Dunning ... Walcote Villa, Haselor, near Alcester, Warwickshire Duuwell, William Henry ... Regent Terrace, Doncaster Duraiid, Mrs. Julia Augusta... Roquecourle (Tarn) France Durham, Robert, and 39, Albion Road, Stoke Newington, N. Durham, Mrs. Elizabeth ... Durliam, John (deceased) ^4ctin(j Exec, Thomas Carter Kirkgate, Ripon Durant, Edwai'd Robinson ... Market Street, Manchester Dui-rant, Joseph ... 24, Tenter St., Little Moorfields, E.C., Duthy, George 51, Threadneedle Street, E.G. Duttou, Thomas ... 30, Peel Street, Eccles, near Manchester Duval, Mrs. Henrietta Maria 8, Rue Circulaire, Paris Dyer, Thomas, Jun. 11, Finch Lane, E.G. Dyke, Mrs. Ann (deceased) ... Exor., William Roberts Crawford Potter Ailsa Cottage, Slade's Bridge, Cornwall .


Dyson, William Clifton Cottage, York Dyson, John, iind ... G3, New Street, HuilderstieUl Ilcaton, Thomas Dj'son, ficorgo Middlesborougli Dyson, Josi.'ph 191, Albert lioad,Farnworth,near Bolton


Eatlon Capt. Frank Henry E. Fulford Grange, York Eadou, John Alfred Sheffield Eales, Henry 100, Bride Street, Barnsbnry, X. Eagle, Robert 18, Church Bank, Bradford Eaiiies, Thomas Boles Barnfield House, Stoneclough, near Manchester Earl, John Magazine Office, South Castle Streef, Liverpool Earlc, Thomas 1, Feuwick Street, Liverpool Earle, Ann Hungershall Park, Tunbridgo Wells Earle, Sidney 45, High Street, Hull Earle, Frederic William Edenhurst, Hay ton, Liverpool Earle, Charles William (Address not known) Earle, Edward 0, Granville Terrace, Beverley Road Hull Earp, Frank Derby Earle, Charles Marshall 10, John Street, Kingst:on Sq., Hull Earl, Philip, jun. ... (Address not known) Eason, William Maxwell 12, Indlesworth Street, Dublin Eastley, Yard and Jones, Edwin Paignton, Devon Eaason, John Balgay Terrace, Dundee Easter fled. Edward Doncaster Eastley, Yard Paignton, Devon

Eastley, Charles Hill Care of Y. Eastley, Paignton, Devo < Eastley, Joseph Mortlenum Wellesley House, Croydon Easton, Robert Glasgow Eaton, Heury William 9, New Church Street, Sheffield Eaton, George Blythmau New Church Street, Sheffield Eaton, Miss Charlotte Hardridge, Torquay Eaton, James Fidlersfield, Manchester Eaton, Mrs. Sophia Bridy Lodge, Chepstow Road, Croydon Eckersley, John ... Bull's Head Chambers, Manchester Eddowes, Stanton... Care of Sellar & Co., 3, Cook Street, Liverpool Eddowes, Sarah Jane 96, Cambridge St., Pimlico, S.W. Eddy, Joseph Victoria Road, Penrith

Ede, Rev. William Moore , (Address not known) Edey, Alfred Bennett 40, Clarence Road, Bow, E. Edgelow,* Thomas ... 13, Saville Row, W. LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 49

Edi?!"', Jolin Iliirris aud Madeley, Shropshire El lye, JoHCpll Ediii'j;ton, FranciH ... North Berwick Edleston, Gem'go ... 24, Corporation Street, Manchester Edlostou, Pickeriug Butter- WOX'tll ... 24, Corporation Street, Manchester Edlostou, Rovd. Joseph The Vicarage, Gainford, ur Darlington Edlostou, lUcliard... Higlifield House, Heywood, Lancashire Edleston, Elizabeth High field House, Heywood, Lancashire Edleston, Pickering 13, and Edleston, George Edmonds, William Black ... Staines Road, near Toll Bar, Hounslow,

• • • Middlesex Edmonds, William Ohl Hall, Old Hall Street, Liverpool Edmonson, Alfred and Liverpool Innes, Zoro Edmonson, Thomas 17, Overton Street, Liverpool Edmonstoue, William 17, Gracechurch Street, E.C. Edward, James, Edward, Ermine Elizabeth, and Edward, Albert ... Dundee Edwards, Samnel Plumbe ... Mount Villas, Wood Green, N.

Edwards, Herbert Holden ... Cave of Messrs. Hallett

Elgin tfe Kincardine, The Hon. Broomhall, Fifeshire Earl of Elias, Daniel ... 11, Hoghton Street, Southport Eliot, Mrs. Jane ... The Grange, Guernsey Elkington, Alfred John New Hall Street, Birmingham Ellis, George (deceased) Executor, Rev. John H. Ellis Stourton, near Bath Ellis, William Horton Hartwell House, Exeter Ellis, John Bolding West Barsham, Norfolk Elliot, James Wakefield 4 60 GUAM) TllUNK HAILWAV 01' CAXAPA.

Elliott, IVTiiry 8, Great Stanhope Street, r>ath Elliott, Elizii 8, (Jroat Stftuhopo Street, Itath

Eills, Joliu (), Park Lane, Liverpool Elpliiiistou, Aloxamlor Chowton (Jlen, Chriatchurch, Hunts

Elsdiilt!, KoMiiHdu Tnnstivll, tvi :j, Whitehall Place, S.W. Hunt, Liout-ColuUL'l Ed- luujul D'Arcy... Elsoin, John, junr. Carlton, noar Selhy Elsom, Tlioiuus Carlton, near Selby Elwortliy, Frederick Thomas (Address not known) Elwell, Paul Evelith ISIanor, Shifl'nal, Salop Elwell, Chiulos John Compton, Wolverlnunpton Elwyii, William 38, Throgmovtcm Street, E.G. Emdou, Mark Ordnance Street, Dovouport Einersou, Vv'illiam ... Three Arrows Inn, PadelitFo, near IManchestt'r Eraniott, Mrs. Elizabeth Earlo Cottage, Earlestowu, Newton-le- Willows, noar Warrington Emmcrson, Joshua Applcton Wiske, Northallerton Emmcus, Stoi)hou Ileury, and 3, Grcsham Building, E.C. Checscwright, Frc^clorick Emmott, Philip Keelu The Rookery, Broughton, near Stock- bridge, Hants Empsall, Miss Eliza Wade Street, Halifax England, John Care of E. England, Lloyd's, E.C. English, Joseph Thomas Stamford HiU, Stratton, N. Devon Eudon, Ele;i/('r 12, Ordnance Street, Devonpoi-t

Enright, Anthony ... Care of Saunders, Needham

EvauR, r»oi)jainin ... Nati(nial Hank, Dul)liii Evans, Frodnrick ... .SO, Abbey Road, St. John's VvVM.d,N.W. Evans, K(.!v. John .Tanioa Ciintrcir lt"ctory, near Brccou Evans, (JcMirgo Wildo Wright Street, Hnll EvanH, AVilli'.mi Junction Shop, TatF'a Well, Ciirdiff Evans, Mrs. .Jano ... Wimble

Evans, V/alt'jr, tfe Derby Evans, lluniy ...

Evelyn, Col. (joorgo rainier 34, Onslow (fardeurf, Brompton , S.W. Evers, Fruderick ... 24, Hackins Hey, Liverpool Everett, Hannah ... 2, Elm Villas, West Dulwicli, S.E. Everett, Robert ... St. Swithin's Lane, E.G. Evison, Philip Huttou John, Penrith Evrard, Aiigusto ... 73, Lothian Road, Edinburgh Ewart, Mrs. Margaret Marie L. 1, (jlloucester Square. Hyde J.*ark, W. Ewart, Joseph 0. (deceased) Ej'xcntor^ Henry llutsou Newby Wiske, near, Thirsk, YorkH Ewart, Lieut.-Col., Williams. 1, Gloucestfr Square, Hyde Park, W.

(fe Bnlkeley, Thomas ... Ewart, William Leo Care of Drummond tk Co., Charing Cross, S.W. Ewart, Miss Elizabeth 4, St. James' Square, S.W. Eweu, John and Hopekirk, by Hawick, N.B. Ewen, John Sangster Ewing, Charles Golden Grove, Chester Ewiug, James ]3, St. James's Road, Victoria Park, E. Ewing, William 95, (iloucester Place, Portman Sq., W. Ewiug, Charles and Golden Grove, Chester Ewing, Eliza Jane Eyles, (jreorgo '14, Kardlcy Crest., So. Kensington, S.W. Eysseu, Adolph 7, India Buiklings, Liverpool


Facer', William G, Gravel Street, Leicester Facer, William Lordsmii.' Street, Chestertield Fagge, Miss Julia Augusta Lee 2G, Liverpool Street, Dover Fairman,MissFrancesCaroline 7, Qireen's Gate Place, South Kensing- ton, W. Fairman, Mrs. Christian (dec.) 7, Queen's Gate Place, Soutli Kensing- Executrix, Fairman, Mis3 ton, W. Frances C. Fairman, John Autill Ehn Bank, Helensburgh Fairhurst, John .=, 7, Markham Sq,, Chelsea, S.W. Fairthorue, Edward Brightwell, near Wallingford Fairie, Thomas Harrietville, Pollokshields, Glawgow Fairbairu, William Andrew... 9, Holland Park, Netting Hiil, '2i^V. 52 ORAXD UUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA,

Fairbrother, Heury The Polygon, Lower Broughton, Man- chester Fairbtirn, Charles... Northallerton Fairbairns, William 19, Crosby Hall Chambers, E.C. Falkener, Edward... Southdown, Brigham, South Devon Falkingliara, Alfred 5, Wellow Terrace,Blinton Road, Clap- ham Park Falle, Philip Bremhill Cottage 53, St. John's Road, Jersey Falshaw, Frederick Samuel... 35, East IMouut Road, York Fanshawn, John Gaspard ... Board of Trade, S.W. Farie, Allen 41, West George Street, Glasp.^iv Farcpihar, Harvie Morton ... 10, St. James's Street Farqnhar, Harvie Morton IG, St. James's Street, S.W. Farquhar,Walter Randolph, and Clive, Archer Anthony Farqnhar, James (deceased) Excentor, St. Barbe-Sladeu 1, Delahay Street, S.W. Farquhar, James Arthur 17, Victoria Road, Clapham Common, Farquhar, John ... Tower ]jank, Lenzie, near Glasgow Farwell, Mrs. Mary St. Martin's, East Looe, Cornwall Farmes, William ... Dicconsin Street, VVigau Farmer, William Hutchinson Alexander Street, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham Farrar, James 39, Horton Street, Halifax Farrer, Joseph Smithies Lane, Birstall, near Leeds

Farrar, Elizabeth ... Trimmingham, near Halifax Ffarringtou, Richd. Atherton The Mariebonne, Wigau Farrar, Henry JefFrys, and... Cranbrook, Kent Woodgatc, Septimus 25, Upper George Street, Bryanstoue Square, W.C. Farrar, Thomas Richard Saville House, Halifax Farrance, James ... 6, Ladbroke Terrace, Nottiug Hill Farrar, John Consolidated Bank, Manchester Farrer, John Oidton, near Leeds Farrer, John Kendal Fjirrell, Thomas Arthur 3, Merrion Square East, Dublin Fatt, Brownlow Bra shier 7, Springfields, Upjier Chiptou, E. Faulcoucr, Thomas 7, Copthall Court, E.C. Faulkner, William Carey Hinckley Hill, Oxford Favale, Monsieur Pasqualc ... Care of Coutts k Co., Strand, W.C. Fawcett, Alfred Spinner 73, Boundary Place, Liverpool Fawcett, Henry Cockermouth, Cumberland Fawkes, Edward ... Hopfield, near Waterloo, Cosham, Hants Fawdintjton, Sarah 06, Holgate Road, York Fayle, Benjamin William ... Parsonstown, Ireland Fearon, Miss Johanna Frognal, Hampstead, N.W. Featherstone, William 3, Park Place, York Fearnsides, Joshua ]\tarket Place, Dewsbury Fearnsides, Alfred... Market Place, Dewsbury Fell, Miss EUeu Caro of Mr. Sants, 36, Dale View, Derby Road, Higher Tranmere, Cheshire Fellowes, Rev. William Mangreon Hall, Swardeston, Norfolk .


Follows, Henry 23, Old Square, Lincoln's luu, E.G. Fell, Miss Aunio ... Fairfield, Cartmel, via Gaxnforth Feltham, Charles ... 27, Union Road, Clapham, S.W. Feltham, Arthur Frank Buckingham Palace, S.W. Fennellj George White House, Lawick Beal, North- umberland Fenton, Francis Henry 13, Albion Place, Doncaster Fentou, Joseph, and ... Rochdal'j Fenton, William

Ferguson, James ... 1 G, "West Blackball Street, Greenock Ferguson, Hew Dairymple H. Balbey Straiten, Ayrshire Ferguson, Samuel ... Hollywood, Co. Down Ferguson, William... Ridge House, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds Ferguson, Major Holme M.... 9, Brunswick Street, Hill Side, Edin- burgh

Fermor , Edwarcl ... (Address not known) Fernyhough, Samuel (doc.) oO, Cross Street, Manchester Executrix, Ann Fernyhough

Field, James Pope .. Hammond's End, Harpenden, Herts Field, Abraham, and 50, Leadeuhall Street, E.G. Tuer, Andrew White Fielder, Miss Mary Jane ... Brentwood, Essex Fielder, Alfred Brentwood, Essex Fieldhouse, John ... Barrowford, Burnley, Lancashire Fielding, John Crossley Stock Exchange, E.G. Fielding, James Beechay Tei'race, Beechay Street, Old- ham, Lancashire

Fielding, Frank Crossley, and 4., Gopthall Buildings, Angel Court, Stone, Henry Palmer E.G. Fifield, Stephen ... Micheldever Station, Hants Figgins, Alderman James ... 35, Russell Square,W.C. Fildes, John Manchester Fincher, James Ketley 112, Wheeley's Road, EJgbaston, War« wickshire Finley,Henry Thomas Edward Wimborne, Dorset Findlay, John Murdoch Springboig, Shettleston, near Glasgow Fingland, William... ThornJiill, Dumfriesshire Finnie, John Bowden Lodge, Altrincham, Cheshii^j Fiiday, Matthew Watson 140, Trongate, Glasgow Firmin, Charles Mark Prospect Place, Old Kent Road.JS.E. Firth, Joseph St. John's Row North, Wakefield Firth, Joseph North View, Todmorden Firth, Miss Sarah Boothroyd 4, Union Street, Halifax Firth, Miss Elizabeth 9, Bounetthorpe, Doncaster Fish, John Waterfall Mill, Livesey, Blackburn Fisher, Henry Quay Street, Woodbridge, Suft'oik Fisher, William ...... 5, William Street, Regent's Park, N. W. Fisher, James Burlington Terrace, Barrow-in- Furness Fisher, Charles Malvern Link, Worcestershire Fisher, William James Barrow-in- Furness Fisher, George 9, Clarence Street, York Fisher, Moses ... Coed-y-brane, Kerry-Newtown, ]Mont- gomeryshire 64 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Fishbournc, Admiral Edmnncl Gardiner United Service Club, Pali MaU, S.W. Fitch, Edward 90, Queen's Road, Bayswater, W. Fitton, Robert Shaw Lodge, Shaw, near Oldham Fitzgerald, James (deceased) Ejcecutor, Garrett Russell ... Ballycurreen, Co. Cork Fleuilag, Rev. Hugh Bisliopstoue, near Salisbury Fletcher, Samuel ... Priory Villa, Taunton Fleming, James Simpson, and Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh Wright, James Flen ing, James Simpson and Edinburgh, David Robinson

Fletcher, Alfred Peter Beanclifi'e , Eccles, near Manchester Fleming, Rev. Horace Ballymouey, Balliueen, Co. Cork Townsend Fleming, Margaret Rebecca ... The Laurels, Holloway, N. Fleming, William ... Caledonian Bank, Grantown Fleming, Robert ... (lallowhill, Strathaven, N.B. Fleming, Rev. ArchibiJd Hamilton House, Perth I Fleming, Richard Walker ... The Lciurels, Holloway, N. Fletcher, Jolin S. ... Treherne House, Kilburn, N.W. Fletcher, William ... 27, Greenfield Road, Stoneycroft, near Liverpool Fletcher, Thomas Gerrard, and Ratcliffe Iron Foundiy, Commercial Speck, William Road, E. Flett, James Heywood's Bank, Liverpool Flewitt, Charles Thomas M... Birminghsim Flexman, Joseph ... Acton House, Uxbridge Road, Shep- herd's Bush, N.W. Flexman, Joseph ... High Street, Watford _ I Flitcroft, William ...... Lostock House, Farrington, near Preston Flower, Siuuuel Francis (dec.) Exor., W. Wilkinson Westfield Villa, East Retford, Notts Focking, Adolph „. IOC, Fenchurch Street, E.C. Foggitt, William ... 0, Park Terrace, Darlington Fogo, James Weston Hill, by Aytoun, N.B. Folds, James, and Burnley Bertwistle, Bowess FoUott, Francis John, and Cloister Gat«, The Cloes, Exeter Walker, Thomas Edward Follett, Miss Laura Emily... Exe Lynn, Surbiton, Surrey Forbes, Rear-Admiral Arthur Care of Harry Tomkins, Stock Ex- change, E.C. Forbes, Thoraaa ... 3, Rutland Square, Edinburgh Forbes, Captain Duncan ... Em an Lodge, Aberdeen Forbes, Niel MacVicar 3, CopthaU Buildings, E.C. Forbes, Edward Beddome, and 5, Austin Friars, E.C. Forbes, Francis A. Foreman, James ... 33, St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge Ford, Thomas Port Hill ViUa, Stoke-on-Trent Ford, William John Bridgwater, Somerset LIST Oy SHAREHOLDERS. 55

. Ford, Mrs. Sarah ... Greenbauk, Seymour Grove, Old Traf- ford, Manchester Ford, Edward Beek Pontypool Formby, Edward ... 8, Rodney Street, Liverpool Form by, Robert ... Rodney Street, Liverpool Forster, Willkim ... Elmbank, Darlington Forster, Richard ... 24, Eaton Rise, Ealing, W. Forge, Tliomas, and Hobson, Frederick Beverley, Yorkshire Foreman, James, and 33, St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge Howlctt, Lucy Forsyth, David, S.S.C. 3a, North Street, David Street, Edinburgh Forshaw, .Tolm 2, Fairfield Street, Fairfield, Liverpool Formby, Miles Lonsdell Bereclmrch Hall, Colchester Forrester, William 16, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh Foi'bes, James Edmimd Stuart 8, South Hill Park, Hampstead, N.W. Foster, Abraham ... Market Place, Dewsbury Foster, Thomas Campbell .,^ 30, Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park,W. Foster, John Upper Bell HaU, Halifax Foster Charles 25, Bond Street, Leeds Foster, Joseph Blunt's Hall, Witham, Essex Foster, James Dumfries Foster, Joseph 43, Regent Street, Derby Foster, John Nathaniel Sandy Place, Sandy, Beds Foster, Joseph Bedford (Address not known) Foster, James Edward King Cross Lane, Halifax Fothergill, James May W. B. Lead Office, Newcastle-on-Tyne Fothergill, Jolin ... Brownbei*, Ravenstouedale, West- moreland Fowler, Frederick Shepheard Plymleigh, near Plymouth Fowler, Hugh Back Dover Street,North Road, Preston Fowlie, "Walter Scott 5, Union Street, Glasgow Fox, Henry 3, Windsor Villas, Plymouth Kelly, John, and ... Hole, Thomas ... Fox, James 9, Regent Squai*e, Doncaster Fox, William Frederick Dewsbury Fox, Henry ... „. Fwydon, Plympton St. Mary, Devon Fox, Henry The Castie, Belfast Fox, Mrs. Miriam... 2, St. Mary's Terrace, Beverley, York- shire Fox, Charles James Finchley Road, St. John's Wood,N.^Y Fox, David Greetland, Halifjix Fox, William Adbury, Newbury Fowler, Henry (deceased) ...

Executorf Benjamin Fowler Scarborough Fowler, David 8, Mayfield Terrace, Edinburg^^ Fowler, Robert Nicholas, M.P. 50, Cornhill, E.G. Fowler, ISIrs. Margaret Fowler 46, Blackett Place, Edinburgh Fowler, James Louth, Lincolnshire Fowler, Andrew Lockie, and British Linen Company, Glasgow Balmaiu, Thomas 56 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Foy, John 136, Wigan Lane, Wigan Frau^e, Thomas 40, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow Francc-Hayhurat, Rev. Tho- mas William Hamiltou ... Leftwicli House, Northwich, Cheshire

Francis, George Cole ... Salthauf/li^ Grange, Keyinghum, near Hull Francis, Robert ... 5, Wariiford Court, E.C. Francis, John D. ... Chcsliani, Lancaster Franklin, John Benjamin ... C, Upper Southwick Street, Hyde Park, W. Franklin, Thomas ... Thaxted, Essex Franks, Georgiana Judy (Addrcf-s not known) Franks, Charles William Care of Cocks, Biddulph & Co., 43, Charing Cross, S.W^ Frary, Mary TJnthank's Road, Norwich Fi'aser, James (deceased) Executor, AnnFraser 3, White Li(m Court, Cornhiil, E.C. Fraser, Donald 5, Fairfax Rd., South Hampstetul, N. W. Fraser, Mrs. Margaret 50, Duke Street, Southport Fraser, Charles (deceased) Executor, Revd. Simon James Gordon Fraser ... 1'), Lancaster Gate, Bayswater Rd., W. Fraser, James Preston Pans Fraser, William ... I ..verkeithing Fraser, Revd. Simon James Branibhs, near Basingstoke, South- Gordon ampton Fraser, William Newby London Chambers, Dale Street, Liver- pool

Fraser, William ... 9 ct; 11, Eglinton Street, Glasgow Fraser, Peter Anderson District Bauk, Liverpool Fraser, George John 3, White Lion Court, Cornhiil, E.C. Fraser, Lewis James 3, White Lion Court, Cornhiil, E.C. Fraser, Thomas ... 10, Vanburgh Park, Blackheath Franye, William ... Petra V^illa, South Road, Weston- super-Mare Frankau, Mrs. Rosette Newmount Lodge, Roslyn Park, Hampstead Fraser, John 43, Argyle Street, Glasgow France, James Robert 27, Amhurst Road, E.. Freer, Richard Leacroft Stourbridge, Worcestershire Freeborn, George Henry Commercial Buildings, Cross Street, Manchester Freeborn, Charles Alfred ... Commercial Buildings, Cross Street, Manchester

Freeborn, Henry Richard ... Commercial Buildings, Cross Street, Manchester Freeman, Sarah Anne Royal Hants County Hospital, Win- chester Frewin, Alfred 4, Abboy Place, St. John's Wood, N.W. Freeman, James Albert 58, Ship Street, Brighton Freeman, Daniel A. (deceased)


Freer, Richard Rugcley, Staffordshire Freer, ^Vlfred Stourbridge, Worcester \-i French, Colonel P. T. Hartridge, William 45, Finsbury Circus, E.G. r Mitchell, James Wilde, SamuelJohn Freshtield, Henry Ray 5, Bank Buildings, E.G. Freshfield, Charles Kaye, and 5, Bank Buildings, E.C. Freshtield, Henry Rav Freshfield, Charles Kaye,M.P. 5, Bank Buildings, E.C. Frewcu, Charles Hay Cold Overton Hall, Oakham, Rutland Frevver, James Russell Elm Bank, Addiscombe, Surrey

. Frewer, William ... Bury St. Edmund's, Sultblk Froude, William ... Chelston Cross, Torquay Frith, George 224, Westminster Road, S.W. Frith, John Oakland, Parkhill Road, Croydon Frost, Francis Aylmer Springfield, Redditch, Stockport Frowd, James 2, Alfred Villas, Upper Holloway Road Frowd, Joseph 8, Russell Street, Govent Garden Fry, Rebecca Mary Garville Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin Fryer, William Andrew C. ... Penmoyle Lodge, near Chepstow Fryer, John 69, Fenney Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester Fryer, William Hope Cottage, Dewsbury Moor, near Dewsbury Fryer, James Quebec Cottage, Wakefield Fryer, Robert 40, Patmore Street, Battersea Fields Fuller, Capt. Thomas Junior United Service Club, S.W. Fuller, George G, College Gardens, Belfast Fuller, Rev. Ernest Adol- St. Barnabas Vicarage, Ashley Road, phus Bristol Fulstow, Samuel ... Grey Street Spring Bank, Hull Fulton, Francis ... 42, Alinto Street, Newington, Edinburgh a

Gadesden, Augustus William EweU Castle, Surrey Gair, Thomas 7, ludia Buildings, Liverpool Galabin, Miss Sarah Crescent, 143, Camberwell Grove, S.E. Galbraith, George ... Caledonian Railway Company, Glasgow Gale, Matthew Musgrave, and 7, Hariugey Villas, Green Lanes, Wood Gale, Benjaniin ... Green, N. Gale, John Weston Peters ... Martock, Somerset Gale, Jane Peters ... Cheriton, Wincanton, Somersetshire Galloway, James ... 94, Constitution Street, Leith Galloway, Robert ... 116, High Street, Falkirk GaUoway, William John, and 75, Old Broad Street, E.G. Pearson, Cyrus Tom Galloway, William John 75, Old Broad Street, E.C. Galletly, David Burnt Island, Fifeshire, N.B. GaltoD, Capt. Douglas Care of Cox & Co., Craig's Ct., S.W. £8 GRA^'D TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Gaml)lo, Sarali No 8, The Chase, Clapham Com., S.W.

Gamble, Robert (> •», Abbotsford Place, Glasgow Gammidge, Williiun ]>road Street, Leominster Games, Henry Thorlby, near Skipton, Yorkshire Gamsou, Emily Blanche Normanton-on-Treut, .Vottingham Gaiidec, Alfred Gil^bous 15, Elton Terrace, Bisliopston, Bristol Gandy, J(jlm Fiaiiingham, Kent Gaukrogcr, Young Oak Mount, Heaton Koad, Withington Gardiner, James ... Mallow, Cork Gartluvaite, Thomas Anthony Woodlesford, near Leeds Garden, James Murray Aberdeen Gardner, William ... lliverdale, Bellingham, Northumber- land Gardner, Hubert ... 40, Gloucester Gardens, W. Gardner, Siunuel lla'.vson ... 4, Gordtai Street, Gordon Square Gardner, Cecil Dunn 3, Clarendon Terrace, Jirighton Gardyne, ^Uexauder 184, liichmond Road, Hackney, E. Garerd, Miss Lydia Louisa ... Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich Garforth, Mary V. (deceased) E.cixutor, Segar H. Splatt... (Address not known) Garland, llevd. Arthur Winchester George Garland, John 5, Queen Street Plane, E.C. Garnei', Joseph 11, Peru Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester

Garner, "William ... Melton IMowbray

Gai'ueys, William ... Repton, near Burton-on-Trent Garnett, Miss Mary Cartmel, Lancashire Garrawav, William Axmiuster, Devon Garrod, James Frederick ... 3, Little Queen St., Storey's Gate, S.W. Garside, Josepli ... Duffield Road, n^ar Derby Garstang, Walter ... Dob Cross, near Manchester Gasalee, Henry 11, New Square, Lincf)ln's Inn, E.C. Gasgarth, Thomas... 51,Falkner Street, Liverpool Gasquoine, I'utler... Holmfield, 15, Park Street, Soutliport Gateuby, Isabella 24, Bignor St., Chectham, Manchester Gater, John West End, near Soutb.ampton Gates, Philip Chasemore 10, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. Gaw, Samuel Care of John Graham, City of Glasgow Bank, Glasgow Gay, John Lewis ... Chester Place, Old Kent Road, S.E. Gebbie, Thomas ... Netherfield, StrathaA'^en Geddes, John Cateaton Street, Manchester Gee, Miss Margaret Springback House, Welbeck Road, Birkdale Geddes, John Thombank, Cathcart, N.B. Geils, John Edward Hillhead, Dunkeld Geils, Major William Joseph Inverness Gelfs, Miss Mary ... Mr. Lake's, Rudbrooke, Warwick Gellatly, Thomas ... Phelps Cottage, Upper Street, Isling- ton, N. Gemmell, John Marine Terrace, Magazine, New Brighton, Cheshire George, Bichard ... Hill Deverill, Warminster . .


George, Miss Frances Seymour 27. Royal Crescent, Bath George, Heury (deceased) ... 2'J, William Street, Newark-ou-Trent E.ntrix., Mary George ... Gerard, Heury 8a, Rumford Place, Liverpool Gerinau, William ... Darlington Street, Wolverhampton I Getheij, John Temple Club, Arundel Street, -Strand Gethen, George Hereford

Getliiug, William ... ]Munsfield, Woodhouse, Isotts Gethen, Philip Athelstan Hill, Hereford Giaboussy, Constautine 24, Brunswick Buildiugr Liverpool Gibb, Beuial), Junior 19, Itoyal Exchange Gibbs, James 0, St, James's Square, Notting Hiil Gibb, Peter Bath Street, Glasoow Gibbs, Street, s Decimus Ashley 10, High Devizes i Gibbins, Thomas, and Digbeth House, Birmingham Gibbius, William

Gibbs, John Douglas Lylo . . (Address not known) Gibberd, George Vcruou 20, Birchin Lane, E.C. Gibbons, John Fenwick Street, Liverpool Gibson, IBenjamin ... 8, Cook Street, Liverpool Gibson, George Great Grimsby Gibson, Joseph 1, Braithwaii Road, Birmingham Gibson, James Care of Latham, Maxwell &; Co., Waluier Buildings, Liveii)ool Gibson, George Stacey Saffron AValden Gidley, Gustavus, and Plymouth Wheeler, Thomas George Giftbrd, Charles Care of J. P. Sweetland, 59, Lincobi's Inn Fields, W.C. Gilbert, Mrs. Elizabeth IG, St. James Street, S.W. Gilbert, Robert Dodd 3G, London Street, Reading Gilbert, Robert Heniy 17, London Street, Reading Gilbert, Edward Webb 20, Brunswick Square, Caniberwell,S.E. Gilbertson, William Preston Gilmour, Hugh 4.3, Montiielier Square, Knightsbridge Gill, Thomas 59, New Buildings, ISorth Bridge Edinburgh Gill, John Heniy ... La Ferriere, St. Saviour's, Jersey Gill, Thomas H. ... Eastdown Park, Lewisham, S.E. Gill, Samuel 3, Corsica Villas, Manningham, Brad- ford Gill, Mrs. Harriet... Care of Hoare and Co., Fleet Street,E.C. Gillespie, John Stenhouse Larbert, Stii'lingshiro Gillespie, David ... Mountguname, by Cupar, Fife Gillespie, Robert ... 55, Onslow Sq., Brompton, S.W. Gilchrist, Miss Mary Langbank, Port Glasgow Gilchrist, Elizabeth 37, Manor Place, Edinburgh Gilchrist, William Gilchrist... Care of R. Cowan, St. Kilda, Sidmouth, Devon Gilchrist, Jane A. ... St. Kilda, Sidmouth, Devon Giles, Francis Park Hill, Carshalton, Surrey Gilling, Robert Adams Sowerby, Thirsk

Gilling, William (deceased) . . Sowerby, near Thirsk, Yorks. Exor. Charles Dawson 60 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Gilliug, Henry, Seiir. (dccoasod) Suweiby, near Thirsk, Yorks.

Exor., Jolin GilliiiiJJJ Gilliug, John Sowerby, near Thirsk, Yorks. Gillmau, David Johu Leap, county Cork, Ireland Gillnian, George ... Soutlisea Gillow, Mr.s. Mary... Holbrook House, Hampton Park, Hereford Gihnour, Hugh 18, 8t. Andrew's Square, Edinburgh Gipps Col. Reginald Ramsay 11, Chester Street, S.W. Gisborne, Henry Francis ... Derby

Gjers, John '.i, Southfield Villas, Middlesboro'-on- Tees Gladding, John 13, Paternoster Row Gladmau, Selina Alfreda 27, Westbourne Park Villas Gladstone, Sir Thomas, Bart. Fasque Laurencekirk, N.B. Glaisby, Johu East Mount Road, York Glanviile, Edward Samuel ... 5, Pembroke Place, Mount Alerrion Avenue, Blacki'ock, Dublin Gledhill, Paul Bentley St., Lockwood, nr Huddersfield Glehn, Robert Von Sydenham, S.E. Glen, Joseph Oriental Club, Hanover Square, W. Glendinning, Waltei' Walton-on-the-Hill, near Liverpool Glendinniug, Fryer Bayley... Starcross, Devon Glendinning, Robert Clifton Villa, Liverpool Road, Birkdale Park. Southport Glover, John 1, Hill Street, Edinburgh Glover, Thomas Bii'ch 05, Mosley Street, Manchester Glover, Miss Emily 7, Grove Terrace, Derby Glover, Thomas Tring, Herts Glossop, William ... Park Held Terr., Frezinghall, Bradford Glyn, Sir Richard George, and 67, Lombard Street, E.C Rt. Hon. Lord Wolverton

Glyn, Revd. Henry Thos. . Melbury Abbas Rectory, Shaftesbury, Dorset Glyn, The Rt Hon. George Grenfell, Baron Wolverton Lombard Street, E.C.



Goddard, Henry ...... Lincoln Godfrey, William ...... Bennetthorpe, Doucaster Goffey, James, and Goffey, W. Riiniford Place, Liverpool Gofft'y, Arthur 10, Runiford Place, Livei'pool Goldsworth, Phoebe Holm Wood, Westbury-on-Trym Golding, Thomas Vaugham .. Victoi'ia Street, Liverpool Golding, William Randies ... Liverpool Gokliug, Noah Aldershot Station, L.tfeS.W.R. Gomersall, Tom ... Highgate Terrace, Dewsbury Gooden, James Chisholm ... 33, Tavistock Square, W.C. Goocher, Charles ... Holly Lodge, Ipswich Goodbody, Marcus... Inchmore Glare, Ireland Goodacre, Joseph ... Laiigham, near Oakham, Rutland Goode, William Burrough's Lodge, Hendon, N. Goodsir, David High St., Portobello, near Edinboro* Goodale, Mrs. Francis Ockbrook, near Derby Goodall, Edward Angelo ... 57, Fitzroy Road, Regent's Park, N.W. Goodwin, Richard ... Windmill Street, Gravesend Goodwin, Charles ... 75, Richmond Road, Dalston Goodwin, Joseph Walter Goodwin, Alfred, and

Goodwin, Frederick Wm. ... 53, Heywood St. , Cheetham, Manchester Goold, Valentine Glastonbury, Somerset Goodlet, Wm. Bolshau, Froickheim Gordon, John ...... 18, Water Street, Liverpool Gordon, William ... Dumfries Gordon, William Maxwell ... Killcany, Mountrath, Ireland Gordon, Philip O'Kearney ... 19, South Mall, Cork Gordon, Robert Care of Dmmmond & Co., Charing Cross, S.W. Gordon, William Greenlaw ... R(»ystoii Gore, Elizabeth Esther 2C, Brunswick Square, Brighton Gore, Marv Jane 0. (deceased) Exor., W. W. E, Wynu Care of Longueville, Jones & Williams, Oswestry

Gonnan, James Care of O'Dounell

Gosling, Nathaniel. . ... Langholme, Dumfriesshire Gosling, John Hall Brampton House, near Chesterfield Goss, George (deceased) 80, Old Broad Street, E.C. Extrx., Eleanor Elizabeth Goss Gott, Thomas Atkinson Castle Street, Kendal Gough, Mary Ann... Gi'avel Hill, ShreAvsbury Gould, Richard (deceased) Extrix.j Mrs. Susanna Milne Hohne Hale, Norfolk Gould, John Granger 198, Oxford Street, W. Gould, William Briiuswick Wharf, Barnstaple Gould, Rev. Joseph Repton, Burton-on-Treut Gould, John 11, Angel Court, E.C. 62 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Cioukl, Francis Curruthers ... Bartholomew Lano, E.G. (jou^Ii, Ralph (jorsbrook, near Wolverlianipton (lourlio, J?ev. John H. The Manse of Urydekirk, by Annan, Gonrlay, Edward T., M.P. ... Sunderland

Govt, Jolin • •• no, Graeme Street, Glasgow

(jrowunlock, James ... • • • 42, Drydon Street, Plymouth Grove, Manchester Goweiilock, David... 20, Dryden St., Upper P>rook St., Manchester Gowland, William Tlionias ... Lendal, Yorkshire Gowlaud, James ... 5, Leadeuhall Street Gower, Edvvin 29, Mark Lane, E.G. Grant, Alexander ... Rose Villa, Hamilton Grant, Mrs, Frances Dacre Hill, Rock Feriy, Cheshire Grace, Josiah (deceased) Exccntdr, J.Thirnback Grace Portland Villa, Gotham Road, Bristol Grace, Abraham ... 23, Boml Street, Wakefield Gracey, Alexander Leslie ... Berwick-on-Tweed Grady, Robert 13, Herbert St., Haverstock Hill, N.W. Graham, John Banfl" Graham, Miss Janet 32, Hamilton Ter., St. John's Wood. Graham, "NViliiam ... 29, King Street, Stirling. Graham, William ...... l,New Court, Temple, E.G. Graham, Rev. Henry John ... Pudsey Parsonage, Leeds Grahn;,;, Ann Stewart C, Torphichen Street, Edinburgh Graham,Henry John Lowndes G, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.G. Granian, Edward John 75, Park Street, Hull Gramshaw, William Henry ... Stock Exchange Grange, James Ronaldshaw Park, Ayr Granger, Frederic ... Al veston Lodge,Durdham Down,BristoI Grant, John Miller .•• 34,Sutherland Gardens,Harrow Rd.,W. Granthfim, William ... 14, St. Mark's Place, Widcomb, Bath Grantham, George Barcombe Place, Lewes, Sussex Grattan, Mary Walton-ou-the-Hill, Laucashiro Grave, William Lawrie (Address not known) Graves, Hon. A. E. P. and (Address not known Hobhouse, E. S. A. Graves, John Stock Exchange, E.G. Graves, John William 9, Alexandra Road, Bedford Gray, William Well Royd, Rawden, near Leeds Gray, Thomas Coul by Markinch, Fifeshire Gray, Selina Gray, Mrs. Isabella Goul by Markinch, Fife, N.B. Gray, William West Hartlepool Gray, Thomas Malcolm Coul by Markinch, Fife Gray, James IMoyes Cheiveston, Higham Ferrers "Gray, James 12, Kelvin Grove, Glasgow Grayson, George ... 35, Riding Street, Southport Graham, Charles ...... 5, Springfield Street, Wigan Gratrix, Samuel ... Alport Town, Deansgate, Manchoster Grant, William ... The Parade, Portsmouth Grant, John ... 14, Dean Terrace, Edinburgh Grant, WiUiam ... 3, North Fort Street, Leith LfST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 63

Grcatorpx, .Tovcmiiih 22, Cleveland Square, Bnyswator Groeuticltl, Freilerick Stock Exchange, E.C. Grevilo, Agnes IJristol Grevile, Mary Aim Grevilo, IMaria Puolo, am Grevile, Giles Greoulces, Alcxaiitlcr Campi'Itown Greenland, Emma 73, The Dane, Mar<:ato Grei^'ory, Ri)ljert Weeks National Provincial Bank,Southampton Gregory, Walter 1, Oxford Villas, Spencor Road, Herno Hill, S.E. Gregory, William... The Crescent, Lcvonshulnie, near J.Ianchester. Greatlied, Miss Mary Eliza- 10, Portugal Strecit, Grosvcuor Square, beth Harris W. Greatlied, Emily S. (deceased) Exoi:, Sir Edw.H. Greatlied Uddens, Wimborno, Dorset Greaves, John 2, Blenheim Terrace, Stretford Road, Manchester Greaves, James Bromiley ... Romily, near Stockport Greaves, Thompson W. (deed.) ExccutrijCyMTs. (jr. Greaves Foster !Mill Lane, Hebden Bridge, near Manchester Greaves, Miss Ann Care of Mrs. Broxup, Claremont Villas, Byron St., Patricroft, nearManchester Gi'eaves, Chas. Augustus and Greaves, Frederick William Derby Greaves, Miss Margaret Plumgarths, near Kendal Greaves, Thomas Henry .,, 9, Peel Ter., Chester Rd., Manchester Green, Rev. Thomas Webb ... Glebe House, Granard, Co. Longford, Ireland Green, John Salkeld Drawing Office, Bank of England, E.C. Green, Richard Leeds Green, Michael Middleton, Co. Cork Green, Henry William Holm Wood, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol Green, Albert Mackroyd Lane, Dewsbury Green, Francis York Terrace, Pocklingtou Green, William Abbey Street, Accrington Green, Peter Pardshaw Legate, near Cockermouth Green, Art! .r Dewsl)ury Green, William Sfcauard. Wormingford Hall, by Colchester Grecnall, Alfred ... Liverpool Greene, Edward, iir.P. Nether Hall, Bury St. Edmunds Greene, Benjamin Buck 3, King William Street, E.C. Greenep, Thomas ... Benthain, near Lancaster Greenep, John High Bentham, near Lancaster Greenwood, John ... Grammar School, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmoreland Greenwood, John Edward ... Glen House, Mytholmroyde, near Manchester Greenwoo


Greenwood, Thomas Sandfield Lodge, Hanipstoa

(rvoocock, Henry John George Street, Leeds

(JrogliogHU, IMaliivina (Address not known "i (troves, Tliotiias Blades i]3. Charing Cros-«, S.W.

( rroves, llaringLou C. J. 74, Morningtou Road, Regent's PurU Groves, (»cor;,'e jVIiddlesham, Yorks

(troves, Miss SDpliia Eliza . IJrockley Hill, Stanmore (trubb, Joliii liancrofb Castlfgraee, Clogheen, Co. Tippi-rary (triibb, Edward Clogheen Cahir, Co. Tipporary (jrruniuj^, Louis Meadow House, lirombor.»ugh, Cliesliirc Gruudy, James Jiiekerstatr, near Ormskirk (tuest, Sir Ivor I'ertie (^'anford Manor, Wimborn»% Dorset (tuild, John liaytield, IJroughty Ferry, Dundee Guild, Robert Sh(»re Terrace, Dundee Guinness, Henry ... College (Jreen, County Dul)lin (Juinuess, llicliard Seymour 17, College Green, Duldin («ully, Alice Maud 9, Surrey Villas, Upper Norwood (tunter, Mrs. Frauees 'J'J, Motcomb Street, iJelgi-ave iii[. S.^V. Guuthor, Frederick Care of Corneille, Davids ct Co., 43, Mark Lane, E.C.

( J nun, John, and ... British Linen Company, Edinhurgh Patcrson, William Gunu, Samuel 05, West Regent Street, Glasgow (Tunston, Charloso ... City Mills, Stratford, E. (tuuther, Charles ... 43, Mark Lane, E.C. (iurney, Thomas ... The Mount, Newbury, Berks Gurton, George Matthews ... Somerset House, Park Lauc, W. Guthrie, William (deceased) Executrix, Isabella Guthrie 135, Blacksoroft, Dundee Gutierrez, Henry ... Stock Exchange, E.C, Guthrie, James 13, Euuismore Gardens, Princes Gate Guy, William Cripps 48, St. Mary's Terrace, Paddington,W. Gwatkin, Henry Melville, ]M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge Gwyer, Joseph Haytliorno ... 23, Bishopsgate Street, Within, E.C.


Hackett, John Briscoe Riverstown, Parsonstown, Ireland Hacking, Thomas ... 24, Foundry Street, Bury, Lancaalmc H'ickwood, Wm., and 7, Wallbrook, E.C. Bailey Charles Chatwood... Hacker, Henry 40, Mouckwell Street, E.C. 5 ,

<36 OKANI) TIUNK i:.. 11. WAY Or CANADA.

Hacknliaw, Eli .'7, High Street, Doncaster Haddiick, Edward... A], ky House, Victoria lload, Aston

1 ark, liirmingham iLwldcn, WilliclriUna (ii;il(lown, Guildford Hadaway, Sannicl jMiutlaiid (C Bisjlonahoue House, Armagh Hadaway, Ad<.lai(]i! s'lli-ila Ilaggcrty, Jcroiniiih JcroiiiL'... WcodvilJe, Duiiketlh^j near Cork Haijif, James llicliavd I'l "-n L'lnh, S.W. liahica, Thoin;i,s Cory The b'ounty Down liailway Co., Belfast Haigh, tSirali Jauo (Miss) ... East Mew, Holforth Jiaigli, (Joorgo Htiiry (jrainsl)}' 11 dl, near Circat Grimsby Haigh, John Victoria CoUierks, Gildersome, near Ijec^ls

.1 1 aigh, Joseph Franklin Livtirpool

Haldauo, Gcor^o ... Lake Lock, Mtaulej-, njar Wakefield llaidano, Janu.' Hriiry i'iai'k liall, Svaidey, near Waketield

Halden, Joim ^V'illi

Hall, Alfred !), Stranraer Llace, JL-'idii. Viile, '.s.W. Hallam, Edward ... Gloucester Street, ilolyheiid lload, (.'oventry Haltou, John G, JUissell Street, Ecck^s, near M;vn- eliester llnlfor-l. James ^'alc!lUi;"0 ... 12, T>per Street, Martin's Lane, W.C. Hall, William 08, INirtlaud Load, Nottingham Hall- Dare, Henry ... 2, Chapel Street, Bark Lane HalJ, Benjamin J, William Street, Liille Horton Lane, ]5radford Ilaldane, George, and Vrakelleld Charleswortli, VviUiam Hallowell, William BolliiigTon, near JMacclcsfield Halliwell, Thomas 4i>, Market Street, Cliorley Hall, Joseph Ca,re of A. B, Haigh, I'addock, near Hu

Hall, Lorenzo ]( lolly Ihisli, Sudbury, Derby

Hall, Thomas .. 11, Lpp( r Queen's Terrace, Fleitwood HalJ, William Crabb 1, Pembroke Street, Cambridge Hall, William I'ccl Terrace, The Dowrs, I'owdon Hall, John Ph'U Laue, Bury, Lancashire Hall, James Badger Street, Bury Hall, Thomas North Street, Derby Hall, llobert Lancaster Halliley, Charles ... 48, \ >auk Boad, Bootle, near Livt Tpoo Hallmark, Joseph Jjcthell ... B;drsto-sv Street, Preston H-alley, David Dundee LIST OF HIIARKHOLDKUS. 07

Hiilliwcll, jlarv ... 4:i, Market Street, C!ii>il-y Lanes. Halsoy, Tlioniii-; ... Cheltenham Halsuy, Elcauor, aucl Vick, .T(il)!i

* Halsey, William ... Hudson's iJay House, Lime Streot, 'K '. Halibnrtou, Auunsta Louisa Grafton, Torquay Nierleo Haldaue, Gcortje and Wakefield Chai'k'swovtli, William Hamblc'tou, Francis George Pender's End, N, Hamill-Stewavt, Mrs. Marii lU 2, FitzwilUam S([uare, Dublin Hamilton, James ... Accountant's Department. Ger,'>'.ii Post Office, Edinburgh Hamilton, Andrew 128, Upper Brook Street, Mancliest*i Hammond, ]Mary Ann 4, Fountain Street, TIuU Hamilton, Samuel Ewing ... 14:),Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin Hamilton, Tliumas 1, Crown Ct. Threadnoedle Street, E.C. Hamilton, Tlioin;iH Henry ... Abbey Street, Melrose, N.B, Hamilton, Archil wdd William 22, Mincing Lane, E.C. Hamiltf»n, Archibald William Laggavay Road, Helens!) urgh Hamilton, (Joon^o ... Skene House, Aberdeen Hammond, dohn Tliomas ... Macclesiield Handy n, Hhilston Calmady ... Loawood, Bridlostinic, Devon Hancox, Joseph 1, St. John's Gardens, Kensington Park, W. Hands, James Deddington, Oxon Handyside, (^^eortro Bentinck Crescent, Xiuvcastio

Hankc}', Geul. Hy. Aitcheson 1), Eaton Square, S.W. Hankey, Thomas ... 71, Chester Square, S.W. Hankey, Thomscm... no, Portland Place, W. Hannah, Certrudo Craven House, Church Street, Fuham Road, SAV. Hannah, Robert ... Craven House, Chnrcli Street, Fulliam Road, S.W. Hannay, John, junr. Clouhnllock,Port William,Wigtons]riro Hnnney, Thomas ... Ealing, Middlesex

Hanson, John Tillotson Manchester tfe Salford Bank, iMauchos ^ev Hanton, Thomas Daniel 80, Molesworth Street, Dublin Hatids, William John 15, The jNIount, York Hanscm, Esau i32. Church Street, Halifax Haudley, Edward Crosee Hall Works, Chorley Hartridge, William Stock Exchange, E.C. Harper, Edward ... 8, Bmnswick Terrace, Brighton

Harhind, John li, Adelaide Terrace, Anlaby Riad, Hidl Harford, John Battorsley ... Blaise Castle, near Bristol Harris, William IJartktt 12, Powderham Terrace, Teignmouth Haram, George Hugh Weaver Buildings, 10, JBrunswick St., Liverpool Harris, Arthur Curdnorth House, Balsall Heath Ro id, Birmingham 68 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Harwood, Mrs. Maria Harper, John Innes Hartridge, William Robinson Hardy, Jane Cochrane Harvey, Thomas Smith Harry, Thomas Harwood, Fred. Shaw- Harris, Charles

Harrison, Anne Dcrothy Hardcjistle, Frank ... Hardcastle, Mrs. Hannah Wood Harvey, John Harling, Robert ... Harley, Thomas ... HaiTop, Arthur Jenkins Harrison, Samuel Alex. Harmer, William ... Hart, Arthur Harwood, Alfred ...

Harbottle, William

Hardman, James ... Hards, Leonard Hardy, George Edward Hardyman, Mrs. Anne G. ... Hare, Thomas George Hare, Spencer Vere Harewood, Rt. Hon. Earl of Harford, John Battersley ... Hargrave, George Hargreaves, Henry Hargreaves, James, jinir. ... Hargreaves, John ... Hargreaves, John, and Batten, John Hargreaves, Thomas Harker, John Harkness, John Beaty Harland, Leonard ...

Harness, John Mason • • • Harouard, Adolphe

Harrild, Horton

Harrild, Frederick LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 69

Harris, Mortimor London Chatham «fe Dover Railway Station, Pimlico, S.W. Harris, Williaiu Bellficld House, Ferry Road, Dundee Harris, Win. Deavcs Albert Quay, Cork Harris, Rev. H(!iiry H. Allhallows, near Carlisle Harrison, Albert ... Ridgehill, near Staleybridge Harrison, Eduinnd (deceased) Actbuj J5J.coi'.,,Jolin Harrison Summerlands, Kendal Harrison, George ... oO, North Bridge Street, Edinburgh Harrison, James and „, 4, Cornwall Terrace, Kingston Road, McKinlay, Adam Portsmouth Harrison, John (irassendale Park, near Liverpool Harrison, John Summerlands, near Kendal Harrison, John Dock Stroiil, London Docks, E. Harrison, Josepli Wright ... 43, Wilson Street, E.C. Harrison, Mrs, Mary Ann ... 10, Herbert Street, New North Road, N. Harrison, Rev. Christopher R. North Curry Vicarage, Taunton Harrison, Thomas... G, Qiiet'U Street, V/akefield Harrison, Thomas, and Kendal Branthwaite, Edward Harrison, Tliomas... Singleton Park, Kendal HiUTison, William ... 8, New Market Lane, Manchester Harrison, Richard... Harriet Street, Sandwich, Kent Harrison, Miss Catherine E... Park Place, Highgate Hart, Capt. James Christine Kincardine, O'Neil, Aberdeenshire flart, George 11, Riding Street, Southport Hartley, Jo.«eph 127, Cumberland Terrace, Liverpool Hartley, Mrs. Mary 2G,ClanricardeGardens,Kensiugtou,W. Hartley, William ... Banbury, Oxon Hartley, William ... Cuzolwell Green, Lofthouse, near Wakefield Haiiley, James Moresby House, Whitehaven Hartley, Robert Burnley Lane, Burnley Hai'tridge, Charles Henry ... Stock Exchange, E.C. Hart, Rev. Henry C. Woodlands, near Wimborno Harvie, Alexander... Glasgow Harvey, David 13, Loudon Boad Terrace, Carlisle Harvey, Miss Jano ...... Smithgrove Terrace, St. Luke's, Cork Harvey, John Cotterill Church Street, Rugeley Ha.'vey, Rev. Robert (deceased) iVor.jCharles Smith Harvey 3, Mannering Road,Lime Street Seiton Park, Liverpool Harvey, Thomas Swiudalo ... 12, Regent Street, Pall Mall, S.W. Harvey, William (deceased) Execntrly, Mrs. Jane Coch- rane Harvey ... Brook Villas, Withington, Manchester Harvey, Charles Baruslcy, Yorkshire Harvey, Jamoa 49, Bon Acc(jrd Street, Aberdeen Harwood, Edward, and Hatcher, John ...... Thorubury, Gloucestershire Hardy, John Carlisle 70 GRAND TllUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Hartor, Herbert Hatfield ... 80, Chancery Lane, W.C. Harry, George Market Street, INioniston, Swansea Harry, (jiuiior) Diivul Castle Street, Moniston, Swansea Harwood, Edwiu ... Markcit Place, Dewsliury Harmaii, (Major) Ramsiiy ... Care of Cox «t Co., Craig's Court, S.W. Hardnuui, Tliomas Longficld, Heywood, Lancashire Hargreaves, George Garden Walk, Ashton, rrestou Haswell, Mrs. Margaret C, Dick Place, Edinburgh. Haswell, Haldaiie Care of T. & P. (iaskell, Rumford Street, Liverjjool Haswell, Miss Jaiio G, Dick Place, Grange, Edinburgh Haswell, Miss Isabella G, Dick Place, Grjingc, E(linl)urgh Haslam, Joliu Vine House, Thorloy Lane, Timperlcy, Cheshire Haslam, Mary Kaiilgh, Lancaster Haslam, John, and Litchurch Terrace, Derby Haslam, Mary Haslam, William Henry, and Haulgh, near Piolton Haslam, James Pvipky Hastings, Eldou ... 02, Side, Newcastle-on-Tyne Hastings, Hugh ... Liverpool Lodge, Brixton Hill, S.W. Hastie, George 7, Stailbrd Street, Liverpool Hassall, Henry Euitou Poyal ]3arik Buildings. Liverpool Hately, AValter 12, Darnaway Street, Edinburgh Hatherley, Cliarlcs E., M.D.... 45, Belgrave Road, S.^\'. Hattersley, Benjamin Fern Hill, Ripponden, near Halifax Hattersley, Edwin Greaves ... Keighley, Yorkshire Hattersley, Richard L. Keighley, Yorkshire Hatchard, John Dean Yard, Wimborno Minster, Dorset Hawc, John ;», Belvedere Terrace, l^rigliton- Haw her, Edward James o7, Cadogan Place, Sloane Street, S.W. Hawker, John G7, Lombard Street, E.C. Hawking, Henry ... Ellinthorpe, Helperby, Yorkshire Hawkins, Charles Edward ... 6,Kew Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Ha worth, Jesse Walsliam, near liurj', Lancashire Haworth, Mary North View, Todmorden, Yorkshire Haworth, William... 2, I'ark 'JV'rrace, St. Thomas's Road, Preston Hauxwell, Henry Francis ... 21, St. Michael's Place, Brighton Hawkes, John Cullen Morrisiield North

Hawkins, Thomas... 253, Cold Harbour Lan^ , Brixton Hawkins, John Stephen 69, Greenwood Road, Dalston, E. Hawkins, John Lane Stock Exchange, E.C.

Haworth, George ... St. Michael's Hamlet, near Liverpool Hay, John Alexander 27, Lansdowne Place, Cheltenliam Hay, Marianne Louisa 27, Lansdowne Place, Cheltenham Hay, Sir Hector, Bart. 12, King's Arms Yard, E.C. Hay, Hamilton, S.A.L. 1, Lennox Street, Edinburgh Hayward, John ... 37, St. Michael's Hill, Bristol Hayward, KatLcrine Maud... Hanover House, Bath Hayman, Alfred James 26(), Brixton Road, S.W. .

Li.;r or sitAiiEiioLnKus. 71

Hayman, Fredurick ],Lou^,'hbor;mgh Road, Brixton, S.W. Haydon, Dodswortli, and ... Guildford, Surrey tSuiallpicc", Gilbert Joliu Ilayhurat, Iloury ilayhunst... Yotym Colwyu, Oswestry Hayue, John (deceased)

Executor^ llobci't Hayiio ... Dorchester

Hayue, R j v. Job n . . Stanley Rectory,"\VclI;;;j':ou, Souierset^ Hayue, lloljert Doreii ester Hayter, Henry Guodenougli... 52, Mark Lan:<, E.G. Hayes, Martin Greenville House, Cork Hayes, TboinaH Greenville i louse, Cork Hayes, Rear Admiral JobuM. Cbarlton House, Soutbsea Haytboriiibwaite, Joseph ... Acoringt on Haynes, Jobu iiuckley o<5, Learn Teri'aco, Leamington Hazell, Jobu Francis James Street, Claughton, Rirkeuhead Hazeldinc, 8ara]i 20, Wilton Cre.'oeut, W. Head, Cliarles liridgewater Head, Joliu Oswiild Hackwood, IL-xham, Xorthumlxirlaud Head, Miss iNlargucritii 5, Sumuu;rhill Grove, Newciistlo-oa- Tyne Headfort, Marcbiouc;-s ol Care of Cooksou tt Co., G, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Headiam, Tliornas Duckworth Vravertree, Tunbridgc Wells Hcaley, Samuel llolx'rt, Liverpool Healey, Samuel l{()l)ert, and

Healey, Robert ... Liverpool Hearu, Michael Elijah Thorntou Vicarage, HorucascTe Heath, George Ycoiuau Newcastle-ou-Tyne Heath, Miss Westoe, South Sbields Heath, Robert Auiadius 31, Old Jewry, E.G. Heath, Sarah 24, Clifton Road East, St. John't Wood, N.W. Heath, William Higli Street, Houiislow Heatou, Robert 50, J\lancliftster Road, Rolton Hedley, John 4, The CresceutjTue r»rook,ur, LiverpcK^l Heald, Alfred William Springfield I\Iount, Leeds Healiut,', Alfred Abbey House, Tewkesbury Healey, Robert Liverpool Heald, iFoseph ... .,, 0, Union Street, Liverpool Hebb, John ... 7, Avenvie Park Road, Lower Norwood, S.E. Hebblethwaito.Thomas Fredk. Hull Heap, Joshua iMilue aud ... The Temple, Dale Street, Liveipool He;ip, Richard Rankin Heggie, iiobert Browulie West End, ivirkcaidj', N.B. Hegiubottom, Jolm DraytonHouse,Witbington,Manchestei Hegiubotham, George Assheton, Birkdale I'ark, Southport Hegiubottom, Eliza Ann ... No. 1, Marine Terrace Magazines, near Brighton Heighway, Miss Mary Marine Parade, Seacombc, Birkenbeatl Heiseh, Frederick (deceased) Executor, I'ercy F. Heiacli IG, America Square, E.G. .


Hcllings, Nicliolas (tleceased) Actg.Exor^Uev. H.N.Collier East End Vicarage, Finchley, N, Helm, Henry, and Padiham, Lancashire Stiff, William Helmore, Rev. Tliomas 72, St. George's Square, Pimlicc, S W. Hommingway, Edward Balmoral Place, Halifax Hemingway, Samuel Halifax Hemingway, Samuel Trafalgar Street, Bradford

Hemsley, Mrs. Fanny 3 , Canonbury Park North Maria 1 Henderson, Andrew ... City of Glasgow Bank, Edinburgh Henderson, David ... Clydesdale Bank, George Sti'eet, Edinburgh Henderson, Robert Eason ... 4, Brondesbury Park Villas, Willesden Lane, Kilburn, N.W. Henderson, William (deceased) Exor., Henry Henderson... 1, Gutter Lane, E.C. Henderson, William Leslie, Fifeshire Flenderson, William G, Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh Henderson, Heniy Or», RedclifFe Gardens, So. Kensington

Henderson, William . ... 12, Porchester Squai-e, Bayswater Henderson, George 1, Athenaeum Terrace, Plymouth Henderson, Aicxundor Flisk-by-Cupar, Fife Hendei'son, James Alexander National Bank, Fallcirk ilenderson, John Macdonald 72, Basinghall Street, E.C. Henderson, Janios and Newham, Truro Henderson, William Henry Henderson, James Beveridgc Dollar Heysham, George William M. 40, Chancery Lane, E.C. Heneage, Captn. Algernon Charles Fieschi United Service Club, Pull Mall, S.W. Heneage, Edward ... Stag's End, Hemel-Hempstead Henley, Thomas Leanian ... Cave of R. S. Maitland & Son, Cushion Court, 10, Old Broad Street, E.C. Henry, Henry Josephs (deceased) Actrj. Exor., Jones Spycr ... 110, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, Henrj', William G, Foster Place, Dublin

Henson, William Eusebius ... IG, Fenwick Street, Liverpool Henwood, George Frederick... Oakley Lodge, Crawley, Sussex Henshall, Henry ... I, Brunswick Buildings, liiverpool Henshall, Rev. John 77, Coltman Street, Hull Hepburn, Charles ... Stone, Staffordshire

Herapath, Spencer. . II, Angel Court, E.C. Herbert, Charles Herbert ... 65, Old Broad Street, E.C. Herbert, George Sowerby ... 73, Old Broad Street, E.C. Herbert, Hon. Mrs. M. (deed.) Extrix., Jane 0. Herbert Ickleton, Saffron Walden Herbert, Robert George W. 75, Grosvenor Street, W. Herbert, James .'^6, Spencer Street, Liverpool Herring, John ... 18, Victoria Square, Newcastle-on-Tyne . "V


Ilcrcpath, Edwin Jolin St. German's Lodge, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath,S.E. Hermann, Emilc Adolpho ... I, Carlton Villas, Fox Lane, Upper Norwood, S.E. Hoiou, Sii' Joseph... Town Hall, Manchester Hcrou, William 24, Kennedy Street, Manchester Herschell, Morits ... 10, Hickins Hey, Liverpool Hervey, George William 43, Cadogan Place, S. W. Hervoy, Lady Williani idccd). Ejcccntor, George W. Hervey The Treasury, Whitehall, S.W. Heron, Arthur Saviltown, Dewsbury Herbertson, James B. 17, Gordon Street, Glasgow

Hesketh, Miss Charlotte Care of Cox ife Co., Craig's Court, S.W . Hesketli, Kobei-t ... 7, Royal Exchange, E.C. Hesp, Edward Lake (deceased) Executrix, Mrs, E. Hesp ... Hnddersfield

Hesseltine, Charles Herbert 1), Scarborough Terrace, Beverley Road, Hull Hewetson, Henry ... Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Hewetson, James ... Auchenbainzie, Thornhill, N.B.

Hewitt, Richard ... .3, Princes Square, W. Hewitt, Richard Child II, Scarborough Terrace, Beverley Road, Hull Hewitt, William 70, St. George's Terrace, Bolton Hcwkley, Geoi'ge ... 10a. King's Arms Yard, E.C. Hewliugs, Henry Howell Boyne Lodge, Netting Hill, W. Hewlings, Miss Sarah Annie Boyno Lodge, Netting Hill, W. Hewkley, Jesse 10a, King's Arms Yard Heys, Thomas ...... St. John's Street, Preston Heywood, Oliver and Bank, Manchester Heywood, Charles James Heywood, .Tames ... 107, St. George's Road, Bolton Heywood, Arthiu' ... Brunswick Street, Liverpool Heyes, Josepl: 34, Chapel Place, Erskine Street, Liver- pool Heyworth, Peter George (Address not known) Heyward, Mrs. Mary Uighwick, Newton Abbot Hibbers, George, M.D. Cavendish Place, Brighton Hibbert, James Fishergate, Preston Hibernian Joint Stock Eank College Green, Dublin Hick, Pautland, jun. Falsgrave, near Scarborough Hicklin, Benjamin... Care of J. Underbill & Sons, Exchange Chambers, Wolverhampton Hickson, James, and West Smithfield, E.C. Hickson, George Hicks, William Market Place, Salisbury Hickson, Robeii; ... Cavendish Park, Barrow-in-Furnes.i Higgins, Captain Charles C. Upton Park, Slough, Bucks.

Higginson, Revd. Edward . . Swansea Higham, James, and 5, New Quay, Liverpool ShallcroBS, Thomas Richard 74 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Highani, Eliza Hiiio 2, May Villas, East Hill, Dart ford Al;:er, Williivni Hcniy and Snell, Augustus M. Higginbotluuu, Miss Emily ... 4, Tiallord Terrace, Old Trallord Higlitou, Rovd. Henry 2, The CVdars, I'utney, S.^^^ Higgius, George Charles G, (h'cjit Newp

Hill, llevd. John Edward ... "NVelslip' )()1, Monlgoiiierysliiro Hill, llowland 5, ^U'boretum Terrace, (juld.smith Street, Nottingham Hill, Samuel Seeker Thorpe Hamlet, iS'orwicli Hill, Georire C. ... The Cottage, Walt on near Peterl)! a'ough Hill, James 5G, lleform Street, llochd; Je Hill, Jt)hn Henry ... 12, Monkgale, York Hill, llev. Henry Thomas Felton llectury, Ijroniyard, llereft>rd- shirc HiUiard, Thomas Edward Brewitt Stock Exchange, E.C. Hilton, James ...... Stock Exchauge, E.C. Hilton, Abraham ...... Barnard Castle, Durham Hilston, James ...... Lauark Hine, Benjamin Hornbuclile St. James Street, Nottingham Hincidiffe, John Bullhouse Colliery, I'enistone, Cornwall Hinchlifle, Hinchlitlc Ciagg, Mytluilmroyd, near JMauchewter Hinde, Major-Gen. John, C.B. The Hermitage, Powick, near Worcester Hinde, Mrs. Jane Eliza ... Plumgarths, near Kendal Hinckley, Edward ... Alma Villa, Humbi-rstouo, near Leicester Hingston, Alfred ... Devoii and Cornwall Bank, Plyiiiouth Hingston, Frederick Collier

Hirst, 8am\iol Cross Trees, Rastrcck, near Normanton Hislop, Houry William 10, George Street, Edinburgh Hissoy, James 54, Hilhtrop Crescent, N.W. Hitch, Thomas Walter Care of J. P. Evans, Ware, Herls Hitcliman, Thomas 77, Cotton Street, Limehouse, E.G. Hitchman, William 1, Lausdown ViUa, East Down Park, Lewisham, S.E. Hoaro, Thomas Rolls Cormvall Road, Stamford Street, S.E. Hoaro, James Rolls Cornwall Road, Stamford Street, S.E.

Hoarc, Chas. Arth\ir Rich," I 37, Fleet Street, K.C. Hobsou, John Alexander, cb Salford, Manchester Shelmerdiuo, Nathaniel Hobsou, Anna IVIaria Heathfiolds, Maighull, near Liverpool Hobsou, William B. M. Heatliilulds, Maighull, near Liverpool Hobson, Frederick, and lievork-y, Yorks Johnson, John Hobson, Joseph Duini'.nro Easl, Waterford Hobbs, Charles P»rico Liverpool Hobbs, Charles Rricc, and Sweeting Street, Liverpool Stubbs, John Pouutney Hobhouse, Arthur Care of Hoaro & Co., Fleet St., E.G. Hockin, Charles ... 8, Avenue Pujud, St. John's Wood, N.W Hockiu, Joiin Broomhill, near Strattou, Cornwall Hockley, Albert ... 32, Fenchurch Street, E.G. Hodge, William ... Loudon and Snuth ^^'estern Railway, OxelKimpton, Dov(m Hodgfts, William Henry 47, Uttoxeter, New Road, Derby Hodges, Mrs. Eliza The Cottage, Watton, near ilereford Hodgetts, William Jackson.. Liverpool Hodgkinson, Capt. Thos.,ii;.^ Shawiield, llavant, Hants Hodjikinson, Grosvenor Newark Hodgkinson, IsabeUa Preeijall, near Fleetwood Hodgson, Arthur ... 4, Change Alley, E.G.

Hodgson, David Lo^v'ther .. Workington Hodgson, Kirkman Danl.,M. r. 8, Bishopt^gate Street Within, E.G. Hodgson, Revd. Eihvj rd Holton-le-J)ickeriiig, near Wragley, Franks Lincolnshire Hodgson, John Tlnvaite Hill, Thornthwaite, Keswick Hodgson, Georgo ... Thornton Road, Bradford Hodgson, Miss Mju'y Jane 3, Camden Cottages, Folkstouo Road, Dover Hodson, Samuel Harris GraniTiiar School, IMaiichestcr Hogarth, James 108, Bishopsgatc Street Within, E.G. Hogben, David G, St. John's Grove, Croydon Hoghton, Geo. William 71, Inverness Terrace, Bayswater Hoggj Tlxomas Newton-lo-Willow^s, Bedale Hogg, Sir James Weir, Bart. Carlton Gardens, S.W. Holbrow, Mrs. Mary iinnc... Care of Londtju and County Bank, Paddington, W. Holden, Luther, & 65, Gower Street, \\ .G. White, Henry ... 76 UEANIi TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Hclden, John Gcorgo Reyley House, Royton, near Oldham

HoldHwortli, George, Junr. . 2,TJpper Dorset Place, Kc'nnington,S.E. Holland, Philip Henry Burials Acts OHicc, Great Geitrgo Street, S.W.

Holliday, Tlioiniis ... High Street, Egham HoUinHhoftd, Miss Ann 5, George Street, lluddersfield HoUis, Sjiinnel Dorset House, Mistlcy, Essex

Holnmn, Andrew ... f)0, Caversham Road, Kentish Town

Holms- Kerr, Ilobert Kerr . 70, St. Gcorgi''s IMace West, George Street, Glasgow Holmes, E

Holmes, Josoi)h (deceased) . (Address not known)

Holmf"*, Joseph ".•2, Meadow I^ane, Leeds Holt, Christoplicr Were Cherry Orchanl Hoad, E. Croydor Holt, George, and 21, Water Street, Liverpool Kotherhani, William Holt, William Greenhill Cottage, Wigan Holt, Robert Dm-ning Liverpool Holt, Frederick Edwin 20, Saekville Street, Picx-adiUy, W. Holt, AVilliam Mitchell Hay, Ro.lid;do Holt, John Dcakin Catherine Street, Aslitou-under-Lync Holyoak, John Edwin Cosby, near Luttta* worth Holyoake, Thomas Henry ... (Address not known) Holyoak, William ... Co?by, near Lutterworth Holyoak, Chamberlain Northanii)ton Hole, Francis Market Place, Mansfield Hole, Henry Edward Quorn Lodge, Loughbont' Holmes, Mayfiehl Abncr 29, Avenue Rl., St. .John's Wood,N.W. Holmes, John 34, Clement Lane, E.C. Holmes, Dorothea Folly Court, Wokingham Holliind, Henry ... College Street, Petersfield, Hants Holt, James G, Tenterden Street, Bury, Lane. Hone, Thomas Yapton, Monkstown, Dublin Homes, Edward ... Stanley Farm, near Calne, Wilts Homan, Matthew ... Sidney Place, Cork Honey, Thomas Spargo 21, Haddington Road, Devonport Hoole, James 3G, Aldevmanbury, E.C. Hooley, William ... Manchester & County Rank, Stockport Hook, Charles Townsend ... Snodland, near Rticliester Hooper, James Ludford Villa, Ludlow Hope, Thomas Chester Street, Birkenhead Hope, Henry OUerton, near Knutsford, Cheshire Hope, Henry Thomas (deceased) Executor, Edwd. J. Rickards 2, Crown Court, Old P. road Street, E.C.

Hope, Robert ...... ll,CumberlandTer.,Regent'sPk.,N.W. Hopwood, Charles Edward, 30, Macaulay Street, Gt. Grimsby and Hopwood, Eliza Hopkins, Mrs Sarah Korwood House, Leamington Hopkinson, William Addlestone, Surrey Hopkins, Charles Cook 6, Stanley Villas, Chobham Road, Stratford, E. T


Hopkiiison, George Arundel Street, Wakefield Hopper, Mrs. llutli Rock Mansion, 7, Lower Rock Ganleus, Brighton HoppB, Rev. J»»lm Pa»^o Glasgow Hopwood, Cliiirk's Kdwaril ... 30, Macauhiy Street, Gt. Grimsby Hordurn, Anthony... Park Brook, Maccleatield Horn, \V'illian\ Thirsk, Yorks Horn, William 3, Butler Terrace, Osscry Road, Old Kent Roatl,S.E. Horn, Joseph The Furness Railway, Banow-in- Furness Home, llobort Bruwii and ... City Buihliugs, Aberdeen Smith, David ... Horner, Michael ... Savings Bank, Nortli Allorton Horner, Joseph Leyburn, Yorks. Hornby, Hugh Sandowu, Wavertree, near Liverpool Hoiidjy, Thos. Dyson, and 3, Hrunswick Street, Liverpool Hornby, Hugh Frederick... Hornby, William Henry Shrewbridgo Hall,Nantwich, Cheshire Horner, William ... Liverpool Horner, John Alfred Savings Bank, Northallerton Horuiman, John ... Coombo ClilF House, near Croydon Horsfall, John Aiighton Road, Birkdale, Southport Horsfall, Robert ... Liverpool Horsmau, George ... The Bank, Evesham Horsfield, William Whitehead Vulcan Place, Dewsbury Horton, Isaac 307, Clapham Road, S.W. Horton, Margaret Frances ... Knutsford, Bournemouth Horton, Emily 40, Great Ormond Street, Queen's Square, Bloomsbury, W.U. Horsfield, Thomas 82, Waterloo Road, ]\lauehcstcr Housley, Miss Maria 38,.Sutherland Gardens, Harrow Rd., W. Hosgood, Thomas Hopkin ... Pentriebach House, Merthyr Tydvil Houchen, John Thetford, Norfolk Hossack, Robert C. 67, Madeira Street, Leith Hotchkiu, Revd. Robert C. H. (deceased) AcUi. Extrix.f Julia Pearson The Priory, Dursley, Gloucestershire Hotclikiu Hotson, John Long Stratton, Norfolk Honchen, G. A. F., Major ... 6, Parkside, Beckenham, Kent Houen, Antonio Christian ... Newcastle-on-Tyne Houghton, John Henry (deed.) Executrix, Sarah Houghton 1, Carrington Villjis, Marsh Gate, Richmond, Surrey Houghton, Mrs. Sarah 1, Carrington Villas, Marsh Gate, Richmond, Surrey Houghton, William Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire Houlditch, Revd. Edward ... 12, Circus, Bath Household, Robert Barrows... Lynn, Norfolk Houseman, Alfred Thomas ... Fulford, near York 78 arw\M> TUITMC HATLWAY OF CAXAI>A.

Houston, Alfred D;iviil f)', Quern's (Jr.-si ,Hav(M-stoclv HiU,N.W irrtVCllilcil, Villcllt'lMO !' iwLr 2.';, Atlilaide CreHcent, IJriglitou Hovel), JoliM lI.iyiiiT lloek Cottage, Arundel Crcsceut, We'ton-super-^laro !Ho\vo, .Tcliu Shuuliah (iate, Wigan Hnwiuil, .l(ilni Stanley House, Stanl'-y, near Perth llowiird, Jost'i)]) ;;78, New Cross lload, S.E. Howard, J'vovd. Ki.lid. ^fv. ... Wygfair, St. Asaph Howard, Sam lul T), 1) ii)hne Terrace, 'rurnham Green, W, Howard. CIc'orLjo ... ll>, Gloticester Street, l>elgrave l^•ad Howard, Bonjainiii 112, Uttoxeter lload, Derl)y

Ifowanl, Tlioina.s ... Tredegarville, Canlitl" jfowartli. Homy ... 2i\ Yovksliire Street, Pochdalo Tfowurth, .Folni Spving hank, Uaridoy Howlutt, Tliomars John Elicit ('ounty Court, Soutliern Hill, Reading Ilowarlli, lluchcu Hoiitoii ... Lonu! House, Cliorley (.)ld lload, ;'.olton

Howoll, li^dward ... 2'), Wellington Stroct, Portobello, ntar Liverpool HowdoTi, John Augnsi'Ui I>owi!uii, (.'hosldro Howdcn, Jolm Willington Quay, Xewcastle-on-Tyne Howie, IMiss Mai'i^arct Ciiro of Robert Eagk-sim, 1, iligh Street, I'aisley

Howie, Ivov. r.obert V>, liruee, lload, Pollukshields H(»witt, Henry (deceas-fd) ...

IJxcriifri.r, Mrs. .J.".:ii' 1 [owitt Wrt xlirun, Denbighsliii'o H< 'V.itt, .Toscph HallewcU ... 2, Park Mow, Leeds

Hovvddon, Edwin FruiiclM 81, St. Se])uk']iro (J at- , Doiieaster Howman, George Arthur i>ank of England liranoh., Birniing- Kidghtlcy unn Hownsiow, Thomas 10, (Irosvenor Sf|uare, W. Hoxky, Ciiarlcs ... Oxford Road, Reading Hubbard, Alexander 'i^M•tlund S(|uare, I'lyniouth Hubbard, CJcori^'o ... Evingion, near Leicvster Hubbard, John Gellibrand ... 4, St. Helen's Place, E.G. Hul)bard, TlKMuas... •>owden House, Market Harborough Hubbard, Alexandi^r Polkinghome, Edwin, and... Kickman, Erad J5raiue).'d... Hudgcll, William ... Cu\, Wigmorc Street, Cavendish S


Ilui,'lie.'!, Williavi ... iJodarhoatli, Port Diuowii', Cariiarvou Hii'^lu'S, 'rii(i'ii;n ... 20, St. l)ouiu',''.s Vale, Liverpool nn;^hL'H, Kicliiird Ijdw.ird ... Sto(!kton-on-TeeH Huglius, Mr.'; -Mnr^jurut St. Jjvmes' Vicarage, Sutton, Macclerffu'ld 147, Cannon Street HiiiIhoii, ^^'iiK;lm Cloincui ... 2, (.'arltoii Villas, Crj'stal Talaco Road, East, Dulwich lTn?,'ill, .T(»lm Lawkholme Lane, Keigldey, Yorks.

•1., Victoria Terr., Keighley, York;*. lIuL;-hliii','M, ll;iiry ... Halifax lIullKTt, .I;'.lil(';< Aptliorp Villa, Weston lload, ]>.ith Uuiubur, 'IMinni:i>^ ... 77, Chancery Laiio,W.C. Ifuniphvys, William CliarUs 17, Au'.^le.'^ca Place, Soutliamptou ihi;iiiilirii's, IMwiu Slirewtoii, Wilta

J [ninplnvy, William P>;iyinau Park Street, Tring, Hort.=«

Htuiu, ][t'my, .\f.l). ;{, Pirook Street, Hanover Sijrare, \V. Hunt, Mi.'-s iliirrii.'i \Vo.-'l(,-]i... :!,]in>)k Street, Hanover Si piare, W. Hunt, iMiHs A?ino HoMswortli (Jare of Child and Co., Fleet Street, E.C. Hunt, I'uvd. Hi'iiry Warwick Shermanbury llcctory, Hentirld., Sussex Hnut, Thomns Crewe i-fuiit, Tiliss I\[.iri:i II, :>, Prook Stx'eet, Hanover S([uare, W. ilniii, Amltroso Diiii'^arvan Hunt, William Camberwoll (Jroon, S.E. Hiintor, William Stewart 111. IJelHi7,o Road, South Hampst<'ad [rnntcf, JaniL's De\v.sbury Jluntoi), IMiss Iliainali ], West Paradj Villa, Filsgrove Ho.\\, Scavhiiro' Hunter, Tetcr llu, ]>el.size lload. South Hump.Htend Hnntci', Thomas (). (ireenock • Hunter, Edward iMarcluiut ... Tunbridgc Wells Hunter, '!eorL,'e Duucau The Grammar School, Kelso Hunter, Hdoji Caro of Coutts and Co., Strand, Vv'.C, Hunter, Tlunnas ... KirkconncU, Dumfriesshire Hunter, Williaax IJertram ... The Hau-li, Kirkliston, N.P,. Huntiu'.fton, Julni... Toxteth INIills, Toxteth Park, Liv-r-

Huutir.:.jtnii, ,I();:e]>]i ])0ol

Huntley, ( )oori,'c> Tliomas r>l, Tooley Street, S.E. Hunton, Thomas ... P.ronsliil], Toi'quay Huutriss, (ioor.ic ... 8, Hall Cross, Doncastor Huutris,^, Vv'illiam... Halifax Hunwickc, Isaac ... i;), Briice Gi'ovo, Tottenham Huntini^ton, Nathaniel 111), Canuiug Street, Liverpool Hurst, El)eiR'/v.-r ... Wellington Lodge, Deal Hurst, William Locomotive Department, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Hunt's iJank, Manchester, Rieliard Spring Hill, Rochdale

Husband, (leorgo ... 1 5, Gloucester Ter, , South Norwood , S . E Hussey, William ... 2, Westminster Chambers, S.W. Hutclieson, John Mitcbell Commercial Bank Buildings, Greenock .


Hutch ins, Charles ... Tormore, Chamberlain Road, Grceuliill, Edinburgh Hutchinson, Christopher G8, Brunswick Road, Evert :)n,Livcrpool Hutchinson, Lieutenant Col. Care of Dimstlale & Co., 50, Cornhili Frederick James E.C. Hutchinson, Joshua Hutchinson 15, Angel Court, Throgmortou St., E.C. Hutchinson, William Evans... Oadley Hill, Leicester Hutchinson, Mavy Anne E. .. Glannant, Crickhowcll Hutchinson, Ralph 35, Faulkner Street, Manchester Hutchinson, Tliomas William 1, Furnival's Inn, Holborn, W.C. Hutchinson, Edward S. Longworth, Hereford Hutchinson, James HeatUlield, Potter's Bar, Herts Hutchinson, Edward 4, Garden Street, Darlington Hutchinson, William Gibson Cadby Hill, Leicester Hutt, Jane Royal Hospital, Putney Heath, S.W. Huth, Charles Frederick, Huth,Heniy,Huth Louis, & Castellain, Alfred Tokeuhousc Yard E.C. Huth, Charles Frederick', Huth, Henry, and Jackson Henry Mather ... Tokculiouso Yard, E.C

Huth, Charles Frederick, Huth, Henry, and Huth, Louis Toko.ubouse Yard, E.C. Hutton, John 12, Gordon Street, Glasgow Hutton, Mrs. Cliira Maiiso oi Cranshawcs, Dunso Hutton, Andrew ... 75, Old Broad i'-treet, E.C.

Hutton, Charles William C... 5 & (!, Newgate Street, E.C. Hutton, Darnton ... Amsterdam Canal Harbour Workn, Velson, near Haarlem, HoUand Hutton, Thomas O. 32, Budge Row, E.C. Hyde, Henry Augustus de Ros G6 & 07, Aldermanbury, E.C. Hyde, Francis Colville Wilderrou, Bournemoutli

Hyslop, Thomas ...... District Bank, Ashtou-under-Lyne Hyslop, John Middleton, in Teesdale

Illingworth, Mrs, Helen ... 19, Clarence Square, Brighton. lUingworth, Richard S., F.B.G.S...... 9, Norfolk Crescent, W. Illingworth, Charles ... 51, King Street, Manchester. Imlach, Henry, Af.Z>. ... Abercrombie Square, Liverpool Ingelow Wm. Frederick, ct Mills, Edward James ... 13, Old Broad Street, E.C. LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 81

Iu!;cl(jw, Will. Fretlerick, cfe Siinni, George William ... 13, Old Broad Street, E.G. Iii;;liiuu, Jiuiios IJooth Street, Bradford Inuli.'Uii, Jereiniiili 22, Milton Place, Halifax Iijgliiuu, Mrs. Helena Frances 13, Freekleton House, Lord Street West, Soutliport. Tiiglc.'l)}', Edward Ward 5, Carlton Terrace, Spring Bank, H uU

In If lis, (renrgo Tranent, N.B. Inglis, William 12, Dick Place, Grange, Edinburgh luglis, William 49, Torriana Avenue, N.W. Ingram, Alexander Clydesdale Bank, Stranraer. Ingram, Christopher PItnry... Codford St. Peter, Hey tesbury, Wilts Ingram, Herhert 8(iniro Ash ton Ciflbrd, Hey tesbury, Wilts Ligram, Joliu Andrew W^ylye Heytesbury, Bath Inman, Charles Brooksbys Walk, Homertou, E. Inman, John 64, Threadnoedle Street, E.G. Innoeeut, Charles John 9, St. James' Bow, Sheffield Innocent, Matthew Catlin ... Burford, Oxfordshi re. Innr^?;, (Jeorgiana Mary Clarendon lload, Watford, Herts Insall, (Jeurge (deceased)

Executor. XVilliaiu Insall ... Bristol Insinger and Co. ... Care of Baring Bros, and Co., 8,Bishi 'p-, gate Street, E.G.

lustone, Edward ... G8, Addison lload, Kensington, TV. International Fiuauc'al So- ciety (Limited) ... GO, Threadiiccdle Street, E.G. Iredale, John Golcar, near Hnddersfield Ireland, John Mer Vue, Bootcrstown, County Dublin Irish, Vlias Susan ... 12, Burton's Court, Sallisford, Warwick. Ironinonger, Moses Wolverliampt( )u Irvine, (Jeorge 7, India Buildings, Liverpool Irving, James Carlisle Irving, John William Workington, Cumberland Irvine, Thoiiirs 7, India Buildings, Liverpool Irving, Andrew 4, Mackinnou Street, Rochdale Irving, Rev. John William ... Broughton Rectory, Newport P.agnel Isacke, Robert Matthew North Forland Lodge, Broadstairs Isaac, John 30, Molesworth Street, Dublin Isaacs, Alfrefl John pC, Bishopsgate Street, E.G. Isenberg, Louis 21, Leadenhall Street, E.G. Isherwood, Thomas Manchester Street, Heywood Isherwood, liichard Raius- bottom... Guisness Court, Kelvedon, Essex Isherwood, Charles Edward Guisness Court, Kelvedon, Essex


Jack, Charles (Joccascd) Executor, George Jackson... Crrtsvenor Road, SouthclilT, Scar- borouirh Jackmaii, Clara 34, 8oho Square, W. JacknuiD, ]\obert ... 31, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Jackman, James Tyudalc, Ewan, Muiigo Cainplie'I, it Langham, Samuel Frodk ... .34, Soho Square, W. Jack.^, Richard Henry 4, Change Alley, E.C. Jackson, James Brook I'eei Street, Spring Bank, 1 lull Jackson, John Fend)ank, near Workington Jackson, John Bleak Honse, Becchy Roail, V^'ost Bromwich Jackson, Joseph Market Place, ^Maccloslield Jackson, Charles Jamt^^ ... Durley Lodge, near Bishop's Waltham, Stephenson Hants Jackson, Ferdmando Woodlard Honso, Macclesfield Jackson, John Colabii Lodge, near Leominster Jackson, Joseph 00, West Street, Brighton Jackson, Josopli Henry Holly Bank, liowdon, Altrinchani Jackson, Lazarns ... Breeze Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill, near Liverpool. Jackson, I'anl 24j Vvi^npohi Street, Cavendish Sq., W\ Jackson, Kichar.l ... iN'oith Fei'riby, near Brongli, Yorks Jackson, Sanmel Brook 17G, Coltmau Street, Hull Jackson, JIary Siirah 3, lireeze Lane, Walton-on-tho-Hill, Livorp(«ol Jackson, Thomas Augustin;.'! Severn Lodge, Que;jn's Road, Rich- mond, Surrey Jackson, Thomas ... Westliorough Street, Scarborough Jackpon, Sir William, Eavt,, Gl, Portland Place, W.

Jackson, AVilliani ... If), Castle Sti'cet, Liverpool

Jackson, William ., Bolton-le-Sands, near Lancaster Jackson, William, juur. Liverpo(jl Jackscm, Robert 1, Jlarkut Place, Hudderslield Jackson, Oeorge St. George's TeiTace, Plynutnth .Tackson, Thomas Alfred Bank Scpiare, Burton-on-Trent Jackson, iVlatthcw John The Vicarage, Pcny Sti'cet, Gravesond Jackson, James Harry Ladyshavv, Nevv'^ Mills, by Stockptn-t JacASon, William, and Brown, Matthew Carlisle. J.".ckson, Robert John 23, College Street South, Belfast Jacobsen, Cliristi;in Charles... Whatfield, Ipswich. Jacob, John Henry The Close, Salisbury Jacob, William Higgins, auil The Will Office, Bank of England, Jacob, Chariotto Emma ... E.G. LIST or SIIAEEIIOLDEIiS. 8S

Jacohskocttcr, William Care of E. Springman & Co., 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool Jacques, George Stockton-on-Tees Jakell, Joseph IG, Mount, York James, Rev. Benjamin Fuller l,Little Dean's Yard,Westmin&-tc-T,>S.W. James, William Joseph ]'>oeidiam House, Reading James, Willium ^Monmouth James, William Oak Villa, Eagle Lane, Snaroshrifvolc James, Elias Junction Shop, Tatl's W^ell, near Cardif?' James, William, and Stock Exchange, E.C. Prust, .lolin James, lU-v. 'I'liomas 7, Our s Cliff, Bradford James, Charles ... Christ Church College, Oxforci James, John Llandovery. Jameson, Clnirlos NichdlsoTi... 1h2, Great Brunswick Street, BuWin •Tamcson, Vr. acis Thonuis ... Tro.'^achs, Bathampton. I'ath Jamie, Davi< Strathglass bv Inverness Jamieson, A! xander 8, South Charlotte Stri'et, EdiiiTmrgh .' Jamieson, ' 'xaiKler, and ... 8, Suuth Charlotte Street, Ediulmruh Jamieson -Jjiuo Scott

Jami eson, ( ; ( irye ... 38, Albyn mace, Aberdeen Jamieson, J^mes ... Crudie-by-Arbr(t!!tli, X.IJ. Jjiinicson, I^licliael James (t Arngomery, Kip^iin, X.B. Hriggs, Licut-Col. Joliu 1*. Jamieson, Michael James Arngomery, Kippin, X.B'. Lumsdainc, Slamford K. Jamieson, ^^'illiam Thompson Anstruther, Fife Jamieson, R( v. William British Chaplain, Amsterdarxt Jardine, William M. (deed.) Executor, John Little (;r;'.uton]Moffatt Jardine, Andrew ... 3, Lombard Street, E.C. Jardine, I'ev. David Kerr ]\ianse, Thornhill, Di^.nifriesslmt:

Jardine, William ... CaiTou Bridge, Larbert Jarratt, Rev. Canon John ... Xoilh Cave, near Jjrou,'':]i, Yorks Jarvis, Jolin T)!, South Hill Roiid, Liverpool .larvjs, John Thu Gr.sham Club, London, E.C. Joanes, Jfihn ].j, Lricklands Crescent, Beli-'izf Park, X.W. Jel)l), Richard (Jeorge T])o Ljih, Ellesmcre, Shrowsbmy Jefleriss, Henry 10, Bushey Hill Terrace, Pelikham Road,S.E.

Jeiferson, Roh-ert ., All)ert Street, Derl)y JeftVay, John Cardowau litmse, Millerston, Giargow Jefi'ree, William ... York House, Cand)envell Jetl'rey, John Care of (Jeta-ge Youngci-, Church HiH House, Warkworth, Northuuibi.vlaud Jeffrys, Edw.ard W'illiani 3, Cavendish Place, Bath Jellicoe, Charles ... 12, Cavendish Phice, W. Jenkins, Rev. William James Fillingham Rectory, Lincoln Jenhinson, John Carol Gate, Bradford Jenkins, James 51, lUenhcim Crescent, Nottliig 'Bill 84 r.RAJJD TRUNK RAILWAY OF CAXADA.

J/iukins, Rev. Win. .lamos, and Melville, Alexander Saimicl

Leslie ... Fillingham Rectory, Lincoln Jenks, Isaac Dunstall Hill, Wolverliampttm Jenuiugs, Joseph Cave Spicer Abbey House, Jennings, James ... 25, Great George Street, S.W. Jerard, John Henry G!), Lombanl Street, E.C. Jerr.ird, William ... ()>, Liverpool R(jad, Islington Jerson, He v. Henry 10, Rodney Street, Pentonville, N". Jerson, JNIrs. Helen IG, Rodney Street, Pentonville, N. Jervis, Mary Sophia, and ... Uttoxeter, Stati'ordshire Weivis, (jlertrude Augusta

Jervis, Michael Leadlr.'tter ... 2.5, Pai'k Street, liootle, near Liverpool Jervis, Philip Octavius L'ttoxeter Jcsper, Eliza Ann ... iiO, High Street, Warwick Jewesbury, Fr(>deriek Charles The Raidv, Gloucester Jeyes, Frederick ... Frederick Street, New Road, Chatham Jillard, Peard Care of Bennett (t Payne, 2, Crown Court, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Joachim, Mrs. Ellen Margaret /?5, Phillimore Gai'dens, W. Joachim, Henry ... 2, Basinghall Street, E.C. Johns, Thomas Ai-my and Navy Clul», S.W. Johnson, Charles ... Hull Johnson, Henry Benson :^3, 'Vho Mount, York Johnson, Isabella ... 137, EthelVtert Road, jMargato Johnson, John Owens Liverpool Johnson, Josei)h ... York Street, Wakefield Johnson, Richard Hall Marsland Road, Sale, uejir Manchester Johnson, Robert Sparrow ... Chestertcm House, Hoinerton, E. Johnson, Walter, M.D. Shenst(me, Great Malvern Jolmson, William ... Vostevberg, Cork Johnson, John Labron Lord Street, Liver^jool Johnson, William Thomas ... 71, Oseney Crescent, Canulen Road Johnson, Sarah, Mrs. Round Thorn, Bagulev, nr. Manchester Johnson, Francis ... 10, Scarbro' Ter., lieverley Rd., Hull Johnson, Charles ... Bolton Johnson, Alfred ... 14, East Street, Brighton Johnson, Elizabeth, Aliss ... Gilling East, Yorks Johnson, Miss Anna Marijv ... Middlethorpe, Hull, near York Johnston, Alexander Johnston Rubislaw, Aberdeen Johnston, Alexander Rankin Greenock Johnston, Mrs. Lucie Caroline 29, Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris Johnson, Simeon ... Blossom Street, York Johnston, Miss Marj' Holmscroft House, Greenock Johnston, Thomas... 5, Raymond's Bdgs., Gray's Inn, W.C. Johnston, Thomas ... Clydebrae House, Bothwell Johnston, Peter Temple Court,Church Sl;reet,Blackburn Johnston, Charles Edward ... Walmer Buildings, Liverpool

Johnston, Charles Edward,

Johnstone, James Henry W. 8, Sullblk Place, Pall Mall East, S.AV. Johnstone, Jolin (det^casLHl) Executor, Revd. A. Pavdco Care of T. J. Salwey, Lndlow, Salop Johnstone, Wiiliam (deceased) Exirlc. Mrs. Marguret Johnstone 29, Mayfield Terrace, Edinhnrgli Johnstone, William Kings wood, liurntisland, M.I'. Johnstone, Adam 1, Register Place, Edinburgh Joicey, Jnmcs 4, Walker Terrace, (»ateshead-on-T>iie Joicey, William James Tanfield Lea, Lintz Green, Newcastle- on-Tyne Joicey, Edward Newcastle-(m-Tync Joicey, John Newcastle-on- Tyne Jonas, Henry Lewis Dalton House, l)altou-in-Furncss Jones, Mrs. Ann 8, Cluu'ch JVIount, E

Ejcccntnr,'W . Anthony Jt-nes Clock House, Wands wortli, S.W. Jones, Ed ward, and 2, Clive Phice, Welshpool Jones, Ivosa Jones, Miss Elizabeth Care of H. ]>. Arber, Es([., Sonier'set House, W.C. Jones, Evan 113, High Street, Croydou Jones, Evi'linc Mary 4, Chapel Street, Strat ford-on -Avon Jones, Lucy 2, St. James's Street, Hover Jones, Miss Elizahetli The Abbot's Walk, Reading .Fones, Kobert, and Castle Street, Liverpool Wilcox, William Jones, Edward (deceased) E.rnr. Townley, .loliu Hill A Qneenlusurance P»uildings, Liverpool Jones, Phili[» 35, South Hill Park, Hampstead Heath Jones, John James 33, Victoria Street, Merthyr TydJil • Jones, Thomas Jenkhis 1, Holford Villas, Cefu, Merihv Ty.lhl Jones, Anthony Gilbert Gloucester Jones, Charles Lewis 4, Cable Street, Liverpool Jones, William Pryse 6, Lord Street, Liverpool Jones, Capt. John Henry ... (Address not knoAvu) Jones, John Myrddin 2, Severn Terrace, Newport, Mon. Jones, John, and ... 5, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Lawrie, Andrew Jones, Henry (deceased) Executor, Newman Jones... 3, Trigon Terrace, Trigon Road, Clap- ham Road, S.W, Jones, Mrs. Fanny Care of Coutts tt Co., Strand, W.C. Hugesson, Rev. Reginald Bridges Kuatchbnll, and Knight, George Montagne Jones, Henry Darlington Street, Wolverhampt(»n Jones, John 11, Exchange Alley, Chapel Street, Liverpool Jones, John Fairwater, near Carditf, South Wales .


Jones, John ... Liino Street, Tenbury Jones, .T

Jones, Richai'd North is: South W^ales Bank, Liverpool Jonea, Richard (deceasctl) Executor, Richard Edward The Rock, Newtown, Montgomeryshiro Jonea Jones, Richard (Address not known) Jones, Roger Lyon (deceased) Eyor. Joseph Daruiugluiiu Miller Walmcr Buildings, Liverpool Jones, Miss Mary Harriet ... Clifton Villa, Regent's Park, South- ampton

Jones, Thomas 80, Lor. I Street, Livcrjiool Jonep, Thomas Tunkwell House, Beech Hill, Reading Jones, Thomas 2, Clive l^lace, WeLshpo(»l Jones, William Anthony Clock House, \VandsW(jrth, S.W, Maude, Charles, and White, George Frederick Jones, William Charles The Eiiii.;, near Warrington Jones, William Vo, Clitiord's Inn, Fleet'Street, E.C. Jones, William 8, Cook Street, Liverpool Jones, William l;j, Queen's (iate, W. Joue&', .loini ^Vilsou 1, Hrunswick Street, Liverpool J

Jones, Newman 13, Trigon Road, Cla])huni Road Jones, Rev. L'ngh ... 131, jMarket Street, Ht)lyhead Jones, Charlotte, Mrs, 0(), Grove Lane, Camberwell Jones, William Oweu 112, Au])rey Street, Everton, Liverpool Jones, Alfred West View, Catcrham Valley Jones, .James Fisher Chapel Street, Liver]>ool

Jope, Olivia .inn Saltron . . Thames Ditton, Surrey Jordan, Ceorgo 208, Great Howard Street, Liverpoc^l Jurgensen, Conrad Frdk. Erick 20, Corn Exchange Chambers, Seething Lane Jorie, William Fairhurs-t ... 88, St. James's Street, S.W, Joseph, John Nicld 23, Great Homer Street, Liverpcjol Jonrdon, Francis ... 10, Birelnn Lane, E.C Joyce, James High Street, AVhitchurch, Salop Judson, Charles Thomas The Square, Ripon Juckcs, Jame?? 4, Matthew Street, Liveifooi Jubb, Thomas South Kirkby, near Pontefract Jump, Henry 11, Drury Lane, Liverpool Jutting, Charles ... 8, Bishopsgato Street, E.C. LIST OF SHAllEirOLDERS. 87


Karck, TheoJor ... 31 & 32, Lombard Street, E.C. Karrau, John James, autl ... Douglas, Islo of Man Noble, Henry Bloom Karran, Jolm .James Douglns, Ifclo of Man Kay, Frederick Henry St. Steplieu's Club, Westminster, S.W. Kay, James 53, Hohnhead Street, Glasgow Kay, James 82, West Nile Street, Glasgow Kay, Tliomas Pathhead, Kirkcaldy, N.B. Kay, William Henry (Adiiress not known) Kay, Thomas Lower Darwen

Kayo, J oseph , and ... Common Pleas Office, Chancery Thorotou, llev. Charles, and Lane, W.C. Thorotou, Edward Kayes, Francis Holmes & CO, Porchestcr, W, iSkelding, William Kays, Mrs. Fanny Holmes ... OG, Porcliester Square, W. Kempsey, George ... Stock jJrook, Oldham Keane, Col. Edward (deed,) Exi'cuUir, l?evereud Oliver Matthew llidley Cohham Vicarage, Gravescnd Keane, Lieut.-Col. George 24,\Vestbourue Place, EatonSquarOjW. Michael Kearsley, Robert ... Ripou, Yorkshire Keay, John Anscruther, NVester Keen, JJenjamin ... Clareniont Cottage, Cottles Oak, Frome Keen, Alfred J osepli Result House, Penge, S.E. Keeue, ^Ufred Furze Hill, lied Hill, Surrey Kekwick, Mrs. Fanny The Hohnes, near Rotherliani Kelk, John William Care of A, HeyAvood and Sons, Liverpcjol Kell}^, Alexander Daniel, and Care of Loudon and Westminster Jafiray, Miss Isabella S.Tra Bank, Lothbury, E.C. Kelly, Richard Wood Cope Street, Dublin Kelso, Archibald ... Temple Court, Liverpool Kelso, Miss Margaret Care of Archibald Kelso, 25, Faulkner Square, Liverpool Kemp, Fredei'ick ... Fleetwood, Ijancashiro Kemp, John Abbott (deceased) Executor, Clement Kemp ... Middlotoii, near Manchester Kemp, John 11, Saudall Road, Camden Road, X.W. Kemp, Henry Sudley House, Cricklowood Kemi)son, Augustus Northamptonshire Baiddng Company, Northampton Kendall, Alfred Sunnyside, Worcester Kendall, William ... Caveudisli Park, Barr»w-on-Fnrness Kendrick, David ... Oxley House, Gorsel)rook,near Wolver- hampton 88 OEAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANAI»A.

Kcnnard, Steplion l\)U. 4, Derby Terrace, Stretford Koad, Manchester Kennedy, Gilbert George 3, Linden Gardens, F>ayswater, W. Kenntidy, James ... Cressingt(»n Park, Liver])ool Kennedy, James, and 0, Norfolk Street, Manchester Coates, Charles Henry Kennedy, John Horse Market, Kelso Kennedy, Jolm Ferguson ... 2, Eldon Square, Newcastle-on-Tync Kennedy, John (deceased) ... Ej'ccntor, Captain John Calveley Hall, Tarporley, Cheshire Kennedy Kennedy, Miss IMary 113, Great Nelson Street North, Liverpool Kennedy, Miss Agnes 13, Albifni Street, I'vcrton, Liverpool Kennedy, Reverend James 4, M» nkstowu Crescent, Monkstcjwu, Houghton Comity Dublin Kcrisey, Evan Pjrcckton, Lydbury North, Salop Kent, George Needhum Hall, Gazeley, near Newmarket Kent, Thomas Charles IJainford Villa, Litlierlaiul, near Liverpool Kent, William (deceased) Exvi'nio)', James Kent Bathford, Bath Kent, James Bahujiin Villa, Bathford, Bath Kent, Thomas Kussell 8, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street Keuyon, John Walter Sliepley, near Hudders field Kenyon, Heuiy Marvport Ker, Mrs. Elifiabetli Bellenden 10 Chapel Street, liedfor.l Jlow, W.C. Kerr, George Munro liuchanan Street, Glasgow Kershaw, Josiah Gocthvin ... 6, Hyde Park Gate, South Kensington Kershaw, WiUiam Albert iA, Blake Sireet, Barrow-in-Furness Kursley, Francis ... St. John's Park, Bvirget^s Hill, Sussex Kenvin, Patrick ... Leiirim Street, Cork Kettlewell, \Vm. Wildinan ... 27th Regt., Curragh Camp, Ireland

Kettlewell, William, Junior r>, Spencer Phice,Koundhay Road, Lt eels Keyes, Thomas 25, Hunter St., Brunswick Square, W.C. Kibby, Edwin (deccase

Kidd, Joseph, ilf.D. 1 , Finsbuiy Circus, E.C. Kidd, Edwin Moses Tliurland Street, Nottingliam Kilby, Henry Londesla'o', near JNIarket Weightou Kiernan, Rev. Thomas Rainhill, Prescot, Lancashire Kilby, George (deceased) Executor, Hartley, Sagar ... Queniborougli Hall, Leicester Kilby, James 3, Caroline Place, Mecklenburgh Sq.,W. Kilgour, John Cunningham Dundee Kimber, James Weaving Fyfield, Abingdon, Berks Kimberley, John Furrier ... Spa, Gloucester LIST OF SHARBIIULDERS. 89

Kimo, Mr.s. Murv ... Louth, Lincolnshire Kimlcr, Arthur, and 92, Cannon Street, E.C. Kiudcr, Thomas Williiini... Kinder, Arthur, and 92, Cannon Street, E.C. Kiudor, Susjiria Kinduriiiiinu, Frederick Louis Tokeuhousc Yard, E.C. King, linshell Ealing, W. King, (jroorgu Alcxundur Vine (Jotti^gc, Ronifoi'dj Road, Strat- ford, E. King, Josojdi Liverpoctl King, William 5, Oil Street, Liverpool King, INlrs, Elizuboth 15, Primrosi' Hill Koad, N.W. King, i\lrs. Mary ... 119, Asylum Road, Old Kent Road, S.E. King, R'ibcrt .Tones ]jrooktield, Burghlleld, near Reading King, ^Nlajor ^^'m. Aftleok ... 28, Lowndes Street, JJelgravia, S.W. King, John Foxley Lodge, Lymni, ur. Warrington King, Klizahcth ... Lockholnie, Ravenstouedale,V>'estnilnd.

King, Cadicrine ... Rebington, Torquay

King, ('n^~lYl^(J 07, '*>rougliani Road, Dalston King, damurf I'J, Adam Street, Rotherhithu

Kin^don, (Ji'orL, ; (Jauning ... Southeruhay, Exeter Kinpdon, Vv'illiam Duslnvood Spurtield, Exminster, Devon Kinghoru, d;!,iiic.s Mowbray... Windsor Cottage, Helensburgh Kingsl-ury, \Vm. Joseph 1, Blaudford Square, N.W. Kiugsford, Sampson (deceased) Exccntur, i'redk. K. Kings- ford 10, Tyrwihitt Road, Deptford, S.E. Kingsford, William 10, Tyrwhitt Road, Deptf(«rd, S.E. Kingston, John, and 112, Bishop.sgate Street, E.C. Hanson, John Oliver Kington, IMiilip Olip.vant ... 55, Old Broad Street, E.C. Kiuna, John 19, Daulby Street, Liverpool Kinnish, Daniel ... 107, Roscommon Street, Liverpool Kinross, Tin mas Loig Braco, Yorkshire Kippen, j\Iajor Horatio Nelson 2, North BeU street, St.Andrew's, N.B. Kippax, Jeremiah ... Parker Lane, Burnley Kirby, Ifenry iloddock 80, Huskisson Street, Liverpool Kirby, Thomas 24, Castle Street, Liverpool Kirby, CJeorge Oxeudcn,near JMarket Harbro' Kirby, llobert Beech Grove, Harrogate Kirby, Thomas William 80, Huskissou Street, Liverpool Kirk, Thomas 14, St. Ann's Square, Manchester Kirk, Jno. Fattinson 23, Soho Square, W.C. Kirk, J.anies Greentield Dolphin Lane, Boston Kirk, Gci.rgo High Street, King's Lynn Kirk, John Buckingham Villas, Headingley, Leeds Kirk, Samuel Hyde Park Road, Headingley, Leeds Kirk, Walter Westgate, Haltwhistle

Kirkby, Manuel ... Driffield, Yorks. Kirkpatrick, Alexander Bryce 7, Royal Bank Place, Glasgow Kirkpatrick, M. Jane 38, Ecclestone Square, S.W. Kirkpatrick, Thomas 40, Hope Street, Glasgow 90 OllANI) TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Kirkland, Ocorgo

Kiikwood, James ... Care of Strang cfc Keydeu, 83, St. George's Place, Glasgow Kirkua, Win. ISIillcr 192, North Hill Street, Liverpool Kirkus, Win. Millur, nutl 55, Cuthcriuo Street, Liverpool Flsk, Antliony Powell Kitchiu, JaiiR's I'opo Stock Exchange, E.C. Kitcliiu, William ... Beverley, Yorks. Kitchiu, Isaao Thorncote, The Dell, P.ockferry, Cheshire

Kitc'liin, Miss Pluobo • • • Ghyll Dank, Whitehaven

Kitchiug, Alfred ... • • t 5, I'arliiiment Street, Hull Kitchiug, Alfred, and 5, Parliament Street, Hull Field, llicliard

Kitcliing, Kobert ... Piok'ring

Kitchiug, llobert ... Diybarrows, Pampton, Penrith Kiteley, Joseph The Lakes, Kidderminster Kitaou, Edward :;4, (Jrcat Tower Street, E.C. Kitson, William Longmoor Villa, Ilford Koad, Strat- ford, E. Knibb.s, lJich;ird Ir.ines 24, Corrunna Road, Piittorsoa Kuighl, Henry Cloiikham House, Axmiusier, Devon Knight, .Tames Small Arms Hotel, Enfield Lock Kniglit, Edward ... Oxliueh, nr. .Stonehouse, (Uouccster.sli. Knight, Anthony ... Cai'o of Henry Knight, 1, ]toyal Ex- change Buildings, E.C. Knight, llcvd. Valentiue Thorncvoft Catherwood, and Leather! lead Knight Mrs. Elizabeth

Knight 1 William ... Osmaston Roa i, Derby Knight, Elizabeth ... Thorncrufl, Leatherliead Knight, Miss Alice Mary ... Thorncrofl, Lcatherhead Knight, Miss Katharinu Thorncroft, Leather!) ead KtiowIcs, Ralph (deceased) ... Grenville Hcmse, Ashtou-under-Ljme Ex'or. Robt. Knowles Lancasliiro Knowles, Charles ... Bingley, Yorkshire Knowles, James ... 304, Bank K(jad, ]>ootle, near Liverpool Knowles, James ... Ciuildford Street, Evcrt(jn Knowles, Andrew, junr. T!ie Poplars, Eccles, near Mancliester Knox, Robert, junr. 12, St. Vincent's Place, Glasgow Krauss, Sarah Maria Wilmslow, Manchester Kiihling, Christian HuU Kupli, John 18, Torriauo Avenue, Canidcu Road Kyffin, Elizabeth (deceased)... Extrx., Harriett Fazakerley The Castle, Denbigh Kyle, Revd. Johu ...... Clondrshid Macroom, Co. Cork KynockjJohu Shropshire Banking Company, Wel- lington, Salop .


Lack, Lfuuuty Kicliiirdsou ... :{, Warnford Court, E.G. 17, Castelnau N'illas, l>aruca, Surrey Lakiu, Micliiit'l Henry ^\'arwiek Luke, llohert Uoury Jli>(;k Cottage, Warwick Lakt', William (Address not known) Lallemaiid, iMrs. Sarah I'ardev House, Macclesfield Lalk-inand, .JdIiu Edward, nnd MacclesHeld Lallfiiiand, Frodcrick AiiiU'C! Land), Christ()j)lior... 42, Wilson Road, Candjcrwell, S.E. Laud), Chavk'H 80, Highbury New Park, N. Lamb, Tliomas King St., Wigan

Laiidu'd, iJ(i];]i ...... Can- of J. Garnet ct Co., 21, Sirutt Street, Manchester Lam]»long]!,]\Iiss Helen 11, Dullield Road, Derby Lamiiloiigli, litiuy lUi, Holborn Hill

Lane, Miss Sar;\h ... Folly Court, Wokingham

Lane, Samuel AltVed :J'J, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. Lanfear, Miss >iary Jauo Kennett Villa, T(ir([uay

Laiigford, Cliaile.i ... Knigliton, Radnorshire Langton, Cliark-H Augustus... Stanmoro House, Rirkdale Park, South port Lauyon, Georgo ... Tasnian Villa, Falmouth Lantlale, Thomr.s ... 4, Maylicld Terrace, Edinburgh Lancashire, dosli. Henry I'O, Cross Street, Manchester

Lane, John jjeiui ... Kilbogget House, Cabinteely, Co. Dublin Lane, William Andjrose 4, Lsliugton, Liverpool Lane, John Grove House, Highgato Road, N.W. Langdale, Thomjis Dove Cot House, Pickering, Yks. Langham, Mrs. Ann Mavcham Road, Abingdon

Langston, Albert ... r», Queen's Chambers, Mancliester Langton, William, and Liverpool Earle, Colonel \Villiaui

Langton, William ... Livci'pool Langton, William, and 1, Fenwick Street, Liverpool Lawrence, Wm. Fredk. Lanyou, John Charles Bedfortl Park, Croydon Lapraik, Thomas, M.D. S3, Sterling Road, Glasgow Larkworthy, William St. Leonard's, Victoria Road, Topsham Larkins, Zachariah William,, 35, Avenue Road, Lewisham, S.E. Larnach, Donald, and 5, Princes Street, E.G. Maclean, John Georgo Laurie, John Timothy Oxley 6, Boyne Terrace, Notting Hill Laurie, Robert Maxwelton Villa, Warwick Laurie, Robert Peter, and ... 22, Threadneedle Street, E.G. Milbauk, Fredk. Henry /.

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Laurie, James Park Street, Derby Laverack, John RawclifFe, near Selhy, Yorkshire Laverack, John, jun. Keadby Grange, near Doncaster Laver, John Camden House, the Park, Ealing, W. Laverton, David ... P,eUa Vista, Westbury, ^Vilt-j Law, George 9, Mincing Lane, E.G. Law, Wilhani Henry 2, New Ferry Terrace, liebington, Cheshire Law, David 0, Trongate, Glasgow Law, James Queen Buildings, Dale St., Liverpool Law, Miss Anne ... Moorland House, Cleckheaton Law, William The Treasury, Whitehall, S.W. Lawes, Edward Boweu HiU Side, Syilenham Hill, Sydenham Lawford, Thomas Acklaiul 51. Threadneedle Street, E.C, Lawford, George Stock Exchange, E.C. Lawn, William Sturdy Manchester Lawrence, Major-Gcnl. Arthur Clapham Common, S.W, Johnstone Lawrence, Sydney... 7, Angel Court, E.C. Lawrence, Mrs. Ann Ossett, near Wakelield LaAVrence, Lucia ... Woodlands Men-ow, (jiuiidford Lawrence, Edwin Henry ... Stock Exchange, E,C. Lawrence, Miss Marianne, M.J. 39, Pnlteney Street, Bath Lawrence, Captain Thomas ... Tlie ViUa, Bathaniptoii,near Bath Lawrence, William 3, Myrtle Street, Daltston, E. Lawrie, Andrew Thomas G, Lime Street, E.C. Lawrie, Andrew, and Mac- naughton, William 5, Threadneedle Street, E.G. Lawrie, James Dundas 29, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh Lawsou, Barbara ... C;irrist(ni-by-Markinch, Fifeshiro Lawson, Mrs. Cecil Selkirk Lawson, Robert, M.D. 20, Lansdowue Road, Notting Hill, Lawson, Thomas ... Carriston-by-Markiuch, Fifeshire Lawson, Miss Isabella Fleming Carristou-by-Markinch, Fifeshire Lawson, John, Jun. Forfar Lawson, Joseph 5, Staft'ord ViUa, Cotham Brow, Bristol Lawson, Henry Watson 2;J, Tavistock Place, Tavistock Sq., W. Lawson, John Ettric Brae Manse, Selkirk Lawson, John, and 14, St. Ann's Square, Manchester Ormrod, Joseph Lawton, John Old Brow, Mossley, near IMauchester Lawton, William ... High Street, HuU Lawton, John, Sen. Market Place. Stalybridge Lawton, George Market Street, Stalybridge Lawton, John, jun. Belgrave Place, Stalybridge Lawton, Joseph Henry 113, Briggate, Leeds Lax, John Mount Pleasant, Stockton-on-Tees Laxton, William Henry C, Butts, Coventry Lay cock, Isabella Yeadon, near Leeds Laycock, William, sen. (deceased) Executory Robert Crump ... Caroline Square, Skipton- in- Craven, Yorks LIST OP SHAREHOLDERS, 93

Lazenby, William ... Providence Gardens, Well Lane, Beverley Lea, Mrs. Elizabeth Mary ... Auckland Hill, Lower Norwood Leach, Robert Valentine Devizes Castle, Wilts Leader, Captu. Heury Eustace Mcmut Leader, Mill Street, Co. Cork Leader, Nicholas Philpot Bonteen, Co. Cork. Leader, Mrs. Dora...... Rosnalee, Bonteen, Ireland Leader, Nicholas Philpot, and Leader, Henry Leake, John Knight (Adilress not known) Learoyd, Mi's. Jane Prospect House, Clough, near Halifax Lo Blanc, Miss Elizabeth ... 2, Randolph Cliff, Edinburgh Le Brun, John (AiJdress notlnown) Le Fenvre, WiUiani Henry ... 28, ]3runswiok Gardens, Campden Hill, Kensington, S.W. Lea, Job ... Beach Lawn, Waterloo, near Liverpool Leadbetter, George Hirst ... Sandsdowne Terrace, Old TrafFord, Manchester Leaf, Matthew 3, Grove Terrace, York Lo Fevre, Henry Shaw, and Care of H. S. Le Fevre & Co., G, Warn- Le Marchant, Fras. Chas. ford Court, E.G. Lefe\T.-e, H. S. & Jo. 0, Warnford Court, E.G. Le Lachen, Isaac ... Guernsey Le Laclieur, James Derby Le Mare, John Thomas Stock Exchange, E.G. Le Marchant, James 17, Sion HiU, Bath Lee, Edward, and ... Bryaustone Square, W. Bloraefield, Robert Allan Lee, John Swanwick 43, Craven Street, Strand, W.C. Lee, Joseph High Bank, Heaton Chapel, near Manchester Lee, David The Laurels, Heaton Mersey, near Manchester Lee, William Randall Holme, Cumberland Lee, James Holwell Lonton Fields, near Nottingham Lee, Isabella Friend •ll, Waterloo Road, Waterloo, near Liverpool Lee, Mary Friend ... 41, Waterloo R^ad, Waterloo, near Liverpool Lee, Thomas 15, North John Street, Liverpool Lee, Geo. Henry ... Egerton Park, Rock Feriy. Chesiiire Lee, Charles Alfred, M.D. ... 1, Pr}-me Street, Hull Leech, Charles Denton ]3ury St. Edmunds Leech, James (deceased) Execvtr'u'., Ann Leech Waterworks Street, Huddersfield Leech, Robert BreckHey, Alma Road, Birkdale, Southport Leech, Joseph Farrau Manchester County Bank,-Ecclos, near Manchester Leach, John C haddock Street, Preston Leete, Miss Isabella 7, Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh Lees, James (deceased) JBxec«

Lees, Thomas Evans Hathorshaw, Oldham Lees, Richard Mayfield St. Mary Cluu'ch Road, Tor- quay Lees, James 195, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under- Lyno Lcgat, Andrew, M.D. South Shields Lcgat, John Trafalgar Lodge, Musselburgh, I i Ediui)urg]i Legat, Robert Esk I'ark, '"Musselburgh, X.I>. Legg, Cyrus Legg, Sidney Archer, 192, Bermondsey Street, E.G. CJregory, George, and Deune, Thonuis... Legg, William 11, FTanover Street, Liverpool Legg, Cyrus 192, Bermondsey Street, S.E. Legg, Cyrus, and ... 192, Bermondsey Street, S.E. Tyson, Jane Leicester, Rev. John Augustus Clare Lodge, Market RaRcu. Leigh, Fanny (Addres'is not knov> n) Leigh, John Mills ... 37, Market Street, Mau(;hester Leishmaii, James ... Gateacre lIall,Wooltoii, near Liverjwol Lempriere, Arthur Reid Ciire oC Ciiptain (ieo. Lcnipriare, B;tnk of Eniilaml, Liverpool Leng, William Steadman 30, LycMon Ter.,3Iouut Frc^itou, Ltieds Lennox, M.D., Walter Walker Hamilton Lennox, Peter 5, Elgin Place, Stratliburglis, near Glasgow Lennon, Rev. John Joseph ... Wehl Bank, near Chor'ey, Lancashire Lepinc, Rev. Stephen Abingdon Leonard, Crossley... 11, Whiteladics Road, Clifton, Biistol Leresche, John Henry Proctor Li m olio Id, ]]roughtou Lane, Lower Broughi'Ui Leonino, Ippolito ... 24, Great AVinchester Street, E.C. Leresche, Alfred ... 80, Geneva Road, Brixton, SAV. Leslie, Tlcnry Michael 7, Fenchnrch Street, E.G. Davidson, Robert Elias Lestapis & Co. Caro of Baring Brotl>ers and Co., 8, Bishopsgate Street, E.C. Levien, Abraham (deceased) Exor., Augustus Hendricks 62, Queene-bornugh Torrnco, Bnyswatcr Levy, Reuben 51, Sjiencer Street, Clorkenweli, E.C.

J'- '"< (I Levin, Miss Kate ... 20, Randolplx Roawcastle-on-Tyno Lewis, Benjamin ... St. James' Street, Liverpool Lewis, Miss Ellen ... Caro of Rev. Recs Lo^'d, Bclper Lewis, Rowland Watkin, and Goldthorn Hull, Wolverlianiptoa Douglas Stuart LIST OF SHAKEHOLDERS. 95

Lewis, Captain David 4, Percy Place, Bath Lewis, David Phillips GuilsfieUU Vicarage, Welshpool Lewis, Edwin Penns Fields, Wolverhampton Lewis, John Halifax Lewis, Rowland Watkin Penns Fields, Wolverhampton Lewis, Revd, George 4, Rill Bank Terrace, Edinburgh Lewia, Joliu 91, Bi'idge Road, Bat tcrs-ea Lewis, Stephen Kinsale Lewis, William Rowe, and ... The High Beech, Hollingtou, near Sqnire, Edmund Bernard Hastings Lewis, William Rowc, and ... The High Beecii, Hollington, near

Eodick, J r I net Preston Hastings Loyoester, William Wrixoii ... Ennismore, Cork Liberty, George ... Nottingham Liddell, John Mickley Co.d Cffice, Quayside, Ncw- castle-on-Tytie Liddell, Matthew ... PriKihoe Hall, Prridhoc-on-Tyiio Liddell, Miss li-iabeUa Maria... i;8, Jjrisl)ane Street, Greenock Liddiard, Edwin James .,» (Address not known) Liddle, Edwin Jackson 10, Rhodes Street, Halifax Liddle, Mrs. Ellen... 10, Rhodes Street, Halifax Liggius, Thomas Pearson 20. '^"ictoria Villas, King Edward Road, Hackney, E. Lighton, Thomas ... Brixton Rive, S.W. Lightfoot, Ilov. Cai-ion Joseph Barber ... Trinity College, Cand)riln, James Mr.Tilley's, High Strect,Woodgi-ecn, X. Linden, Baron Hugo do 7, Albeenstr Stuttgart, Wurtemburg Lindner, Maximilian ]5road Street, Birmingham Lindsay, Charles ... Ridge I'ark, Liuiark Lindsay, James 10, Northumberland St., Edinburgh Lindsay, James ...... Sc

Little, William 21, Park Square, Rt-geut's Park, N.W. Litlcr, Jas. Potter ... Stamford Street, j\sliton-under-Lyue Little, George Burnage Lane, Levenshulme, Man- chester Little, Miss Mary Jane, j'ln.. 12, Stanley Crescent, Kensington Park Gardens, Notting Hill, W. Little, Annie 12, Stanley Crescent, Kensington Park Gardens, Notting HiU, W. Littlewood, Miss Sarah Grace Packers Row, Chester iiold Littlejohii, Alexander 10, Throgmorton Street, E.G. Littleton, John Skinham, St. Stephens, Cornwall

Littlewood, WiHiam Kelson, tV' 3, Avenue Park Road, Lovrer Norwood Tate, William Rev.

Livesey, Miirtin C), Romford Place, Liverpool Livesey, William ... 3Iarket Place, Preston Liversidge, Wm. Henry Turret Lodge, Victoria Park Road, E. Liviii gstone, John ... 7, Straethern Road, Ediulturgh Lloyd, Alfred Edwin Little Budworth, near Tarporley Lloyd, Jesse Ballybeck, Monaghan, Ireland

Lloyd, John Horatio J , King's ]3ench Walk, 'i'emplo, E.C. Lloyd, Alfred Edwin, au'l ... Common Side, Little Budworth, near Austin, William 'J'arijoriey Lloyd, Sampson Samuel, and ]Moorhall, Sutton Coalfield, near Bir- Kenriek, Timothy mingham Lloyd, Thomas Sowcrby Bridge, Halifax Lloyd, Wm. Watkiss :3 Kent Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Lloyd, Joseph HoAvjml Francis Sutton, Surrey Lloyd, Rev. Rees Lewis Belper, Derbyshii-c

Lloyd, Theodore, Jun. Stock E ., E.C. Lh)yd, Joseph Howard Francis LlanL' ! •niarthc sliir;

Lloyd, Richard George Davies 48, ^A ,>: • ..,. Park Villas, \V.

Lloyd, Thomas 05, H I-. t, Birmingham

Lloyd, Thomas Edward Coediw .. Cifdiofan jobley, Joseph Han ley, Staffordshire

Lock, Henry, and ... Dorchester May, Frederick Lock, William Crown Street, Halifax Lock, William Henry Instow, North Devon Lockhart, Humphrey C. Cowley Hill, St. Helen's, Lancashire Lockett, William ... Spring (vardens, Manchester Lockwood, Benjamin .., Grange Moor, near Wakefield Locock, Major Herbert, li.E. 4, Pennsylvania Park, Exeter Loder, Giles (deceased)

Actiiuj ExecutorJ James 13, Austin Friars, E.C. Murray Wilson Lofthouse, Dyas ... Coitingham, near Hull Lcgan, Charles Bowman 23, Queen Street, Edinburgh Logan, James Pender 3, Falkner Street, Liverpool Lomer, Edward ... Roniilly, near Lymington Long, Henry Woodlands, ICnutsford Long, Godfrey ... Spofforth, near Wetherby " Long, Henry Holme Gl , Val Plaisant, St. Heliers, Jersey fi


Loiigbottom, James Greenbank, Cueetham Hill, near ^Maiieheslcr Lougbottoia, John... Copley Hall, near Halifax Lougbottoin, Henry Gomer.ial, near Ljeds Lougdeld, iJuv. Gieiii'ge 1, Eariisfor;! TerraLie, Dublin Lougl'oi'd, Joseph ... Upluuls, Stroud Loiigsdoii, Alfred ... 1, Crown liuildings. Queen Victoria Street, E.C.

Lord, Mr,^. AEavv ... Suu!iyBank,l>owdouStrcei;,ManclK'ster Lord, Kieluird o, Union Stp.iare, Bury, Lancashire Loruie, Joliu Rosemount, Kirkcaldv. Fife, X.B. Lorymcr, Ernest George Bristol Loryjuer, Miss Emma Maria 10, Adelaide Placn,, Bristol Lorymer, Edward ... 5, Cotham Place, Bristol Lotimer, James Dumfries Lott, Edward Derby Louttit, James Trafalgar Road, Greenwich Lovatt, Heiuy IG, Castle Street, Liverpool Lovcridge, Samuel Chapel Ash House, Wolverhamptoii Loveridge, Henry ... Wolverhampton Low, David Nith Bank, Dundee Low, Samuel Miller Moiiilieth, Dundee Lowe, i'obert High Street, Stalybridgo Lowe, Alexander Fairweatlier ^•i, Westbourne Terrace, W. Lowsoi), Jobu, Jun. Forf:ir Luwden, Joseph G2, SpringficM Place, Leeds Lowe, Joseph Corbett Queen Insurance BuiMings, Liverpool Lowe, Edward Jackson Laiisdown Grove, Bath Lowe, Marian Susan Xewstead House, Stamford

Lowndes, Richard Charles ... Rice House, West Derby, Liverpool Lowne, William Charles Newmarket Terrace. Norwich Lucas, Charles Thomas Great George Street, S.W, Lucas, Edward 1)8, Buckingham Road, Brighton Lucas, Bernard Haslaud Hall, Chestcrlield Lucas, Mrs. Helen 11, Westbourne Terrace, W. Lucas, Robert Soho Foundry, Newry, Ireland Lucas, Thomas St. Giles, Oxford Lucas, Miss Hannah Care of Taylor and Backhouse, 5, Tokenhouso Yard, E.C. Lucas, John Frederick Bristol Lucking, William ... Great Waltham, Essex Luke, An thony Redruth, Cornwall Lukyn, Thomas 3, Wyndham Place, W. Lumgair, Charles Woodhcy Woodhey Rock Ferry, Birkenhead Lumsdaine, Stamford Robert Lathallan, CoUiuaburgh, Fifeshire Lumsden, Joha Hull Lund, George 12, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, Lundie, Waudby ... Dalston Terrace, E. Dalston Lupton, Banister ... Beechcroft, Coxlodge, near Newcastle Lush, Edward John Deptford, Bath Lush, George Care of Samuel Lush, 50, King Street, Portsea, Hampshire Luscombe, John Bouker 23, Fore Street, Kingsbridge 08 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANAPA.

Luxford, Jolm Odiarnc, and Higham Hou' ?, Hurst Green, Sussex Luxford, Miss Mnriou Luxford, John Odiai'ne Higham House, Hurst Green, Sussex Ly.ill, Charles 55, Sus-'ox Gardens, \V. Lj'idl, William ... INIenzie Criell', N.B. Lylu, Tlioiuas, M.D. Wonford House, Exeter Lyne, Miss Mary Sarali IG, St. James's Place, Alfred Street, Plymouth Lyon, Edward Johnson Hall, Eccieshall, Staffordshire Lyon, William Chorley, Lancashire Lyon, Frederic Leighford Hall, near Stafford Lyon, Thomas Arthur Whitecroft, Lockerby, N.B.

Lyster, George Fosbcry • •• Dockyard, Liverpool

Lyth, llevd. John, D.D. « • • Arlington Street, Anlaby Road, Hull, M

Mabcrloy, Colonel Evan 1, Lombard Street, E.G. M;icAndrew, James 3, Lombard Street, E.C. Mao;ul-im,Lieut.-Col. James... 4, Bedford Terrace, l?edford Macandrew, Donald MuTiro ... Bridge of Allan, near Stirling, N.B. Macarthur, Alex. John, M.D... Anstruther, Fife Macaiday, William llobert ... Hatfield ]3road Oak, Harlow, Essex Macbeau, James ... Duncan Place, North Broadford, Aberdeen MacBrayne, John Burns 17, Exchange Square, Glasgow Macdouald, Mrs.Jane Hannah Care of H. D. Rhodes,

^•i Friend, John B., and Throgmorton Street Chambers, E.C. Lewin Friend ]Macdonald, Jane Hannah ... Care of Hy. D. Rhodes, Throgmorton Street Chambers, E.C. Macdonald, Jan Care of H. Dy. Khodes, Throgmorton Street Chambers, E.C. Macdonnell, Major William... The Castle, Carlisle Macdonald, David St. Andrew Street, Aberdeen Macdonald, John (deceased) m.'-co'tor, Dr. J. Macdonald 204, High Street, Lincoln Macdonald, Tertius 13, Catherine Street, Edinburgh Macd(jnald, James 48, South Street, Park Lane, VV. Macdonahl, Donald 4, Isabella Place, Combo Down, near iiath i^Lacdonald, Archild Burns ... Glencoe TtLicey, Charles Uriah Holly Lodge, Hauwell Macfarlane, James, and 1, Gresham Buildings, Basinghall Macfarlane, John Street. E.G, Mackinlay, David ... G, Great Western Terrace, Hillhead, jNLackinlay, William Glasgow AVart, James, and Mackinlay, Jam s "'-urray ]\Iacfarlanfe, John 2, Campden Hill Road, Kensington

Macfarlan, Robert, r n C, Rue End Street, Greenock Macfarlau, Grace LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 99

Macfie, Aloxaudcr ... The Clydesdale Rank, Whitliorr., N.B. MaoGoorgo, IJertiard Buchauau If), St. Vincent Plaoo, ({lasgow

Macgrc'goi , Malcolm ]0, Duu

Mackay, Jaii'os McGregor ... 132, ]' • luswick S([uaiv, Jitlghton IMackreli, TK>»mas 5, Union Terrace, Jjarnstaple Mackereth, llevd. Miles Patringtou, near Hull Mackill, Robert Cathcai-t Cadziiw Street, Haniilt;)n ,1. IMackiUop, Jolm ... 103, West Regent Stret-t, Glasgow Mackoll, Miss Amelia 24,ClareudouGardous,Mai

Mackiulay, David ... G, Great Western Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow Mackiulay, David ... 6, Great Western Terrace, Hillhead, Mackinlay, John Glasgow Laws(m, John, and Mackinlay, James Murray Mackenzie, James Auchenheglish, Alexandria, N.B.

.C. Mackenzie, Walter GG, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Mackenzie, James Forbes ... 33, Almada Street, Haniiltou ton Mackenzie, William 9, St. John Street, Stirling Macla'ell, William (deceased) :on Exor., Thomas Mackrell ... 5, Union Terrace, Barnstaple Maclean, William ... 10, Somerset Place, Glasgow MacLean, Robert ... Bank of Scotland, Hillhead, Glasgo Maclean, Alexander, and Reid, William Sheill 11, Old Broad Street, E.G. MacLeod, Jolm Neil Kii'kcahly Macnair, Alexander Hill ... 2, Albert Terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man Macintyre, Thomas 8, West Claremont Street, Edinburgh lear MacLachlan, Revd. Archibald Newton Valence, near Alton, Hants Neil Campbell MacLelland, Thomas North Balfour, by Dumfries MacNish, Alfred ... 77, Old Broad Street, E.G.

Ixall Macnicoll, Archibald Stock Exchange, E.C. MacRosty, Alexander Stock Exchange, E.C. MacRosty, James... Crielf, N.B. MacVine, John Cioth Market, Newcastle- on- Tyue MacLean, William, jun. 98, West George Street, Glasgow Macfarlane, James 1, Gresham Buildings,Basing]iall Street MacMillan, George 59, Grange Road, Edinburgh Macqueeu, Fitzherbert M. ... The Hermitage. Melt »u, Woodbridge I p


McArtluir, .TiUiiL's ^[itclu'll ... [i, Cook Street, Liverpool

Mcliliuiic', Frederick AVilliani 3 22, Lower Bayot Street, Duhlin MeCouiiell, 8(Ti,'t.-]VIiij()i" .Joliu iSHth Iveginieut, Cam]), Colchester ]McCiill, Lieut. -Col. Jiuues ... (llyntown House, (Uanmire, Co. (.'ork McCalluiu, Diuiicl ... Stanlio])e, Darlington 31cCk'iuy, NatluiU... Lauuholiii, N.I5. McCalintiiit, }[. 15, i'hilpot Lane, E.C. H(tgg, Sir James AVeir, and H()g,i,% Lieut. -Ci)I. Ja.s. Weir McCuimis, Aveliiliald Caro of Brovincial Bank of Ireland, Dul)liu McCoimacliic, Jolin 80, Ard;.'ovvau Street, Glasgow McCuniiick, John ... I, All)evt IV'rrace, Lc^ndun Iload, Stranraei-, N.B. ]V[cCullocli, David Barbour ... II, Dale Street. Liverpool McCraitli, \Villiaiii Park Street, Xottinghanx •Dowall, J(»liu Samuel Glasgow Brock, William McDowall, Hugh Shaw and Anderson, Thomas McDonald, Mrs. Sarah 136, Southampton Row, Russell Square McDonald, Cluw. Christopher Renfrew McDonahl, Alexander 210, West Regent Street, Glasgow McDonnell, Randal 4, Springfield Crescent, Jersey McEwen, Kohert ... Manchester McFarlane, Batrick Comrie, Crieff, X.B. McGavin, .John 4, West Nile Street, Glasgow McCarell, Charles ... 2. Belgrave Squai-e, S.W. McGillivray, Duncan Bridgewater House, Cleveland Sq., S.W. McG rigor, Sir Chas. Roderick, 25, Charles Street, St. James's Square, Bart. S.W. McHaffie, Samuel ... Wigton, N.B. Mclnnes, Mrs. Mary Temperance Hotel, 12, Hutchison Street, Cdasgow McTntyre, David ... 13, Bridge Street, Glasgow Mclntyre, James ... 21, Kensington Gate Mcintosh, James Alexander... 30, Molesworth btreet, Dublin McKay, James The Hermitage, 29, Clifton T>.ark, Birkenhead McKefizie, J^-Im ... Custom House, Droglieda McKelvie, Alexander Torrington, Devon McKewan, WiUiam, and 21, Lombard Street, E.C. Gray, James McKini, Alexander 7, Ronald Street, Glasgow McLaclilan, Charles 17, Redcliffe St., Brompton, S.W. McLeod, Donald ... 3, Csilthoi-pe Ter., Gray's Inn Rd.,W.C. McLaclilan, Mra. Dorothy ... Whinwell, Stirling McLauclilau, John ... St. Neots, Huntingdonshire McLean, WiUiam ... 98, Fife Place, Glasgow McLean, William ... ••• Stand Lodge, Radcliffe, Manchester McMillan, Rev. John Kirkcudbright, N.B. Wood, Rev. George, and Gordon, Robert McCartney .


MuMilkii, Rev. John • •• Kirkcudbright, N.P>. McMill.'in, Duj^al.l... • • • Clydesdale Jiank, Glasgow MolMilliui, AiKlruw... :')7, West Nile Street, (ilasgow MoXal), Angus H. IM.'s Customs, Maldon McXaii;,'lit<>u Donald, Kirkcaldy, N.Ji. McNii.'ol, (tunryo lUnnio 0, Ibrox Place, Ibrox. (Jlasgow McXiel, James 100, r>erkeley Street, < Ilasgow McQueen, Georyc ... Norwood Villas, Rushbrook, Queens- town McQuiston. Finlay 43, Cathcaii Street, Greenock Mcfn'egor, Nicnl ... 1, Antin

McConncll, Alexander ] 4G, Rriggate, Leeds McCowan, lvo1)eit, and 87, St, Vincent Street, Glasgow Houst(m, Andrew McDowrail McLean, Neil 0, Danube Street, Edinburgh McKniglit, Alexander 1, Lyiiton Place, Balsall Heath, near Birmingham McCunnell, John ... jNIosley Street, Manchester McCreath, Isabella Hepl)urn 25, Winterbottom Street, South Shields McArtliur, John William ... Springbank, Turton, Rolton-le-Moors McCulhwh, Alexander Mc- 13 7, Exchange Buildings, West, Liver- Gowan pool McEntee, Michael The Model Farm, Cork McHoul, David 241, Argyll Street, Glasgow McMillan, David ... Denny, N.B. McCall, Samuel Balmano Street, Glasgow McConnell, John ... Care of George Booker

?irivitlilli(l, Kt'vd. lliowiiloW ... 41, IMoutagu Square, W. West, Vv w Hiiiry 3liittliew,tt Darky villnir Fit/.-Hfury ^Tiiiiilaiul, Diivid ... Tbo Grove, Stratf»jrd, Essex MainprJcc, l\(il)iiKi, Diclcio ... Yew Bank, Bow den, Cheshire jMi'Jtluis, jMajor hiyck'uliaia Care (.f Cox i^ Co.. Craig's Court, S.W. ^slalcolni, VVilliiim ... 2, (Jeorge Tlace, Edinburgh 'M.'dkin, Anliur Tlioma- 21, Winipule Street, W. Mallet, Char k'S Audit Oflice, Somerset House, ^V.C. Mallet, Sir Louis, Tj;. India Olliee, Whitehall, S.W.

Mallet, Frercs dz Co. Care of S. Dobriu! A' Sons, (», Token- house Yard, ]'kC. ^lallinsdii, ^VilliaIu Woodviih^ House, Hudderslield ^laltby, William ... lletford, Notts Maltoii, TiiL'Ut.-Cdl. Jaiii('s((l('c.)

E.i'ici'tiir, William Walker 4,Tl!c Tcrrace.Gordo . ^ -^d, rcckhani, Fuller S.E. Maiiu, .Taiues Wright Warwick 31auley, Hubert St. .John's Conjnion, Hiivstpierpoint, Sussex. IMaugks, James f[enry 7, Fig Tree Court, Temple, E.G. Maugies, Charles Edward ... i'oyle Park, Farnham, SurroN' M Jingles, lioss IJoimelly 43, ^\'impole Street, W. Manlove, Simeuu, J.l*. Stubbing Park, Chesterlield Mansliekl, William On, (;rafton Street, Dubliji Mauscll, \\'alier 1 4, York Terrace, High Sireet; Buttcrsca

IkJansrield, Miss ]\Iargaret (deed, ) E,i\cufiir, Johu .Mausikld... (Address not known) Mautle, ^N'illiam (jlrim\\u()d... 2, Leicester Square. W.C. Mares, Frederick ... 79, (U-afton Street, Dublin Mares, Sarah ...... Cullcuswood House, Bam'; gli, Dublin Mavi's, Frederick Holland and Burr, rilichael Margery, J/eter John C, Wit gfield Villas, Stokv. Devonpert Margfristju, Ednnuid 11), Market Place, Alauelu,.:er Margii-;;^ou, Anne Ariiulia C. ... Dock Street, Fleetwood Marliug, Thcuna:} ... King Street, Gioucister Mark, Tlunuas Ividik'rminster Maruiont, Jauies, and 20. Bury Street, St. JmncHK, S.W. Sclaisler, Saiuucl L, ">

]MarnHii!, Janic-; kL .anlcy Park, Litlierkai'J, nr. Liverpool Mariih,.nj, Henry ... Stock Exchange, E.C. MaridKUii, Fr: ncis John The Hollies, Boxmoor. llorts Marnliam, dtihn Stock Exchange, E.C. Mari'uw, William John Weaver Buildmgs, l>mnsA\ick Street, Liverpool

Marriott, Thomas Batman ... London lload, King's Lynn

Marriott, Alfred ... Vraketield, Yorksl 1 iro Marriott, William Thomas ... V» akclield. Yorkshire Marris, Mrs. Lilla... TO, Hyde Park Gate, W. Marris, Thomas Worksop Marris, Faui 13' Helen 5, Crown Terrace, Anlaby Road, Hull Marris, Frances Elizabetli ... 5, Crown Terrace, Anlaby Road, Hull LIST OF SIIAREHOLDEUS. 103

Marsh, Jiinms Henry ((U^cd) EjccciUo)', Eihvard Mursh... Alliany Villa, Dartmonth lioad, Sydenham !Marsl), Etlsvanl Alliany V'illa, Dartmouth lload, Sydeidiam !Mavsli, J<)?;t'[)h Paul T)enm;irk Place, Accrington ^Marshall, .Jaiuo.-i liailsido Cottage, Duntermlinci ]\Iai'.s]iall, Iauv. Jolm Greetland Vicarage, Halifax J\rai'shall, Joliii .Monway Ironworks, near We.lnesbnry lMarsli;ill, William IJurton ... Old ihi'i! Street, Liverpool Mai'sliall, lluv. Janius li;j, \'ietIan- chester LMarsliui'!, IlL'i'l)cvt -loliusou... TJradiortl Xew 3Iill, near Llanchestcr ]MarsLui([, ilubi rt ... .Manchester MarsLiiul, Hoiiry KcLsall Hayjio -ijank, Muttram, Cheshire Marson, William (deed) Ejcccntriy, Jlrs. EUca Codwiu r^Iarsou Bnttei-hill, Stailord Marsduu, Iliuliard Andrew ... 4, Lewisham Pohit, Blackheath, S.E. Marten, He v.iiuburtHumphroy 5;;, Blesxington Poad, Lee, S.E. Martin, xVrtliur West JJuckland, South Molton Martin, Joliu Ivent Place, Kendal ]\Iartiu, CIkivIcs Ed'.s-ard Mcn-e.on-in-jMarsh

Martin, -Jolm Stfairo L. C. cl' 1). Hy. Co., Chatham Martin, (jlcurgo Hnbert's JJridge, Boston !^[artin, Jumes 50, Arnndol S(|Uare, Parnsbnr^ Martin, Iloburt 08, Lnmbard Street, E.G. Martin, James, jnu, 08, Loiul)ard Street, E.C. Martin & Company 05, Lombard Street, E.C. Martin, Ceorge Peter Higiibiuds, Emswortli, Hants Martin, Thomas 49, Castle Street, Edinburgh Martin, Edmund ... (Address not known) Martin, Miss Ellen 17, Grosvenor Place, Hyde Park Corner, S.W, Martin, William ... Dardauoclc, Dunsion Kirk, Dumfries Martin, Georgo 9, Dick Place, Grange, Edinburgh Marti]icau, (iJastim... Esher, Surrey

MartiiJcan, Fliilip Meadows... (I, Cliristiau Street, E. Martinson, John ... Belliiigham, Nov thumbcrland Martinoan, John ... HecliliLld, Winchliehl, Hants Martin, George 9, Dick i'lace. Grange, Edinlmrgli Marsh, Thomas Edward Miller o4, Grosvenor Place, Bath Marsden, William ... Clifton, ne;ir Brighouse, Yorkshire Marshall, Adam Lochmaben Marsh, George Queen's Park, Chester Marshall, Thomas ... New Street, Lancaster Masefield, George ... Ledbury, Herefordshire Mason, Richard Arnclilie, Skipton, Yorkshire Mason, Philip Brookes Burton-on-Trent Massey, Mrs. Ann Maria \ ernon Street, Derby Massey, William Mai'tiu Kedlestou E-oad, Derby i| "r


Master, Egcrton Pliilip Chester, Liverpool IMastcnnjiu, John (duccased) Excrvfor, Williaiu F. Care of John Salmon, 50, King Street, Mastennan lontli Sliiclds IMastt'rniaii, Tlionins \'Villiam 4, Spencer Hill, Wimbledon, S.W. MaHtovman, William Fairies tt Care of John Salmon, 50, King Street, Mastennan, CleveLuxl South Shields Mastennan, AVilliam Fairies Care of John Salmon, 50, King Street, Mastennan, Clcvelainl South Sliields

r»lan(li()rd, Ceo. Fielding, i\:

Weller, Edward ... Matchani, Miss Aim 8, Arundel Street, Stran

^i'f )•.»•., Mrs. Ann Matthew Care of John Ferguson, Aberdeen Mathews, George ... Richard's Castle, Ludlow Matthews, xVm;e Green, 25, Derwent Road, South Penge Park, Mattliews, E. Briudil, and Aiierley Matthews, Mary ]>right Matthews, William 25, Derwent Road, South Penge Park, Aiierley Matthewn, Emily ... DritHeld, Yoikshire Matthews, Mason Oswald Hurworth-on-Tecs, near Darlington Matthews, William Edgar ... Care ofPraeds & Co., ISO, Fleet Street, E.C. Matthews, Geor;ie Dewar ... 41, Reform Street, Dundee Matthews, Margaret Prince of Wales Tavern, Hendon, N.W. MattheAvs, William (Address not known) Matthews, Charles James ... Kilkenny House, Sion Hill, Bath Maule, John Cross, Duniblane, N.B. Maunsel, Rev. Richard Dixie 25. Ayle.slnuy Road, Merrion, Dul^lin Mannsell, George Woods Meri'ion Square South, Dublin Maiirer, Miss Sophia Coulsden, near Croydon Mawby, Eliza Jane Ramsey, Isle of Man Mawby, C. J. Ramsey, Isle of Man Mawdesley, Fredk. Leyland ... Lendal, York Mawson, Henry Thomas The Holly Bush, Han*ogate

Maxton, John 1 75, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Maxwell, Archibald Care of Robert (.Maxwell, Brunswick Street, Liverpool Maxwell, Major- General George Vaiigh an United SeiTice Club, PaU MaU, S.W. Maxwell, Maxwell Hyslop ... 30, King Street, Liveii^ool Maxwell, Rev. Robert Walter Saint Ann's Hill, Co. Cork Maxwell, Thomas ... Brunswick Street, Liverpool Maxw ell^ W'illiam ... Liverpool .


Ma^ well, Alfred ... Landican, near Birkenhead jMay, Charles Osbunio 42, North Audloy Street, W. JMay, Edwin Coomb lioiise. Craven Road, Reading IMay, Fraucis Reigate, Surrey jMay, (ieorge, jun. ... 43, Castle Street, Reading iVfay, Ji )sepli Devonport JMa;r, FiMuk, Bank of England, E.G. May, Edmuml Royindds, i^ Irwin, Liav. J;imos William May, Heury Parrott Ridge Hill, Sutton, Macclesfield ]May, William 4, Brtnxd Street, Ramsgate i^Jay, Joi^uph ICG, Woodland Terrace, Trafalgar Road, East Greenwich iMay, Jdliu Macclesticld I'layno, Rev. Frederick 0.;way liearstead Vicarage, Maidstone ^IMayuard, Joseph ... 7, Adelaide Villa, East Cowes Park, Isle of Wight iMa.yo, Miss Mavy Elizabeth... Oakhill, Hampstead, N.W. IMayo, Miss Agues Matilda ... Oakhill, Hampstead, N.W. IMayo, Miss Martha Constanco Oakhill, Hampstead, N.W. Tklayo, Miss Anna Katliariue OakhU, Hampstead, N.W. IMayo, Miss Mary ... Dorking, Surrey i\Iayo, Rev. Theodore Riverdale, Dorking, Surrey JMayor, Rev. R(/;>t. Bickersteth Frating Rectoiy, Colchester iVFaynard, Mrs. Rachel 32, Rochester Road, Camden Town Maund, Miss Sarah Care of A, Keejxe, Esq., Furze Hill, Redhill, Surriy JMaude, William, and Greetlaud, neat- Halifax Maude, Alfred ... IVIauud, Miss Eliza Furze Hill, Redhill

Mamid, Edwin 1 9, University Street, W.C. Mawdesley, James Piatt Castle Street, Liverpool jMajor, William C, Polygon, Clifton, Bristol IMason, William 32, Westbank, Chorley New Road, Bolton Maitland, Henry ... Duddingston, Edinburgh Mayhew, Walter ... Wigan Maden, Houry Littleborough, near Manchester IMahoney, William Augustus & Xaish, Richard ... National Bank, Dublin Maw, Xawton 12, St. Hilda Terrace, Whitby, Yorks. Magrath, John Lockhart Tynan, County Armagh Mason, John Herring Devon and Cornwall Bank, Tavistock Meade, Rev, William Oakhill, Bath Meara, John Cumberland Sq., Parsonstown, Ireland Medley, Arthur Ouvry, and 45, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Medley, Miss Charlotte N. Medley, Arthur Ornery 45, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Medcalf, Edwin ... 78, Fort Road, Upper Grange Road, S.E Meek, Alexander Grant Hillworth, Devizes, Wilts Meikle, Thomas ... View field House, Pollokshields, Glasgow Meikle, Christopher Abercorn Terrace, Portobello Meikle, William ... 5, Overton Street, Edge Hill, Liverpool rn—T-


Meiklejolin, John ... 11 f), Ingram Street, Glasgow

Meinertzhagcii, Diiniel Care of Huth

Menzies, Graluun ... Philiphaugh, Selkirk, N.P. Menzies, Robert (deceased) Eyccntfix, ]\Irs. Margaret Heriot Street, Invcrkeithiiig. N.B. Menzies Menzies, John Llauberis Menzios, 1-l'iberfc Henry 5;3, North John Street, Liverpool Merri'ees, llohert ... 51, Argyle Street, Glasgovr Kielnird Oxton., ncf.r Mern J 3, "WiUan Terrace, Birkenhead Messer, llohert 0, Tlirogmorton Street, E.C. Metcalf, ^liss IMary 19, Viivk Street, Bolton Metcalf, Hemy 1, Register Terrace, Bevei'lcy Metcalfe, Jolni An^Tistus, M.D. Ings House, Hawes, licilale, Yovks Metcalfe, Anthony... Park House, RaveniitoucJaie, Wo^jt- inoreland Metcalfe, Amhony Vroedhuid Collieries, Coc'cfield, Dar- 1 lington

Metcalfe, Charles E'lvrard ... (Adtlress not know^n) Metcalfo, Tiioiiias Atkiusoa... 2, CiiW])er's Court, E.G. Melton, Jolin Thomas Care of ^Messrs. Hills and Underv.'ood, Distillers, Norwich Meek, Sir James, and ]\Iiddlethorpe Lodge, near Yorjc Hill, David Meikle, jSIrs, Helen Edgar ... 11, Abercorn Terrace, Portol)ello

Michell, John Edward Care of Cox it Co., Craig's Cr , S.V.

Mickktiiwait, John Pollard Pent]'ein, Caerlecm, jMrmrnovilishi: 3

Mickletluvaite, Ivichard A rdsli.'y House, near Barurdey, Y <.)rk _ iiirc Midgley, William ... Colue, Laucasliire Midland T/md and Investment

Corporation { Limited) 42, Waterloo Street, Biruiipgham Mill, Joint Stnart (deceased) Ej^icntric, Miss Helen Taylor Avignon, France Millar, Mrs. Ann ... United Presbyterian MaTis,:>, i»Iel]iven, Perthshire Millbank, IVIrs. Kezia 2, Hanover Park, Rye Lau(\ Peclcham

Milledge, John Oiildey 1 1, IManor Road, tloUoway, N. Miller, John 71, Queen Street, Glasgow


Miller, John, and 71, Queen Street, Gla.sgow Ferguson, James H. Miller, Lachlan McPlierson... Turrifi; N.B. Miller, Revel. Edward The Vicarage, Butler's Marston, Kiuettin, ^\'arwiclv Miller, Arthur Wellesley 12, ^^'indsor Street, Edinburjli Miller, Peter 8, Jjellevue Terrace, Ediubiugh Miller, Kevd. Ediuund 82, East Hill, Colchester Miller, Kichartl Arinit Dundee Miller, l'icli;ird Aruiit, and ... Dundee Gordon, .John Miller, Kolicrt 10, Pais.sell Place, Dublin Millican, John Croft Terrace, Alston, Cumbuilaml

Milling, Mi'n. Jessie 14, Frandington Place, iS'i wca.dlo Milligan, John Swan 13, George Street, E(iinl)urg]i MiUigan, Sirs, liachel 4, King Henry's Ivoad, East End,^ Primrose Bill, N.W. Millns, Adolphns Frederick Windsor MiUs, Edwartl W. (deceased) Executor Rt. Hon. Lord J Wolvert«-n 07, Loiuliard Street, E.G. Mills, George lielmonr, ChigweU, Essex Mills, Mis-s ElizaLeth Ennua Tlie JManor, Loughfall, Co. Armagh Mills, Thomas Hemy IS, West S(jUare, Scarboiuii^.Ji Mills, Cliarlcs Stewart 02,TheAlbauy,Ukl Hall Strut^t,Eiverpool

Mills, Thomas ] 8, Soutlnv-ick Street, Cambridge Square Mills, Sir Charles Ileury,Bart. Caiiielford House, Park Laue Miln, J(.!-sie Scott... 4, (iarlaud Place, Dundee Milne, Charles deceased) Exccuiri.-', Mrs. Martha E. jMidtUu Deal, Kent Mihio

Milne, Kevd. Alexander Ty r i or, Frasei burgh Milne, CJcorge IMincing Lane, E.G. Milne, llvx. Henry liolme Hall, Shipdhain, Xcifollc Milne, William 24, KinnouU Street, Perth MUner, Edward Dulwich Vv'ood, Norwood Mih'a>', ^^'illianl Coal Exchange, E.G. Milsuni, ^Villianl ... V.'onston INlanor, Micheldever, Hants Miley, Jolin 72, New liond Street, W. Miley, Miles 42, Warwick Street, Kegeiit Siixet, W. Miley, lloljert Parsons (deed.) F.'Xir., Jno, l^Iiley 72, New J5(nid Street Miller, George, and Edinburgh IMiller, Ebenezer Mills, nichard The Treasury, Whiteliall, S.W. Millard, James Scholes Bridge, Wigau Miles, William Gheapside, Stroud, Gloucester Mills, Miss Elizabeth At James Hunter's, Dew.sbury Mills, ]\Lrs. Harriett Elizabeth 447, Fulham Boad, S.W. Miller, Alexander ... Kirklce Villa, Kirkleo lload. Great Western Road, Glasgow

Mimpriss, John ... Parklield, Southtields, \\ andswortli , Minto, John Dalglish Dumfries, N.B. .


Misst'u, Edwiivcl ... Castle Street, Cambridge

Miioliell, Aloxiindor "2*.), Clarence Street, Edinburgh

Mitchell, Kobert ... Cockermouth MitcliL'U, Thomas ... Portland Place, Leamington Mitoholl, Williiuu Norrie ... 107, Plymouth Grove, Manchester Mitchell, George ... Starbeck, near Harrogate, Yorks. i Mitchell, William ... RibigiU, Sutheilandshire Mitchell, William ... 3, Dundas Terrace, Crossbill, Glasgow "!', Mitchell, Edwin ... Street Side, Ossett, near Wakelield A^ Mitchell, Charles Montague... 5, Angel Court, E.G. Mitchell, (Jeorge ... Starbeck, near Harrogate Mocatta, Saiimel ... 21, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park Mocatta, Jacob 5, No.'folk Crescent, W. Mocatta, Abraham Lindo ... 11, Cunningham Place, Maida Hill Moctitta, jNIaiirice Liverpool Moffat, John 34, Greenhill Gardens, Edinburgh Moffatt, John, and Glasgow JMoH'att, George Moffatt, Anne Gallant Rirchfield, Birmingham Mogg, William Heniy Care of Mr. Jacques, 2, Biddwin Street, Bristol Moir, Alex. McArthur " E Lines," Curragh Camp, Irelan^l Moleswt)rth, Capt. George Mill Northdown Hall, Bideford Frederick, li.N. Moles wort h, John ... Rochdale Molesworth, Rev. John Ed- ward N. Vicarage, Rochdale Molesworth, Rev. WiUiam ]S Spotland, near Rochdale Molineaux, Boulton Timperley, near Altrincham Molineaux, W'illiam 23(>, Stockport Road, Levenshulme Molony, Capt. Charles Mills... Assistant Controller, Hong Kong Molony, Helen Berry Brow House, Shanklin, Isle of wight Molyneixx, Edward, and Bootle, near Liverpool Mnsker, Charles Mondey, Edward (deceased) Acting Exf:cutor, Charles W. Wincliester Monck, Edward Francis B. ... Darlington Monckton, Herbert Nortligate, Maidstoue

Monckton,MajorMamiadukeL. Care of Cox (fc Co., Craigs Co'.irt, S.W. Monckton, John ... Maidstone Monckton, Rf)bert Brenchley, Staplehurst, Kent Monk, Miss Jane Emily 93, Eaton Square, S.W. Monk, Miss Penelope Anna ... 93, Eaton Square, S.W\ Monk, Charles Barnes, Surrey Monkham, William West Promenade, Driffield Monro, Major W^illiam 4,Manchester St., Manchester Sq.,W.C. Montagu, Samuel ... CO, Old Broad Street, E.G. Moon, Philip 38, Rendlesham Road, Clapton, E. Moore, George 5, Bow Church Yard, E.G. Moor, Joseph 80, Charles Street, Hull Moor, Fletcher B. ... 30, Median Road, Clapton Park, E. Moore, WiUiam Huddersfield LIST OF SHAllEHOLDEllS. ]o:)

Moore, William W, 58, Bfunswiok Srpiare, Brighto-.i Moore, William 12, Drury Lane, Liverpool Mf)ore, EUzal)etli D. 38, Quay, Waterford ]\rooro, (jlc'orgo Svvinogate, York Moore, John l,SummeThill Terrace, Commerce Pioad, Wooil Green, N. Moore, .Tdslma Stons 17, Tlu-ogmortou Street, E.C. Moore, John 12, Corporation Street, Manchester Moore, ?.Iaria a?, Quay, Waterford Moore, Of-car Louis Wood ... 15, Clements' Inii. Strand, "W.C, Moore, He v. Robert Stephen JMickley Viearage, Ripon Moresl)}', ]Matthe\v Fortcscuc Exmouth, Devon Mor^ett, Elizaljeth CIrace ... Odell (3astle, Bedford Morgan, Ilemy, and Lee Hall, Prestl)ury, Cheshire Garratt, Fredei'ick Morgan, Jane Oakland, near Xarbertli, Poiiiliroke Morgan, ^\'illi!

Morley, Revd.^Villiam H. ... Care of Greenway, Smithtfe Co. , Warwick Morley, Henry 3G4, Cold Harbour Lane, Brixton Morpliett, George ... 19, Magdalen Road, St. Leouards-on- Sea Morris, Thomas Blaeny-wern, Rhyd Lewis, R.S.O. South AVales Morris, Caroline ... At Mrs. Richard Morris's, Evelyn ViUa, Church Hill, Leamington Morris, Care of Coutts & Co., Strand, W.C. Morris, Mrs. Sophia Z. Morris, Miss Sophia J, & Morris, Miss Emily Morris, John Leaker Cottam Park, Bristol Morris, Mary Ann... Bristol Amory, James Henry, and Ball, Frederick Henry Morris, Maurice ... 21, Great George Square, Liverpool

Morris, Mrs. Mary... • •• Dowles Rectory, Bewdley

Morris, Prevost & Co. • •• 25, Old Broad Street, E.C. Morris, Thomas Birmingham Road, West Bromwich ^^


Morria, Right Hon. Miehaol Lower FitK-William Street, Dublin Morris. Will iiua ... Liverpool MoiTison, Alfred ... 53, Coleman Street, E.G. Morrisou, Charles, fiud 53, Coleman Street, E.C. Morrison, Alfred Morrison, Ilcv. Archibald ... 37, Sussex Road, Seven Sisters' Road, .h Holloway, N. JMorrisou, Rov. Peter Manse of Saline l)y Dunfermline Mcn-risoii, Joseph ... Beiiside, Disley, near Manchester Morrison, Walter ... 77, Cromwell Road, S.E. Morrow, Forhes ... 38, Upper Sackville Street, Dublin Mortimei', Henry ... Newport, Isle of Wight Mortimer, Heury ... Stock-Exchange, E.C. Mortimer, .Tolni I, Gay field Street, Edinburgh Mortimer, Percy ... 7, Tokeuhouse Yard, E.C. ix Mortimer, Lieut.-Colouel 37, Kildare Ten-ace, Bayswater, W. Thomas Bythsea Mortimer, William Mount Cleves, Niton, Isle of Wight

M« >rton , Fi-ancis M. C/o R. B. Smith, 5, Angel Court, E.C. Morton, W'illiam ... II, Portland Street, Soutliampton ]Morton, Miss Alice Mowbray Place, Thirsk Morton, Miss Frances Mowbray Place, riiirsk Morton, Elizabeth Louisa ... 8, Unter Olga Strasse, Stuttgart Morton, Edw. Handfield " Oaklands," Breeze Hill, Walton, near Liverpool Morton, Henry Joseph West Garforth, near Leeds Morton, J ohn, Fife ^Morton, Mary Ann Landhill, Bedale, Yorks i Mottram, James ... Bank Street, Norwich INIoubray, Major-Gen. Edward 2.5, Kensington Gardens Terrace, S.W, Mould, Thomas Spencer Terrace, Louis Street, Leeds

Mounsey , Edward ... Lord Street, Liverpool Mowatt, Frank, and Care of H. L. Lefevre & Co., Warn- Lefevre, Henry Shaw ford Court, E.C. Mowatt, Robert ... 31, Lutton Place, Edinburgh Moss, Frederick Mode Wheel MiUs, near Manchester Moss, Miss Sarah ... The Fuschias, DarnleyRoad, Graves- end Moss, John Care of Thomas Pointon, Stoke-upon- Trent Moser, George Edward Kendal Mosman, Anne Kennedy 8, South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Mosraan, Catharine 8, South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Moss, Charles 23, Rood Lane, E.C. Moss, John (deceased) Executrix, Mrs. Frances Alice Moss •«• Derby Moss, Mrs. Francis Alice Litchurch, Derby Moss, Sir Thomas E., Bart,... Liverpool JMostyn, Capt. Robert Algeo. Novara House, Bray, Ireland MostyUjRev. George Thornton 3C>, Southampton Street, Strand, W.C. .


Mossop, Clement ... 22, Salthouse Road, Barrow-in- Furness Mosley, Edward Nicholas, ... Aldershot Cnpt., 77th Rejjt. ]\I(i:-iS, C'larlcs Ford Place, Stifford, Essex Moseloy, Joseph ... Cringle Brook, Lcveushulmc, Man- chester Mottram, James ... Bank Street, Norwich Moxou, liichard ... J

]\Iulliner, Robert Bouverie . . Grove House, Grove Park, Chiswick Mullens, John Ashley 4, Lombard Street, E.G. Muh'eauy, James ... 39, Ducie Grove, OxforTl Street, Man- chester Munford, Sarah ... Westbourne Place, Leamington Spa Munro, Arthur 0, West Preston Street, Edinburgh Munro, George Mackay 4, Mermont Terrace, Preston, Brighton Munford, Rev. John Nood --• Tregory, Grainpouud, Cornwall Munday, James Newton Valence, near Alton, Hants ^ Munday, John 15, (xold Hawk Ter., Sliepherd's Bush Munday, Robert ... Tartley Hall, Wokingham M urdock, Alexander Coruley Field, Falkirk Murray, Edward ... 1, Foster Place, Dublin Murray, Fredk. John George C/oHoare & Co., 37, Fleet Street,E.C. IMurray, James (deceased) Extrir.y Mrs. Alice Fanwick 2, St. Cuthbert's Ter., North Shields Murray Murray, John 22\v, Preston Street, Edinbui-gh Murray, Peter Broad Lane, Siiellield jMurray , Peter, and ... 177, Western Bank, Sheffield Hysiop, Thomas... Murray, Rev. John Morton, ThornhiU, N.B. MuiTaj-, Rev. John Liudore's Manse, Newburg, Fife Murrieta, Jose de ... 7, Adam's Court, E.C. MiuTay, John 8y, Commerce Street, Glasgow Murray, Robinson Hart Road, West Hartlepool Murray James ... ,„ Hawthorns, Keswick, Cumberland Murray, Miss Williamina ... Care of G. W. Davie, Esq., Leighton Buzzard 112 GRAND TRUNK KAIfAVAY OF CANADA.

rvIuiTiiy, Tlobci-t Mituhell ... Ifjunilton Drivi', CJIiisi.-ov.- 'Murray, John ...... SO, St. JMary's liiuul, HDUthiuu^it^ u Murray, JanicK ...... (uirtin, Stivliuy Miirry, .laiiics Frt'iuian (deed.) E,m:idfl'\ Mary ullizubcili 2, Cor.loii Villa, Suclls ruik, Eun:. :> Murry ton, N, Murray, 'J'lK.iiKis ...... AVcshvood Vill:;, llollnvcll, X.i:-. Mui-toi), lu'iijaiiiiij...... Wt'lk'sloy Court, Cro3'( ion Munlin, .Toliu (Jilbert ... 2!, lU'll Lane, Lei'^estcr Murlcj^ rdwarii I, ilarlcy Strot^t, IJuverloy lloruj, IIiul Murphy, (;ie(irge Suniue; 20, V/alt'JKUu Ter.Mce, l5Jaokluc.: <\-., Dublin

Miirdock, Janic.g ... Edinfortli Cuttaiv, ^VarJie Hiiad, T.^ ji - l)uri;h Murdock, iJavid ... Falkirlc

.1 Murdock, Helen ... 18, We!-.t Ih'jyliton Crescent, P. .V... 1 ,•; ; > Muscott, Samuel ... Vv'i'.vwick lloud, Xeitlirop, iJaUiiuiy Musgriive, Join Kiddul, and 07, Ann Street, Belfast Musgrave, James

Mu.sson, Tlioma.s .. ... 2, Elm (h-ove, Holt Hill, Cke.^kux' Musson, TIionuiH .. ... Fliiladelpliia Cbaudiers, llaekius .:I;y, Liverpool

Mussoc, Joseph, Junr. ... The ^Ubauy, Old Hall Street, LivLrpe. 1 Myers, Anthonj^ ...... Fisliergate. Hill, Preston Myers, John Jackson ... Huyton I'ark, near Liverpool Mylue, John Elthani ... 27. Oxford Square, W.


Napier, D. C. (deceased) Exor, Rev. Fredk. Broome St. Heliers, Jersey National Bank of Scotland ... C lasgow National Bank of Scotland ... Edinburgh National Boiler Insurance Co. Manchester Nattali, Henry Coonibe 27, St. Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea, S.vr. Naylor, Miss x^nn 2, Upper Belgrave Street, W, Naylor, Richard Christopher Hooton Hall, Sutton, Chester Naylor, George Frederick ... Bond Street, Wakefield Naylor, David 3, Arnold Street, Liverpool National Bank Old Broad Street, E.G. Nash, Thomas 8, Waterfield Terrace, Blackheath, S.E. Nash, Thomas James 3, Mount Pleasant Terrace, Lewisham. Naish, Henry Ashley Down, Bristol Naylor James 28, Sloane St, Moss Side, Mancuester Nawton, William ... Killham, ma Hull >-\ate. Alfred 7. Lower East Hayes, Bath

.' I^ -ain": ' icvleiiok 3Iacuad ... 1 :\;,s'.v::. i:eu:- aversham, Kent . ,


Nciiine, Ciporge Frklay • • 7, East India Avenue, E.C. Keodhain, Isaac • • • 4, Cluster Buildings, Belper Neisli, James The Laws, Dundee Nelson, Edward ... 4, EgUngton Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin Nelson, William ... Coxwold, Easij'gwold Nelson, Horatio (deceased) Exri'utor, Ely Thomas Dyscm 3I()orgate Villa, Retford, Notts Nelson, James 17, Buccleuch Street, Glasgow Nelson, Richard ... Kent Terrace, Kendal Nesbit, ^Matthew (deceased)... 3, Ridley Villas, Newcastle-on-Tyu(< Nestield, Tsaliel Scarbonmgh Nettk'fold, Edward John 51, High Holborn, W.C.

Nettlef(jld, Joseph Henry tlr

^ Nettlefold, Frederick Nettleship, Thomas Jaboz . . Harworth Place, Bantry Newhuuse, Henry ... Tatton Dale, Knutsford, Clicshiro Newman, Jolm xVdam DrouKjie House, Mallow, Ireland Leader, Nicholas P. and Bridges, Harry Newman, John Campin ?A\ Tlirogmorton Street, E.C.

Newman, Richard Durford . . Tho Butts, Warwick Newmaroh, Douglas Sutton, near Hull Newmarch, William, and Wills, Peter Turner G7, Lombard Street, E.C. Newmarch, William, .F.B.S.,. B.och Hohne, Nightiugala Lane, Clapham. Newsam, Fowler (deceased) Executor, Chas. Reynolds Williams Stamford HiU, N. Newsom, Samuel ... 41, St. Patrick Street, Cork Newton, Henry Penrith Newton, Thomas Chambers ... Thorncliffe Iron Works, near ShofiieM Neynoe, Lieut.-Col. C. F. (deceased) Executrix, Susan Fry 35, Craven Street, Slrand, W.C. Nfcwtou, Wliitaker... 12, Waterloo Street, Oldham Nelson, Horatio (Commr.) ... 1, Stanford Road, Victoria Road, Ken- sington Nelson, Albert Ommaney ... Doctors' Commons, E.C. New, Francis Charles 4, King Street, Cheapside, E.C. Neild, Charles 24, Brown Street, Manchester Newman,AmosLangton(decd.) Executor, Adam Newman... The Castle, Monkstown, Co. Cork Neal, John Arthur... Stockport, near Manchester Newill, Robert Daniel Wellington, Salop Newland, Miss Letitia Mentone, Alpes Maritimes, Frar^co Neve, John Wolverhampton Nicholas, Robert Montague... 69, Lombard Street, E.C. NichoU, Allan 20, Eden Quay, Dublin Nicholl, Thomas ... Carlton House, Halifax 8 "^ 'I

114 o!;amj tul'NK n a it, WAV of can a da.

Niclidlls, Alfred l'ridM;waler

^s'icliolls, 1 !( luy Frederick ... .IhidL^water

Nicliolls, .Idllll (J()U,!.;il (dcc

Nic-iidllH, Mrs. Ciiroiine ]\I:iriii J*fa?:(!(^ton liodife, W'orthin';'

Nicliolls. iJicliiird I crrott ... Foro Street, Kiji;.jshridge, l^ijvon Nichols, rrancis IMorguu La'wford Hall, near JManningtreo Nicliols, Jol u Vk (dccc'iised) EyccvidV, it. C, Nicliolii 20, I'arliamont Street, S.W. Nicl'.ojy.. riolu'i't C... •Jo, Parliament Street, S.W. Xicliclsoii, JoliTi aud (t Coy. 11], St. 'John Street, E.G. Nicliol.-on, ^VilliJllu 8f), Nicliolsoii, .FiiiiicH ... 7, to King Street, ^^;)ui!l Sliields Isicliolsori, Joi

Nicliolsoii, G'ill).rt Tlioni.x^ .Sc Nieliolsoii, Vv'illia'wi N. Oleumoro, Droghedii Nicliolfc'on, Vv'illiam 111, St. John Street, E.C. Nicl'.olsoi), I'.dward Cliambcr,! lieriie lEill, Dnhvicli Tsicliolsou, JL-v. Alexander .1. Doner;iile, Co, Cork Niool, Adam 19, King Street, (ikisguw Nicoll, Alexander ... Dundee I^Tieol, James lo, V.i'U Accord Square, Aberdeen Nicol, JamcR, i\/.7>... V.'arwick Iloufe, Llui;dudno Nicoll, 'ri'.omaH Muriro Littleton, by Kirriemnir Nicol, "William Nc,vington Cottage, li>. Placket I''.acc. Edinburgh Nield, Jonathan ... Poclid.dc Niold, Mrs. ]\Iartliii 458, Cha(\l.ertou Pvcr.d, Chatterton near Uldh;'.ni. Niylitinpdp, Joseph II. If), North John Street, Liverpool Nimnio, Da.vid Bailey 17.3, Troir'atu Street, (da'^;•o\v

Niiiiino, AVilliam ... Quality Lane, Leitli !Nind, GeorgG Vv'aiidsvrorth Ni?ili, Alexundir ... Fir (ring Gardens, A.bbey Hill, Edin- burgh Nixson, Thomas ... NantAvicli ^.lx, Charier, 61, '\V_vnford Roral, Barnsl^uiy, N. Nublo, Alexander ... 24, North West Circus Place, Edin- burgh Nol)le, Benjamin ... Nio'tu Eastern Bank, Newcasile-on- Tyne Nohle, John 50, \Vestbonrno, W.

Noilin, Frederick ... ;?, Poniford Place, Liverpool Noel, Mrs. Louisa... 10, Nevil'o St., Fulhani Road, SW. Norbury, Jolm Bre( ;^o Hill, Bowdon, Clieshire Norcott, Vvilliam ... Warwick Villas, Warwick Rd., Ealing Norman, John Sokivay Terrace, IMaryport LIST OF SIIAKEiroLDKR.S. 115

Noriiiand, "William Joliii in, Grosvenor Street, EdinhurL'h Novns, Uiivi'i- )\;akeiield North and South ^\'ahs Eank Jji'verpool 1 North of Scotland '.aula iil,' Co. Al'Oiili'eu North, William, and Yorkshiru Uanking Company, Lj.ds GratL'cliir, John William Nortli, -Miss Klizaheth 5, Wood Lane Crescent, i\di)iouth Northeu, Al)raham Stock Exchange, E.C. Norton, ArLlinr 7, Iviug Street, E.C. .lames Edward, ami Glcndiuiu;,' Sidney Norton, I'enjainiu... Nortonthorpo Hall, near Huddorsfield Nor\vt)od, Jolm Turner 30, Clill" lload, Leeds Notlcy, Henry 1», Waterloo Place, Weymouth Notley, ]Mra. Rebecca 1, -DhickJuath Road, Greenwich Nott, Cai)t. Anthony Henry Priory Crtscent, Lewes, Su.sscx Nowell, AViillam ... lf;il:.;LX, Yorkshire Nowell, James 18, :vIiUon Place, Halifax Noyes, Henry (}or)r;;e, M.I). Leo, Ivent Nower.', John William ilO, J Cranston Road, IJurtou-ou-Trcnt Nugent, Constance Clara 18, Norfolk lload, St. John's W...d,N.W. Nu,i:;-cut, CeoryianaElizbth., tt Care of Coutts and Co., Strand, W.C. Nu;.;vnt, Alljert Llewellyn... Nunu, Charles Biuy St. Ednmnds Nunn, Frederick ... 25, West Gate St., Bury St. Ednmnd.s Nunu, Henry William P.roadlands, nr. Newport, Ii^lo of Wi'dit Nunu, Joshua .^MA, Old Broad Street, E.C. Nusscy, Benjamin... 8, Zi fount Royd, Biadford Nutt, John W;dton, and o, Crown Court, Threadneedio St.,E.C. Watson Charles

Oakdc]7, William Hurd Friar Gate, Derby Oakdcu, John (deceased) Ex^'-tdor, Thomas Brandon Yorkshire Street, Rochdale Oakes, Caroline Eliza C. 4, Rockstouc Terrace, Southampton Oakes, Emineliue Ar;ibeUa Oakcs, Jam-s Herary Portcous Bury St. Edmunds Oakley Henry Giles 51, Elgin Crescent, Netting Hill Oaklo}', .Mary Ann... 51. l51gin Crescent, NottinijHill Oakley, John 10, Waterloo Place, Pall SlaU, S.7/. Gates, Parkinson, 3/..D. IGl, Cambridge Street, S.W. 0' Donuell, James, and 41, Dame Street, Dublin Woodlock, Thomas Ogden, Y.'illiam Henry High field House, near Southamptoa li« OKAM) TllUMC IIAILWAY OF CANADA.

O^ilvio, AlexiiiKUii'... 4, Great George Street, S.W. O'Hiirii, Kevd, .Tauius The Rect(jry, Coleraino Ogilviu, .Idliii (docfjiscd) J'Jxir.iilrix, Ann Ogilvio ... 4, I'aik l*lace, Dundee Ogilvie, Aiitlrow ... Dundee

(J'Havo, I'iitrick ... 20, Jiroad Chare, Newcastle-on-Tyno Oi^'ilviu, Mrs. Ann... 4, I'ark I'lace, Dundee OiUlie, Julm William Lyz/ickHall, Under Skiddav, Keswick, Cund)erland Oddii', Edwin Racnp Road, Rawtenstall, jMancliL'ster Okoll, J,>liu 7,Caslle Street, Liverpiwl Offlow, John 7, liurton Street, Nnttingham Oglo, liiiV. Octavius I'ark Crescent, Oxford O'Leary, .Jolin McCarthy ... Coonilegan Mill Street, Co. Cork Oldacre, William ... Darlington Street, \Volverhami)ton Oldfield, Elizabeth... Garden Walk, Ashton, near I'rcstou Oldham, (joorgo Alfi'ed and... 424, HoUoway Road, N. Oidliam, Mary Elizabeth Oldrey, Robert r,\ Angel Court, E.C. Oilier, John 29, Great St. Helen's, E.C. Oliphant, Elizabeth Maiy ... 30, Upi)er Rrunswick Place, Rrighton Ollive, MvH. Mary Grey 4, St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kcnsingt(m, W. Oliver, Mrn. ^Vlice ... 13, Reverley Terrace, Cullercoats

Oliver, Jaixie.-i • ... 5, Crown Street, Leith Walk, Edinburgh O'Reilly, Philip Colamber, Rathowen, Co. Westmeath Oram, Richard 51, Durnford Street, Stonehousc, Devon Orr, John Tigh-na-Brunicli, Argyleshire Ord, John ThomaH, and Fornham St. Mai-tin, Sutiolk Sparke, James Orlebar, Cutlibert Knightley 4, Westminster Chambers, S.W. Ormerod, Hausou ... Hrighouse Ormaton, William ... Morton riatt, Northallerton, Yorkshire Orton, John Swaffield 2, Chelmsford Villas, Hastings Ortou, Richard Harding I, Lower John Street, Golden Sq^ W. Openshaw, George... 4, Bank Street, Buiy, Lancashire Openshaw, Thomas Ormrod ... 277, Rochdale Road, Bury Osbovn, Thomas George Burton H(juse, Bath Osborne, Henry Bourne, Lincolnshire Osaian, Charies Stanmore Park, Stanmore, Oswald, Edward Charles The Palace, Croydon Otter, Miss Amelia II, The Cedars, Putney Other, Christopher, and Elm House, Leyburn, Ycjrks. m\ Other, Christopher, Jnn. Oughterson, George Blake ... 45, Rue d'Elbeuf (St. Sion), Rouen Oultom, William ... Albert Buildings, Preesons Row, Liverpool Outrara, Benjamin... Greet land, near Halifax LIST or HIUUKIluLDERS. 117

Outrain, Sir Francis IJoyd, •1, Ani.slie Pliie.', Edinliur >h Jiiirt. Outwin, John Hcxthorpo, Don'-aster < )wen, James Market S(|uari', Iron Hridge, Salop Owen, Tlioiujis INlarket S(iuartj, [ion Ih-idge, Salop Ovveu, Rev. Thomas Osmond Terraet', l*ort Madoc Oustoii, Tliomus ... Holmlield, near Fontefraet Outriuii, Willium Henry Liverpool and London Chambers, Liverpool Overbook, Julius ... Care of Augustu.s Overbeck, Livurp(jel Owen, Williiim Tlionuis Stock Kxehange, Liverpool Owen, Henry Wriglit Comptou, Wolvtrhampton Owens, William Jlay, South Wales Owgan, Miss .Margaret Ann... Queeustown Oxhy, Frederick ... 3, FremeSt., EvertouRd., Manchester Oxley, James Walker Leeds Dean, William Fraukland Oxley, James Walker 28, Commercial Street, L(.-(h1s Oxley, William Charles The iJaltie, ThreadneetUo Street, E.C.

Packer, Charles 78 tfe 13G, Regent Street, W. Padley, Charles ... Linacre Road, Rootle, near Liverpool I'adley, John William Linacre Road, Seafi ird, near Liverpool Page, Gosnall (Address not known) Page, (iosnall, Jun. lientlcy Grove, near Ipswich Page, Henry Banbury Page, John Edward Ducie Btiildings, Baidi St., Manchester Page, Kev. Gregory Alexander Wesley Villa, I'ontefract Page, Pachard Manchester Painter, William ... Camborne, Cornwall Paine, John Marshall Stock Exchange, E.C. Paine, Lewis Stock Exchange, E.C. Paget, Thomas Edmund 13, Harrington Street, Li^-erpool Paley, Roger Leeds Paley, William Victor Freckenham Rectory, Soham, Cam- britlgeshire Palmer, John Alfred 2013, High Street, Wapping, E. Pidmer, Captain Edward ... Pulborough, Sussex Palmer, Faithful ... Montpellicr Avenue, Cheltenham Palmer, Fielding, Rev. East Cliff, Chepstow, Monmouth Palmer, William Henry Dt)ncaster Palmer, Peter Perth, N.B. Palmer, William Thomas (deceased)

Extrx., Mrs. Isabella Palmer 7, West Parade, Norwich Pankhurst, Frederick Battam 35, Bedford Square, W.C Pansey, Alfred 127, Fulham Road, S.W. Pansey, Robert G ray 52, Brompton Road, S.W. 118 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Paramnrc, Eliza and Thurloxtcm, Tamiton, Somerset Par;nn(iro, Henry Pavaiuort', 'Maltliew (deed.)

Ey.< rut )•[.•', Eliza Paranioro Tlnirloxttiii, Tannio:'., Somerset Parlitt, I\Ii's. IIosttT W'^oodside, IMyinoulb Park, CL'()r!^-o East IJarthwith, Wr;igley, Lincoln- si lire

Park, Mary Ann ... East linrtlnvith, "\Vr;v-ley, Lincoln- shire Park, Joseph Norwich Park, Josep]). St, James's, Lakenham !Mills, Norwich Park, R(»1)ert 2r), Temple Street, Prli^diton Parke, CoL Ricliard, C.B. ... LoAver Strode House, Reaminster ParkLT, Arcliiljald ... Wil«(m Street, (Jlasgow Parker, John 512, Liverpool Rv)ad, Patricroft, near Manchester Parker, Henry Yarhoroiigli tt 1, St. Aubyn's Ri,ad, Up. Norwood,S.E, Yarborougli, Col, Charles C. Parker, James 9, Albert Terrace, Lancaster Parker, llobort Overend Dundee Parker, Pev. Charles William Kirsoe House, Pcrshore, AVovccstcr- shire Parker, James Cannon Green Banlc, Ulverston Parker, Rev, Frederick W. ... Monttromery, North V.'ales Parker, Sarah Car;! of James I?arker, 9, Albert Crescent, Lancaster Parker, Tliomas Hall Contractor's Othce, Thorpe Thawlcs, near Stockton-on-Tees Parker, William Thomaa Welshpool Parker, Amia Maria TCedle.ston Road, Derbj' Parkes, Joseph Hanbury Lodge, Upper Tulse Hill, ]?rixton, S.W, Parkcs, Thomas Jesse 8, IMarket Place, Stockport Moxon, Tluniias Bouchier Parkin, John Clcasl)y 128, ni'.^hcrate, Kendal Parkin, Geori.'.'o Lewis 5, Xew Square, Lincoln's Inr., W.C. Parkinson, Y'.'illiam (Address not known) Parkinson, Mrs. Martjia Care of Miss Deans, Addingham, via Leeds Parks, John Tlie ^Vylde, Bury, Lincolushire Parr, Henry Pingham Dale Street, Liverpool Parr, Jolni David ... 1, Torrington Place, Plymoiith Parr, John ]!)avid and ], Torrington Place, Plymoiith Parr, Louisa Parr's ]5ankiug Company, Warrington Parr's P>aid\ing Company ... Warringt(Ui Parrot, Hermann ... 124, Fenchurch Street, E.C. Parrott, Miss Jane... Houghton Regis, Duiis'a])lo Parrott, John Houghton Regis, Dunstable Parrott, Robert (deceased) Exor. Elizabeth Parrott ... 2, Belvedere Cottages, Ridgeway, W'imbledon Parrj', Mrs, Ellen ... Wyk 15 ^^ ,Rivier Stratli, Rotterdam Parsons, Andrew ... Beach HiU, Berks c u


Pars.^ns, Willi:„m .„ Becston, Xotts P;U'sous, Fre;loriok 1, Alwyn Road, Canoubury Park, X. Partis, Homy ;milI ... Morpeth, Northumberland Partis, Miss Isabella Partridge, Eliz;ibotli 3 2, lioaiics Terra:?c, Xe\vcasLle-o:i-Ty;ie Patorson, Joliu 5!.), Xorth Bridge, Edinbur-'h Pators>»ij, JosL'ph ... Castle Douglas Patcrsou, Jaiu'js ... f);'], Pi,oseb;ink Terrace, Glasgow Patorson, Vv'iiliaui ... (;;L-.t]c Street, Inverness Patorson, ^.ViiK.iui ... ilud'.l ;rstield Plaoe, (xalasiels Paton, Mis.; A^nos,.. Ol;';rorm)ut, AUau, IT.B. Patou, Aljxand.jr ... -ionuiov:;, Duludoh 'vVood Piirk, Upi^or j^i'Torvt'ood, Surrey Paton, James, Jiiur. (decoassLl) Exo y. Joli M P;ito Tillicoultry, :X.B. Patou, Joliu Tiliieodtry, N.B. Patoii, James Avdwell, Duhvich \Vood Park Patou, John Geor^;;e Dundee Paton, Ilober 10, AUovfay Place, Ayr, X.B. Paton, Ywiltor .u, Argyle iS'treet, Glasgo^v Paton, Mrs. EUzrvbotli Jano ... ;)4., Iluskissou Street, Jjivcrposi^-,1 Patt.T.sou, Oeorgo ... .iryaeitliiu, :]rlg^;;,:)jk Road, Thi.)rutou ileath Patterson, AVilliani Matlie sou. C, York !>uildiugi, Liverpxil Pattiusen, Thomas ... ila, Piccadilly, .Manehester Pattiuson, Joseph ... 1, jjentinck Place, Ne\vc:isi;le-on-Tyn3 Pattisou, James Eeldoy Parsonage, Sulby, Isle of Man Pattison, llevd. Mark Lincoln College, Oxford Patou, Tlioui IS ]>laekburn Cottage, Ayr, N.B. Paten, William iMausion House Chanil)ers, E.C. Patriek, James and 3i), Regent's Terrace, Hull Patrick, Joliu AValkor Paul, George Morison 44, Great King Street, Edinburgh Paxton, Eilmuud ... Wiihuton, Bicester, Oxou Paxtou, Henry Shelswell, Buckingham Paxton, ?Jiss Oatherino E 1, Pidace Gate, Kensington, Vv. Paxtou, .Miss M. A. 1, Palace Gate, Keusington, W. Paxttm, Robert Lov.'er Winuhendon, Aviesl)ury Paxton, William ... 1, I^daoe Gate, Hyde Park, ^Y. Payiie, Jauies Heury 3, iSiierv.-ood Street, Regent Street, W. Payne, John Monument Place, Sleaford, Lincolnshire Payne, Frederick ... 28, Bloomsbury Square, ^V.C. Payne, Robert Welshuiill House, Frome Payne, William Henry 20, Water Street, Live'..'[_)ool (Commaiider li.X.) Peacock, Mary Aun 3, Wilton Terrace, Hornsea, near Hull Pearce, Parson Westgate, Ripon Pearoe, William Reed 24, Thacisray Street, Toxteih Park, Liverpool

Pearce, Joseph Francis 5^7, York Road, King's Cross, N. Pearce, William Talbot 4, Shearwood Street, Regent Street, W. Pearn, Edwin Alonzo Comptou Leigli, near Plymouth Pearson, James 5, Rosslyn Terrace, Hampstead, N.W. 120 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Pearson, Arthur Thomas F.... Care of G. H. Penney

Peck, Michael Charles 3 0,' ]Market Pbice, Hull

Peckett, William ... Barnsley, Yorkshire Pecham, Thos. (jlilbcrt Hall Place, Harbledown, nr. Canterbury PedJie, Alexander... 11, Luttar Place, Edinburgh Pegler, Joseph (deceased) Executor, AVilliams O. Groat N(»rthe]'n Railway, King's Cr(j;-s Pegler, Mrs. Anne ... 24.Richmond Piace,TheLcvol,Briglit. n Peile, George Shotley Bridge, Gatosiiead Peill, John Robinson Longcroft, Hayes, Kent Peirse, Charles Henry The ]\Iouut, York Peek, William Shelton, Sydenham Hill, S.E. Peek, Mrs. Anna Maria Sheltou, Sydenham Hill. S.E. Peele, Joshua John (deceased) Executor, Cecil Peele Shrewsbury Peers, Robert Bolton Street, Bur}-, Lancashire Peers, Samuel Abraham D8, Church Road, Higher Tranmere, Clieshiro Pellen, Miss Georgina C. 1, Bolton Gardens, S. Kensington, Yv^. Pellew, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 17, Rue Bayard, Pan, Franco Pember, John Edward Stock Exchange, E.C. Pemberton, Edward 2, Park Row, Leeds Pemberton William, 53, South Castle Street, Liverpool Pendlington, Riilpli (deed.) ... 7, Woodbine Place, Gateshead-on-Tyne Exrx. Mrs. Ann Pendlington Pennefather, Lieut.-Coionel... Little Island, Cork Richard Daniel Penney, George Hamilton ... 34, Lime Street, E.C. Penny, Edward Burton (dec.) Executor, Francis Roberts (Address not known) Penny, Isaac Liverpool Pennington, Mrs. Frances ... 33G, Highgate, Kendal Pendleton, George... Stapleford, near Nottingham Penny, Win. Hughes 2, Arlington Street, Hull Penny, John 126, Queen Street, Portsea Pengelly, James ... 4, Elmore Street, Islington, N. Pengelly, Anthony ... Roehampton, Surrey Penrice, Miss Agnes 1, Dover Place, Clifton, Bristol Penrice, James Maryport, Cumberland Penton, Josiah Blake Street, Barrow-in-Furness LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 121

Pentreath, lie v. Frederick ... The Paston Grammar Sciiool, Xortl: Richard Walsham, Norfolk Perera, Frederick ... 45, J'aulkner Street, Mancliestcr Perera, Pedro Ricardo Manchester Perranlt, Madam ... (No address) Perriu, lloljcrt 24, Clifton Road East, St. John's Wood, N.W. Perrin, Robert London (fc North Weriteni Railway Co., Eastou Station, N.W. Perring, Lady Frances 3Iary Albion House, Exmonth, Devon Perks, Robert The Woodlands, Newbritlge, ^Volver- Perks, Samuel Hollis hampton Perks, John Slade Hill, Wolverliampfou Perks, John Hartley Shide Hill, Wolverhampton Perks, Emma Slade Hill, Wolverhamplou Perks, Eliza Slade Hill, Wolverham[)tou Perry, James Dean's Grange, Monkstown, Dublin Perry, David Todd Batavia Buildings, HackiusHey, Liver- pool Peny, Miss Hellen The Wei-gs, Wolverhampton Perry, Jane Margaret The Wergs, Wolverhampton Perry, Thcmias Joseph The Wergs, Wolverhampton Pettifor, Joseph ... Standard HiU, Nottingham Pettigrew, Matthew- 104, Virginia Place, Glasgow Peters, William Paul 12, Brazilian Chambers, "Drury Lane, Liverpool Peters, Woodman ... Bridge View, St. Mewan, St. Austell Petrie, John Henderson, and 11, Old Broad Street, E.C. Reid, WiUiam Shiell Petre, Capt. Hon. Charles E. 21, Thurloe Square, S.W^ Petrie, James Springfield House, lloclidcil'? Petre, Hon. Edward George... 7, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. Pew% Capt. Gecjrge, E.N. Portland Chib, Stratford Place, W^ PhiUips, William Henry 7, Fenwick Street, Liverpool Phillips, Frederick Abraham 4, Austin Friars, E.C. PhiUips, Michael ... 8o, ^Farland Place, Southampton Hips, Pliilip 10, Sun Street, Bishopsgate St., E.C. 1 nillips, William Henry Pen 11 , \\'olverliiunptou Phillips, Edward ... ]'>iccster, Oxon Phillips, William Williams... Tlie Grange, Raglan, Monmouth Phillipson, Charles George W. 10, Colvillo Sq., Kensington Park, W. Philp, Thomas Brown 1?2, St. Andrew Street, Dundee Philp, WiUiam and Britisli Linen Company, (ireenock Alexander, James Gray Philpott, Richard O, 1^ -urch Lane, E.C. Philpots, Edward S. (deed.)... Executor,, George Payne Milton Keynes, Bucks. Phipps, William ... Waterloo, Northampton Phipps, Richard ... Leamington, Moretou-in-the-Marsh Pickard, Andrew ... O.ssftt, near Wakefield Pickard, Thomas ... Belle ViUe, Pershore Rd., Birmingham 122 GKANl) TllUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

rickort, Fer.liuiviid, (docoasod) Adiiiinistrii.tri.'-, M;iri;i ... Caro of Mv. A. F(;oking, TOG, Fen- l'ic;kert clivircli hitreet, E.G. rickeriii'.;-, .T()soi>]i Harrison... lu'lgrave, near Ijeice^tei' ficiDii, S;',riili Auuo' ], 'I'lie Terrace, llaslar llospita], (Jospf)rt PJurc'L', .T(^]iii .T(iiiL\s Lamberlmrsi:, Kent Fierce, J.dik's ... Liimberliurst, Kent Picr.s, :\Lmd'j I\IiU-y riorenco (Address not kuown) Piers, Y\'iilium Dcwe Caro of Eev. J. Danbury, Ti;c Grange, Cliarlton King:-i, Chellen]!;\)!i Pigott, Miss I\Iary Ann 114, Cottonluuu lload, Ui>[) r IIol- lov/ay, -S. Pigot. Ricliard 31., (deed.) ... U.drir., C:itl>eriue '6. Pigott Albnera Villa, CheltenlKim Pike, George Cliarles 5, Southgate Villas, 2Ne\v >'. )ut:!-. Colney Hatch, N. Pike, George, and Vi'armiuster, AVilts Bu.di, G(;orge Henry Pike, Willitun Josi'pli Vv'arciham, Dorset. Pile, Rev. Allan T^iil 11, Royal York Crescent, Cliicon, iJrisUa Pllkiijgton, Ednnind Rury, Lancashire Pilkin;itoii, Kifbard Jlancliester Road, Burnley Pillisclier, ]\loritz 88, New 1 '>und Street, ^\'. Pillnus, flariies 70, Gracechuveh Street, E.C. Pilkius, Juliii Fri'jicis Suunyside, Cradgmillar I'ark, Edin- burgh PiUiu, George AKred GerraVd Street, Soho, W.C. Pilling, JoiKi-; ('Ijvd.) E.-'or., Ixiultou, Capt. Joseph Stafford Pilling, .John 5, Queeu's Chambers, Miinclicsxer Pim, Cliiirles 2S0, Old Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Chesliiro

Pirn, .James K< at "\'iil;i, Erith Pill), Sui-annidi, and Pierce, Ivoheri Pim, Pieliard 28, '\Vo«'inorland Street, Dublin Piueliin, John IS'ew lioad, Saint Georg-j's East, E. Pinder, Georg'' P.-inks G, V\'elliiig'ton Street, Hull Pinney, Mr.'^. Joa:„^.i Ciiro of Roy. Wm. l^inney, Lkuivi- h;ingel Rectory, Monmouth W; Piper, Frederick ... C. ire of George Dennett, Dutlield Road, Derby Piper, jMiss Emma France* ... C.aeof George Bennett, Duliivld Road, Derby Pirie, James 80, Castle Road, Scarborough Pirrie, John 207, West George Street, ( ilr-.igovT Pitcairn, Jt)lin 22, Queen Street, St. Andrew.", Fife Pitman, John C, Capt, E.K. Hill Side, Guildford Pitts, llev. Thomas Thurniug Rectory, Oundlo Pitt Tayler, Arthur William 7, Radstock Road, Fairfield, nea Liverpool LIST OF SIIAREHOLDEUS. 123

rittip.mi, William Thomas ... Stock Exclianf:;e, E.C. I'ictiick Joliu I'ishops Storti'ord, Herts, Pixtou, Andrew ... Einwick Street, Liver{)0(;l Plank, George Dcimer .17, Dervveut Street, Sundeilaud PLitL'i-, (leovge 4. Austin Friars, E.C. Playei', Jacob JTort 208, llaglev Poad, liirmin'diam .l'le\\-s, 1-fenry Taylor Jiedale, Yorksliire Plows, Konry Enniskillen PloAvniau, Edv.'lu ... 117, Lower Tijames Street, E.C. PiVv^r, yannul 1G9, Loiigld)oror.!-h liiu.d, Urixton Pliiitiinei-, Stqilicn Hanover Chandlers, 23, Hanover Sqro. P(,'ciic]:, licv. J(.>ljii Carne Care of Courts & Co., Strand, W.C. Poc'i.-ol: Jaineri Oorshaiii, Wilts. Poecek, itobcrt Markt't Place, Farrii)gdon, Berks. Poc iclv. Ja.nie.y White J'ond Close, Corslian:, V.'ilts Poiiiton, Thoiiias ... Stokc-upon-Trent, Staliordsliire

Poland, Henry 17, Cand)ridge ( !;u-deus, dotting Hill Pollard, William Pollird ... Southlands, Torquay Pollard, (Jeorge Hendobonod Taunton Pollard, Aliraham ... L(iuglands, Ossett, Yorks. Pollard, JauioB 3M, All)ion Street, Leeds Pollen, John Eden Quay, Dublin Pollard, Alfred AVhiting T^Iarket i^hice, Derljy Pollaid, Ik'ujamin... 4, Great George Street, S.W. Pollard, ?.Iargaret ... Mapplewell Cottage, IMirrield, Yorks. PolLird, Robert Park lioad House, Ijingiey, Leeds

Pollard, "NMlson ] 1 Horner irigl on s e , Yorksl i ire Pousoiil>y,Kon. Fredk.Goo. B o, Mraithwaite, Jnn. 22, Brown's Buildings, Liverpool Poole, Elizal)eth Anne 30, John Street, Bedford How, W.C. Poole, John, (deeea^ed) Eycci'fi^r, Heurj' S. Poole 72, Old Broad Street. E.C. Poole, V.'lliiani A. Makin, and Queen Insurance Buildings, Liverpool Hajjdy, John Alexander Pooley, i\ichard ... 33, ]\Iedina Yilk-s, Clif tonville, Brighton Pooler, Tliomas ... Manchester PoCile, Kevd. Thomas Letwcll Bectory, Worksop ]• Pope, 'chard Care of l\)pe and Pear^'^on, West Biding Collieries, nc;u- Leeds' Popp'eton, Joe Horsforth, near Leeds Popplewell, Capt. T]ion:as ... Bridge Street, Gainsborough Popplewell, Henry John 7, Tovvnhall Buildings, Essex Street, Manchester Porch, Edmund Great Western Railway, Bath Porter, Lasil Care of Charles Porter, 1, Yv'oodliil Terrace, Cork Porter, Oliver IG.Frederick Street,Gray'R InnBd.,W.C. Porter, John 37, Tavistock Ter., Up. HoUoway, N. 124 OllAND TRUNK KAILWAY OF CANADA.

Porter, Rev. George, and ... 111, Mtjuut Street, W. Porter, Tlioinas Portor, Thomas Erlegh, Whiteknights, Reading Porter, Williiim Care of Charles Alfred Porter, Esq., The Albany, Liverpool Poiier, Heury Riohard Raunds Vicarage, Tlir,ipst(jne Port, John Stamford Lodge, Wiuslovv, Cheshire Porter, William Siuckler The Albany, Liverpool Porritt, James ^\'iilia^l Cley-next-the-Sea, Norfok Postgate, Joiin 50, ].>ristol Road, Edgbaston, Bir- mingham Potlethwaite, Geoi'gi? The Mount, Wavertou, Clu'sliiro Postletliwaite, (Jeorge, and The Mount, Wavertou, Chester Molesworth, J

Potts, Joseph Nixon Manchester tfc County Bauk, Stockport Potter, William Henry 44, Tower Buildings, East, Liverpool Potter, Alfred John 28, Arnold Sti'eet, Liverpool Potter, Miss Catherine Standish Hoiise, Stonehouse, Gloucester Potter, Miss Mary ... 8, IVIaxwell Road, Fulham, S.W. Potter, Sarah Hannah (deed) JS/xor., Potter, Henry Hector Tlie Stocks, Stiileybridge, Cheshire Potter, Richard Stamlish House, Stonehouse, Gloucester Poulton, Miss Mary Louisa ... Kclvedoi). Essex Poulton, William Ford Victoria Villa, East Argyll Road, Reading Pounden, Lonsdale... Care of London and Westminster Bank, St. James's Square, S.W. Povah, Rev. John Vidgeon ... 11, Ednleigh Street, Tavistock Square Povali, Mrs. Eliza... 11, Ensleigh Street, Tavistock Square Powell, George Thompson ... 33, King Street, Cheapside, E.G. Powell, Maurice 50, Pahice Gardens Terrace, Kensing- ton, W. Powell, Mrs. Lucilla Young,


Pre.scott, Mrs, Emma Care of Geo, Cox, Esq., Clare House, Tettenhall, near W()lverhampt(m Preston, John (C.E.) 13, Randolph Road, Maida Hill,X.W. Prettyjulin, W'altcr, aud Sidmouth, Devon Keily, Augustus

Pretyman, . Arthur Charles . Haugliloy Park, Stowmarket, Suffolk Pretymau, Lt. Col. William... 52, Portland Place, W. Pretyman, Rev. Frederick ... Great Carlton, Loutli Prevost Augustus ... 25, Old Broad Street, E.G. Prevost, Lieut.-Col. ThomasAV. Stauwix House, Stanwix, Carlisle Priaulx, Peter George 58, Don Road, Jersey Price, Charles Recs Norton Hall, The Mall, Chiswick Price, Elizabeth Syon House, Brentford, Middlesex Price, Hall Rokeb j- Stock Exchange, E.C. Price, Mrs, Mary Eliza I, Jersey Place, Chtltenh am Price, Thomas 24, Cauuon Street, Manchester Price, Rev. Evan (deed) Ej:or., Price, Evan Harding Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton Price, William Clarcmont House, Queen's Down Road, Clapton Price, William South Parade, Waterford Price, William Evau Torrington, Devon Price, WiUiam Evan, and ... The Mall, Chiswick Price, Charles Rees Price, Revd, David Bankes... Llangelium Rectory, Conway Price, David i, Queen Auue Street Prickett, Rev, Thomas William II, Lypiatt Terrace, Cheltenham Pridham, Charles ... Bank of England, E.C. Pridham, Albert Edward ... Llauelly, Carmarthanshire Pridmore, Geoi-ge Alexander Brooklyn House, Coveiitry Priestley, George ... Ferriby, near Brough, Yorks Prince, John Franklin (deed.) Old Hull, Stand, near Manchester Exor., HenryMoutagu Prince Prince, Joseph Bnrgess (deed) Exor., Thos Finchett Rnsliton, Tarporley, Cheshire Prince, Edwin Darley Abbey, Derby Pringle, John Westwood Villa, Bothwell, N.B. Pringle, George Preston Pans Pringle, Georgiana 3, Ovington Square, Bromptou Pringle, Mrs. Georgiana, and 3, Ovington Square, Brompton Pringle, George Eliot Pritchard, Henry ... 2, Lilley Rd., Fairfield, nr, Liverpool Pritchard, North ... Willesbridge, near Bristol Pritt, George Helm, Windermere Procter, John Long Preston, near Skipton, York-*. Proctor, Alfred Teresa, Cotham, Redcar Provan, James 17, Gordon Street, Gliisgow Prust, John Stock Exchange Puckle, Walter Bridge C, Copthall Court, E.C. Puckle, Stanley G, Copthall Court, E.G. Pugh, Hugh Carnarvon, North Wales Pulleine, James Clifton Castle, Bedale, Yorkshire Purdy, John Addingham, near Leeds 32G OivAND TKUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Purely, Natiiauiel ... 1?., Stockwc'll Park ll-.-ad, S. Purdy, Alfred Juipch... (Jkuhamptoii Cottage, Ikaufoi't rLLO\ !:a']i Putnam, Jolin IMilledge 2, Plowdcn Buildings, Temple, E.C, Pyl)us, Henry, junr. 14, Newgate Street, E.C. Pyemont, Joliu Stock Exchange, E.C. Pyc-Sniitli, Arthur llansoiues Stone Work.'-, Ijlafk'.val! Lane, East Greenwich Pyin, AuEfustfi Caroline Care of ^Ie-(srs.Drumonds,Charii):^Ci'>'-;< Pyrah, Eliza Jackson Mr, John's, Ingrain Gate, Tliirsk


Qnailo, James Summer (^f Ilorslev. McLarin tb Co. 11, Gld Hall Street, Liverpo^;! Quid:, Jolin Barnstaple, Devon


Radcliile, John ]Moorfield, Withiugton, Manchester Iladft»rde, .lohn Sunierset House, AV.C. Ra^bnrn, John T^Ierchant St. l»re\very, Edinburgh Rajbnrn, '\Villiam ... I\lerchaiit St. Brewery, EdiuburL''li Rafl", ^Yilliam Forres, N.B. Ragg, John Smitli ... 1, Jauies Street, Adelphi, W.O.

Railton, ^ leorge '\Vithington cir Kailton, John Exchange Arcade, ]\I;inchestcr Ralii. Alexander ... Peter's Buildings, Itumford Street, Ealli, Eustrachio Liverpool Rait, George Thomas 70, IJishopsgate Street, E.C. Ramsay, William ... Hutton Bui-hell, Yorkshire Rainf5ey, Flint Care of 3 turns ct -'ilclver, 21, 2Iaid u D'Orleans Street, Havre, FrjiUce. Ramsbottom, John Harewood Lodge, !^Iotlram, near Manchester Ramsdale, Jo.scph ... Gihla Brook Road, Eccles, near Manchester Ranifuleu, Sir James Barrt)U'-in-Furness Randr.ll, Joseph, and Care of Jolm VeascA' Franklin, Ptan

Kaiilciuo, fvoliort '\Villitua ... Roseiiaiik TTo'-iSO, Fai]:;rl: Ilaukiii, .ii'liii Union Foundry, Livrrprnd Rankin, iJoUort'. (ilu'-ciiFcd) Art', J K.ixdito,'^ K, Jtitiikin Liverpool I Ranldn, 'L'l;<)iiias, aiii'i Duiise, N.I.^ Aitijliisoii, .liispcr

Rauwnii, WilUaiu ... Fairfield, Hitcliin, Hert-, RansMin, Clara CaT-o of 0. F. Humbert E.=*q., Littb ..\aseott, ^^'atf(^rd, Herts Ransom, Alfred Rx'tislow, Hitcliin, Herts.

Ras u : 11 , Hon ry E dwaru V.'ostiield Ciinrch Ro;'cd, T'ppcr Norwiod, S.E. Rutlil>"n!S Benson... Exchan_i,'o Ruildin^-.^, Xortii Liverpool RiitlilioiiU, Ricliiird Reynold.-'. i'eeelnvood House, Gras.'-'cjidalc, neai Liverpool

Ratclifi; William ... < M!;;;tidoii, neav Dcrl.v

Rato, -\ A[ary ...- 7, (Ucngylo Terraee, I']d:nl)nrL,li Rate, ?-Irs. Jano 7, (jllengyle Terrace, EdiMl)nrgh Ravenseroffc, V.'iili;ini :.V>, Lower CasUc Str^-ct, Liverpool Rawdo]i, V.'illiani Frederic':... Sininy Batik, Clifton, York R:rivliu;.:;s, JoPcpli Thomas ... \C), Victoria Street, Shrev/.sbury RawliuHon. Jclm ... l'aii:er Street, Jiurnley Rav.'son, Henry 's, Lxcliai\^e Street, .\Linchester Rtiy, Frederick Henry \Veddiiigton Castle, Xunoaton Raj'niond, Cuthbert J.yle.'^tone Hill, Hereford Raynav, John J 8, .-Mbitin Street, Li-'e.Is Rayuiir, Squire Clmreh Street, Dew-sburj-

Raj'ner, R( )1 )er Loe riliriield, Yorks.

R:iyne3.?,lrs. Sophia Eli;:a].>'.rj; Potton, ]]ed.>-',.

Roa, V. i Hi am Crono 16, Kiii-slakc Street, Edge HiU, Livc'i'pool Read, Jnsepli Lord Street, Liverpool Eoado, Z\li;-s EUcn ... Fellonberg Honse, I'liidvale Road, St. Heliers, Jersey Read, Harry Lee ... 1, Mitre Court, Milk Street, E.G.

Road, .James ?t • avket Place, Salisbury Readman, (leorgo, and Clydesdale Banking Co., Glasgov/ I\Iat]iers, Alexander Reason, AVilliam ... 27. Farleigh Road,Sto]vO XcA-inc^tou, N. Rea3', i\rarg-Rret Ohlgate, Morpeth lid RLckitt, Fnincis ... Crag View, Hesle, near Hull

RcdL^atv-^, Th OS. Joseph 1.:^, Gcf-rgc Street, E.G. Rcdferu, Charles ... 4, Derby Road, Son tlipovt Rechiian, (inbrid Jannctt ... 0, R. l,i;^8 Park, Tiam]),;read, X.AV. Redmayno, John ... 0, Que..u's Place, Chapelton, near jjec!i>' Reddir)j,'ton, Xathaniel 1, iUacivburn Street, Liverpool Reece, .Tohn Trafibrd, near Chester Rcecc, ^Villiara (deceased) .. E.ccc>itor, Jonathan Smith (Address not known) Reed, James The Knoll, Abergavenny Reed, William (deceased) Executrix, Mrs. M. Reed 119, Lower Wandsworth Road, Baticr- sea Park, SAV. 128 OEA.XND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Reekcs, Gcorgo Henry 2, Rutland Villas, Chetwyn Roail, Kentish Town Reeves, "Rev. Jjis. Somcrvillo Hen Lodge, Drimoleaguo, Co. Cork Reeve, Riclifvrd Henry Lowestoft Reid, Alexander (Jeors^o Auchterarder, N.B. Reid, Ciipt. (jleorge (decased), J^.icrtr., Shaw, George John 8, Furnival's Inn Reid, Eliza1»etli, and Picton House, 285, Camden Road, X.V,'. Midwinter, "Walter James... Reid, William 21, Charlotte Street, Edinburgh Reid,. William 18, Aytown Street, Manchester Reid, Ji>lin Johnstone (i5. Old Broad Street, E.C. Reid, Miss Jane Hotson G'3, Adelaide Road, N.W. Reid, Sir John Rae (Bart.) ... 24, St. James's Street, S.W. Reid, Thomas 75, Mitchell Street, Glasgow Reid, William, (deceased) Ej:cculri>\ Jauo Reid G3, Adeleide Road, N.W. Reily, Charles 3, Neville Road, Tunbridgo Vrdls Reinhardt, Johann Christian 70, Jiriggate, Leeds Reiser, Benedict ... IG, Chiswell Street, E.C. Reith, George Aberdeen Remnant, Major Samuel Reform Club, PaU Mall, S.AV. James ... Rendel, Alexander Meadows 8, Great George Street, S.W. Rennie, John Tollcross, by Glasgow Rennie, Thomas ... Union Bank of Scotland, jNIayboIo Renny, William ... Bishops Waltham, Hants Renshfiw, Henry Constantino Bank Hall, Chapel-en- le- Frith Renshaw.Herbert Smith, M.D. Sale Bridge House, Sale, near Manchester Rensburg, Henry Edward ... Liverpool Renton, James Hall Stock Exchange, E.C. Renton, James Hall, and Stock Exchange, E.C. Lamojid, James

Renton, John Thompson 1 G,Throgmorton Street, E.C.

Reutoul, James Sharp Care of Thomas Muirhead cfc Co., Glasgow Reynoldson, Thomas Queen Street, Hull Reynolds, John James 31, Castle Street, Hereford Reynolds, Francis ... (Address not known) Reynolds, Francis Samuel ... Lord Street, Liverpool Reynolds, John Burrall 70 & 71, Bishopsgate St. Within, E.C. Reynolds, George, Senior ... Rosehill Cottage, Weymouth Reynolds, Henry Bion and Barnes, Henry Percy 07, Lombard Street, E.C. Rhenius James Robb 29, Annan Terrace, Edinburgh Rhodes, Miss Marg.aret Balbey, i r Doncaster Rhodes, Miss Theodsia Maria Balbey, near Doncaster Rhodes, Abraham Heybrook, near Rochdale Rhodes, Edward John 27, Stafford Terrace, W. Rhodes, John 18, Albion Street, Leeds Rhodes, Rev. Gregory 11, Norfolk Road,St.John's Wood,N.W Rhodes, Caroline ... Hennerton, Henley-on-Thames .


Rhodes, Ciipt. Henry Brooke Hennert( tn, Henley-on-Thames

Rhodes, ( i L" tV'^G SiUinic'l Moorlands, Dewsbuiy Rice, John Railway Stati(m, Hitchin, Herts. Rice, Alfred 57, Tithcbarn Street, Liverpool Rich, Tlionias W e8t( »n-super-Maro Richards, Lewis ...... 13, Charlotte Street, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydvil Richards, Mary Care of Edward Allcard, 28, Thread- needle Street, E.G. Richards, Thomas, and Hardwycke, near Wellingboro' Allcard, Edward Richardson,Charlotte Elizal)eth 12, Charlotte Street, Bedford Scuiare Richardson, Timothy Ockbrook, near Derby Richartlson, Jj (ues Browne ... Upper Bellfield, Sterling

» Richardson, .1 . n Hunter . . 40, Dame Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne Richardson, Estlier 2G0, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. Richardson, Frederick Chignal Smedley, near Chelmsford Richardson, George (deceased) E.cor. Frederick Richardson Chignal St. James', near Chelmsford Richardson, Miss Jane 21, Grosvenor Square, W. Richardson, John ... St. Cuthbert's House, Lytham Richardson, John Gnibb Mayallen House, Co. Down, Ireland Richmond, Arthur James ... Star Corner, Bermondsey, S.E. Richmond, Henry (deceased) E.drix. Richmond, Mrs. Hannah Netherfield, Kendal Richmond, James Gadsby ... Stamford Row, Bowden, Cheshire Richmond, Thomas Cheapside, Burnley, Lancashire Richmond, James ... St. James Street, Burnley Rickaby, Mrs. Jane Middleton-in-Pickering, Yorks. Rickards, Edward Henry ... 29, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Ricketts, Hannah ... 10, Walcot Buildings, Bath Ricketts, John Bath Riddelsdell, John... Stock Exchange, E.G. Riddle, Francis Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Riddle, James 70, Hyde Road, Manchester Ridehalgh, Henry ... Stock Exchange, Liveri^ool Ridehalgh, Miss Alice 79, Everton Road, Liverpool Ridehalgh, Miss Mary Elizth. 79, Everton Road, Liverpool Ridehalgh, William 79, Everton Road, Liverpool Ridgers, James 29, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square Ridgway, John 67, Arbourtrey Street, Hurdsfield, Macclesfield

Ridley, Frances Eliza ... Cobham Vicarage, Gravesend

Ridsdale, Alfred ... (Address not known) Rigby, Robert Victoria Road, Great Crossby, near Liverpool Rigby, Thomas Winsford, Cheshire Rigby, William Duke Street, Glasgow Rigg, George Albert Road, Kendal Green, Kendal Rigg, Miss Mary Lillias, and Tarvit House, by Cupar, Fifeshire Rigg, Miss Margaret Rigg, Miss Edith 9 130 GRAND TIIUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Iligg, Christopher Ilobert ... 110, Cannon Street, E.C.

Rigge, Sumiicl Tuyhjr ;i, Kaliuont Place, Halifax Biluy, John ... Bearley House, Ludlenden Foot, via Manchester lliley, Haiulot ...... Briarley House, Luddeuden Foot, via Manchester Riloy, John Oldham Ring, Mrrt. Esther C, and Care of W. G. Du liedat ro', Northamptonshire Robbins, Leopold Geo.Gordon 4, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Lin Roberts, Brausby ... Badlesmere House, Eastbourne, Sussex Roberts, Edmund Humphrey Slanion Houpx', Pembroke Dock Roberts, Edwin Weston, Waterford Roberts, Edward Hunt Gandy Street, Exeter Roberts, John, M.D. Guernsey Roberts, John (Address not known) Roberts, Robert ... Springwood House, near Burnley Roberts, Thomas ... 3, India Buildings, Liverpool Roberts, Thomas ... Exchange Street, Manchester Roberts, William ... Tipton Green Furuacers, Tipton Roberts, William ... 54, Catherine Street, Liverpool Roberts, William Henry 27, Royal Crescent, Xotting Hill, N.W. Robertson, Alexander 34. Murray Gate, Dundee Robeiis(m, Alexander Belle Vue Villa, Crosshill, Glasgow Robertson, Alexander Berwick-on-Tweed Robertson, Alexander Inglis Aultuaskiach, near Inverness Robertson, Andre 'V, Capt. ... Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall Robertson, Ai-chibald The Royal Bank of Scotland, Glasgow Robertson, Archibald, and ... The Royal Bank of Scotland, Glasgow Taylor, John Robertson, Archibald, and Royal Bank, Glasgow Cowan, Hugh Robertson, Charles... 25, Dock Street, Dundee Robertson, Charles Sydney ... 72, Princes Street, Edinbm'gli Robertson, Miss Jane Belle Vue Villa, Crosshill, Glasgow Robertson, Daniel Bickman (Care of Mrs, Fleming) ... 32, South Cumberland Street, Glasgow Robertson, James ... Viewf^rth House, Grangemouth Robertson, James ... 4, Lindsay Place, Edinburgh Robertson, James ... 3, Lower Terrace, Hampstead Heath Robertson, John Henry and 59, George Street, Edinburgh Priogle, James ... Robertson, Richard H., and South Norwojd, S.E. Moore, Francis Robertson LIST OF SIIAllKIIOLDEna. 131

Tlolxrt-on, Liv^^renco, Juii. ... r*S, St. Vincent Street, Glasijow Rdbcrtsfdi, LiiniTiiCL', and ... Royal J>auk of Sootland, Edinburgh AVri^ht, .lamps ... Ro))ortsoD, Hov. SainnLjl ... Swinstoad Vicarage, Bourne, Liucoln- shiro Ilo1)i.'rtsoii, Robert Hopo r)S, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Roburtsou, Thomas John's Hill House, Wester Duddiug- stone, Mdiuburgh Rolnns, Ehouo^^or, Vv'illiam ... Waterloo Street, Brighton Robinson, Col. Douylivs (Address not known) Ro5(iiMou, Edwin ... 70, Worship Street, E.G. l^>l»inson. Georgo ((IccwiscmI) Exor. Ruv. CJeo.Ribiasoii... Ulgham ParsoTi;igc, Morpeth, Northumberland Robinson, Gcor!,'o ... Queen Insurance Buildings, Liverpool Robinson, Hannah Benson Street, Ulverstou Robinson, Honry ... Rawcliflu, near Selby, Yorkshire Robinson, John Ashfeli,RavenstonedaIo, Westmoreland Robinson, Christopher Hidtou Gate, Cumberland Roliinson, William... 18, Drury Lane, Liverpool Robinson, Geonjo ... Craven liank, Skipton, Yorks Robinson, Nathaniel Wishart Max'loes Hemel, Hempstead Robinson, Charles Horace ... 179, Upper Thames Street, E.G. Robinson, Homy Sandars ... Lord CoUingwood Inn, Highbridge, Newcastle Robinson, John Barber The Strand, Barrow-in-Furness Robinson, Ricliard 26, North Street, Bury, Lancashire Robinson, Stephen Lynhales, Kington, Herefordshire Robinson, Henry ... Snaith, Yorks. Robinson, Thomas Nut Hill, Heden, near Hull Robinson, Thomas Wingate Hill, Tadcaster, Yorks. Robinson, William Darlington Lodge, nearWarrington Robinson, William Owen C, Warnford Court, E.G. Henrj', and Arthur H. Robinson, William Fothergill 5, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Robinson, John Hexham Robinson, Revd. George Ulgham Parsonage, Morpeth, North- umberLmd Robinson, Robert, and Hildrop Cottage, South Para«ie, Simpson, Thomas Grantham Robinson, Rev. Edward Shackerstone, Atherstone Robinson, Mrs.Frances Rebecca Frogmore, Torquay Robins(m, John 3, Winton Place, Dublin Robson, Alfred 1.5, Angel Court, E.G. Robson, Henry Stock Exchange Robson, Kenneth ... Hall Bank, Bowdon, Cheshire Robson, William ... Myrtle Grove, Pocklington Robson, William, Sen. West End Terrace, Stockton-on-Tees Robson, Charles ... Grove Hill, Kelso Robson, Harriet (deceased) Ej'ecutor, John Foster Halifax Robson, Miss Katherine Leigham Avenue, Streatham, S.W. Robson, William ... Kelso 132 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Rockley, Joseph Boothby ... 155, Borough, High Street, S.E. Rodham, John (deceased) ... ExTx. Catherine Kodliam Scarborough Rodgers, Thomas ... 89, Union Terrace, York Rodick, Margaret (deceased) Executor, William R. Lewis The High Beech, Hollington, Hastings Rodie, Alexander (deceased) Executor, Alexander Macfie Liverpool Rodger, Walter Washington B. Bagatelle, Greenock Rodociinachi, John Theodore 43, Palme rston Buildings, E.G. Rodocanachi, Michael Em- 29, Finsbury Circus, manuel Rodway, Cecil 38, St. Michael's Hill, Bristol Rodway, Mrs. Anne 38, St. Michaels Hill Bristol Rod v/ ell, Tliomas ... Bandou, Co. Cork Roe, John Erasmus Carlton Chambers, 4, Regent St.,S.VV. Rogers, George 19, Gloucester Place, Hyde Park, W.

Rogerr , John 40, Jermyn Street, St. James, S.W. Rogers, Mt.nsel, and Stanstead Cottage, Rudgwick, near Rogers, Jane Horsham, Sussex Rogers, William ... Elm Grove, Rye Lane, Peckham Rogerson, John Croxdale Hall, Durham Rogerson, Thomas... Ockbrook, near Derby Rogerson, James ... Roman Villa, Fulwood, near Preston Rolfe, Elizabeth Margaret ... Bocking, Braintree, Essex Rollason, Thomas Henry Florence Villas, Huyton, near Liverpool Romney, John Dunn 65, York Road, Lambetli Roney-Dougal,Richard, Lt.-Col. Ashley House, Leamington Rooney, James G.W. Docks, Plymouth Ronald, Byron Lord 144, Leadenhall Street, E.G. Rooiie, Miss Marian Lucy ... Highfield, Lymington, Hants Rooke, Thomas Morley, and Montague Lodge,Carabray,Cheltenhani Binks, Benjamin Rook, Rev. Joseph Colwell ... Thaxted, Essex Rooke, William Woven Woodside, Lymington, Hants Roots, George 2, Ashley Place, Pimlico, S.W. Roper, James 18, Dale Street, Liverpool Rose, Charles E

Rose, Rev. Aiired . Emmanuel College, Cambridge WM- Rose, Edward, Jun. Market Place, Malton Rose, Mrs. Susan ... 3, Moselle Terrace, Lower Tottenham Ross, Emily Bertha Rectory, Little Bookham, Surrey Ross, James Shirburn Castle, Tetsworth, Oxou

Ross, Mary Jemima Care of Coutts ',Ro8s,Alexander H. 60, Portland Place, W. Ross, James Drayton Manor, Tamworth Ross, Francis Railway Street, Hull Ross, John Jerusalem Coffee House, Cornhill, E.G. Ross, John 14, Harrison Place, Newcastle on-Tyne •w


Ross, John 4, Cumberland Place, Southampton Rossall, Richard ... 177, Grove Street, Liverpool Rostron, James Leech Halltop, Cheadle, Hulme Rosaiter, John Starcross, Devon Rotherain, Mrs. Matilda 171, Bedford Street, Liverpool Rothcram, William (deed.) Executrix, Matilda Rotheram 1/1, Bedford Street, Liverpool Rotheram, Miss Hanuah 80, Bedford Street, Liverpool Rotheram, Miss Maud 80, Bedford Street, Liverpool Roulet, Miss Julia 6G, Cambridge Terrace, W. Rounthwaite, James Housham, near York Rouger, Heury Stock Exchange, E.C. Roundell, Charles Savile 63, Cromwell Road, South Kensington Rowan Carruth Boyle Ayr Rowcliffe, John Baruouiu ... Godley, near Manchester Rowell, Thomas 7, Friday Street, E.C. Rowlands, Rev. Jno. Grimston Rectory, Lynn, Norfolk Rowsell, Maria 13, Hillside, Wimbledon, S.W. Rowe, Charles Fishergate Hill, Preston Rowe, James (deed.) and Chester Maddock, John Rowe, Joshua Brooking Little Tothill, Plymouth Rowe, Sir Joshua, CM. (deed.)

Ejcecntrix, Rowe, (Dame) Care of Willis

Ktitlierforcl, John ... 2, Cavendish Place,Cavendiali Sq., W.C. Bell, John and Rucker, John Anthony Rutland, Williaui ... 20, Market Place, Hull Rutson,. Albert Osliff Ncwby Wiske, Thirsk Rutson, Charlotte Fanny Newby WLske, Thirsk Rutson, Charlotte Mary Newby Wiske, Thirsk Rutson, Henry Newby Wiske, Thirsk Rutson, Heniy and Newby Wiske, Thirsk Rutson, A. O. Ryder, Emily Susannah 40, Fitzroy Square, W. Ryan, George Edward N. FulweU House, Upper Teddington


SafHey, Thomas 25, York Tcirace, Everton, Liverpool Sage, Charles Frederick 11, Royal York Crcsent, Clifton, Bristol St. Clair, Alexander Bower ... (Address not known) St. George, WiUiam Whitmore Mersey Coui-t, Liverpool St. John, Frederick Don St. Faith's, Norwich Bolingbroke, and Carman, Herbert Alexander Saint, James, Junr. 171, Union Street, Aberdeen Sainthill, Richard... Topsham, Devon Saker, WiUiam Edward Shiplake Mills, near Henley-on-Thames Sale, Rev. Henry Town send... 3, St. Mary's Terrace, Scarborough Salmon, Major George Paris Willanslee ViUa, Perth, N.B. Salmonson, Edward 1 73, Upper Brook Street, Manchester Salting, William Severin 3, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. Salwey, Theophilus John ... Ludlow, Salop Samson, Alexander Murdoch Janeville, Irvine, N.B. Sampson, Marmaduko Blake Hampton Court, S.W. Sampson, Stephen Matthew... Kirk Langley, near Derby Samuda, Joseph (deceased) Executor, Jonathan Samuda ll,St.Alban'sVillas,HighgateRd.,N.W. Samuel, Charles 50, Ludgate Hill, E.C. Samuelson, Martin ... Hessle, near Hull Sandars, George ... Beechwood, Tonbridge Wells Sanders, James 1, EavenscoTU't Ten-ace, Hammersmith Sanders, Henry St. Philip's Statiou, Bristol yr'


Santler.s, JamcH Highlands, Pennsylvania Road, Exeter Sauclei's, Johu ]'lenheim House, Southampton Sandors, William (deed.) Chesterfield E.wr., Robert Ramsden Sanderson, Stephen J3erwick-on-Tweed Sandei'son, Mrs. Thoraason ... (Address not known) Saudilands, Alfred... 12, Conduit Street, Bond Street, W. Sandisou, Alexander 3, Frederick Street, Edinburgh Sandwich, Blanche, Countess Care of Drumniouds & Co., 49, Charinj; of Cross, S.W. Sandford, Rev. Edward Denford Vicarage, Thrapston, North- amptonshire Sandford, Jas. Oakes (deed.), Exor, Rev. Charles Edwd. Leopold Wightman Shrewsbury Sapieha, Prince Leon Care of Mallett, Freres & Co. (Bankers),

Sare, Robert .'^7, Thrisseli Street, Bristol Sare, Thomas 1, Forefield Place, Bath Sargood, Augustine 7, Crown Office Row, Temple Sartoi'is, Alfred Abbotswoo

Saunders, Heniy ... 1 6, Norfolk Terrace, Brighton Saunders, Mrs. Mary Made- Bayswater, Blackrock, Co. Cork line M. Saunders, Rev. Wm. Herbert 2, York Place, Portman Square Saimders, Thomas. Union Bank of Scothmd, Dundee Saurin, Adnil. Edward IG, St. James's Street, S.W. Saurin, William Granville Carlton Club, Pall Mall Savage, Benjamin ... The W^oodlands, Penn,Wolverliampton Savage, Thomas ... 18, Gloucester Rd., Regent's Pk., N.W. Savage, Christiana... 2, Warwick Buildings, Chapel Street, Harrogate Savage, Christiana... Road, Rothesay SaviU, Robert Watford, Herts Savill, Henry Bushey, Herts SaviU, John Walter, and Rock Hill, Broad Clyst, Exeter Weldon, James Walter

Saville, James . . Thornes Lane, Wakefi eld

Saville, Miss Sarah .. 5a, Carlton Terrace, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds Saxton, Col. George Harper... Emsleigh, Victoria Park, Exeter Sayer, Arthur Mortlock ... 7, Highbury Crescent, N. Sayre, Edward ...... 71, Sewardstone Road East, Victoria Park, E. Scarlett, James ...... 24, Euston Square, N.W. Scarlett, Robert ...... 51, Albemarle Street, W, Schetky, Christina Teresa T.ife Care of A. B. Trevenen, 22, Chancery Miss Susan Frances L. ... Lane, E.C. Schilizzi,DemetriusStefanovich 9, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 136 GllAND TRUNK KAILWAV OF CANADA.

Scliillizzi, Demetrius Stefauo- vich, and Schilizzi, John Stefanovich 25, Austin Friars, E.C. Schilizzi, Paul John 37, Finsbury Circus, E.C. Schmidt, Hermann Care of Kremelberg &, Co., Post Office Box 4445, New York Scholes, Thomas Denton Meltham Mills, near Huddersfield Schofield, James ... Hathershaw House, Hatiiershaw, near Oldham Schultz, George Samuel 30, Castle Street, Liverpool Schuster, Charles Alfred 12, Sackville Street, Portland Street, Samuel Manchester Schuster, Frederick Leo. 12, SackviUe Street, Portland Street, Manchester Schuster, Samuel Leo 90, Cannon Street, E.C. Schotel, Charles Arthur Stock Exchange, E.C. Scholfield, George ... 42, Catherine Street, Liverpool Schuster, Son and Co. 90, Cannon Street, E.C. Scott, George 61, North Richmond Street, Edinburgh Scott, Revd, Charles Thomas Shadiiigfield Hall, Wangfield, Sutiblk Scott, Edward Henry Suudridge Park, Bromley Scott, Alexander ... Towic Barclay, Turrift", N.B. Scott, Cavendish, St. James Street, S.W. Frances Constance 3, Scott, Alexander Nairne 8, Argyll Place, Regent Street, W. Scott, William Cumin Stock Exchange, E.C. Scott, Eliza EUen ... Ferriby, Brough, Yorkshixc Scott, Henry Hodgkinson ... Shordingfield, Wangford, Suffolk Scott, Hubert 10, Throgmorton Street, E.C. Scott, John William (deed.) Executrix, Hannah Scott... Carlton ViUa, Redland Road, Bristol Scott, Jonathan Keswick, Cumberland Scott, John 2, King Street, Pem'ith Scott, John, and Warminster, Wilts Smith, Joseph ... Scott, John Stokoe ... 2, Patmore Street, Battersea Fields Scott, Marion Eraser The Rowans, Sturdiugton Road Cheltenham Scott, Newton, and Lloyds', E.C. Don, Patrick Cockburn ... Scott, Thomas Shepherd 1, Market Street, Halifax Scott, James Nairne Stock Exchange, E.C. Scott, Jamea 51, North Richmond St., Edinburgh Scott, John, junr., ... C, High Street, Selkirk Scott, William Perth Road, Dundee Scott, Richard Herries D., and 19, Upper Brunswick Place, Brighton Dobree, Harry Hankey Scrase, Stephen 65, CQmhill, E.C. Seal, Samuel Smith 25, Linden Grove, Peckham Rye, S.E. Seall, William Wakefield Sealy, Robert The Grand Parade, Cork Sealy, James Murrintown, Wexford LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS, ]37

Sealy, Miss Helen... Arbortield, Dundrum, Co. Dublin Searle, Miss Fanuy Care of George Thomas Rait, 70, Bishopsgate Street, E.C. Sebag, Joseph 3, Copthall Court, E.C. Sechijire, Parasequeva 3, Adams Court, E.C. Sedgwick, Joseph Williamson 4, Temj)le Lane, Liverpool Seekings, Richard ... The Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birming- ham Seeley, Richard ... 129, Gray's Inn Road, E.C. Seed, James St. John Street, Preston Seed, James, Junr. Preston Segar, John M.D,... no, Lord Street, Southport SeUs, John, (deceased) Actg. Exor., John Miller ... Whitson Chambers,Nicholas St.,Bristol Sells, Vincent Peronett 4, Mincing Lane, E.C. Sellers, Charles 5, Park Place, York Sellers, William Bush Victoria Park, Herley, Sheffield Sellwood, Binford ... CoUumpton, Devon Sellwood, William ... Wootton Rivers, near Pewsey, via Marlboro' Servant, Mrs. Jane Cottage Road, Far Headingley, Leeds Sergeant, Thomas George ... New Headington, Oxford Semple, Robert James 3, Princes Terrace, Darlington Semple, Miss Wiunifred (deed.) Executor, Matthew Simple Genoa Villa, Ilfracombe Senior, John 17, Sweeting Street, Liverpool Seton, V/illiam 12, Watson Street, Aberdeen Sewell, Joseph (deceased) ... Executors, John Smith and Richard A. Tyson St. Andrews Place, Penrith Sewell, William ... Bush Place, East Peckham, Tunbridge Sewers, Caroline, and 8, Hanover Square, W. Sewers, Anna Mari a Sewers, Hesther ... Hanover House, Curry Rivel, near Taunton, Somerset Seymour, Nicholas Oeorge ... Queenstown Seymour, Henry Wilson ... 82, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Slumd, Mrs. Ann Isabella ... 43, Inverleith Row, Edinbmgh Shanks, John How ... 11, Warnford Court, E.C. Shand, James, and FuUbrooks, Old Maiden, Sui-rey Bu-kbeck, William Lloyd ... Shatter, John, Q.G. Lusk, John William, and Wilson, James Murray... 15, Austin Friars, E.C. Sharland, Thomas ... Wesleyau Schools, Humberstone Road, Leicester Sharman, John Whitehaven Sharpies, William ... li , St. Wilfred Street, Preston Sharp, David ... 1, Dundas Street, Glasgow Sharp, Edmund Hamilton . Old TrafFord, near Ma ^Chester Sharp, JFrederick William . 119, Wood Street, E.C. .


Sliai'p, Frederick ... Ad

Shaw, Thomas Wilkinson . . Wolverhampton Shaw, William Henry Kjinass Glen, Cork Shaw, William High Street, Sheffield Shaw, William St. Marks, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds Shaw, Emma 1, Lister's Buildings, Raglan Street, Halifax Shaw, Alfred ... Peter Street, Bury, Lancashire Shaw, Mrs. Ann ... Talbot Street, Dublin Shaw, Sarah Anne... Care of J. F. Perkinton, Silver Street, Halifax Shaw, John Bank Street, Bolton Shaw, Henry Vincent Chambord Lodge, Dyke Rd., Brighton Shawcross, William Inland Revenue Office, Hull Shawyei', George ... 27, Kildare Terrace, Westbourne Grove Shearwood, George Perry ... Belvidere Road, Upper Norwood Sheffield, Right Hon. George Sheffield Park, Uckfield Earl of Shelton, William Griffin Canal Street, Wolverhampton Shelmerdine, Thomas 22, Chapel Street, Salford Shelmerdine, Nathaniel Beachfield Weaste, Manchester Shepard, Richard ... 12, Sebbon Street, Islington, N. Shephard, Thomas Holt Kearsney, near Dover Sheppard, William... ,„ Ash ford, Kent Sheppard, Rev. Francis Patrington Rectory, near Hull Sheppard, Samuel Gurney ... Stock Exchange, E.G. Sheppard, Miss Mary Eshton Hall, near Leeds Sheppard, Frederick James ... Towcester Shepherd, Bowman 90, Great Horton Road, Bradford

Shepherd , James ... Pilling, Fleetwood Shepherd, John Wellfield, Rochdale Shepherd, Matthias Egerton Trosley Rectory, near Maidstone Shepherd, Mrs. Elizabeth ... Sharlston Colliery, near Normanton ..


Shepherd, John Watson Dundee Shepherd, Mrs. Aime Nothergrove, Chundeigh, Devonshire Shepherd, Ctiptu. Tlioiiias ... Kirkville, Aberdeen Stevens, John AVhiteliill Shcpberd, Alexander aud Waddilove, Cyrus Shepherd James ... Carlton Road, Burnley Shepherd, Captain Ale:cajxlcr Nether Grove, High Beckington, Chumley, Devon Shepherd, Thomas ... 27, Coleridge Place, Bradford Sherwin, Lucy Finlde Street, Cottingham, Yorkshire Sherlock, Mrs. Ennna Bentham Rectory, near Lancaster Sherrhig, Samuel Summers... 121, 1'embroko Road, Clifton, Bristol Sherwood, John, Junr. Park Cottage, Long Handb(jrough, near Woodstock, Oxfordshire Shiell, Jolin Brechin, N.B. Shiers, Benjamin ... Havvpike, near Skipton, Yorkshire Shipley, Col. Reginald Youge Chateau de Berthuay, Lausanne Shirreft", Jjunes Alexander . . Stock Exchange, E.G. Shirreff", George Williams ... Stock Exchange, E.C. Shore, William 1, Red Lion Street, St. Ann's Square, Manchester Short, Caleb Chagford, Devon Short, Francis Baring Brickham, near Exeter Short, Joseph Henry Ivy Place, Oak Street, Wolverhampton Short, Thomas 1 & 2, Great Winchester Street Build- ings, E.C. Shoi-thouse, John William ... 30, Calthorpc Road, Bimiingham Shout, James Tagus 22, Parkside, Knightsbridge, W. Shout, Major Northgate, Darlington Shurt, Rev. Theodore 3, Beauchamp Walk, Leamington

Pii( )r's , Warwickshire Shute, George Byng Hardwick Yately, Farnborough Shute, Harry Fitz Gerjild . . Clarendon House, Dartmouth, Devon Shute, John Glenavon House, Clifton, Bristol Sidey, Charles Dunsinnan, Perth Silver, W^illiam Henry SeaView,Newbarns,Barro"w-in-Fumess Silvester, Thomas, M.D. Broadwater Grange, Tunbridge Wells Sinie, James Craigmount House, The Graagc, Edin- burgh Simons, Frederick Yates Stock Exchange, E.C. Sim, JTames Duncan Care of Coutts & Co., Strand, W.C. Sim, William Clulow Knoyle, Clyst St. George, Topsham Sim, Thomas Tait... IG, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh Simes, Nathaniel Phillips ... Strood Park, Horsham Simon, Thomas Deputy Viscount, St. Heliers, Jersey Simmons, Miss Miriam 80, St. George's Square, Portsea Simjus, Thomas ... Elton Terrace, Darlington Sims, Rev. Edward and Larkbere House, Escott, Ottery St. Sims, Sarah Elizabeth Mary, Devon Simms, Frederick ... 13, Albert Mansions, Victoria St.,S.W. Simpson, Charles Turner ... 7, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. 140 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Simpson, George ...... 14, Whestone Lane, Higher Trainmere, Birkenhead Simpson, John 198, Kirkgate, Wakefield Simpson, James Thomas Call Lane, Leeds Simpson, llev. Thomas Thornton, near Pickering, Yorkshire

Simpson, William ... Withernwick, near Hull Simpson, Frances ... Court House, Bromborough, near Birkenhead Simpson, Miss Matilda Court House, Bromborough, near ]5irkenhead Simpson, John ]51, Woodhouse Street, Leeds Simpson, Frederick Grove Ten-ace, Wakefield Simpson, Benjamin W. 85, Gracechurch Street, E.C. Simpson, William, and... 196, Kirkgate, Wakefield Simpson, John Simpson, Mary Ockbrook, near Derby Simpson, James ... 17, West Hillary Street, Leeds Sinclair, Peter KOmartin, Lochgilphead, Argyllshire Sinclair, James John 40, Wilson Street, Derby Singlehnrst, Charles Litherland Park, near Liverpool SitweU, llobert S. W. Stainsby House, near Derby Skelding, William ... 32, Dawson Phice, Notting Hill, W. Skeltou, Charles ... Manchester Road, Bolton Skelton, Miss Margaret Market Place, Kendal Skewes, Miss Mary Lauarth House, Lanarth, near Redruth Skilbeck, Richard ... Bilton Grange, York Skinner, John 50, Jermyn Street, S.W. Skurray, Major Francis Clias. Ledbiiry, Herefor

Smerdou, Richard...... Care of Baring Brothers

Smordon, Thomas Richardson Care of Baring Brothers


Smith, Williiuii Mouidlro, DnuifrioHslurc Smith, Jdlm Etlvviinl Newark, Notts Smith, .Tost*])]! County Bank, Ciren'^estor Smith, Jdsiiili Timnivs Crosland, Barrow-in-Furness Smith, MisH Jiiuu ... 0, Al))ert Road, Lower Addiscombo, Croydon Smith, Mrs. Julia ... 17, Dover Street, Piccadilly Smith, Joroiuu Tollemache Ro.vd, Birkenhead Smith, JaiiR's Hcrburt Vuni)ury:h Park, Blackheath Sn>ith, John Hooper Ci, Alexandra Terrace, Portslado, Sussex Smi'li, Jol'.u Bar Terrace, Pontefract Smith, John Helnisley, Yorks Smith, JuuKs Little ^loylo, Carlow, Ireland Smith, Mrs. I^Iary Tiioiiiton... LnuLjcroft, Willesdcn Smitli, Martin llidloy 1, Lonil)ard Street, E.C, Smith, Niemann ... 51), Strand, W.C. Smith, Owen, and Smitli, Mrs. MaiyAnn ... 0, Rcdland Park Villas, Bristol Smith, Prince Koi^hley, Yorks Smith, Richard Binnoy 5, Angel Court, E.C. Smith, Richard Hitchiufjs ... Chesterton Terrace, Cirencester Smith, Samnel Meanw(jod, Leeds

Smith Sajnu' 1, and Simpsou, John Hope Liverpool Smith, Thomas 29, Square Road, Halifax Smith, Thomas 23, Whitehead Grove, Chelsea, S.W. Smith, Thomas Denmark Cottage, Norton Lindsey, near Warwick Smith, Thomas Ellison Royal House, Keighlcy, Yerks. Smith, Thomas High Street, Barnet, Herts Smith, Thomas Henry Clifton Cottage, Ashbourne, Derby

' '• Smith, Thomas New Road Villa, Cirencester , Smith, Vere Herbert Vanburgh Park, Blackheath, S.E. Smith, William Johnson, M,D. Grecnhill, Weymouth Smith, Williain Bridport, Dorset Smith, William Hemsworth... 25, Carver Street, Sheffield Smith, William Elcom])e ViUa, Croydon Grove, West Croydon Smith, William James 6, Upper Kennington Lane, S.E. Smith, Robert Edwin 10, Hastings Street, Leicester Smith, John Sunnyside, Lightcliffe, near Halifax Smith, William 12, Belle Vue Street, York Smith, Joseph East End House, Wai'minster Smith, Thomas Crawley, Sussex Smith, William Thompson ... New field, Ruthwell, Annan Smith, Miss Emma Hamilton The Palace, Crediton Smith, Eleanor Care of T. F. Bartlett, Esq., Crewkemo, Haselbiiry Smith, Captain John 22, C;).stlenan Villas, Barnes Smith, Jervoise 1, Lombard Street, E.C. Smith, William Carruthers ... 4, Hope Street, Leith Smith, Edward Burgess 9, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. Smith, Ellen Middlesboro' LWT OF SHAIIEUOLDEUS.

Smith, Georgo Hoggau 60, Groat King Street, Edinburgh Smith, Jolin 128, Rye Hill, Newoa,stlj-o:i-Tyao Smith, Charles Kirklauds, UlverHton Smith, Edwiivd Cushion Court, E.G. Smith, William Fredk.Boyton 2, Froderiiik I'lace, Weyiuou'.h Smith, Walter Fryer & Foellallt House, Lee, Keut Steele, Edward ... Snell, Granville Alexander ... oG, Hawley Roail, Keutish Tovrn Snellgrove, Frederic ... Stock Exchange Suelliug, Ellen 14, Somerset Street, Poriman Sq., W. Snepp, Rev. Edward Halifax Sneyd, George Edward Sid'oury ^Manor, Sidmoutli, ])evon Sneyd, Thomas ... Sid1)ury Manor, Siiluniutli, l)..'von Snow, Nathan 3, Slierwood St., Regent Hi., W. Snowden, Joseph ... SC, Cheapside, E.G. Soames, Daniel VVilshew Harrow Weald, Stanmore Solomon, James Vose 90, New Hall Street, Biriuingliam Somerville, Lieut. Redmond Uniacke 01st Regt., Cm'ragh Camp, Ireland Southby, Harriet SaraJi Bajnpt(n), Farringdon, Berlcs Solomon, John 19, I'ercy Street, Liverpool Somers, John Burder Squire 22, Nortli Audley Street, W. Somerset, Alfred Plantagenet Entield Court, Entield Frederick Charles Somerville, Mrs. Isabella ... 2, Devisca Place, Moukstown, Cork SomerviUe,MargaretEverina & Ballincollig, Cork Somerville, David A. Soote, James Kerrs House, Broughty Ferry, N.B. Souter, Catherine ... Bonnington, North Leith, Eilinburgh Southby, Philip Bampton, Farringdon, Berks Southworth, Thomas 50, Duke Street, Smithport Sowler, Thomas ... Red Lion Street, Manchester Sparke, James Bury St. Edmunds Sparrow, John William, and Wolverhampton Loveridge, Samuel Sparrow, John William Beckminster, Wolverhampton Speak, Paul Queen's HeaJi, near Halifax Speck, William ... Ratcliff Iron Foundry, Commercial Road East, E. Spence, John Samuel Skirlaugh, Holderness

Spence, Robert (deceased) ., Executrix, Mrs. Charlotte Bicldey, Kent Spence Spencer,SirAugustusA.,iC.CB. United Service Club, S.W. Spencer, Emily Fanny Funtingdon, Chichester, Sussex Spencer, George ... (Address not known) Spencer, Thomas ...... The Grove, Ryton, near Blardon-on- Tyne Spencer, Thomas ... Wokingham Spencer, Rev. Edward Grammar School, Tavistock Spencer, John Irthlingboro', Higham Ferrers Sperling, John 16, Kensington Palace Gardens, W. Spice, J.ames 86, Bridge Road West, Batcerijea 144 OIUNI) TRUNK RAILWAY OP CANADA.

Spicer, Willimii Rovoll New Bridge Street, Blackfriurn,E.C. S]>icer, iMiiry Elizaboth Rye Cottage, High Wycombe, liucks. Spic'or, JiunL'.s no, Upper Thames Street, E.G. Spiking, .T(tlm Market Place, Dewsbury Spikinj^, Williiim ... Nortligate, Dewsbury Spoouer, Nuwhy Al)riiliiim ... Outlauds, near IMynioutli Spottiswofxlo, llobert 7, Tliistle Street, Edinburgli RpDigue, Edwin Colleton House, Exeter Sprnj^ue, Willium Wliito 14, Sherborne Lane, E.C Sprigs, Miss AUcii Wii))crforou 21, Medina Villas, Hove, Sussex Springnum, Eiuil ...... Harued's Huildings, Sweeting Street, Liverpool Sproat, David, and MoMnldrow, James Kirkudbright Sprot, Edward William Riddell Selkirk, N.B. Sproston, llov. Saml. Tlios. ... Whitmore Lodge, Wolverhampton Spry, Alfred Care of A. D. Harston, 124, Liverpool Road, N. Spnrling, Percival, and 5, Copthall Court, E.C. Skinner, James Spurrier, Ilevd. Henry Roughton Rectory, Horncastle Spyer, Jones 113, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park Squibb, John 142, Lewisham High Road, S.E. Squire, Edmund Burnand, &; Upper Terrace, 11 nipatead, N.W. Squire, Mrs. Florence Squire, William 6, Coleman Street, E.C. Squire, Rev. (irraliam Harry Sunningwell Rectory, near Abingdon Squirrell, John 3, Tauntcm Road, Leo, S.E. Squires, George William 1C5, C(jld Harbour Lane, Camber well Stables, James ... Leeds Staley, George ... Butterley Iron Works, Alfreton, Derbyshire Stamp, William Charles Seville House, 160, Lower Tulse Hill, Surrey. Stancomb, William Wilkins 1, Camden Terrace, Kingsdown, Bristol Standard Marine Insurance Liverpool Company, (Limited) Stanton, Stephen William ... 3, The Butts, Warwick Stanley, Edward ... 44, Waterloo Rd., Waterloo, Liverpool. Stansbury, Elizabeth 5, Pembroke Terrace, Woolcott Park, Redland, Bristol Stansbury, Harriett 5, Pembroke Terrace, Woolcott Park, Redland, Bristol Staples, Annie Louisa Gaybrook, Mullingar Staples, Mary Coates Place, Edinburgh Staples, Harriett Elizabeth... Balrath Bury, Kells, Co. Meath Stapleton, James ... Sidbury, near Sidmouth

Starbuck, Ed. Stephenson,

Starling, Joseph . . Stock Exchange, E.C. Stark, David Kirkcaldy, N.B. Stansby, Richard Stanley ... 2, Bramble Street, Derby .


Stark, Wilrton Emery Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C. Stark, Mrs. Mjirgaret Carrickfergiis Stavert, Archibald 18, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh Staveloy, Eastland ... 40, Grove St., Linacro, near Liverpool Steane, George Litlle Park Street, Coventry Stearns, Joseph Phillips Stock Exchange, E.C. Steains, James, junr. 9, Mincing Lane, E.C, Steel, Captain Gavin Holmhead, Lanark, N.B. Steet, George Carrick Roslyn Terrace, Hampsteacl, N.W. Steele, David Royal Bank of Scotland, Forfar Steele, William Edward, M.D. Hatch Street, Dublin Steele, William 1, Grafton Square, Glasgow Steele, William Edward, and 15, Hatch Street, Dublin Steele, Susan Steevenson, John ... Bloomfield Street, Litchurch, Derby Steeveuson, Thomas Bloomfield Street, Derby Stephen, Alexander 23, King Street, Aberdeen Stephen, Thomas ... Kinlop, Forres, N.B.

Stephens, William Richard . . 3G, Throgmortou Street, E.C. Stephenson, Mark Pratten ... Southfield Road, Cotham, Bristol Stephenson, Thomas Newbegin, Beverley, Yorka Stephenson, William Railway Street, Beverley, Yorks Stephens, Thomas 31, North Audley St., Grosveuor Square Stephenson, Miss Eleanor ... Snaith, York Stevens, Thomas ... Southwark Chambers, 12, Soutliwark Street, Borough, S.W. Stevens, William Adams Southacre, Laurie Park, Sydenham Stevenson, Hugli ... (xrosvenor St., Piccadilly, Manchester Stevenson, Willianx George ... Foxlease, Lyndhurst, Hants Stevenson, William Terrace Cottage, Newstead Grove, Nottingham Steward, Walter Holden Whilton Rectory, Daventry, North- amptonshire Steward, Lieut. Henry Holden 2nd Dragoon Guards, Leeds Steward, Rev. Chas. Holden Standen Rectory, Eccleshall, StafTord- shire Stewart, Alexander 16, Vanburgh Park, Blackheath Stewart, Andrew Cunningham James Street, Perth Stewart, Charles ... HettonHall,byBelford,Northumberland Stewart, Charles (deceased) Executor, J. C. Boyd Liverpool Stewart, Charles ... Sweethope, Musselburgh, N.B. Stewart, Charles ... Salvite, Invemesa

Stewart, Rev. Canon John . . West Derby Rectory, Liverpool Stewart, John James Street, Perth Stewart, James Duart CaUander, N.B. Stewart, Peter James Street, Perth Stew Art, William Arnott Care of J. & R. IMorrison, Blackfriars Street, Perth Stewart, Robert ... St. Andrew Street, Dundee Stewart, Thos. Forbes 9, Goldsmid Road, Brighton Stewart, Charles Hay 17, John Street, Minories, E. 10 146 GRAI^'D TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Stewarfr, Rev. Dr. Alexander Doward, Monmouth Stidstonc, Hannah 142, Brixton Road, S.W. StiU, George 5, Wray Crescent, Tollington Park, N. Stirk, Joseph The Brewery, Burton-on-Trent Stirling, Edward Charles 34, Queen's Gardens, W. Tod, John Henry, and Christian, William Stirling, Patrick ... Leicester House, Doncaster Stirratt, James 41, St. Vincent Crescent, Glasgow Stitt, John Johnson 17, Water Street, Liverpool Stitt, Samuel Water Street, Liverpool '^tockdale, George ... 6, Throgmorton Street, E.C. otockdale, George (deceased) Exors. George Stockdale 6, Throgmorton Street, E.C. and others Stocks, Edward Royal Hotel, Wakefield Stocks, Michael 30, Milton Place, Halifax Stoddart, Alexander, and Drury Buildings, Liverpool Stoddart, Lawrence Stokes, Jacob (deceased) Exec.f Rd. Leacroft Freer ... Stourbridge Stone, Coutts and ... 64, Princes Square, Bayswater, W. Chappie, John Stone, John 13, Queen Square, Bath Stone, Fanny Annette, and Tunbridge Wells Stone, Fra nk William Stones, James Bradley 4, King WiUiam Street, Blackburn Stoney, Bindon Blood 42, Wellington Road, Dublin Stoodley, Elizabeth (deceased) E.Ttrix., Annie Stoodley ... Blandford, Dorset Stopford, The Ven. Edward 11, Adelaide Road, Dublin Adderley, LL.D., and Stopford, Edward A., juu. Storer, John Crich,nearBelper, Derby Storer, Thomas Newburgh Storr, Richard Ripley 13^ Coventry Place, Leeds Stott, John Sovereign Mill, Wigan Stott, Thomas Austin Greetland, near Halifax t3 Stowo, Miss Charlotte Warwick Stowe, Emily 136, Upper Parliament Street,Liverpool Stowe, Mary Aim ... High Street, Warwick Stowo, Thomas SuUey 136,Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool Stowell, William Stow, jun. ... Favordale House, near Darliugtou Strange, William ... Denmark Hill House, Wimbledon Strange, Charles ... 51, Cheyue Walk, Chelsea, S.W. Strange, Fanuy 51, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W. Strangman, Joseph Ferry Bank House, Waterford Straclian, Alexander 131, Station Street, Burton- on- Trent Strachan, James Greethead ... 100, High Street, Cheltenham Strachan, Mrs. Anna Maria,., 45, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Strachan, James Alexander ... 50, Threadneedle Street, E.C. Strachan, WiUiam, and 37, Nicholas Lane, E.C. Cowan, James ... s MM


Strapp, John Surbiton, Kingston-on-Thames

Straker, John Newcast 1 e- on- Tyne Stratton, William Henry Exeter Villa,58, Kenuington Oval, S.W. Strauss, Alphonse Henry 90, Cannon Street, E.G. Stretton, Bartholomew Bridgwater Place,High St., Manchester Street, George Hanover Buildings, Southampton

Street, James Christopher . C, Wellington Park, Belfast Strickland, George Deere Keswick Plac- White Ladies Boad, Bristol Strickland, Benjamin John 1, Hampton Terrace, North Gotham, Bristol Stringer, John Mill Street, Macclesfield Strong, Alfred 6, Day Street, Anlaby Road, Hull Strong, Joseph Frank 5, Portswood Park, Southampton Strother, Thomas ... Kelliughall, near Ripley, York Stroud, John Kingshill House, Knowle, near Bristol Stroud, Mary Ann... Kingshill House, Knowle, near Bristol Stroudley, William 63, Dyke Road, Brigliton Stuart, Miss Ann ... Villa Marina, Kilcreggare, Dumbar- tonshire Stuart, Bichard 10, Exchange Street East, Liverpool Stuart, Mrs. Elizabeth F. liyde View, Alverstone, Gosport Stuart, Major William Tyler Ryde View, Alverstone, Gosport Stuart, William 14, George Street, E.G. Stubbs, Charles Preston HiU, Penkridge, Stafford Stubbs, William ... Bentham, Yorks. Stubbs, Annie Elizabeth and Westbourno Road, Glaughton, near

Stubbs, John Pountney ., Birkenhead Stubbs, Louisa Helen, and Westboume Road, Chiughtou, near

Stubbs, John Pountney .. Birkenhead Stubbs, Mrs. Eliza. Chinnery Danby, Ballyshannon, Done<;al Stubbs, Henry ...... 73, Rodney Street, Livorpijoi Stubbs, John Pountney ... 4G, Castle Street, Liver] )ool Studd, Edward ...... 2, Hyde Park Gardens, W. Stunt, Edward ...... Northwich Terrace, IMaida Hill, N.W. Sturrock, Peter ...... Kilmarnock, N.B. Sugrue, John Henry ... Carroll's Quay, Cork Sugden, Robert Newsholme... Hanworth, Keighley Sugden, William 170, Battersea Bridge Road, S.W. Sufiivau, John 17, St, Patrick's Square, Edinbmgh Sullivivu, Marcus Clement ... "JT, Marlborough Street, Dublin Summers, Samuel ... Bernard Street, Southauipion Suininers, William Alltoft ... Leicester Place, Beverley Road, Hull Sumnier,sgiU, Benjamin 11, New Market, Vicar Lane, Leeds Surmau, Gerald 35, Lincoln's Imi Fields, W.C,

Glyu, Sir Richard George, tfc Cuyler, Sir Charles Henry J. Surridge, Rev. Henry A. D,... 21, Bemers Street, W. 3nt Surville, Louis Edward . . . Penrose Cottage, Upper Tooting Susans, Thomas ...... Osborne Villas Hill, Southampton Sutcliffe, George ...... Stoneshay Gate, Heptonstall, near Hebdeu Bridge, Manchester .


Sutcliffe, William, and Harley House, Todmordeu Sutcliffe, John ... Sutcliffe, Henry, and Burnett Field, Bowling, near Bradford Sutclifte, Joseph... Sutcliffe, William ... Harley House, Todmorden Sutcliife, James Smith Beech House, Bacup Sutcliffe, Garmaliel Stoneshay Gate, Hepstonstall, near Manchester Sutherland, Alexander Elderslie Cottage, Lenzie, N.B. Sutlierlaud, Douald IG, Comeley Bank, Edinburgh Sutherland, William Paton ... HazlemereLodge,Parkside,Beckenhani

Sutton, Thomas Peter Care of Sutton, Miller

S weeting, Robert Gamlen . . Silverdale, Leamington Swift, John Southfields, Eastbourne, Sussex Swindale, John Binfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Swindells, John Brereton ... 218, Hurdsfield Road, Macclesfield Swindell, Charles Ever. The Quarry, Stourbridgo Sykes, Adam Colthiu-st, near Clitheroe, Lancashire

Sykes , John, M.D.... 45, Hall Gate, Doncaster Sykes, Mrs. Ruth ... 4, Union Street, Halifax Syme, James, British Linen Co., Edinburgh Paterson, William, and Gunn, John Symington, Samuel Little Bowden, Northampton Symons, Samuel .,, 16, Spring Street, Portman Square Symons, Joim 82, East Street, Manchester Square Symons, Alfred Holton 82, East Street, Manchester Square Symons, Henry Eliezar 54, Thrcadneedle Street Symonds, Daniel ... Ashton, Dorchester Symonds, Rev. Heury The Lower Close, Norwich Syrett, Henry The Lawn, IMount Albion, Rainsgate


Talbot, Arthur ...... 15, Upper Berkeley Street, W. Talbot, John ...... Tillington, Stafford Talbot, Samuel Wtdker ... 21, Grand Parade, St. Leonards-on- Sea Talbot,TheHon.Mr8.CiirolineS. 10, Great George Street, S.W. .


Talmas8,Rev.JohnMayor,M.A. Firfiold Rectory, Chipping Norton, Oxon. Tapp (Col.), James Henry ... 1, Naunton Park Villa, Cheltenham Tapson, John, M.D. 13, Goldsmid Road, Brighton Tarrant, William Barnes Bond Court, Walbrook Crosby, Thomas Boor, and... King, Alfred Charles Tarratt, Heniy Worthington Bushbury Lodge, Leamington TarzeweU, Charles... 5, Telegraph Street, Landport Tate, Alfred Lacy ... St. Margaret's Road, Bowdon Tattersall, Edward... WaU Cottage, Heywootl Tattersall, John Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, E.G. Tatterson, Miss Sarah Ann ... Lower House, Lepton, nr. Huudersiield Tannton, George Edwin Livei-pool

Tawney, Edward Bernard . . 16, Royal York Crescent, Cliftou, Bristol Tayleur, Henry (deceased) ... Executor, Rev. Tlioonliilus

Henry Grisley Piileston. . Biyn-y-flynon, Rutliin Taylenr, Mrs. Mary Bryn-y-ftynon, Ruthin Tayleur, Miss Jane Eii'^abeth Belmont, Straemar, X.B. Taylor, Andrew Waterside Street, Strathaven, N.B. Taylor, Mrs. Anna... 67, Wellington Road, Dublin Taylor, Peter Alfred, M.P. ... 22, Ashley Place, S.W. Taylor, Bunbury, and Taylor, Christiana Emma E. 33, Stanley Gardens, Ke:i.«ingl;on Taylor, Clement ... St. John's Roud, Sevenoak^^, Kent Taylor, Sir Charles, Bari. ... 28, Park Crescent, Regent's Park Taylor, Edmund ... Whittle Lane, Birch Heywood, Lane. Taylor, Eleanor Lassingtou House, Redlund, Bristol Taylor, George 1, Oldham Road, Rochdido Taylor, George OiTcll IMount, AVigan Taylor, James Lassington House, Redland, Bristol Tayl or, James 46, Princes Street, Edinburgh Taylor, James Wigan Taylor, Charles MertluT Tydfil Taylor, John Orrell Mount, Wigan Taylor, John Spring Gardens, Bradfoi'd Taylor, John l^dwurd 12, Queen's Gate Ganlons, S.W. Taylor, John Hirst Broad Oak,Caml)ndgo Pk., Twickenham Taylor, Laiira 8, Abercrombie Place, Edinbtirgh Taylor, Mrs. Murtiia Elizabeth 12, Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. Taylor, Maiy Ann ... Luci:Elin, Malvern Linlc, Worcester Taylor, Michael Waistell, M.D. Hwtton Hall, Penrith Taylor, Bicluii-d ... 120, High Street, WliitoJiapel, E. Tayloi', Hichard, and 120, High Street, Whitechapel, E. Taylor, Sarah ... Taylor, Robert Barton-on-Humbcr

Taylor, llobort 1), Lea!ningt:)U T(>rrace, Edinburgh Taylor, Robert 6, Greenniouut Place, Hulbeck, near

* • • Leeds Taylor, Robert Wiitldns Meopham Park, Tonbridge, Kent TT ¥


Taylor, Frederick James Newport, Pagnell, Bucks Taylor, Henry- 24, Blenheim Terrace, Leeds Taylor, Richard, and 120, High Street, Whitechapel Taylor, Ellen Rosetta Taj^lor, Samuel 13, Crown Court, Belpor Taylor, Wilelinina, Miss 4, Farleigh Place, St. Luke's, Cork Taylorson, Jano Ripon Teall, William 2, Blenheim Terrace, Bridlington

,!,! Teape, Richard 10, Aldgate, E.C. r Tehay, Mifs Mary Dolores ... 37, Belgrave Road, S.W. Te1)bitt, Walter Elmhurst, Cavendish Road, Clapham Park, S.W. Temple, James Rosegrovo Mill, near Burnley Saicliffe, Oeorge, and SutclifFo. Edward Temple, John, and 32, Red Cross, Liverpool Griveaon, Henry John Temple, John George 8G, Harleyfoi'd Road, Vanxhall Temple, Marian Redland, Bristol Tennant, John Ridings, Long Preston, near Skipton, Yorks Terry, Edward Trnelove The Firs, Dudley, W^orcestershire Terry, William Trnelove 2, James Street, Adelphi, Strand Terry, Tliomas 5, Austin Friars, E.C. Tesseyman, Charles Wharfdale View, Menston, near Otley, Leeds Tetley, Rev. William Marshall East Budleigh, Devon Tetley, Samuel G, Boar Lane, Leeds Tewart, John Preston Florence House, Leamington, Warwick Thackrah, Thomas... Dewsbury Theobalds, Charlotte 63, M

Thomas, James Care of John Charles, Esq., 24, College Street, Dowgate Hill, E.C. Thomas, James Hawin, Llandrysul, South Wales Thomas, John 123, Edge Lane, Liverpool Thomas, JolmTarrand 70^,LadbrokcGrove,KensingtonPk.,W. Thomas, John Whitridge Oswestry Thomas, Joseph Benoni Truro, Cornwall Thomas, Joseph Lee 16, Holland Road, Kensington, W. Thomas, Richard Rymill Banbury, Oxon Thomas, Sidney 18,SussexPl.,OnslowSq.,So.Kensington Thomas, Robert ... PotterhiU, Perth Thomas, William ... Victoria Place, Routh, Cardiff LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 151

Thomas, Aaron WilberfOSS, York Thomas, Mrs. Amelia ... Bournemouth Thomas, David Bank House, Llandovery Thomas, John Forest House, Llandovery Thomas, Revd. Samuel Webb Southease Rectory, Plymouth Thompson, Andrew Keele, Newcastle, Staffordshire Thompson, Charles Henry ... Heme ViUa, Castle Hill, Maidenhead Thompson, Miss Eliza West View, Rawdon, near Leeds Thompson, Edward Union Street, Sheffield Tliompson, George... 53, Southampton Row, Russell Square Thompson, Henry ... Stock Exchange, E.C. Thompson, James ... New Swindon, Wilts Thompson, James Latham ... Rotherwood, Torquay Thompson, John ... Rawdon, near Leeds Thompson, John Taylor Winlaton House, Blaydon-on-Tyne Thompson, Mrs. Prudence Clifton House, 33, St. Paul's Road, Elvina ... Kennington Park, S.E. Thompson, Robert (deceased) Actinfj E.vccutor, Jeremiah 22, Milton Place, Halifax Ingham Thompson, Samuel... Lancaster Thompson, William Henry ... Luddendenfoot, via Manchester Thompson, William Frederick 44, Russell Road, Kensington, W. Thompson, WiUiam Milner ... 31, Coney Street, York Thompson, WilMam, and Darlinr^ton Bnmton, Thomas Thompson, David ... Torpichen by Bathgate Thompson, Ebenezer 34, South John Street, Liverpool Thompson, Mrs. Gmce 13, Branksome Terrace, Bournemouth Thompson, Mrs. Naomi 37, Coburg Street, Plymouth Thompson, Richard ... Ashfield, Parsonage Road, Withington, near Manchester Thompstone,"FrancisRathbone Bosley, near Macclesfield Thomson, Alexander 8, Teviot Row, Edinburgh Thomson, Alexander T. Rhodes House, Oldham Thomson, Isaliella ... 30, Lothian Street, Edinburgh Thomson, James ... Wray, Lancaster Thomson, James ... High Street, Kirkcaldy, Fife Thomson, Jolm Duncan 17G, West George Street, Glasgow Thomson, Mrs. Jane Laurieston, Falkirk Thomson, Rev. John Hemley Rectory, Woodbridge Thomson, Murray 20, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh Thomson, Robert ... Blind Asylum, Glasgow Thomson, Thomas ... 4, Chiswick Street, Carlisle Thomson, Thomas... 11, St. Catherine's Place, Grange, Edin- Imrgh Thomson, William ... Prinlaws, Leslie, Fife! Thomson, William Gordon ... The Mount, Wadhurst, Sussex Thorburn, William Carlisle Thornicroft, Thomas 2, Harley Road, South Hampstead Thornton, Edwin Martin ... 6, Brooke Street, Holborn Thornton, John ...... Craven Bank, Burnley, Lancashire w


Thoroton, Kobert Grant Ernstein House, Mount Epbraim, Tun- bridge Wells Thorp, Maria, and... 29, Skinner Street, Stockton-upon- Thorp, Lucy Mary Tees Thorp, Miss Mary Bennington 2, Leyboume Terrace, Yann Lane, Stockton-on-Tees Threlfall, Lazarus ... Colne, Lancashire Thurburu, Col. Felix Augustus Linkwood, Central Hill, Upper Nor- wood, S.E. Thtu'stan, Joseph ... Park House, Weston, Shrewsbury Thurtfield, John Hunt Wednesbury Thwaite, Martha Ann 4, West Parade, Halifax Thwaites, Edward ... Beech Hill, Sharpies near Bolton Thwaites, Thomas ... 108, Stricklandgate, Kendal Thynne, Lord John Haynes Park, Bedford Tiarks, Mrs. Sarah... 37, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park Tibbitts, Thomas Abbott 1, Field Court, Gray's Inn Tickell, John Arscott Egleshall, Sladesbridge, Cornwall Tidboald, Thomas ... Chelmsford Tierney, George ... Gl, Pall Mall, S.W. Tighe, James The Quay, Waterford TiUeard, John (deceased) Actg.Executor,John Tilleard Upper Tooting, S.W. Tilleard, Thomas ... 34, Old Jewry, E.C. Tillotson, Betsy (deceased) Exor., John Heaton Charley Wheatfield, Lancaster Timins, Octavius Frederick... Snowden House, Buckingham Place, Brighton Timmis, Charles ... Market Place, South Birkenhead Tims, Thomas Henry 46, Farleigh Road, Stoke Newington,N. Tindal, Charles Grant Fir Grove, Winchfield, Hants Tindall, James Carlton House, Sandwell Road, Hands- Wright, Henry, and worth, Birmingham Wright, Alfred Tindall, John The Bank, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. Tindall, Robert, jun. Kirby, Misperton Hall, Pickering Tindall, William Henry 5, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C. mi Tinley, Robert John Liverpool Tippetts, James Berriman ... 5, Great St. Thomas Apostle, E.C. Tirrell, William 16, Holford Sq., Percy Circus, Fulham Tod, John 39, York Place, Ediuburgh Tod, Alexander 5, Great Winchester Street, E.C. •%- Todd, Edward Tadcaster, Yorkshire Todd, Edward, Tadcaster, Yorkshire Todd, Mary Margaret and Todd, Elizabeth Ann Todd Thomas Exchange Buildings, Greenock Todd, Miss Elizabeth Anne... 31, Saltney Road, Chester Todd, Mrs. Elizabeth, and ... Care of Robert Cheere, 31, York Ter- Cheere, Robert race, Regent's Park, N.W. Todd, Miss Margaret 125, Hospital Street, Glasgow Todd, Mary Ann Elizabeth ... 24, Dover Street, Cornbrook BHHKB!^H« '


Todd, Miss Maiy Margaret ... 31, Saltney Road, Cheater Todd, Ruthven Cainpbell ... St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Todd, WiUiam Silpho Hackness, Scarborough Todnian, " James ... Dorking .rt* Toll, John Marcliant 315, Scotia^ (1 Road, Liverpool Tomalin, Edmund Johnson... 133, Coltman Street, HuU Tombs, Anne, Miss Great Barrington, Burford Tombs, Jane, Miss Tombs, Mary, Miss Tombs, Rebecca, Miss Tomkinson, William Newcastle, StafFordsliiro Tomlinson, John ... Croston, near Preston Tomlinson, James ... Higli Street, HiUl Tomlyn, Catherine 30, Hanover Street, Peckhara Tompkins, Henry, and Tompkins, Thomas Tring, Herts. Tompkins, Thomas Tring, Herts. Tomson, Henry 29, Guildford Street, Luton, Beds Tomson, Jane (deceased) ... Executors^ Edmund Eve, 5, George Street, Leamington and James John Tomson Tomson, Whitbred ... 56, Kensington Gardens Sq., HydePark Toomey, Miss Honora Blackrock, Co. Cork Toovey, Henry ... The Vicarage, Ingleby, Greenliaw, Northallerton Tooze, Thomas Myrtle Cottage, Kingston, near Taunton Topham, John Middieton House, Bedale, Yorks Topham, John Guildford, Surrey Topp, Nathaniel ... Englefield, Oalc Hill Park, Broad Green Road, Liverpool Tory, Henry Joseph Saunders Sturminster, Marshall, nearWinbome, Dorset Torrens, Robert, and Shanes Castle, Antrim, Ireland O'NeiU, Right Hon. and Rev. Lord William Tory, John Edward Turnworth, ]31andford Tower, Robert 60, Chester Square, S.Vv'. Tower.^, Francis ... Wliitefriargate, Hull Towler, George 14, Parsonage Street, Burnley Townley, John Hill A, Queen Insurance Bklgs., Liverpool Townshend, Georgiana Belvicw Tor,, Glanmiro Road, Go. Cork Townshend, Emily, and Segrwyd, Denbigh Townshend, Dora

Townsend, Henry Hebden Bridge, via, Manchester Townsend, Horace Hamilton Almorah ViUas, Queenstown Townsend, John ... Kettering Townsend, John H. (deceased) Executrix, Anne Townsend 8, Regent Park, Heavitree, Exeter Townsend, William Hotham Woodhill Terrace, Cork Townshend, Anna Maria ... Belview Ter., Glanmire Road, Co. Cork Townshend, Charles Palace Chambers, Chester . 11


Townshond, Charles, and ... Chester Boswood, Catherine E. Townshend, Edmund 27, Foregato Street, Worcester Townshend, Edward Dupro... Armfield, Wrexliam Townson, Revd. John Strensham Rectory, Tewkesbury Towzel, John, junr. Grouville Parish, Jersey

Tozer, Edward Care of Messrs. Tozer, Hewitt

Tregellas, Richard Vyvyau . . 125, Boughton, Chester Treveylan, James Harrington Oke Villa, Southampton Trewin, John Care of Capt.Walters, Tangley,Woking- ham, Berks Tribe, Mary 2G, Romsey Road, Winchester Trickey, Charles Lewis 179, Northgate Street, Gloucester Trigger, William ... ] 5, Stanley Street, Paddiugtou I' Trimble, Margaret (deceased)

Executor, Robert Trimble . 9, Westow Hill Terrace, Upper Nor- wood, S.E. Trimble, Robert ... 47, Wood Street, E.C. .Tripp, William 24, Spencer Street, Battcrsca Trotter, Edwin Hay, South Wales Trotter, William ... 5, Throgmorton Street, E.C. Troup, John 36, Hattou Garden, E.C. Trubshaw, John ... Uttoxeter Truell, Henry Pomeroy, M.D. Clonmannen, Ashford, Co. Wicklow Trumper, Rebecca... Hill House, Chalfont, St. Peters, Bucks

Trustram,William Prince (deed ) Executor, William Eve ... 10, Union Court, Old Broad Street Trust and Loan Company of 7, Great Winchester Street Buildings, Canada E.C. Tubb, James Roehampton Park, Surrey Tucker, Robert 22, Marino Crescent, Waterloo, Liver- pool Tucker, William ... Petrockstow, North Devon Tucker, Charles James Bower, Ashton, near Bristol Tucker, Charles Cormyus ... 89, Chancery Lane Tucker, Miss Elizabeth Sibella 20, Adelaide Road, Pengo Tucker, Miss Fanny 20, Adelaide Road, Peuge

Tucker, Miss Mary Sophia . 20, Adelaide Road, Penge Tuckett, Frederick ... 4, Mortimer Street, W. Tudor, Henry Stock Excliange, E.C. Tudor, William Cottingham, near Hull Tuke, James Hack Hitchin, Herts Tunaley, Mrs, Harriet Woodbine L^ige, Surbiton Tunbridge, George Red Lion Hotel, Ramsgato


Tunstall, Revd. Edmund ... Dalbeth House, Glasgow Tunstall, William Croudson, deceased Executor, Josepli Lovegrove Cairo Lodge, Weston-super-Mare Turbet, Peter 44, St. Vincent Crescent, Glasgow Turmaine, George ... Canterbury TumbuU, George ... Rookery Down, Kent Turnbull, James ... Eastfield, Kelso TumbuU, Jaue Mount Devon Lodge, Princess Royal Park, Scarborough Tumbull, Patrick ... 30, Northmnberland Street, Edinburgh Turnbull, Phipps ... Piukerton, Dunbar Turner, Alfred 23, Castle Street, Liverpool Turner, Alfred and Liverpool Meade King, Henry Warren Turner, George (deceased) Executor, George M. Turner New Street, Birmingham Turner, Henry Court Lodge, Knockholt, Sevenoaks Turner, Henry Stuttlo (deed.) Executor, Mrs. Mattbanali Whetstone House, Wlietstone, Lei- Stanbridge cestershire Turner, John LightclifFe, near Halifax Turner, Jobn Chesterfield Turner, John Hayward Turner, Jot^^cph 18, Strand, Barrow-in-Furness Turner, Maiy Broadhalgh, near Rochdale Turner, Mrs. Elizabeth Tapton House, MidtUe Street, Bevoia Town, Southampton Turner, Price Lloyd Llwynderw, Welslipool Turner, Rev. Edmund Timberscombe, Dunster, Somerset Turner, Richard ... 37, Spring Street, Hull Turner, Samuel 55, Pershore Street, Birmingham Turner, Mins Sophia Anno ... Enborne, Newbury, Berks Turner, Mrs. Sabina Lightclifte, near Halifax Turner, Thomas Gill Boston Spa, near Tadcaster, Yorkshire Turner, William ... Bank of England, Castle Street, Liver- pool Tumor Henry Martin Carlton Club, Pall Mali, S.W. Turner, John Sandford Street, Portobello Turner Richard ... 58, Charlwood Road, Putney Turner, Susannah... Morecambe Turner, William ... Nith House, Dumfries Turpie, William ... Derby Turpiu, Thomas (deceased) ... Extrix.—Mrs. Ann Turpin Embsay, Skipton, Yorkshire Turton, Zouch Horace 129, Gower Street, KW. Tuttle, Edward Hennessy ... Care of Messrs. Somes & Co., 55, Old Broad Street Tweddell, George ... 188, Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne Tweedale, John Quarry Hill House, Dewsbury Tweedale, Josepli ... Dewsbury Tweedie, Rosina and (Address not known) Tweedie, James 156 GEAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Tweedy, Robert Truro, Cornwall Tweedy, Robert Trui'o, Cornwall Tweedy, William and Tweedy, Heury John Tweedy, William ... Truro, Cornwall T wells, Philip 64, Lombard Street, E.C. Twells, Rev. John (deceased) Headlam, Thos. Duckworth Twells, Philip and Headlam, Rev. Jas, Garnott Darby House, Suubury-on- Thames

' twilling, Samuel Harvey, and 215, Strand, W.C. Kcrrisou, Roger Alldaj' Tyler, Capt. Heury Wliatley... Wyvcnhoe, near Colcheste:' Tyler, Capt, Edwd. Saiuuarez,

li.E. < deceased) Extrix. Mrs. Aun Eliza Tyler Lee, Kent

•M • Tyler, Mrs. Harriett 18, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham Tyndale, Caroline Lucy Bright, Richard and Royal Fort, Bristol Hill, IMiomas Daniel Tyson, Miss Elizabeth, and ... Beacon Hill, Penrith Tyson, Sarah Jane Tzocauaki, Demetrius Alex.,.. 18, Holland Villa Road, Kensington


Underdown, Robert George ... Nortbleigli House, Helton Park, Prcst- wicb, near Mancliestcr Underbill, Alfred ... Bouingale, Albrigliton, Salop Underbill, .Jauies Edward ... 21, Darlington Street, Wolverliarapton Underbill, John Hampton Hill, Wombourn, Wolver- hampton Underbill, John, Jun, Wombouru, Wolverhampton Underbill, Samuel ... Stock Exc'-vnge, E.C. Underbill, William ... Stock Exciuinge, E.C. Underwood, Mrs. Elizabeth ... Arkwright Street, Nottingham ••':v Underwood, Frederick Taunton Underwood, Rev. Richard ... All Saints' Vicarage, Hereford Union Bank of Scotland Glasgow Union Marino Insurance Co., Liverpool Limited Unthank, Mrs. Mary 25, Spring Terrace, North Shields Unwin, Samuel Waters Street, Bollington, Macclesfield Upton, Miss E. F. ... Wick HiU, Brighton m Upward, Helen Gordon 41, Westboiu:ne Park, W. Upward, William ... 15, Throgmorton Street, E.C. LIST OF 3HABBH0LDERS. 157

Ure, John Minster Yard, York Ure, John Francis 6, Claremont Terrace, Glasgow

Usher,^„ , Thomas^ ...... 18, Lander Road, Edinburgh Utterson, Miss Susan Emily... Care of Archibald Kelso, 25, Faulkner Square, Liverpool


Vale, William Henry 3, Fant Place, Maidstone, Kent Valentine, William John 16, William Street, Waterford Valentine, Wm. Roderick H. 1, Westfield Place, Dundee Vallance, Henry Wellington... 33, Moorgate Street, E.C. Vance, James Young 37, Westbourne Terrace, W. Vance, Thomas 9, Lower Bridge Street, Dublin Van, Henry Abbott 30, Lombard Street, E.C. Van der Veen, Cornelius Jan 24, Old Millgate, Manchester Van de Weyer, His Excellency Baron Silvian (deceased) Extrix. the Baroness Van de Weyer New Lodge, Windsor Forest Van de Weyer, Baroness New Lodge, Windsor Forest Vans, Miss Anna Maria Esdale Cottage, Newton Stewart, N.B. Vans, Dunlop Andrew 18, Rutland Square, Edinburgh Vant, Francis Henry (deed.)... Extrx.y Frances Vant Reginald Terrace, New Leeds Vant, Walter Reginald Terrace, New Leeds Vansittart, Emily ... (Address not known) Vansittart, Miss Eleanor Sarah Care of Drummond

Deverell, WiUiam Henry,

Verekor, Hon. Jano Charlotte East Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight Voreker, Hon. Catherine East Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight Verity, Thomas Wood Street, Lancaster Vemey, Hon. Miss Margaret L. Kinetou House, Warwick Vernon, Harry Fi»ley Hanbury Hall, Worcestershire Verrindor, Edgar William ... lie, Waterloo Bridge Road, S.E. Verrindor, WiUiam Troy Cottage, near Moii mouth VoiTy, James Rhodyato House, Congreshurg, near Bristol Vicars, Edward (deceased) ... Executor, Ed. Hazell Vicars Elms Cottage, Harrow Weald, Middx. Vicars, Edward Hazell Elms Cottage, Harrow Weald, Middsx. Vickers, Thomas Henry Boiu* Lane, Leeds Vickers, Charles (decejised) Executory Joseph Vicars ... Wormsttall, near Newbury, Berks. Vickery, Henry 1, Era Cottages, Falcon Rd., Battersea Vignard, Eugenie ... 39, Limerston St., Fulhaiii Road, S.W. ViUiers, Hon. Charles Pelham Travellers' Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Vincent, Edmund Stamp ... Tavistock Street, Plymouth Viuer, Henry HenstridgeHouse,Henstridge,Somer8et Vivian, Miss Katherine A. ... 56, Guildford St., RusscU Sq., W.C. Voile, Thomas Carlton Lawn, Cheltenham Von Gruisen, Nicholas L. ... Bold Street, Liverpool Von Thun, Henrich Gloucester Street Sugar Refinery, Commercial Road, E. Von Melle, Mrs. Caroline ... New Chester Rd., Rock Ferry, Cheshire Voules, Miss Fanny Spencer 7, Royal Naval Cottages, Penge Vye, George 03, West Cliff Road, Ramsgate


Wadeson, Anthony 76,t)ld Broad Street, E.C. Waddell, Matthew... 60, Union Street, Glasgow t-t\ Waddill, Hugh Kerr Care of Robert Kerr and Co., 19, Hanover Street, Liverpool Waddilove, Cyrus Doctors' Commons, E.C. Waddilove, Edward 82, Kensington Gardens Sq., W. Waddington, George Newland, Hull Waddington, Thomas 13, Morpeth St., Beverley Road, Hull Wade, Richard Blaney, and... 112, Bishopsgate Street, E.C.

.'.i: Hanson, John Oliver Wade, Rev. Thomas Albany House, Caterham, Siurey Wadeson, William (deceased) Exor.j Anthony Wadeson... 76, Old Broad Street, E.C.

Vil.: Wadham, William, MJ). ... 14, Park Lane, W. Wadsworth, John Barnett ... Highfield House, Macclesfield LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 160

Wagg, Arthur Stock Exchange, E.G. ' Wagg, Arthur Wagg, Edward Stock Exchango, E.G. Wagstaffo, Homy ... Knutaford Wagner, Hcury 10, King Street, St. James's S.W.

Wagstall', John Heury • • • Ashbury Cottage, Forest Hill, S.E.

Wagstaflf, Philip ... • « • East India Railway House, Calcutta Wagstaff, William Plus yn Vivod, Llangollen Wagstaflf, William 9, Westbourne Terrace, W. Wagstaft", William, and 4, Great George Street, S.W. Brassey, Thomas Wagstaff, William, and 4, Great George Street, S.W. Harrison, George Wagstaftc, Thomas Rogers 291, Clapham Road, S.W. Waide, Miss Anna Stubbs Walden, near Pontefract Wailes, William ... Forest Lodge, near Harrogate Wain, Thomas Slirubliinds, Horsham, Surrey Wainman, Miss Sarah Ayott Villas, Carlton Road, Tufncll Park, N. Wainwright, James, (deceased) £a;

Walker, Archibald Care of J. t*c D. Paton, Tillycoultry, N.B. Walker, Baldwin ... 2, Park Road, Halifax Walker, Lieut. Genl. Sir Ed- United Service Club, PaU Mall, S.W. ward Walter Forestier,Jv.(7.J5. Walker, David Bridge Street, Montrose Walker, Frederick James ... ClaxtonHaU, York Walker, Frances Ann 2, Oakley Villas, Cheltenham Walker, George Moor Terrace, Shaw Lane, Heaton Chapel, near Stockport Walker, Rev. George Edmund Doddiugton Rectory, March, Cam- bi'idgeshire 360 GRAND TEUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA.

Walker, Jame*, Jim. Corn Exchange, E.C. Walker, Jaines Robertson ... Grangemouth Walker, John Westbourne House, Pitville, Chel- tenham Walker, Miss Louisa 4, Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton f:\ Walker, Mrs. Mary Ann 152, Camden Road, N.W. Walker, Samuel Hagley Rd., Edgbaston, Birmingham Walker, Samuel (deceased) Executrix, Rachael Walker Carleton, near Pontefract Walker, Thomas ... Elj?in, Bieachfield, Dunfermline Walker, Thomas ... Wakefield Walker, Thomas ... Care of E. S. Youlton, Esq., Ash Leigh, Grey Rd., Walton-on-the-Hill Liverpool Walker. William ... Grangemouth Walker, William ... Customs, Arbroath, N.B. Walker, Sir George Frederick Radzivel, Bart. ... Oastleton, Cardiflf Walker, Colonel George Edmund Lushington, R.E. 7, Sussex Square, Hyde Park, W. Walker, Lieut. Col. Frederick William Edward Forester 18, Montagu Street, Portman Square Walker, General Sir Edward Walter Forester, iT.C.jB. ... 18, Montagu Street, Portman Square Walker, Ermina, Miss 1, Palace Grove, Fox Lane, Upper Norwood Walker, Charles ... 6, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Walker, James David 14, South Saint Andrew Street, Edinburgh Walker, Horace ... Osgathorpe, SheJBield Walker, Thomas ... 3, Maxwell Place, Stirling Walker, John William Heathfield House, Halifa._ Walker, Miss Agnes Jane ... 3, Maxwell Place, Stirling Walker, William Ifess Darlington District Bank, Darlington Walker, WiUiam, and Uphollaud, Nr. Wigan PhiUipp, Jonathan 60, Wailgate, Wigan Walker, Rev. Wm. Clarke ... Ballinadee Rectoiy, Bandon Wall, John St. George's Villas, Doncaster Wall, Miss Mary Ann Bradley Wood, Newton Abbot, Devon Wallace, Alexander, and Wallace, Christopher Dimdee Wallace, Ebenezer Stewart ... Greenock Wallace, Geerse H. 17, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow Wallace, Thomas ... Cefnpoith, Llangefn, N, Wales Wallace, Rev. William Kerrymount, Carrickmines, Co. Dublin Waller, Frederick ... 6, Chester Square, S.W. Waller, Thomas Sutton HaU, Woodbridge, Suffolk Wallerstein, Miss Elizabeth Frederica The Elms, Rugby Walley, Samuel Eldon Terrace, Leeds WaUey, William Wilkinson ... Bond Street, Leeds i-''.?;' Wallis, Homion 3, Postern Street, Nottingham .


Wallis, WiEiaiu Kirby Hall, York Wallis, Sidney 7;i, Groat Tower Street, E.C. Wiilmsley, Charles... IG, Commercial Buildings, Cross St., Manchester Walrie, Alfred Septimuf Union Club, S.W. Walue, Daniel Heury (deed.) Executor, George Waluo .. 72, Guildford St., Russell S(i., W.C. Walpole Hon. Henry Carlton Clul), Pall Mall, S.W. AValsh, GiV rt Maxwell Rnckbear Court, Rockbear, near Exeter Walsh, Richard 3, Park Tor., Far Headingley, nr. Leeds Walsh, Cain Smith's Buildings, Black BuU Street, Hunstet Road, Leeds

Walter, William Sanders .., Langton, near Horucastle Walters, Major Francis Somerfield House, Folkestone, Kent Didrymple Walters, Major Robert Al. .. Care of Messrs. Griudlay

Warburton , Jame s . . Saville Town, Dewsbury Warby, W^illiam Watton Cottage, Wattou Ward, Miss Jemima 10, Tufnell Park Road, N". Ward, Miss Elizabeth 10, Tufnell Park Road, N. Ward, John 27, Great James Street, W.C. Ward, Frederick Henry Collumptou, Devon Ward, Rev. William Latimer, & Willenhall, Wolverhampton Ward, Mrs. Eliza Ward, William 137, Deansgatc, Manchester Ward, Benjamin (deceased) Executrix, Caroline Graliani Carlisle

Ward, Francis Ridout 1 , Gray's Inn Square, W.C. Ward, Frederick Gill Head, Windermere Ward, Henrietta Mary Care of Herries


Ward, Thomas 75, Salter Gate, Chesterfield Ward, Thomas Poole 35, New Bond Street, W. Ward, Thomas Canonley Mines, Leeds

Ward, William Robert • •• Care of Drummoud

Watson, Isabel Mary 10, GreviUe Road, St. John's Wood Creswell, Keppel Watson, Edward Watson, Edward, and 17, Laurence Pountney Lane Creswell, Keppel Watson, William ... 1, Hare Street, Calcutta Watson, Henry Leaf 14, Albemarle Crescent, Scarborough Watson, Joseph Kirk EUa Grange, near Hull Watson, Robert Spence Mosscroft, near Gateshead Watson, Alexander 72, Crown Street, Glasgow Watson, John Rowland 51, Threadneedle Street, E.G. Watson, Rev. Henry George St. Leonard's Vicarage, near Tring Watson, Thomas Herbert The Hill, Latterworth Watson, William Temple Sowerby, Penrith Watson, James, Junr. Langley Honse, Langley, Bucks Watson, William ... Chemisses Ceres, Fifeshire Watson, John Ballymena Watson, Robert Lowson Dundee Watt, Henry Pender 67, Baker Street, Stirling Watts, Henry Stratton Audley, near Bicester, Oxford Watt, George (deceased) Executor—William Watt Care of S. Smith Brothers & Co., Hull Watt, Thomas 6, Gledhow Terrace, South Kensington Watt, Mary Anne ... 49, Binfield Road, Clapham Park Watts, Edward Philip Wollaston Field, Dorchester Watts, Frederic Charles Stock Exchange, E.G.

Watts, Robert, Senr. • • • Goddington, near Bicester, Oxon

Waud, Alfred Edward • • • 12, Arnold Street, Humberstone Road, Leicester

Waugh, Edward ... Cockonnouth

Waugh, Robert Somerville • •• 47, Dick Place, Grange Edinburgh

Wavell, Edmund Minson • • • Halifax

Weatherill, Joseph, an 1 18, Bowl Alley Lane, Hull Brodrick, John Henry Webb, Charles Northbrook Street, Newbury Webb, Charles 36, High Street, Manchester Webb, Joliii Langborne Villa, Worcester Webb, John 2, Portland Terrace, Speenhamland, Newbury, Berks "Webb, Charles Bankfield, Heaton Norris, Stockport Webb, Jane Eshton Hall, near Leeds Webber, Hexny Walter Charlton Kings, Clieltenham Webb, Robert Quartortown Park, MaUow, Co. Cork Webster, Henry John 9, Elizabeth Terrace, Albert Grove, Peckham Rye, S.E. Webster, Thomas ... 61, Tennyson Street, Queen's Road Battersea Park Webster, Alexander Binney... 13, Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh Webster, Henry Burrell, near Bedale, Yorkshire Webster, John Frederick ... 14, Furnival's Inn, E.C. Webster, Benjamin ... 77, Jamaica Street, Stepney, E. Webster, Thomas ... 3, Canterbury Villas, Canterbury Road, Margate w —


"Webster, William ... Belper Webster, Thomas Wyllio (Address not known) Wedd, George Stock Exchange, E.C. Weddell, Thomas ... Bransby, near York Wedd ell, W^illiam Robinson ... Otley, Yorkshire Wedderburu, William Thomas Grenden Villa, Teignmouth, Devon Weed on, Anne 14, Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E. Weedon, Anne 14, Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E. Weedon, Charles and Donnay, John Petei- Weeke, Peter Emil 50, Derringham Street, Hull Weekea, Julia Kingswood Road, Dulwich Wood Park Wegg, Henry (deceased) Executor—William Wegg... 15, Hertford Street, May Fair, W. Wegg, William 15, Hertford Street, May Fair, W. Weguelin, Matthias 57A, Old Broad Street, E.C. li : Thomas Weir, Robert 3, Albion Street, Paisley Weir, Robert (deceased)

ActiiKj Exor.—JohnD . Math ie Stirling

Weir, William 10, Princes Ter., Dowan JT ., Glasgow Weiss, George GustaveS. A.... Knowsley Buildings, Liverpool Welch, Miss Amy Arni'^trong 1, Balhani Prrk Road, U]ipcr Tooting Welch, Miss Enniia and Warminster, Wilts W^elch, Miss Sarah Welch, George William Providence Avenue, Delph Lane, Woodhouse, Leeds Welch, John Kemp 51, Berners Street, W.C. Welch, James 1, Balham Park Road, Upper Tooting Weld, James Tenterden, Kent Weld, Rev. Joseph... Tenterden, Kent Weldon, James Walter 1, St. James's Square, S.W. Welsford, Henry ... Crescent, Cambridge Welsh, Mrs. Catherine Northlands, Altrincham Welsh, Major David J,, B.A. 8, Harley Place, Clifton, Bristol Welsh, William Enrick, near Gatehouse of Fleet, N.B. Wells, Edward Wallingford, Berks Wells, John (deceased) Extrix. Eliza Augusta Wells Boothferry House, Howden, Yorkshire Wells, Thomas Spencer 3, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. Wells, Thomas William Grove Park Road, Chiswick Wemyss, David Douglas Aberystwith, Cardiganshire Wemyss, Robert ... Benuochy, Helensburg Wenley, James Adams and ... Bank of Scotland, Glasgow Gourlay, Robert ' 'j. Wentworth, Rt. Hon. (Ralph 7, Cranby Place, South Kensington Gordon NoelMilbank) Lord 4 West, Rev. Augustus W. and Battiboys, Co. Wicklow 'A Hall, James West, Mrs. Elmina Mount Herbert, Bray, Co. Wicklow West, Miss Isabella Thirsk, Yorkshire West, Miss Marijin Caroline Knights Place, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells West, Robert Gibson ... 33, Lombard Street, E.C. .


West, William Hull Westerman, Fraucis Brooke, (k Castle Grove, Sandal, Wakefield Harriett Jane Hudswell. Westerman, George Hudswell Sandal, near Wakefield Western, George Adolphus ... 35, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. Westlake, William Colson ... 10, Brunswick Place, Southampton Westmoreland, Henry Hull Weatrop, Major Gonl. John P. 33, Raglan Road, Dublin Westrop, John Burford, Oxon Wetherell, Thomas Frederick 4d, Albany, Piccadilly Wetherall, Joseph Lancaster Hartley Wintney, Winchfield, Hants Weyman, Arthur William ... Care of Mr. Tliomas Weyman, Ludlow Weyman, Mary Maria Care of Mr. Thomas Weyman, Ludlow, Weyman, Stanley John Care of Mr. Thomas Weyman, Ludlow, Weyman, Louisa ... Care of Mr. Thomas Weyman, Ludlow Weyman, Henry Thomas Ludlow, Sidop Weyman, Thomas (deceased) Executrix, Mrs. Mary Maria Weyman Ludlow Whadcoat, John Henry Crossley Street, Halifax Whalley, Francis Warwick ... 72, Victoria Road, Kentish Town Whalley, Jonathan Andrew... Albion Street, Leeds WharnclifFe, Right Hon. Lord 15, Curzon Street, May Fair, W. Woi-tley, Hon. F. Dudley Clinton, Lord and Home, Hon. James A. D. Wharncliffe, Lady Gcorgiana 3, Tilney Street, Park Lane, W. Wharton, Edwin Arthur Post Horn Stceg, Rotterdam Wharton, Edward... Blackburn Whatcly, George ... The Dome, Rodhill, Surrey Whatoley, Rev. William Joseph The Rectory Rise, near Hull Whatley, John Horse and Groom, Westbury, Wilts Whatman, James ... Vintera, near M.aidstone, Kent Wheatley, Charles ... Queen's Road, Egerton, Hudders field

Wheatly, Juu., Joshua Hirst. . Mirfield, Normautou Wheat, John James 8, Paradise Square, Sheffield Wheeler, Herbert ... Rotton Park Road, Edgbaston, Bir- mingham Wheeldon, William George and Friar Gate, Derby Walton, George... Wheldon, George ... Northallerton Whineray, John ... Beech Hill Terrace, Kendal Whincup, Charles Todd Bilborough, near York Whincup William Lawson,and Bilborough, near York Whincup, Mrs, Elizabeth ... AVhincup, William Lawson ... Bilborough, near York Whincup, Mrs.Elizabeth and Todd, Edward Whinnoy, Frederick 8, 01dJe\rry, E.G. Whitaker, Anthony Edward... Westbourno Road, Victoria Park, Sheffield Whitaker, Edmund Todmorten Road, Bacnp Whitaker, Benjamin Cliff House, Hessel, imiiv Hull w 3;i


Whitaker, Sjiinuel ... Square Road, Halifax Whittaker, James ..» Eardington Iron Works, Bridgnorth, Salop "Whittaker, John ... 97, East Bank Street, Southjiort "Whittaker, Samuel Waterfoot, near Mancliester White, Hamilton ... 10, Grove Street, East Retford White, Henry, and 7, Tokenhouso Yard, E.C. White, Henry Alfred White, Mrs. Alice ... North Parade, Burnley Wliite Fi'cderick ... Regent Stpiare, Duncaster White, Alfred Stamford North John Street, Liverpool White, Saiiiuel lu, North John Street, Liverpool White, Edwin 12, Holbom Bars, Holborn, E.C. White, Rev. Elislia (^uernmore Rectory, near Lancaster White, Henry UO, Queen's (J ate, Hyde Park White, Henry 40, Shrewsljury Road, Claughton, Bir- keidiead White, Henry 4, Church Road, Brixtou, 8.W. White, Henry Kirke Abbey Lands, Ivilliuey, Co. Dul)lin

I « I1 M* Wliite, Hugh " Sorobo," Suuiiucrsiile Road, Leith t I s White, James 51, I'rinces Street, Etliiiburgli White, John Samuel East Cowcs, Isle of Wi-^it White, Mrs, Maiy Anne 1, Colleton House, Friars, Exeter White, Peter 20, Buchanan Street, Glasgow White, Robert Hoghton, near Preston White, Mrs. Sarah... Hohvell, Sherborne, Dorset Whiteford, Hamilton Courtney Street, I'lymouth

Wliitticld, Rev. Thomas Ha- 89, Leiuster Rd., Rathmines, Co.Publin , milton... Whitely, William ... Butts Cottage, Armiey, Leeus

Whitehead, John ... Elton Bleach Dye Works, near Bury Whitehuv, Gavin ... 14, C'aunon Street, Glasgow Whiteside, Heury Jackson ... Wliitehavcn Whiteside, Mrs. IsaLella Whitehaven Whiteford, Charles Cobley ... ThornliUl, near Plymouth Whitehead, James... 30, Cross Street, Manchester Whitehead, Jell'ery, and 39, Throgmorton Street, E.C. Coles, John V Whitehead, Robert 54, St. Enoch's Square, Glasgow Whitehead, William Dossa ... 10, Chancery Lane, Manchester Pi Whitelaw, Miss JNIaiy Aim, and Whitelaw, Mrs. Elizabeth... 1C8, Bath Street, Glasgow Whitell, Jo eph Richmond, Yorks I Whiteley, Rev. John Henry... Pedmore Rectory, Stourbridge Whitely, John, junr. Calderside, near Hebden Bridge m-' Whitfield, Georgo ... Lewes, Sussex Whiting, Heniy ... The Lam'els, Comer, Worcester Whiting, William ... Sandfields, Brandsburton, ne;u' Bever- ley, Yorks Whitley, Geor 37, Fleet Street, E.C. Whitemore, (• go Stevenston, Torrington, Devon

Whittaker, E i lanuel Riochdale Road, Oldham . .


Whittaker, Isaac Jolin Ringley House, Stoncclough,near Man- chester

Whittle, Thomas ... • • • Chorley, Lancashire

Whitton, James ... • • • 143, Nethergato, Dundee Whitton, Tliomas Morgan ... 24, Arundel Square, Islington, N. Wliittuck, William James ... Ellsbridge House, Keynsham, Somerset

VVliitworth, Francis Thomas. . Trafalgar Road, Moseley, near Bir- mingham

Wliitworth, Henry.,, • • t Earls Heaton, Dcwsbury

Whitwortli, James... • • • 4. Sefton Street, South Bank Road, Southport Wlij'tc, Miss Ann ... 8, Merchiston Crescent, Edinburgh Whyto, William ... 8, Gladstone Road, Edge Hill, Liver- pool Whytc, William ... 213, High Street, Edinl)urgh Widucll, Frederick Grainger 13, Parliament Street, S.W. Widdows, Frank Arthur 3, Stanley Road, Waterloo, nr. Liverpool Widdows, ]\Iiss Eliz Margaretta ditto. Wignall, John Fleetwood, Lancashire Wigram, lleginald ... Bai'ley, near Leeds Wilbraham, Hon. Colonel Ed- ward B. Cai-o of Coutts and Co., Strand, W.C.

AVilbraham, Henry. . Chancery Office, 4 Norfolk Street,

• • • Manchester

Wilde, Henry 47, J)eane Road, Fairficl- 1, nr. Liveqiool Wilde, Samuel John Sergeants' Inn, Fleet Street, E C. Wildeboer,MissAmeliaFrances Cai'o of Captain J. R. Clipperton, Stafford Lodge, Belvedere Road, k < Upper Norwood, Siirrey Winder, John Edward 12 Coqwration Street, jManchcster Wildy, Augustus Saiiuiel 4G, Regents' Park Road, N.W. Wildy, ] Louisa Elizabeth 3, Albert Terrace. All)ert Square, Clap- ham Road, S.W.

Wilos, Edward Sutton St. iVlbau"^ , Herts Willvie, Kenyon Wood,Wilkie, Edward Hales, Marshall, Rev. James McCall, and Ellington, Ramsgatc Gitfard, Henry Alexander Wilkin, George Warren Corncx', Farnliam, Surrey Wilkin, Henry Hanover Square, W. Wilkin, George, and Williams, Griffith Wilkin, Henry (Address not known) Wilkin, William ... 15, Hyde Park Street, W. Wilkins, Charles (deceased) Executory George Wilkin... 22, Spring Gardens, S.W. Wilkinson, John William ... Market Place, Dewsbury Wilkinson, William Westfield Villa, East Retford, Notts. Wilkinson, Gilbert Sunnyside, South Cliff, Scarborough Wilkinson, Thomas Jowitt ... 1 1, Albion Street, Leeds Wilkinson, William Beaumont Street, Oxford Wilkinson, William Hall ... NorthDeightonManor,Wethcrby,Yorks Wilkinson, Mrs. Mary Little Budworth, Tarporley, Cheshire . ,


Wilks, Williiim limiry rontefrnct Wiltoii, Gcor«:(o Hurdlo Liverpool Wiltou, William ... Cridling Park, near Kuottingcly Willett, Robert ]juxton Ilford, Essex "Williams, Alfrc

Williams, ]Mont!ii:ju f). Crown Oilice Row, Temple, E.C.

Williams, Miss Mavv 1 Pembridgc Crescent, Bayswater Williams, Mrs. Elizabctli Ann Herringstoiic, Duvchcstcr Williams, Kcv.Diiul. Rowhuul l)Owers Gifi'ord lLCctory,Rayleigh,Es.«;ex Williams, Rev. Edward Knutspill Vicarage, Bridgwater Williams, Rev. Jolm Diinicl Christ College, Brecon Williams, Owen flush 2, Dale Street, Liver] )ool Williams, Robert, JuL'ior ... '20, Birchin Lane, E.C. Williams, Tliouiar.! ... Button Street, Livi'rpool Williams, William Francis ... High Street, Bangor Williams, William Hole Carlton House, Tyndail'.s Park, Clifton, Bristol Williamson, Abi'aham Kcrriilge, Macclesfield WiUiamsou, Colonel John ... Cnrraheal, Mall<)\\-, Co. Cork Williamson, Frederick 4, Smith Square, Westminster, S.W. Williamson, George 7, East India Avenue, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Williamson, Henry Henry Street, Cockcrmouth

Williamson , Jolm . . 2, NightingaleVillas, Nightingale Road, W^ood Green, N. Williamson, Thomas 47, Amersham Road, New Cross, S.E. Willis, Richard 34, Clifton Road East, N.W. .


Willisjllicliaril AugustuSjimd. . The Hermitage, Woking Hayes, Mrs. Jessie Wilson... Willis, ]?o])ort Aysgarth, near Bedale Willis, Capt. Horace George Care of Cox & Co., Craig's Court, S. W. Willis, Captiiiii Slierlock, V. Army and Navy Club, Pall MaU, S.W. Willis, Johji Armino 1, Brick Court, Temple, E.C. Willis, Lieut, Cecil Sherlock Care of Stillwell & Co., Arundel Walo, li.X. Streei, Strand, W.C. Willis, Miss Isabella Margaret 8, Lansdowno Cresent, Cheltenham Willis,ller:;iiial(l Ci)ai*les Bruce Treaford Lodge, Cheltenham W^iUis, Robert Heury Fountain Cottage, Ipswich Willis, llicliaril Augustus ... The Hermitage, Woking, Surrey Willis, Sherlock (deceased) ... Executrix, Mrs. Isabella M. Willis Lansdowne Crescent, Cheltenham

Willis, Herbert Bourdillon ... Bentham House, The Mount, Hamp- stead, N.W. Wills, George Frederic (M.D.) Crewkerne, Somerset Wills, John Wilcombo Villa, Tiverton, Devon Willson, Mi Mm ay Willson ... Ranceby Hall, Sleaford, Lincolns. W. Willsou, Thomas ... 10,Loughton Grove,Up. Sydenham,S.E. Wilmington, Amelia Collins Kingston House, Yeovil, Somerset Wilmot, John Fletcher Datchet Road, Windsor Wilmot, Ellen Etches 58, Greenhill, Derby

Wilshaw, William ... Lloyd's Banking Company, Staflford Wilmot, Revd. Darwin. RossaU, Fleetwood, Lancashire Wilshiu, Daniel ... Hayes, Middlesex W^ilson, iUexander... Alford, Dunblane Wilson, IMiss Amy, and Care of Mrs. Chambers, 54, Devon- Lamb, Mrs. Margt. Isabella shire Road Wilson, Arthur 9, Barnsbury Park, Islington, N. Wilson, David 4, Windsor Terrace, Kirklee, Glasgow Wilson, Henry Bell Canterbury Wilson, Hugh Townshcud ... Church Stretton, Salop AYilson, George St. Paul's Square, York Wilson, Isaac Whitwell Castle Lodge, Kendal Wilson, Mrs. Isabella Alford, Dunblane Wilson, James Coatbridge, N.B. Wilson, John Hill Park, Bannockburn Wilson, John 31, Drummond Place, Edinburgh

Wilson, .John Quay, Waterford Wilson, John 2, Albion Place, Northan-pton Wilson, David Jobson The Bank of Scotland, Greensido, Edinburgh Wilson, John Jowitt (deceased) Exoi'.. Isaac Whitwell Wilson Kendal Wilson, John Turner App^iey Bridge, Yorkshire Wilson, Joseph Mooreeombe, near Lancaster W^ilson, Miss Anne Firthfield, Anstruther, Fife Wilson, liobert, M.D. 7, Bondgate Without, Alnwick Wilson, Robert William Bilton, near Hull Wilson, Maty 12, East Parade, Newcastle .


Wilaon, S.imnel 4, Nightingale Lane, Clapham Common, S.W. Wilson, Sidney ... ,., 38, Throgmorton Street, E.G. Wilson, Samud King 3, Portland Terrace, Uegent's Pftrk, N.W. Wilson, ThoniJis ... Derby Terrace, Nottingham Wilson, Wiiltui- Hebdeu Water Street, Liverpool Wilson, Roliert 3, George's Dock Gates, Liverpool Wilson, John, and ... Dearhani Mattock, llol)ert... Wilson, Miss Elizabeth C, Finklo Stroe', Carlisle Wilson, Sarah Robinson, and Lingdale, Shrewsbury Road, Anderson, Janet.. Birkenhead

Wilson, Thomas ... Cnnswick Hall, near Kendal Wilson, Thomas ... 31, Peterborough Street, (lateshead Wilson, Thomas Danby and... (jiainsborongh, Lincolnshire Peart, George ... Alston, Cund)erland Wilson, William ... Bulcote, Burton Joyce, Notts. Wilson, William ... Dob, Sowerby, near Halifax Wilson, William ... Rigmaden, Kirkby, Lousdalu Wilson, William ... G, Osborne Terrace, Newcasllo Wilson, William ... 10, College Green, Dublin Wilson, William ... Kendal Wiltshire, John Yeovil Wilton, George Hurdle 30, Castle Street, Liverpool Winckworth, Willium Dawson G, Princes Buildings, Bath Windeate, Thomas AVliito ... Totness, Devon Winder, John Edward 12, Corporation Street, IMaiichester Windlo, James Victoria Road, Fulwood, I'restun Windley, William ... Feruleigh House, Nottingham Wingtield, Mrs. Mary Ann ... Onslow, Shrewsbuiy Wingfield, Sir Charles John... 31, Park Street, Grosvonor Stpiare Winship, William, Kirk Hill, Cumbo, Cumberland Winthrop, llev. Benjamin ... 15, Elvarton Place, Queen's Gate, S.W. WippeU, Joseph Argyll Villa, St. David's, Exeter Wise, Charles Stock Exchange, E.C. r i! Wise, Thomas (deceased) Executrix, Mrs. Jane Wise Skinbumess, Abbey Town, Carlisle Wishart, John Grange Distillery, Burntisland, N.B. Withers, Francis ... Stock Exchange, E.C. Withers, Joseph ... Burleigh House, Enfield, Middlesex Withers, Richard ... 13, Queen Insurance Bldgs., Liverpool Withers, Richard ... Liverpool Mill, James, Jind Healey, Sanmel Robert Witt, Samuel, and 4, Tnimpington Road, Cambridge Tucker, Frederick John ... 4, Serle Street, Lincoln's Inn, W^.C. Womersley, John ... VV'ithen Field, Southowram, nr. Halifax Wogan, Miss Anne The Mount, Stafford Wogan, Elizabeth The Mount, Stafford Wolfenden, Abraham Ladybam, Fallowfield, near Manchester Wolfenden, Charles and 9, Corporation Street, Manchester Gell, Thomas Francis LIST OF BHABEHOLDERS. 171

WoUaston, Rev. JoliuTlios. B. The Woodlands, Smethwick Wolrij^e, Huniy Riil<3'o The Lawn, Hugley, near Stourbrid ge Worcester Wolvciton, Rt. Hon. Lord G7, Lombiu'd Street, E.G. Geo. Gronfell Wi)lvoi'toii, Lord (dooeased) Excciitin'Hf Lord Wolvertoii, Hon. Henry 0!ivrGlyn,.uid Hon. I'uscuu Cluirlt's Glyn 07, Lombard Street, E.C, Wolverton, Rt, Hon. Lord ... 07, Lombard Street, E.C. Micklutlnvuite, Frederick ^atliiiniel, und Mills, Sir Charles Henry Wolverton, lit. Hon. Lord, and Cobham VicaraL^o, Gravesend Ridloy, Oliver Matthew Wood, James Restou 17, Binuio Place, Glas^jow Wood, xVlexander Fletcher, tt 1, Cr


WoodfjiU, Chmles... Golbomo, near Ncwton-lo-Willows, Lancashire Woodfield, Henry Jt^aeph ... North Villa,StarSt.,Ryde,l8lc of Wight Wocxlfonl, Mrs. Holona The Cliir, Vreston WoodhouHo, .loliu CiL'orgo ... Bronte, Everton, Livcri)ool WoodhouHC, Juii., Robert ... 14, Coney Street, York Wofxlhinda, .lolin ... Downton, near Salisbury Woodluiids, William Salisbury Woodrow, Thoiiijvs John 8, Comberton Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Upper Clapton, E. Woods, David (Address not known) Woods, Fredcriik ... ti'O, S. Paul's Road, Canonbury Woods, Alfred ... Queen Buildings, 1], Dale Street, Liverpool Woodward, Charles WliitHeld Terrace, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield Wocxlward, Ernest Taylor ... 17, Bertram Rd., Sefton Pk., Liverpool Woodward, John ... 10, Sweeting Street, Liverpool

Woodward, Robert. . Alley Castle, near Bewdley Wor)dwar(l, Thomas (deceased) Exc'^ntor, T. Vicars Bird ... Old Castle Buildings, Preeson's Row, Liverpool Woodward, William Hilderstone, near Stone, StafFordshiro WooUams, Henry ... 110, High Street, Marylebone, W. Woolnou<,di,Mrs.Rebecca(decd.) Exi>r., John M. Woolnongh Altrincham, Cheshire Woolston, John Wellingborough Woolven, George Hall Market Avenue, Ashton -under- Lyno Woolward, Mrs. Fanny Belton, Wormald, Joseph ... 23, Carr Road, Leeds Wormald, Joseph, and 23, Carr Road, Leeds Crawford, Emmorson Wormwell, Robert... Colne Worswick, W. W. Major Cottesmore Hall, Oakham Worthington, Samuel Barton Crescent Road, Chcetham Hill, Man- chester Worth ington, Joseph Hall ... Tower Chambers, Livei*pool Wragg, Joseph Balby, near Don caster Wrangham, Revd. Richard ... Garton Vicarage, near Driflield Wrangliam, George Robert ... Driffield, Yorkshire Wray, Francis Barlow Mews, Bruton Street, W. Wray, James Newton G.'irth, Hedon, near Hull Wright, Edward ... Stock Exchange, E.G. Wright, Edward ... 43, Wilson Street, E.G. Wright, Henry (Address not known) Wright, Holmes ... Morton, near Bingley, Yorks. Wright, Isaac Haverhill House, Bolton Wright, John William Morton, near Bingley, Yorks. Wright, Rev. Joseph Farrall... ChristchurchVicarage, Bolton-le-Moors Wright, John Croxteth Farm,Croxteth near Liverpool Wright, Mrs. Natalia Stoke Farm, Wokingham, Berks. Wright, Natalia, and Wokingham, Berks Wright, George Thomas LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 173

Wright, Samuel Hawkos Frejich Gate, Doncastcr ght Wright, Richard ... 18, Highbury Crescent, N. Wright, Richard Merry Coppenhall, Statiord Wriglit, William ... Ansty Pastures, near lioicester Wright, William Latrobo Lower Newtown, Waturfurd

Wright, Williuui Q. • • * (Address nut known)

AVright, James Baird • • 211, Camden Square

Wriglit, John • • • (filling, East Yorkshire ant, Wright, William ... « t • Lostwithiel, Coniwull

Wrightfton, William Cox • • • 90, Lower Tluuues Street, E.G. Wyatt, Ai'thur Tan-y-biyn, Ijangor, North Wales Wybroo, Frauk Henry 17, St, Mark's Crescent, Regent's Park It, Wybrow, Caroline Jano Hay, near Hereford, South Wales liank, oad, Wyko, Sir Chas, Lennox^v, CM. London and Westminster St. James's Square, S.W. Wylie, Edward 4, Rock Park, Rock Ftiry, Cheshire pool Wylie, James Leverton 19, Birchin Lane, E.G. Wylie, Robert Denmark Vilhis, Pembrook Road, Bootle, near Liverpool Wylie, Robert James Care of J. A. Sellar ct Co., Bank lOW, Chambers, Liverpool Wyndham, Anna Eliza, (deed.) iro £x'

Executorf George Wythes... Bickley Park, Bromley, Kent m-

Yarborough, Lieut.-Col. Charles Tickhill, Rotherham Cooke Yarborough, George Bryan Campsmount, Yorkshire Cooke Yates, Edward Wilson 37, Castle Street, Liverpool oors Yates, Edmund William Burnley House, Stockwell, S.W. pool Yates, John Henry (Address not known) Yates, Thomas, and Stock Exchange, Manchester Allen, Alfred Yeatherd, George ... Streatham Common, S.W. 174 GRAND TRUKK RAILWAY OP CANADA.

Yeats, Richard Oliverson, and Bartholomew Lane, E.G. Fraser, Arthur John Yolland,Bartholomew Stephen Ford End Vicarage, Chelmsford Young, Adolphus William ... Hare Hatch, Twyford, Berks

YouDg, Col. George Samuel ... Care of Cox

Mildway,Henry Bingham, (fc 12, Hyde Park Terrace, W. Ashburton, Hugh Alexander Rt. Hon. Lord ... Young, George Andover, Hants Young, William Fulton 54, Union Street, Glasgow Young, Revd. Alexando Westerkirk, Manse, Langholm Young, William ... 2, Queen Street, Salisbury Young, Allen Alicocke Orlingbury, Wellingborough Young, Barbara 4, Mansion House Road, Edinburgh Young, George 4, Bank Street, Teignniouth York, Edward Christopher ... Wighall Park, Tadcaster, Yorks. Young, Henry 12, South Castle Street, Liverpool Yuill, Isabella 3, Albion Street, Paisley Yule, Robert Martin 302, Westminster Road, Liverpool Young, Rev. James Garvin ... Hunley Vicarage, Winchester Young, Robert 107, Buchanan Street, Glasgow

Young, Robert Foster Care of J. cfc A. Scrimgeour, 18, Old Broad Street, E.G. Young, William 4, Mansion House Road, Edinburgh Younger, George ... Chm-chill House, Warkworth Younghusband, Miss Georgiana Mary Almeria ... 35, Craven Street, Strand, W,C. Younghusband, Oswald John 28, Westbourne Park Terrace, W. Youlton, Edgar Stephens ... Ash Leigh, Grey Road, Wdton-on-the- Hill, Liverpool


Zamoyski, Countess Josephine Wysock-Galicie, Autrichienne, par Ci'acoire, Radyruno

Zuccani, Ernest ...... 40



Allan, Hon. George W. gb

)ld rgh

• 1 L-tlie-


E. mm

II i


Coffin, Est. of late Wm. C. H. Montreal Cointe, Louis Montreal Cooper, Mrs. Mary Ann ... Toronto

Davies, Est. of late W. H. A. Montreal Day, John James, Q.G. Montreal Dobeaujeu, Est. of late Hon. S. Montreal If: I Decourse, Dnie. Christine Vve. Montreivl Denison, Rept. of )ate S. T. Toronto Deni.son, Simeon M. Shipton Desautel, Jacques Montreal Desmarteau, N. B. Montreal Douglas, Jas. Hy. ]Montreal Dubois, Alexis Et. Montreal Dufresne, Estate of late Laurient Montreal Dumon, Est. of late Alphonse Bekeil Durand, Est. of late Michael Hochelaga

Couipton Earl, Philip Hatley, Eastern Townships Bank ... Evans, Major R. London

Fabre, Est. cf late Edouiu-d R. Montreal Ferrier, Hon. James Montreid Fiset, Louis Quebec Fisher, K.C. Etobicoke Etobicoke Fisher, Thomas ... St. HyacintliG Fitchett, Joseph ... Danville Flint, J.B. Foisy, F. X. Quebec Franklin, Edward Montreal Slontreal Freer, Estate of late C. St. Hyaciuthe French

Gavin, Joseph Quebec m Giard, Estate of late xUexis St. Ours Gibb, Estate of late James • • • Quebec • • • Toronto Gilmour &, Coulson Quebec Gray, (in trust) F. W. Greene, Thomas J. Montreal Monti ejil Grenier, Joseph ... GWynne, Hon. Mr. Justice Toronto Quebec Hale, Jeffery, Estate of late Danville Hanninc^, Henry R. Harding, George Prescott Compton Harvey, Estate of late L. ... • • • Toronto Hawkes, Mr-*. Cliarlotte A. • • • Toronto Hiiwkins, ^Yilliam • • • Toronto Hector, John • • • Quebec Henderson, George • • • Detroit Henderson, M. A. M. • • • Henry, Joseph W. Quebec LIST OF 8HABEH0LDEBS. 177

Hodges, James .


Miller, Mm. Mary A. Detroit Moat, Robert Montreal Moffatt, Lewis ...... Toronto Montizarubcrt, E. L. Quebec Montreal, tlie Bishop of (B.C.) Montreal Montreal, The City Corporation of Montreal Morse, John Eastern Township Morrison, Livingstone, E. ... Sherbrook Municipality of VVilmot ... W\aterloo Munro, Estate of Rev. Dr. Munro Lachenaie

Norris, Thomas .. Quebec Norton, James Montreal Nye, Tliomas Montrejil

O'Donnell, Ed. W. Montreal

Pangman, Estate of late Hon. John. Mascouche Pare, Estate of late Hubert Montreal Parent, Rev. Antoine (Prte.) Quebec Parkin, J. B. Quebec Patton, Duncan ... Quebec Perrault, Estate of late Olivier Montreal Plini|uet, Rev. V. (Prte.) ... Isle Dupas Poitras, P. R. Quebec Porteoiis, Estate of late James Montreal Prendergast, Walter Cote des Neizes Prentice, Estate of late Edwaxd. Montreal Price, George Toronto

Reinhardt and Beck Montreal Ricard, Dame Latour Montreal Ricard, Louis C. ... Montreal Robertson, John Toronto Ross, Hon. John, Estate of the late Toronto Rowsell, Henry Toronto

Sjirgison, Joseph Montreal Scarlett, Edward C. Toronto Scarlett, Samuel Toronto

SchiUer, Chas. E. • • • Montreal Scott, H. S. Quebec ficott, Wm. Wallace Quebec

H harpies, John ... • • • Quebec

Shaw, R. J. • • • Quebec Simard, Geo. H. ... Quebec Smith, John Leeds Stevenson, Adam... Montreal

Stuart, Charles ... • • • Montreal

Stuart, Miss Margaret • • • Montreal Sutherland and Marshall Toronto Symes, Geo. B. ... Quebec LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS. 170

Tach6, Estate of the late Hon. E. P. Quebec Taylor, E. and J.... «,• Quebec Taylor, Edwd. T.... Montreal Tessier, Heirs of the late Iver Montreal Thomas, William... Toronto Thomson, Est. of the late Col. E. W. Toronto Toupin, Estate of late Dmo. F. Montreal Tnideau, Estate of late Franc oise ... Montreal Turcott, Representatives of late Hon. J. O. S. Three Rivers Turner, Enock ...... Toronto

Valleau, Estate of the lato W. B. Quebec Vinet, Rev. J. J. {Frte.) ... Montreal Von Exter, John... Quebec

Wadleigh, John ... Kingsey Walker, Est. of late Hon. Wm. Quebec Warwood, Edmond M. St. Thomas Watson, John Cirahamsville Whitehead, WiUiam Toronto Widmer, Dame H. M. Clarke Toronto WiUianis, Cornelius Toronto Williams, Miles... Montreal W^ilson, Edward ... Montreal Wurtele, Christoplxer E. ... Windsor Wyatt, Jeffrey Quebec

Young, Est. of late David D. Quebec Young, George Montreal

Waterlovr and Sons, Printera, Great Winchester Sti-eet, b!o.