Bulls Lane Welham Green development proposal

Prepared for


October 2013


1. Introduction


3. Existing site: wider context

4. Existing site: immediate context


6. Historic Plan

7. Green Belt boundaries assessment

8. Existing connections

9. Existing public services and amenities

10. Existing utilities

11. Integration PLAN

12. Preliminary Masterplan

13. Summary

Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 1 1. Introduction

Introduction Landform Estates is promoting a 3.94 ha (10 The draft CS was published in November 2012 acre) site on the south side of Bulls Lane in and subject to public consultation until January Welham Green for new housing. Landform 2013. The next stage of the process will be considers that the site represents an excellent preparation of the draft Submission Plan opportunity for residential development that scheduled to be issued in summer 2014. Bulls Lane R can help meet the housing needs of Welham a i l Green. Technical assessments have confirmed Following a public examination the CS is w a y that the site is suitable, available and scheduled to be adopted in 2015. Site specific E allocations will be covered in a subsequent Site m deliverable, with a capacity for around 70 b a housing units, within the short-term. Allocations Development Plan. n k m

e n The Site Green Belt t / R The site, which is currently grazed by horses, is With the exception of the tightly drawn urban a i l open pasture with small areas of dense scrub areas all of the land within the WHBC district is w a Station Road y located within the Green Belt. There is only a and a number of semi-mature to mature trees. L i small amount of previously developed land n A stream flows westwards along part of the e southern boundary, through a dense woodland within the urban areas therefore, whatever the area where there is a sports field, a community final level of housing numbers adopted, it is centre and church. recognised that the delivery of these houses will require land to be released from the Sports Field Residential properties form the northern side Green Belt. of Bulls Lane and the western boundary of the site. An existing residential property, which Once the objectively assessed housing needs does not form a part of the site, adjoins the for WHBC have been ascertained, then the Youth northern boundary. There are some dilapidated land required to deliver these houses can be and Community Centre barns located on the eastern part of the site calculated and a merit based release carried and a railway line, on a high embankment, forms out. Based on the current CS evidence it is the eastern boundary. understood that WHBC can deliver the full amount of its housing needs from land within Planning Background the district. Saint Thomas More The Core Strategy (CS) for Catholic Church Borough Council (WHBC) for the period through to 2029 is currently being prepared.

This sets out the spatial vision for WHBC and will establish the housing needs, employment, retail and leisure, community facilities, the environmental, travel and infrastructure requirements and identify the broad locations where this development will take place. Site (3.94 ha/10 acres)

Site Location

PAGE 2 Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal 2. PLANNING CONTEXT

Welham Green has the second largest employment area in the district The Council’s proposed distribution of housing growth puts the village’s and is classified in the second tier of settlements, after Welwyn Garden vitality at risk. This is because household sizes everywhere are falling, City & Hatfield. It has a main line railway station with connections to two mainly due to the population getting older, and at this level of of ’s busiest stations and has local amenities offering a wide range development the population would fall, and the workforce would fall even of services. It has a population of approximately 2,800 people (2001 faster. Consequently local people looking to move house and set up Census) yet the current draft of the Core Strategy proposes that only 5 households may be forced out, and local shops and services will become new houses should be built there over the next 18 years. Over the past less viable and staff for the employment area will increasingly come from 10 years around 30 houses were built in the village, in what was a period outside the village. of development restraint. This plan for the village goes against national planning policy and While the village accounts for 2.98% of the district’s population, it is contradicts the wider vision and objectives of the Council’s own Core planned to receive just 0.07% of the district’s growth. If housing growth in Strategy. Welham Green were in proportion to the size of the village, its share of that growth would be more than 200 dwellings. A sustainable future for Welham Green would require significantly more housing development than is being proposed. To stabilise the population By way of comparison Woolmer Green and Little Heath, both much we estimate that around 60 additional dwellings are needed and to smaller settlements, are planned to take 10 and 15 new homes stabilise the working population, it would need to provide around 96 respectively. Similar sized settlements at , Cuffley and additional dwellings1 . Welwyn have been allocated 30, 60 and 275 houses respectively. The Council’s current draft Core Strategy is therefore planning for the long-term decline of the village and this cannot be in the interests of Bulls Lane: view west to junction with Station Road anyone, even those who may feel that new development is not desirable.

1 See Roger Tym & Partners ‘Housing Targets For Welwyn Hatfield’, January 2013

View west over site to rear of properties on Station Road Existing community centre, immediately south of the site View north over site to front of properties on Bulls Lane

Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 3 3. EXISTING SITE: WIDER CONTEXT

Welham Green is located in Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council area, Hatfield which contains large areas of open countryside. Nearly the entire borough Train Station is designated as Metropolitan Green Belt. The towns are the main sources of housing, shopping, leisure and employment in the borough.

The borough’s proximity to London and the good transport network in and around Welwyn Hatfield mean that it has strong links to the capital and also links to Stevenage to the north and St Albans to the west in terms of commuting patterns and housing markets. Welwyn Garden City HATFIELD is a major town centre and serves as a sub-regional catchment area. However, it competes with other centres nearby such as Stevenage, St Albans and Hertford. Hatfield town centre is smaller and serves a smaller catchment area.

Whilst Welham Green is a distinct settlement, it benefits from particularly Millwards Park high quality transport linkages and has a substantial employment area that might normally be associated with considerably larger towns. A1001 Railway Line

Welham Green A1000 Train Station A1 (M) Welham Green

Brookmans Park

Brookmans Park Train Station


Site Location: Wider Context

PAGE 4 Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal 4. Existing site: Immediate context LEGEND

Site boundary The site is located immediately to the south of Bulls Lane and is surrounded by existing built or natural form. It extends to approximately 3.94 hectares (10 acres) and comprises pasture, trees and buildings and is physically and visual enclosed by the following:

• the mainline railway and embankment • housing and mature hedgerows along Bulls Lane Railway Embankment/Railway Line • housing along Station Road and Bulls Lane • a dense wooded area and tree belt following the southern stream

The character of the site is strongly informed by the existing housing along Station Road, Bulls Lane and the railway embankment. The land is used for grazing horses. North Mymms Community Centre, a playing field, and church lie immediately to the south.

The site vegetation comprises a mature hedge along Bulls Lane, which is in good condition. There is garden vegetation within the properties along Station Road and regenerating scrub within the site and along the railway line. The indigenous trees and scrub to the south, which form a strong visual enclosure and wildlife habitat, are the most significant vegetation. This vegetation is crossed by a footpath and various informal trails.

Note: Aerial photography was flown 24/4/2010.

Station Road DRAFT

Sports Field L1 North Mymms Youth and Community Centre

Saint Thomas More Catholic Church Key Imagery supplied by Bluesky International Limited © Geoperspectives Site boundary

Site Location: Immediate Context


Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 5


As Shown August 2013 TB JC JC

Scale 2753/105

LANDSCAPE Imagery supplied by Bluesky International Limited © Geoperspectives TOWNSCAPE 0 50 100 150 200 250m ENVIRONMENT 5. SITE SUITABILITY

Access and Transport Flooding and Drainage The site has excellent access to all forms of public transport connections. The majority of the site is located within Flood Zone 1 (less than 1 in There are two Grade II listed buildings on land adjoining the site at Bus stops are less than a two minute walk away, with many services 1000 year event). Part of the site area to the south, adjacent to Skimpans Farm and, with a suitable landscaped area it is considered that serving the village. Welham Green mainline railway station is less than 8 Skimpans Brook, falls within a flood zone and development will be the development of the site would not have any adverse impact upon the minutes walk from the centre of the site, as is the village commercial omitted from this area. This area will be suitable for use as an enhanced significance of the setting of these two buildings. centre and employment area. The village itself is well connected to nature conservation and amenity area. existing main highways and public footpath networks. Landscape Ecology and Wildlife The site is visually and physically enclosed by trees, a railway line, existing Utilities and Servicing The site was previously designated as a non-statutory wildlife site, housing and the urban edge of the village. There are no landscape features There are existing gas, electricity, water, sewerage and however Wildlife Trust has confirmed that the site no of any note on the site with the exception of the trees to the south along telecommunications supply networks all in the immediate vicinity of the longer meets the designation criteria and that this planning policy the stream course, which would be retained. The site is of low visual site and all of these have sufficient capacity. The combined services plan designation has been removed. Recent ecology studies have confirmed sensitivity and can be developed without harm to either immediate (shown later in this document) shows the location of these networks and that the site is not of any intrinsic ecological value and that development landscape features or the wider landscape area. also shows that foul water, surface water and an electrical cable all run would not cause adverse impact and in fact offers opportunities for through the site itself. enhanced biodiversity over the current situation. Agricultural Land Quality The site, which has an unclassified agricultural grade, has been used for Ground Conditions and Contamination Archaeology and Historic Landscape grazing for more than 15 years and no crops have been grown in that This site is currently used for grazing. There are no identified areas of There are no designated archaeological assets or scheduled monuments period. The small site area is not of sufficient size to be important for contamination or land stability issues. Further detailed studies will be on or nearby the site. There are no Registered Parks & Gardens that are agriculture, nor is it commercially viable to grow crops on it and its loss carried out if found necessary. relevant (the nearest is the Grade 1 listed Hatfield House several miles to would not harm the future agricultural viability of the area. the north-east) and the site does not fall within a defined area of archaeological interest or a conservation area.

View northwest across site View east along Bulls Lane View east across site

PAGE 6 Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal 6. Historic Plan


Despite the manySite boundary changes that can be observed from the historic map between 1883 and 2013, the main boundary features of the area and those that surround the site can still be recognised today, including:

• Bulls Lane • Station Road and the development along it • the railway line & embankment • the trees and woodland to the south of the site and • the various woodlands and copses in the vicinity



WELHAMSite boundary GREEN

1883 Ordnance Survey map HISTORIC MAP: FIRST EDITION 1883

NTS August 2013 TB JC JC Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 7





The physical boundaries identified in the historic plan remain intact, and LEGEND

have been reinforced with new built form over the passage of time and Site boundary consist of; Green Belt (Note 2) • Bulls Lane housing and the existing urban area Views from north limited Key vegetation • Station Road housing and the existing urban area by reinforced hedgow • the mainline railway line & embankment Views from east Gently sloping site • the woodland belt and stream course running across the blocked by railway southern boundary • the North Mymms Community Centre

• the Catholic Church Footpath retained within attractive green corridor All of these elements create strong physical boundaries that visually enclose the site on all sides. This means that development of the site would not cause the merging of settlements, cause sprawl into the Railway Embankment/Railway Line countryside nor impact upon historic settlements and it would not harm or undermine the long-term permanence of the wider Green Belt area. Note: 1) Aerial photography was flown There are no landscape features of merit on the site and in visual terms 24/4/2010. 2) Taken from interactive online map, development would not impact upon any major views, either locally or in Welwyn Hatfield District Plan, adopted April 2005. the wider context, nor would it be perceived from anywhere other than

local viewpoints. The site is therefore suitable for development. Trees and scrub retained and enhanced DRAFT

Views from west L6 blocked by housing Sports Field

Community Centre Stream forms strong Green Infrastructure opportunity

Key LEGEND LEGEND Catholic Church Site Siteboundary boundary Site boundary WELHAM GREEN Green Belt (Note 2) GreenGreen Belt (Note Belt 2) Views from north limited Views from north limited Key vegetation Views from south SITE OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS Key vegetation by reinforced hedgow Key vegetation blocked by woodland Gently sloping site Views from east Gently sloping site Views from east Gradient As Shown August 2013 TB JC JC blocked by railway

Opportunities and Constraints Plan Scale 2753/104

LANDSCAPE Imagery supplied by Bluesky International Limited © Geoperspectives Footpath retained within TOWNSCAPE 0 50 100 150 200 attractiveFootpath retainedgreen corridor within 250m attractive green corridor ENVIRONMENT PAGE 8 Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal

Railway Embankment/Railway Line

Railway Embankment/Railway Line

Note: 1)Note: Aerial photography was flown 24/4/2010.1) Aerial photography was flown 2)24/4/2010. Taken from interactive online map, W2) elwynTaken Hatfield from interactive District Plan, online adopted map, AprilWelwyn 2005. Hatfield District Plan, adopted April 2005.

Trees and scrub retainedTrees and and scrub enhanced DRAFT retained and enhanced DRAFT L6 Views from west L6 Sports Field blocked by housing Sports Field Community Centre Community Centre Stream forms strong Green InfrastructureStream forms opportunitystrong Green Infrastructure opportunity

Catholic Church Catholic Church



As Shown August 2013 TB JC JC As Shown August 2013 TB JC JC

Scale 2753/104 Scale 2753/104 LANDSCAPE Imagery supplied by Bluesky International Limited LANDSCAPE © Geoperspectives Imagery supplied by Bluesky International Limited TOWNSCAPE © Geoperspectives 0 50 100 150 200 250m TOWNSCAPE 0 50 100 150 200 250m ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT 8. Existing connections

Highways and Transport N Key TheKE siteY: has direct frontage to Bulls Lane which is a publicly maintained highway and is a local access road with low levels of traffic. It has Bus Routes BUS ROUTES More Than 5 Journeys Per Day an existingMOR footwayE THA onN the5 northJOURNEYS side of the road. Two points of access can be providedPER D AintoY the site and development could include a new Bus Routes Less Than 5 Journeys Per Day footway on the south side of Bulls Lane. BUS ROUTES Bus Stops The junctionLES ofS BullsTHA LaneN5 JOURNEYSwith Station Road is of a good standard and Train Station will allowPE easyR DandAY safe access to the wider road network. The roads in Welham Green do not suffer congestion at peak periods and have the Footpath capacity BUfor theS S additionalTOPS traffic trips that would be generated by Bridleway development of the site. TRAIN STATION Byway Open To All Traffic The roads around the fringes of St Albans and Hatfield have some Restricted Byway areas of congestionFOOTPATH at peak periods. However, the additional trips from The Great North Way the site will not be significant in this context and would not have an (Cycle Route) adverse impact.BRIDLE WAY

Welham BYGreenWA YStationOPE isN onTO theAL EastL TRAFFIC Coast Main Line with local train services to Kings Cross and Moorgate. Travel time is approximately 40 minutesRESTRICTE with four commuterD BYW AtrainsY per hour at peak times and three trains per hour off-peak. Train services run north to Stevenage for Main THLineE trainsGRE andAT NOthroughRTH routesWAY to Cambridge. (CYCLE ROUTE) 36 Welham Green is particularly well served by a number of frequent bus services. Route 610 is a north/south through service to Hatfield with two buses per hour. Route 304 runs west towards London Colney and St Albans with one bus per hour. Route 242 has one bus every two hours running along Dixon Hill Road and Station Road. Routes 36 200, 312, and 201 operate one service in each direction per day to various local destinations. Route 615 runs to the east of Welham Green and provides a service to Stanmore.

Local roads are not heavily trafficked with good opportunities for on- road cycling.35 National Cycle Route No. 12 runs through Welham Green and includes a shared use footway along Dixons Hill Road, before continuing on-road along Knowles Crescent, Pooleys Lane and on to Hatfield. 33

Existing Connections Plan PROJECT TITLE CLIENT DATE Cannon Consulting Engineers 16 Ledborough Lane, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HE9 2PZ BULL’S LANE, WELLHAM GREEN LANDFORM ESTATES 24/09/13 Tel: +44 (0)1638 555 900 Fax: +44 (0)1494 677 779 [email protected] www.cannonce.co.uk PASSED DRAWING TITLE DESIGNED DRAWN BullsCHECKED Lane, WelhamSCALE @ A3 GreenISSUE STATUS - development proposal REV REV PAGE 9 PRELIMINARY . . . . CONNECTIONS PLAN MK MK PG PG NTS L631 / Fig D . DESCRIPTION CH PA DATE NOTE THE PROPERTY OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS VESTED IN CANNON CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND MUST NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THEIR WRITTEN CONSENT 9. Existing public services and amenities

Local Facilities The site at Bulls Lane is well located and is within easy walking distance of N KEY: all the village amenities, which are located about 800m to the north of SCHOOLS the site. These include shops, employment opportunities, schools, a train station and community facilities. All the local roads have surfaced COMMUNITY CENTRE, HALL footways and street lighting and offer a safe and easy link to these facilities. RECREATION GROUND








Schools BUS STOPS Community Centre, Hall RAIL STATION Recreation Ground Dentist Petrol Filling Station Place Of Worship Public House Employment Areas Local Centre Central Resources Library Bus Stops Rail Station DOCTOR’S SURGERY Doctor’s Surgery


Utilities, Drainage and Ground Conditions Gas and electricity supplies are available from the local network, with main supply routes in Station Road/Holloways Lane extended to serve the adjacent Meadow Close and Skimpans Close developments.

Thames Water has confirmed that they can deliver a potable water supply to new development with no major constraints. Local supply water mains are located in Station Road/Holloways Lane.

Thames Water has also confirmed that new development at Welham Green can be accommodated within the existing sewerage trunk main network and that sewage treatment capacity can be provided via the existing system.

Telecommunications, including cable and broadband services, are available from the local networks, with main supply routes in Station Road/Holloways Lane which have been extended to serve the adjacent Meadow Close and Skimpans Close developments.

The May 2009 Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment identifies that the proposed development area is outside Flood Zones 2 & 3 (medium & high flood risk) and is located in Flood Zone 1 (less than 1 in 1000 year event). The SFRA also identifies that Welham Green ground conditions show well drained soils with high permeability suitable for infiltration SuDS drainage techniques.


Site area UKPN HV UG Cables UKPN LV UG Cables Thames Water Foul Water Sewer Thames Water Surface Water Affinity Water Potable Water Main National Grid LP Gas Main BT OH Cables BT UG Cables Virgin Media UG Cables

Combined Services Plan

Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 11 11. integration plan

The centre of the site is:

• 8 minutes walk from the rail station and the employment area Welham Green Rail Station • 2 minutes walk from the nearest bus stop Employment Area

• 8 minutes walk from the village centre and its facilities

• 10 minutes walk from the primary & nursery schools

• 5 minutes walk from the local pub and North Mymms n



community hall t





Local i




• 7 minutes walk from the Potterells Medical Centre e Centre







n e

• Adjacent to the North Mymms Youth & Community Centre and m o



f y

recreation ground o l k


Sibthorpe p a


Arms Public w




• Well placed for immediate access to public footpaths leading House e t

Hope and h

u t

towards open countryside n

Anchor i d



Public House a

8 Bulls Lane


Hall Station Road

Community Key Centre Recreation e d Ground si y Employment Area tr n u o c North Mymms Youth n e R.C & Community Centre p o Church o 7 t P m Recreation Ground s o h t in t te u a r p e te t l s Local Centre o ls Fo w ic M a bl e lk Sibthorpe Arms Public House Pu d ic fr a o l m C North Mymms Memorial Hall e t h n e t St Thomas More R.C Church r e Potterella Medical Centre Hope and Anchor Public House

Integration Plan

PAGE 12 Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal 12. Preliminary Masterplan

Access The proposed development will provide:

• A mix of family housing types, sizes and tenures.

• All dwellings will be designed to Lifetime Homes standards, providing adaptability and flexibility.

• The design of dwellings will achieve the Code for Sustainable Homes.

• Excellent connections to public transport services and public Access footpaths & cycle routes, reducing reliance on car use.

• Large areas of open space, with increased bio-diversity, linking into the existing woodland area and footpath offering better public access and higher quality amenity space.

• Landscaped areas that preserve the setting of the listed buildings.

• Surface water drainage by way of a SuDS network, ensuring no increased pressure on local infrastructure.

• Benefits from two separate access points from Bulls Lane.

North Mymms Youth and Community Centre


Density of up to 20dph

St. Thomas More Density of up to 30dph Catholic Church Density of up to 35dph

Proposed Masterplan

Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 13 13. Summary

Landform Estates is promoting a 3.94 ha (10 acre) plot of land at Bulls Lane, Welham Green for new housing development.

This document presents the vision for Land at Bulls Lane and shows how the proposals have been informed following technical assessments and a detailed analysis of the opportunities and constraints of the site.

The development will offer a range of family housing types, all having excellent connections to the local employment and village amenities. The site is well connected to public transport services and public footpaths & cycle routes, thereby reducing reliance on car use.

In order for Welham Green to remain a vibrant and attractive community it needs new housing otherwise the population will age and the working population will decline, threatening the village’s commercial and social vitality.

Landform believes the site offers an exciting opportunity to bring new housing to Welham Green with the minimum impact on the local environment and at a low cost in new infrastructure.

PAGE 14 Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal DEVELOPMENT TEAM

Developer Planning Consultants Masterplanner

Landform Estates Ltd Barton Willmore John Thompson & Partners 23-25 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DN 7 Soho Square, London W1D 3QB 23-25 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DN T. +44 (0)20 7017 1788 F. +44 (0)20 7017 1781 T. +44 (0)20 7446 6888 F. +44 (0)20 7446 6889 T. +44 (0)20 7017 1780 F. +44 (0)20 7017 1781 www.landformestates.com www.bartonwillmore.co.uk www.jtp.co.uk

Landform is a strategic land promotion company that works in partnership with landowners, local authorities and other stakeholders to deliver land for housing. The Planners & Development Economists Transport & Services Consultants company has a successful track record of gaining planning consent, even for the most complex sites. This success comes from always putting a high priority on meeting local needs and taking the impact of new development into account. Working together with all people is central to Roger Tym & Partners (PBA) Cannon Consulting Engineers our approach and it is only through a detailed 16 Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell, London EC1V 4LJ 16 Ledborough Lane, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2PZ dialogue with all stakeholders that local needs T. +44 (0)207 566 8600 T. +44 (0)1494 677255 can be allowed for and a package of wider community benefits delivered. In this way value www.peterbrett.com www.cannonce.co.uk is increased for everyone, not just the developers.

Landscape Architects Planning & Conservation

Cooper Partnership Woodhall Planning & Conservation 127 Hampton Road, Redland, Bristol BS6 6JE 56 Woodhall Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 5NY T. +44 (0)117 946 7488 F. +44 (0)117 946 7478 T. +44 (0)113 255 4660

www.cooperpartnership.com/ www.woodhall.co.uk

Bulls Lane, Welham Green - development proposal PAGE 15 Landform Estates Ltd 23-25 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DN T. +44 (0)20 7017 1788 F. +44 (0)20 7017 1781 www.landformestates.com