ram! tag o! Ins , to d rindr An And G Recruiting? can help: Using social media to recruit participants Nicholas Sufrinko, Milagros Garrido, and Genevieve Martínez-García (Healthy Teen Network)

Uses of social media recruitment Visual model of platform recruitment effectiveness Platform-specific targeting capabilities

Targeting Parameters

Randomized Control Trials Focus Groups Programs and Services Location Age Gender

and Survey Research Healthy Teen Network used social media to recruit Healthy Teen Network used social media to Language Race/Ethnicity Sexual Orientation for a series of digital focus groups held during the recruit Spanish-dominant Spanish speakers for Healthy Teen Network used social media to formative research stage of a sexual health HIV screening services in Baltimore, Maryland. recruit for its study of Pulse, a digital sexual health intervention that later became known as Stache. While recruitment occurred online, social media intervention for young women. All interaction with These groups were implemented on a private ads were complemented with traditional marketing participants from recruitment to incentive Facebook group, and all participant interaction and advertisements, and follow-up and screening Facebook distribution occurred online. occurred online. services occurred over phone and in-person. • Social networking service and marketplace. • Less effective when filtering your sample based on sexual orientation. • More effective when recruiting Spanish- dominant Spanish-speakers. Eligible Participants

Why social media recruitment? Instagram Reduces cost Saves time Improves reach • Photo and video-sharing social networking service. Recruitment Costs, Pulse Study Recruitment Pace vs Cost, Pulse Study Participant Geographic Distribution, Pulse Study Trans identified recruits, • Filtering age in Instagram is very effective. Stache Focus Group Instagram is the most effective platform to

8 use to recruit adolescents. 4K $ 100 $ 3,819.00 7.3 $

$ 3K

78.88 per enrollee 6 75 $ $ 4.4 2K $ $ 4 50 $ 49.82 per enrollee $1,468.00 1K

$ • News and social networking service. 2

Incentive amount Incentive 1.5 25 $ $ • Less effective when filtering your sample 730.00 based on race and ethnicity. Monthly cost of advertisement of cost Monthly

Average eligible enrollee per day per eligible enrollee Average • Better suited for reach (e.g., to disseminate $2 $4 $6 $8 Feb 18 Mar 18 Apr 18 educational messages) than recruitment. 21 Ad cost per eligible enrollee Recruitment period - + Participants n=229

Incentives matter! Typically, increasing the incentive With the right creative and targeting, recruitment can happen With the right creative and targeting, recruitment can strategically reach diverse people amount decreases the ad cost per eligible enrollee. rapidly, even while the advertising costs diminish. from large urban centers across the country including less represented groups. Ad Grants • In-kind search engine advertising for select nonprofit organizations. • Only users logged into Google accounts Requirements for Successful Social Media Recruitment Platform Reported Ad Clicks can be precisely targeted.

Grindr • Geosocial networking mobile app geared Money (for ads towards gay and bisexual men. • Less effective when filtering sample and incentives) Time based on language and race and ethnicity. Copywriting • Effective at achieving high click-through

Graphic design rate.

H U INC M Research or S LU D A program E E Scruff C S N knowledge Computer E S R D T • Geosocial networking mobile app geared A C U towards gay and bisexual men. CU F Anatomy of Successful Ad Creative L F A O C • Placement inferred based on targeting S P Ad set up, N K capabilities. The effectiveness of this S I I I deployment, and L targeting capabilities required further E T L analysis.

E monitoring





N Polished graphics Iterate, iterate, iterate Graphic software Social media and Keep it simple. Avoid stock photography. Test multiple ad concepts and multiple digital analytics Do not place the logo in the ad’s image if it iterations of the same ad concept. Then, appears elsewhere. budget accordingly.

Staff use of Analyticsaccount P Y social media Acknowledgments I O L I C S F OR AVORABLE F Data and conclusions are derived from multiple Healthy Teen Network projects. Purchasing of social media ads This product was made possible by Grant Number Think of user experience TP2AH000038 from the Department of Health and Electronic Clear and concise copy Ensure that the user can complete Human Services (HHS) Office of Adolescent Health incentives Use minimal text in imagery. Avoid desired action in as few clicks, and as (OAH). Contents are solely the responsibility of the jargon, aggressive sales pitches, few webpages, as possible. Ensure that authors and do not necessarily represent the official

policies) the transition between ad and webpage and clouding your ad with too many views of HHS or OAH. dissemination of thoughts or ideas. is seamless (e.g., use the same graphic style throughout). Suggested citation: Sufrinko, N., Garrido, M., & Martinez-Garcia, G. (2018, November). Recruiting youth? Facebook can help: Using social High performing ad, media to recruit participants. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego, CA. (IRB/institutional (IRB/institutional Pulse Study Digital recruitment recruitment Digital