Bootstrapping Energy Debugging on Smartphones: A First Look at Energy Bugs in Mobile Devices Abhinav Pathak Y. Charlie Hu Ming Zhang Purdue University Purdue University Microsoft Research
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT tem, either application, OS, hardware, firmware or exter- This paper argues that a new class of bugs faced by mil- nal that causes an unexpected amount of high energy con- 1 lions of smartphones, energy bugs or ebugs, have become sumption by the system as a whole. Unlike traditional soft- increasingly prominent that already they have led to signif- ware bugs, such errors could happen in any of the wide vari- icant user frustrations. We take a first look at this emerg- ety of entities in a phone (e.g., hardware components, app ing important technical challenge faced by the smartphones, processes, or the OS), and due to a wide variety of root ebugs, broadly defined as an error in the system (applica- causes such as programming errors, inappropriate API us- tion, OS, hardware, firmware, external conditions or com- age, flaws in the design of applications or the OS (device bination) that causes an unexpected amount of high energy drivers), complicated interactions between hardware com- consumption by the system as a whole. We first present a ponents of smartphones, changing external conditions (e.g., taxonomy of the kinds of ebugs based on mining over 39K remote server crash, or weakened wireless signal strength), posts (1.2M before filtering) from 4 online mobile user fo- and faulty hardware itself from daily “wear and tear” due rum and mobile OS bug repositories.