Banks May Also Be Instructed to Allow Self Help Groups (Shgs) to Act As Banking Correspondents by Infusing Adequate Liquidity

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Banks May Also Be Instructed to Allow Self Help Groups (Shgs) to Act As Banking Correspondents by Infusing Adequate Liquidity 10.02.2021 KSP/RJN Uncorrected/Not for publication 406 (2100/SPR/VB) Banks may also be instructed to allow Self Help Groups (SHGs) to act as banking correspondents by infusing adequate liquidity. Our concern is when hon. Prime Minister is in favour of priority sector lending to SHGs, MSMEs, Start- Ups and agriculture, why are banks not following? Why are banks reluctant to give credit for agriculture, SHGs, and MSMEs? My humble submission is banks may be instructed to remove the hurdles so that true financial inclusion can be achieved. About National Highways, importance should be given to the quality of National Highways in Odisha. The quality of the National Highways in Odisha has been deteriorated substantially because of inadequate allocation of funds for improvement, ordinary repair, and periodical renewal. Progress of work of several stretches of NHs in Odisha which has been entrusted to the NHAI for upgradation to four-lane standard under the NHDP Phase-III is very slow due to inadequate allocation of funds. This is very important for Odisha. I want to raise an issue now which is close to the heart of not only 4.5 crore Odia people but also to the people living in different corners of the world. Lord Jagannatha is not only the heart and soul of 4.5 crore of Odia people but also the Lord of the Universe. Jagannatha Samskruti (culture) shows the way of love and peace. Odisha Government and its Chief Minister, Shri Naveen Patnaik are continuously trying to improve the city of Puri and temple-adjoining areas. Hon. Chief Minister, Shri Naveen Patnaik has written to the Centre for setting up Jagannath International Airport in Puri. This will boost tourism. *Our demand is that Puri should be connected to every part of the country and also to all the other Four Dhams (holy places) by air. The Government should immediately start the process. It is a matter of concern that the pre-feasibility study is yet to be done. We appreciate the Central Government for their UDAN project and air connectivity to Odisha under this project but Puri airport work should begin immediately. The Odisha Government has sought the Central Government’s approval to pay unemployment allowance to works engaged under the Mahatma Gandhi Original in Odiya 10.02.2021 KSP/RJN Uncorrected/Not for publication 407 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act for the job losses caused by COVID- 19 lockdown. We also need more funds under this scheme. Sir, the next point is the reduction of GST on Kendu leaves from 18 per cent to five per cent. The multilateral development assistance from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank is denominated in US dollar and the interest rate is determined on the basis of LIBOR plus a spread. In this connection, it is pertinent to mention here that the reference rate of US dollar in INR which was Rs.43.76 on 4th April, 2005 has gone up to Rs.73.16 on 15th January, 2021 representing an appreciation of about 65 per cent over a period of 16 years. This will enhance the interest payment and repayment liability of the dollar-denominated multilateral assistance availed by the State Government. It is, therefore, urged upon the Government of India to explore the possibility for availing of Local Currency Loan in INR instead of LIBOR- based dollar- denominated loan from the World Bank and the ADB which has inherent exchange rate fluctuation risk and also indicate the comparative advantage and disadvantage of local currency loan over dollar-denominated LIBOR-based loan. Thank you, Sir. (ends) HON. CHAIRPERSON (SHRI KODIKUNNIL SURESH): Hon. Members, now, the time is 9 o’clock. 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