
The Folding Problem

Ken A. Dill,1,2 S. Banu Ozkan,3 M. Scott Shell,4 and Thomas R. Weikl5

1Department of Pharmaceutical , 2Graduate Group in Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143; email: [email protected] 3Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287; email: [email protected] 4Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106; email: [email protected] 5Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Theory and Bio-Systems, 14424 Potsdam, Germany; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Biophys. 2008. 37:289–316 Key Words The Annual Review of Biophysics is online at prediction, funnel landscapes, CASP, folding biophys.annualreviews.org code, folding kinetics This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev.biophys.37.092707.153558 Abstract Copyright c 2008 by Annual Reviews. The “ problem” consists of three closely related puz- All rights reserved zles: (a) What is the folding code? (b) What is the folding mechanism? 1936-122X/08/0609-0289$20.00 (c) Can we predict the native structure of a protein from its sequence? Once regarded as a grand challenge, protein fold- ing has seen great progress in recent years. Now, foldable and nonbiological are being designed routinely and mov- ing toward successful applications. The of small proteins are now often well predicted by computer methods. And, there is now a testable explanation for how a protein can fold so quickly: A protein solves its large global optimization problem as a series of smaller local optimization problems, growing and assembling the native structure from fragments, local structures first.

289 viously expected (117), and α-helices had been Contents anticipated by and colleagues (180, 181), but the first protein structures—of INTRODUCTION...... 290 the —had helices that were packed THE FOLDING CODE: WHAT together in unexpected irregular ways. Since BALANCE OF FORCES then, the protein folding problem has come ENCODES NATIVE to be regarded as three different problems: STRUCTURES? ...... 290 ( ) the folding code: the thermodynamic Anfinsen’s Thermodynamic a question of what balance of interatomic Hypothesis...... 290 forces dictates the structure of the protein, One Dominant Driving Force for a given amino acid sequence; ( ) protein or Many Small Ones? ...... 291 b structure prediction: the computational Designing New Proteins and problem of how to predict a protein’s native Nonbiological Foldamers ...... 292 structure from its amino acid sequence; and COMPUTATIONAL PROTEIN ( ) the folding process: the kinetics question STRUCTURE PREDICTION c of what routes or pathways some proteins IS INCREASINGLY use to fold so quickly. We focus here only SUCCESSFUL ...... 293 on soluble proteins and not on fibrous or CASP: A Community-Wide membrane proteins. Experiment ...... 293 ARE THERE MECHANISMS OF PROTEIN FOLDING?...... 294 THE FOLDING CODE: WHAT There Have Been Big Advances in BALANCE OF FORCES ENCODES Experimental and Theoretical NATIVE STRUCTURES? Methods ...... 294 The PSB Plot: Folding Speed Anfinsen’s Thermodynamic Correlates with the Localness Hypothesis of Contacts in the Native A major milestone in protein science was Structure...... 295 the thermodynamic hypothesis of Christian Proteins Fold on Funnel-Shaped Anfinsen and colleagues (3, 92). From his Energy Landscapes ...... 296 now-famous experiments on ribonuclease, The Zipping and Assembly Anfinsen postulated that the native structure Hypothesis for the Folding of a protein is the thermodynamically stable Routes ...... 300 structure; it depends only on the amino acid PHYSICS-BASED MODELING OF sequence and on the conditions of solution, FOLDING AND STRUCTURE and not on the kinetic folding route. It be- PREDICTION ...... 301 came widely appreciated that the native struc- SUMMARY...... 303 ture does not depend on whether the protein was synthesized biologically on a or with the help of , or if, INTRODUCTION instead, the protein was simply refolded as The protein folding problem is the question of an isolated in a test tube. [There how a protein’s amino acid sequence dictates are rare exceptions, however, such as , its three-dimensional atomic structure. The α-lytic protease (203), and the (227), notion of a folding “problem” first emerged in which the biologically active form is ki- around 1960, with the appearance of the first netically trapped.] Two powerful conclusions atomic-resolution protein structures. Some followed from Anfinsen’s work. First, it en- form of internal crystalline regularity was pre- abled the large research enterprise of in vitro

290 Dill et al. protein folding that has come to understand are generally satisfied in native structures. Hy- native structures by experiments inside test drogen bonds among backbone amide and tubes rather than inside cells. Second, the An- carbonyl groups are key components of all finsen principle implies a sort of division of secondary structures, and studies of labor: can act to change an amino in different solvents estimate their strengths acid sequence, but the folding equilibrium and to be around 1–4 kcal/mol (21, 72) or stronger kinetics of a given sequence are then matters (5, 46). Similarly, tight packing in proteins im- of physical chemistry. plies that van der Waals interactions are im- portant (28). However, the question of the folding code One Dominant Driving Force is whether there is a dominant factor that or Many Small Ones? explains why any two proteins, for example, Prior to the mid-1980s, the protein folding lysozyme and ribonuclease, have different na- code was seen a sum of many different small tive structures. This code must be written in interactions—such as hydrogen bonds, ion the side chains, not in the backbone hydrogen pairs, van der Waals attractions, and - bonding, because it is through the side chains mediated hydrophobic interactions. A key that one protein differs from another. There idea was that the primary sequence encoded is considerable evidence that hydrophobic in- secondary structures, which then encoded teractions must play a major role in protein tertiary structures (4). However, through folding. (a) Proteins have hydrophobic cores, statistical mechanical modeling, a different implying nonpolar amino acids are driven to view emerged in the 1980s, namely, that there be sequestered from water. (b) Model com- is a dominant component to the folding code, pound studies show 1–2 kcal/mol for trans- that it is the hydrophobic interaction, that the ferring a hydrophobic side chain from wa- folding code is distributed both locally and ter into oil-like media (234), and there are nonlocally in the sequence, and that a protein’s many of them. (c) Proteins are readily de- secondary structure is as much a consequence natured in nonpolar solvents. (d ) Sequences of the tertiary structure as a cause of it that are jumbled and retain only their cor- (48, 49). rect hydrophobic and polar patterning fold to Because native proteins are only 5– their expected native states (39, 98, 112, 118), 10 kcal/mol more stable than their denatured in the absence of efforts to design packing, states, it is clear that no type of intermolec- charges, or hydrogen bonding. Hydrophobic ular force can be neglected in folding and and polar patterning also appears to be a key structure prediction (238). Although it re- to encoding of -like fibril structures mains challenging to separate in a clean and (236). rigorous way some types of interactions from What stabilizes secondary structures? Be- others, here are some of the main observa- fore any was known, Linus tions. Folding is not likely to be dominated by Pauling and colleagues (180, 181) inferred electrostatic interactions among charged side from hydrogen-bonding models that proteins chains because most proteins have relatively might have α-helices. However, secondary few charged residues; they are concentrated in structures are seldom stable on their own in high- regions on the protein surface. solution. Although different amino acids have Protein stabilities tend to be independent of different energetic propensities to be in sec- pH (near neutral) and salt concentration, and ondary structures (6, 41, 55, 100), there are charge mutations typically lead to small effects also many “chameleon” sequences in natural on structure and stability. Hydrogen-bonding proteins, which are peptide segments that can interactions are important, because essentially assume either helical or β conformations de- all possible hydrogen-bonding interactions pending on their tertiary context (158, 162).

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 291 hrceitco oddmlcl (134). cores molecule hydrophobic folded have a they of indicates characteristic alcohols by denaturation Their glycines). (c) N-substituted i.e., (peptoids, backbones nonbiological AAAS. determined (129). structure (red al. experimental subsequently et the Kuhlman and by (blue) designed Top7, molecule called Designed fold, protein novel A (a) 2 Figure b H H Peptoid Peptide R N N abc he-ei udeflaeshv enmd using made been have foldamers bundle Three-helix (b) R O O a n NH n NH 2 2 .Fo eeec 2;rpitdwt emsinfrom permission with reprinted 129; Reference From ). 9 ile al. et Dill 292 c ttso aydfeetpoen 28.Rpitdfo eeec 1 ihpermission. with 218 Reference from Reprinted (218). proteins different many Experiments of (c) states models. lattice from proteins, panel in supporting fold from structure, to permission secondary sufficient with stabilizes is 112 Compactness code Reference (b) hydrophobic-polar from binary Reprinted primarily (112). a proteins that helix-bundle show Experiments code. Binary (a) 1 Figure 0.0 FRET efficiency 1.0 0% Propanol structure Experimentally determined Designed molecule hwn htcmatescreae ihscnaysrcuecneti nonnative in content structure secondary with correlates compactness that showing b, [Alcohol] Ethanol Three- Q FP Methanol 20% 8) ugsratn elcmns(235), replacements lung 185), (179, antimicrobials as biomedicine in cations appli- finding are Foldamers (134). nonbiological backbones using designed been now bundles have helix Folded 120). 86, (76, foldamers called materials polymeric new design to used are codes novo folding de Moreover, 2). or (Figure (129) (226), acids amino alphabets 99, nonnatural broadened 94, of from (43, or 243), proteins 173, existing 145, of variants designed as pro- now are practical proteins Novel design. successful tein of hindered emergence not has the it incomplete, remains fold- ing of forces the of knowledge our Although Foldamers Nonbiological and Proteins New Designing space. tight a into ) or people chain linear (of a pack to ways regular configurations only the sheet are and se- helical airport lines, Like curity ). 1 (Figure collapse hydrophobic to the compactness, force of chain consequence indirect the an by stabilized that substan- tially shown are and proteins have in 51) 159) structures secondary 29, 12, (11, (25, models models tube lattice of Studies θ 2° structure ([ ]222) 10 15 0 5 0510 (radius) AAAS. structures Partially folded Native fold –3 15 cytomegalovirus inhibitors (62), and siRNA ture Prediction) (165), a biennial, community- delivery agents (217). Hence, questions of wide blind test to predict the unknown struc- deep principle are no longer bottlenecks to tures of proteins. Organizers identify pro- designing foldable polymers for practical ap- teins likely to be solved or whose structures plications and new materials. have not yet been released, and predictors have roughly 3–5 weeks to predict their native structures. CASP has grown from 35 predic- COMPUTATIONAL PROTEIN tor groups and 24 target sequences in CASP1 STRUCTURE PREDICTION IS in 1994 to over 200 groups and 100+ targets INCREASINGLY SUCCESSFUL in CASP7 in 2006. A major goal of has Over the seven CASPs, two trends are been to predict a protein’s three-dimensional clear (164, 219). First, although much re- native structure from its amino acid sequence. mains to be done, there has been substantial This could help to (a) accelerate drug dis- improvement in protein structure prediction. covery by replacing slow, expensive struc- Web servers and software packages often tural biology experiments with faster, cheaper predict the native structure of small, single- computer simulations, and (b) annotate pro- proteins to within about 2–6 Aof˚ tein function from genome sequences (9). their experimental structures (8, 17, 242). In With the rapid growth of experimentally de- addition, fast- methods are com- termined structures available in the Protein puting approximate folds for whole genomes Databank (PDB), protein structure predic- (182, 214). Figure 3 shows a quantitative tion has become as much a problem of infer- assessment of performance at the first five ence and as it is of protein CASP meetings. The most significant gains physics. have occurred in the alignments of targets Among the earliest uses of protein to homologs, the detection of evolutionarily databases to infer protein structures were distant homologs, and the generation of secondary structure prediction algorithms reasonable models for difficult targets that do (33, 34, 190). In the mid-1980s, several groups began using the methods of computational 100 physics—atomic force fields plus Monte Carlo CASP5 sampling—to compute the structures of the CASP4 Met-enkephalin, a five-residue peptide (95, CASP3 CASP2 141). The early 1990s saw significant strides CASP1 in using databases and homology detection algorithms to assemble structures from ho- mologous sequences (192) and to recognize folds by threading unknown sequences onto three-dimensional structures from a database success (%) Prediction 0 (111). A key advance was the exploitation of Easy Difficult evolutionary relationships among sequences Target difficulty through the development of robust sequence Figure 3 alignment methods (32, 64, 224). Progress in protein structure prediction in CASP1–5 (219). The y-axis contains the GDT TS score, the percentage of model residues that can be superimposed on the true native structure, averaged over four resolutions CASP: A Community-Wide from 1 to 8 A˚ (100% is perfect). The x-axis is the ranked target difficulty, Experiment measured by sequence and structural similarities to proteins in the PDB at the time of the respective CASP. This shows that protein structure In 1994, John Moult invented CASP (Critical prediction on easy targets is quite good and is improving for targets of Assessment of Techniques for Protein Struc- intermediate difficulty. Reprinted from Reference 219 with permission.

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 293 not have templates (new folds). Since CASP5, The following questions of principle have predictions have also benefited from the use driven the field: How can all the denatured of metaservers, which solicit and establish molecules in a beaker find the same na- consensus among predictions from multiple tive structure, starting from different con- algorithms. Second, while most methods formations? What conformations are not rely on both physics and , searched? Is folding hierarchical (10, 119)? the most successful methods currently draw Which comes first: secondary or tertiary heavily from knowledge contained in native structure (80, 239)? Does the protein col- structural databases. Bioinformatics methods lapse to compact structures before struc- have benefited from the growth in size of the ture formation, or before the rate-limiting PDB (9, 219). step (RLS), or are they concurrent (7, 89, The following challenges remain (8, 164, 101, 195, 205, 213)? Are there folding nuclei 219): (a) to refine homology models beyond (58, 152)? those of the best template structures; (b)to Several models have emerged. In the reduce errors to routinely better than 3 A,˚ diffusion-collision model, microdomain particularly for proteins that are large, have structures form first and then diffuse and significant β content, are new folds, or have collide to form larger structures (115, 116). low homology; (c) to handle large multido- The nucleation-condensation mechanism main or domain-swapped proteins; (d ) to ad- (70) proposes that a diffuse transition state en- dress membrane proteins; and (e) to predict semble (TSE) with some secondary structure protein-protein interactions. Structural ge- nucleates tertiary contacts. Some proteins, nomics is likely to help here (87, 222). In such as helical bundles, appear to follow a any case, the current successes in computer- hierarchical diffusion-collision model (155, based predictions of native protein struc- 169) in which secondary structure forms and tures are far beyond what was expected thirty assembles in a hierarchical order. In hierar- years ago, when structure prediction seemed chic condensation (139), the chain searches impossible. for compact, contiguous structured units, which are then assembled into the folded state. Or, proteins may fold via the stepwise ARE THERE MECHANISMS assembly of structural subunits called foldons OF PROTEIN FOLDING? (22, 126), or they may search for topomers, In 1968, Cyrus Levinthal first noted the puz- which are largely unfolded states that have zle that even though they have vast confor- native-like topologies (45, 150). These mational spaces, proteins can search and con- models are not mutually exclusive. verge quickly to native states, sometimes in microseconds. How do proteins find their na- tive states so quickly? It was postulated that There Have Been Big if we understood the physical mechanism of Advances in Experimental protein folding, it could lead to fast computer and Theoretical Methods algorithms to predict native structures from The search for folding mechanisms has driven their amino acid sequences. In its description major advances in experimental protein sci- of the 125 most important unsolved problems ence. These include fast laser temperature- in science, Science magazine framed the prob- jump methods (22); mutational methods lem this way: “Can we predict how proteins that give quantities called φ-values (71, 84, will fold? Out of a near infinitude of possible 106) [now also used for ion-channel kinet- ways to fold, a protein picks one in just tens of ics and other rate processes (42)] or ψ- microseconds. The same task takes 30 years values (204), which can identify those residues of computer time” (1). most important for folding speed; hydrogen

294 Dill et al. exchange methods that give -level 14 information about folding events (125, 149); R = 0.75 and the extensive exploration of protein model systems, including cytochrome c, CI2, bar- nase, apomyoglobin, the src, α-spectrin, and f fyn SH3 domains, proteins L and G, WW do- ln k mains, trpzip, and trp cage (154). In addition, peptide model experimental test systems pro- vide insights into the fast early-folding events 0 (14, 109, 124). Furthermore, single-molecule 822 methods are beginning to explore the con- RCO (%) formational heterogeneity of folding (23, 133, Figure 4 166, 194). Folding rate versus relative (a There have been corresponding advances measure of localness of contacts in the native in theory and computation. Computer-based structure) for the 48 two-state proteins given in molecular minimization methods were first Reference 91, showing that proteins with the most local contacts fold faster than proteins with more applied to protein structures in the 1960s nonlocal contacts. (18, 79, 171), followed by molecular dynam- ics (140, 155), improved force fields (40) (re- Simons, and Baker (PSB), namely, that the viewed in Reference 114), weighted sampling folding speed of a protein is correlated with and multi-temperature methods (130, 210), a topological property of its native struc- highly parallelized codes for supercomputers ture (88, 184). As shown in Figure 4, Plaxco (2, 57), and distributed grid computing meth- et al. found that the folding rates of two-state ods such as Folding@home (198, 241). Mod- proteins—now known to vary more than 8 or- els having less atomic detail also emerged to ders of magnitude—correlate with the aver- address questions more global and less de- age degree to which native contacts are local tailed in nature about protein conformational within the chain sequence: Fast-folders usu- spaces: (a) The Go model (82), which was in- ally have mostly local structure, such as he- tended to see if a computer could find the lices and tight turns. Slow-folders usually have native structure if native guiding constraints more nonlocal structure, such as β-sheets were imposed, is now widely used to study (184), although there are exceptions (237). folding kinetics of proteins having known na- Folding rates have been subsequently found tive structures (37, 38, 113, 197, 225). (b) More to correlate well with other native topologi- physical models, typically based on - cal parameters such as the protein’s effective like lattices, are used to study the static and chain length (chain length minus the num- dynamic properties of conformational spaces ber of amino acids in helices) (107), secondary (19, 50). (c) Master-equation approaches can structure length (104), sequence-distant con- explore dynamics in heterogeneous systems tacts per residue (90), the fraction of contacts (26, 36, 77, 138, 161, 176, 231, 232). Below, that are sequence distant (163), the total con- we describe some of what has been learned tact distance (245), and intrinsic propensities, from these studies. for example, of α-helices (131). And, there are now also methods that predict the folding rate from the sequence (91, 186). It follows The PSB Plot: Folding Speed that a protein typically forms smaller loops Correlates with the Localness of and turns faster than it forms larger loops Contacts in the Native Structure and turns, consistent with the so-called zip- One of the few universal features of protein ping and assembly (ZA) mechanism, described folding kinetics was first observed by Plaxco, below, which postulates that search speed is

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 295 governed by the effective loop sizes [the ef- glass theories (19, 47), or exact enumerations fective contact order (ECO) (53, 73)] that the in minimalist models (132). chain must search at any step. A key conclusion is that proteins have funnel-shaped energy landscapes, i.e., many high-energy states and few low-energy states Proteins Fold on Funnel-Shaped (19, 49, 50, 52, 138). What do we learn from Energy Landscapes the funnel idea? Funnels have both qualita- Why has folding been regarded as so chal- tive and quantitative uses. First, cartooniza- lenging? The issue is the astronomical num- tions of funnels (Figure 5) provide a use- ber of conformations a protein must search ful shorthand language for communicating to find its . Models arose in the the statistical mechanical properties and fold- 1980s to study the nature of the conforma- ing kinetics of proteins. Figure 5 illustrates tional space (19, 47), i.e., the shape of the fast folding (simple funnel), kinetic trapping , which is the mathemati- (moats or wells), and slow random searching cal function F(φ, ϕ, X) that describes the (golf course). These pictures show a key dis- intramolecular-plus-solvation free energy of tinction between protein folding and simple a given protein as a function of the micro- classical chemical reactions. A simple chemi- scopic degrees of freedom. A central goal has cal reaction proceeds from its reactant A to its been to quantify the statistical mechanical par- product B, through a pathway, i.e., a sequence tition function, a key component of which is of individual structures. A protein cannot do the density of states (DOS), i.e., the number of this because its reactant, the denatured state, conformations at each energy level. In simple is not a single microscopic structure. Fold- cases, the logarithm of the DOS is the con- ing is a transition from disorder to order, not formational . Such have not from one structure to another. Simple one- been determinable through all- model- dimensional reaction path diagrams do not ing, because that would require astronomi- capture this tremendous reduction in confor- cal amounts of computational sampling (al- mational degeneracy. though replica-exchange methods can now do this for very small ). Hence under- A funnel describes a protein’s conforma- standing a protein’s DOS and its entropies tional heterogeneity. Conformational het- has required simplified models, such as mean- erogeneity has been found in the few experi- field polymer and lattice treatments (51), spin- ments that have been designed to look for it abcd


Figure 5 One type of energy landscape cartoon: the free energy F(φ, ϕ, κ) of the bond degrees of freedom. These pictures give a sort of simplified schematic diagram, useful for illustrating a protein’s partition function and density of states. (a) A smooth energy landscape for a fast folder, (b) a rugged energy landscape with kinetic traps, (c) a golf course energy landscape in which folding is dominated by diffusional conformational search, and (d ) a moat landscape, where folding must pass through an obligatory intermediate.

296 Dill et al. (16, 143, 157, 206, 209, 244). For example, us- ing time-resolved FRET with four different intramolecular distances, Sridevi et al. (206) 6 found in Barstar that (a) that the chain entropy increases as structures become less stable, (b) that there are multiple folding routes, and (c) that different routes dominate under differ- 0 ent folding conditions. Moreover, changing G kcal/mol the denaturant can change the dominant path- Δ way, implying heterogeneous kinetics (143). Figure 6 shows the funnel landscape that -6 has been determined by extensive mutational analysis of the seven ankyrin sequence repeats Figure 6 of the Notch domain (16, 157, The experimentally determined energy landscape of the seven ankyrin 209). repeats of the Notch receptor (16, 157, 209). The energy landscape is constructed by measuring the stabilities of folded fragments for a series of A funnel describes a protein’s chain overlapping modular repeats. Each horizontal tier presents the partially entropy. The funnel idea first arose to ex- folded fragments with the same number of repeats. Reprinted from Reference 157 with permission. plain denaturation, the balance between the chain entropy and the forces of folding (48). protein’s DOS, you can predict the protein’s Proteins denature at high temperatures be- free energy of folding and its denaturation and cause there are many states of high energy cooperativity properties. Figure 7 shows an and fewer states of low energy, that is, the example in which the DOS (set onto its side landscape is funneled. For cold unfolding, the to illustrate the funnel) was found by exten- shape of the funnel changes with temperature sive lattice enumeration for F13W∗, a three- because of free-energy changes of the aqueous helix bundle, with predictions compared to solvent. When you can accurately compute a experiments (146).


ln (conformation count) 0.5


ve nati ction Fra 0 20 46 GuHCl (M)

1 ve

Energy (kcal/mol) Energy Transition 0.5

Native –50 states ction nati ction Fra 0 0 50 100 Temperature (°C)

Figure 7 (Left) The density of states (DOS) cartoonized as an energy landscape for the three-helix bundle protein ∗ F13W : DOS (x-axis) versus the energy (y-axis). (Right) Denaturation predictions versus experiments (146). The peak free energy (here, where the DOS is minimum), typically taken to be the transition state, is energetically very close to native.

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 297 Funnels provide a microscopic framework ing funnel-like organization of the dynamical for folding kinetics. Folding kinetics is tra- flows. ditionally described by simple mass action For example, Figure 8b shows a master- models, such as D → I → N (on-path inter- equation model for the folding of SH3, illus- mediate I between the denatured state D and trating the apparently paradoxical result that native state N) or X → D → N (off-path in- folding can be serial and parallel at the same termediate X), where the symbol I or X rep- time. The protein has multiple routes avail- resents macrostates that are invoked for the able. However, one of the dominant series purpose of curve-fitting experimental kinet- pathways is U → B → BD → BDE → BCDE ics data. In contrast, funnel models or master- → N. BD is the TSE because it is the dynam- equation models aim to explain the kinetics ically least populated state. B precedes BD in terms of underlying physical forces. They diagrammatically in series in this pathway. Yet, aim to predict the microstate composition of the probability bucket labeled B does not first those macrostates, for example. The states in fill up and then empty into BD; rather the lev- master-equation models differ from those in els in both buckets, B and BD, rise and fall to- mass-action models insofar as the former are gether and hence are dynamically in parallel. more numerous, more microscopic, are de- Such series and parallel steps are also seen in fined by structural or energetic criteria, and computer simulations of CI2 (189), for exam- are arranged kinetically to reflect the underly- ple. Sometimes a chain contact A forms before

0.2 −1 . 3 a b BDE ABDE

2.0 2.4 2.9 2.4 10 20 30 40 50 B BD ABD ABCD E

0.0 1.5 3.5 1.9 −0.3 −2.3 A 10 R TS P 0 C BC BCD BCDE ABCDE D 20 2.5 4.0 2.9 −1.3 A AC ACE ACDE B 30 1.9 ABCE Loop C 40 1 β P 1 strand ABCDE 50 0 R 10-2 TS BCDE Diverging turn DT 3-10 helix (t) (t) i i 10-2

P P B 10-4 BDE BD

-6 10 10-4 0.1 10 1000 0.1 10 1000 Time Time

Figure 8 (a) A simple single-pathway system. R, reactant; TS, transition state; P, product. (b) Pathway diagram of SH3 folding from a master-equation model. The native protein has five contact clusters: A = RT loop; B = β2β3;C = β3β4;D = RT loop-β4; and E = β1β5. Combined letters, such as BD, mean that multiple contact clusters have formed. Funneling occurs toward the right, because the symbols on the left indicate large ensembles, whereas the symbols on the right are smaller ensembles. The numbers indicate free relative to the denatured state. The arrows between the states are colored to indicate transition times between states. The slowest steps are in red; the fastest steps in green. BD is the transition state ensemble because it is the highest free energy along the dominant route. While B and BD would seem to be obligatorily in series, the time of these states show that they actually rise and fall in parallel (232).

298 Dill et al. another contact B in nearly all the simulation indicate the position of the TSE along the trajectories (series-like). But another contact folding reaction coordinate: φ = 0 means C may form before B in some trajectories and the site is denatured in the TSE; after B in others (parallel-like). Some folding φ = 1 means the mutation site is native in is sequential, as in Fyn SH3 (123), cytochrome the TSE. In this pathway view, φ can never (66), T4 lysozyme (24), and Im7 (74), and lie outside the range from 0 to 1; in the fun- some folding is parallel, as in cytochrome C nel view, φ is not physically restricted to this (83) and HEW lyzosyme (151). range. For example, φ < 0orφ > 1 has been Or, consider the traditional idea that a re- predicted for mutations that stabilize a helix action’s RLS coincides with the point of the but that destabilize the bundle’s tertiary struc- highest free energy, G‡, along the reaction ture (231). Unfortunately, experiments are not coordinate. As a matter of principle, the RLS yet definitive. While some φ-values are in- need not necessarily coincide with the free- deed observed to be negative or greater than energy barrier. There is evidence that they 1 (44, 85, 176, 193), those values might be ex- may not coincide for some protein folding perimental artifacts (193). Other challenges in processes (13, 15, 27). What’s the distinction? interpreting φ have also been noted (65, 188). Tofind the RLS, you need a dynamical model. To resolve the in interpreting φ, Youwould find the eigenvector corresponding we need to deepen our understanding beyond to the slowest eigenvalue (in two-state kinet- the single-reaction-coordinate idea. ics). Microscopic master-equation modeling typically finds that this eigenvector only iden- tifies the process U → N, with no finer pin- How do we convert computer simulations pointing of any special structures along the into insights about molecular behavior? way. In contrast, G‡ is a thermodynamic Similarly, insights about folding events are quantity—the maximum free energy along the often sought from computer modeling. It is fastest route, which usually does correspond much easier to calculate structural or ener- to some specific ensemble of structures. Be- getic quantities than kinetic quantities. For low, we describe why these matters of princi- example, some modeling efforts compute φ- ple are important. values by assuming some particular struc- ture for the TSE (78, 233) or some partic- How do we convert folding experiments ular reaction coordinate, such as the RMSD into insights about molecular behavior? to native structure, radius of gyration, num- To interpret data, we must use models. φ- ber of hydrogen bonds, or number of na- value experiments aim to identify RLSs in tive contacts (196). Alternatively, a quantity folding. But how we understand the molec- called pfold (56), which defines a separatrix ular events causing a given φ-value depends (a sort of continental divide between folded on whether we interpret it by funnels or path- and unfolded states), is sometimes computed. ways. A φ-value measures how a folding rate Although pfold predicts well the RLSs for changes when a protein is mutated (42, 67, simple landscapes (147), it can give less in- 71, 105, 144, 153, 154, 176, 178, 193) (see sight into protein landscapes having multi- Reference 231 and references 1–24 therein). φ ple barriers or other complexity (30). To go equals the change in the logarithm of the fold- beyond classical assumptions, there has been ing rate caused by the mutation, divided by the an extensive and growing effort to use master- change in the logarithm of the folding equi- equation approaches (13, 26, 31, 36, 60, 61, 77, librium constant. If we then seek a structural 110, 161, 172, 176, 201, 202, 208, 211, 212, interpretation of φ, we need a model. Us- 231, 232) to explore underlying assumptions ing the Bronsted-Hammond pathway model about reaction coordinates, pathways, transi- of chemical reactions, φ is often assumed to tion states, and RLSs.

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 299 Funnel models can explain some non- on average, because helices have more paral- canonical behaviors in ultrafast folding. lel microscopic folding routes (because a he- More than a dozen proteins fold in microsec- lix can nucleate at many different points along onds (128). Some fold in hundreds of nanosec- the chain). onds (127, 237). Is there a state of protein folding that is so fast that there is no free- energy barrier at all (156)? This has some- The Zipping and Assembly times been called (93, 122, Hypothesis for the Folding Routes 128, 187). There is currently an intensive Protein folding is a stochastic process: One search for downhill folders—and much con- protein molecule in a beaker follows a troversy about whether or not such folding different microscopic trajectory than another has yet been observed, mainly in BBL, a molecule because of thermal fluctuations. 40-residue helical protein. That controversy Hence, protein folding is often studied us- hinges on questions of experimental analysis ing Monte Carlo or sam- (68, 69, 75, 103, 168, 170, 191): establishing pling. However, computations seeking the proper baselines and ionization states to find native state using purely physical models denaturation temperatures and to determine are prohibitively expensive, because this is a whether the equilibrium is two-state, for ex- challenging needle-in-a-haystack global opti- ample, which would imply a barrier between mization problem (96, 132, 216). Since the D and N. beginnings of experimental folding kinetics, Remarkably, all known ultrafast-folders there has been the view that the Levinthal have anti-Arrhenius thermal kinetics. That paradox—of how a protein searches its con- is, heating those proteins at high tempera- formational space so quickly—might be ex- tures slows down folding, the opposite of what plained by a folding mechanism, i.e., by some is expected from traditional activation barri- higher-level description (beyond the state- ers. Here too, any molecular interpretation ment that it is stochastic) that clarifies how requires a model, and the common expecta- the protein decides which structures to form tion is based on the classical Arrhenius/Eyring and avoids searching vast stretches of the con- pathway model. Is the Arrhenius model suf- formational space in the first place. ficient for funnels involving many fast pro- Zipping and assembly (ZA) is a hypothesis cesses? Ultrafast folding kinetics has recently for a general folding mechanism. On fast been explored in various models (59, 77, 122, timescales, small fragments of the chain can 148, 167). One funnel model (77) explains search their conformations more completely that the reason why increasing the tempera- than larger fragments can (53, 73). There are ture leads to slower folding is because of ther- certain problems of global optimization— mal unfolding of the denatured chain, leading including the ZA mechanism of protein to a larger conformational space that must be folding and the Cocke-Kasami-Younger searched for the chain to find route to native method for parsing sentences (54, 102)—in downhill. It predicts that the ultimate speed which the globally optimal solution (native limit to protein folding, at temperatures that structure, in this case) can almost always will disappear all other barriers, is the confor- be found (although not guaranteed) by a mational search through the denatured basin. divide-and-conquer strategy, a fast process Near the speed limit of protein folding, the of cobbling together smaller locally optimal heterogeneity and searching that are intrinsic decisions. Accordingly, in the earliest time to funnels can be an important component of steps after folding is initiated (picoseconds to the folding physics. That model also explains nanoseconds), each of the different peptide that helical proteins fold faster than β-sheets, fragments of the chain searches for small

300 Dill et al. local metastable structures, such as helical tive topology (contact map) dramatically, and turns, β-turns, or small loops. Each peptide sometimes the folding routes, but does not ap- segment searches its own conformations, at pear to substantially change the native struc- the same time that other segments are search- ture (20, 142, 143, 160, 221). ing. Not stable on their own, a few of those local structures are sufficiently metastable to survive to the next longer timescale, PHYSICS-BASED MODELING where they grow (or zip) into increasingly OF FOLDING AND larger and more stable structures. On still STRUCTURE PREDICTION longer timescales, pairs or groups of these Computer simulations of purely physics- substructures can assemble into structures based models are becoming useful for struc- that are still larger and more native-like, and ture prediction and for studying folding gives way to stability (97, 102, routes. Here the metric of success is not purely 103, 199, 215, 223, 228–230, 232). performance in native structure prediction; it The ZA mechanism shares much in is to gain a deeper understanding of the forces common with other mechanisms, such as and dynamics that govern protein properties. diffusion-collision, hierarchical, and foldon When purely physical methods are success- models. The last two mechanisms, however, ful, it will allow us to go beyond bioinfor- are descriptors of experiments. They do not matics to (a) predict conformational changes, prescribe how to compute a protein’s fold- such as induced fit, important for computa- ing route from its amino acid sequence. In tional drug discovery; (b) understand protein contrast, the ZA mechanism is such a micro- mechanisms of action, , folding pro- scopic recipe, starting from the amino acid cesses, enzymatic , and other situa- sequence and specifying a time series of en- tions that require more than just the static sembles of conformations the chain searches native structure; (c) understand how proteins at each stage of folding. ZA is a funnel process: respond to solvents, pH, salts, denaturants, There are many parallel microscopic routes at and other factors; and (d ) design synthetic the beginning, and fewer and more sequential proteins having noncanonical amino acids routes at the end. The ZA mechanism pro- or foldameric polymers with nonbiological vides a plausible answer to Levinthal’s para- backbones. dox of what vast stretches of conformational A key issue has been whether semiem- space the protein never bothers to search. pirical atomic physical force fields are good For any compact native polymer structure, enough to fold up a protein in a computer. there are always routes to the native state that Physics-based methods are currently limited take only small-conformational-entropy-loss by large computational requirements ow- steps. ZA otherwise explores very little of con- ing to the formidable conformational search formational space. These few routes consti- problem and, to a lesser extent, by weaknesses tute the dominant folding processes in the in force fields. Nevertheless, there have been ZA mechanism. One test of this mechanism is notable successes in the past decade enabled the prediction of the change of folding routes by the development of large supercomputer (229), measured by the change in φ-value dis- resources and distributed computing systems. tributions (143), upon circular permutation The first milestone was a supercomputer sim- of the chain. Proteins can be circularly per- ulation by Duan and Kollman in 1998 of muted if the chain termini are adjacent to each the folding of the 36-residue headpiece other in the wild-type native structure. In such in explicit solvent, for nearly a microsec- cases, the ends are covalently linked and the ond of computed time, reaching a collapsed chain is broken elsewhere. This alters the na- state 4.5 A˚ from the NMR structure (57).

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 301 Another milestone was the development by & K.A. Dill, unpublished data). Physical po- Pande and colleagues of Folding@home, a tential models have also been sampled using distributed grid computing system running non-Boltzmann stochastic and deterministic on the screensavers of volunteer comput- optimization strategies (121, 174, 207, 220). ers worldwide. Pande and colleagues (241) Here are some of the key conclusions. have studied the folding kinetics of villin. First, a powerful way to sample conforma- High-resolution structures of villin have re- tions and obtain proper Boltzmann aver- cently been reached by Pande and colleagues ages is replica exchange molecular dynamics (110) and Duan and colleagues (136, 137). In (REMD) (210). Second, although force fields addition, three groups have folded the 20- are good, they need improvements in back- residue Trp-cage peptide to ∼1 A:˚ Simmer- bone torsional energies to address the bal- ling et al. (200), the IBM Blue group ance between helical and extended conforma- of Pitera and Swope (183), and Duan and tions (81, 108, 240), and in , colleagues (35). Recently, Lei & Duan (135) which dramatically reduces the expense rel- folded the -, a 47- ative to explicit water simulations but which residue, three-helix bundle, to 2.0 A.˚ Physics- frequently overstabilizes ion-pairing interac- based approaches are also folding small he- tions, in turn destabilizing native structures lices and β-hairpin peptides of up to ∼20 (63, 246). residues that have stable secondary structures Can modern force fields with Boltzmann (63, 81, 108, 240, 246; M.S. Shell, R. Ritterson sampling predict larger native structures? Re- cent work indicates that, when combined with MTYKLILNGKTLKGETTTEAVDAATAEKVFKQYANDNGVDGEWTYDDATKTFTVTE a conformational search technique based on the ZA folding mechanism, purely physics- based methods can arrive at structures close ∼ 8 15 30 37 45 52 to the native state for chains up to 100 monomers (177; M.S. Shell, S.B. Ozkan, V.A. a Voelz, G.H.A. Wu & K.A. Dill, unpublished data). The approach, called ZAM (zipping 43 54 28 39 and assembly method), uses replica exchange 6 17 and the AMBER96 force field and works by (a) breaking the full protein chain into small fragments (initially 8-mers), which are sim- 41 56 b ulated separately using REMD; (b) then 1 20 growing or zipping the fragments having 28 56 metastable structures by adding a few new residues or assembling two such fragments together, with further REMD and itera- tions; and (c) locking in place any stable 1 56 residue-residue contacts with a harmonic Figure 9 spring, enforcing emerging putative physi- The folding routes found in the ZAM conformational search process for cal folding routes, without the need to sam- protein G, from the work described in Reference 177. The chain is first ple huge numbers of degrees of freedom at a parsed into many short, overlapping fragments. After sampling by replica time. exchange molecular dynamics, stable hydrophobic contacts are identified ZAM was tested through the folding and restrained. Fragments are then either (a) grown or zipped though of eight of nine small proteins from the iterations of adding new residues, sampling, and contact detection, or PDB to within 2.5 A,˚ using a 70-processor (b) assembled together pairwise using rigid body alignment followed by further sampling until a completed structure is reached. cluster over 6 months (177), giving good

302 Dill et al. agreement with the φ-values known for four of them. Figure 9 shows the ZAM folding process for one of these proteins, and Figure 10 shows the predicted versus experi- α mental structures for all nine. In a more strin- Protein A Albumin-binding domain protein 3 D gent test, ZAM was applied in CASP7 to the folding of six small proteins from 76 to 112 residues (M.S. Shell, S.B. Ozkan, V.A. Voelz, G.H.A. Wu & K.A. Dill, unpublished data). YJQ8 WW domain (res 7–31) FBP28 WW domain (res 6–31) 35-mer unit of Of the four proteins attempted in CASP7 that were not domain-swapped, ZAM predicted roughly correct tertiary structures, segments of more than 40 residues with an average Protein G α-spectrin SH3 src-SH3 RMSD of 5.9 angstroms, and secondary struc- Figure 10 tures with 73% accuracy. From these stud- ies it has been concluded that ZA routes can Ribbon diagrams of the predicted protein structures using the ZAM search al- gorithm ( purple) versus experimental PDB structures (orange). The backbone identify limited-sampling routes to the native C-RMSDs with respect to PDB structures are protein A (1.9 A),˚ albumin state from unfolded states, directed by all- domain binding protein (2.4 A),˚ alpha-3D [2.85 A˚ (excluding loop residues) atom force fields, and that the AMBER96 plus or 4.6 A],˚ FBP26 WW domain (2.2 A),˚ YJQ8 WW domain (2.0 A),˚ 1–35 a generalized Born implicit solvent model is a residue fragment of Ubiquitin (2.0 A),˚ protein G (1.6 A),˚ and -spectrin SH3 ˚ reasonable scoring function. Fragments that (2.2 A). ZAM fails to find the src-SH3 structure: Shown is a conformation that is 6 A˚ from the experimental structure. The problem in this case appears adopt incorrect secondary structures early in to be overstabilization of nonnative ion pairs in the GB/SA implicit solvation the simulations are frequently corrected in model. later-stage folding because the emerging ter- tiary structure of the protein often will not tolerate them. nisms of folding, parallel and distributed grid-based computing, and the CASP community-wide event for protein structure SUMMARY prediction. The protein folding problem has seen enor- Protein folding no longer appears to be mous advances over the last fifty years. the insurmountable grand challenge that it New experimental techniques have arisen, in- once appeared to be. Current knowledge of cluding hydrogen exchange, φ-value meth- folding codes is sufficient to guide the suc- ods that probe mutational effects on fold- cessful designs of new proteins and foldameric ing rates, single-molecule methods that can materials. For the once seemingly intractable explore heterogeneity of folding and en- Levinthal puzzle, there is now a viable hy- ergy landscapes, and fast temperature-jump pothesis: A protein can fold quickly and methods. New theoretical and computa- solve its big global optimization puzzle tional approaches have emerged, includ- by piecewise solutions of smaller compo- ing methods of bioinformatics, multiple- nent puzzles. Other matters of principle sequence alignments, structure-prediction are now yielding to theory and physics- Web servers, physics-based force fields of based modeling. And current computer algo- good accuracy, physical models of energy rithms are now predicting native structures of landscapes, fast methods of conformational small proteins remarkably accurately, promis- sampling and searching, master-equation ing growing value in drug discovery and methods to explore the physical mecha- proteomics.

www.annualreviews.org • The Protein Folding Problem 303 SUMMARY POINTS 1. The protein folding code is mainly embodied in side chain solvation interactions. Novel protein folds and nonbiological foldamers are now being successfully designed and are moving toward practical applications. 2. Thanks to CASP, the growing PDB, and fast-homology and methods, computer methods now can often predict correct native structures of small proteins. 3. The protein folding problem has both driven—and benefited from—big advances in experimental and theoretical/computational methods. 4. Proteins fold on funnel-shaped energy landscapes, which describe the conformational heterogeneity among the nonnative states. This heterogeneity is key to the entropy that opposes folding and thus to folding equilibria. This heterogeneity is also impor- tant for understanding folding kinetics at the level of the individual chain processes. 5. A protein can fold quickly to its native structure by ZA, making independent local decisions first and then combining those substructures. In this way, a protein can avoid searching most of its conformational space. ZA appears to be a useful search method for computational modeling.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For very helpful comments and insights, both on this review and through ongoing discussions over the years, we are deeply grateful to D. Wayne Bolen, Hue Sun Chan, John Chodera, Yong Duan, Walter Englander, Frank Noe, Jose´ Onuchic, Vijay Pande, Jed Pitera, Kevin Plaxco, Adrian Roitberg, George Rose, Tobin Sosnick, Bill Swope, Dave Thirumalai, Vince Voelz, Peter G Wolynes, and Huan-Xiang Zhou. We owe particular thanks and appreciation to Buzz Baldwin, to whom this volume of the Annual Review of Biophysics is dedicated, not only for his interest and engagement with us on matters of protein folding over the many years, but also for his pioneering and founding leadership of the whole field. We appreciate the support from NIH grant GM 34993, the Air Force, and the Sandler Foundation.

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