Cultural Heritage Assessment R1
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Appendix Cultural R1 Heritage Assessment Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District Cultural Heritage Assessment Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Block 27 and 2087, Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra District Cultural Heritage Assessment Report Report to Arup Level 4, 10 Moore Street Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia July 2020 Page i Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District Cultural Heritage Assessment Document history and status Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type 1 26.05.2020 JVB, SW SW 26.05.2020 Internal review 2 27.05.2020 JS, AC JS 27.05.2020 Client review 3 05.06.2020 JS JS 05.06.2020 Client review 4 05.06.2020 JVB JVB 05.06.2020 RAO and community review 5 06.07.2020 SW SW 03.07.2020 Final review Last saved: 06/07/2020 10:11 File name: Queanbeyan STP Upgrade CHA (Restricted) July2020 Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District: Project name: Cultural Heritage Assessment Author: Sophie Barbera, Jayden van Beek, Iain Stuart, Sandra Wallace Project Manager: Jayden van Beek Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District, Name of document: ACT: Cultural Heritage Assessment Name of organisation: Artefact Heritage Document version: Final © Artefact Heritage Services This document is and shall remain the property of Artefact Heritage Services. This document may only be used for the purposes for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the Terms of the Engagement for the commission. Unauthorised use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited. Disclaimer: Artefact Heritage Services has completed this document in accordance with the relevant federal, state and local legislation and current industry best practice. The company accepts no liability for any damages or loss incurred as a result of reliance placed upon the document content or for any purpose other than that for which it was intended. Page i Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District, ACT Culltural Heritage Assessment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) is seeking to build and operate a new sewage treatment plant (STP) at 7 Mountain Road, Jerrabomberra, Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Although the existing STP has been upgraded several times and maintenance works are regularly undertaken, it has been determined that a significant works program is required to upgrade the STP to ensure a continued level of service that conforms to industry practice for the protection of public health and the environment, and to cater to the increasing population of the Queanbeyan-Palerang catchment area and Oaks Estate within the ACT. As a result, the Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant (QSTP) is proposed to be upgraded, including the construction of a new STP within the study area. The QSTP Upgrade project would provide an appropriate level of treatment for wastewater, helping to protect public health and the environment, while also remaining affordable to the community and improving the capacity of the STP to secure the future needs of the Queanbeyan-Palerang catchment area and Oaks Estate A scoping study was submitted on the 30 July 2019 under Division 8.2.2 of the Planning and Development Act 2007 (201900029). Artefact Heritage Services Pty Ltd (Artefact Heritage) have been engaged by Arup to prepare a Cultural Heritage Assessment (CHA) for the proposed QSTP Upgrade project. The CHA would support an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the QSTP Upgrade project. Artefact Heritage have prepared this CHA in accordance with the Cultural Heritage Reporting Policy prepared by the Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT Government and the ACT Heritage Act 2004 (Heritage Act). As the ACT consultation guidelines are still in preparation at the time of the writing of this report, community consultation for the QSTP Upgrade project was conducted in accordance with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents 2010 (the Consultation Requirements) prepared by the NSW Department of Climate Change & Water (DECCW). The QSTP Upgrade project is also seeking an Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s (ISCA) rating under Version 1.2 of the IS rating tool, therefore this CHA has also been informed by the ISCA (2018) IS Technical Manual Version 1.2. Findings and recommendation It was found that: • A total of five previously identified Aboriginal sites are present within the study area. These include: o ‘Oaks Estate 1’, a scatter of flaked stone artefacts in a disturbed context in Block 2087 o ‘MOL PAD’, an area of archaeological potential in Block 1036 and part of Block 2067. It is noted that the ACT Heritage maps identify ‘MOL PAD’ as being within Block 1036, however the description for ‘MOL PAD’ included on the ACT Heritage Register (ACTHR) listing for ‘Aboriginal Places of the District of Jerrabomberra (Heritage ID 1166) states that it is also located within the undeveloped part of Block 2087 o ‘Aboriginal Places in the District of Jerrabomberra’, a listed heritage item on the ACTHR (Heritage ID 1166), which includes several Aboriginal sites including ‘Oaks Estate 1’ o ‘King Billy’s Cottage site’, the residence of Jimmy Clements which is suggested to have been within the study area and has been nominated for provisional registration on the ACTHR (Heritage ID 280) Page i Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District, ACT Culltural Heritage Assessment o ‘Corroboree Ground and Aboriginal Cultural Area, Queanbeyan River’, a listed item on the ACTHR which consists of a large cultural area identified as having moderate archaeological potential and which includes several artefact scatters • There are no registered items on the World Heritage List (WHL), National Heritage List (NHL), Commonwealth Heritage List (CHL), National Trust of Australia Register (NTAR) or Register of the National Estate (RNE) within the study area • ‘Oaks Estate 1’ has been disturbed by previous activities associated with the STP. No evidence of the artefact scatter was observed during the site inspection. The area of higher archaeological potential to the west which is described as part of ‘Oaks Estate 1’ remains relatively undisturbed however • The site inspection identified an area of high archaeological potential and moderate significance, ‘QSTP PAD’, in the southwest corner of the study area in the undeveloped portion of Blocks 2087 and 1036. This area includes part of ‘MOL PAD’ and the area of higher archaeological potential described as part of ‘Oaks Estate 1’ • The literature review was not able to confirm that Jimmy Clements’ residence (‘King Billy’s Cottage site) was ever present in the study area. If Clements’ residence was within the study area, then it has likely been substantially impacted and/or removed as a result of previous ground disturbances associated with the construction, operation and expansion of the STP • Only one of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century residences remain in the study area, which is associated with ‘Mountain Road Cottage and stable’. However, this building has not been assessed as being of heritage significance. No other intact remnant remains were identified during the site inspection • Works associated with the construction, operation, and expansion of the STP have resulted in substantial ground disturbance across most of the study area • The study area has Aboriginal cultural heritage value for its location along the Molonglo River, which was an important pathway and meeting place • Landscape elements and the existing Mountain Road alignment was noted by the Molonglo Conservation Group as being important to the history and legibility of the site • The study area generally has nil to low non-Aboriginal archaeological potential and low Aboriginal archaeological potential (with the exception of ‘QSTP PAD’) • The proposed works would not impact ‘QSTP PAD’ or the five Aboriginal sites identified above • Overall, it is not expected that the proposed works would result in impacts to intact and significant Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal archaeological remains • Further investigation is required of ’QSTP PAD’ if works would be undertaken within this area of archaeological potential. As no works would be undertaken within ’QSTP PAD’ for the QSTP Upgrade project however, no further investigation is currently required as part of this project. Page ii Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade, Jerrabomberra District, ACT Culltural Heritage Assessment It is recommended that: • A copy of this report must be submitted to ACT Heritage Council for review and comment • No further investigation of ’QSTP PAD’ needs to be undertaken as part of the QSTP Upgrade project as it would not be impacted. Should works be proposed at a later stage which would potentially impact ‘QSTP PAD’ then further investigation would be required • This CHA makes no recommendations for any new sites to be nominated for inclusion on the ACTHR. It is assessed that the area of ‘QSTP PAD’ is already sufficiently covered by ‘MOL PAD’ and ‘Oaks Estate 1’ • Although it has not been assessed as being of heritage significance, the brick building associated with Mountain Road Cottage and stable should be maintained where practicable to conserve its association with the historical development of the study area • Maintain the Mountain Road alignment where practicable to conserve its association with the historical development of the study area during the late nineteenth century