Welcome to

Bohemian House of & Board Games, Toronto’s only public living room.

We invite you to kick back, relax, and peruse the menu at your own pace. We will come find you, or feel free to ring the bell at the front.

Don’t see quite what you want among these pages? You can create your own custom blend instead!

At the back of the menu is a price list that is colour coordinated in sections.

Thanks for visiting!  Good to Know 

All are served in 600ml pots unless otherwise indicated. Pots for two are 1.2L. Most teas are available iced by request during warm seasons. Tea prices are in the list at the end of the menu and change slightly from season to season, reflecting the shifts in the tea market. Talk to your host about our dairy free milk alternatives. Most of our teas are also available to purchase loose leaf for at-home brewing. You can try as little as 100g to start. We hand-blend our loose ingredients on the spot and can create any tea brew you can dream of. You can add a shot of your favourite alcohol to spike your tea for $5.00. Please note we sweeten some of our blends with honey, maple syrup, or brown sugar. Please request if you would not want these sugars added. Bampot is a public living room concept. Bohemian Tea Houses are built on the values of quality of service, privacy, community, and safety. Bampot is no exception. Our golden rule is don’t be an asshole. Feel free to customize the space how you like: grab more cushions, borrow the house instruments, bring your artwork to work on - really do anything you like during your time visiting with us, within reason! When you are done, please make sure instruments, games, and furniture are returned to their original homes. We’ll take care of the dishes and tea pots. Thank you!

BOARD GAME COVER CHARGE Unlimited play for: $5.00/each or $3.00/each with purchase of main meal

LOUNGE CHARGE $5.00/each Will apply per person after every 2.5 hrs of duration. For gamers the lounge charge does not apply until the 5th hour of duration.

RESERVATIONS We take reservations for the Bohemian High Tea for groups under 10. As well, custom reservation packages are available for groups over 10. Email or talk to us for details.

Follow us on Instagram: @bampothouseoftea  Table of Contents  Section Order:

Black Tea Bampot Signature Blends Naturally Flavoured Black Tea

Green Tea Bampot Signature Blends

Oolong Tea

White Tea Bampot Signature Blends

Maté Bampot Signature Maté Blends

Bampot Signature Rooibos Blends

Bampot Signature Herbal and Fruit

Bampot Signature Fantasy Tea Blends

Bampot Signature Custom Tea Blends

Tea-Free Options

Bampot Signature Boozy Tea Cocktails

Bampot Bohemian High Tea

Bampot Signature Loose Leaf Tea Blends

Main Meals Savoury Snacks Sweet Eats

Price List  Black Tea 

Black tea is the most fully oxidized type of tea. It tends to be stronger and richer than its less oxidized counterparts, and is often served with milk, lemon, or sugar.

To create a black tea, the freshly harvested leaves are first withered by blasts of air. This is followed by a rolling process, which with some mass-produced tea may involve cutting and crushing. Next, the leaves are oxidized (often referred to as fermentation) at carefully controlled levels of heat and humidity before being dried to arrest this oxidization process. They are then sorted and packed for sale.

During fermentation, complex chemical reactions occur within the leaf, altering the way that taste and other components such as are concentrated in the leaf. Studies have shown that drinking black tea may protect lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke, and also may reduce the risk of stroke.

Black teas are generally prepared with freshly boiled water and allowed to steep from 3-5 minutes, depending on the desired strength.

“Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one.”

- Chinese proverb  China  (Black Tea)

Keemun 3 Monkey A complex tea with a sweet, subtle aroma, smoky overtones, and a deep red liquor. Adding the milk served on the side will let the flavour develop more fully.

Golden Heaven Yunnan A full-bodied tea that tends to the astringent, Golden Heaven is rich and malty with a lovely ‘jammy’ tea flavour that is outstanding with milk.

Lapsang Souchong Butterfly #1 This has a strong, rich flavour that has tantalised tea lovers for generations. This superior leaf is still prepared in the traditional manner (in roasting pans over open fires), making it smooth and crisp, with the heady aroma of a smoky pine fire.

3 Year Pu-erh Though some argue that pu-erh should be in its own class of tea, we have included it under black tea for the sake of simplicity. Crafted according to traditional pu- erh methods, this tea is made unique by starting with a black leaf instead of the typical green. A slow fermentation period under wet blankets makes this tea wonderfully rich with deep notes of earth, malt, and gentle musk.

Peregrine Mountain 1st Flush Full-bodied and rich, this top-notch Yunnan black tea has a background of light citrus notes offsetting its creamy malt character that lingers on the tongue.

 Russia  (Black Tea)

Organic The Tsar’s preferred choice in tea, hearkens back to the old days when tea was transported across the steppes by caravan.  India  (Black Tea)

Assam GTOP – Gingia Estate An extraordinarily high-quality leaf, this is one of the finest Assams available. Its golden liquor possesses a classic thickness that is juicy and deliciously malty. Can be served with milk and sugar by request to bring out the expansive malt character.

Nilgiri BOP – Nonsuch Estate One of our favourite lesser-known black teas, this leaf boasts a pronounced orange blossom-like flavour and a light, golden liquor.

Darjeeling 1st Flush TGFOP1 – Soom Estate This is produced with first grade leaves at the height of the 1st flush. Alive with distinctive grape-like muscatel flavour, this is an excellent example of a 1st flush Darjeeling.

Darjeeling TGFOP – Margaret’s Hope This is a delicate cup tending to the astringent complete with muscatel character. Hints of currant contribute to an almost wine-like taste.

 Ceylon - Sri Lanka  (Black Tea)

Organic Ceylon – Nuwara Elya Estate Grown in the highlands of Ceylon, this ‘champagne of teas’ represents the highest quality of tea available on the island. The lower temperature and increased rainfall in the region where this tea is grown finds its way into the taste and aroma, creating a richly tropical experience with delicate floral notes. A perfect all-day tea.

Earl Grey This bergamot-infused delight does an old favourite justice. With an extraordinary aroma to go hand-in-hand with its extraordinary taste, this is the best Earl Grey we’ve ever had the pleasure of drinking.

Creamed Earl Grey A must for the avid Earl Grey enthusiast! Our flavourful Earl Grey mellowed out with vanilla highlights and a deliciously creamy finish.  Bampot Signature Black Tea Blends 

Bam Bam Chai Our speciality house chai is based on classic North Indian Chai Masala and packs the smoothest punch around. Assam, freshly-peeled ginger, and a profusion of hand-crushed spices including cardamom, star anise, and cinnamon are simmered to perfection and then served up piping hot, sweet, and milky. This is the freshest chai you’ll ever encounter.

Bombay Lemongrass Chai Inspired by a Bombay chai-wallah, this tea blends top quality black Assam with spicy cardamom and zesty lemongrass. Milky and sweet.

Dhesi Chai This recipe, taught to us by friends from Pakistan, is prepared using black tea, cardamom, fennel seed, milk, and sugar and is served in traditional tea glasses.

Armenian Tey This is a spicy wintertime tea, often drunk for medicinal purposes. A less complex offshoot of our Bam Bam Chai made with Assam, cinnamon, and cloves. Served with milk and sugar by request.

Chai Hel This strong, highly-stimulating brew is infused with cardamom and served in traditional tea glasses.

Chai Lemoo This black tea is steeped with a generous portion of sweet, tangy lime for a refreshing and lively flavour.

Bazaar Mix An exotic blend reminiscent of a bustling Persian bazaar, this brew has it all. Stimulating black tea overlaid with spicy ginger root and cloves awaken the mind, while soothing notes of rose, pistachio and saffron ensure a healthy balance is retained. Honey Spice Tea A blend of black tea, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, and milk to warm you to your toes. Wonderful if you’re feeling a little under the weather.

Crabby Rab’s Hot Toddy Inspired by a Scottish granda as crotchety as he was kind, this smoky, peaty is reminiscent of a good whiskey, blended here with crisp lemon, cloves, and a hint of Mekong cinnamon for a perfectly potent cup of common cold relief. An alcoholic version is available!

Grasshopper A timeless combination of fresh mint and chocolate black tea with undertones of caramel.

King of Tease A smoky, spicy, and floral blend that will make you go from teas to tease. Alcoholic version also available.

Golden Years! “Don’t let me hear you say life’s taking you nowhere, angel!” - David Bowie. Liquid nectar of gold, this brew is like a maple tree set on fire. Lapsang Souchong with maple syrup and milk. Our house favourite to start any day off right.  Naturally Flavoured Black Tea 

Arctic Raspberry Blueberry Caramel Chocolate Maple Cream Vanilla Grenadine (Monk’s Blend) Buttered Rum Pumpkin Spice Vanilla Cream  Green Tea 

Green tea is grown in a multitude of areas and processed using diverse methods. However, there is a unifying factor that results in tea being labelled as ‘green’: the lack of oxidization during processing.

After being picked, leaves destined to become green tea are allowed to wither for 3-4 hours on drying racks set out in the sun. The leaves are then heated to remove moisture and prevent the leaf from oxidizing. There are two main ways of doing this, although there are myriad small variations of each. The leaves may either be baked, resulting in a dark green-coloured dry presentation, or fried without oil, resulting in a yellowish-green colour.

In brewing green teas, the water used is cooled from the boiling point so as not to burn the leaves. Many green teas may be steeped multiple times before losing their flavour.

Green tea is widely recognised as containing numerous beneficial elements including antioxidants, vitamin C, anti-carcinogens, and fluoride, in addition to rehydrating the body and helping to break down fatty acids.

“If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.”

– Japanese proverb  Japan  (Green Tea)

Genmaicha Often referred to as ‘People’s Tea’, was created when the poorer members of Japanese society would bulk up expensive green tea with roasted grains of rice. Today it is enjoyed for its mild, grassy flavour and earthy aroma of roasted rice.

Samurai Matcha is the oldest form of Japanese green tea, consisting of highest-quality leaves ground down into a fine powder and then whisked to a froth in hot water (or milk for first-time drinkers). Matcha is higher in antioxidants than any other type of tea thanks to the fact that the leaves themselves are consumed. Samurai matcha is full-bodied with sweet overtones.

Organic Fuji A classic green tea often used in tea ceremonies, this sencha produces a light liquor with moderate depth and body. Excellent for sharing with friends.

Hojicha Unusually for Japanese tea, Hojicha is roasted over charcoal at high temperatures instead of being steamed. This roasted flavour replaces the usual astringency of green tea, and is topped with light notes of cinnamon and caramel. Hojicha is often served with the evening meal or before going to sleep due to its mildness.

Gyokuro Plucked from bushes shaded prior to harvest to increase the intensity of its dark, vegetal flavour, has a creamy, buttery feel in the mouth and leaves you with a lingering hint of sweetness. This tea is so exquisite that it has its own dedicated type of : the shiboridash. We will show you the art of brewing gyokuru and provide water to steep your leaves an additional 3 or 4 times; if desired, you will be given Ponzu sauce (citrus and soy) to pour over the exhausted leaves which you can eat.  China  (Green Tea)

Pinhead Gunpowder Painstakingly withered, steamed, rolled, and dried, these tiny pellets of green tea produce a surprisingly strong cup. The thick, robust taste has been likened to that of a soft honey, but with a smoky flavour and a slightly coppery aftertaste. Pleasantly bitter.

Xantou Mandarin Green Pu-erh This fascinating variation packs traditional pu-erh into fresh hollowed-out mandarin skins which are then flash-dried and fermented to perfection. This transforms the earthy, musty character of the tea by introducing a tantalising citrus flavour. The liquor is translucent golden yellow, a marked contrast to the darker of traditional pu-erh.

Imperial Dragonwell This renowned tea was first created several centuries ago, but its manufacturing process remains the same today, still producing the same straight, smooth leaves that indicate a high-quality Dragonwell. The care that goes in to hand- rolling each leaf in a firing pan is evident in every rich, nutty, flavourful sip. Hints of fresh corn and vegetables complete the experience.

Golden Mountain Needle An extraordinary tea that is grown exclusively on Sichuan province’s Mount Meng. It is becoming increasingly rare as plantations move away from more labour-intensive processing methods, which this tea certainly requires: the leaves must be plucked before sunrise while the dew is still present, then they are rolled, steamed, and painstakingly hand-formed before drying. The result of all this effort is a beautifully fresh cup of tea offering sweet honey notes and a delicate, golden liquor.  Bampot Signature Green Tea Blends 

Optimist Chai This traditional rose-coloured Kashmiri chai will make your day a little brighter. Green tea, cardamom, pistachios, sugar, milk, a dash of salt and a secret ingredient combine to produce a blushing brew that warms to the bone. Please be prepared to wait upwards of 20 minutes for this very special tea.

Chai Zanjabeel This delightful tea is normally reserved for special occasions, but it’s tasty enough to count as an occasion in itself. A truly dazzling concoction comprising of green tea, ginger (zanjabeel), saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, lemon, and honey or brown sugar.

Chai Nanna - Moroccan Mint Tea A potent blend of strongly-brewed gunpowder green tea and fresh mint, this tea is served in the traditional way: piping hot and indulgently sweet.

Jasmine With Flowers This green tea has been blended with jasmine blossoms from the spring harvest, lending it surprising body and a captivating floral character.

Long Island Strawberry Juicy ripe strawberry flavours burst onto the tongue over lightly-astringent green tea notes.

Sencha Kyoto Cherry Rose The buttery smoothness of sencha green tea is perfectly complimented by flavours of sweet cherry and morning rose.

Praha Cassis Bringing together the birthplace of tea and the birthplace of the Bohemian tea house, this combination of Chinese green tea and currants from the Czech Republic is sweet, smooth, and invigorating.

Blue Mango Fresh green tea flavour highlights with notes of juicy mango, while cubes of pineapple and mallow petals provide a clean, crisp finish.  Tea 

Oolong is a partially-, falling somewhere between green and black tea. The traditional methods used in creating this tea are not very exact, and individual producers employ different types of technology, which means that oolong teas can vary greatly in degrees of fermentation. Bampot offers you ranging from long-fermented to lightly-fermented.

The oolong tea leaf tends to have a green middle and brown edges; the colour of the liquor, or brewed tea liquid, ranges from brown to yellowish-green. A light, earthy aroma and a pleasant, nutty taste are typical characteristics of the tea.

In China and Taiwan these teas are extremely popular, as they are good for the body and create a sense of well-being. The partial fermentation means that these teas possess an intensified caffeine content while still retaining the nutritional qualities present in the raw leaf. Benefits of drinking oolong tea can include lowered levels of bad cholesterol.

“Tea is the ultimate mental and medicinal remedy, and has the ability to make one’s life more full and complete.” -Eisai, ‘How to Stay Healthy by Drinking Tea’ c.1211  China  (Oolong Tea)

Ti Kuan Yin Iron Goddess One of China’s most beloved teas, this partially-fermented leaf hails from the Fujian province. The flavour is naturally sweet and nutty with fruity highlights.

Quangzhou Milk Oolong This rare and luxurious oolong boasts an exceptionally smooth and creamy feel with subtle hints of orchid.

Super Butterfly Wuyi Many view this as China’s best oolong, hailing from the Wuyi Mountains. Distinctive notes of orchid, peach, and sweet earth float lightly on the tongue like a butterfly. An exceptional tea.

Sweet Watermelon Ripe and juicy, this sunset-pink brew will quench even the strongest of thirsts. Tastes like summer. Try with some fresh pomegranate (we have seasonally). Delicious iced or hot.

 Taiwan  Formosa (Oolong Tea)

Formosa Oolong This classic oolong is what started all the fuss. Smooth and slightly sweet, Formosa is toasty with a touch of dryness.

Orange Blossom Oolong The longer the tea is left to steep, the more compelling it becomes. This wildly exotic blend develops maturity as you drink, while real orange peel pricks the nose with surprising and delightful zestiness.

Super Fancy Formosa Oolong This is one of the highest-quality oolong teas on the market, enjoyed for centuries by the upper echelons of Taiwanese society. Experience the aroma and envision the aromatic royal tea gardens as you enjoy this fresh and lively cup, plucked during a 3-week window in early spring.  White Tea 

One of the youngest types of tea on the market, white tea was first prepared in the 1770s and was initially quite rare. Due to increased popularity in the Western market, white tea has become much more readily available.

In contrast to other kinds of tea, the production process is fairly simple. After being plucked from one of only two varieties of tea bush, the buds and leaves are sorted by grade to create the four types of white tea. Then they are placed on drying racks, preferably in direct sun for a shorter drying time, or indoors for up to 40 hours. The drying is closely monitored to ensure a consistent, low temperature that will remove moisture from the buds while forcing them to undergo a gentle oxidization. Finally the buds are roasted slightly over low heat.

White tea, due to its low-heat production methods, retains more antioxidants and other beneficial factors than any other type of tea. These benefits are so pronounced that in Chinese tradition white tea was used solely for medicinal purposes, and today it has been found to help prevent cancer, protect the heart, increase bone density, kill off bacteria and viruses, soothe inflamed skin, and lower both blood pressure and cholesterol.

“A cup of tea would restore my normality.”

- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Screenplay, Douglas Adams

 China  (White Tea)

Xantou Mandarin White Pu-erh This delightfully different take on traditional pu-erh is a wonderful choice for a first time pu-erh drinker. White tea is painstakingly packed into fresh mandarin peels for processing. The result is a medium-bodied, clean-finishing tea with sweet notes of citrus, honey, and vanilla.

Pai Mu Tan This exquisite, rare delicacy is made from the first buds of spring and dried to produce an almost entirely natural (unprocessed) tea. It presents a translucent golden liquor and a subtle, fresh taste with dissipating sweetness.

2 Doves Silver Needle One of China’s finest white teas, 2 Doves presents delicate, haunting hints of peach and a fresh, lingering finish.

Cream Earl White A unique take on a classic, this tea boasts an exquisitely creamy flavour with a deep bergamot finish. A smooth and compelling cup.

 Malawi  (White Tea)

Elephant Tusk Silver Needle An extraordinarily rare tea hailing from the fair trade Mulanje estate, Elephant Tusk captures the beauty of ivory in a cup. The hand-selected silver tips have a superb light malt character and a pleasantly brisk finish.

 Kenya  (White Tea)

Silverback This fair trade white tea is exceptionally rare, with only 600 kilos produced each year. It boasts a wonderfully complex flavour with notes of honey, nuts, and Madagascar vanilla.  Bampot Signature White Tea Blends 

Cloud Forest Rainbow This tea, from the Fujian Province in China contains delicious vanilla and pomegranate flavours with rosehip, hibiscus, and safflower notes.

Shanti Peace Creates a vibration of love and peace within and without. Brewed with an assortment of flowers and raw white tea. Peace in mind, heart, and soul.  Maté  (Yerba)

The maté tree is a member of the holly family commonly found in South America. First used and cultivated by the Guarani people of Paraguay, maté has been consumed in subtropical South America for hundreds of years. The presence of mateine and other stimulants in the leaf helped spread the popularity of maté before the advent of . Traditionally it is infused in a dried, hollowed-out gourd, using a much greater ratio of leaf to water than one would use with tea. Sharing a maté gourd with friends remains a common social practice in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.

“Make tea, not war.” - Monty Python Maté Rancho This classic yerba leaf has remained the same despite the passing of centuries. It boasts a robust, true gaucho flavour tending slightly bitter and wild. Maté Asado de Brasil This is a roasted maté, and as such is full-bodied and smooth with a toasty, coffee-like flavour. This leaf is especially rich in mateine; a gourdful will kickstart your day.

 Bampot Signature Maté Blends  (Yerba) Maté IQ Sweet and fruity with all the stimulating goodness of Maté Rancho, this blend has a compelling citrus zest to refresh even the most desiccated of brain cells. Bohemian Maté Deep earthy notes of cinnamon, saffron, ginger, and honey. A spiced maté, sure to enchant. Maté Boom Boom Obliterate exhaustion and passivity with Maté Boom Boom, an otherworldly concoction of all things invigorating: Maté Rancho, green tea, mint, lemon, and brown sugar. Maté Terere Get your maté needs on ice with a fruity twist.  Bampot Signature Rooibos Blends  (caffeine-free)

Rooibos is a flavourful, caffeine-free alternative to tea for those seeking to eliminate caffeine intake. Sometimes known as Red Tea, rooibos tea gained popularity during WWII when the absence of tea supplies from Asia forced drinkers to find an alternative.

Rooibos is known to contain powerful antioxidants and a high mineral content in addition to being useful in treating a range of conditions including poor circulation, stomach complaints, anaemia, and skin problems such as acne and eczema.

“Tea… Is the religion of the art of life.”

- Kakuzo Okakura, Book of Tea Cedarberg Rooibos A solid South African fruity cup with sweet notes and an herbal finish.

Vanilla Plains Our Cedarberg rooibos jazzed up with vanilla for a smoother cup. Notes of calendula and almond give a rounded finish.

Serenity Now! When throwing up your hands and quoting TV shows from 1997 can’t ease your stress, this infusion just might. Rooibos, chamomile, linden & passion flower petals, lemon balm, lemon verbena, anise, cinnamon, orange pieces, and hops combine for a soothing, restful cup of calm.

Rooibos The perfect caffeine-free alternative to our Bam Bam Chai. A profusion of spices combined with classic rooibos to wake up the mouth and soothe the soul.

Perfect Balance A refreshing and cleansing cup comprised of rooibos, nettle, rosehip, raspberry leaf, anise, cardamom, clove, and calendula.

Earl Grey Rooibos Though it may have begun as a caffeine-free substitute for the classic Earl Grey, this delightful blend of rooibos, bergamot, and cornflower petals is delicious enough to be a classic in its own right.

Crème de Caramel This decadent blend starts with light notes of sweet toffee before sweeping you away with a symphony of rich caramel. Overtones of hazelnut and calendula provide added depth.

Marzipanorama Be transported to a more delicious world with 360° of luxurious almond flavour. Subtle hints of papaya and hazelnut only serve to heighten the appeal.

African Goddess With deep, rich, and juicy complexity, this blend must surely be the beautifying beverage of goddesses. Zesty lime and lemongrass meets smooth rooibos and honey for a cloud-nine cup.  Bampot Signature Herbal & Fruit Infusions  (caffeine-free)

All of our infusions are made with the finest blending components sourced from all over the world, and they are organic whenever possible. The health benefits of these ingredients are as wonderfully varied as the places they are grown in and the flavours they produce.

On the following pages you will find infusions that may help relieve headaches, stress, anxiety, menstrual cramps, diarrhea, muscle pain, and more. Each blend is free of caffeine.

“Who would then deny that when I am sipping tea in my tearoom I am swallowing the whole universe with it and that this very moment of my lifting the bowl to my lips is eternity itself transcending time and space?”

- D.T. Suzuki, Zen and Japanese Culture Golden Flower of Healing A fine blend of lavender, chamomile, and raspberry leaf, this tea is good for a variety of ailments including headache, nausea and insomnia. Served with honey.

Ginger Flower of Healing Similar to the Golden Flower above but with the added kick of fresh ginger to compliment the lavender and chamomile. Served with honey.

Spicemaster’s Special This full-bodied, honey-sweet and richly spiced concoction will give you a gingery kick. The perfect antidote to a sore throat or the common cold.

Sweet Licorice & Mint Naturally sweet licorice root blended with peppermint. Don’t let the memory of black licorice put you off – this tea is smoothly invigorating with no hint of that last jellybean left in the bowl.

African Honeybush Made from the leaves of Africa’s honeybush plant, this traditional staple is refreshing and cleansing with hints of honey. Unlike traditional black tea, honeybush can be left to steep as long as desired without ever acquiring a bitter flavour, making it ideal to keep simmering on the stove to welcome guests. Its crisp finish is reminiscent of light Madagascar pepper.

Organic Apple A natural and fruity infusion using real cubes of dried apple; sweet and refreshing.

Raspberry Wellness Raspberry leaf has long been known to ease menstrual cramps, bowel complaints, and sore throats, as well as acting as a general anti-inflammatory. With the addition of mint and honey this tea is especially good for easing the symptoms of stress and anxiety. (Not suitable for pregnant women.)

Strawberry Kiwi No weak and watery fruit tea here! This tea is bursting with scrumptious flavour and can even double as a snack when you’re done – the real fruit pieces are entirely edible. Peppermint Cottage This tea is prepared using our home-grown peppermint leaves (when available). The refreshing taste boosts clarity and alertness, making this the perfect brew for a pre-exam all-nighter. Peppermint has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of headaches, sinus problems, stomach upsets and menstrual cramps. Served with honey & milk by request.

500 Chamomiles If you’ve walked 1000 miles to fall down at our door, rest assured chamomile will be available to offer you relief from muscular pain as well as a host of other ailments including indigestion, diarrhea, cramps, flatulence, and colds. Chamomile is also known to alleviate stress and anxiety.

No-Sting Nettle Relieves pain, improves digestion, and lowers blood sugar.

Over The Hills and Far Away Spearmint and lavender. “Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings I live for my dream, and a pocket full of gold.” - Led Zeppelin. A simple blend.

Tibetan Lavender Tisane Fresh from the plateaus of Tibet, this calming, organic tisane is great for relaxing jangled nerves and soothing stomach discomfort. Often drunk before bed to ensure a good night’s rest. Served with honey. This menu is dedicated to the one I love.

“Tea, it’s what brings us all together.” -Mark Newell  Bampot Signature Fantasy Tea Blends 

Faeries’ Blood One of our favourite herbal infusions. Peppermint, chamomile and raspberry leaf are steeped to flavourful perfection before being poured over mixed berries to brew right in your pot. A spoon of honey gives added depth to this rich red tea that grows more intense with every cup. Unicorn’s Blood The rare mythical creature you have been searching for is here! Our Cloud Forest Rainbow white tea blended with rose, hibiscus, blue pea flowers, and maple syrup. Dragon’s Blood This emerald-green elixir is Daenerys Targaryen’s favourite blend. Charmed together from turmeric, chillies, lapsang souchong, peppermint, blue pea flowers, and cardamom, with just a touch of maple. Spicy and smoky, it is harvested from the peaks of the lonely mountain. Mermaid Café A blend of mango and strawberry green tea with blue pea flowers. This tea is a non-alcoholic version of The Siren’s Call. Misty Mountains A brew of maple black tea, hazelnut, almond, cinnamon, and vanilla. “Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To find our long-forgotten gold.” -Richard Armitage, The Dwarf Cast The Enchanted Gypsy Nettle, lime, lavender, and jasmine green with flowers and honey.

The Hobbit Straight from the hobbit hole of Bilbo Baggins: milk oolong and rose (try it with milk and maple). “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.” - J.R.R. Tolkien Bampot Signature Custom Tea Blends

$6.75 single pot / $11.50 double pot

Because here at Bampot we hand-blend our loose ingredients on the spot, we can create any tea brew you can dream of.

Talk to your host about custom blend options and together we can create an infusion made just for you!  Tea-Free Options 

Organic Fair Trade Coffee Dark, lush roast, freshly ground and pressed. Then served in a teapot so you don’t feel left out.

Star Anise Warmer A Dutch treat made with warm milk and spices. Great to soothe and settle before bed.

Spiced Apple Cider (hot or cold) Fresh and juicy with hints of cinnamon and clove. Delicious at any temperature.

Maple Milk Exactly what it sounds like. Tastes like melted ice cream.

Honey Spice Un-Tea Our honey spice tea – without the tea. Cinnamon, nutmeg and honey loveliness. Contains milk.

Hot Chocolate Choose from a more traditional milk chocolate or our handmade dark chocolate version.

Spiced Hot Chocolate Rich dark hot chocolate infused with your personal combo of chilli, ginger, cinnamon, or bergamot.  Bampot Signature Boozy Tea Cocktails 

Get a Pitcher for $25 Solo Shot or Spike Your Tea for $5

Bam Bam Boom $11 Our house chai with an extra kick. Unicorn and the Kraken $11 What happens when two mythical creatures collide on your tastebuds? A beautiful blend of white tea, flowers, and spiced dark rum. The Siren’s Call $11 An electric blue green tea with gin. “And the colours of the sea bind your eyes with trembling mermaids And you touch the distant beaches with tales of brave Ulysses How his naked ears were tortured by the sirens sweetly singing For the sparkling waves are calling you to kiss their white-laced lips.” - Tales of Brave Ulysses, Cream King of Tease $13.50 The alcoholic version of our King of Tease black blend. A smoky, spicy, and floral blend that will make you go from teas to tease. London Summer in Scotland $11 Earl Grey infused with a bounty of berries and spiked with scotch. Little Red Rooster $11 Strawberry kiwi, cinnamon, marzipanarama, honey, spiked with amaretto. Ambrosia $11 A fruity melody with spearmint, apple, honeysuckle flowers, and vodka. Maté Con Malicia $11 This delightful maté is infused with your favourite shot. Traditionally consumed in rural areas of Chile. Hot Toddy $7 Warm soothing sweet nectar, slips over the throat to warm the cockles of your heart. (Not available in a pitcher) Craft Beer & Wine are available for $7.50. Please talk to your server for our selection!

*Please note: Patrons may be asked to provide I.D. when ordering alcohol. ot Bohemian Hig Bamp h Tea To Share (2-3 people): $65

Treat your friends, mom, or lover

Tier : Savoury: The Bampot Veggie Deluxe Three Cheese Pizza This magical pizza comes with the option of 1, 2 or 3 chillies. When ordering, please let us now how spicy you feel today. (This pizza is entirely gluten free but cannot be made vegan) Dipping Sauces : arlic Herb Mayo, Sweet Thai hili, BB

Tier 2: Assortment of Sweets: Nanaimo bar and your selection of two caes.

Tier 3: Munchies: An assortment of fruit and nuts.

Two small pots of tea or one large pot of tea included.


Pizza Bohemian Platter

our incredible cus on pizza: $30 Fo Tier : Savoury The Bampot Veggie Deluxe Three Cheese Pizza This magical pizza comes with the option of 1, 2 or 3 chillies. When ordering, please let us now how spicy you feel today. (This pizza is entirely gluten free but cannot be made vegan) Dipping Sauces : arlic Herb Mayo, Sweet Thai hili, BB

Tier 2: Munchies: An assortment of fruit and nuts.

Loose leaf tea available! Starting at 100g  Main Meals 

All our main meals are vegan or vegetarian. Most options can be made vegan. Please ask your server for meal options if you have a dietary restriction. Gluten free option available for +$2.00

Large Salad $11.50/Small Salad $6.00 (So-Good-You’ll-Write-A-Ballad-Salad) Our claims are valid! Mixed greens or spinach, buttery cashews, tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkin seeds tossed in our house-made ballad dressing, featuring garlic, ginger, and shallots. Pita bread and hummus side +$3.00

Main of the Day $13.00 Usually a curry or stew, made in-house by our wonderful chef. Ask your host for the daily details!

Soup of the Day $11.50 Served with fresh bread rolls & butter.

Falafel Plate $13.00 Our baked take on the deep-fried Middle Eastern classic made with chickpeas, onion, and spices. Served with delicious pita bread, Ballad Salad, and hummus.

The Pirate’s Platter $30.00 Embellished with all of our finest bohemian snacks, from a variety of cheeses to nuts, falafel balls, pita, crackers, olives, and hummus. This platter will have you eating like a pirate on a wooden plank. Please note: from week to week, items from this platter may vary based on what is available. (Add additional dipping sauce for $1: balsamic glaze / hot sauce / homemade jam)

***Add a small Ballad Salad to any main meal for $5.00!***  Savoury Snacks 

Posh Cheese & Crackers $9.00 Slices of aged cheddar served alongside artisanal rosemary raisin crackers and fancy jam. Gluten free crackers are available for no additional charge.

Pita & Hummus (vegan) $6.00 Our hummus is made in-house with a delicious hint of garlic. Gluten free pita available for +$2.00

Bowl of Pistachios (vegan & gluten-free) $4.75 A bowl of salted and peppered nuts.

Bowl of Popcorn (gluten free, vegan option available) $4.95 A bowl of jumbo popcorn, seasoned with your choice of: salt, pepper, butter, coconut oil, herbs, nutritional yeast or chilli flakes.

Bowl of Salted Mixed Nuts (vegan & gluten-free) $4.75 An assortment of almonds, brazil nuts and cashew nuts.  Sweet Eats 

Sahlep (sahlab, salep) (Vegan option available, gluten free) $4.95 You’ve probably never heard of this creamy Turkish delicacy, let alone tried it, but there’s no time like the present. Made from ground roots of orchids and spiced with rose, orange, cinnamon, and pistachio, this custard-like dish is just a little thinner than pudding. Served warm, it’s absolutely divine.

Halva (Vegan, gluten free) This sweet Mediterranean confection is made with sesame seeds and honey, resulting in a wonderfully unique texture. • Vanilla or chocolate $3.00 • Pistachio $3.50

Peppermint Nanaimo Bar (Vegan, gluten free) $4.50 A refreshing interpretation of the Canadian classic.

Cake Slices $6.50

• Carrot Cake (Vegan, nut-free, dairy free, egg free) A richly-spiced take on an old classic. One of our favourites and quite possibly the best carrot cake on the planet, although we’ll let you be the judge of that… Fluffy, spice-infused pastry with a creamy soybean frosting; vegan and guilt- free. Made by Sweets from the Earth.

• Coconut Cream Cake (Vegan, nut-free, dairy free, egg free) A light, fluffy angel cake enveloped in coconut flakes and vanilla cream frosting. Made by Sweets from the Earth.

• Cheese Cake (Vegan, gluten free, nut-free, dairy free, egg free) This lovely gluten free cheese cake will have you moaning with delight and feeling guilt-free! Ask your server which flavour we’re serving today. Made by Sweets from the Earth.

• Chocolate Dream Cake “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” (Edgar Allan Poe) Our only non vegan or gluten free cake. Price List

Item Single Pot Double Pot 100g BLACK TEA 3 Monkey $6.80 $10.60 $16.00 Golden Heaven Yunnan $7.30 $11.60 $34.00 Lapsang Souchong Butterfly #1 $6.80 $10.60 $17.00 3 Year Pu-erh $5.55 $11.10 $16.00 Peregrine Mountain 1st Flush $8.20 $13.40 $25.00 Organic Russian Caravan $7.70 $12.40 $16.00 Assam GTOP Gingia Estate $6.80 $10.60 $18.00 Nilgiri BOP Nonsuch Estate $6.80 $10.60 $16.00 Darjeeling 1st Flush TGFOP1 Soom Estate $7.60 $12.20 $25.00 Darjeeling TGFOP Margaret’s Hope $6.80 $10.60 $15.00 Organic Ceylon Nuwara Elya Estate $6.80 $10.60 $16.00 Black Tea Earl Grey $6.36 $9.72 $16.00 Creamed Earl Grey $6.45 $9.90 $18.00 BAMPOT SIGNATURE BLACK TEA BLENDS Bam Bam Chai $7.75 $12.50 $34.00 Bombay Lemongrass Chai $7.25 $11.50 $19.00 Dhesi Chai $6.95 $10.90 $20.00 Armenian Tey $7.00 $11.00 $21.00 Chai Hel $6.85 $10.70 $20.00 Chai Lemoo $6.80 $10.60 $17.00 Bazaar Mix $9.95 $16.90 $24.00 Honey Spice Tea $6.65 $10.30 $20.00 Crabby Rab’s Hot Toddy $7.75 $12.50 $24.00 Grasshopper $6.95 $10.90 $22.00 King of Tease $11.00 $19.00 $29.00 Golden Years! $7.00 $12.00 $17.00 Item Single Pot Double Pot 100g NATURALLY FLAVOURED BLACK TEA Arctic Raspberry $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Blueberry $6.40 $9.80 $19.00

Black Tea Caramel $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Chocolate $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Maple Cream $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Monk’s Blend $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Buttered Rum $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Pumpkin Spice $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 Vanilla Cream $6.40 $9.80 $19.00 GREEN TEA Genmaicha $6.75 $10.50 $17.00 Samurai Matcha $6.95 $10.90 $76.00 Organic Sencha Fuji $7.30 $11.60 $17.00 Hojicha $7.50 $12.00 $17.00 Gyokuro $8.50 - $40.00 Pinhead Gunpowder $6.75 $10.50 $17.00

Green Tea Xantou Mandarin Green Pu-erh $8.70 $14.40 $26.00 Imperial Dragonwell $7.60 $12.20 $28.00 Golden Mountain Needle $9.10 $15.20 $51.00 BAMPOT SIGNATURE GREEN TEA BLENDS Optimist Chai $11.95 $20.90 - Chai Zanjabeel $9.00 $15.00 $18.00 Chai Nanna $7.05 $11.10 $19.00 Jasmine With Flowers $6.75 $10.50 $16.00 Long Island Strawberry $6.75 $10.50 $16.00 Sencha Kyoto Cherry Rose $6.75 $10.50 $16.00 Praha Cassis $6.75 $10.50 $22.00 Blue Mango $6.75 $10.50 $18.00 Item Single Pot Double Pot 100g OOLONG TEA Ti Kuan Yin Iron Goddess $6.35 $9.70 $19.00 Oolong Tea Quangzhou Milk Oolong $7.75 $13.50 $34.00 Super Butterfly Wuyi $9.00 $15.00 $55.00 Sweet Watermelon $6.60 $10.20 $19.00 Formosa Oolong $6.40 $9.80 $18.00 Orange Blossom Oolong $6.25 $9.50 $17.00 Super Fancy Formosa Oolong $9.95 $16.90 $51.00 WHITE TEA Xanatou Mandarin White Pu-erh $8.55 $14.10 $26.00 Pai Mu Tan $6.75 $10.50 $27.00 White Tea 2 Doves Silver Needle $10.00 $17.00 $61.80 Cream Earl White $7.75 $12.50 $27.00 Elephant Tusk Silver Neeedle $9.75 $16.50 $64.00 Silverback $9.20 $15.40 $55.00 BAMPOT SIGNATURE WHITE TEA BLENDS Cloud Forest Rainbow $7.55 $12.10 $22.00 Shanti Peace $11.13 $19.26 $64.00 MATÉ Maté Rancho $7.95 $12.90 $22.00 Maté Asado de Brasil $7.95 $12.90 $22.00 Maté BAMPOT SIGNATURE MATÉ BLENDS Maté IQ $8.95 $14.90 $27.00 Bohemian Maté $9.25 $15.50 $27.00 Maté Boom Boom $9.25 $15.50 $27.00 Maté Terere $9.25 $15.50 $27.00 BAMPOT SIGNATURE ROOIBOS BLENDS Cedarberg Rooibos $5.70 $8.40 $16.00 Vanilla Plains $6.75 $10.50 $18.00

Rooibos Serenity Now! $6.75 $10.50 $18.00 Rooibos Masala Chai $7.36 $11.72 $20.00 Perfect Balance $6.75 $10.50 $20.00 Earl Grey Rooibos $6.75 $10.50 $18.00 Crème de Caramel $6.75 $10.50 $20.00 Marzipanorama $6.75 $10.50 $18.00 African Goddess $6.95 $10.90 $20.00 Item Single Pot Double Pot 100g BAMPOT SIGNATURE HERBAL & FRUIT INFUSIONS Golden Flower of Healing $6.85 $10.70 $22.00 Ginger Flower of Healing $6.95 $10.90 $22.00 Herbal & Fruit Infusions Spicemaster’s Special $8.65 $14.30 $23.00 Sweet Licorice & Mint $6.75 $10.50 $18.00 African Honeybush $6.70 $10.40 $20.00 Organic Apple $6.20 $9.40 $16.00 Raspberry Wellness $6.45 $9.90 $20.00 Strawberry Kiwi $6.55 $10.10 $19.00 Peppermint Cottage $6.00 $9.00 $17.00 500 Chamomiles $5.40 $7.80 $19.00 No-Sting Nettle $6.00 $9.00 $17.00 Over The Hills and Far Away $7.50 $12.00 $25.00 Tibetan Lavender Tisane $6.50 $10.00 $24.00 BAMPOT SIGNATURE FANTASY TEA BLENDS Faeries’ Blood $7.60 $12.20 $29.00 Fantasy Tea Unicorn’s Blood $7.75 $12.50 $26.00 Dragon’s Blood $7.75 $12.50 $26.00 Mermaid Café $7.50 $12.00 $26.00 Misty Mountains $7.50 $12.00 $20.00 The Enchanted Gypsy $7.25 $11.50 $26.00 The Hobbit $7.75 $12.50 $39.00 TEA-FREE OPTIONS Coffee $6.00 $10.00 - Tea-Free Star Anise Warmer $5.35 $8.70 - Apple Cider $5.35 $8.70 - Maple Milk $5.00 $8.00 - Honey Spice Un-Tea $5.35 $8.70 $19.00 (Spiced) Hot Chocolate $5.35 $8.70 -