SimMips A MIPS System Simulator ; ; Naoki Fujieday, Takefumi Miyoshiy z, and Kenji Kisey z yGraduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology zJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST) fujieda, miyo,
[email protected] f g Abstract rectly, so it is a merit that users do not need to build a cross development environment. But now this merit gets smaller, We have developed SimMips, a simply coded MIPS sys- because building the environment is not so hard work as in tem simulator written in C++, to meet increasing demands the past by using tools like Buildroot [1]. Instead, the de- for embedded system education. In this paper, we show the merit of not being able to accept compiled binary files is simplicity of SimMips by describing its concept and imple- relatively growing. mentation. And we show the comprehensibility, taking ex- We have developed a system simulator named SimMips, amples of using it as a lecture material. We designed and whose target computer system includes a MIPS32 ISA pro- implemented SimMips considering the hardware organiza- cessor, as a practical simulator for embedded system edu- tion of the target computer system. We introduce a palm- cation and research. SimMips is implemented simply with top hardware embedded system named MieruPC which in- 4,500 lines in C++, and Linux runs on it without modifica- cludes a MIPS-like soft processor based on SimMips, to re- tions. Though there is a tradeoff between readability and veal flexibility of SimMips. simulation speed, processor speedup now enable simulators to satisfy high readability and sufficient speed at the same time.