Stephen B. Oresman Book Donation
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE STEPHEN B. ORESMAN DONATION 17 JUNE 2019 Compiled by: Katherine Esbenshade ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acquired by Dr. Daniel Klem, Jr. ~ 1 ~ 1. Able, Kenneth P., ed. 1999. Gatherings of Angels. Comstock/ Cornell University, Ithaca, xiii + 191 pp. 2. Adamian, Martin S. and Klem, Daniel, Jr. 1997. A Field Guide to Birds of Armenia. American University of Armenia, Oakland, xxiii + 223 pp. 3. Adams, Alexander B. 1966. John James Audubon. Putnam, New York, 510 pp. 4. Albus, Anita, Chapple, Gerald, translator. 2011. On Rare Birds. Lyons Press, Guilford, x + 276 pp. 5. Alden, Peter and Gooders, John. 1981. Finding Birds Around the World. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, xxxiii + 683 pp. 6. Ali, Sálim and Ripley, Dillon S. 1983. A Pictoral Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. Bombay Natural History Society, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 7. Allen, Arthur A. 1939. The Golden Plover and Other Birds. Comstock, Ithica, xiii + 324 pp. 8. Allen, Robert Porter. 1961. Birds of the Carribbean. Viking, New York, 256 pp. 9. Allen, Robert Porter. 1957. On the Trail of Vanishing Birds. McGraw-Hill, New York, xii + 251 pp. 10. Allen, Robert Porter. 1942. The Roseate Spoonbill. National Audubon Society, New York, xviii + 142 pp. 11. Alexander, W. B. 1954. Birds of the Ocean. Putnam, New York, xiv + 306 pp. 12. American Birding Association. 1990. ABA Checklist: Birds of the Continental United States and Canada, Fourth Edition. ABA Sales, Colorado Springs, 91 pp. 13. American Birding Association. 1989. Birding, Volume 21, No. 1/2. American Birding Association, Colorado Springs, 128 pp. 14. American Birding Association. 1994.
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