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BOOKS IN LIBRARY. Grand Rapids, Audubon Club. October, 2018 TITTLE Type AUTHOR Year 1 101 Wildflowers of the Royale National Park Janke, Robert 1962 2 250 Bird songs. N. American birds, 250 (Copy1) Book Beletsky, Les 2006 3 250 Bird songs. N. American birds, 250 (Copy 2) Book Beletsky, Les 2006 4 50 Simple things you can do to save the earth The earth group 1989 5 A Bird of fire, Kirtland"s Warbler Pamphlet US Dept. of Agriculture 6 A fascination for Feathers Thompson, Connie M. 7 A Guide to the Birds of East Africa Novel Nicholas, Drayson 1973 8 ABA Bird-finding Guide (2 Volumes) Notebook American Birding Association 1981 Advance 9 d Birding Peterson Field guide Kaufman, Kenn 10 All the Birds of Eastern & Central North America Field guide Pough, Richard H. 1953 11 All the water Birds (Atlantic & Golf Coast- A.B.C.C, guide)Book Griggs, Jack 1999 12 All things reconsidered (My birding adventures) Book Peterson, Roger Tory 2006 13 Another field guide to little-know & seldom seen of North AmericaBook Sill, Ben Cathryn & John 1990 Atlas of Bird 14 Migration Migration Elphick, Jonathan 1995 15 Atlas of bird migration Book Elphick, Jonathan 1995 Atlas of Bird 16 Migration Migration Elphick, Jonathan 1995 17 National Audubon Society - Nature Activitires - Fun with Birds Booklet Nelson Doubleday, Inc. No date 18 Field guide of N.American birds western region Field guide Audubon society. 2nd, E 19 Audubon Backyard Birdwatcher, (The) Book Carol Phelps Burton, Robert 1999 20 Audubon Land Bird Guide Field Guide Pough, Richard H. 1949 21 Audubon Soc. Field guide, (The), Seashore creatures Field guide/Sea shore Meinkoth, Norman 1981 22 Audubon Soc. Field Guide (The). Birds of Western regionField Guide Knopf, Alfred 1979 23 Audubon Soc. Field Guide (The). Birds of Western regionField Guide Knopf, Alfred 1979 24 Audubon Soc. Field Guide to N American Wildflowers Flowers/Plants Knopf, Alfred 1979 25 Audubon Soc. Field guide, THE. Birds of Eastern region Field Guide Knopf, Alfred 1979 26 Audubon Society guide to birding - Gulls, Vol II, Master Book Carol Phelps Farrond Jr., John 1989 27 Audubon Society Master guide to birding -Loon, Vol I, Book Carol Phelps Farrond Jr, John. 1989 28 Audubon the Naturalist I Biography Herrick, Frances Hobart 1968 29 Audubon the Naturalist II Biography Herrick, Frances Hobart 1968 30 Aves de Costa Rica (two Copies) Skutch, Alexander 31 Aviary Birds in Colorado Woolham, Frank 1974 32 Bird Finding Guide to Canada, (A) Field Guide Finlay, J. C. 1984 33 Bird Finding Guide to Michigan (Michigan Audubon Society)Field guide Black, C.T. & Smith, Roger 1994 34 Bird Finding Guide to Michigan (Michigan Audubon Society)Field guide Black, C.T. & Smith, Roger 1994 35 Bird songs (250 N. American birds) Book Beletsky, Les 2006 36 Bird Watcher's America, The Book Pettingill, Olin Sewall 1965 37 Bird Watchers America Field Guide Pettingill, Olin Sewall 1965 38 Bird Watcher's Guide, (The) Book Collins, Henry Hill Jr. 1956 39 Bird Watching in the Americas Heintzelman, Donald S 1979 40 Birders Guide to Florida, A (copy 1) Field Guide Lane, James 1984 41 Birders Guide to Florida, A (copy 2) Field Guide Lane, James 1981 42 Guide to Field Guide Taylor, Richard Cachor 1995 43 Birder's Guide to the Coast of Maine, (A) Field Guide Pierson, Elizabeth & Jan 1981 44 Birder's Guide to Trinidad and Tobago Field Guide Murphy, William L. 1987 45 Birders Handbook, (The) Field Guide Ehrlich, Dobkin & Wheye 46 Birdhouses Bird Houses/Feeders Champion, Paul V. 1944 47 Birding essentials (National Geographic) Field guide Alderfer, Jonathan & Dunn, Jon 2007 48 Birding essentials (National Geographic) 49 Birding Guide to Southwest Kentwood Research paper Apsey, Frank Birding Hot Spots in 50 Texas Texas Herriott, Karis & Don 1991 51 Birding in Atlantic Canada - Newfoundland Field Guide Burrows, Roger 1989 52 Birding in Atlantic Canada - Nova Scotia Field Guide Burrows, Roger 1988 53 Birds and bird finding in the Saginaw Bay Area Bird locations Barstow, Dr. Ormond E. 1995 54 Birds' Eggs Guide Walters, Michael 1994 55 Birds for all seasons Book Boswall, Jeffery 1986 56 Birds of Brazos Bend - State Park Field check list Texas Parks & Wildlife 57 Birds in fall Book Kessler, Brad 2006 58 Birds of America Book Pearson, T. Gilbert 1936 59 Birds of Argentina & Uruguay - A Field Guide Field Guide Narosky, T. & Yzurieta, D. 1993 60 Birds of Britain and Europe Book Peterson, Mountfort, Hollom 1993 61 Birds of Britain and Europe with North Africa & M East. Field guide Heinzel, Hermann & Richard Fitter 1979 62 Birds of Britain & Europe Field guide Peterson, Mountfort, Hollom 1993 63 Birds of East & Central Africa, (The) Field guide Williams, J. G. 1973 64 Birds of East Africa, A field Guide Field Guide Williams, J. G. & N. Arlott 1980 65 Quotable Birder (The) Book Adler, Bill Jr. 2001 66 Birds of Eastern & Central North America Field Guide Pough, Richard H. 1953 67 Birds of Florida Field guide Tekiela, Stan 2004 Birds of Leelanau County and Sleeping Bear Dunes 68 National Pamplet Check list Francke, Chip 1994 69 Birds of Michigan, Field Guide (Copy 1) Field Guide Tekiela, Stan 2003 70 Birds of Michigan, Field Guide (Copy 2) Field guide Tekiela, Stan 2004 Birds of Michigan, 71 (The) Field Guide McPeek, Gail A., Editor 72 Birds of New Zealand Field Guide Chambers, Stuart 73 Birds of North America Field Guide Robbins, Bruun & Zim 1966 74 Birds of South Vietnam Field Guide Wildash, Philip 1968 75 Birds of the Churchill Region, Manitoba Field Guide Jehl, J.R. & Smith, Blanche 1970 76 Birds of the Department of Lima Peru Field Guide Koepcke, Maria 1964 77 Birds of the West Indies (2 copies) Field Guide Bond, James 1961 78 Birds of the World Field Guide Harrison, Colin & Greensmith, Alan 1993 79 Birds of Tikal Field Guide Smithe, Frank 1966 80 Birds of Washtenaw County, Michigan, The Kielb, Swales & Wolinski 1992 81 Birds of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Pamplet Field guide Zardus, Maurice 1967 82 Birds of the Blue Ridge Mountains Simpson, Marcus & Pratt, Douglas 1992 83 Birds, their life, their ways, their world Field Guide Readers Digest 1976 84 Birds, (The little big books of Birds Book Kaufman, Kenn 2007 85 Birdwatcher, the life of Roger Tory Peterson Biography Rosenthal Elizabeth 2008 86 Birdwatcher's Guide to Hawaii (The) Field Guide Soehren, Rick 1996 87 Birdwatchers Guide to Wildlife Sanctuaries Bird finding Kitching, Jessie 1976 88 Breeding Birds of Michigan (Copy 1) Atlas Book Richard Brewer/ Gail McPeek 1991 89 Breeding Birds of Michigan (Copy 2) Atlas Book Richard Brewer/ Gail McPeek 1991 90 Breeding Birds of Michigan (Copy 3) Atlas Book Richard Brewer/ Gail McPeek 1991 91 Collins Field Guide to the Birds of the Galapagos Field Guide Harris, Michael 1982 92 Conversation with a barred owl Book Margaret Clarkson 1974 93 Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Pamplet Field Guide National Audubon Society 1981 94 Dictionary of America Birds, (The) DeMarco & Shirley C 1985 Eastern Forests (Audubon 95 Society) Forests Sutton, Ann 1985 96 Edible Wild Plants - A Field Guide Flowers & Plants Angier, Bradford 1974 97 Encyclopedia of Our Earth Clark, Flint, Hare, Hare, Twist 1995 98 Endanger Animals Book (Ranger Rick Books) 1989 99 Energy Book, (The) Book Hanley & Mitchel 1980 100 Enjoying Birds in Michigan (Copy 1) Field Guide Michigan Audubon Society 1989 101 Enjoying Birds in Michigan (Copy 2) Field Guide Michigan Audubon Society 1989 102 Familiar Trees of Michigan Magazine Michigan State University 1967 103 Far Flung Adventures of Homer the Hummer, (The) Birds & Bird Stories Reynolds, Cynthia 2005 104 Father Goose, a man, geese, & an incredible Journey SouthWaterfowl Lishman, William 1996 105 Favorite Bird Haunts - Wisconsin Birds Daryl D. Tessen 1989 106 Favorite Birding Areas (Various Counties) Magazine Grand Rapids Audubon Club 2000 Field Guide to Bird's 107 Nests Bird Nests Harrison, Hal H. 1975 Field guide to birds of Britain and Europe, (A) 2 108 copies Field guide Peterson, Mountfort, Hollom 1967 109 Field Guide to Birds of Southeast Asia Field Guide King, Ben & Martin Woodcock 1983 110 Field Guide to Mexican Birds & Adjacent Central AmericaField Guide Peterson, Roger Tory & Chaliff, E. 1973 111 Field Guide to N.A. wildflowers (eastern region) Audubon 112 Field Guide to the Bird's Nests (National Audubon Society)Field guide Roger Tory Peterson 1975 113 Field Guide to the Birds of Australia Field guide Graham Pizzey 1980 114 Field guide to the birds of Britain & Ireland Book John Gooders 1988 Field Guide to the Birds of Texas 115 (copy 1) Field Guide Peterson, Roger Tory 1960 116 Field Guide to the birds, East of the Rockies, (A) Field guide Roger Tory Peterson 1980 117 Finding Birds Around the World Field Guide Alden, Peter & Gooders, John 1981 118 Florida Wildlife Viewing Guide Wildlife viewing guide Cerulean & Morrow 1993 119 For the Birds (An uncommon guide) Book Laura Erickson 1989 120 Full circle- The story of Kent County Millennium ark Book Kent County Park 2008 121 Gardener's Guide, (The) 122 Geese of Beaver Bog Bird Stories Heinrick, Bernd 123 Grail Bird, The Book Tim Gallagher 2006 124 Guide to Attracting Birds, (The) (Audubon S. Birds & Bird Stories Kress, Stephen W. 1985 125 Guide to Bird Behavior, (A) Birds & Bird Stories Burton, Robert 1985 126 Guide to Bird Behavior, (A) Birds & Bird Stories Burton, Robert 1985 Guide to Colorado Birds, 127 (The) Guide Mary Taylor Gray 1998 128 Guide to the Behavior of Common Birds, (A) Birds & Bird Stories Stokes, Donald W. 1979 129 Guide to the Birds of Alaska Field Guide Armstrong, Robert H. 1991 130 Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica (copy 1) Field Guide Stiles & Skutch 1989 131 Guide to the Birds of Venezuela (2 copies) Field guide de Schauensee, Rodolpe Meyer & William1978 Phelps Jr.