SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2012 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Rookie qualifier Summer adventures, SUNDAY EDITION action continues courtesy Columbia at Southside. 1B County 4-H. 1D County balks at water rules years that I have been on to support it. Period.” once per week. Car washing and pressure Refuses to back this board that my mind Attending citizens applauded Williams’ cleaning is also limited as well as outside has been made up, but statement. and inside aesthetic water uses. SRWMD plan to read my lips: My mind is The SRWMD order, issued May 29, will The county had been asked by SRWMD made up,” Commissioner restrict water usage for residential, agri- to schedule a public hearing and pass an restrict usage. Ron Williams said at cultural, commercial and industrial users ordinance implementing the new rules. Thursday’s meeting. “I within the district. Counties affected by However, the issue died on lack of a By HANNAH O. BROWN am not supporting any Williams the ordinance include Columbia, Dixie, motion.
[email protected] ordinance governing Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Under the ordinance the county com- what and when a county resident can Suwannee, Taylor and Union counties mission had been asked to adopt, the pen- The county commission has taken a do what they want to with their water. as well as portions of Alachua, Baker, alties were as follows: a verbal warning for stand against the Suwannee River Water SRWMD has the authority to do that them- Bradford, Jefferson, Levy and Putnam. the first offense, a written warning for the Management District’s recent push to selves.