Database Systems [R17a0551] Lecture Notes Malla Reddy
DATABASE SYSTEMS [R17A0551] LECTURE NOTES B.TECH II YEAR – II SEM(R17) (2018-19) DEPARTMENT OF ECE MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) Recognized under 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC ACT 1956 (Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC – ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015 Certified) Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post Via. Hakimpet), Secunderabad – 500100, Telangana State, India MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY II Year B.Tech ECE-II Sem L T/P/D C 3 -/-/- 3 OPEN ELECTIVE - I (R17A0551) DATABASE SYSTEMS OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems 2. To Master the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL 3. To understand the relational database design principles 4. To become familiar with the basic issues of transaction processing and concurrency control 5. To become familiar with database storage structures and access techniques. UNIT I: INTRODUCTION Data- Database: File Processing System Vs DBMS, History, Characteristic-Abstraction levels,Architecture of a database, Functional components of a DBMS.DBMS Languages-Database users and DBA. UNIT II: DATABASE DESIGN ER Model: Objects, Attributes and its Type. Entity set and Relationship set-Design Issues of ER model-Constraints. Keys- primary key, Super key, candidate keys. Introduction to relational model-Tabular, Representation of Various ER Schemas. ER Diagram Notations- Goals of ER Diagram- Weak Entity Set- Views, Triggers. UNIT III: STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE SQL: Overview, The Form of Basic SQL Query -UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT– join operations: equi join and non equi join-Nested queries - correlated and uncorrelated- Aggregate Functions-Null values, GROUPBY- HAVING Clause.
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