
Medication Synchronization House Bill 1800

Ask your legislators:  Ask your legislators to support medication synchronization.  If your representative is not a co-sponsor, ask them to sign on to HB 1800

PPA supports medication synchronization because:  Medication synchronization is when a pharmacist works with a patient — only at the patient’s request — to synchronize medication refills so that all of their medications can be picked up on the same day each month, instead of having to make multiple visits to the pharmacy.  Poor medication adherence (i.e. patients missing medication doses or refills) contributes to worse health outcomes and higher healthcare costs to individuals and the healthcare system as a whole.  18 states have already enacted medication synchronization and have seen increases in patient medication adherence.  A 2012 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study found that half of all American adults have one or more chronic health conditions, while 25% have two or more. Those with multiple chronic conditions are less likely to take their medications as prescribed.  A 2011 National Institute of Health study found that approximately 125,000 deaths per year in the United States are due to medication non-adherence and between 33% and 69% of medication-related hospital admissions in the United States are due to poor adherence.

When discussing medication synchronization, keep in mind the following:  If your Representative is a current co-sponsor of House Bill 1800 (listed below), be sure to thank them. If your representative is not a co-sponsor, ask them to co-sponsor and support the bill.

House Bill 1800 Co-Sponsors:

Rep. Ed Nelson (Prime Sponsor) Rep. Matt Baker Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Vanessa Brown Rep. Alexander Charlton Rep. Rep. Carolyn Comitta Rep. Rep. Sheryl Delozier Rep. Rep. Gene DiGirolamo Over

Talking Point Sheet for Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Students ONLY (Not for Distribution) Rep. Michael Driscoll Rep. George Dunbar Rep. Eli Evankovich Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rob Kauffman Rep. Rep. Rep. Jim Marshall Rep. Ron Marsico Rep. Rep. Brett Miller Rep. Rep. Thomas Murt Rep. Ted Nesbit Rep. Kristen Phillips-Hill Rep. Rep. Mike Reese Rep. Eric Roe Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Judy Ward Rep. Rep. Katharine Watson Rep. David Zimmerman

Talking Point Sheet for Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Students ONLY (Not for Distribution)