Literature and Lives: a Response-Based, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching English

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Literature and Lives: a Response-Based, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching English DOCUMENT RESUME ED 454 522 CS 217 588 AUTHOR Carey-Webb, Allen TITLE Literature and Lives: A Response-Based, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching English. INSTITUTION National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL. ISBN ISBN-0-8141-2964-1 PUB DATE 2001-00-00 NOTE 236p. AVAILABLE FROM National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801-1096 (Stock No. 29641: $21.95 members, $28.95 nonmembers). Tel: 800-369-6283 (Toll Free); Web site PUB TYPE Books (010) Guides Non-Classroom (055) Opinion Papers (120) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Classics (Literature); *English Instruction; Higher Education; *Literary Criticism; *Reader Response; Secondary Education; Thematic Approach; *World Literature IDENTIFIERS Controversial Topics; *Cultural Studies; Multicultural Literature; Response Centered Classroom; *Response to Literature ABSTRACT Telling stories from secondary and college English classrooms, this book explores the new possibilities for teaching and learning generated by bringing together reader-response and cultural-studies approaches. The book connects William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and other canonical figures to multicultural writers, popular culture, film, testimonial, politics, history, and issues relevant to contemporary youth. Each chapter contains brief explications of literary scholarship and theory, and each is followed by extensive annotated bibliographies of multicultural literature, approachable scholarship and theory, and relevant Internet sites. Each chapter also contains descriptions of classroom units and activities focusing on a particular theme, such as genocide, homelessness, race, gender, youth violence, (post)colonialism, class relations, and censorship; and discussion of ways in which students often respond to such "hot-button" topics. Chapters in the book are:(1) A Course in Contemporary World Literature;(2) Teaching about Homelessness; (3) Genderizing the Curriculum: A Personal Journey;(4) Addressing the Youth Violence Crisis;(5) Shakespeare and the New Multicultural British and World Literatures; (6) "Huckleberry Finn" and the Issue of Race in Today's Classroom;(7) Testimonial, Autoethnography, and the Future of English; and (8) Conclusion. Contains approximately 350 references. Appendixes contain an email exchange between the author and a first year, inner-city teacher; a note to teachers on the truth of Rigoberta Menchu's testimonial; a brief account of philology; a 13-item annotated bibliography of readings in literary theory for English teachers; and lists of web sites exploring literary theory and cultural studies, supporting literature teaching, and for new teachers. (NKA) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. N N C:=1 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY % M if as TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy , ' III o 'I 00 00 I kr) N BEST COPY AVAILABLE U 2 Literature and Lives NCTE Editorial Board: Jacqueline Bryant, Kermit Campbell, Willie Mae Crews, Colleen Fairbanks, Andrea Lunsford, Gerald R. Oglan, Jackie Swensson, Gail Wood, Paul Bodmer, Chair, ex officio, Peter Feely, ex officio Literature and Lives A Response-Based, Cultural Studies Approach to Teaching English Allen Carey-Webb Western Michigan University National Council of Teachers of English 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois 61801-1096 Staff Editor: Tom Tiller Interior Design: Doug Burnett Cover Design: Barbara Yale-Read NCTE Stock Number: 29641-3050 © 2001 by the National Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the copyright holder. Printed in the United States of America. It is the policy of NCTE in its journals and other publications to provide a forum for the open discussion of ideas concerning the content and the teaching of English and the language arts. Publicity accorded to any particular point of view does not imply endorsement by the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, or the membership at large, except in announcements of policy, where such endorse- ment is clearly specified. Although every attempt is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, NCTE cannot guarantee that all published addresses for electronic mail or Web sites are current. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carey-Webb, Allen, 1957 Literature and lives : a response-based, cultural studies approach to teaching English/Allen Carey-Webb. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8141-2964-1 (pbk.) 1. LiteratureStudy and teachingUnited States. 2. Pluralism (Social sciences) in literatureStudy and teachingUnited States. 3. English languageStudy and teachingSocial aspectsUnited States. 4. Reader- response criticismUnited States.I. Title. LB1631 .C39 2000 820'.71'073dc21 00-053293 Teaching is an act of love, and thus an act of courage. Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed vii Contents Acknowledgments ix Permissions xi Introduction xii 1. A Course in Contemporary World Literature 1 Reader Response 6 Cultural Studies 8 Resources 9 2. Teaching about Homelessness 13 New Criticism 21 Historical Criticism 23 Resources 26 3. Genderizing the Curriculum: A Personal Journey 33 Women's and Gender Studies 38 Gay and Lesbian Studies 46 The Women's Literature Canon 48 Multicultural Additions to the Women's Literature Canon 49 Resources 50 4. Addressing the Youth Violence Crisis 53 Multicultural Studies 59 Media Studies 65 Resources 71 5. Shakespeare and the New Multicultural British and World Literatures 79 New Historicism 82 Postcolonial Studies 92 Resources 99 6. Huckleberry Finn and the Issue of Race in Today's Classroom 106 Censorship and Teacher Freedom 109 Canons 123 Resources 124 7. Testimonial, Autoethnography, and the Future of English 131 Poststructuralism 134 Deconstruction 138 Postmodernism 143 viii Contents Post-Marxism 150 Resources 152 8. Conclusion 158 Appendices 161 A. Letter Exchange with a First-Year Teacher 161 B. A Note to Teachers on the Truth of Rigoberta Menchti's Testimonial 171 C. Philology 176 D. Readings in Literary Theory for English Teachers 178 E. Web Sites for Exploring Literary Theory and Cultural Studies180 F Web Sites to Support Literature Teaching 181 G. Web Sites to Support New Teachers 184 References 185 Index 203 Author 219 ix Acknowledgments This book emerges from twenty-five years of teaching and scholarship,and my debts are great and to many people. First, to those who guided me or collaborated with me in the teaching described in these pagesDiana Golden, David Hartleroad, Andrea Doxtader, Missy Deer, Tisha Pankop, Eva Kendrick, Melinda Dobson, RigobertaMenchu, and Jackie Johnsonthank you for making this book possible. I have learned so much from my high school and college students in Oregon and Michigan and have mentioned only a few by name. Yet overand over again, all of my students have facilitated my growth as a person and as a teacher. My thanks especially to students at Western Michigan University, aspiringand practicing English teachers themselves, who read and made suggestions ondrafts of this manuscript; this would be a lesser book without their help. So many of my teachers have shaped the ideas that guide this book. Robert Beery and Gene Persha at Jefferson Junior High School in Minneapolis madesocial issues important to me. Laura Perko at Lincoln High School in Portland, Oregon, inspired me to make literature part of my life. Harold Pagliaro, Susan Snyder,and Craig Williamson at Swarthmore College developed my passion for literary scholarship. Ken Sharp, Chuck Beitz, and Linda Lim made political theory meaningful. At Lewis and Clark College, Paul Magnussen taught me about writing and helped me make it through student teaching. Vernon Jones and Dan Duke sensitized me to classroom interactions. Susan Kirschner introduced me to women's literature. Deborah Lockwood and Steve Beckham offered encourage- ment and directed me toward doctoral study. Rick Hardt hasbeen a professional mentor for twenty-five years. At Lakeridge High School, Jo Wollensupervised a rank beginner. At the University of Oregon, Steve Rendall introduced me to literary theory, and Barbara Guetti, Irving Wolfarth, Wolf Solich, Linda Kintz, Elizabeth Davis, and Tres Pyle deepened my understanding. Bill Strange directed me to English education and modeled a Euro-American teacher who walked the walk in minority literature. Suzanne Clark reminded me thathowI teach tells more than whatI teach. Alan Wolfe nurtured me, supported my interest inpostcolonial literature, and offered a model of engaged thematic curriculumI miss him. I could not have survived in the teaching profession, or written thisbook, without fine colleagues all along the way. At Swarthmore College, Jean Sternlight, Ari Gabinet, and Immanuel Jinich befriended and supported a kid fromthe West Coast. At West Linn High School, fellow teachers Bob Hamm, Ward
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