General Index

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General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 345 ) GENERAL INDEX. Archdeacon's Visitation Books, 142, 148, 149, 191. Archer, Henry, 41 : James, 278 ; Mrs., Abbey, Sir John, 341. 290. Abbot, Archbishop, 120. Abbott, George, 29 ; William, 37. Archidiaconal Visitations, by A. Abercrombie, Sir Robert, 283. Hussey, Pt. ii., 17. Acts of Privy Council, reference to, Architectural History of Great 90. Adams, William, 26. Chart Church, by the Eev. G. M. Adkins, Miss, of Deal, 10. Livett, 101. Afleet, William, 26. Albemarle, Earl of, 285. Architectural History of High Alcock, Rev. J. P., 52, 78. Halden Church, by the Rev. G. Aldersey, Mary, 189 ; Margaret, 190, M. Livett, 295. 218 ; Thomas, 190 ; William, 189. Arms on brass in Great Chart Church, Aldridge, Mr., 285 ; Mrs., 292. 97. Aldwinkle. mediceval vestry at, 57. ,, on window in Goldwell Chapel, Alkham, Church Plate of, 136. Great Chart, 91, 92. Allen, Eric, xxxviii; John, 20, 39; „ of Chichele on brass in Great Romilly, 13 ; William, 24. Chart Church, 97. ,. of Cowdale, 80, 87. Allington, St. Laurence, Church „ of Dobell, 98, 99. Plate of, 215. „ of Goldwell, 97. All Souls' College, see Oxford. „ of See of Norwich in window Allwork, Charles Long, Memorial to, of Great Chart Church, 92, of Church Plate at Maidstone, 254. • „ of Sybill family, 80, 81, 84, 87. Alsoppe, John, 20. „ of John Toke, 97, 98. Altar slab in Great Chart Church, Arnold, A. A., xl, xii, xlii, 337. Notes on, 100. Array, Commission of, 86. „ stone in St. Peter, Thanet, re- Arundel, Earl of, 132. moved, 47. Ashford, old house ia Beaver Amery, Eoger, 88. Fields at, 334. Amise, John, 258. ., Church, Note on, by Rev. Amys, Wylzam, 342. Andrewe, John, 142. G. M. Livett, 116; rood- Andrews, W., xii. loft in, 77. Anecdotes of the Hasted Family, Assault on the Sheriffs' Officers of 267. Cambridge and Hunts, 90. Angell, John, 180,181; William, 181. Astle, Thomas, 269. Ansell, John, 37. Astley, Sir John. 242. Appleton, Samuel, 33. a Stotte, Sir Robert, 339, 340. Arcades, Central, in Churches, 69. Atte [? Bregge], Johannes, see Bregge. Archband, description of, 121. Atwood, Henry A. S., 184. Aroholifie' Bullwarke, 166. Austens, Family of, 272. Ayerst, Mrs., 273. „ Fort, 166. Aylesford, urn-field at, 13. Arohdeaoon's Articles of Enquiry, 182. Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, 269. Court, 22. Ayres, Widow, 272. YOIi. XXVI. A A 346 GENERAL INDEX. B Bedford, Mr., 276. Beer, freestone from, 118. Baker, Dorothy, 318 ; Rev. F. V., 68 ; Bekesbourne, house of Archbishop G. E., 196, 200; James, 317. 318; Parker ab, 119. Joanna, 317 ; Hr John, 341. Belcher's Kentish Brasses, reference Bacon, W. B.. xxxviii. to, 97. Baldwin, Elizabeth, 250 ; Frances, Bell, Matthew, Mr. J. P., D.L., 250; John, 21; Laura, 250; Wil- obituary notice of, xlvii. liam, 228. Bell, Mrs., 335 ; P., 117. Balks or lynches, meaning of, 37. Bell hung in watoh-house to be rung Balner, Reginald, 88. in case of invasion, 34. Barnfield, Ellen, suspected of witoh- Bell-base, use of, 59. craf t, 45 ; Bobert, 45. Bell and cushion base, evolution of, Bankerman's axe, face marks of, in 118. Ashford Church, 116. Bellett, John Crosthwaite, 146. Bankes, Richard, 165. Belgrave, William, 121, 131, 132. Banks, Delamark, 214 ; Sir Edward, Belting Green, free common in the 214. manor of Ford, 129. Banster, John, 324. Bendall, William, 164, 165. Bapchild, Church Plate of, 185. Benedictine Priory of St. Martin, 151. Baptist, Mrs., 285. Benger, Jo., 170. Barbont, Mr., 278. Bennett, Sir Henry, 30. Bardis, de, arms of the family of, 81. Benson, Archbishop, 182. Barham, tenants of, pay for not doing Bensted, Hubert, Esq., xxxiii, xl. suit at the Court Baron, 129. Beordsworth, William, 324. Barling, Elizabeth Ann, 251; Joseph, Berkeley. Elizabeth, 326, 327; Mau- 251. rice, 326, 327 ; Thomas, 327 ; Sir Barlton, William, 46. Thomas, 327. Barnes, Robert, wife of, presented for Berry, F. J., xxxvi. pulling hemp on Sunday, 43. Bertha, Queen, burial place of, 8. Baron Hill and Bryston, land called, Bethersden Church, reference to win- 125. dow in, 307 ; visit to, xxxix. Barrell, Rev. Mr., 276. Bevyr, messuage called, 335. Barrow, William, 191. Bicknor, Church Plate of, 190,217. Barton, Mr., 49. Biddingfield, Jn., 259; Basecourt, description of. 122. Biden. L. M., xii. Baset, John, 325. Bignei, Mr., 273. Bassett, Thomas, 324. Billing, Agnes, 18. Batchelor, Mark, 24. Bing, Elizabeth, presented for wor- Bateman, Anne, 161; Hester. 182 ; shipping a snake, 40 ; Nicholas, Peter, 161; Thomas, oordwinder, 40. 262; William, 161. Birchington, lands owned by Jeffery Battle Church, Sussex, arrangement Sandwell at, 132. betweenRector and parishioners re- Bird, Rev. G. S., M.A., xl. garding enlargement of Church, 75. Birkhenids, Mr., 42. Bauler, Edward, 33. Birling, removal of gable wall and Bawdry, house at, to be sold for use of ohanoel arch, 298. the poor, 18. Blackman, Cowley J., 184. Bazeley, Thomas Tyssen, 167. Blackmore Church, reference to tim- Beaney Institute, lecture at, on Brit- ish, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon Col- ber tower of, 314. lections therein, by G. Payne, Esq., Blechenden, Elizabeth, 242. xii. Blechyndon, Mr. and Mrs., 276. Bligh, Mr. and Mrs., 149. Bearsted, Church Plate of, 216. Bliss, Thos., 196,224,225. Beaver, Note on an old house at Blosse, Thomas, 86. Ashford called, by Rev. A. Pear- Bludworth, John, 49. man, 334. Blunt, Rev. Walter, 218. Beavor, John de, 334. Bobbing, Church. Plate of, W. Beckley, Sussex, position of rood-loft Bockon, Johannes, portrait in win- in, 115, dow in Great Chart Ohuroh, 94. GENERAL INDEX. 347 Bold, family of, arms, 81. Brokes, land at Farningham known Bolt-house, meaning of, 121. as, 87. Bolstrodes' in Langley Regis and Bromley Church, bequest to, 86. Bovenden, 90. Bronze scoops, 11, 12, 15. Boodle, Rev. J. A., grant made to, to Brooch, late Celtic, 10. print Registers of Boughton-under- Brookland, reference to timber tower Blean, xxxiv. of church, 313. Borage, Alexander, 24. Broome, Jo., 170. Borden, Church Plate of, 188. Broomefleld, land in parish of Herne Borden, Sir F. W., K.C.M.G., xxxviii. known as, 124. Borne, John, 37. Broomfield, Church Plate of, 222. Borrowman, J., jun., xxxv, xxxviii, Brown, Samuel, 200 ; —, 283. xxxix. Browne, Edward, 285 ; Leonard, 29 ; Bosvile or Bosseville, 80, 83 ; Eliza- Mary, 287 ; —, 32, 181. beth, 85, 88, 89 ; Margaretta, 84, „ of Wild Hall, arms of, 99. 89 ; Mary, 83 ; Robert, 85, 89 ; Sir Bryant, Jacob, 272. Thomas, 89. "Brytons," land at Farningham Bothe, Margaret, 84 ; Randolf, 84. known as, 87. Boughton-under-the-Blean, manor of, Buchanan, Rev. J. R., Memorials of 131. Heme, reference to, 120. ,, Registers of, xxxiv. Buckland, Church Plate of St. Boughton Monchelsea, Church of, 103. Andrew, at, 138. Boughton Monchelsea, Church „ of St. Barnabas, 140. Plate of, 219; wrought stone from, Buckler's Churches of Essex, reference 118. to, 310. Bourne, Cheney, 199. Briddysden, land known as, 87. Bowie, Mr., 169. Burgen, Richard, 324. Burial without Christian rites, 43. Boxley, Church Plate of, 220; „ of self-murdered persons in burglary at Vicarage of, 214. churchyard, 39. Boyne, Battle of, 201. Burkitt, Elizabeth Wyatt, 234. Boyton, Henry S., 162. Burlton, Katryn, 331; Richard, Bradshaw, Capt. A. Ii., R.N., 164; Mrs., 164. 333; Note on a Brass to, at Brass at Farningham to Thomas Dartford, by W. D. Haskett Smith, Sibill, 87. 331. ,, to Thomas Sibill and wife, of Burridge, Benjamin, 317 ; Mary, 317 ; Chimham's, 84. Thomas, 317. „ to the three daughters of Busbridge, Thomas Harris, 247. Nicholas Toke in Great Bushe, Mother, suspected of being a Chart Church, 99. witch, 31. Bredgar, Church Plate of, 198, 262. Bussher, John, 20. Bredhurst, Church Pbte of, 220. Butler, Rev. Lord Theobald, xxxiii. Bregge, John Atte, portrait of in "Buxforde Melle" in Great Chart, window in Great Chart Churoh, mentioned in will of Thomas Twys- 94. den, 95. Brent, Cecil, F.S.A., gift to Canterbury Bywymbull, land at Farningham, Museum, xxxvi ; Sir Nathaniel, 42. known as, 87. Brewster. Harriet, 293. Brick Hill Lane, Upper Thames C Street, bronze scoops found in, 12. Cackett, William, 323. Bridgland, John, 324. Cadell, Miss, xxxv. Briggs, Coat of Arms, 239. Caen, freestone from, 118. „ Hannah, 239; Rev. Henry, Calcraft, John, 293. 239 ; Dr. William, 239. Caldwell, Rev. John, M.A., 31. Bristol, reference to St. Stephen's, Calendar of Ancient Deeds, 86, 87. Church Plate, 190. ,, of Chancery Proceedings Broadstairs Lynch, land left to the (Queen Elizabeth), refer- poor at, 45, ence to, 89, 90. A A 2 348 GENERAL INDEX. Calendar of Patent Rolls, reference I Celtic Settlements, discoveries of late, to, 90. near Walmer, 9. „ of State Papers, reference Cess, alleged unlawfully made, 40. to, 30, 89. Chalices, Elizabethan, 134, 135. „ Treasury Papers, reference Chalker, John, 19. to, 323. Chalton, reference to Church Plate of, Callant (of Maidstone), Frances, 241; 190. John, 241 ; Mary, 241. Chambers, William, 41. " Calowdowngosses,'' land known as, Champnes, Margaret, 84; William, 84. 88. Chancellor, Fred., reference to article Camber Castle, repair of, 166. on Blackmore Church by, 314. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Chancery, Suits in, 85, 89. 339. Chandler, Mrs. Elizabeth, 137, 141 ; Cambridge, Mr., 286. Matthew, 137. Camden, The Marquess, xxxvi. Chapman, H. Mapleton, Esq., xxxiv, Campbell, Col. John, 278 ; Lieut. John, xii. 283. Charles, R. Stafford, xxxv. Canterbury, St. Augustine's, Ex- Charlton. Tho., 238. cavations at, by S. Charlton, Church Plate, St. Bar- Evans, 1. tholomew's, 142; SS. Peter and „ Crypt at. 1. Paul, 145. „ Archbishop of, 17,18, 38. Chart, Great, Church: Notes on „ Cathedral, nave arcades of, 306; Registers, 115, the Ancient Stained Glass, 294. Memorial Brasses, and an Altar „ Christohuroh Priory, 44. Slab in, by the Rev.
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