Arabs in Australia: Local Concerns and Transnational Contexts Jumana Bayeh, Sahar Amer
Arabs in Australia: Local Concerns and Transnational Contexts Jumana Bayeh, Sahar Amer Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, Volume 4, Number 2, 2017, (Article) Published by Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies For additional information about this article [ Access provided at 26 Sep 2021 14:06 GMT with no institutional affiliation ] ,\ k<hri'i <!' M(lI,io)"4, no. 2 (2017), I 8 ISS" 2169-443" EDITORIAL FOREWORD A~\BS IN At;STRALlA: LOCAL COKCLRNS AND I'RANSl\AnO:;..rAL CONrEXH An illlPOlt'lllt ,hift i, t"kin~ pho.. in the ftdd of dh5poro r"",ro.h with the . m"~.n(. of /O..1iddl. b,t mi~nllioll ;;tudi"" hu .toior. a<t,,1 or." of inquiry, A numb.r of hum"niti., .ml ,odol ,d~nc< ,cllOh .. , h"", critkiz~ d this neglect, b ~ cam., "' they point out, it moh, littl. ,.n", giY~n th. "'01, of migration from th. Amb world throughout the nin't'~nth, t""nti,th, on,l tw.nty-fir,t c. murie" notably with th. (un.m globol "lid,He Eost migration crisi,,' Arguing ior the r<cogniti,'n "'lei imp()ltonc. oi the .\1iddl, Eost\ dh'poric hi,tory r.c.nt work. including this spechl i... ,u~, .Ir."., th, politico!, cultuml, "nd .conomic contributiom of disp. "",1 Arob conllllunities, os ",<11 "' the ,ignificont tmmnotionol (onn,ctiollS ,",,,"",,, fl<1:,"" i, " r;,,:~",'C-,. al M"",",",i' F,,, >',"',ity, ,-\ "",."ii" ""d "" 1101."""ry M,x'cj"k or I.'", I ~'Pl,'''''''''''1 of "\'-"hi 1,'J~t','rw ,,,.'Ii (;"1""",,, ", the ~',;i\',)",dy onyol''Y.
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