Firenze University Press Expelled from Yard and Tribe: Th e “Rotten Prods” of 1920 and Citation: C. Parr (2021) * Expelled from Yard and Tribe: Th eir Political Legacies The “Rotten Prods” of 1920 and Their Political Lega- Connal Parr cies. Sijis 11: pp. 299-321. doi: 10.13128/SIJIS-2239- Northumbria University (<
[email protected]>) 3978-12889 Copyright: © 2021 C. Parr. This is an open access, peer-re- Abstract: viewed article published by Firenze University Press (https:// Th is article investigates “Rotten Prods” (Protestants) through an archival and historiographical survey of the shipyard expulsions of the summer of 1920. bsfm-sijis) and distributed under Th e historical background to the “insult” is discussed, as is racial violence in the terms of the Creative Com- British cities and industrial unrest in 1919. It charts the development of the mons Attribution License, which original Home Rule-supporting Protestants to the more radical, working-class permits unrestricted use, distri- “Rotten Prods” of a later era. It explains the political dynamics of violence in bution, and reproduction in any 1920 and considers the predicament of “Rotten Prods” per se in the early years medium, provided the original of Northern Ireland and beyond. Finally, it frames and assesses three exemplars author and source are credited. of the tradition: Belfast Labour counsellor James Baird, the Communist Party of Ireland’s Betty Sinclair, and trade unionist Joe Law. Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are within the Keywords: Communism, Labour, Ulster Protestantism, Unionism, Violence paper and its Supporting Infor- mation fi les.