Star Wars Planets Roster

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Star Wars Planets Roster SYSTEM SECTOR REGION COORD 23 Mere Colonies M-13 244Core Unknown Regions ??? 2GS-91E20 Core Worlds M-11 A-Foroon Arkanis Outer Rim Territories R-16 Aaeton Core Worlds K-9 Aar Nijune Outer Rim Territories N-5 Aargau Core Worlds L-10 Aargonar Perkell Mid Rim Q-7 Aaris Kathol Outer Rim Territories M-21 Aaron Tharin Outer Rim Territories S-8 Ab'Bshingh Sujimis Outer Rim Territories O-19 Abaarian Abaar Mid Rim K-7 Abar Tragan Cluster Outer Rim Territories N-5 Abbaji Zuma (Spar) Outer Rim Territories H-16 Abhean Maldrood Mid Rim R-7 Abo Dreth Corporate Sector Outer Rim Territories S-3 Abonshee Fakir Colonies K-9 Abraxas Yushan Mid Rim K-17 Abraxin Tion Hegemony Outer Rim Territories S-6 Abregado Core Worlds K-13 Abridon Koradin Outer Rim Territories J-18 Abrihom Rayter Outer Rim Territories J-19 Abrion Major Abrion Outer Rim Territories S-15 Absit Inner Rim J-13 Abyss Ash Worlds Outer Rim Territories S-7 Ac'fren Calaron Outer Rim Territories T-9 Achillea Tapani Colonies L-13 Adamastor Core Worlds L-9 Adana Deep Core L-10 Adari Adari Inner Rim M-9 Adarlon Minos Cluster Outer Rim Territories M-20 Adikaria Core Worlds K-12 Adim Adari Inner Rim M-9 Adin Lostar Expansion Region M-7 Adner Yataga Expansion Region N-16 Adoris Senex Mid Rim L-17 Adras Seswenna Outer Rim Territories M-17 Aduba Bheriz Outer Rim Territories U-11 Adumar Wild Space J-6 Aefao Corosi Outer Rim Territories N-5 Aeneid Kessel Outer Rim Territories T-10 Aesolian Wild Space I-15 Aeten Wild Space J-6 Affa Inner Rim M-13 Affavan Hutt Space S-12 Agamar Lahara Outer Rim Territories M-5 Agash Great Agash Expansion Region K-15 Agomar Seswenna Outer Rim Territories M-18 Agon Ash Worlds Outer Rim Territories T-7 Agora Sluis Outer Rim Territories M-19 Agridorn Colonies N-12 Agriworld-2079 M'shinni Mid Rim L-7 Aguarl Mbandamonte Expansion Region N-15 Ahakista Myto Outer Rim Territories K-3 Aida Aida Mid Rim Q-13 TM and © Lucasfilm Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 86 SYSTEM SECTOR REGION COORD Aikhibba Fei Hu Mid Rim P-13 Ailon Inner Rim N-12 Aiquin Airam Outer Rim Territories L-20 Akrit'tar Calaron Outer Rim Territories T-9 Akuria Oplovis Outer Rim Territories M-5 Alabash Fakir Colonies K-9 Alagon Tennuutta Mid Rim Q-7 Alakatha Var Hagen Mid Rim M-16 Alarevi Gaulus Outer Rim Territories S-17 Alashan Wild Space J-5 Alaspin Suolriep Outer Rim Territories S-8 Alassa Major Vilonis Mid Rim O-16 Alba Belsmuth Outer Rim Territories O-6 Albecus Core Worlds L-9 Albrae-Don Sern Colonies L-13 Alchenaut Alchenaut Expansion Region L-16 Alderaan Core Worlds M-10 Alderath Alderath Mid Rim L-7 Alderbathe Churnis Mid Rim J-6 Aldereen Inner Rim M-14 Aldin Aldino Mid Rim J-17 Aldivy I-Sector Outer Rim Territories Q-4 Aldo Spach Jospro Outer Rim Territories S-7 Aldraig Core Worlds M-10 Alee Hutt Space R-9 Aleen Bright Jewel Mid Rim L-7 Aleen Minor Inner Rim M-13 Aleron Tapani Colonies L-13 Alfestril Inner Rim N-12 Algara Lambda Mid Rim P-15 Algarian Dufilvian Mid Rim Q-15 Algarra Thrasybule Outer Rim Territories P-6 Algnadesh Hapes Cluster Inner Rim O-9 Algor Cronese Mandate Outer Rim Territories S-6 Algunnis Trax Mid Rim Q-10 Alion Inner Rim L-14 Alis Point Tamarin Outer Rim Territories N-18 Alisandor Tapani Colonies L-13 Alk'Lellish Sumitra Expansion Region N-7 Alkenak Core Worlds M-12 Alland Core Worlds K-10 Allandor Tapani Colonies L-13 Allanteen Tynna Expansion Region O-14 Alliga Phelleem Outer Rim Territories S-7 Alluuvia Elrood Outer Rim Territories M-19 Allyuen Javin (Anoat) Outer Rim Territories K-18 Almak Almak Mid Rim J-17 Almakar Inner Rim N-9 Almania Mortex Outer Rim Territories S-5 Almar Sluis Outer Rim Territories M-19 Almaran Elrood Outer Rim Territories M-19 Aloxor Esaga Mid Rim R-11 Alpheridies Farstey Expansion Region O-8 Alphoresis Grumani Outer Rim Territories M-17 Alsakan Alsaka Core Worlds L-9 Altair Thrasybule Outer Rim Territories P-6 Altarrn Glythe Mid Rim J-7 Altawar Corellian Core Worlds M-11 TM and © Lucasfilm Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 86 SYSTEM SECTOR REGION COORD Althir Rolion Outer Rim Territories P-6 Altier Altier Expansion Region O-13 Altikar Toblain Outer Rim Territories O-18 Altiria/Anarris Unknown Regions ??? Altor Zoraster Outer Rim Territories U-13 Altora Dalonbian Outer Rim Territories L-3 Altratonne Ash Worlds Outer Rim Territories S-7 Altunna Cassander Outer Rim Territories K-5 Altyr Morshdine Outer Rim Territories O-5 Alui Alui Mid Rim O-17 Alurion Raioballo Outer Rim Territories L-4 Alvorine Yminis Outer Rim Territories S-14 Alzar Thanium Outer Rim Territories R-6 Alzoc Sujimis Outer Rim Territories P-19 Amaltanna Kanz Outer Rim Territories N-4 Amar Airon Inner Rim O-10 Amarin Allied Tion Outer Rim Territories S-6 Ambria Airon Inner Rim O-10 Amfar Inner Rim O-8 Ammuud Corporate Sector Outer Rim Territories S-4 Amorphiia Eidoloni Mid Rim L-16 Amorris Quelii Outer Rim Territories O-6 Ampliquen Meridian Outer Rim Territories R-7 Anantapar Javin (Yarith) Outer Rim Territories K-18 Anarak Wyl Outer Rim Territories R-4 Anaxes Azure Core Worlds L-9 Ancathia Albarrio Outer Rim Territories K-5 Anchoron Mayagil Outer Rim Territories M-18 Andalia Hapes Cluster Inner Rim O-9 Andara Core Worlds L-13 Andasala Cor'ric Outer Rim Territories P-18 Ando Lambda Mid Rim Q-15 Andooweel Arkanis Outer Rim Territories R-16 Andosha Lambda Mid Rim P-15 Anduvia Immalia Expansion Region K-8 Anemcoro Albarrio Outer Rim Territories K-5 Anga Sarka Mid Rim Q-8 Angeria Venaarian Mid Rim O-8 Angor Myto Outer Rim Territories K-4 Angrallia Fath Outer Rim Territories K-6 Angratha Senex Mid Rim L-18 Anic Xan Mid Rim Q-15 Ank Ki'Shor Indrexu Outer Rim Territories S-5 Ank Kit'aar Druess Mid Rim O-15 Ankori Kossa Expansion Region P-10 Ankus N/A Mid Rim I-7 Annaj Zuma (Moddell) Outer Rim Territories H-16 Annamar Bes Ber Bikade Expansion Region L-15 Annoo Tharin Outer Rim Territories S-8 Anoat Javin (Anoat) Outer Rim Territories K-18 Anobis Bright Jewel Mid Rim L-7 Anorelga Braxant Outer Rim Territories K-3 Anoth Wild Space J-20 Ansarra Iskin Mid Rim O-16 Ansata Core Worlds M-11 Ansek Eidoloni Mid Rim M-17 Ansillivog Majoor Expansion Region N-15 Ansion Churnis Mid Rim I-6 TM and © Lucasfilm Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 86 SYSTEM SECTOR REGION COORD Anstares Juvex Mid Rim L-17 Antakaria Bothan Mid Rim R-14 Antamont Meridian Outer Rim Territories R-6 Antar Inner Rim N-12 Antared Esstran Outer Rim Territories Q-4 Antares Inner Rim N-12 Anteevy Esuain Mid Rim P-7 Antemeridias Antemeridian Outer Rim Territories R-7 Anthus Brema Outer Rim Territories M-17 Antipose Centrality Outer Rim Territories U-8 Antiquity Senex Mid Rim L-18 Antmuel Chopani Outer Rim Territories M-3 Anto's Star Saijo Outer Rim Territories K-20 Anturus Senex Mid Rim L-18 Anx Minor Raioballo Outer Rim Territories L-4 Anzat Bryx Mid Rim R-7 Apatros Savareen Outer Rim Territories Q-16 Apgar Hilo Expansion Region O-13 Aphran Inner Rim K-8 Apiliria Wild Space T-5 Aplooine Grumani Outer Rim Territories N-17 Apoka Dohlbani Mid Rim R-14 Aquaris Sumitra Expansion Region N-7 Aquella Senex Mid Rim L-17 Aquilae Colonies N-12 Aquilaris Sanbra Outer Rim Territories O-17 Aquilaris Minor Grumani Outer Rim Territories M-17 Arabanth Hapes Cluster Inner Rim O-9 Aradia Core Worlds K-10 Arah Dantus Outer Rim Territories J-6 Aralia Antemeridian Outer Rim Territories R-7 Aramal Ryborean Expansion Region J-8 Aramand Brak Expansion Region O-14 Aramanoo Bheriz Outer Rim Territories U-10 Arami Galov Outer Rim Territories T-13 Arapia Dalchon Outer Rim Territories R-18 Arat Fraca Colonies M-12 Arbra Bon'nyuw-Luq Outer Rim Territories N-17 Arbular Lambda Mid Rim Q-15 Arcan Cronese Mandate Outer Rim Territories S-6 Archae Teuthis Brevost Expansion Region O-14 Archais Hapes Cluster Inner Rim O-9 Archenar Kastolar Mid Rim R-10 Arcopola Spadja Outer Rim Territories Q-5 Arcura Inner Rim L-8 Arda Gordian Reach Outer Rim Territories Q-6 Ardis Unknown Regions G-3 Ardroxia Halla Mid Rim R-9 Ardru Iseno Inner Rim N-13 Argai Cronese Mandate Outer Rim Territories S-6 Argai Minor Haldeen Colonies M-9 Argavat Colonies J-13 Argazda Kanz Outer Rim Territories N-4 Argo Tragan Cluster Outer Rim Territories N-5 Argoon Tion Hegemony Outer Rim Territories S-6 Argovia Endocray Mid Rim S-14 Argul D'Aelgoth Mid Rim L-17 Argus Lambda Mid Rim P-16 TM and © Lucasfilm Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 86 SYSTEM SECTOR REGION COORD Ariarch-17 Ariarch Mid Rim J-6 Aridinia Inner Rim M-13 Aridka Hertae Mid Rim Q-14 Aridus Narvath Expansion Region O-14 Aris Albarrio Outer Rim Territories K-5 Aris Minor Parmel Outer Rim Territories O-18 Arkam Inner Rim N-13 Arkania Colonies M-8 Arkanis Arkanis Outer Rim Territories R-17 Arkonne Tarabba Outer Rim Territories M-19 Arkuda Gordian Reach Outer Rim Territories Q-6 Arleen Centrality Outer Rim Territories T-8 Armath Mikaster Expansion Region N-15 Arorua Sertar Outer Rim Territories R-5 Arporatal-Lanin Juvex Mid Rim K-18 Arquata Station Bes Ber Bikade Expansion Region L-15 Arramanx Cronese Mandate Outer Rim Territories S-6 Arrgaw Kira Expansion Region N-16 Arsteni Colonies L-8 Artesia Hangshan Expansion Region P-11 Arthon Ottega Mid Rim L-6 Artom Nuon e Safyd Expansion Region P-12 Artorias Myto Outer Rim Territories K-3 Artus Prime Kwymar Outer Rim Territories Q-4 Aruza N/A Expansion Region I-14 Arzid Calaron Outer Rim Territories T-9 Asamin Strabin Mid Rim M-7 Asation Veragi (Gree Enclave) Outer Rim Territories K-3 Ashas Ree Sith Worlds Outer Rim Territories R-5 Ashash Zarracina Expansion Region N-14 Asher Sprizen
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