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M. A. Philosophy.Pdf SYLLABUS PHILOSOPHY (P.G.) (SEMISTER PATTERN SYLLABUS AS PER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM) M. A. Part I Semester – I Core Group Paper Title of the Paper 1 T 1 ETHICS (INDIAN) 1 T 2 EPISTEMOLOGY (INDIAN) Elective Group Paper Title of the Paper (i) METAPHYSICS (INDIAN) OR (ii) PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS 1 T 3 OR (any one) (iii) PHILOSOPHY OF MIND OR (iv) PHILOSOPHY OF VALUE EDUCATION (i) HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY (Early Greek) OR (ii) PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 1 T 4 OR (any one) (iii) MORDERN INDIAN THOUGHT OR (iv) ASTHETICS M. A. Part – I SEMISTER – I CORE PAPER – 1 T 1 ETHICS (INDIAN) Unit 1) Indian Ethics : definition, nature, sources, scope, presuppositions. Unit 2) The law of Karma : Ethical implications. Unit 3) Purusharthas : Role and status in Indian ethics. Unit 4) Some selected topics from Indian ethics. i) Charvaks’s hedonism. ii) Triratnas of Jainism. iii) Yama and Niyama of Yoga. iv) Vidhi and Nishedh. Suggested Books : 1) Rajendra Prasad : Karma, Causation and Retributive Morality. 2) I. C. Sharma : Ethical Philosophies of India. 3) S. Dasgupta : Development of Moral Philosophy in India. 4) M. Hiriyana : The Indian Conception of Values. 5) H. M. Joshi : Traditional and Contemporary Ethics – Western and Indian, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi, 2000. 6½ ikBd fnokdj % Hkkjrh; uhfr”kkL= M. A. Part – I SEMISTER – I CORE PAPER – 1 T 2 EPISTEMOLOGY (INDIAN) Unit 1) Cognition: It’s Definition and Nature, Division of congnition: Valid (Prama) and invalid (Aparma): Validity (Pramanya) It’s nature, conditions and definition, Valid Congnition (Prama), Classification, Instrument of cognition (Indriya) and their nature. Unit 2) The debate about the nature, origin (Utpatti) and Ascertainment (Jnyapti) of Validity: Svatahapramanyavada, and Paratahapramanyavada. Unit 3) The theories about Invalid perceptual cognition (Khyativada): Akhyati, Anyathakhyati, Viparitkhyati, Atmakhyati, Asatkhyati, Anirvachaniyakhyati, Satkhyati, Abhinava Anyathakhyati, Sadasat khyati. Unit 4) The role of Shabda Pramana. Suggested Books: 1) Debarata Sen: The Concept of Knowledge, Calcutta, 1984. 2) D.M. Datta: The Six Ways of Knowing, Calcutta, 1960. 3) Srinivasa Rao: Perceptual Error: The Indian Theories, University Press of Hawail, Honolulu, 1998. 4) flUgk uhfyek% Kkuehekalk M. A. Part – I SEMISTER – I ELECTIVE GROUP ELECTIVE PAPER (any one) – 1 T 3 Paper 1 T 3 (i) METAPHYSICS - (INDIAN) Unit 1) Man, God, and the World as the basic general categories of metaphysics. Unit 2) Reality being and becoming. Page 4 of 17 Unit 3) Universal: The debate amongst the different schools. Unit 4) Causation: The different views and debates. Suggested Books: 1) Stephen H. Phillips: Classical Indian Metaphysics, Delhi, Motilal Banarasi Das, 1997. 2) Sadananda Bhaduri: Nyaya Vaisheshiks Metaphysics Paper 1 T 3 (ii) PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEM Unit 1) What is Philosophy? Unit 2) Knowledge and Scepticism. Unit 3) The Problem of Induction. Unit 4) Theories of Error. Suggested Book: 1) Stephen Korner: Fundamental questions of Philosophy, The Harvester Press, 1979. 2) John Hospers: An Introduction to Analytic Philosophy, Delhi, Allied Publisher. Paper 1 T 3 (iii) PHILOSOPHY of MIND Unit 1) Philosophy of Mind: Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind, Nature, Scope, Problem. Unit 2) Consciousness: The third person account, the first person account. Unit 3) Theories concerning consciousness and the body –Parallelism, Epiphenomenalism, Interactionism. Unit 4) Behaviorism: Methodological and Philosophical behaviorism, explanatory, inadequacy, cognitivism in Philosophy. Suggested Books: 1) Jerome A. Shaffer: Philosophy of Mind, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1988. 2) Sidney Hook(Ed): Dimension of Mind. 3) Hampshire, Stuart(Ed): Philosophy of Mind, New York, Harper and Row Publishers, 1966. 4) E. J. Lowe: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind. Paper 1 T 3 (iv) PHILOSOPHY OF VALUE EDUCATION Unit 1) The concept of ‘education’ and ‘value’, values as the foundation of the very process of education, dangers of weakening or delinking the connection between education and values. Unit 2) Concept of Virtue –definition, types and role of virtue in human life. Unit 3) Concept of True Education: true education as constituting the development of individual as well as special virtues, the pursuit of excellence as the foundation of individual virtues caring for others as the foundation of social virtue. Unit 4) The universality of concept of good life. Analysis of how any form of proper education leads to the development of a proper conception of good life. Suggested Books: 1) Ralf B. Perry: General Theory of Value. 2) Risieri Frondizi: What is Value? 3) M. Hiriyanna: The Indian Conception Value. 4) C. Seshadri (ed.): Education in Values: A source book. 5) xksfoUnpUnz ikaMs% ewY;ehekalk] f}fr; laLdj.k] 2005] bykgkckn] jk- Hkk- izdk’ku- 6) fnokdj ikBd% Hkkjrh; uhfr”kkL=] fcgkj fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] r`rh; laLdj.k] 1992- M. A. Part – I SEMISTER – I ELECTIVE GROUP ELECTIVE PAPER (any one) – 1 T 4 Paper 1 T 4 (i) HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY - (Early Greek Philosophy) Unit 1) Old Ionian nature Philosophers, Orphic System of Cosmology, Pythagoras and his Disciples, Orphic and Pythagorean Doctrines of Soul. Unit 2) From Metaphysics to Positive Science: Xenophon’s, Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and Empedocles. Unit 3) Plato: Theory of Knowledge forms, soul structure, proofs of his morality, ethical, social and political ideas. Unit 4) Aristotle: Categories, Elements, Principle of Ontology, Chance and Nous, God, Ethics, Theory of State, Theory of Art. Suggested Books: 1) J. Burnet: History of Greek Philosophy, 1914. 2) N.K.C. Guthrie: The Greek Philosophers from Thales to Aristotle. 3) R.L.Nettleship: Lectures on the Republic of Plato, 1914. 4) W.D.Ross: Aristotle, 1923. 5) F. Copleston: A History of Philosophy. 6) W.T. Stace: A Critical History of Greek Philosophy. Paper 1 T 4 (ii) PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Unit 1) Philosophy, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion, their relation, Scope of Philosophy of Religion. Unit 2) Concepts of soul, Salvation, and Human destiny. Unit 3) Problem of Evil and Suffering. Unit 4) Freedom of Will, Karma, Rebirth. Suggested Books: 1) N. Smart: The religious Experience of Mankind. 2) J. Hick: An interpretation of religion. 3) J. Hick: Philosophy of Religion. 4) R. Swinbune: Faith and Reason. 5) A. Thompson: A Modern Philosophy of Religion. 6) M. Hiriyanna: Quest for Perfection. 7) t- ok- tks”kh% /kekZps rÙoKku Paper 1 T 4 (iii) MORDERN INDIAN THOUGHT Unit 1) Background : Traditional Indian Thoughts, Need of reinterpretation of Vedantic Philosophy Unit 2) Swami Vivekananda : Nature of Man, Universal Religion (from – Practical Vedanta) Unit 3) B.G.Tilak:Interpretation of the Gita (chapters I to V and X and XI from ‘Gita Rahasya’ of B.G.Tilak) Unit 4) Sri. Aurobindo: Reality as ‘sat-cit-anand’, three phases of reality – evolution, mind and super mind, integral yoga Suggested Books: 1) V.S.Naravane: Modern Indian Thought, Bombay, 1964. 2) Swami Vivekananda: Practical Vedanta, Advaita Ashram, 1964. Page 9 of 17 3) Sri. Aurobindo: Integral Yoga, Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972. 4) Benay Gopal Ray: Contemporary Indian Philosophers, Allahabad, 1957. 5) Basant Kumar Lal: Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Delhi, 1999. 6) B.G. Tilak: Gita Rahasya Paper 1 T 4 (iv) AESTHETICS Unit 1) Introduction: Conceptual analysis, Basic philosophical concepts, Sciences and the humanities. Unit 2) Aesthetics & philosophical Aesthetics: Second order aesthetics: the world of human experience: art and experience. Unit 3) Nature of Aesthetic judgement: Kant’s view and Unit 4) Art and its definition: Art as sensation: Art as expression: Art as significant form. Suggested Books: 1) O’Hear, Antony : The Elements of Fire Science Art and the Human World, London, Rutledge, 1988 2) Peter Lamarque : Philosophy and Fiction : Essays in Literary Aesthetics, Aberdeen University, press, 1987. 2) Anne Sheppard : Aesthetics : An Introduction to philosophy of art, Oxford university Press, 1987 4) Olsen L. Lamarque: Truth, Fiction and Literature, Oxford University Press, 1997. 6) John Hospers (edit.): Introductory Readings in Aesthetics, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London. 6) jk- Hkk- ikV.kdj% lkSan;Z ehekalk] dkWUVhusaVy izdk”ku] iq.ks SYLLABUS PHILOSOPHY (P.G.) (SEMISTER PATTERN SYLLABUS AS PER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM) M. A. Part I Semester – II Core Group Paper Title of the Paper 2 T 1 ETHICS (WESTERN) 2 T 2 EPISTEMOLOGY (WESTERN) Elective Group Paper Title of the Paper (i) METAPHYSICS (WESTERN) OR (ii) PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS 2 T 3 OR (any one) (iii) PHILOSOPHY OF MIND OR (iv) PHILOSOPHY OF VALUE EDUCATION (i) HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY (Modern western) OR (ii) PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 2 T 4 OR (any one) (iii) MORDERN INDIAN THOUGHT OR (iv) ASTHETICS M. A. Part – I SEMISTER – II CORE PAPER – 2 T 1 ETHICS (WESTERN) Unit 1) Introduction: Definition of Metaethics, definition and relation between Normative ethics and Metaethics, Basic problems of Metaethics, Metaethical theories: Cognitive and Non-cognitive. Unit 2) G. E. Moore: First chapter of ‘Principia Ethica’ G.E. Moore. Unit 3) A, J, Ayer : a) Chapter 6th from A. J. Ayer’s, Language, Truth and Logic’ b) ‘The Emotive Meaning of Ethical Terms’ from ‘Ethics and Language’ by C. L. Stevenson Unit 4) R. M. Hare: First chapter from ‘Language of Morals’ Suggested Books: 1) H. M. Joshi: ’Traditional and Contemporary Ethics’-Western and Indian, Bhatia Vidya Bhavan, Delhi, 2000. 2) G. E. Moor: ‘Principia Ethica’. 3) A. J. Ayer: ‘Language Truth and Logic’. 4) C. L. Stevenson: ‘Ethics and Language’. 5) R. M. Hare: ‘Language of Morals’. 6) lqjsUæ xk;/kus% eqY; fuosnu% ,d vfruhfr”kkL=kh; fpfdRlk 7) osnizdk”k oekZ% vf/kuhfr”kkL= ds eqyHkwr fl)kar M. A. Part – I SEMISTER – II CORE PAPER – 2 T 2 EPISTEMOLOGY (WESTERN) Unit 1) Nature and definition of knowledge: Belief and Knowledge. Unit 2) Gettier Problem and responses to it. Unit 3) Theories of Truth: Self –evidence, Correspondence, Coherence, Pragmatic and Semantic. Unit 4) Apriori Knowledge: Analytic and Synthetic: Necessary and Contingent: Synthetic Apriori. Suggested Books: 1) K.
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