Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117 Original Paper

A modified salvage technique in surgical repair of perineal in using polypropylene mesh


Clinic of Surgery, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

ABSTRACT: In 16 male dogs who suffered from perineal hernia, polypropylene mesh was used to close a defect in the pelvic diaphragm. Pelvic bone was drilled on the and mesh was sutured through holes by polypropylene suture. Strong pelvic diaphragm, good long-term results and time-sparing by this technique was achieved. Suture sinuses were developed in two dogs one month postoperatively. Objectives of this study were to describe a new alternative technique of perineal herniorraphy and postoperative possible complications. Weak- ness of internal obturator muscle flap is complication which can be observed during transposition of internal obturator muscle flap. This technique can be used when internal obturator muscle flap is weak like the operation of the first choice.

Keywords: perineal hernia; ; polypropilene mesh

Perineal hernia results from failure of the mus- Since primary suture repair of the muscular pelvic cular pelvic diaphragm to support the rectal wall, diaphragm was first described in the 1950s, several which stretches and deviates. Pelvic and abdominal reports described this standard method of hernior- contents may protrude between pelvic diaphragm rhaphy (Orsher, 1986). Perineal herniation recurred and the . The cause of the muscular deterio- in 10% (Petit, 1962), 15.4% (Bellenger, 1980) and ration could be one or combination of the following 46% (Burrows and Harvey, 1973) of cases. pathological processes: muscular atrophy, myopa- Alternative techniques of perineal herniorrhaphy thies, hormonal influence and prostatic hypertro- were described in the 1980s. Transposition of the phy (Bellenger and Canfield, 2002). internal obturator muscle reduced the recurrence Perineal hernia is diagnosed most often in rate of perineal hernia to under 10%. In one study dogs, but occasionally is observed also in the cats only 2.4% of dogs had a recurrence (Hardie et al., (Welches et al., 1992). 1983). The disease occurs commonly in males and is as- Only a few reports have described the use of sociated with , obstipation, dyschesia, synthetic materials in perineal in dogs. a soft perineal swelling and occasionally urinary Polyethylene sponge (Koger, 1954), plastic mesh problems. The swelling is usually ventrolateral to (Larsen, 1966), porcine dermal colagen sheet the anus (Bellenger and Canfield, 2002). (Frankland, 1986), polyester mesh (Nommensen, Rectal diseases that may play a role in perineal 1974) and polypropilene mesh (Clarke, 1989) were herniation include rectal deviation (S-shaped cur- used. vature of the rectum), sacculation (dilatation of The purpose of the presented study was to de- rectal wall), and diverticulum (mucosal protrusion scribe a new alternative technique of perineal through seromuscular layer of rectal wall) (Mann, herniorraphy and possible complications. The 1993). advantage of this technique was strong pelvic

111 Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117 diaphragm and quickness. This technique can be perineal herniorrhaphy at privat clinics in 7 dogs. recomended in the case of weakness of internal Internal obturator flap was too weak and did not obturator muscle flap. hold a suture after pulling of strands in 5 dogs. Defect in perineal diaphragm was huge and ten- sion was present during suturing of ventral part MATERIAL AND METHODS of defect in 2 dogs. Owners were contacted by telephone during surgery and accepted repara- Polypropylene mesh was used to close a defect tion of perineal hernia by this method. Owners in the pelvic diaphragm in 16 dogs who suffered accepted this method as surgery of first choice from perineal hernia. Perineal hernia recured after in 2 dogs.

Table 1. Signalment, duration of disease, clinical signs, side, rectal disease and hernial contents of cases

Age Weight Duration Rectal Breed Clinical signs Side Hernial content (years) (kg) of disease disease perineal swelling, rectal Maltese 10 6.80 1 year tenesmus, dyschezia, bilateral retroperitoneal fat sacculation haematochezia perineal swelling, Pomeranian 14 4.10 1 year right no retroperitoneal fat tenesmus perineal swelling, Maltese 8 5.50 8 months right no retroperitoneal fat tenesmus , tenesmus, rectal gland, Maltese 6.5 5.20 1.5 year bilateral haematochezia sacculation urinary blader, retroperitoneal fat tenesmus, perineal rectal Australian silky terrier 5 6.1 6 months right no swelling sacculation

Dobermann pinscher 4 45 2 weeks perineal swelling right no no

tenesmus, perineal rectal retroperitoneal fat, Cocker spaniel 9.5 18 1 years bilateral swelling, obstipation sacculation prostate gland tenesmus, rectal Maltese 12.5 5.20 1 years right retroperitoneal fat obstipation flexure perineal swelling, rectal Pekingese 9 4.90 3 months right prostate gland dyschezia diverticulum perineal swelling, rectal Mixed breed 7 23 9 months anuria, dilated right sacculation abdomen, vomiting perineal swelling, rectal Mixed breed 8.5 28 6 months right retroperitoneal fat tenesmus diverticulum perineal swelling, Pekingese 8.5 5.20 10 months left no retroperitoneal fat tenesmus perineal swelling, rectal Poodle 11.5 10.20 4 months right no dyschezia sacculation perineal swelling, Mixed breed 6 12 3 months left no urinary bladder tenesmus, anuria perineal swelling, rectal Yorkshire terrier 8 6.10 5 months left retroperitoneal fat dyschezia sacculation perineal swelling, rectal retroperitoneal fat, Boxer 9.5 30.20 1 month bilateral dyschezia, tenesmus sacculation prostate gland

112 Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117 Original Paper

12 patients were treated at privat clinics because All these surgery were done by the same surgeon. of problems caused by perineal hernia. Treatment The laterally curved, dorso-ventral skin incision at privat clinics consisted of perineal herniorrhaphy was done over the hernia, extending from the spot by standard herniorrhaphy or transposition of in- just lateral to the tail base to the medial angle of ternal obturator muscle in 7 dogs. Castration as ischial tuberosity. Hemorrhage was controlled by single operation was performed in 1 dog and in electrocautery. The hernial sac was opened by blunt 3 dogs during perineal herniorrhaphy. All dogs had dissection. Retroperitoneal fat was ligated and medical treatment (lubricants) and diet (fiber rich excised. Rectum was examined because of rectal diet). diseases. Rectal diseases were resolved by plica- The owners accepted a new surgery technique tion. Plication was done by placement of one to in repairing of perineal hernia in their dogs using three layers of Cushing suture (PDS 3-0) paralell polypropylene mesh. The case records of operated to rectal direction. Layers of the Cushing suture dogs were examined and the owners were surveyed were placed to the moment when the diameter of by telephone. The follow-up period after the last rectum cranial to the rectal sacculation/divertic- surgery procedure to the time of survey was be- ula was the same as diameter at the place of rectal tween 15 and 42 months. sacculation diverticula. Hernial contents was re- The diagnosis was made by rectal palpation. The turned to their original location. After reduction palpation of perineal diaphragm and rectal wall of the hernia, anatomical structures were exposed. was done. When a patient had a clinical signs of a One dog had lipoma incorporated in external anal urinary tract disturbances, caudal abdominal radi- sphincter, lipoma was excised before preplacement ography was performed. of prolene sutures. Premedication before surgery was acetylpro- Pelvic plate was drilled on the caudal brim with mazine (Vetranquil 1%, Ceva). In old dogs premedi- drill of 1.5 mm in diameter. Three holes were cation was diazepam 0.3 mg/kg i.v. (Apaurin, Krka, made between the ischial tuberosity and midline. Slovenia). Amoxicillin with clavulanate (Klavocin, All sutures were preplaced before they are tied. Pliva, Croatia) at the dose of 20 mg/kg was ad- First, polypropylene sutures (2-0 or 0 USP-Prolene ministered intravenously before and after surgery. Ethicon, UK) were preplaced through drilled holes The Ringer’s solution infusion was administered with ½-circle tapercut needle. 2-0 USP Prolene was at the rate 10 ml/kg/h. The rate was controlled by used in dogs weighed under 10 kilograms and 0 USP infusion pump (BIOF 3000, Biotron CO, South Prolene was used in dogs weighed above 10 kilo- Korea). Induction of anaesthesia was propofol grams. Then three sutures were preplaced laterally 4 mg/kg i.v. (Propofol, Abbott, UK). Endotracheal through sacrotuberous ligament, coccygeus muscle intubation was done. Fentanyl citrate (Fentanyl- and -muscle. Finally, three sutures were Jannsen, Jannsen Pharmaceutica, Belgium) was done medially through external anal sphincter. administered in bolus 10 µg/kg i.v. and afterwards Polypropylene mesh (Prolene Mesh, Ethicon, UK) continuos rate infusion 0.2 µg/kg/min i.v. by syringe was in shape of triangle. The mesh was sutured pump (SEP 11S, Ascor, Poland). Mixture of oxygen by single interrupted suture first at ventral, then and isoflurane (Forane, Abbott, UK) maintained lateral and finally at medial position. Any protrud- anaesthesia. ing mesh was trimmed. The mesh was covered by The perineal region was liberally clipped. The subcutaneous tissue using absorbable suture mate- rectum was emptied manually and anal sacs were rial (2-0 or 3-0 Coated Vicryl, Ethicon, UK). The evacuated. A lubricated gauze tampon was inserted skin was sutured by nonabsorbable monofilament into the rectum and a pursestring suture was placed (3-0 or 4-0 Gore-tex, Gore, USA). The purse string in the anus. The patient was positioned in sternal suture was removed. 8 dogs were castrated after recumbency and was pulled to the end of the oper- perineal herniorrhaphy. Orchiectomy was done in ating table. The pelvic limbs were placed off the end the prescrotal area. of the table and were gently pulled forward. The tail Butorphanol (Butomidor; Richter-Pharma AG, was fixed cranially with several pieces of adhesive Austria) at the dose of 0.1 mg/kg was given by an tape. The cranial thigh region is cushioned against intramuscular route at 4-hour intervals during the the table to avoid placing unnecessary pressure on first day after the surgery. Afterwards, carprofen the femoral region. The surgical site was prepared tablets (Rymadil, Pfizer, UK) at a dose of 2 mg/kg for aseptic surgery. p. o. were administered at 12-hour intervals during 113 Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117

Figure 1. Pelvic plate was drilled on the caudal brim and Figure 2. Three sutures were preplaced ventrally through three holes were made between the ischial tuberosity holes in pelvic plate and laterally through sacrotuberous and midline. All sutures were preplaced before they are ligament, coccygeus muscle and levator ani muscle. tied Finally, three sutures were done medially through exter- nal anal sphincter. Polypropilene mesh was shaped like A – anus; S – external anal sphincter; L – levator ani triangle. First, the mesh was sutured with single inter- muscle; C – coccygeus muscle; P – pelvic bone; F – rupted suture ventrally, then laterally and finally medi- foramen obturatum ally. Any protruding mesh was trimmed the next three days. Tablets or syrup of amoxicillin a postoperative period with persisting problems with clavulanate (Augmentin, GSK, UK) at a dose in defecation (occasional constipation and tenes- of 20 mg/kg were administered orally for five days. mus). Owners cleaned surgical site with dry sterile gauze sponges. Elizabethan collar had been applied for 10 days postoperatively. Obstipation was treated RESULTS by lubricants if defecation was not observed to third day postoperative. Suture sinus was treated In 16 male dogs during the two-year period (from by mesh trimming and antibiotics, but unsuccess- March 2002 to May 2004), perineal herniorrhaphy fully. Seroma was treated by drainage and flushing. was done by this technique. The range of ages at Temporary neuropraxia of nonoperated side was initial presentation was 4 to 14 years (mean 8.59 treated by administration of vitamin B-complex and ± 2.65 years). The dogs weighed between 4.1 and disappeared fifth day after surgery. Sutures were 45.5 kg (19.39 ± 24.61 kg). Duration of disease removed at 10th day after the surgery (Anderson at initial presentation was between 2 weeks and et al., 1998; Bellenger and Canfield, 2002; Clarke, 18 months (7.59 ± 4.86 months). Four dogs had 1989). bilateral and 12 dogs had unilateral perineal her- Response to surgery was defined by a cure, good nia. 9 dogs had perineal hernia on the right side and poor result. Cure was a postoperative period and 3 dogs on the left side of the . Dogs without problems in defecation (constipation and who suffered from bilateral perineal hernia were tenesmus). Good result was a postoperative period undergo to surgery on one side (side with bigger with occasional problems in defecation (occasional defect in perineal diaphragm) by semitendinosus constipation and tenesmus) and a poor result was muscle transposition because of the weakness of

114 Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117 Original Paper

Table 2. Patient data about castration, stool after surgery, concurrent diseases, postoperative complications, response to surgery and duration of surgery

Stool after Postoperative Response Duration Castration Concurrent diseases operation (day) complications to surgery of surgery

Yes (before) 2 incisional hernia suture sinus cure 65 perineal lipoma, Yes 1 suture sinus cure 57 enlarged prostate Yes 1 kryptorchismus cure 61 No 1 colitis good 52 Yes 2 enlarged prostate cure 49 No 3 cure 59 Yes (before) 5 seroma, obstipation poor 48 No 1 mitral insufficiency cure 45 Yes 1 cure 41 Yes 2 enlarged prostate cure 51 Yes (before) 2 cure 58 temporary neuropraxia Yes (before) 4 cure 54 of nonoperated side Yes 2 enlarged prostate cure 39 No 1 cure 43 Yes 2 cure 46 Yes 3 enlarged prostate cure 53

the ventral part of perineum. 4 to 6 weeks after the DISCUSSION first surgery, surgery on the other side of bilateral hernia was done by using this new technique. The Only a few reports had described the use of castration was done in 12 dogs (in four dogs at synthetic materials in perineal hernias in dogs. privat clinics and in 8 dogs at surgery clinic im- Larsen (1966) used plastic mesh. Six bilateral and mediatelly after the perineal herniorrhaphy), where nine unilateral perineal hernias were repaired us- as owners didn’t want castration in 4 cases. Rectal ing this technique with one breakdown. Porcine disease was noticed in 11 dogs. Rectal sacculation dermal colagen sheet was used by Frankland (1986). (dilatation of rectal wall into the hernia) was no- In this study, porcine dermal collagen was used ticed in 8 dogs, rectal diverticulum (a tear in the se- for the repair of 27 perineal hernias in 21 dogs. romuscular layers of the rectal wall through which The material was generally well tolerated and the the mucosa dilates into the hernia) in 2 dogs and overall success rate was 59.3%. Four of 5 cases in rectal flexure (S-shaped curvature of the rectum which polyester mesh was used were successfully into the hernia) in 1 dog. Rectal sacculation and treated (Nommensen, 1974). Clarke (1989) used diverticulum were solved during surgery by plica- polypropilene mesh for the repair of perineal dia- tion in 10 dogs. Duration of surgery was 51.31 ± phragm. Out of 17 operated dogs, 13 hernias were 7.48 minutes (range 39 to 65 minutes). Response to unilateral and 4 were bilateral. Only one dog had surgery was cure in 14 dogs, good result in 1 dog a recurrence 12 months after surgery. (tenesmus was associated possible with colitis) and Failure of internal obturator muscle transposition poor result was achieved (megacolon complicated most commnly occurs in the ventromedial aspect of result, cisaprid did not have effect and owner didn’t the transposed muscle. To prevent the failure, sub- want their dog undergo to subtotal colectomy). periostal elevation should be done very carefully

115 Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117 to prevent excessive trauma to the muscle, and the of this technique is high cost of polypropilene ventromedial sutures from the internal obturator mesh. muscle to the external anal sphincter should be Rectal diseases were noticed in 11 dogs. Because secured (Mann and Constantinescu, 1998). of potential for continued straining postoperatively In this study, during the transposition of internal and resultant herniorrhaphy failure, some surgeons obturator muscle, was observed that the muscle recommend excision of rectal diverticula and large flap was too weak to hold sutures. Therefore, in sacculations and suturing of the rectal wall at the some cases this method was used after recurrence time of the herniorrhaphy procedure (Krahwinkel, of standard method or transposition of internal 1983). Larsen (1966) reduced in size rectal diver- obturator muscle. This situations were resolved ticula by placing a few interrupted Lembert sutures by this modified technique of perineal hernia re- into the muscularis of the rectum at the time of pair. This modified technique can be used as like herniorrhaphy. We used method of plication, plac- as the operation of the first choice, if the internal ing some layers of Cushing suture depend on width obturator muscle flap is not weak. On the other of rectal diverticula. this method was prefered be- hand surgeon shouldn’t choose a technique which cause of opening of the rectal wall is not necessary involves placing a foreign material whenever tech- and risk of possible contamination during sacculec- nique with autogenous tissues is possible. Because tomy is huge. Resolving of rectal disease by plica- of this fact, this modified technique can be used as tion can be complicated by (Larsen, salvage technique for recurrent, previously failed 1966). In this case method of plication was done in cases or those with severe perineal diaphragm mus- 10 dogs and rectal prolapse was not observed. cle atrophy. This technique carried out a strong pelvic dia- Clarke (1989) described perineal herniorraphy phragm, good long-term results and it is a time- with prolene mesh and observed the recurrence sparing. This technique can be used in case of in one dog. It was found to be ventral to the rec- weakness of internal obturator muscle flap like the tum on the side of the original repair. The mesh operation of the first choice. was detached from the internal obturator mus- cle ventrally. The advantage of this technique is strong ventral attachment to the pelvic bone. On REFERENCES the ventral side recurrence of the perineal hernia is theoretical impossible, because of strong fixation Anderson M.A., Constantinescu G.M., Mann F.A. (1998): between the pelvic bone and mesh. Perineal hernia repair in the dog. In: Bojrab M.J. (ed.): Another advantage of this new technique is short- Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery. 4th ed. ened duration of the surgery. In this study, the mean Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore. 555–564. duration of the surgery was 51.20 ± 7.73 minutes. Bellenger C.R. (1980): Perineal hernia in dogs. Austral- In another studies, unpublished as yet, duration of ian Veterinary Journal, 56, 434–438. the transposition of internal obturator muscle was Bellenger C.R., Canfield R.B. (2002): Perineal hernia. In: 69 minutes. Same surgeon has done perineal herni- Slatter D. (ed.): Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 3rd orrhaphy by new surgery technique and by trans- ed. Saunders, Philadelphia. 487–498. position of internal obturator muscle. Control of Burrows C.F., Harvey C.E. (1973): Perineal hernia in the hemorrhage during preparation and transposition dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 14, 315–332. of internal obturator muscle can be time-consum- Clarke R.E. (1989): Perineal herniorrhaphy in the dog ing. Transposition of internal obturator muscle is using polypropylene mesh. Australian Veterinary Prac- precise and slower procedure. Fixation of prolene titioner, 19, 8–14. mesh to perineal diaphragm can be done without Frankland A.L. (1986): Use of porcine dermal collagen preparation of the operation field. in the repair of perineal hernia in dogs- a preliminary Clarke (1989) had no evidence of postoperative report. Veterinary Record, 119, 13–14. infection in any of the repairs, however, the dogs Hardie E.M., Kolata R.J., Earley T.D. (1983): Evaluation developed discharging sinuses at the wound site of internal obturator muscle transposition in treat- approximately two months postoperatively. In this ment of perineal hernia in dogs. Veterinary Surgery, study, postoperative complications were suture si- 12, 69–72. nuses in two dogs two months after the surgery and Koger R.B. (1954): Polyethylene sponge in perineal herni- seroma immediately after surgery. Disadvantage orrhaphy. Veterinary Medicine, 49, 451–453. 116 Veterinarni Medicina, 51, 2006 (3): 111–117 Original Paper

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Corresponding Author: Drazen Vnuk, DVM, MS, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics and Ophthalmology Clinic, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel. +385 1 2390 390, fax +385 1 2441 390, e-mail: [email protected]