PHD DISSERTATION Realization of Multipoint Communication Over

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PHD DISSERTATION Realization of Multipoint Communication Over PHD DISSERTATION Realization of Multipoint Communication over the Internet using XCAST ODIRA Elisha Abade Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Computational Science and Engineering September 2012 Realization of Multipoint Communication over the Internet using XCAST 481067019 ODIRA Elisha Abade Abstract Multipoint communication protocols such as multicast can increase efficiency of bandwidth utilization in the Internet. However, conventional multicast requires maintenance of state-information in a router’s Multicat Forwarding Table(MFT). This does not scale well for larger groups and has impeded multicast deployment. Hence multicast variants for small groups have been proposed. This dissertation is motivated by the fact that explicit multiunicast (XCAST) has been proposed as a complementary protocol to conventional multicast. How- ever, deployment of XCAST in the Internet currently is not easy because the current routers cannot process its packet headers correctly. Furthermore, no studies have been conducted on how QoS provisioning can be achieved in an XCAST network. The first part of this work proposes an out-of-the-box component called “XCAST Routing Engine”, that is connected to core routers and helps in processing of XCAST packets. The second part proposes a QoS-aware XCAST (QS-XCAST) and shows its implementation using a network simulator (OMNeT++). We further extend the model to investigate the feasibility of integrating XCAST into the Locator Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) aimed at deployment in the Future Internet. The XCAST Routing Engine provides a simple, efficient and cost-effective way for incremental deployment of XCAST in the Internet. Performance evaluation of the XCAST Routing Engine shows that XCAST processing does not incur heavy penalty on routers. Using OMNeT++, empirical results show that XCAST QoS provisioning using DiffServ provides efficient bandwidth utilization, better packet forwarding fairness between XCAST and non-XCAST traffic, lower traffic load on routers and elimination of collusion attack (“Good Neighbour Effect”). Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1Motivation................................. 4 1.2ResearchProblem............................. 6 1.3Solution.................................. 7 1.4Contribution................................ 8 1.5DissertationStructure.......................... 11 2 Background and Related Work 14 2.1Overview.................................. 14 2.2Introduction................................ 15 2.3Multipointcommunication........................ 16 2.3.1 Multicast............................. 17 2.3.2 MulticastDeploymentIssues................... 22 2.3.3 ExplicitMultiunicast(XCAST)................. 23 2.3.4 HistoryofXCAST........................ 25 2.3.5 MotivationbehindXCAST.................... 26 2.3.6 ChallengesinXCASTDeployment............... 28 2.4QoS:QualityofService.......................... 31 2.4.1 WhyQos?............................. 32 2.5QoSinConventionalMulticastandXCAST.............. 33 i 2.5.1 QoSinConventionalMulticast................. 33 2.5.2 QoSinXCAST.......................... 35 2.6DiffServ:DifferentiatedServicesArchitecture.............. 37 2.7LISP:Locator/IdentifierSeparationProtocol.............. 39 2.8RelatedWork............................... 40 2.8.1 XCASTdeployment....................... 40 2.8.2 XCASTQoSProvisioningusingDiffServ............ 40 2.9Summary................................. 41 2.10Conclusion................................. 41 3 XCAST6 Routing Engine 42 3.1Overview.................................. 42 3.2Introduction................................ 43 3.3XCAST6HeaderStructure........................ 44 3.3.1 XCAST6Processinginrouters.................. 47 3.4XCAST6DeploymentintheInternet.................. 47 3.4.1 Usingexistingcommercialrouters................ 48 3.4.2 UsingXCAST-awarerouters................... 49 3.5XCAST6RoutingEngine......................... 49 3.5.1 Implementationoptions..................... 49 3.5.2 CommerciallysuppliedSDKs.................. 50 3.5.3 Networkprocessors........................ 51 3.5.4 ExternalSoftwarerouters.................... 52 3.5.5 Factorstoconsiderinthedesign................. 52 3.6IdentifyingandfilteringXCAST6packets................ 53 3.7SynchronizingRoutingTables...................... 55 3.7.1 RoutingTableSynchronizationusingSNMP.......... 56 3.7.2 SynchronizationusingNETCONF................ 57 ii 3.8ForwardingofprocessedXCAST6packets............... 58 3.9Implementation.............................. 59 3.10PerformanceEvaluation......................... 59 3.10.1 Bandwidth Utilization ...................... 60 3.10.2LatencyandLatencyDistribution................ 62 3.10.3PacketLoss............................ 64 3.10.4InternalSystemBehaviour.................... 65 3.11RelatedWorks............................... 70 3.12Conclusion................................. 71 4 Quantitative Simulation of XCAST6 Performance 72 4.1Overview.................................. 72 4.2Introduction................................ 72 4.3SimulationtoolforXCAST6....................... 74 4.3.1 OMNeT++............................ 74 4.3.2 TheINETFramework...................... 75 4.4ImplementingXCAST6inOMNeT++................. 77 4.4.1 NetworkLayer.......................... 78 4.4.2 TransportLayer.......................... 79 4.4.3 ApplicationLayer......................... 80 4.4.4 Statisticscollection........................ 80 4.5Simulations................................ 81 4.5.1 Simulationscenario........................ 81 4.6PerformanceEvaluation......................... 82 4.6.1 NodeStress............................ 82 4.6.2 End-to-EndDelay......................... 86 4.6.3 Costoverheadrate........................ 87 4.7Conclusion................................. 89 iii 5 Scalable QoS for XCAST using DiffServ Architecture 90 5.1Overview.................................. 90 5.2Introduction................................ 91 5.3XCAST6QoSProvisioningwithDiffServ................ 93 5.3.1 ProblemsinXCASTQoSProvisioningwithDiffServ..... 94 5.3.2 PreviousworkonXCASTQoSprovisioning.......... 99 5.3.3 ExistingMultipointDiffServSolutions............. 100 5.4ScalableQoS-awareXCAST(QS-XCAST)............... 102 5.4.1 ProposedSolution........................ 103 5.4.2 Algorithmsfortheproposedsolutions.............. 105 5.5SimulationsandResults......................... 105 5.5.1 SimulationModel......................... 108 5.5.2 Average Throughput ....................... 114 5.5.3 AveragePer-hopdelay...................... 115 5.5.4 Average Link Utilization ..................... 117 5.5.5 EffectoftheGroupSize..................... 119 5.5.6 Scalability: Effects of the network scale ............. 120 5.5.7 ImpactonDiffServRouters................... 122 5.5.8 Othereffectsofoursolution................... 124 5.5.9 FurtherDiscussiononPracticality................ 125 5.6Conclusion................................. 127 6 Integrating XCAST with LISP 128 6.1Overview.................................. 128 6.2Introduction................................ 128 6.2.1 TheLocator/Identifiersplitconcept............... 129 6.2.2 ImplementingtheLocator/IDSeparation............ 130 6.3MoreonLISPProtocol.......................... 131 iv 6.3.1 LISPwithStaticNodes..................... 132 6.3.2 LISP-MobileNode........................ 133 6.3.3 MulticastinLISP......................... 134 6.4WhyXCASTonLISP.......................... 134 6.5LISP-XCASTIntegrationapproaches.................. 135 6.5.1 WithNoModificationtoLISPinfrastructure.......... 136 6.5.2 WithModificationonLISPinfrastructure........... 140 6.5.3 With XCAST Group Server in the LISP Mapping System . 142 6.6ImplementingLISPinOMNeT++................... 145 6.6.1 TheNetworkLayerModule................... 147 6.6.2 LISPNodes............................ 148 6.7IntegrationonLISP-MN......................... 149 6.7.1 WirelessHost6.......................... 150 6.7.2 LISP-MN............................. 150 6.7.3 WirelessRouter6.......................... 151 6.8Evaluation................................. 151 6.8.1 Comparativeaveragelatency................... 151 6.9Conclusion................................. 151 7 Conclusions and Future work 153 7.1Conclusions................................ 153 7.1.1 XCAST6DeploymentintheInternet.............. 155 7.1.2 QoS-AwareXCAST........................ 156 7.1.3 XCASTonLISP......................... 157 7.1.4 Summaryoftheappendices................... 158 7.2FutureResearchDirections........................ 158 Appendices 160 v Appendix A IP Mulitcast-DiffServ Integration 161 A.1IntegrationDifficulties.......................... 163 A.2QoSProvisioningApproaches...................... 165 Appendix B State-based approaches 170 B.1DiffServAwareMulticast(DAM)..................... 170 B.2QUASIMODO............................... 173 Appendix C Stateless Protocols 177 C.1QS-XCAST(QoSAwareXCAST).................... 178 C.2DSMCast................................. 180 Appendix D Selective Approaches 183 D.1DistributedCoreMulticast(DCM)................... 183 D.2QoS-AwareMulticastforDiffServ(QMD)................ 186 Appendix E Edge-based Approaches 188 E.1EdgeBasedMulticast(EBM)....................... 188 E.2MPLSMulticastTree(MMT)...................... 190 Appendix F Aggregation protocols 193 F.1AggregatedQoSMulticast(AQoSM)................... 193 F.2HarmonicDiffServ............................ 195 F.3Summary................................. 197 vi List of Figures 1.1Structureofthedissertation....................... 12 2.1Multipleunicastversusmulticast....................
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