: Floods "Torrential rains almost in all of the territory OCHA Situation Report No. 1 of Bolivia has caused floods and landslides Issued 30 January 2006 affecting 3,500 families." GLIDE: FL-2006-000010-BOL

SITUATION Torrential rains caused overflowing of rivers affecting and Trinidad cities and several rural communities across country. Heavy rains triggered landslides and road obstructions. 3,500 families affected (17,500 people), 5 BRASIL Beni killed, 598 houses damaged. Rain expected to continue over the next weeks. Gu La Paz department ap 850 families affected oré 362 families affected ACTION San Borja Initial assistance from Civil Defense, regional and municipal authorities. On 27 January 2006, Government declared national emergency. WFP in coordination with PERU BENI DRIPAD and Civil Defense conducting rapid evaluations in affected areas. WFP distributing food assistance in Santa LA PAZ Trinidad Cruz and La Paz departments. Santa Cruz department Guanay 487 families affected Datum: WGS 1984 BOLIVIA Map data source: UNCS, ESRI, CIESIN, Global Discovery, GNS Code: OCHA/GVA - 2006/0008 La Paz Chulumani Luribay COCHABAMBA Okinawa SANTA CRUZ San Pedro de Curahuara Tiraque Pailas Viloma Papel Jorochito St. Julian Pampa

Cochabamba department El Espino 586 families affected

Boyuibe CHUQUISACA 39 families affected International boundary POTOSI Departmental boundary Affected department CHILE Capital Affected town, village

Potosi department 0 100Km 1,042 families affected 20 families affected Created by the ReliefWeb Map Centre Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs The names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. United Nations - 30 January 2006