arXiv:astro-ph/0212289v1 12 Dec 2002 7 8 9 1 2 3 5 4 6 oa nrydniyadbro est ihaprecision a with density pro- the baryon to as and of used such density parameters been energy have cosmological total observations on Halverson These constraints 2002; al. duce acous- et 2002). third Netterfield al. the 2001; al. et including et and (Lee characterized to peak have tic up experiments spectrum of power number Hu spectrum series A the 1987; power 1997). Efstathiou a angular & al. to Bond et CMB 1970; rise the Zel’dovich give & in (Sunyaev plasma peaks harmonic primordial of the in cillations 1994; al. 1996) the et White on (White & constraints parameters Hu place cosmological to key used of values be CMB can the observations power models, models anisotropy these of of observables. context terms cosmological physics the in for Within The described the predictions precise be at yield can decoupling. that Universe Universe radiation early the the and of of matter probe of unique epoch an provide (CMB) rmi hsrgo a eue opoueindependent produce to spec- used power be CMB can the Hu region 1968; of this (Silk Observations in scattering trum last 1997). of White finite surface & the the and diffusion of photon thickness to due damped ponentially 2002). al. et Abroe 2002; al. et rpittpstuigL using typeset Preprint ApJ in appear To eateto hsc,Uiest fClfri,SnaBar Santa California, of University Physics, of Department eateto hsc,Mt,adAtooy aionaIns California Astronomy, and Math, Physics, of Department eateto hsc,Crei elnUiest,Pittsb University, Mellon Carnegie Physics, of Department eateto hsc,Uiest fClfri tBerkele at California of University Physics, of Department eateto srnm,Uiest fClfri tBerke at California of University Astronomy, of Department eateto hsc n srnm,Cri nvriy CF University, Cardiff Astronomy, and Physics of Department aeec eklyNtoa aoaoy ekly A9472 CA Berkeley, Laboratory, National Berkeley 91125 Lawerence CA Pasadena, Laboratory, Propulsion Jet eateto hsc,Cs etr eev nvriy Cl University, Reserve Western Case Physics, of Department nsbhrznsz cls rvt rvnaosi os- acoustic driven gravity scales, size sub-horizon On Background Microwave Cosmic the of Observations nfieaglrsae,teCBpwrsetu sex- is spectrum power CMB the scales, angular fine On ∼ 5 − h eps 5 H admp erahda M of RMS an reached we ob map, noise band to GHz signal 150 highest deepest the the represent results These contrast. h as n ml emieo h xeietalwtemeasureme the allow experiment the range of the over beamsize spectrum small and maps, the oe pcrmi on ob ossetwt h rmr anisotro headings: primary Subject the with consistent be are to and Universe. negligible found are is anisotropy spectrum observed power the to sources radio and ysbrcigla n ri bevtosadcvrapproximate cover and prese observations fields trail deep two and The lead 2002. subtracting July by including and to up observations ihteAciueCsooyBlmtrAryRcie ( Receiver Array Bolometer Cosmology Arcminute the with h 2 the 0 Lnee l 01 aee l 01 Pryke 2001; al. et Jaffe 2001; al. et (Lange 10% erpr h rtmaueet faiorp ntecsi micro cosmic the in anisotropy of measurements first the report We IHRSLTO BEVTOSO H M OE PCRMWITH SPECTRUM POWER CMB THE OF OBSERVATIONS RESOLUTION HIGH . ..Kuo C.L. ie eecp tteSuhPl nJnay20;tedt pres data the 2001; January in Pole South the at telescope Viper m 1 Holzapfel A 1. T E tl mltajv 14/09/00 v. emulateapj style X introduction 1,2 ...Ade P.A.R. , omcmcoaebcgon omlg:observations cosmology: — background microwave cosmic 1 ..Lange A.E. , ℓ 150 = 3 ..Bock J.J. , 8 − .Lueker M. , 00wt eouino ∆ of resolution with 3000 Runyan 4 ,Bree,C 94720 CA Berkeley, y, rh A15213 PA urgh, .Cantalupo C. , aa A93106 CA bara, e,Bree,C 94720 CA Berkeley, ley, oapa nApJ in appear To 0 vln,O 44106 OH eveland, iueo ehooy aaea A91125 CA Pasadena, Technology, of titute ABSTRACT 1 43BWls UK Wales, 3YB 24 .Newcomb M. , 8 .Torbet E. , 1 ncsooia aaees(odti ta.20) Fur- 2002). al. et constraints (Goldstein place parameters to used cosmological are on experiments other from sults hn ta.20;Kmtu&Sla 2002). ( 2001; Seljak al. & et Komatsu it’s 2002; (Holder SZE, al. structures the et scale to Zhang cluster due of about is growth information signal the provide the would If characterization non- 2002; precise 2002). and Melchiorri al. structure & et local (Cooray Griffiths to models due inflationary being standard as explain power that excess Al- proposed the 2002). been al. is have et signal interpretations (Bond Effect galaxies ternative this Sunyaev-Zel’dovich of clusters work, the distant that to in (SZE) to due being paper as companion interpreted a al. arcmin- et In (Mason few of anisotropy 2002). excess a CMB in primary of power from detect scales expected CBI that angular the with On pointings deep 2002). utes, scales al. angular et with larger consistent (Sievers on be observations to by it motivated found and the models CMB at the look of first tail a damping provided have (CBI) Imager Background Ω pcrmdtrie rmte10Gzdt.I com- a In data. the GHz 150 paper, the panion the from from determined results reporting spectrum series a in first Acbar bands. the millimeter-wavelength is three paper in This CMB the of images cl ftedmigcnb sdt osri Ω constrain to used be can damping the the example, of For scale parameters. cosmological on constraints Acbar B h rmnt omlg ooee ra Receiver Array Bolometer Cosmology Arcminute The ∼ Wie20) eetosrain ihteCosmic the with observations Recent 2001). (White 5 8 ..Daub M.D. , . ℓ Acbar 0 7 1 5.Tecnrbtoso aatcdust galactic of contributions The 150. = ..Peterson J.B. , xeiet n ecie h M nua power angular CMB the describes and experiment, evtoso M nstoyt ae in date; to anisotropy CMB of servations µ sa ntuetdsge opouedetailed produce to designed instrument an is ) e 5 per K y2 deg 24 ly eoe nteaayi.Teresulting The analysis. the in removed yepce nacnodneΛCDM concordance a in expected py .Teisrmn a ntle on installed was instrument The ). tdhr,hv a ffesremoved offsets had have here, nted aebcgon CB radiation (CMB) background wave to h M nstoypower anisotropy CMB the of nt ′ 1 em h ereetn of extent degree 3 The beam. Acbar .Goldstein J. , 2 ne eeaetepoutof product the are here ented fsyslce o o dust low for selected sky of 9 .Ruhl J. , M oe pcrmadre- and spectrum power CMB 6 6,7 M.C. , W.L. , ACBAR M and 2 Kuo et al. ther papers describing the Acbar instrument (Runyan ements. Behind each beam defining horn there is a filter et al. 2002b), SZE cluster searching (Runyan et al. 2002a), stack that defines the passbands and blocks high frequency and pointed SZE observations (Gomez et al. 2002) are in leaks. The band centers are 150, 220, and 280GHz with preparation. associated bandwidths of 30, 30, and 50 GHz, respectively. We present a brief overview of the telescope, receiver, In the 2002 observations, each of the 8 150 GHz channels and site in 2. Our observing technique, including data typically achieved a noise equivalent CMB temperature of editing and calibration§ are described in 3. The analysis of 340 µK√s. Details of the instrument construction and the data is presented in 4, including several§ developments ∼performance are presented by Runyan et al. (2002b). in the treatment of high§ sensitivity ground based CMB ob- The South Pole station is located at an altitude of servations. The main results of the paper are presented in 2900m and experiences ambient temperatures ranging 5. In 6, potential sources of foreground emission and from∼ 30◦C to 80◦C. In the best winter weather, the per- their§ treatment§ in the analysis are discussed. Tests for ceptible− water− vapor has been measured to be 0.2 mm systematic error in the power spectrum are discussed in (Chamberlin 2001). The high altitude, dry air,∼ and lack 7. In section 8, we present our conclusions. of diurnal variations result in a transparent and extremely § § stable atmosphere (Lay & Halverson 2000; Peterson et al. 2002). During the winters of 2001 and 2002, the typical acbar instrument 2. atmospheric optical depth for the Acbar 150 GHz chan- The Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver nels was measured to be approximately 3%. The entire (Acbar) is a 16 element 235mK bolometer array that has southern celestial hemisphere is available year round al- been used to image the sky in three millimeter-wavelength lowing very deep integrations. The combination of these bands. The instrument was designed to make use of unique features and the established infrastructure for re- the at the South Pole to produce multi- search make the South Pole a nearly ideal site for ground frequency maps of the CMB with high sensitivity and high based observations of the CMB. angular resolution ( 4 5′). During an observation, the telescope tracks the position The Viper telescope∼ − is a 2.1 m off-axis aplanatic Gre- of the observed field. Due to the proximity of the telescope gorian telescope designed specifically for observations of to the geographic South Pole, the telescope needs to ro- CMB anisotropy. A servo controlled chopping tertiary tate in azimuth with only small changes in elevation. The mirror is used to modulate the optical signal reaching the beams of the array follow a constant velocity 3◦ triangle Acbar receiver. The secondary mirror produces an im- wave in azimuth with a speed fast enough that the atmo- age of the primary mirror at the tertiary and therefore the sphere is essentially stationary, and slow enough that the motion of the chopping mirror produces minimal changes beams take several time constants to move across a point in the illumination pattern on the primary. With this sys- source on the sky. Subject to these constraints, the chop tem, it is possible to modulate the 16 Acbar beams 3◦ frequency was chosen to be 0.7Hz in 2001 and 0.3 Hz in in azimuth in a fraction of a second without introducing 2002. excessive modulated telescope emission or vibration. The The combination of large chop ( 3◦) and small beam primary is surrounded by an additional 0.5m skirt that sizes ( 4 5′) make Acbar sensitive∼ to a wide range of reflects primary spillover to the sky. To minimize possi- angular∼ scales− (150 <ℓ< 3000), with high ℓ-space res- ble ground pickup, a reflective conical ground shield com- olution (∆ℓ 150). Another unique feature of Acbar pletely surrounds the telescope, blocking emission from is its multi-frequency∼ coverage, which has the potential elevations below 20◦. to discriminate between sources of signal and foreground Between 1998-1999,∼ Viper was equipped with the single- confusion. The CMB power spectrum we present in this element HEMT-based CORONA receiver operating at work is derived from the 150 GHz channel data. In 2001, 40 GHz. These observations produced a detection of the Acbar was configured with four 150 GHz detectors; this first acoustic peak in the CMB power spectrum (Peterson number was increased to eight for the 2002 observations. et al. 2000). The Acbar instrument was designed specif- An analysis of the 220 GHz and 280 GHz data is underway. ically to take full advantage of the unique capabilities of the Viper telescope and was deployed to the South Pole in observations December 2000. 3. Acbar makes use of microlithographed “-web” To minimize possible pickup from the modulation of bolometers developed at JPL as prototypes for the telescope sidelobes on the ground shield, we restrict the satellite mission. The detectors are cooled by a three stage CMB observations to fields with EL & 45◦. Fortunately, closed-cycle 4He-3He sorption refrigerator to 235mK, at the lowest dust contrast region of the southern sky is cen- which point they are background limited. The fridge and tered at an elevation of EL 55◦ when observed from the focal plane are mounted on the 4 K cold plate of a liq- South Pole. Several low dust,∼ high declination fields were uid helium and nitrogen cryostat. The signals from the selected for CMB observations. In general, the Acbar ob- bolometers are amplified and sampled with a 16 bit A/D servations have focused on producing high signal to noise at a frequency of 2.4kHz maps rather than covering more sky in order to mini- A set of sixteen corrugated feed horns couples the radi- mize the sensitivity of the power spectrum to the details ation from the telescope to the detectors. The horns are of the noise estimate. The power spectrum reported in designed to produce nearly Gaussian beams on the sky this paper is derived from observations of two separate that are all of approximately equal size at all observing fields, which we call CMB2 and CMB5. Each field frequencies. The focal plane array projects onto a 4 4 was chosen to include a bright quasar, PMN J0455-4616 grid on the sky with a spacing of 15′ between array× el- (α = 4h55m50.8s, δ = 46◦15′59′′) and PMN ∼ J2000 J2000 − Acbar Power Spectrum 3

h m s ◦ ′ ′′ J0253-5441 (αJ2000 = 2 53 29.2 , δJ2000 = 54 41 51 ), fills, refrigerator cycles, computer and telescope mainte- respectively. As described in 3.3, the pointing− model is nance, and bad weather all limit observation time. In- derived from frequent observations§ of quasars, Galactic cluding galactic observations and calibrations, the effec- HII regions and planets. The images of the guiding quasars tive observing efficiency was 60% for the winter of 2002. produced during the CMB observations provide stringent, The effects of cosmic ray interactions∼ with the detectors independent constraints on beam sizes and pointing accu- were removed by discarding any chopper sweep contain- racy. The two fields are sufficiently separated to be con- ing a point varying from the mean of the raw 2.4 kHz data sidered independent, and the signal correlation between samples by > 6σ. Due to the low filling factor of the micro- them can be safely ignored. mesh detectors, this results in an insignificant loss of data. Before performing the LMT differencing, the data are ex- 3.1. The Lead-Main-Trail Scan Strategy amined for the presence of excessive chopper synchronous offsets that indicate the accumulation of snow on the mir- During the CMB observations, the telescope tracks a rors. The offset level is bimodal between the two extremes position on the sky while the chopper sweeps the beams and the amount of data cut depends only weakly on the back and forth three degrees in azimuth. The motion of cut level. Files with snow accumulation are discarded, re- the chopper introduces systematic offsets into the data sulting in a loss of approximately 40% of the remaining that must be treated in the analysis. As will be described data. The details of the cut level and amount of discarded in 3.3, the motion of the chopper causes the beams to data have no significant effect on the resulting maps or move§ slightly ( 2′) in elevation as they sweep in az- power spectrum. After implementing the data cuts de- imuth. This motion∼ modulates the atmospheric emission scribed above, we retained 400 hours of observation on and introduces an 5 mK(T /200 K)(τ/0.03) signal at air CMB2 during July–August∼ of 2001 and April of 2002. For an elevation of 45◦,∼ where τ is the zenith optical depth at CMB5 we retained 800 hours of data gathered during 150 GHz. Although the telescope optics were designed to April–July of 2002. As∼ described in 4.1.3, we cut an addi- produce a stationary illumination pattern on the primary tional 25% of the remaining data§ that we determined to mirror, the illumination on the secondary mirror changes be corrupted∼ by atmosphere induced correlations between substantially with chopper angle. Snow accumulation or array elements and adjacent scans. temperature differences on the secondary mirror will be modulated and contribute a second source systematic sig- 3.3. Pointing nal that varies with the chopper position. The Viper telescope pointing model is developed from The effects described above are collectively referred to observations of bright galactic sources, planets, and as the chopper synchronous offset. Changes in the effec- quasars. Daily observations of the compact galactic tive temperature of the atmosphere and optics through- sources RCW38, RCW57 and MAT6a are used to mon- out an observation can result in a time variation of this itor pointing offsets and check the pointing model. The signal. In order to minimize the chopper synchronous pointing model contains terms for encoder offsets, colli- offset, each field is observed in a rapid Lead-Main-Trail mation error, telescope flexure, and tilt of the AZ ring. (LMT) sequence where the Main field is led and trailed When the telescope is pointed at the equator, the detector by two identical Lead and Trail observations each with beams sweep out a strip of approximately constant eleva- half the integration time of the main observation. The tion under the motion of the chopper. However, at the CMB power spectrum is derived from the differenced map, elevation at which the CMB observations are made, the Main-(Lead+Trail)/2. If the LMT switching is performed beams sweep out arcs with amplitude of approximately 2 ′ faster than the time scale of any drift in the chopper syn- across the 3◦ chop. Observations of planets and galactic chronous offset, then the offset can be eliminated. Com- sources at a number of positions in the chopper throw have pared to the differencing of two equally weighted fields, been used to characterize this effect. For each array ele- the LMT observation further removes a linear drift in any ment, we determine a pointing model that is a function of chopper synchronous offset. In practice, the Lead field is the elevation, azimuth, and chopper encoders. After ap- tracked for 30 seconds; the telescope is moved +3◦ sec δ plying the model, we find the RMS pointing error for the (in increasing RA) to track the Main field for 60 seconds; 2001 season to be 1.4′ in RA and 30′′ in declination. the telescope is moved another +3◦ sec δ to the Trail field The majority of the∼ spread in 2001 was∼ due to a malfunc- for 30 seconds of integration. After completing the LMT tioning sensor of the chopper angle. After this sensor was cycle, the elevation of the telescope is decreased by 1′ and replaced in January 2002, the pointing RMS was deter- the process is repeated 100 times to build up a con- mined to be 20′′ in RA and 20′′ in declination. Due tinuous 2-dimensional map.∼ The CMB2 and CMB5 fields to early concerns∼ about the accuracy∼ of the pointing, we actually consist of two largely overlapping sub-fields offset chose each CMB field to have a bright ( & 1Jy at 5GHz) by 0.5◦sec(δ) in RA. The total observation time for each quasar in the middle. In this way, we have an continu- field is split roughly equally between the subfields which ous monitor and independent check of the accuracy of the are referred to as CMB2a,b and CMB5a,b. pointing. 3.2. Data Cuts 3.4. Beams In order to minimize the potential contamination of the High signal-to-noise maps of planets (Mars and Venus in data by systematic errors, we introduced a number of con- July 2001, and Venus in September 2002) are used to ac- servative data cuts. All 4 hour observations containing re- curately measure the beam patterns of the array elements. frigerator temperatures higher than 250 mK cut from the The measured maps were deconvolved with a constant data set due to their uncertain calibration. Cryogenics temperature circular disk corresponding to the planet sizes 4 Kuo et al.

Fig. 1.— The beams of the 150 GHz array elements determined from observations of the CMB2 guiding quasar in the 2001 season. These images represent an average over the entire observation period and include any distortions due to changes in pointing or beamsize.

Fig. 2.— The beams of the 150 GHz array elements determined from observations of the guiding quasar in the CMB5 field. These images represent an average over the entire observation period and include any distortions due to changes in pointing or beamsize.

(typically small compared to the beams), to determine the tions 4.2 and Appendix C, we describe how changes in the instantaneous beam parameters. beam§ shape are treated in the computation of the power The coadded image of the guide quasar is used to deter- spectrum. mine the effective beamsizes at the center of the map and includes any smearing due to drifts in pointing that oc- cur over the period in which the data are acquired. Focal 3.5. Calibration plane maps for the array in both the 2001 and 2002 con- The calibration of Acbar is described in detail by Run- figurations are shown in Figures 1 and 2. In Table 1, we yan et al. (2002b); here we will present a brief summary. list the FWHM beam diameters derived from Gaussian fits The planets Venus and Mars serve as the primary calibra- to the quasar images for both years. These beam param- tors for the Acbar CMB observations. Due to the lack eters were used in the analysis of CMB power spectrum. of a significant atmosphere and dielectric emission by the These results are consistent with the beamsizes measured soil, the spectrum of Mars closely approximates that of on planets and the observed pointing RMS determined a blackbody. The brightness temperature of Mars varies from repeated observations of galactic sources. Some of as a function of its distance from the sun with mean He- the beams in CMB5 quasar image appear to be slightly liocentric value of 206K at 150GHz. The FLUXES10 elongated in declination; we believe this to be due to the software package uses∼ the brightness temperature adopted accumulation of frost on the dewar window during the 2002 by Griffin et al. (1986) and an accurate ephemeris to com- observations. We estimate the uncertainty in the FWHM pute instantaneous values for the Martian brightness tem- of the beams to be less than 3%. perature. Following Griffin & Orton (1993) we assign an Due to aberrations in the telescope optics, the beam overall uncertainty to the temperature of Mars of 5%. The sizes increase slightly near the extremes of the chopper brightness temperature of Venus is a function of frequency; travel. This effect was characterized by mapping plan- following Weisstein (1996), we fit the brightness tempera- ets and galactic sources over a range of pointings offset ture of Venus with a linear fit to the published data. For in RA. The telescope beams were simulated with a ray- the Acbar 150 GHz band, we adopt a brightness tempera- tracing package and the resulting aberrations were found ture of 297 22K, close to the value of 294 22K reported to be consistent with the observations. The FWHM of the by Ulich (1981)± for a band centered about± 150GHz. From beams typically changes by 5% over the entire chopper the South Pole, planets are only intermittently available ∼ throw, and the throughputs are found to be conserved. for observation and are always at elevation < 30◦. Ob- The measured beams are found to be very close to sym- serving them typically requires lowering a section of the metric Gaussians and we describe their shapes in terms groundshield and waiting for the sky to clear from the of their small distortions. We parameterize the aberra- zenith to the horizon. For these reasons, it is impractical tions with three parameters: the distortions along RA, to use planets to regularly monitor the calibration of the DEC, and an axis inclined at a 45◦ position angle. When instrument. the distortions are small, all three parameters are small The HII region RCW38 is bright, compact, and has a and can be treated with a perturbation analysis. In sec- declination similar to our CMB fields; therefore, it serves 10 Acbar Power Spectrum 5

Table 1 150 GHz Beam Sizes

′ ′ a year channel FWHM1( ) FWHM2( ) P.A. (degree) 2001 C1 5.46 4.76 178 2001 C2 5.10 4.81 176 2001 C3 5.10 4.76 161 2001 C4 5.19 4.68 3

2002 D3 5.71 4.90 68 2002 D4 5.50 5.45 121 2002 D6 5.53 5.25 7 2002 D5 5.69 5.15 87 2002 B6 4.94 4.40 111 2002 B3 5.66 5.20 69 2002 B2 6.79 5.34 105 2002 B1 5.46 4.67 43

a Position angle from +RA, counterclockwise. as an excellent secondary calibrator. The responsivities olated to 150 GHz using the observed scaling between the of the Acbar detectors are a function of the background measured Acbar 150GHz opacity and 350 µm tipper op- loading and change slightly with elevation. Behind a small tical depths. After correcting for varying atmospheric at- hole in the tertiary mirror, we have installed a chopped tenuation, the integrated RCW38 flux is found to be con- thermal load that produces a constant optical signal which stant over all observations with an RMS scatter of . 4%. is used to monitor the detector responsivity as a function Because both of the CMB fields are observed at eleva- of elevation. The difference in atmospheric attenuation tions similar to RCW38, the responsivity can be consid- between the planet and RCW38 observations must also ered to be constant. Although small, the difference in op- be taken into account. Sky dips are used to measure the tical depth between the RCW38 calibration and the CMB atmospheric opacity and correct for the effects of atmo- field must still be taken into account. The conversion from spheric attenuation. Because the emission from RCW38 observed bolometer voltage signals to CMB temperature is somewhat extended ( 3′ FWHM) and beamsizes of differences is given by Acbar differ slightly between∼ the 2001 and 2002 obser- −τG csc(θG) ′ dT S e vations, the integrated flux (to an angular radius of 8 ) is CMB = I , dB(ν) −τCMB csc(θCMB) used as our secondary calibration standard. dVbolo e  dTCMB f(ν)dν VG dΩ The integrated galactic source flux is given by R R (2) −τP csc(θP ) VGdΩ RP e where B(ν) is the intensity of a 2.73 K CMB blackbody, SI = IP (ν)f(ν)dν , −τG csc(θG) and θCMB is the elevation of the CMB observation. Z R VP dΩ RG  e  Given the stability of the frequent RCW38 observations, R (1) where R and R are the responsivities of of the detec- the statistical accuracy of the calibration transfer from P G RCW38 to the CMB fields is quite good. The uncertainty tors when observing the planet and galactic source, VP and V are the measured voltages as a function of angular in the calibration is a combination of the uncertainty of the G planet brightness temperatures, beamsize measurements, position, τP and τG are the zenith optical depths of the atmosphere, θ and θ are the elevations of the planet spectroscopy, and accuracy of the calibration transfer. As- P G suming a common overall uncertainty in the calibration of and galactic source observations, IP (ν) is intensity of the planet, and f(ν) is the spectral response of the system as Mars and Venus, we estimate the uncertainty in the tem- measured in the lab with a Fourier transform spectrometer perature calibration of the observed CMB anisotropy to be 10%. as described by Runyan et al. (2002b). Both the Mars and ± Venus calibrations produce a consistent integrated flux for RCW38 at 150 GHz of S = 145 7Jy where the uncer- 4. analysis I ± tainty reflects the scatter among the array elements and Algorithms for the analysis of total power CMB data measurements. Including the uncertainty for the flux of are well developed and have been tested on balloon-borne the planets, the detector responsivities, and integral over experiments (Netterfield et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2001). How- solid angle, we find SI = 145 13 Jy which is dominated ever, the ground-based Acbar experiment is subject to ± by the uncertainty in the planet brightness temperature. constraints which require significant departures from the We can now use RCW38 to monitor the calibration of standard analysis algorithms. In this Section, we outline the instrument and transfer the calibration to our CMB the Acbar analysis and highlight its unique features. observations. Observations of RCW38 are scheduled to bracket each 5-hour CMB observation. The zenith op- ∼ 4.1. Maximum Likelihood Map and Noise Weighted tical depth at 350 µm is measured every 15 minutes with Coadded Map a tipping radiometer (Peterson et al. 2002) and is extrap- 6 Kuo et al.

The first step of the analysis is to produce a map from One of the disadvantages of demodulation analysis is 11 the timestream data. Suppose dα (α = 1..nt) are nt that the choice of modulation patterns is arbitrary, and time-ordered measurements of CMB temperature. This could result in the loss of useful information. In other vector can be separated into the noise component nα words, the choice of L could result in a power spectrum 0 and the signal component j Aαj Tj , such that dα = with uncertainties considerably larger than the those found 0 0 from the maximum likelihood map (Tegmark 1997). Fur- nα + j Aαj Tj , or in matrixP representation, d = n+AT . 0 thermore, the modulated data, or the “map” Ld, has lit- HerePTj (j = are the CMB temperatures on each sky pixel j, after being convolved with the “beam”, or the tle to do with the actual CMB temperature distribution experimental response function. For these observations, on the sky, making it difficult to treat foregrounds and this will be a Lead[-1] Main[+2] Trail[-1] three point beam test for systematic errors. We performed a demodulation analysis of the Acbar data presented in this paper as an function. A is the nt np pointing matrix where Aαj =1 if α j (measurement×α corresponds to sky pixel j); and early check of our analysis technique. The resulting power ∈ 0 spectrum was found to be roughly consistent with that Aαj = 0 otherwise. If n AT (as is the case for the Acbar data), the time stream≫ correlation can be deter- presented here, although with somewhat larger uncertain- ties. mined from the data itself; nαnβ Nαβ dαdβ . In general, a map T is producedh i≡ from a linear∼ h combina-i tion of the timestream d; 4.1.3. Noise Weighted Coadded Map T Ld, ≡ Due to time varying atmospheric emission, there are where L is a np nt coefficient matrix. The map “pixel” large signals in the data timestream. These signals are × space correlation matrix is given by easy to remove from the timestream, however, they can- 0 0t T Tt = L ddt Lt = LNLt + LA T T AtLt not be simply removed from the final map. Therefore, h i h i h i it is essential that the corrupted modes corresponding to C + C . (3) ≡ N T the atmosphere be removed before the data are coadded 4.1.1. Maximum Likelihood Map to form a map. We propose to use the cleaned noise- weighted coadded map as an intermediate analysis step. In balloon-borne or satellite experiments, the matrix L The operation of the “corrupted mode projection” matrix is usually taken to be Π on the timestream d projects out the undesired modes, t −1 −1 t −1 L = Lm = (A N A) A N , (4) resulting in the cleaned timestream data d˜ Πd. We ≡ and the resulting map Tm is the maximum likelihood map. take Π to be a block-diagonal matrix, where the length Using eq. [3], the correlation matrix for the maximum like- of each block corresponds to a chopper sweep. Each lihood map can be derived: block removes certain modes in each data strip. If U 0 0t T Tt = (AtN−1A)−1 + T T . (5) consists of m columns of linearly independent undesired h m mi h i modes, the projection matrix block can be defined as It was shown by several authors (Tegmark 1997; Ferreira Πb I U(UtU)−1Ut (Tegmark 1997). It is easy to & Jaffe 2000) that a maximum likelihood map is not only ≡ − t see ΠbU = 0, and Πb = Πb. a good visual representation of the data, but also a lossless With the corrupted modes removed, we can define the way to compress CMB information; the power spectra de- cleaned noise weighted coadded map as rived from the map and directly from the timestream will have the same uncertainty. T˜ = λ ω d˜ . However, for a ground based experiment like Acbar, i i α α Xα∈i the vertical gradient in atmosphere emission restricts the observation to constant elevation strips. Furthermore, the λiωα is the “weight” associated with measurement α on special location of the Viper telescope ( 1 km from the pixel i. The normalization condition requires that geographic South Pole) results in maps∼ with little cross- linking in declination. In addition, the large angular scale λi ωα =1. structure in the timestream is dominated by atmospheric Xα∈i fluctuations. The lack of cross-linking, and the need to remove large angular scale (& 1◦) sky noise results in nu- The cleaned map can be represented as a linear combina- merical problems in the computation of the maximum like- tion of the raw timestream; lihood map and an alternative analysis is required. T˜ Ld˜ , where L˜ ΛAtΩΠ. (6) 4.1.2. Demodulation Analysis ≡ ≡ Here Ω and Λ are diagonal matrices, One can select certain linear combinations of d which are believed to be free from sky noise contamination. In Ωαβ = δαβωα, Λij = δij λi. this case, the coefficient matrix L is formed by rows of sky “modulation” patterns, which are usually taken to be In practice, each sample α is weighted on its inverse vari- edge-tapered sinusoidal functions. This method is known ance after the projection of the corrupted modes, as the demodulation analysis, and has been used success- 1 fully by several ground based CMB experiments (Netter- ω = , σ2 = Π N Π . α σ2 α αβ βγ αγ field et al. 1997; Miller et al. 1999; Peterson et al. 2000). α Xβγ 11 Throughout the paper the Greek indices will be used to represent the timestream sample, and the Latin indices will be used to label spatial “pixels”. Acbar Power Spectrum 7

To clarify the relation between the maximum likeli- This is just a weighted average of ΠNΠt. However, since hood map and the noise weighted coadded map, we in- the noise in the timestream is far from stationary, the vestigate the special case where the noise N is diagonal determination of N requires careful treatment (see Ap- 2 (Nαβ = δαβσα) and no modes are projected out (Π = I), pendix A). We are confident that the noise correlation for d A /σ2 the data presented here has been determined to to better T˜ = L˜ d = α α αi α than 5%. i iα α P A /σ2 Xα γ γi γ AtN−1A −1APtN−1d = ( ) i . 4.3. Theory Matrix   In this case, T˜ is identical to the lossless maximum likeli- The observed CMB temperature T ′(θ, φ) is the convolu- hood map. In general, T˜ will not be lossless; however, if tion of the real temperature T (θ, φ) with the experimental the off diagonal terms of N are small, T˜ will approach the response function B(θ, φ). For a LMT subtracted experi- lossless map. This is the case for Acbar. ment, B(θ, φ) is the convolution of the beam B0(θ, φ) with From eq. [4], and d = n + AT0 = AT0, it is easy the beam-switching pattern to show that the maximumh i h likelihoodi map is an unbiased estimate of the CMB sky temperature: T = T0. How- h mi Ξ(ˆr)= δ(ˆr) [δ(ˆr ˆr )+ δ(ˆr ˆr )]/2, (10) ever, this is not the case for T˜ , since − − 1 − 2 ˜ 0 0 ˜ T = KT = T ; where K LA. (7) where δ’s are the Dirac δ- functions. For Acbar, h i 6 ≡ ◦ Therefore the transformation of the theory matrix CT = ˆr1 = (0, ∆φ) and ˆr2 = (0, ∆φ) , where ∆φ = 3 csc θ. K T0T0t Kt in eq. [3] is nontrivial and has to be calcu- The Gaussian temperature− anisotropy can be described h i lated in the coadding process. Explicitly, by the angular power spectrum Cℓ, or the mean square of the multipole moments: C = a∗ a . When the K = λ ω Π (8) ℓ ℓm ℓm ij i α αβ observations are restricted to smallh fractionsi of the celes- α∈Xi; β∈j tial sphere, the spherical harmonic series can be approx- is the transformation matrix between the sky and our imated by two dimensional Fourier series. In this limit, “map” space. Hereafter we drop the tilde and simply write the 2-D power spectrum density (PSD) is the product of T˜ as T. The untransformed sky temperature is denoted (k = ℓ/2π) 2 and C , where is the Fourier transform of 0 ℓ by T . |BB. (Saez et al.| 1996). For a givenB power spectrum and ob- Note that the contaminated mode projection matrix Π servational response function, the theory matrix gives the is completely arbitrary and can be made to adapt to the temperature correlation between pixel pairs in the map. conditions of a given observation. We take Π to be block- Since the PSD and the autocorrelation function (ACF) diagonal, each block Πb removes polynomial functions of form a Fourier transform pair, the theory matrix can be certain orders in each chopper sweep. The order of the calculated efficiently with Fast Fourier transform (FFT) polynomial to be removed depends on the atmospheric technique. conditions during the observation. In this way, data cor- However, the noise weighted coadded map defined in rupted by atmospheric emission on large angular scales eq.[6] combines sky temperatures measured by channels can still contribute to the determination of the small scale with different beam sizes at different chopper positions. power. Quantitatively, the polynomial order is chosen to Therefore, each pixel has different beam parameters, and be the lowest such that the residual correlation between strictly speaking, the FFT algorithm is not applicable. sweeps in the “stare” (data strip of constant DEC point- The straightforward calculation of the theory matrix and ing) is less than 5%. If after removing a 10th order poly- its derivatives with respect to band-powers involves a com- nomial a residual correlation greater than 5% remains, the putationally expensive four dimensional integral for each data are discarded. To avoid bias in noise estimation the pixel pair. A common way to deal with this problem is order of the polynomial to be removed is constant over 20 to average the beam for the entire map, and generate the minutes duration. The correction matrix K for the map theory matrix from the average beam (Wu et al. 2001). is built by coadding the correction matrices for the in- We have developed an alternative approach that em- dividual scans with the appropriate noise weighting. The ploys a semi-analytic correction formula to treat the vari- resulting correction matrix K was used in a series of Monte ation of beam sizes in the map. The beams for each mea- Carlo simulations to show the band-powers themselves are surement are coadded accounting for the position of each unbiased by the adaptive removal of contaminated modes. sample and allowing for changes in the beamshape. Dif- ferent pixel pairs then receive an individual correction to 4.2. Noise Matrix the overall FFT result, depending on the pixel-beam pa- The precise determination of the noise correlation prop- rameters. The full derivation of this technique is given erties of the data is a non-trivial task for high-sensitivity in Appendix C. Due to the small changes in beamshape ground based experiments. From eqs.[3,6], the calculation ( 5% FWHM), the effect of the beamshape correction ∼ of noise correlation matrix CN for T is straightforward is small and does not result in significant changes in the once the timestream noise N is known: measured power spectrum.

CN{ij} = λiλj ωαωβ Παγ NγδΠβδ , (9) α∈Xi; β∈j Xγδ 4.4. Power Spectrum Estimation or in matrix notation, The first step in the estimation of the power spectrum is t t CN = ΛA ΩΠNΠ ΩAΛ. the determination of a function describing the likelihood 8 Kuo et al. that the data are described by a given model. Assuming 4.4.3. Decorrelated Band-Powers Gaussianity, the likelihood function is Due to the nature of the experiment (partial sky cov- 1 t 1 erage, correlated noise in the timestream, etc.), the band- C −1/2 exp T C− T , (11) L ∝ | | −2  power values are not independent. The correlations be- tween them are given by the inverse of the Fisher matrix ˜ ˜t ˜ where C = CT + CN . Once CN = LNL , K = LA, (eq. [15]). To get the correct uncertainty estimate for a and T = Ld˜ are calculated from the time stream, the band-power value we either need to marginalize over all anisotropy power spectrum can be readily estimated by the other bands, or perform a linear transformation to the standard maximum likelihood method. The only dif- decorrelate the data points. We chose to decorrelate the t ference is the replacement of CT with KCT K . data points to maintain as much information as possible. The decorrelation matrices are not unique: our choice is 4.4.1. Signal-to-Noise Eigenmodes And Foreground the Hermitian square root of Fisher matrix, because it is Removal localized and symmetric (Tegmark 1997). In the new ba- Following Bunn & White (1997) and Bond et al. (1998), sis, the local likelihood function is in canonical form. the data are further compressed using signal-to-noise eigenmode truncation (Karhunen-Lo´eve transformation). 4.4.4. Shape of the Likelihood Function With slight modifications, this can be done simultaneously It was pointed out by Bond et al. (2000) that an off- with the removal of foreground templates. Our foreground set log-normal function is a much better approximation to removal method is conceptually the same as the constraint the likelihood function than a quadratic one. Failing to matrix formalism (Bond et al. 1998; Halverson et al. 2002), account for this could lead to serious misinterpretation of or the pseudo-inversion of Tegmark (1997). The idea is to an experimental result, a most notable example being the replace the inverse of Hermitian square root or Cholesky quadrupole moment measured by COBE. In the decor- −1/2 decomposition (CN ) in eq.[A4] of Bond et al. (1998) related basis, the likelihood function near the maximum with a non-square “whitening” matrix. This procedure is (qB = qB) can be approximated by an offset log-normal described in detail in Appendix D. The foreground modes function removed from the CMB2 and CMB5 fields are described 1 (Z Z )2 ln (q) = ln (q) B − B e2ZB , (17) in 6 and listed in Tables 3 and 4. L L − 2 σ2 § XB B 4.4.2. Iterative Quadratic Approach to Maximum where the offset log-normal parameters Z are defined as Likelihood Band-Power ZB = ln (qB + xB). (18) The anisotropy power spectrum is parameterized by the band-power q, where Even to the quadratic order, the Fisher matrix is only an approximation to the curvature matrix of the likelihood ℓ(ℓ + 1) function near the extrema. To examine the real shape of Dℓ Cℓ = qB χBℓ. (12) ≡ 2π the likelihood function, we explicitly fit the curvature σB XB and log-normal offset xB and compared the results with A convenient choice of χBℓ are “tophat” functions, i.e., the Fisher matrix (now diagonal) and the offsets suggested χ = 1 for ℓ B; and χ = 0 for ℓ B. The maximum Bℓ ∈ Bℓ 6∈ by Bond et al. (2000) (see their eq. [28]). In general we likelihood qB s are estimated iteratively using the quadratic found very good agreement. In a few bands, however, iteration method (Bond et al. 1998). Near the extrema, the uncertainty indicated by the true likelihood function the log of the likelihood function can be approximated by a is 15% larger than that derived from the Fisher matrix. multidimensional quadratic function. The true maximum The∼ uncertainty and log-normal offsets reported in this of the original can then be found by an iterative process: L paper are determined from fits to the likelihood function. 1 q n+1 = q n + ρ (F−1y) , (13) B B 2 B 4.4.5. Window Functions where Our goal is to produce a CMB power spectrum that can y = (TtC−1C C−1T) Tr(C−1C ), (14) be used to constrain cosmological models. Window func- B T,B − T,B tions are used to convert a given model power spectrum and to quantities directly comparable to the band-power mea- 1 −1 −1 FBB′ = Tr(C CT,B C CT,B′ ). (15) surements of the experiment. A window function WBℓ for 2 band “B” should have the following property: CT,B is the partial derivative of CT with respect to qB. q = (W /ℓ)D , With eq. [12], it is easy to see h Bi Bℓ ℓ Xℓ ∂CT CT,B = χBℓ . (16) where qB is the experimental band-power measurement. ∂Dℓ Xℓ Knox (1999) derived the appropriate window function for The relaxation factor ρ is a numerical constant between 0 the band-power quadratic estimator (Tegmark 1997), and 1. The converged power spectrum is independent of 1 −1 ∂CT −1 −1 W /ℓ = (F ) ′ Tr C C ′ C . ρ, however setting ρ < 1 prevents the estimated qB from Bℓ BB T,B 2 ′  ∂Dℓ  “overshooting” and wandering to some local extrema. Em- XB pirically, ρ =0.5 worked very well, and the qB’s converged This form of window function has been used in several after a few iterations. other experiments (Halverson 2002; Pryke et al. 2002; Acbar Power Spectrum 9

Meyers et al. 2002), and should serve as a good approxi- is a compromise that allows us to recover the power spec- mation for maximum likelihood band-power. Making use trum with minimal loss of information while keeping the of eqs. [15][16], it can be shown that the pre-decorrelation time and memory requirements reasonable for a single 16 window functions satisfy the following normalization con- processor, 64 GB RAM node of the National Energy Scien- dition, tific Computing (NERSC) IBM SP computer. These maps have had the two guide quasars and one additional de- χ W ′ /ℓ = δ ′ . (19) Bℓ B ℓ BB tected radio source (Pictor A) removed; black pixels mark Xℓ the effected areas. Pictor A is observed to be extended and In Section 4.4.3, we described the computation of a set we remove a larger number of pixels around the position of of decorrelated§ band-powers from the Fisher matrix of the this source. These maps have not yet had the undetected raw band-powers. This same linear transformation is ap- PMN source catalog and IRAS dust templates projected plied to the window functions to produce a set of decorre- out; however, no other significant sources remain. For the lated window functions. purposes of presentation, we have smoothed the pixelized It is not necessary to calculate the window functions for map with a 4.5′ FWHM Gaussian beam. The lower panels all ℓ. However, we would like to sub-divide the qB bands in Figures 5 and 6 show the RMS noise in the LMT dif- into bins with finer ℓ space resolution than the qB them- ference maps as a function of position. Due to differences selves. Otherwise in order to satisfy the normalization in map coverage, the noise varies across the map; in the condition eq. [19], the pre-decorrelation window function central region, the RMS noise per 5′ beam is found to be reduces to a Kronecker-δ in band index “B”, or the tophat 17 µK and 8 µK for CMB2 and CMB5 respectively. On function given by χBℓ. This is a reasonable approximation degree angular scales, the S/N in the center of the CMB5 for experiments like BOOMERANG where the sky cover- map approaches 100. age, and therefore intrinsic ℓ resolution, is large enough to resolve all the structures in the power spectrum. For 5.2. Band-Powers Acbar, the ℓ resolution of the experiment is compara- After projecting out the PMN catalog and dust tem- ble to the expected structure in Dℓ and it is essential to plates, the formalism described in 4.4 is used to to de- precisely characterize the dependence of each band power termine the angular power spectrum.§ The resulting band- on the details of the power spectrum. The decorrelated powers are correlated at the 20% level before they are window functions shown in Figure 3 were calculated with decorrelated. The decorrelated∼ band power values are a resolution in ℓ space of ∆ℓ = 30. The first window plotted in Figure 7 with a fiducial ΛCDM model; these function has significant oscillations with ∆ℓ 110. This ∼ same results are listed in Table 2. The corresponding appears to be an result of the close spacing of the fields decorrelated band-power window functions are plotted in in the LMT subtraction. For sufficiently smooth theoreti- Figure 3. Before decorrelation, the window functions are cal models these oscillations will average to a mean value, typically anticorrelated to those of adjacent bands at a however, the exact dependence of the first band power level of 15%. After decorrelation, the anticorrelations on arbitrary input models could be complex. Numerical decrease∼ substantially. The decorrelated band-powers and tabulations of the window functions are available on the tabulated window functions are available on the Acbar Acbar public web site. experiment public website12.

4.4.6. Monte Carlo Simulations 6. foregrounds In order to test our analysis technique, we performed Sources of foreground emission have the potential to 300 Monte Carlo realizations of CMB2 and CMB5 maps contaminate the measured CMB power spectrum. Mul- that are consistent with our observed noise statistics and tifrequency observations can be used create templates for the same underlying ΛCDM model. These maps were some foregrounds and remove their effect from the power processed exactly as the real data, including using the spectrum. At our observation frequencies, thermal emis- same projection of corrupted modes, in order to test the sion from galactic dust, extragalactic radio sources, dusty ability of our pipeline to accurately determine the input protogalaxies, and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect are all po- CMB power spectrum. A quadratic estimator technique tential sources of foreground emission (Tegmark & et al. (Tegmark 1997) is used to rapidly determine the power 1999). spectrum for each of 300 realizations. In Figure 4, we show The observed CMB fields were chosen to lie in a re- the resulting average power spectrum overlaid on the in- gion of minimal dust contrast near the southern galactic put model. It is clear that the input model is recovered pole. Templates for the dust emission are determined by without bias, even in the low ℓ bins that are sensitive to performing a LMT difference on the IRAS/DIRBE maps the angular scales on which the mode removal is occurring. published by Schlegel et al. (1998). The emission is extrap- olated to 150 GHz, using the scaling of Finkbeiner et al. 5. results (1999). From this analysis, we expect contributions to the observed temperature anisotropy power in the differ- 5.1. Maps enced maps of 9 µK2 and 70 µK2 for CMB2 and CMB5 Using the technique described in 4.1.3, the LMT sub- respectively. This power is dominated by structure on the tracted data are combined to form the§ noise weighted coad- scale of the map and decreases on smaller angular scales ded maps shown in Figures 5 and 6. Due to computational ( 1/ℓ). The contribution of dust to the observed power is limitations, we choose the map pixelization to be 2.5′. This therefore∝ expected to be completely negligible across the 12 10 Kuo et al.

Table 2 Joint Likelihood Bandpowers

2 2 2 ℓ range ℓ− ℓ+ ℓeff q (µK ) σ (µK ) x(µK ) 75-300 187 6767 1323 -45 300-450 307 459 389 2874 605 -501 450-600 462 602 536 2716 498 -328 600-750 615 744 678 2222 360 -391 750-900 751 928 842 2300 355 -154 900-750 921 1048 986 798 153 -76 1050-1200 1040 1214 1128 1305 208 -10 1200-1350 1207 1352 1279 583 130 36 1350-1500 1338 1513 1426 628 134 111 1500-1650 1510 1649 1580 351 110 160 1650-1800 1648 1785 1716 248 99 149 1800-1950 1782 1953 1866 361 132 277 1950-2400 1946 2227 2081 337 109 557 2400-3000 2377 2651 2507 307 275 1888

Note. — Decorrelated band-powers qB, uncertainty σB , and log-normal offset xB from the joint likelihood analysis of CMB2 and CMB5. The PMN radio point source and IRAS dust foreground templates have been projected out in this analysis. This is the same data shown in Figure 7. ℓ± are the multipole ℓ where the window functions drop to half of their peak values; the effective multipole of the band is ℓeff ≡ ℓ(Wℓ/ℓ)/ (Wℓ/ℓ), where the average is done for ℓ− <ℓ<ℓ+. The window function for the first band is oscillatory, and ℓeff is taken to be theP average ofP the upper and lower ℓ boundary.

Table 3 CMB2 Foreground modes

RAa DECa Degrees of Freedom h m s PMN J0455-4616 04 55 51 −46◦15′59′′ 49 h m s Pictor A 05 19 50 −45◦46′44′′ 81 SFD dust mapb - - 1 Other PMN sources - - 102

aEpoch 2000. bPredicted 150GHz emission from DIRBE - calibrated IRAS 100 µm map (Finkbeiner et al. 1999).

Note. — These modes are removed from the CMB2 field and do not contribute to the power spectrum.

Table 4 CMB5 Foreground modes

RA DEC Degrees of Freedom PMN J0253-5441 02h53m29s −54◦41′51′′ 49 SFDdustmap - - 1 Other PMN sources - - 68

Note. — Same as table 3, for CMB5 field. Acbar Power Spectrum 11

Fig. 3.— The window functions (WBℓ/ℓ) for the decorrelated Acbar band powers. The vertical lines show the band boundaries. Numerical tabulations of these functions are given on the Acbar website.

Fig. 4.— The results of 300 Monte Carlo runs using the measured Acbar noise correlation. The solid line is the input fiducial ΛCDM model. It is clear that the analysis method accurately reproduces the input power spectrum. entire Acbar angular power spectrum. Projecting out include all 170 PMN point sources in the CMB field with dust emission using the IRAS/DIRBE template results in fluxes greater that 40mJy at 5.0 GHz and use it to project the loss of only one degree of freedom and has no signifi- out any possible contribution to the measured power spec- cant effect on the resulting power spectrum. trum. In Figure 7, we show the CMB angular power spec- Extragalactic Radio sources are another potential source trum with and without the projection of the undetected of foreground confusion. By comparing the positions point sources and the dust templates. Unless stated oth- of known radio sources from the PMN 5.0 GHz survey erwise, all results in this paper are found with an analysis (Wright et al. 1994) with the CMB maps, we have de- that removes these source templates. tected 3 radio sources with significance greater than 3σ. It is also possible that dusty protogalaxies could con- Two of these are the guiding quasars deliberately selected tribute to the observed CMB signal. Unlike the radio to lie in the center of the observed fields. In Tables 3 and sources, we have no template for the positions of these 4, we list the coordinates of these sources and the number objects. Blain et al. (1998) have estimated the contri- of pixels removed to clean them from the maps. It is pos- bution of dusty protogalaxies to measurements of CMB sible that many PMN sources lie just below the threshold anisotropy and predict a contribution to the 150 GHz of detection and therefore contribute statistically to the power spectra of (∆T )2 10 (ℓ/2500)2 µK2. Therefore, observed power spectrum. We created templates which dusty protogalaxies are not∼ expected to contribute signif- 12 Kuo et al.

Fig. 5.— The top panel shows the LMT differenced, atmospheric mode removed, noise weighted, coadded map for the CMB2 field. The guide quasar and radio source Pictor-A have been replace with black pixels. The small white circle in the lower left hand corner of the map represents the FWHM of the average array element beamsize as determined from the coadded quasar image. The predominance of extended structure in the vertical direction is because the extended horizontal structure has been projected out in the atmospheric mode removal. The lower panel shows the noise in the LMT difference map as a function of position. icant signal to the observed CMB anisotropy. array at a frequency of 28.5GHz and on angular scales The most likely candidate for contamination of the ob- closer to the expected peak in the SZE power spectrum 2 +139 2 served Acbar power spectrum is the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (ℓeff = 6864) also find excess power, (∆T ) = 202−135 µK (SZE) effect in distant clusters of galaxies. Analytic mod- (Dawson et al. 2002) that is marginally consistent with the els and numerical simulations generally predict a SZE results reported by CBI. If these signals are in fact due to power spectrum with a broad peak at angular scales cor- the SZE, we can use the spectral dependence of the SZE responding to ℓ 104 (White et al. 2002). Deep observa- to predict the contribution to the Acbar power spectrum. tions with the Cosmic∼ Background Imager (CBI), observ- Neglecting relativistic corrections, the observed change in ing in a frequency band of 26 36GHz and at angular CMB temperature in the direction of a galaxy cluster with scales corresponding to ℓ = 2000− 3500, have reported a Comptonization y is given by − 2 +116 2 significant detection of excess power (∆T ) = 506 µK x(ex + 1) −149 ∆T = T y 4 , (20) (Mason et al. 2002). Interpreting this power as the SZE CMB  ex 1 −  leads to a value for the RMS mass fluctuations inside − where x = hν/kT . Therefore, the CMB tempera- spheres of 8 h−1Mpc of σ 1.0, close to the upper limits CMB 8 ture anisotropy power due to the SZE should be a factor allowed by observations of the∼ matter power spectra (Bond ∆T 2(150 GHz)/∆T 2(30 GHz) = 0.238 smaller for Acbar et al. 2002; Komatsu & Seljak 2002). Similar observations than was found by CBI and BIMA. In Figure 7 we show with the Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association (BIMA) the Acbar and CBI power spectra plotted on top of a Acbar Power Spectrum 13

Fig. 6.— The same maps as shown in Figure 5, but for the CMB5 field. The signal-to-noise in the center of this map for degree-scale fluctuations approaches 100.

Fig. 7.— The CMB angular power spectrum with (circle) and without (square) the projection of templates for PMN radio point sources and thermal dust. Removing these sources of foreground emission has no significant effect on the measured power spectrum. The bandpower values and confidence intervals for the foreground projected power spectrum are listed in Table 2.

ΛCDM power spectrum. The marginal detection of excess 7. systematic tests power in the last Acbar band-power is consistent with the 7.1. Gaussianity extrapolation of the CBI excess power to 150GHz if the signal is due to SZE. However, due to the large uncertainty The derivation of the band-power q is based on the as- on this point, the Acbar results are also consistent with sumption that the signal is Gaussian distributed. This as- the origin of the CBI excess being due to CMB anisotropy sumption is tested by examining the distribution of signal- from local structure and non-standard inflationary models to-noise eigenmodes Ts (Appendix D). After the maxi- Cooray & Melchiorri (2002); Griffiths et al. (2002) or a mum likelihood band-powers are found, the total covari- new population of faint radio point sources. ance matrix (theory and noise) in the signal-to-noise basis 14 Kuo et al.

Fig. 8.— The CMB angular power spectrum derived from CMB2 (square) and CMB5 (circle) field. is diagonalized and normalized, such that in the new basis in 4.1.3, the differenced power spectrum is not expected § the covariance matrix becomes an identity matrix. Then to be strictly zero. If K1 and K2 are the correction ma- the data vector Ts is transformed accordingly and com- trices defined in eq. [8] for two maps T1 and T2, the dif- pared to a Gaussian function with unit variance. When ferenced map (T1 T2)/2 will have an expectation value the 2133 high signal-to-noise modes are compared to the of (K K )T0/2.− How completely the maps subtract 1 − 2 Gaussian distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic depends on the matrix (K1 K2). Monte Carlo simula- is determined to be D =0.0159. The corresponding prob- tions are used to produce 300− unique realizations of the ability for values drawn from a Gaussian distribution to ex- sky (assuming a ΛCDM Universe) and noise consistent ceed this value is Pks(D > 0.0159) = 64.7%, and the distri- with that measured by the experiment. Difference maps bution of eigenmodes is determined to be consistent with are generated for these realizations using the K matrices Gaussian. This result justifies the use of the band-power determined from the data. The residual difference power estimation algorithm, however, we point out that this is spectrum and uncertainty are calculated for the Monte not a sensitive test for any original non-Gaussianity in the Carlo simulations and compared to the observed residu- map, such as skewness introduced by the SZE or other als. Typically, the residual due to mode removal is only secondary anisotropies. The LMT differencing scheme re- significant when differencing data taken under very dif- duces the skewness, and then the arbitrary eigenvector ferent atmospheric conditions, and then affects only the directions in the signal-to-noise eigenmode transformation lowest ℓ bin. further dilutes any residuals. To test the inflationary pre- Two maps were created by separating the data into two diction that the primary CMB anisotropy is Gaussian dis- halves corresponding to the left-going and right-going por- tributed and to search for non-Gaussian signatures due to tions of each chopper sweep. The power spectra of the dif- secondary anisotropies, a reanalysis of the data is required. ference between these maps should be sensitive to system- atic errors due to chopper induced microphonic response or 7.2. Difference Map Power Spectrum detector time constants. Because the left and right going We performed a number of tests for systematic errors sweeps are carried out in exactly the same atmospheric in the Acbar CMB power spectrum. These tests include conditions and are subject to the same mode removal, “jackknife” tests where the raw data for each field is di- there is no expected residual in the subtracted maps. The vided into two sets that can be subtracted to form a dif- power spectrum derived from the L/R differenced data is ference map. The power spectrum derived from the differ- shown in the top panel of Figure 9. The error bars on the ence map is then examined for significant departures from differenced map power spectra are derived from the Fisher zero that would signal the presence of systematic differ- matrix. The resulting power spectrum is consistent with ences between the two halves of the data set. This tech- there being no systematic difference between the maps. nique provides a powerful method to determine if ground Next, the data were separated by the azimuth of the ob- pickup, calibration, detector time constants, or other po- servations into two halves corresponding to observations tential systematic effects contribute significantly to the ob- with the telescope pointing in the 180◦ azimuth ranges served CMB power spectrum. The difference map band- toward and away from the nearby Martin A. Pomerantz powers at high ℓ are also sensitive to errors in the noise es- Observatory (MAPO) building. The MAPO building is timate. A positive/negative residual in the highest ℓ band the largest object on the otherwise smooth horizon seen would indicate an underestimate/overestimate of experi- by Acbar at the Pole and is expected to be the largest mental noise. source of systematic signal due to the modulation of the Because of the adaptive mode removal scheme described far sidelobes of the Acbar beams. Therefore, the power Acbar Power Spectrum 15

Left / Right scans


First/ Second halves

Fig. 9.— Power spectra of difference maps produced from three different data jackknifes. The top panel shows the power spectrum produced from the difference of maps made with left and right going chopper sweeps. The central panel shows the power spectrum produced from the difference of maps made with values of azimuth toward and away from the MAPO building. The bottom panel shows the power spectrum produced from the difference of maps made from the first and second halves of the data for each of the observed fields CMB2a, CMB2b, CMB5a, and CMB5b. In the central and bottom panels the predicted residuals (cross) and uncertainties are determined by 300 Monte Carlo simulations of each difference map and include effects of incomplete subtraction due to atmospheric mode removal. In all cases, the difference band-powers (diamond) are consistent with there being no significant signal in the subtracted maps. These tests indicate that the noise estimate is accurate and the band-power results are free from significant systematic errors. spectrum for the differenced map is a sensitive test for in time and are subject to different atmospheric mode re- ground pickup that is not removed by the LMT differenc- moval, the predicted residuals for the subtracted maps can ing. The resulting power spectra is plotted in the middle be significant on large angular scales. The lower panel of panel of Figure 9; the results are consistent with the the Figure 9 shows the deference map power spectrum with residual calculated from the Monte Carlo simulation. the Monte Carlo determined residuals and uncertainties; In order to test for systematic changes in pointing, cal- again, there is no evidence for significant excess power in ibration or beamsize over the course of the observations, the difference map. we also create a difference map by separating the data in time. As described in 3, each of the CMB fields observed 8. conclusion actually consists of two§ subfields offset from one another by 0.5◦ sec δ. Due to changes in beamshape across the We have used the Acbar receiver to measure the angu- chopper swing, there are subtle differences between the lar power spectrum of the CMB at a frequency of 150GHz over the multipole range ℓ = 100 3000. The power spec- subfield maps that could lead to a non-zero residual sig- − nal when these maps are subtracted. However, when the trum we present is derived from approximately 21 weeks maps are added, the resulting beams are represented by of Austral winter observations with Acbar installed on the sum of the beams in the input maps and the power the 2.1 m Viper telescope at the South Pole. spectrum should be unbiased. In order to avoid these com- In the course of analyzing this data, we have employed plications, differenced maps are created from the first and new analysis techniques designed specifically for high sen- second halves of the data for each of the four observed sub- sitivity ground based CMB observations. Monte Carlo fields CMB2a, CMB2b, CMB5a, and CMB5b. Because the simulations are used to verify that the analysis method data from which the maps are produced are well separated accurately recovers the power spectrum without bias. The power spectrum we present is robust and has passed strin- 16 Kuo et al.





500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Fig. 10.— The CMB angular power spectrum for the CBI-Deep, CBI-Mosaic, and Acbar experiments. The data are plotted on top of a fiducial ΛCDM model. The shaded green bar shows the expected contribution to the ACBAR power spectrum if the excess power found in the CBI-Deep data is due to the SZE. The ACBAR data are consistent with the CBI excess being due to SZE, but provide no signifincant new constraints on the source of the signal. gent tests for systematic errors. Galactic dust emission Percy Gomez, Kathy Romer, and Kim Coble are thanked and radio point sources do not contribute significantly to for their assistance in monitoring the observations and the observed power and are projected out in the final anal- telescope pointing. We thank Nils Halverson, Julian Bor- ysis. Although dusty protogalaxies cannot be ruled out as rill, and Radek Stompor for a careful reading of the draft a source of confusion, the expected contribution to the and useful comments on analysis algorithms. Finally, we measured power is negligible. Overall, the resulting power would like to thank John Carlstrom, the director of CARA, spectrum appears to be consistent with the damped acous- for his early and continued support of the project. The tic oscillations expected in standard cosmological models. ACBAR program has been primarily supported by NSF In a companion paper (Goldstein et al. 2002), the Acbar office of polar programs grants OPP-8920223 and OPP- power spectrum is used to place constraints on cosmolog- 0091840. This research used resources of the National En- ical models. The power in the highest ℓ Acbar bin is ergy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is sup- consistent with the excess power measured in the Deep ported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of CBI pointings. At this point, the Acbar data lack the Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098. Chao- sensitivity to place significant constraints on the origin of Lin Kuo acknowledges support from a Dr. and Mrs. CY the excess power observed by CBI. Soong fellowship and Marcus Runyan acknowledges sup- We acknowledge assistance in the design and construc- port from a NASA Graduate Student Researchers Pro- tion of Acbar by the UC Berkeley machine and electronics gram fellowship. Chris Cantalupo, Matthew Newcomb shop staff. The support of Center for Astrophysics Re- and Jeff Peterson acknowledge partial financial support search in (CARA) polar operations has been from NASA LTSA grant NAG5-7926. essential in the installation and operation of the telescope.

APPENDIX a. noise estimate

Each Acbar data file contains observations at nd pointings in declination. Observations at each declination consist of lead, main, and trail pointings in RA which we refer to as stares. Each lead or trail stare has 2ns (ns left going and ns right going) chopper sweeps, while the main stares have 4ns sweeps. Each sweep contains nx samples of the detector signals. The goal is to estimate the noise correlation in the M (L + T )/2 differenced, coadded maps for each file, and − then use this noise correlation in eq. [9] to derive the final pixel space correlation matrix CN . In order to get better statistics for the noise determination, the noise for each sweep is calculated before the sweeps are coadded so that there are as many realizations as possible. Acbar Power Spectrum 17

A file is divided into nd ns sets of sweeps, each containing (2, 4, 2) sweeps in the (L,M,T) fields on nd strips in declination. The sweeps in the× sets of stares are grouped by their time order so that the first sets contains the first sweeps from each stare and the last set contains the last sweeps. The sets of sweeps are combined (using M (L + T )/2) to − form a nx-component data vector for each set of sweeps. The correlations are computed from the LMT subtracted sets of sweeps. The data for one channel is now reduced to the array data[nx,nd,ns] which we write as Di,j,k. Assuming that the data are dominated by noise, the following moments can be determined m (i, j)= D D , 1 h i,ℓ,k × j,ℓ,ki{ℓ,k} m (i, j, ∆s)= D D , 2 h i,ℓ,k × j,ℓ,k+∆si{ℓ,k} m (i, j, ∆d, ∆s)= D D . 3 h i,ℓ,k × j,ℓ+∆d,k+∆si{ℓ,k} They are interpreted as correlations within a data strip (m1), among data strips in a constant declination (m2), and among different declinations (m3). These are all correlations within the same channel. There are also cross-channel correlations for m1, etc., that are also largely due to the atmosphere. As was pointed out in 4, the pixel space correlation matrix is simply the weighted average of ΠNΠt, or d˜d˜t . One § h i could calculate it directly from “cleaned” timestream d˜, however after the mode removal, the correlation within a sweep is not just a function of i j anymore, instead it is a function of both i and j. This prevents the application of Wiener- Khinchin theorem (PSD| − FFT| ACF) and would make the algorithm time consuming. Instead, the correlation is ← → t determined before the projection destroys the “stationary” property of the noise by calculating N = dd first, then h i using d˜d˜t = Π ddt Πt. In Appendix B, the application of the FFT for piecewise stationary random processes such as the Acbarh inoiseh is described.i A PSD is by definition positive. Due to limited numbers of realizations the PSD calculated from the ACF is not always positive. We therefore parametrize the PSD with the first three terms of the Laurent series, −1 −2 PSD = a0 + a1f + a2f , with the constraint that ai > 0. This expression is found to be an excellent description of the noise PSD. In principle, the chopper synchronous offset could introduce correlations between declinations. In practice, these correlations are effectively removed by the M (L + T )/2 differencing. In the vast majority of the data, m is consistent − 3 with zero. It is also found that when the atmosphere is calm, m2 is also small (< 5%) after LMT subtraction and projection of corrupted modes. These cross-sweep correlations are included in the noise correlation matrix, but are not found to not have a significant effect on the noise estimate. Nonetheless, approximately 20 30% of the data was cut ∼ − because it showed a significant residual correlation (m2 > 5%) between sweeps after atmospheric removal. Although the data used in the analysis are dominated by the instrument noise, atmospheric induced cross-channel correlations must be taken into account. Although they are small, the inclusion of the cross channel correlations can lead to a noise correlation matrix that is not guaranteed to be positive definite. Including these correlations (and removing the negative eigenmodes in the S/N transformation [D]) does not appear to effect the resulting power spectrum, however, it does introduce an element of uncertainty to the analysis. To avoid this complication, the band-powers presented in this paper are calculated without including cross-channel correlations. This results in a small uncertainty in the noise estimate equal to the largest measured fractional cross-channel correlation. By cutting an additional 10% of the data observed to have a correlation exceeding 5%, we can guarantee that the noise estimate is correct to this level. From the distribution of channel correlations, we estimate the real error in the noise estimate to be much smaller. The power spectrum presented in this paper is insensitive to uncertainty in the noise estimate at the level of a few percent.

b. correlation and fft The calculation of the various moments described in Appendix A can be done by Fast Fourier transformation. One slight complication is Fourier transformation assumes the input data to be periodic. For a strictly stationary process this is not a problem since the correlation usually vanishes after a sufficiently long time lag. For piecewise stationary processes, a straightforward application of FFT produces false correlation for lag > n/2 , where n is the number of elements. This can be prevented by zero padding. Suppose we want to calculate the correlation of two real, n-component stochastic data vectors x and y. When x and y are stationary, averaging over indices is ensemble average, 1 n−∆ C x y = C(∆ i j )= (x y + x y ). (B1) ij ≡ h i j i ≡ | − | 2(n ∆) j j+∆ j+∆ j − Xj=1 A faster algorithm involves FFT. To prevent periodicity we pad the two data vectors with zeros up to 2n, and Fourier transform: 2n 1 iπuj f ∗ = x exp , u 2n j  n  Xj=1 2n 1 iπuk g = y exp . u 2n k − n  Xk=1 18 Kuo et al.

The inverse Fourier transform of f ∗g is 2n 1 iπu iπu∆ FFT −1(f ∗g) x y exp (k j) exp ≡ (2n)2 j k − n −  ·  n  jkuX=1 2n 2n 1 iπu = x y exp (j + ∆ k) (2n)2 j k  n −  jkX=1 uX=1 1 2n = x y (δ + δ + δ + ) 2n j k j+∆,k j+∆,k±2n j+∆,k±4n ··· jkX=1 2n 2n n−∆ 1 1 1 = x y (δ )= x y = x y . 2n j k j+∆,k 2n j j+∆ 2n j j+∆ jkX=1 Xj=1 Xj=1

The last step uses the fact that yk = 0 for k>n. Comparing this with eq. [B1], we obtain n 2n C(∆) = FFT −1(f ∗g + fg∗)= FFT −1[ (f ∗g)]. (B2) n ∆ n ∆ ℜ − − Note that with the correction factor 2n/(n ∆), eq. [B2] is exact for 0 ∆ n 1. C(∆) were then averaged for 20 minutes to improve signal-to-noise. − ≤ ≤ − In the presence of a data cut, for example the guiding quasar, a similar “pad-and-correct” procedure can be used, such that the data corrupted by the quasar will be ignored in the calculation of correlation function.

c. theory matrix for non-uniform beams For a given 2-D power spectrum density P (k), the Fourier transform of the temperature map T (ˆr), or the spectrum is P (k) S(k)= (k)ζ(k), r 2 B where is the Fourier transform of the response function at ˆr = (x, y), and ζ a Gaussian random variable: ζ(k) = ζ (k)+Biζ (k), ζ2 = ζ2 = 1. The realization condition requires that r i h r i h i i P (k)= P ( k); ζ∗(k)= ζ( k). − − Note that ζ∗(k)ζ(k′) = 2δ(k k′), which is a natural consequence of Gaussian random variables. The realization h i − ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 2 condition does not introduce new correlation because ζ (k)ζ( k) = ζ (k)ζ (k) = ζr (k) ζi (k) = 0. The temperature correlation is h − i h i h i − h i

∗ ′ ′ ∗ ′ C = T (ˆr1)T (ˆr2) = dkdk exp 2πi[ k ˆr1 + k ˆr2] S (k)S2(k ) T {12} h i ZZ {− − · · } h 1 i ′ ′ ′ ∗ ′ P (k)P (k ) ∗ ′ = dkdk exp 2πi[ k ˆr1 + k ˆr2] (k) 2(k ) ζ (k)ζ(k ) ZZ {− − · · }B1 B × p 2 h i −1 ∗ = FFT [P (k) (k) (k)] r r r . B1 B2 (ˆ=ˆ2−ˆ1) What we really want to know for band-power estimation is the derivative of CT {12} with respect to the band-power qB. This is easily done by replacing P in the equation above with proper shape functions determined by χBℓ defined in eq. [12]. For simplicity we made χBℓ flat in Dℓ. In terms of P the filter functions acquire corrections from the transformation between Dℓ and Cℓ , hence are not flat in band. We parameterize a Gaussian beam as u 1 x y 2 1 x y 2 B (x, y) exp( ); u ( + )/γ + . 0 ∝ − 2 ≡ 2  α β  2 α − β 

In this parametrization, if (α,β,γ) = (σ, σ, 1), B0 is an axisymmetric Gaussian function with FWHM σ√8 ln 2. In the wavenumber domain, the total experimental response function is 4π2 γ2(k α + k β)2 (k α k β)2 (k)= Ξ(˜ k) exp x y + x − y . B × − 2  2 2  Here Ξ(˜ k) is the Fourier transform of LMT switching pattern Ξ(ˆr) defined in eq.[10]. For a pair of pixels (1,2), ∗(k) (k)= Ξ(˜ k) 2 exp 4π2 (µ + 1)σ2k2 + (µ + 1)σ2k2 + µ σ σ k k , B1 B2 | | − 1 x x 2 y y 3 x y x y where    2 2 2 2 [(γ1 + 1)α1 + (γ2 + 1)α2] µ1 2 1, ≡ 4σx − 2 2 2 2 [(γ1 + 1)β1 + (γ2 + 1)β2 ] µ2 2 1, ≡ 4σy − Acbar Power Spectrum 19

2 2 [(γ1 1)α1β1 + (γ2 1)α2β2] µ3 − − . ≡ 2σxσy

Here (σx, σy) are taken to be the average of beam RMS in RA and DEC. To the zeroth order in µ, −1 ˜ 2 2 2 2 2 2 CT {12}(µ) CT {12}(0) = FFT P (k) Ξ(k) exp 4π (σxkx + σyky) . ∼ | | − (ˆr=ˆr2−ˆr1) n  o Since ℓ = 4π k2 + k2, if σ = σ , 2 reduces to the well known beam smearing function B = exp( σ2ℓ2) for a x y x y B ℓ − symmetric Gaussianq beam. We can obtain next order approximation of CT {12} by taking its partial derivatives in µ: ∂C T {12} −1 2 2 2 ˜ 2 2 2 2 2 2 = FFT ( 4π σxkx)P (k) Ξ(k) exp 4π (σxkx + σyky) ; ∂µ1 n − | | − o(ˆr=ˆr2−ˆr1) µ=0  

∂C T {12} −1 2 2 2 ˜ 2 2 2 2 2 2 = FFT ( 4π σyky)P (k) Ξ(k) exp 4π (σxkx + σyky) ; ∂µ2 n − | | − o(ˆr=ˆr2−ˆr1) µ=0  

∂C T {12} −1 2 ˜ 2 2 2 2 2 2 = FFT ( 4π σxσykxky)P (k) Ξ(k) exp 4π (σxkx + σyky) ; ∂µ3 n − | | − o(ˆr=ˆr2−ˆr1) µ=0  

. . etc.

The first few terms of CT {12} are

∂CT {12} CT {12}(µ)= CT {12}(µ = 0)+   µi ∂µi Xi µ=0   2 1 ∂ CT {12} +   µiµj + 2! ∂µi∂µj ··· Xij µ=0   The largest corrections occur at high ℓ. For ℓ 2000, FWHM 5.5′ and a 10% beam distortion (µ = 0.1), the leading 2 2 2 ∼ ∼ order correction is on the order of 4π σ k µ 20% for that specific pixel pair. However, since (σx, σy) are the noise weighted average beam sizes, the correction goes∼ both ways and the resulting power spectrum does not change significantly.

d. signal-to-noise eigenmode truncation and foreground removal The constraint matrix formalism is typically used to remove undesired foreground modes (Bond et al. 1998; Halverson et al. 2002; Meyers et al. 2002). Combined with signal-to-noise eigenmode analysis (Karhunen-Lo´eve transformation) (Bunn & White 1997; Bond et al. 1998), the foreground removal can be implemented in an alternative algorithm. First we construct the foreground mode projection matrices that remove the modes described in Tables 3 and 4. Similar to 4.1.3, § if U consists of m columns of linearly independent foreground modes, in our pixel space U manifests itself as U˜ = KU (eq. [7]). Following Tegmark (1997), we define the projection matrix P I U˜ (U˜ tU˜ )−1U˜ t. ≡ − ′ Next we solve for the eigenvalues ωi and eigenvectors ei for the foreground removed noise correlation C N PCN P. The projection of P creates a m - dimensional degenerate vector space with eigenvalue zero. Numerically, the eigenvalues≡ of the undesired modes are at least 10 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the desired modes. Assume ω1 = ω2 = = ω = 0. The “whitening” matrix is defined as ··· m | | | W ω−1/2e ω−1/2e ... ω−1/2e  , ≡ m+1 m+1 m+2 m+2 n n  ↓ ↓ ↓  t ′ such that W CN W = I, where I is the n m m1 dimensional identity matrix. After the transformation of the temperature map by the application of W,− the foreground≡ modes are “projected out” completely, since eigenvectors (e1, e2, em) with zero eigenvalues are not included in the construction of W. To proceed with the signal-to-noise eigenmode··· transformation, we construct a fiducial theory matrix that is compared with the noise matrix to decide which modes contain useful information (high S/N). The theory matrix CT = B qB ∂CT /∂qB, where the qB’s are the band powers we wish to estimate. The most reasonable choice of a fiducial powerP spectrum is a constant flat band-power 2 4 2 Σ = 10 µK , chosen as a conservative upper bound for Dℓ. The application of W to the fiducial theory matrix and t t temperature map removes the corrupted foreground modes: CT W CT W; T Tr W T. t → → ≡ By operating on W CT W with its orthonormal matrix R, it can be diagonalized; WtC W RtWtC WR = diag( ). T → T ≡EE Ek 20 Kuo et al.

′ Fig. D11.— The three panels show the noise weighted coadded map T (top), the foreground removed map Tr (middle), and the high ′ signal-to-noise map Ts (bottom). The top panel is the noise weighted coadded map for the CMB5 field; it shows the bright quasar and the artifact generated from mode removal (the blue horizontal stripes adjacent to the quasar). The second panel shows the same map after the foreground modes defined in Table 4 are set to zero and ignored in the power spectrum calculation. Other than the bright guiding quasar, there are no other clear sources of significant foreground emission. This qualitative statement is supported by the fact that after the removal of the guide quasar, the power spectrum derived from this field is unchanged by the removal of the radio source and galactic dust templates. The bottom panel shows foreground removed map constructed from only the high S/N eigenmodes. Clearly, the S/N eigenmode transformation preserves the basic features of the map.

In this new basis, the theory matrix consists of diagonal elements of signal-to-noise values . Modes corresponding to Ek small k do not significantly contribute to the likelihood function and only the ns high S/N modes are retained. For the CMB2E field the number of modes was decreased from 9000 to 2500, and for CMB5 the reduction was from 5000 to 2000. Eliminating these “noisy” modes greatly reduced the computational resources required by the quadratic iteration described in 4.4.2. The first ns columns of R form a m1 ns transformation matrix R1. The foreground subtracted, high S/N mode§ data are T Rt WtT; and the noise correlation× matrix is the n dimensional identity matrix. The s ≡ 1 s resulting CMB power spectrum is unchanged for values of the cut-off S/N ranging from c =0.1 to 0.01; this is a direct 2 E consequence of the conservative choice of Σ . The results presented in this paper were calculated using c =0.05. To demonstrate the foreground removal and Karhunen-Lo´eve transformation in effect, it is useful toE reconstruct the pixel-space map from the lower dimensional Tr and Ts data vectors, ′ Tr = WΘTr; ′ Ts = WΘR1Ts, ′ ′ where Θ = diag(ωk), (k = m+1, ,m+2,...,n). T r is the foreground-removed map, and T s is the foreground-removed ′ ′ map reconstructed only from high signal-to-noise modes. T r and T s are both n dimensional, can be directly compared with the raw coadded map T. The foreground removed maps for the CMB2 and CMB5 fields are shown in Figures 5 and 6. For comparison, the raw coadded map, the foreground-free map, and the high S/N eigenmode maps for the CMB5 field are shown in Figure D11.


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