Nomination Form Date Entered See Instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type All Entries-Completeapplicable Sections
OM8 NO. 1024-0018 Expires 30-31-87 United States ~e~artrnentof the Interior National Park Senice Fw NPS only National Register of Historic Places received Inventory-Nomination Form date entered See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries-completeapplicable sections iE-3J, File No. 53-95) and or common same 2 Location street &number E side U,S. Route 15, 3.6 mi. N of kesburq N/A not for publlcatlon cityr town hesbug J vicinity of Virginia code 51 county Imdoun cde 107 Category Ownership Status Present Use -district -publ~c 2occupled -X agriculture -museum .x building@,) 2private -unoccupied -cornmerciaF -park structure -both -work in progress -educational X private residence -site Public Acquisition Accessible -entertainment -religfous object in process X yes: restricted -government -sctentific -being considered -- yes: unrestricted industrial -transportation N/ A 'no -military -other: 4. Owner of Property 1. MT. and Mrs. Hm;y 13. R. Brown name 2- General ard Pss. Bertram G. Harrison 1. Rockland Farm, Route 4, Ebx 75 street & number 2. Route 4 zip rude city, town kesburg vicinity of state Virqinia 22075 5. Location of hegal Description courthause, registry of deeds, ete. budoun County Courthouse street & number 18 E. Market Str~t clty, town Lee sbug state Virginia 2201 2 titre Survey (File N3. 53-96) has this property been determined eligible? -yes no date 1973 1983, 1996 -federal A state -county .tocat -- dewsrtm sunrev Virginia Division of Hi st orlc Landmrks far records ce,town 221 Governor Street, RichmnC state Virginia 23219 Condition Check one Check one -excellent -deteriorated -unaltered -X original site 25good -ruins 2 altered -moved date - N/A -fair -unexposed Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance SUIWARY DESCRIPTION The Rockland property is a substantial agricultural and residential complex on the Potomac River in northern Loudoun County.
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