
THE PROGRAM of the entrance exam (interview of profile orientation) for the master's degree 51.04.01- «Convergence. Cultural content in the digital age».

Qualification (degree) Master

Form of training Face-to-face/Face-to-face and Distance/ Distance

Yakutsk, 2019

A. The program of the entrance exam (interview of profile orientation) for the Master's degree 51.04.01 – Cultural Studies (Convergence. Cultural content in the digital age). The entrance exam comprises interviews on topics presented in the explanatory note.

Requirements for the content of the applicant's response: 1. Correctness and depth of the topic discussion. 2. Knowledge of the material and ability to use it. 3. Level of theoretical knowledge. 4. Consistent and coherent presentation.

B. Explanatory note The format. The exam is conducted orally, in the form of an interview on a given topic. Goals. The purpose of the entrance exam is to determine the applicant's career orientation, desire and ability to learn new things. Tasks: - check the level of knowledge of the applicant in the field of training; - determine the propensity for research activities. Evaluation criteria. The exam is evaluated on a 100-point scale according to the following criteria: -Accuracy and completeness of the topic di - Knowledge of the material and ability to use it – 25 points -Level of theoretical knowledge - 25 points -Consistent and coherent presentation – 25 points. Marks Up to 51 points = 2 (unsatisfactory) 51-69 points = 3 (satisfactory) 70-85 points = 4 (good) 86-100 points = 5 (excellent) The program is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard for professional training of a Master in the field of 51.04.01 - Cultural Studies: - main categories of cultural studies: cultural phenomena, morphology, subject of , language and symbols of culture, cultural traditions, values and norms; - diverse approaches to defining culture, its function in the society, and the laws of its development; - main achievements of cult urology of the XIX-XX centuries (the main schools and concepts of cultural studies); - characteristics of the main features of folk, elite and mass culture.

Special attention should be paid to the of Russian culture, which includes questions about the features of the historical and cultural process in and its internally determined independence. The applicant should know the historical achievements of regional national of multi-ethnic Russia.

Presenting the characteristics of the socio-cultural situation, it is necessary to pay special attention to the acute problems of culture at the turn of the century, positive and negative trends in the sphere of national culture, including the spiritual results of the liberalization of society according to the Western model. It is important to show the importance of the spiritual unity of the people, the development of a general social ideal.

C. Contents of the program

Topic 1. Historical development of ideas about culture from antiquity to modern times Topic 2. Basic schools and concepts of cultural studies in recent times and modernity Topic 3. Features of development and the main directions of Russian cultural studies Topic 4. The nature and essence of culture Topic 5. The structure of culture Topic 7. Typology of cultures Topic 8. Mythological culture Topic 9. World of Ancient Culture Topic 10. The phenomenon of medieval culture Topic 11. Renaissance culture Topic 12. Culture of the Enlightenment Topic 13. The main artistic styles and trends in the culture of the XIX - early XX centuries Topic 14. Contemporary art culture

Suggested sources: Bagnovskaya N.M. 2004. Fundamentals of Cultural Studies. - Moscow: Academic project. Belik A.A. 1998. Cultural Studies: Anthropological Theories of Cultures. Moscow: Russian State Humanitarian University. Viktorov V.V. 2004. Culturology. Moscow: Exam. Gurevich P.S. 2003. Culturology. Moscow: Gardariki. Grushevitskaya T.G., Guzik M.A., Sadokhin A.P. 2001. Dictionary of world art culture. - Moscow: Academy. Erasov B.S.2000. Social culturology. - Moscow: Aspect Press. Kagan M.S. 2000. The . St. Petersburg: Peter. Kravchenko A.I. 2005. Culturology. Moscow: Academic project: Triksta. Culturology. 2008. Ed. A.N. Markova. Moscow: UNITY-DANA. Culturology.2007. Ed. Yu.N. Solonina, M.S. Kagan. Moscow: Visshay shcola. Culturology / 2001. Ed. N.G. Baghdasaryan, A.V. Litvintseva, I.E. Chuchaykina et al. - M.: Higher School. Culturology. 2003. Ed. V.A. Fortunatova L.E. Shaposhnikov. - M.: Higher School. Flier A.Ya. 2002. Culturology for culturologists. Moscow-Yekaterinburg: Academic project, Business Book. The fundamental problems of cultural studies. 2008. In 4 tomes. Theory of Culture. T.1. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteya.

Internet sources 1. http://www.gumer.info/Библиотека Гумер – humanities 2. http://ethnopsyhology.narod.ru/study/culture/Index.htm Cultural Studies 3. http://yankos.chat.ru/gum.html - electronic library for Cultural Studies 4. http://kulturolog.narod.ru/frame.htm - theory of culture 5. http://www.philosophy.ru/library/catalog.html electronic library 6. http://www.wtu.ru/structure/kaf/kult/kurs/kul_int.php - teaching