Official Gazette :Government of Goa, Daman and Diu
t REGD. MH 1776 Panaji, Bill Aprii, 1973 (thaitra 15, 1B951 SERIES I No" I OFFICIAL GAZETTE :GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN (a) of clause (00) of section 2 of the Industrial Dis.putes Act, 1947, excluding voluntary reti AND DIU rcmen,,",. from the scope of definition of "retren chment" such vc-luntary retirements shall for law and Judicial Department the purpose be treated as retrenchments by mutual consent of the parties". Notification (S.70012/3/72-PF.II) LD/104 7 /7'3 Sd./ The follow:ing two notifications received from the DALJIT SINGH Government of India, Ministry of Labour and Reha bilitation (Depal'tment of Labour and Employment) Under Secretary New Delhi, are hereby published fcr general infor mation cf the Public. Notification M. B. Borkar, Under Secretary (Law). IJethi, 16th December, 1972 Panaji, 15th March, 1973. New the G. S. R. - In exercise of w" powers; conferred by rule 75 of the Contract Labour (Regulation and GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Abolition) Central Rulesl, 1971 an abstract of the (BHARAT SARKAR) Ccntract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abo MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND REHABILITATION lition) Central Rules·, 1971 is hereby notified: (SHRAM AUR PUNARVAS MANTRALAYA) Abstract of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Contract Labour (Re (Department of J.. aoour and Employment) gulation and Abolition) Central Rules!, 1971. (Shram AUr Rozgar Vibhag) 1. Extent of the Act: Notification The Act extends to the who-le of India. Dated New Delhi, Pin-ll0001 the 9th January, 1~73 The Act does not take away the rights/benefits Pausa, 1894 SE of any workmen who by terms of any agreement or contract or Standing Orders are enjoying 01' can G.
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