Conflict and International Trade
Conflict and Trade: Implications for Agriculture and Food Security Anna D’Souza Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium’s (IATRC’s) 2014 Annual Meeting: Food, Resources and Conflict, December 7-9, 2014, San Diego, CA. Copyright 2014 by Anna D’Souza. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. Conflict and Trade: Implications for Agriculture and Food Security IATRC Annual Meeting, December 9, 2014 Anna D’Souza, Baruch College, CUNY Conflict Agriculture and Food Security Trade IATRC Annual Meeting, 2014 Definitions Conflict Trade Food Security “Fight, battle, war”, “Activity or process of Availability of food “a competitive or buying, selling, or Production opposing action of exchanging goods or Stocks incompatibilities” services” Trade Access to food Violence, armed conflict, Total trade, bilateral Affordability (income, war, terrorism, riots, trade, exports, imports, prices) protests, insecurity, etc. trade openness, etc. Distance to market Utilization of food Between countries Between countries Nutritional value Hygienic preparation (external) Within countries Intra-household allocation Within countries Between individuals, Stability of three pillars (internal) households, and firms Between individuals within markets IATRC Annual Meeting, 2014 (Lack of) Emphasis on conflict by agricultural economists AJAE: one paper and
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