Konlpy Documentation 출시 0.4.1
KoNLPy Documentation 출시 0.4.1 Lucy Park 2015D 02월 25| Contents 1 Standing on the shoulders of giants2 2 License 3 3 Contribute 4 4 Getting started 5 4.1 What is NLP?............................................5 4.2 What do I need to get started?....................................5 5 User guide 6 5.1 Installation..............................................6 5.2 Morphological analysis and POS tagging..............................7 5.3 Data.................................................. 10 5.4 Examples............................................... 11 5.5 Running tests............................................. 23 5.6 References.............................................. 23 6 API 26 6.1 konlpy Package............................................ 26 7 Indices and tables 34 Python ¨È ©] 35 i KoNLPy Documentation, 출시 0.4.1 (https://travis-ci.org/konlpy/konlpy) (https://readthedocs.org/projects/konlpy/?badge=latest) KoNLPy (pro- nounced “ko en el PIE”) is a Python package for natural language processing (NLP) of the Korean language. For installation directions, see here (page 6). For users new to NLP, go to Getting started (page 5). For step-by-step instructions, follow the User guide (page 6). For specific descriptions of each module, go see the API (page 26) documents. >>> from konlpy.tag import Kkma >>> from konlpy.utils import pprint >>> kkma= Kkma() >>> pprint(kkma.sentences(u’$, HUX8요. 반갑습니다.’)) [$, HUX8요.., 반갑습니다.] >>> pprint(kkma.nouns(u’È8t나 tX¬m@ C헙 t슈 ¸래커Ð ¨¨주8요.’)) [È8, tX, tX¬m, ¬m, C헙, t슈, ¸래커] >>> pprint(kkma.pos(u’$X보고는 실행X½, Ð러T8지@h께 $명D \대\Á8히!^^’)) [($X, NNG), (보고, NNG), (는, JX), (실행, NNG), (X½, NNG), (,, SP), (Ð러, NNG), (T8지, NNG), (@, JKM), (h께, MAG), ($명, NNG), (D, JKO), (\대\, NNG), (Á8히, MAG), (!, SF), (^^, EMO)] Contents 1 CHAPTER 1 Standing on the shoulders of giants Korean, the 13th most widely spoken language in the world (http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2014/05/116_157214.html), is a beautiful, yet complex language.
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