ST. Michael's CHURCH and Parish magazine

Tuesday, 18th May, 7.30 p.m. Annual Parochial Church Meeting St. Michael’s Church.

A Time For Prayer and Reflection

St Michael’s Zoom Evening Prayer Service. Every Thursday evening at 8.00 pm. The link can be found on our Facebook page or ask either of our Church Wardens, Jane or Diana, and they will be happy to forward the details. A quiet, reflective service, and a lovely way to end the day.

To help with seating, please remember to “book in” for St Michael’s Services with Carol Sheard—01948 663087. However, a seat will always be found if you forget to ring! Per COVID-19 Government guidelines, face coverings should be worn in Church unless you are exempt for health reasons. For more information about St. Chad’s services, please contact Andrew Dawson 01948 820305.

For service information about St. Mary’s services, please contact Carolyn Wort 01948 830064 or email [email protected]


Jane Lunt (662910) Diana Thomas (663738) Rev’d Karen Andrews writes…… I am Curate at St Philip’s, Kelsall and as some of you will know I have now been seconded to the benefice of Marbury, Tushingham and White- well. It is a great privilege to be able to minister for a while in this place. I thought it might be helpful if I introduced myself. I am originally from Bedfordshire having moved north over 35 years ago after a biology degree to take up my first teaching post. I am married to David and we have grown-up children. We live in Waverton in a cottage on the edge of the village and keep hens and bees as well as the dog and cat. I have always had a great love for the countryside so am very pleased to be working in a rural benefice. I am also interested in tradition- al crafts and have made my own willow baskets. I knit, sew, crochet, and make bobbin lace. My first service in the benefice will be the Easter Sunday 9am Holy Communion service at St Chad’s and my first service at St Michael’s, Marbury will be on Sunday 11th April at 11am. I hope to meet some of you then. As we look forward together to new beginnings, I would like to share with you some thoughts about this past year. We could not have imagined what a Covid-19 pandemic was going to be like. It has turned our world upside down, it has changed our normal lives, made us behave in differ- ent ways to normal, ways we could not have imagined. Although our lives have changed, I have still witnessed love in action. Whether that is the love given by those doing ordinary jobs keeping things going for the rest of us or whether that is love shown by medical teams across the country as they care for those suffering from Covid-19. And I see and hear of many ways love is shown from the confines of our homes by cards, messages, phone calls, prayers. As Christians across the world celebrate Easter we think of a time when in a different way the world was turned upside down. Imagine how Mary Magdalen felt visiting the tomb early on that resurrection morning after her world had been turned upside down? Jesus had been put to death – what would happen next? We know what she found – an empty tomb and a risen Lord. What must that have been like for her? What a turmoil of emotions! In the garden that day Jesus makes himself known to Mary – he calls her by name. I believe that still happens, Jesus still calls us by name. He knows and love each one of us. When life is difficult, He is alongside us, bearing it with us, bringing us love. The ways the pandemic has touched each of us will vary, some will be suffering loss, some anxiety, some have been badly affected and some hardly at all. Hopefully, we will now gradually be able to ‘get back to nor- mal’ but as we do so let us remember that whatever has happened, we will not have travelled alone. As it says in Psalm 121: ‘The Lord watches over you’. So, let me end with the words of Psalm 121. 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; 8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. With every blessing, Rev’d Karen APRIL SERVICES St Michael’s Marbury

Friday 2nd April 2-3 pm, United Good Friday Meditation

Easter Sunday 4th April 11 am Holy Communion

Sunday 11th April 11 am Service of the Word

Sunday 18th April 11 am Service of the Word

Sunday 25th April 6.30 pm BCP Evening Prayer

St Chad’s Tushingham

Easter Sunday 4th April 9 am Holy Communion

Sunday 11th April 9 am Service of the Word

Sunday 18th April 9 am Service of the Word

Sunday 25th April 11 am Service of the Word

St Mary’s Whitewell

Easter Sunday 4th April 11 am Holy Communion

Sunday 11th April 11 am Service of the Word

Sunday 18th April 11 am Service of the Word


The full list of Auction Lots can be viewed on the website:

The Auction is a silent auction; bids can be made via the website, email, text or telephone.

Email: [email protected] Tel: 07580 353 822

Bids will be accepted from 12 midday on 6th April.


A meeting was held on 8th March by “Zoom”. The Agenda included: The perennial topic of roads, particularly Wirswall Road (still no funding available), and chaotic diversions; Borough Councillor Stan Davies promised to take up with C.E. Play Area refurbishment; funding to be finalised. Neighbourhood Plan; cannot progress much further until out of lockdown but questionnaire responses have been analysed. Complaints about the danger of large stones blocking grass verges were referred to Highways. Speed limit/traffic calming possibilities; liaising with Borough Councillor Suzie Akers Smith and Association of Local Councils. Broadband; Norbury/Swanwick Green residents have formed a group and are applying for grant/vouchers. Defibrillator for Wirswall; no responses from residents but will seek to liaise with Hill Valley or install one at for A49. Planning application for access to field adjacent to The Swan had been refused. Official email addresses for Parish Councillors to be created.

To view Planning Applications, report road/pothole/fly-tipping problems, go to the website: www.cheshireeast/

Please join our Storytime children in saying this prayer on Easter Sunday, at 6pm, so that, although we are still apart, we are still together!

Why not light a candle and say this prayer with us all …

Dear God,

Thank you for giving us such good gifts. For our families who love us, for yummy food and tasty drink, for so many different beautiful animals, for birds that fly among the clouds, for seas and streams that are fun to paddle in. And thank you for your son Jesus. We like to read about him in the Bible, he taught his disciples about you, he healed people who were sick, he walked on water, and even died and came back to life! Help us to remember all the things he did for us, and celebrate him on this special Easter day. Amen

As we’re are unable to meet we are celebrating Easter with the children by delivering Easter Activity bags and Storytime would like to give a big thank you to the ladies of the WI who have kindly donated Cadbury Cream Eggs, enclosed in knitted egg cosies. This contribution to the children’s Easter Bags is so much appreciated.

Many Thanks to All Meeting of Parishioners & Annual Parochial Church Meeting – Tuesday 18th May, 7.30 pm

The meeting to elect Churchwardens (Meeting of Parishioners) and St. Michael’s APCM will be held in Church at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 18th May 2021 – Covid restrictions permitting!

The Meeting of Parishioners will start at 7.30 pm. Everyone who is on the Government electoral roll for the Parish and those on the Church Electoral Roll are entitled to attend and to vote - the business of this meeting is to appoint two Church- wardens for the coming year.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will immediately follow (at about 7.40 pm) – and although everyone is welcome to attend, only those who are on the Electoral Roll of St. Michael’s may vote on matters discussed. At this meeting the Accounts for the year to 31st December 2020 will be presented and recommended for adoption, various reports are given, and nominations for three vacancies on the PCC are voted on.

This year our Electoral Roll Officer, Janet Wheeler, will be revising the Roll to ensure that it is up-to-date. If you were on the Roll last year no action is required from you. However, if you’re not on the Roll and would like to be included, or if you’re not sure, please contact Janet – 01948 665981, or [email protected] .

If you would like to come along on 18th May it would be very helpful – although not essential! - if you could let Carol Sheard know in advance – tel: 01948 663087, text: 07778 604470, or email: [email protected]

Printed by Rachel Gilbert-Bratt: [email protected] Mobile: 07527 331353

Useful phone numbers and contacts for residents

Church business 01948 663738/662910 Church Facebook page: @MarburyChurch Parish web-site Clerk, Parish Council [email protected] Parish Council web-site: Village Hall Bookings 664900 (Penny Allington) Village Hall web-site: Doctors: Churchmere Practice 01948 320044 (Bridgewater) Surgery 01270 780210 Out of hours Dial 111 — NHS Travel information Mobile library 0300 123 5018 3rd Thursday, p.m. Citizens’ Advice Bureau 0800 630 0762 Police, non-emergency 101 Police, emergency 999 PCSO 7149 Sharon Jones [email protected] or 07773 196887 Private message: @BunburyWrenpol on Twitter | Like Bunbury and Wrenbury Police on Facebook Police Web Site Cheshire East Information 0300 123 5500 To report litter 0300 123 5011 Environmental Health 0300 123 5015 Dog Warden 0300 123 5021 Social Care and Health 0300 123 5010 Potholes 0300 123 5020 Defibrillators are located at: phone boxes @ Wrenbury Road Marbury & Gauntons Bank, Norbury; x roads; The Black Bear, Whitchurch; The Civic Centre, Whitchurch; The Bull Ring, Whitchurch; Sainsbury’s, Whitchurch;

More useful phone numbers and contacts:

Cheshire East Fire & Rescue Service 01606 868700 Crimestoppers (you can call anonymously) 0800 555 111 Cheshire East Council 0300 123 5500 Childline 0800 1111 Red Cross 0844 871 1111 Samaritans 116 123 Alzheimer’s Society 0300 222 1122 The Silver Line 0800 470 8090 NHS Choices PARISH COUNCILLORS to contact for local matters: MARBURY Janet Makin 1 Heath Lane, Marbury SY13 4NE 01948 665724 Chris Wheeler The Old Smithy, Marbury SY13 4LS 01948 665981 John David Rowan Hse, School Ln, Marbury SY13 4LH 01948 666065 Andy Ashton Fox Hall, Heath Lane, Marbury SY13 4NB 07779 271758

NORBURY John Gibbins The Mount Farm, Norbury SY13 4HT 01948 663734 Philip Shakeshaft The Croft, Norbury SY13 4HS 01948 666221 Rob Perry Chair: Pear Tree Farm, Norbury SY13 4HZ 01948 666350 Marian Turnbull Ginger Cottage, Swanwick Green SY13 4HL 07949 784308

WIRSWALL Joe Briggs Wood Farm, Wirswall SY13 4LF 01948 663733

Fiona Wilson 2 Bradeley Green Cottages SY13 4HE 07801 928925

Peter Chapman Greenbank Farm SY13 4HD 01948 662131

CLERK, PARISH COUNCIL: Debbie Foulkes [email protected] Web Site: BOROUGH COUNCILLOR: Stan Davies Egerton Farm, Egerton, Malpas SY14 8AN 01829 720368 MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT: Edward Timpson [email protected] 01829 733 243