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WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES VOLUME 3 No. 2 FALL 1996 By Bev & Ernie Dieringer three sons, probably Joseph, The famous architect Mies van was the master designer of the der Rohe said, “God is in the superb body shapes that won a details.” God must have been in prize at the Crystal Palace rare form in the guise of the Exhibition in 1851. master carver who designed the Jewett said in his 1883 book handles and finials for the The Ceramic Art of Great Mayer Brothers’ Classic Gothic Britain, “Joseph died prema- registered in 1847. On page 44 turely through excessive study in Wetherbee’s collector’s guide, and application of his art. He there is an overview of the and his brothers introduced Mayer’s Gothic. However, we many improvements in the man- are going to indulge ourselves ufacture of pottery, including a and perhaps explain in words stoneware of highly vitreous and pictures, why we lovingly quality. This stoneware was collect this shape. capable of whithstanding varia- On this page, photos show tions of temperature which details of handles on the under- occurred in the brewing of tea.” trays of three T. J. & J. Mayer For this profile we couldn’t soup tureens. Top: Classic find enough of any one T. J. & J. Octagon. Middle: Mayer’s Mayer body shape, so we chose Long Octagon. Bottom: Prize a group of four shapes, includ- Bloom. ing the two beautiful octagon Elijah Mayer, patriarch of a dinner set shapes, the Classic famous family of master potters, Gothic tea and bath sets and worked in the last quarter of the Prize Bloom. The dinner set eighteenth century at the same shapes, Classic Octagon and time as the Davenport family Long Octagon, are both clearly and was similarly influenced by dated with the same diamond the great Josiah Wedgwood, who registry, July 27, 1847. Three made the best creamware before “parcels” were registered by the the 1800’s. Elijah had three Mayer’s on that date. At first we sons, Thomas, John and Joseph. thought because they had the Joseph, the oldest son, worked same registry date, that they with his father at Cobden were the same pattern, in the Works, Hanley. The other sons same manner that T. & R. Boote started their own potteries, and made a round, and octagonal eventually, after Elijah’s death, and an oval version of all three sons merged in 1837, Sydenham. But the shapes of creating the T. J. & J. Mayer these two dinner sets are sepa- pottery at Dale Hall, Longport, rate to the eye. We are indebted with which we are here con- to Howard Noble who has col- cerned. They potted white lected some of the Long wares until 1855 when the firm Octagon pieces and told us that changed to Mayer & Elliot. We they have the same mark as our like to speculate that one of the (Continued on page 4) T. J. & J. MAYER’S CLASSIC OCTAGON * CLASSIC GOTHIC * LONG OCTAGON & PRIZE BLOOM. FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS You may notice a small difference in the CAN YOU HELP? Tom Moreland, President quality of some of the photographs in this I am looking for listings of American Jim Kerr, Vice President issue. Because we don’t have our own dark- Importers and the respective potters for whom Olga Moreland, Secretary room, we were getting very frustrated by the they imported. Would collectors of Flow Jack Allers, Treasurer time it took to have the black and white film Blue, Blue & White Transferware, Mulberry, Beverly Dieringer developed and a contact sheet printed. Then, White Ironstone and Tea Leaf please look at it took more time and money to have a few the back stamps on the pieces in their collec- Patty Spahr Hitt selected shots enlarged and printed. So we tions and supply me with any importers and Fran Kinne went back to color film and printing. Not only the potters whom they represented here in the Tom Lautenschlager has it turned out to be more economical, but U.S.? Of course, a photograph of the listing, Dorothy Noble faster (one hour) and when we convert the as noted on the back of the piece, would Howard Noble photos to black and white on the computer, we always be most helpful. (Sometimes a mark Jill O'Hara are seeing a better range of grays. This allows can be copied on a copy machine set at a Ed Rigoulot us to get better prints off our laser printer lighter copy because at the regular setting the Honorary Lifetime Member which makes it easier for you to see what we white plate comes out nearly black. The lid Jean Wetherbee are talking about. A light blue cloth gives us does not need to be all the way down for the plenty of contrast to show off the white pieces. machine to work. Ed.) We found that when we used the black back- The information that I need is: The WHITE IRONSTONE CHINA ASSOCI- ground shooting color film, the automatic Name of Pattern ATION, INC. is a not for profit corporation. developing and printing machine could not Potters’ Mark WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES is the official adjust for the contrast of stark black and white Exact wording of the Importer’s newsletter of the corporation and no article, ironstone and therefore “blew out” all the mark photograph or drawing may be reproduced details. We hope all this will encourage you to Can you please send this information to: without express permission of WICA, Inc. take shots of your ironstone for us to use in Arnold A. Kowalsky _____________________________________ future issues. 908 North Broadway WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES is published About this issue’s profile: We were first Yonkers, NY 10701 and edited by Ernie and Bev Dieringer four attracted to Mayer’s Octagon when we saw a Phone: (914) 423 8899 times a membership year. Drawings and pho- photo of Jean Wetherbee on the Author’s page ************************************* tos are by Bev and Ernie Dieringer unless oth- of her A Look at White Ironstone. Sitting on a We, here in South Texas, only get to see a lot erwise noted. Please send all news notes, arti- shelf behind her, was a Mayer sauce tureen. of items in your pages, as not that much white cles, suggestions, questions and listings for We were instantly smitten. ironstone immigrated to our part of the world. advertising or the spare parts column to: When we found our first two pieces of Most of it is brought here by dealers who trav- WICA, Box 536, Redding Ridge, CT 06876. Mayer’s Classic Octagon, we were told by el to the north-east on their buying trips. We Fax # 203 938 8378. several respected dealers not to even think of feel very lucky to have accumulated our seven e-mail [email protected] collecting it. There wasn’t any more to be to eight hundred pieces over the last five Three ring notebook cover to save your issues found. We believed them and started to col- years, adding to the small collection before of WHITE IRONSTONE NOTES is available lect other shapes. But as the years have gone that time. Thanks again for your lovely pic- at $89 plus $1.50 shipping. Total of $9.50. by, the intriguing, detailed back-stamp full of tures -- they inspire us to look for rare pieces Back issues of the newsletter are $5. each. symbols kept showing up on these beautiful we never knew existed. Volume 1 #1, 2 & 3, Volume 2, #1, 2, 3 & 4. pieces. The process of collecting anything John & Anne Bedford, Houston, TX Make checks payable to WICA and send to the from pottery to paintings, often starts with the ************************************* above address. realization that you have two... Suddenly you I want to say thanks for the helpful hint _____________________________________ find yourself noticing similar things as you found in the article on cleaning in Vol. 2 # 3. ADVERTISING RATES travel and look at shops and shows. Lemon Fantastic did the job on a Square Rose Advertisements will be accepted in order of Sometimes, well-meaning friends sigh with butter dish which was a greasy brown. receipt from WICA members and space allow- relief when they need to find a gift for those of Sprayed it, left it on for a few hours, then put ing from non members. Rates (subject to us who “have everything” and shop for things it through the dishwasher. Fantastic! change): $20 per column inch (7 lines). Non- to add to our “collections.” Sometimes you I’d like to share a helpful tim. The gummy members, $40 per column inch. Members can have to smile politely and put the gift way in residue left from price stickers can be easily list a single piece for sale free in the Spare the back, (sometimes way, way in the back.) removed with Avon’s Skin So Soft moisturiz- Parts column each issue, space allowing. And then sometimes, they hit the jackpot er or oil. Payment in full by check made out to WICA without knowing it. We have had both experi- Fran Kinne, Tenafly, NJ must accompany each ad. Send to Newsletter ences and we can look back at having done the ************************************* address. Publishing deadlines are, Dec. 1 for same thing, in innocent ignorance, to our good Jack Anspaugh tells us that lighter fluid also Winter, March 1 for Spring, June 1 for friends. But in either case, the thoughts and works very well on gummy label residue.