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Corazon Aquino 2 Linking Civics and Current Events Melissa J. Marks ______________________________ 6 Leaders of Recent Nonviolent Revolutions Melissa N. Matusevich _____________________________ 16 The Back Page: “Friend or Foe” Game Revolutions Without Guns A demonstrator pounds away at the Berlin Wall in East Berlin as East German border guards look on from atop the Brandenburg Gate. November 11, 1989. (Reuters) Supplement to National Council for the Social Studies Publications Number 26 May/June 2006 Middle Level Learning 26, pp. M2–M5 ©2006 National Council for the Social Studies Linking Civics and Current Events Melissa J. Marks Newspaper moving through a high-speed web press. My eighth-grade social studies curriculum (as well as the state proficiency my experience, many newspapers will test for citizenship) mandates that I teach students the U.S. Constitution (including deliver and donate papers to schools if the Preamble) the three branches of the government, the Bill of Rights, and the the request is made.) All students found various responsibilities of federal, state, and local governments. Although I used at least one appropriate article within the active learning methods, and the students learned the material (as shown on both 20 remaining minutes of class time, and curriculum-based tests and the state proficiency test), they didn’t connect with the most found two. The rest of the work Constitution as a real part of their lives. Instead, to many students, the Constitution they had to do at home. I invited stu- was something you “learned in school.” Likewise, they often lumped all government dents to take a newspaper with them on activity together as if there was only one single office that performed everything. This any day if they would not have one to frustrated me because I have always believed that understanding the basic structure clip from at home. I also invited them to of our government is the first step to being an active citizen. use the internet to find applicable news articles. One year, while teaching this unit of the clauses from the Preamble (as sum- The students could design the book study on the Constitution, the class was marized on the checklist in Handout 1). any way they wanted. Some used col- discussing a news story about proposals Students printed the appropriate clause ored paper and bound them with yarn, for universal health insurance. I asked at the top of the page and followed it while others used publishing software to whether students believed that such with a one- to two-paragraph summary design very professional-looking book- a policy fell under the government’s of the news article. Most important, in lets. Of course, there were some that were responsibility to “promote the gen- an additional paragraph, the students less than neat, with the articles barely eral welfare.” While a lively discussion had to explain the link: How was the attached and the text printed sloppily, ensued, it struck me that the students had federal government’s action linked to the but even these showed students’ ability not previously made any connections Constitution’s Preamble? In other words, to relate a 200-year old document to between the Constitution and what they how is the work of the government today current events. heard in the news. So I decided to cre- (or a proposed new policy, like national Overall, most of the students did a ate an assignment linking the Preamble health care for all) rooted in the “mis- great job on this assignment. For exam- of the Constitution to what the students sion statement” of that government? ple, one student cut out an article about heard or read in the news. The newspaper article was attached to the National Guard rendering assis- the following page. tance in hurricane-torn Florida and Seeking Connections After I had explained the assign- saw this act as “promoting the general The assignment was to construct a ment, provided examples from the welfare.” “Ensuring domestic tranquil- “Preamble Book.” The requirements current week’s newspapers, and distrib- ity” was demonstrated in an article were straightforward. Students were to uted Handout 1, the students worked about U.S. sanctions against countries find six newspaper articles, one that for the remainder of the period using that are deemed to be supporting ter- reflected upon the concern of each of newspapers donated to the school. (In rorism. While some rationales may have 2 May/June 2006 been a stretch, the students were clearly chart, stretching the length of an entire engaged with their search and delibera- wall (Handout 2). This grid allowed stu- tions. It was interesting, too, how they dents to visualize the fact that each level Linking the interpreted the various clauses, especially of government (federal, state, and local) is “forming a more perfect union.” Some made up of the same three branches (leg- Preamble to a saw this clause come to life as the govern- islative, executive, and judicial), but has ment provided benefits to people (for delineated responsibilities and powers. Current Event example, the Children’s Health Insurance Students found three additional Plan or federal grants to urban areas for newspaper articles and categorized The Constitution (Preamble): improved housing), while others thought them according to the various levels and We, the people of the United it was made manifest when the United branches of government. Again, students States, in order to ... promote the States worked with other countries and wrote summaries and explained the rea- general welfare ... do ordain and the United Nations. sons for their categorization. At least two branches and two levels of government establish this Constitution for the Further Refinements had to be included among the three arti- United States of America Despite these generally great results, the cles. Students then posted their articles on first time I implemented this project, I the bulletin board (which quickly filled In the News: noticed two problems. First, many of the up) and were awarded points for these In the next month or so, college students used similar or identical news additional articles. Not surprisingly, the graduates will step on stage to articles. While I would like to believe that most prevalent articles on the state level pick up their degree--and fre- this was only because they used front-page dealt with laws about driving age, drunk quently step off as another mem- articles from the same newspaper, there driving, and financial support of higher ber of the uninsured. were signs that the students were “borrow- education by the state—issues of personal The reason: Most health plans ing” from each other’s collections. After concern to my students. drop coverage for dependents reflecting on this, I decided that as long as their summaries and rationales were Outcomes once they are out of school. If composed individually, I could live with While grading this type of project is you lack a job with benefits, you’ll it: Students were discovering the con- very time consuming (as is any project have to buy your own insurance. cept of a living, applicable Constitution, that involves student writing), my care- “Young adults probably have and some useful conversations between ful review of their work showed that the weakest connection to students arose as they worked together. students’ understanding regarding the employer-based coverage,” said Changes could be made, however, to the various branches of government and the Sara Collins of the Commonwealth lesson plan to ensure that each student application of the Constitution improved Fund, a non-partisan foundation selected his or her own news articles. immensely, and was clearer than the that focuses on health-care issues. A more serious problem was that stu- understanding expressed by my classes “They’re more likely to get jobs dents were not distinguishing between the in earlier years. More important, students that are low wage, part time, or activities of the federal, state, and local were recognizing the imprint of the gov- with small businesses that can’t governments. For example, various court ernment and the Constitution on their offer insurance.” cases at all levels were used to express own lives in the present. I believe that this the “establish justice” clause. While the project inspired some of my students to Carolyn Bigda, “First Job after Graduation: Figure Out Health Constitution does allow for states to have adopt some good habits: reading up on Insurance,”—Chicago Tribune certain powers such as creating courts, issues they cared about, and following (April 9, 2006) I had intended the Preamble Book to current governmental policies and actions include the activities of the federal gov- in the news. Discussion Question: ernment only. What is the extent of the federal The following year, I attempted to government’s responsibility “to correct the apparent misperception that promote the general welfare” all government activity arose from the when it comes to helping young federal government. I stressed the fact people afford health insurance? that the Preamble applied specifically to the federal government and added a Melissa J. Marks is an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. She line to that effect in the directions for previously taught eighth grade at Finneytown the assignment. Additionally, I created Middle School in Cincinnati, Ohio. an extension activity in the form of a huge Middle Level Learning Handout 1 Name ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Book Project: Preamble to the Constitution & Current Events In this assignment, you will link newspaper articles about current events with public concerns that are described in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. 1. Find six separate news articles, one for each clause in the Preamble to the Constitution.
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