Mike Mignola | 480 pages | 05 Feb 2015 | ,U.S. | 9781595826763 | English | Milwaukie, United States B.P.R.D.: Plague of Frogs #2 - Vol. 2 (Issue)

Show More. Related Searches. Abe gets his hands dirty in these early adventures! Paranormal crime scenes wreak havoc on Paranormal crime scenes wreak havoc on Abe Sapien as he investigates a recluse demonologist's evil house, a haunted lake, and a sunken Soviet submarine filled with zombies! View Product. Abe Sapien Volume 9. Abe Sapien confronts South American vampires, a lake serpent, and a disembodied Lovecraftian tentacle, while Abe Sapien confronts South American vampires, a lake serpent, and a disembodied Lovecraftian tentacle, while uncovering the secrets of a 19th century necromancer who still walks the earth, and a frozen merman that may prove to be the missing link Join Finn, Jake, and the rest of your favorite friends and explore the Land of Featuring forty-five brand new, original, and stunningly detailed black-and- white images for you to color in Baltimore, Volume 1: The Plague Ships. After a devastating plague ends World War I, Europe is suddenly flooded with vampires. Lord Henry Baltimore, a soldier determined to wipe out the monsters, fights his way through bloody battlefields, ruined plague ships, exploding zeppelins, and submarine graveyards on The Best of Comix Book. Before they were vanquished by the B. Abe Sapien returns from his self-imposed exile to rejoin Plague of Frogs, Volume 3. Following the Bureau's catastrophic encounter with the monster-god Katha-Hem, Kate heads to France with hopes Following the Bureau's catastrophic encounter with the monster-god Katha-Hem, Kate heads to France with hopes of bringing Roger back to life, and Daimio reveals the truth about his death in the jungles of Bolivia. The coming frog apocalypse heats up The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense's ongoing war against the frog monsters explodes in The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense's ongoing war against the frog monsters explodes in five short stories set before Roger's death in B. It was kicked off when most of the B. Initially the volumes were only available in hardcover, but beginning late paperback versions of the omnibuses were released. In , an omnibus collecting : Weird Tales was released, followed by a release of B. In January , two months after the final trade paperback in the Plague of Frogs cycle had been released, Dark Horse began releasing the B. Plague of Frogs omnibuses, a total of four volumes, one coming out every eight to nine months. Each volume contains the material from three B. The omnibuses collect the B. A cover for a new omnibus was revealed at the San Diego Comic Convention The hardcover version came out June The first of five omnibuses was announced on Crave Online , March 15, The original print run had an error: The Long Death was missing its last page. A corrected print run was released August 1, This was later followed by a third omnibus in collecting all the flashback material from Abe Sapien. Hellboy is collected across a series of omnibus editions, four following his story from onwards the primary storyline , and two additional volumes collecting the short flashback stories from the s through to B.P.R.D.: Plague of Frogs Volume 2 TPB :: Profile :: Dark Horse Comics

Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview In , Hellboy quit the B. While Abe dives deeper into his origins, Liz and the B. Product Details About the Author. Series , 2 Pages: Sales rank: , Product dimensions: 6. His fascination with ghosts and monsters began at an early age and reading Dracula at age 13 introduced him to Victorian literature and folklore from which he has never recovered. In Mike moved to Dark Horse comics and created Hellboy , a half-demon occult detective who may or may not be the Beast of the Apocalypse. While the first story line Seed of Destruction , was co-written by John Byrne, Mike has continued writing the series himself. There are, at this moment, numerous Hellboy graphic novel collections with more on the way, several spin-off titles BPRD , Lobster Johnson , Abe Sapien and Witchfinder , three anthologies of prose stories, several novels, two animated films, and two live action films staring Ron Perlman. Hellboy has earns numerous comic industry awards and is published in a great many countries. The author lives in Los Angeles, CA. Show More. Related Searches. Abe gets his hands dirty in these early adventures! Paranormal crime scenes wreak havoc on Paranormal crime scenes wreak havoc on Abe Sapien as he investigates a recluse demonologist's evil house, a haunted lake, and a sunken Soviet submarine filled with zombies! View Product. Abe Sapien Volume 9. Abe Sapien confronts South American vampires, a lake serpent, and a disembodied Lovecraftian tentacle, while Abe Sapien confronts South American vampires, a lake serpent, and a disembodied Lovecraftian tentacle, while uncovering the secrets of a 19th century necromancer who still walks the earth, and a frozen merman that may prove to be the missing link Join Finn, Jake, and the rest of your favorite friends and explore the Land of It is a collection of short stories fine by me by a different artist that could be tricky. So there is e. Severin, which his distinctive art reminding me of some older comics like Eerie archives. I can't say it's bad or good, but it's certainly different. But it contrasts very much with following Peter Snejbjerg's neat and clean art. Which I like a lot. The last story from twelfth book closes the whole omnibus. I loved that too and it did justice to the second Plague of Frogs omnibus. For conclusion - I felt the change when the twelfth book came into the story. It makes sense - the omnibuses are as much chronological as it gets. And that helps thicken the story. But after occasional boredoms in the first third, it didn't catch me exactly prepared and it just delayed the excitement I usually feel with Mignolaverse's stories. And that's weird "pull out game" which I blame Scott Allie for. Luckily all around it's still "good shit". Not that premium stuff I got with Hellboy's Library editions, but still tasteful, but a bit complicated. More excellent stories. These issues mark the start of Mignola co-writing with John Arcudi and Guy Davis taking over as the main artist. This is surely a great creative team. Shortly after the move they discover a German scientist in a secret sub-basement who may or may not be a little nuts and harboring a long-lost WWII secret. We also meet no-nonsense and once dead Captain More excellent stories. While I enjoyed these issues, I found myself agreeing with Daimio that try should be punching frogs by now. I get a true sense that this is a war from these issues, with soldiers taking on frogs all over the country no international frogs yet. My favorites are the last two stories, about a new soldier and Johan, respectively. The latter offers an intriguing glimpse at ghost frogs: where they go when they die and if they still have any humanity left in them. This arc has one or two gut-punches. Also, I love that Liz gets the spotlight here. Mignola and Acudi are taking her in such interesting directions, and the epilogue issue nicely spotlights her humanity. Liz, Abe, Roger, and Johan are fantastic characters on their own. Nov 19, Alex King rated it it was amazing. Holy crap, things really shift into a higher gear. We've gone from moody and atmospheric to action and suspense. And it's still got mood and atmosphere to spare. This is the second of the omnibus editions collecting together a number titles from the BPRD series and linking them together for the Plague of Frogs series. The book is an impressive volume number over pages and collecting a number of the titles together and all their various instalments in to one massive book charting the events of the BPRD. As with the previous book the artwork is highly stylised and personally all the better for it although there are couple of entries which are penned This is the second of the omnibus editions collecting together a number titles from the BPRD series and linking them together for the Plague of Frogs series. As with the previous book the artwork is highly stylised and personally all the better for it although there are couple of entries which are penned in a different style and although not bad do stick out simply because they do not carry the same "feel" as the rest. The storyline is still a roller coaster which still is able to throw a few surprises and shocks along the way - I dont want to spoil the fun but after reading this volume I did have to stop and process all that had happened - all the victories and the losses. One thing I will say though is that even after only the second volume there are 4 in total I wonder how the next omnibus edition will try and top this and if it succeeds what devastation will be left in its wake. I know that the series was promoted as a world changing event in the BPRD universe but I just wonderful what they can do next - I guess I know what I will be doing next - saving up to buy Volume 3. Jan 05, Arlomisty rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. Another great volume in the BPRD graphic novels Oct 09, Benjamin added it Shelves: ereader , comics , horror , library-borrowed. In several of my Hellboy reviews, I've commented on the repetitiveness of the adventures, which I think is both a fair and unfair assessment. In many ways, Hellboy is an iconic hero in Robin D. Laws's terms : a hero like Conan, Sherlock Holmes, or James Bond who doesn't grow in the stories -- in fact, doesn't need to grow -- but who sets the world right according to their ethos. So: Holmes uses logic to return civilization to order and sense, while Conan uses his barbaric strength of heart to In several of my Hellboy reviews, I've commented on the repetitiveness of the adventures, which I think is both a fair and unfair assessment. So: Holmes uses logic to return civilization to order and sense, while Conan uses his barbaric strength of heart to avoid the snares of corrupt civilization. And in many ways, Hellboy and his cast of characters fit that mold: Abe is a sensitive friend, Hellboy is a brash kick-down-the-door feeler, Liz is the haunted psychic always torn between the fire and fear of it, and they can go through each adventure in exactly the same way. But then there's also some attempts at change -- at making the heroes grapple with the horrors they faced, and either overcoming or succumbing to their trauma. Liz goes to a monastery to be at peace with the fire inside, Hellboy realizes that he's not just a human and the people around him aren't always the good guys, Abe gets wrecked by the pressures of leadership and the revelation of his past self. Which is maybe part of the reason why we introduce Captain Daimio here, the standard hard-bitten military leader, as a potential iconic hero -- he's gonna chomp cigars and kick butt -- only to have him deal with his role in the death of the one man he came to love like a brother view spoiler [, Roger the Homunculus hide spoiler ]. It's the struggle between iconic and dynamic characters, right there. Anyway, the first book of this omnibus is Abe learning about his past, the introduction of Daimio, and the move of the BPRD to new HQ, which have their own problems. I wasn't interested in this story that much, and it brings up another sometime crutch of the Hellboy stories: the heroes face a horror, and then are saved by some external supernatural 3rd party. The second book is a bunch of vignettes that take place during the War on Frogs, and this was very interesting and nicely illustrates the breadth of the war by examining little stories within it: a religious revival and the people drawn to the monsters, a military horror story about the grunts trapped on an abandoned battleship with one of the frogs, a newbie interested in Liz, and dealing with frog ghosts. The Black Flame, the third story, changes the War on Frogs to a war against Zinco, leading the frogs to revive some terrible monster, which is destroyed with, ta-da, a little help from a supernatural being. Is the War on Frogs over? And who is the mysterious mystic who helped the team defeat the new monster? That's maybe what saves this story in the end -- it's not tied up, the solution brings a certain sense of dread, especially the last few pages, where Johann, who has been promising the resurrection of the dead, can't do anything other than sit with his friend. May 19, Pinkerton rated it it was amazing Shelves: hellboy-bprd. I love every single element of this squad, and their offices in Colorado, the places they visit and the characters they come across, the stories that they live or who have lived. Do we want to talk about enemies then? Just say a name: the Black Flame. Encloses in itself past, present and future about the adversity which strike the Bureau and the entire planet. Liz Sherman seems to be the solution to this dramatic event. Adoro ogni singolo elemento di questa squadra, e i loro uffici in Colorado, i luoghi che visitano e i personaggi in cui si imbattono, le storie che vivono o che hanno vissuto. Vogliamo parlare dei nemici poi? Mi basta fare un nome: la Fiamma Nera. Liz Sherman sembrerebbe essere la soluzione a questa drammatica vicenda. Jun 27, Owen rated it really liked it. Vol 2 of B. Plague of Frogs is excellent You see this in the plot - The Dead begins with a big move of the B. HQ to Colorado and the introduction of great character Daimio. Plus we start to explore the origins of Abe. It's a cohesive, strong tale, with grea Vol 2 of B. It's a cohesive, strong tale, with great art by ongoing artist Guy Davies. You start to see the potential here. Then comes War on Frogs, and again, it's 5 short tales around a central theme. It's a good character exploration, the art isn't as great on some of the issues unfortunately, and it feels less grand and less fun for me. And then we get The Black Flame. This is one of my favourite B. It's got a fantastic villain his ending is brilliant , lots of character development for Abe and Roger, and a big, big ending. Black Flame elevated B. Vol 2 isn't perfect, it stumbles a bit in the middle, but it's still fantastic. And it gets even better next. Apr 06, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: loeg-archives. I'm not sure I'm going to finish the Plague of Frogs four-book cycle. There are elements I like, such as the characters themselves although I sometimes grow weary of Liz's self-pity , Davis's visuals, specific actions sequences. The War on Frogs stories were all quite good. Yet I didn't find this book very satisfying. That the answer just came to Liz in a dream, and all she had to do was find some trinket in Roger's room and focus her fire through it seems Lazy even. I dislike Hmmm I dislike prophecy and visions in general, so the creators are steering into an area I generally consider the realm of cheap resolutions. I suppose more can come of Liz's dreams in future books, but I found this one anti-climatic. The finale of the BPRD's move into their new headquarters - with the crazy Nazi scientist in the basement - also thudded somewhat. It's a good book, but suffering a bit from diminishing returns, and it's way too early for that to be impacting my enjoyment. I'll have to think long and hard about committing to more BPRD. Oct 18, Zare rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy , thriller , thrillers , action , adventure , comics , comic-collection , arcane , horror , esoteric. Second volume brings about the escalation of Frog plague. Abe, confronted with his past decides to leave front-line duties and as a result new character Ben Daimio gets introduced. Daimio, being professional soldier manages to handle field operations together with Roger. And when monster erup Second volume brings about the escalation of Frog plague. And when monster erupts in the middle of urban environment, BPRD gets hit very very seriously. So much that Abe decides to go back to the field. Excellent story, highly recommended to all fans of X-files like stories and Hellboy universe in particular. Jan 14, Rumi Bossche rated it liked it Shelves: comics-graphic-novels. Starts fantastic, but ends a bit meh for me, the first story was so damn good it was to hard to top with the other stories. Special mentioning the great binding and beautifull styling of the books, lots of different writers and artists on this book, normally i am not a fan of to many art changes, but did not mind at all with this book, the epic Plague of Frogs continue, and its alot of action with some cool horror elements and b type badguys. There is alot to love here, but the ending was just a Starts fantastic, but ends a bit meh for me, the first story was so damn good it was to hard to top with the other stories. There is alot to love here, but the ending was just a bit dissapointing. Straight on with the third volume nontheless! Jul 31, zackxdig rated it really liked it Shelves: hellboy. Johann resurrects a tyrannosaurs rex. They try to make Roger where pants. An old man in a bunker with a typewriter. A portal was opened, Abe saves a trapped ghost. A frog nest. Roger fights some frogs protecting a shrine in a cave. A faith healer turning people into frogs. Frog ghost following around Johann. The Black Flame leading an army of frogs. Roger gets burned up. The plague of frogs is happening. They found the key in Roger's knock knacks. Kate saves the day. Really enjoyed this quite a bit. May 28, John Vance rated it it was amazing. You truly get a sense that the frog problem is getting bigger and more unmanageable. In spite of that, they fight and kill them as fast as they can and that gives them hope, but really the good guys know that they are losing. This is messed up. Jan 16, B rated it liked it. A fun read, but I don't feel like there is a ton of character work even though the central cast is a really interesting set of characters. It just feels far less mythic than Hellboy. Aug 18, Amy rated it it was amazing Shelves: fantasy , horror , graphic- novels , sci-fi , This one is epic! Aug 13, M. I never knew a book about the frog apocalypse could be so compelling. Nov 04, Jonbob06 rated it it was amazing. I immediately read this after volume 1 and it is riveting comic work. Guy Davis' art is amazing and fits perfectly with the story herein. Nov 10, Matt Maielli rated it it was amazing. May 25, Levi rated it it was amazing. This books takes off running and I throughly enjoyed myself. Sep 26, Samuel rated it liked it. While the story moves at a glacial pace sometimes, the interpersonal relationships and conflicts help keep things interesting. Sep 01, Orrin Grey rated it liked it Shelves: comics , mignola. OK, I've said before, many times, that I tend to like the B. B.P.R.D.: Plague of Frogs Volume 2 by : | : Books

Nov 10, Artemy rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , dark-horse-mignolaverse , dark-horse. This volume really feels like the story is starting to shape up, as opposed to the first one, which was basically just a collection of pretty good short stories. Excited to see what comes next! There is a lot of work done by Arcudi, who Mignola calls "better writer than me", but I beg to differ. And you can see that on parts by Mike alone E. Abe and his wife. But don't get me wrong Arcudi is no sucker. But Mike is just better. With art, it's a little bit complicated. Guy Davis has a completely different style than Mike. And it's fine with me. BPRD is more like the "S. So The first and last third of the book works well for me, even the lost pall of mystery especially in the first third is bit letdown, but the BPRD differs from Hellboy in that sometimes and I accept it, even if I got bored by that here and there. But the middle part threw me out of balance. It's the twelfth book of the series put between fourth and fifth. It is a collection of short stories fine by me by a different artist that could be tricky. So there is e. Severin, which his distinctive art reminding me of some older comics like Eerie archives. I can't say it's bad or good, but it's certainly different. But it contrasts very much with following Peter Snejbjerg's neat and clean art. Which I like a lot. The last story from twelfth book closes the whole omnibus. I loved that too and it did justice to the second Plague of Frogs omnibus. For conclusion - I felt the change when the twelfth book came into the story. It makes sense - the omnibuses are as much chronological as it gets. And that helps thicken the story. But after occasional boredoms in the first third, it didn't catch me exactly prepared and it just delayed the excitement I usually feel with Mignolaverse's stories. And that's weird "pull out game" which I blame Scott Allie for. Luckily all around it's still "good shit". Not that premium stuff I got with Hellboy's Library editions, but still tasteful, but a bit complicated. More excellent stories. These issues mark the start of Mignola co-writing with John Arcudi and Guy Davis taking over as the main artist. This is surely a great creative team. Shortly after the move they discover a German scientist in a secret sub-basement who may or may not be a little nuts and harboring a long-lost WWII secret. We also meet no-nonsense and once dead Captain More excellent stories. While I enjoyed these issues, I found myself agreeing with Daimio that try should be punching frogs by now. I get a true sense that this is a war from these issues, with soldiers taking on frogs all over the country no international frogs yet. My favorites are the last two stories, about a new soldier and Johan, respectively. The latter offers an intriguing glimpse at ghost frogs: where they go when they die and if they still have any humanity left in them. This arc has one or two gut-punches. Also, I love that Liz gets the spotlight here. Mignola and Acudi are taking her in such interesting directions, and the epilogue issue nicely spotlights her humanity. Liz, Abe, Roger, and Johan are fantastic characters on their own. Nov 19, Alex King rated it it was amazing. Holy crap, things really shift into a higher gear. We've gone from moody and atmospheric to action and suspense. And it's still got mood and atmosphere to spare. This is the second of the omnibus editions collecting together a number titles from the BPRD series and linking them together for the Plague of Frogs series. The book is an impressive volume number over pages and collecting a number of the titles together and all their various instalments in to one massive book charting the events of the BPRD. As with the previous book the artwork is highly stylised and personally all the better for it although there are couple of entries which are penned This is the second of the omnibus editions collecting together a number titles from the BPRD series and linking them together for the Plague of Frogs series. As with the previous book the artwork is highly stylised and personally all the better for it although there are couple of entries which are penned in a different style and although not bad do stick out simply because they do not carry the same "feel" as the rest. The storyline is still a roller coaster which still is able to throw a few surprises and shocks along the way - I dont want to spoil the fun but after reading this volume I did have to stop and process all that had happened - all the victories and the losses. One thing I will say though is that even after only the second volume there are 4 in total I wonder how the next omnibus edition will try and top this and if it succeeds what devastation will be left in its wake. I know that the series was promoted as a world changing event in the BPRD universe but I just wonderful what they can do next - I guess I know what I will be doing next - saving up to buy Volume 3. Jan 05, Arlomisty rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. Another great volume in the BPRD graphic novels Oct 09, Benjamin added it Shelves: ereader , comics , horror , library-borrowed. In several of my Hellboy reviews, I've commented on the repetitiveness of the adventures, which I think is both a fair and unfair assessment. In many ways, Hellboy is an iconic hero in Robin D. Laws's terms : a hero like Conan, Sherlock Holmes, or James Bond who doesn't grow in the stories -- in fact, doesn't need to grow -- but who sets the world right according to their ethos. So: Holmes uses logic to return civilization to order and sense, while Conan uses his barbaric strength of heart to In several of my Hellboy reviews, I've commented on the repetitiveness of the adventures, which I think is both a fair and unfair assessment. So: Holmes uses logic to return civilization to order and sense, while Conan uses his barbaric strength of heart to avoid the snares of corrupt civilization. And in many ways, Hellboy and his cast of characters fit that mold: Abe is a sensitive friend, Hellboy is a brash kick-down-the-door feeler, Liz is the haunted psychic always torn between the fire and fear of it, and they can go through each adventure in exactly the same way. But then there's also some attempts at change -- at making the heroes grapple with the horrors they faced, and either overcoming or succumbing to their trauma. Liz goes to a monastery to be at peace with the fire inside, Hellboy realizes that he's not just a human and the people around him aren't always the good guys, Abe gets wrecked by the pressures of leadership and the revelation of his past self. Which is maybe part of the reason why we introduce Captain Daimio here, the standard hard-bitten military leader, as a potential iconic hero -- he's gonna chomp cigars and kick butt -- only to have him deal with his role in the death of the one man he came to love like a brother view spoiler [, Roger the Homunculus hide spoiler ]. It's the struggle between iconic and dynamic characters, right there. Anyway, the first book of this omnibus is Abe learning about his past, the introduction of Daimio, and the move of the BPRD to new HQ, which have their own problems. I wasn't interested in this story that much, and it brings up another sometime crutch of the Hellboy stories: the heroes face a horror, and then are saved by some external supernatural 3rd party. The second book is a bunch of vignettes that take place during the War on Frogs, and this was very interesting and nicely illustrates the breadth of the war by examining little stories within it: a religious revival and the people drawn to the monsters, a military horror story about the grunts trapped on an abandoned battleship with one of the frogs, a newbie interested in Liz, and Johann Kraus dealing with frog ghosts. The Black Flame, the third story, changes the War on Frogs to a war against Zinco, leading the frogs to revive some terrible monster, which is destroyed with, ta-da, a little help from a supernatural being. Is the War on Frogs over? And who is the mysterious mystic who helped the team defeat the new monster? That's maybe what saves this story in the end -- it's not tied up, the solution brings a certain sense of dread, especially the last few pages, where Johann, who has been promising the resurrection of the dead, can't do anything other than sit with his friend. May 19, Pinkerton rated it it was amazing Shelves: hellboy-bprd. I love every single element of this squad, and their offices in Colorado, the places they visit and the characters they come across, the stories that they live or who have lived. Do we want to talk about enemies then? Just say a name: the Black Flame. Encloses in itself past, present and future about the adversity which strike the Bureau and the entire planet. Liz Sherman seems to be the solution to this dramatic event. Adoro ogni singolo elemento di questa squadra, e i loro uffici in Colorado, i luoghi che visitano e i personaggi in cui si imbattono, le storie che vivono o che hanno vissuto. Vogliamo parlare dei nemici poi? Mi basta fare un nome: la Fiamma Nera. Liz Sherman sembrerebbe essere la soluzione a questa drammatica vicenda. Jun 27, Owen rated it really liked it. Vol 2 of B. Plague of Frogs is excellent You see this in the plot - The Dead begins with a big move of the B. HQ to Colorado and the introduction of great character Daimio. Plus we start to explore the origins of Abe. It's a cohesive, strong tale, with grea Vol 2 of B. It's a cohesive, strong tale, with great art by ongoing artist Guy Davies. You start to see the potential here. Then comes War on Frogs, and again, it's 5 short tales around a central theme. It's a good character exploration, the art isn't as great on some of the issues unfortunately, and it feels less grand and less fun for me. And then we get The Black Flame. This is one of my favourite B. It's got a fantastic villain his ending is brilliant , lots of character development for Abe and Roger, and a big, big ending. Black Flame elevated B. Vol 2 isn't perfect, it stumbles a bit in the middle, but it's still fantastic. And it gets even better next. Apr 06, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: loeg-archives. I'm not sure I'm going to finish the Plague of Frogs four-book cycle. There are elements I like, such as the characters themselves although I sometimes grow weary of Liz's self-pity , Davis's visuals, specific actions sequences. The War on Frogs stories were all quite good. Yet I didn't find this book very satisfying. That the answer just came to Liz in a dream, and all she had to do was find some trinket in Roger's room and focus her fire through it seems Lazy even. I dislike Hmmm I dislike prophecy and visions in general, so the creators are steering into an area I generally consider the realm of cheap resolutions. I suppose more can come of Liz's dreams in future books, but I found this one anti-climatic. The finale of the BPRD's move into their new headquarters - with the crazy Nazi scientist in the basement - also thudded somewhat. It's a good book, but suffering a bit from diminishing returns, and it's way too early for that to be impacting my enjoyment. I'll have to think long and hard about committing to more BPRD. Oct 18, Zare rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy , thriller , thrillers , action , adventure , comics , comic-collection , arcane , horror , esoteric. Second volume brings about the escalation of Frog plague. Abe, confronted with his past decides to leave front-line duties and as a result new character Ben Daimio gets introduced. Daimio, being professional soldier manages to handle field operations together with Roger. And when monster erup Second volume brings about the escalation of Frog plague. And when monster erupts in the middle of urban environment, BPRD gets hit very very seriously. So much that Abe decides to go back to the field. Excellent story, highly recommended to all fans of X-files like stories and Hellboy universe in particular. Jan 14, Rumi Bossche rated it liked it Shelves: comics-graphic-novels. Starts fantastic, but ends a bit meh for me, the first story was so damn good it was to hard to top with the other stories. Special mentioning the great binding and beautifull styling of the books, lots of different writers and artists on this book, normally i am not a fan of to many art changes, but did not mind at all with this book, the epic Plague of Frogs continue, and its alot of action with some cool horror elements and b type badguys. There is alot to love here, but the ending was just a Starts fantastic, but ends a bit meh for me, the first story was so damn good it was to hard to top with the other stories. There is alot to love here, but the ending was just a bit dissapointing. Straight on with the third volume nontheless! Jul 31, zackxdig rated it really liked it Shelves: hellboy. Johann resurrects a tyrannosaurs rex. They try to make Roger where pants. An old man in a bunker with a typewriter. A portal was opened, Abe saves a trapped ghost. A frog nest. Roger fights some frogs protecting a shrine in a cave. A faith healer turning people into frogs. Frog ghost following around Johann. The Black Flame leading an army of frogs. Roger gets burned up. The plague of frogs is happening. They found the key in Roger's knock knacks. Kate saves the day. Really enjoyed this quite a bit. May 28, John Vance rated it it was amazing. You truly get a sense that the frog problem is getting bigger and more unmanageable. In spite of that, they fight and kill them as fast as they can and that gives them hope, but really the good guys know that they are losing. This is messed up. Jan 16, B rated it liked it. A fun read, but I don't feel like there is a ton of character work even though the central cast is a really interesting set of characters. The omnibuses collect the B. A cover for a new omnibus was revealed at the San Diego Comic Convention The hardcover version came out June The first of five omnibuses was announced on Crave Online , March 15, The original print run had an error: The Long Death was missing its last page. A corrected print run was released August 1, This was later followed by a third omnibus in collecting all the flashback material from Abe Sapien. Hellboy is collected across a series of omnibus editions, four following his story from onwards the primary storyline , and two additional volumes collecting the short flashback stories from the s through to These six omnibuses will be paperback editions. An omnibus collecting the non-canonical Weird Tales stories, as well as two canonical short stories. It came out November in hardcover. On March 18th, , Multiversity Comics exclusively announced the details for the first Witchfinder omnibus. This wiki. This wiki All wikis.

B.P.R.D.: Plague of Frogs 2 by Mike Mignola

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