VoL. IX. JUNE, 1893. PART 2.



Read 2nd June, 1B83.

IN the Proceedings of our Society fur January, 188:1, iR contained a eommunication on the ''Ancient Geography of Northern ,." In continuance of this snJ,j.,et I now b(_·g to lay before the Council and Mcm Lerl-j the second Knrnak: list of tributary placeR. l\Ir. Rylamls has had prepare(l, with great aecuracy, fl(c­ simil~ plates reprodueecl from l\Iariette'l') "'Karnak," inclwli11g not only the> northern list but also that of Palesti1w. On the latter I hope to offer Rome notes hereafter, bnt in the present paper must restrict myself to that which l\J :niette desu·ilK·

It is now elear that the distingui~->hed Egyptologist "·as right. In the encleaYonr to throw Rome light on these names I haYe neglected nothing ,\·ithin my reaeh. 1. I haYe gi\·en the correctiom; of ::\I. nolenischeff (Zeit. / A e!'· Spr., 1~8:2, p. 145. etc.). an(l ha Ye made cluef URC of- 2. Brngsch. "Geog. Inschr.,'' Vol. II. :3. Brng:-:ch, "Histoire ll' r::g~·pte,'' 187 5; '~Egypt under the Pharaohs." 18 7~1. 4. ::\Ia~pern. '· I-Iist. Ancienne des penplcs de !'Orient.'' 3n1ecl. 1878. 5. "Jiaspcro, z,,it .. de .. pf{.~sim. I) Lenonnant, "Hist. Anc.'' 9th eel. 7. Lenormant. '· Les Origines de l'Histoire." 8. Sayee, Trans. Soc. /JilJ. Arch., '• Heroflotus." etc. 9. Conder. ·• Heth and :Jioab."' Pal. E.r. F. Qt . .St. 10. Bo:-:c·a\\·en. Pal. E.r. F. Qt. St .. V~.-.;;1. 2:?-L 11. Fried. Delitzsl'h. '; \Y o lap; das Para dies?,. 1:?. Schrader, '·Die Keiliwsehriften," etc. 2nd eel. 188~. 1:3. Porter. "~yria and Palestine., ()Iurray, 1875), cited as •· Porter." 14. Bm·ton and Drake,'· "Cnexplorecl Syria." 1872, and map. 15. Rey. '' "Jiem. sur le Xord de la Syrie."' Soc. de Geog.. AYril. 1)-17:1. 1 G. Rey. .. Carte de la Jlon t. (les AnRaries." l i ....:\rr

1 3Hi. Pnroth; 3:20. Pnqin; :33:1. I nrima: iH8. Hetep (Re<;>cpb )." lUny we not venture to add to tlw li:.;t several more, snch as: 100. Tsarb; 13G. Tsekar; 1i1!1. Erets-kna; 141. Bun-m: 157. Kharres; 161. Tseker-el; Hl7. L'tReker: ~01. Natnh: 202. Tsetar-set; 20.1. Tuanh; 211). Tsetar-sota; 2-l9. Keta­ sha; 2 .12. Sur; 292. Talkh ; 31R. Ari-pc11eklm; 322. Thinm'lr? If this be RO, still. omitti11g abont 7:2. eraRed or dL'feetiYL' names, there will remain more than fcmr-fifths of the entire list of uames in this region to be classed as '' non-Remitic." Leaving to philologists the origin a11d affinities of these , names, I have triecl to gain some lig·ht on their g·eographi(_'al position, so aR, if possible, roughly tu reconstruct the map of Northern :Syria, as known to the "illtelligence department ·· of Thothmes III, the ''little corporal., of Pharaouic Egypt. and thus both to help ancl to stimnlate the labours uf the traveller anll the student. ''Northern Syria,'' writeR M. Rey, "only embraces, pro­ perly speaking. one great basin, that of the Orontes, to which those of the Kara-Su ancl the 1\frlll attach themsch-es, thesl' latter two mingling their waters in the lake uf Antioch, whi<·lt

I is itself triLntary to the Ornntes. To the 11orth-east the Sajf1r and the Kersin belong to the baKin of the Euphra tc·s, whos<· course forms the eastern boundary of 8yria.'' Now taking the resnlts of "'hat ever i1trp1iry I have been able to make, and including all ckgrees nf likelihood, I thiuk that, deducting 72 uanwR as erased or defective, out of tl1<· remaining 1 Gt\, more thm1 50 places "'ill he found to belong 1o

I the Orontes basi11, and nearly 40 to that of tlu: Enphrat.PI-'. with a few outlying. These results ag-rt>l' n~ry well "'iih tl1e

! course of the campaig·ns of Tlwtlnnes i11 ~yria, aucl the dis­ tricts laill by him uuder triLnte. IG * h. 'Pt:' I am nnt rash in thinkin~ that these· inqmne~ ar•· ka

..:\ t au~- ratt·. I trn:'t that tht• li:'t a~ JtO\Y hrnnght forward may be fllnwl U:'d'nl tn trnYL·lkrs and :"tndents who. like llly:'elf, haYe to do mo:'t nf their w1wk at a rlistance from the gTr·ai librarie:" awllnn:-:t_·nms. and who ha,-e n(lt the ln:s:nr~~ at their (·omwan~ of ]'laees. I do not think we lllll:';t lw h·d 1,.'~ an;· a' priori lig·ht of our O\Yn to require a n-·:~:nlar snCL't'ssiun. or eYen too sysh::matic a g-rouping. of tlte:-:e 11<1me:-: of trilJntar;- places. Fur 'Ye knmY not on what ~dlellH~ tlw ~cril_,e ,Jre"- np hi:' li:--t. I "·uulre plead a~ain:--t tl11· n·.iectiun uf YL·r;- proLable iclentifications on such cun:Silkra tiun:.;. \Ye may also ban~ fun111l the name in somt.' cases~ although

·the place may 1lt· still tu seek since many names are repeated, ttiHl some c:umwon t.:nongh. PLATE 111. , ... L>~\... ,,,. HAt.:t:..:> !N STKik On tlu' Topo!Jrupl.y of ..~YurtlteJ'Jt SyJ·ia. .:2:n

For :snch reasons I have very freely :set down ~nggestio11~ fur the cnrefnl examination of other~, or uf my:-;elf 1111 fnrtllf'r knowledge. The llllllJberR follow ou from the Pale~t1ne Li:-;t, wl1id1 Le gins with 1,

..., o 11c::::.O , 120.* ( OJ'J'. c==>. (Jol. a}l(l ....lfaspero. Pilta-n (pl.); <::::> Ill perltaps Paltos, 011 con:st near Tarttu~, Illlllleru Balcleh, or perhaps Birtn on Euphrate:-;: Birtha. ( Spruuer, ....llup S V 1.) 121. ~ ~ ~~ ~ .A.i". (?) Kefr Aya, south of Hums. r ~~, "coast," &c. Lenormant writes : '·a town otherwise knuw11 as situated 011 the b

1:?2. CoN. ~ ~ _:: c::::. ~ ~. Go!. and ....lfaspeJ·o • .A.ssyriau Amatu. Hauwth. See Sckrader, Uen. :x. ltl. un the two forms. Or possibly Amaclia, south of Aleppo. (Rey, Sy1·iu.)

113. Corr. ~ <::::>I ~ ~' Col. and .Jfuspero. [4-\.]rcthn. ~~ <:::::> ~ fu )!> on N esnma. Cj:l ()(j, BJ'U!fstlt Ueo:J. 1 in~. If, 35, Pl.... \.1 ...\, lOG.

1:?4. ~ ~. Thnka~ Tokat, east of Tnrmanin. 125.

1~5. 1 <:::> c - 1\/VVVV\ ~ Termauna, (?) Turmanin. uortlJ- 0 I ___n111 ~ en:-;t of Dmw. Cf. T:.mnana-zi in Patin ( Su~ta 1: S. lJ. ~1. 1~11, i~t. ? The sallle place. "" See Plate II I. 1 :.;'ti. ~ \_~ n ~~ ~~ . Reg·aba. perhap:-> Rehah. near I ~..d J_. ~~ Turnwnin. (i. Hiha = Hng-ia, ~uuth of Edlip. ( n ~ !'· ..,!! ritl.)

--·~·,· ...... ~ 0 1" 1:! ~. ~: ~ '~ Tunipa. Tl1i~ imptwtant ::;tra tegic "" \\ :/IT"' ~. I•uiut i~ Tennih. ~~·uth (•f Ezzhz. ~\·,;ldt?kP. Zeit., 1.'- it)~ 10. C-.f. c.\~ ~i' un pillar:-; at Soleb. . .E.~ ~ I.ep.-:. D. I !I. JJI. ;"-~. ~--\_ tuwn uf the Ruten. ·with lCJrtl.-: calh·'l Jl~_uina p-:. but a town of tLt• 1\.heta. with a ~utekb in the treaty ot Hiunt-ses I I. The Du11ip c•f the T el el-~\.man1a ta1lt.:ts. 1:!-.:. Era:--etl except~. ti. at the ewl

1. ~ <=> f ~- Col. il, ~ <=> n ~ ~- ~.R~J..Jl ~~IJJ( Jfa·"f'ei·o. Tsnrel•u. Zerbi, near I~han Tnnul.n. f:outh-\\·est uf ~-\leppo. ( St:e .. L"nexplored Syria.'" Y ol. II, p. 1 ~~:.?.) Perhaps ~-\ss yr. :::SarLua. ("" \\~ o lag· das Pnradies? .. p. :.?7~.) St·mitic :.""'::. .. to he Llry or ruugh."' Ge~·rnias; q: ~-\nazarba. 1:11. Con·. ~ 1~ ~Q ~- Gol. Shepkasha. ~ J[,spei·o. Perhap::: e:---~abbakha (salt lake). "ith :"uffis:. (r: 1-±;3, :.? 70. Or es-:),i.fikh (.~ee :::Xtcluw, lll:?).

·_l .-, r.·~·./'.1"../'o.. " J • l ·'-· " '·f1~· ::\i1. ~Yinu ..: ~·rtlt.c:~ on Enphrate:;:. (See. .. Les Orig;inr:s de l'Histoire." Yol. Ill. pp. 311), &c·.) S ...:.> ~-\menhotep I I. Zeit. 18 7~'. 5t:i. In BaLelun':-s ~lap Xi is marked north of Birecljik. 1 ;:;:). Era~ed.

}:H. 'i fl <::> ~. Ar. ~-\:...:syrian Arti. mentioned with la 1 Khasn. (" \Yo lag clas Paraflie:;; ?'' p. :.?77.) Tell '~lra near the di:--trict of el-E.luhs r.~t?e Suclwu, 4.5-i.) 135. CoJ'J'. ~~1_011 ~~~ ~~. Col. awl Jfa:-:;>ero. I fancy the

seeond ~ i::; an error, and that we have perhaps

this IHlllW in Safirich, south-east of Tell 'Ara.

136. CoJ'J'. & I~ ~. Gvl. awl .Jlits]wrv. See 1~17, 271. ~~I Perhap::; Zmrkera. East of . ( He!J.)

1 1 1 137. Con·. ~ ). • Col. and Jfai5pero. Tse-rct. Cj: Ilii~, ~~0 Tsererath. Jud. Yii, 2.:>.. Perhaps Ziaret Keui, north-west of Aleppo (Rey).

138. ~ ~ ~. 1lfaspero. Anam'a. Perhaps Glmuama on Sajur (Rey. Syria). Sec Sacltau, 159.

139. ~~~~I::::~ Arets-kna.? iT~~ y;~, clistrid of i1~~ of Ezek. xxvii, :?3 (Canueh, A.V.), mentioned with Khan·an ancl i,.:V, the neigh­ bourhood of Birejik 011 Eupln·ates. Cj: Iehme on Belikh. ( Spruner.) LXX. Xavaa. V ulg., Chene.

14.0. 1~ ~ ~ ~ Khal-kakhi, perhaps Khalkis, modern Kanasir, 011 the Khalns. Cf Khal, Egyptian name of North Syria. Possibly Klmlkitis, east of Euphrates. l·H. CoTJ'. ~~ ~ ~1 ~ ~. Gol. Bnresu. But Maspero ~J(1:fJf clearly reach; 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tsursu. Cf Tsurshu, a muuutain of silver. (''\V o lag clas Paraclies ?'' p. 10:?.)

142. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lelti. Probably the La'la'ti on the left bank of Euphrates, in the dish·id of Bit-Aclini. (" \Yo lag clas Paraclies? '' p. .:>.G4.) Lj. Lallid. Schr. 1 Kiugs xYi, 2~1, = Tell Lclid, south of Killis. 1-!~1. f Vl'J'. ea -<> u dhl ~ c::::IT:] • (;ol. and Jfaspe1·o. I I I ~ ~ar(p:-;lw. c;: 23-±, also r{]ll ~ , ra ~ T , -<> t J( -<> \\ ~ aml .A.&~,'Tian Sarbua. .As::-;yriau ::Sirki. Circesium on Enphra te:-;. Kerkisieh. ((. the terminal sh in Uar-gmni-sh and Gar-imeri-sh. (Hommel, "Y or­ Semitischen Knit.," p. 178.) "Shi11a or Slu', which now forms the 1ocatiYe in Georg-iau, is the old ·word for hon:;e.'' Saycf.. lii!)C. of ran, 411. 144. Erase(l. 145. Co1·r. ~ 1 (sic .. ) T ~~. Go!. Unai . ..Jlaspuo, Urnai, but read~~~~~' perhaps el-' A ,n?ne, with a tell. nurth-east of Kerkesieh, on the Khabttr. Or el Aouani, sunth of Kala'at em ~Iedik. (Hey.)

146. ~ 3t ~ Annfl. Aufil, west of :Jia'nret en Ka'aman. 'IMMM I 147. ~~1~1~J Itakhab. Tell Dahab, south-west ot Harnah.

148. CmT. ~ 1? ~ f§:' Ll ~. Gol. A1miuqa. For LJ ~ cj: 15:-), 3-!-D. Anuncas in Mesopotamia (Procopius), "·hich seems to be the Anangas taken by Thoth­ mes Ill : ''beyond Kirkesiou,'' says Procopins. It icl, I think, 'An ka, where there are ruins, west of Euphrates.

Gol. mul .1lfaspero . • . tsna.

0 £{]1 u nn Jlfaspe1'0, I 11 ~ ~

<:::::::> c::> (VV'<'W\ • 1 7>1. ~ Aubcrrina. ~ ~ ~ I \\ ~

Ol ~ 1'/VV'/V'.1 1 1 \\ ~)r' +~ . Jlaspe1·o. Tsarinmm, or Tsaliunsu. t.:.:~ ~<:::::=>I"""""" Cf. Tsariunu in DaLyluuin. Perhaps et TerimRy, north of Hamah. On tlte Topogl'aplty of ~Yortltern Syria. 2:1:)

153. ~ ~ LJ ~ ~·. Snqa. Lenormant thiuks it the Sukkia of Sargo11, to be sought towards .K a'iri. ('"Les Origine~ Lle l'Histoire," Yol. Ill, p. 3~5). Cf 150.

154-. CoN. ~ ~ ~ -r. r;ol. Pa-Tseru. Cf 135, aml I ~ ~, TRar, or '1\;aru, in the Delta. ] thillk the key to this name is t~el'u. ·· plaiu,'' or '• desert.'' (Schrader. •· Keilinschrifteu,'' etc., p. 514-; ""~o lag das Paracliest' p. 144.) ''The official name of Der on Euphrates, \Yith its large district, is still Zur." Saclwu, 26:3. 155. q5J 10 j ~. Satekh-beg. Three or four years ago ] noted: ''is it Sutekh-beg= Ba'al-bek? '' I no\Y find Lenornw11t writi11g: •· La '~Ile de Sateld1. ou Sutekh '' ('' Les Origines de l'Histoire, Y ol. IlL p. :287). The name is spelt Yariously (l\leyer. "Set-T:n)hon ''), ~ ~, ~, r~; and I know not \Yh:r the scribe should not haYe \Yritten G)l ~ 0 for Sutekh. Sayee and Lenonnant com­ pare Suki-beki (25~1) ; and the latter also thl~ Da-bign of Shalmaneser II, and :Jia-bog = the town of l\Ia, apparently (he thinks) the Hittite name of the goddess called by the Semitic Ara­ mceans 'Athar-'athe = Targata ("' Les Origines de l'Histoire/' Vol. Ill, p. 2~ 1). Sayee read~ the name of a tmYn conquered Ly Shalma11eser II, Sikhisatakh ('' Rec.," Y ol. Y, p. 35). Is there a Sntekh here? Professor Sayee tells me that Sikhisatakh was a tmn1 in the Kurcli~h mountain::;, east of Enphrates.

1;,l), n\..g ==:ij ~ : JiuspeJ'O. Amar-seki. Here is the llnl1W ~~~<=>I \\ _ of the Amorite, rend ebe\Yhere ~ ~ ~ <=[>, Q ~ ~ 6. For termillation, cf. Tell llaour- f''l k. ea:-:t of Killi:-: rRP~J. S!n·ia ). allll a ·• rock fort callt'd Kara ~aki.'' ca::;t of Tuuuz. (A iJtSlC01'tlt, A...-ia Jfiuor, I, ~:3~1.)

1.-J'i. er~ ~~. 1\:harre~.? Kharis. south-\Yestof'.Aintab: ~ _E&. <=>I I 1wrhap::; :J1n. from ·· Suu-worf'hip ·· (as in Isaiah xi,-. 1.~. Scarcely Killis. (C'on(ler. Pal. E.7]J. 1: Qt. St., 1!"\t'--1. p. 1~1.) Po:-;sibly Khalessa, "-est of .Jlembij. ( Re.u.) l;j."i, CuN. '~ 0 3t <:::::> r.tV.-v.r.. ___JJ ~ ~ ~ • Go!. r.tVNV\ I I I I NV'.N'-A ~

X enuren-anatsa. ;:?v ~Jt <:::::>1 ~---.LJ ~1'\/VVV\1I Jl...~. 1h.~ JE.tspe;·o. X enu-n·m'au-t:-:a. C/ .:2~1-±, this seems to irn-oh-e the name of the god Rammanu, the god of AlAppo. (f. Bel-remoun. near .Aleppo. For the suffix -::a cf Jlardib and Jlardib-za.

15£'. I@ ~ \\ ~ <:::::> ~ 1 ~. Shaiuren-tha. (r: SO.runu ~Jf I Ill 0~ (Delit:-;ch, " \Yo lag Llas Paradies?" p. :2G-1J. Perhaps Saonrana, east of Ezzaz. ( Re,y, S.~.viu.)

c::::::::=. \\ <:::::> NVWA .-t-, 1GO. <::::::> ~ LQl. Jfaspero. :Jiairrekhnas. Le- ---D I 0 ~I uormant \Yrites: ·'Perhaps the same as the rrrakhiuash of the prism of Tiglath Pilesar I, iu the lan(l of Qurkhi or Qnrtse, uear Qummukh." (" Les Origines de l'Histoire," Y ol. Ill, p. 325.) Rut Sayee notes that 2\Iurrftkhe is the uame giYen Ly the king of .Jiitanni to his kingdom iu his letter to the Egyptian king.

161. !§; [J ~ Tseger-el. Cf. Hl'i. A-tseker, 271. A I <:::> I Ynriant of the Degar-el mentioned by the ~Iohar 011 his way to Hamath. lJegar would be Aramaic.

1 G2. Erased. e:x<.:cpt determiuatiYe @.

163. U m""""'<::::::>\~. Qaretu or Qaletu. PostSibly Karat I I I I I J:( near Ezzaz. On t!te Topograp!ty of ""\"urt!tau S~;ria. 2i-37

] G4. p___g -c> A~ ~ Tariza. Perhal)S Teri

1G7. ~ ~ ~~ Aares. Ci ~ ~ +~ cb, or ~ ~ 7 ra cb Brngsch, "Ueng. Insl'hr.;' II, pp. 40, 41). Prulmbly,'' sayR LeiJormallt, ., the U1·1tsn of the pri~m uf Tiglath Pil<•Ht_-;r I, a momttaiwnu..; district of the lmul of Klwrin, near Klmrkhi." ('' Les Origines de l'Hi~toire," Yol. III, p. 3::2.j.) Prol>alJly, I think, Ar:-;hin, south-west uf Ezzaz. (Ari'Oil'-"mit!t.) 1G8. Cor1'. 11 ~ 7 l ~ ~- Gul. KhetHlezau, perhapH 1\iliza, modern Killiz, var. of Klwnretsn. (Lenormaut, "Les Origine:-; de l'Histoire," Yol. Ill, p. ;)::2G.) Cf. 173 for the tenuiuatioll.

1G9. 4~ ~ ~ ~ Arllir. Arimarn, or Ariuarn, 011 Enphra tes (Lenormaut, '' Les Origines de l'Histoire," Yol. Ill, p. 3:26 ). (Spruuer, l\Iup XXVII.) 170. 11\1 ~ ~~ ~ KhaHtai. Cf Khatia or Khatl-:1. ( ·• \Y o lng das Para dies?" Khata, '' Hittite,·· Sel' 185. Sayee. 171. Erased.

1-'....·> Corr. ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ """""" • Go l . :\ nr.* an. ~~ ~~ 1 ~A fvWV'A. 0 ~ J._lfaspeJ·o. A-:qutsua. ~ I t>::d~ 173. Corr. ~~ 01~~<::::::>· Col. and .Jfaspero. fvWV'A I ~ I '· 'l'l1iH," says l\la::spero, "seems identical with the ! & 7 cb of the im;eription of Allloll­ emheb '' (Zeit., 187D, p. 5:-1). See No. 280. ( {~t: ChaLas, '' l\Ielanges Eg·.,'' 3 ~erie, Yol. II, p. 2U4.) 1-;- -!. Con·. ~ 1~ '"V\..."' • Jlu.~j't!rO. 17 :,, lmperft,d. Ar ... ,. ... cr ~ ~ r0- ~-~~~ ] j't). Cvrr. ~ ~ ~ ~ L~J· t:ol. (l}u/ Jia8pfro. Khaza * *. l 1 erhap;;; Kktt:-:at~u. _\~:--yriau Khazazu or Khazazi. nwdern Ezzaz in "X orth Syria. ( .. \ Yo lag: da:S Paraclie:S ': .. p . .:27 J.) ? Semitic. (/ y::n . .. gra Yel.'' fjt:,..:t:niu.~ •

..;.___[]-c>-c>Q~ 177. Cvrr. \~ 0-. Go!. :Jinrrekhna rL..J. X I I""'""''~· &e. Jla.•pr'i'u, (r: lt;u. Perhaps ~luurkan, Dorth- east of Ezzaz. (H•'Y· S!1ria.) Jfuspero.

18ll. Corr. Tseri * * *. Gol. and Jiaspao.

~ ~Y~3~~~~ ~~~~~~· ,"'\1\.''-.'/'."'l\JN./'...... ,.,. 18-L ~ ~ \~ -~Daubeuu. pl. Lenormant compare8 I 'i J:( I I I the seconLl element "·ith :?:?ti. -~thebena (·'Le~ Ori.s.:-ines Lle l'Histuire.'' Yol. IlL p. :?88 ). For the funner. q: .~ll

1 8.). 'f ~a~ c::::= I~hatuma. This name occurs in the ~ jl~ ][ ____£. traYels uf the :\luhar ("Pap Aua:"t., .. l). Perhap~ Katma. nurth t"•f ~le11e:-ie. (Rt:.u. S!Jriu.)

c::::= 8 ...... '/'.... c::::= lJ ~ ,1., · ~ I rV. Gol. ~lagnal"a. __n LQI __l] I ~ "'""""' ,...... '-'/'.... I Jlu.~1 ,ei·u. ~bu;:::nes. A ~Ia3;ne:::ia. The p may l,e l(·~t a~ i11 ~Ia~·nesia ad Sipylum, now ~lanisia. Perhap::- ~h·nesie. nurth uf Tennib.

0 ""-'./'/'.'~ I I I , Go!. Tepkenm1. Perhars 1~ r.v~A-.. l>oukew1 near Ezzaz. ~~~I lSR. \~ 1 • Thntlma-n. zd. Tntnn, c·ast of KilliH. Jr' fVVVVV\ I (Hey, Syria.) lSn. ~ ~ j ~. Nirub. N erab, H(Jnth-e:u-;t of ..:\l(·ppo ( R,'!J)· '' ~irba, iK mc·ntionetl in the Yanui!· tL'XtH as being in the IIittitu 11eighhonrlwml.'' ( Slfyce.)

1no. 1~ j ~. Terub. Cf ~ I J 31> ~ of Ram(~Kl'S Ill I I I ( Hos. '' l\L H.,'' pl. cxxiii). Tereb, sontlJ-WeRt of Aleppo (R!!y). l\Iaspero a!l()pt:-; Nerah a11Ll Toreb for the last and this. (Zrit. / .. I ev. Spr .. 18tl5, p. G.) l~l 1. ~in :Ji ~ 1· Atugcren. Possibly Dnkarnoun, north-ea:;;;t of Aleppo ( ltt>y). ,. 1\ tn, perlwps Ate or Attys." qr: '' Dabign = A(lahigu." 81f;ta. u.,~,~~jj~. Cf Ball, Pl'OC .. 8./Ll., 18,'-il, liS.

1n2. Cor1'. ~ ~ \\ ~~~ Gol. and J[usperu. .A~~~~~~·

Hl3. CoN. ffi I 1~~~-~~~ Ool .. ll I 1~~~·~~~ Jlas}'NO. ~~~ ~~~

1~-!. Corr. rtjl fi§~~~ C:ul. ~~~~~·~~~~

Hl5. Con·. I@ ~ ___n j j{ ~.. Go!. a11

HlG. ~~I@~~- 1\ia~hepa. Perhaps Ni~

Hll. Con·. <:::::> ~ I ~ 1. Go!. AtHekl'r. Cf :?71, Tsat­ I ~ <:::::> seker. He brow i:Ji. See Sha-imeri-zib1ri-sllll (" "\Vo lag das Paradies?'' p. 280). Assyrian ::ih·al'lr, '• image, sigue comml'llloratif.'' (Lenoruwnt, •' Syllabaires," 107). 1\:rhap:::; Zonkera, ea:::;t ut' Iloms ( Rey.) 1 ~'·"'· 2~~'I J. ~L.~ 110~ _""1'L.·ltl1<1. (~.,·. _·):~_·).~ p er1 wp::-: I-'\t'll'I'. --t'l JlC, . 1 1 nc.rth-eaq of H, ,m:-:. 1 ~1!1, ~ ~ ~ 7 j Tsire:-:. Perhap:S Zerraa! south of Homs. ( n.'!l·>

·)• 1'-l, <:::>1 - ' ' ~-_;_ _ T;.. ~Jf 10 ._. ·:11 ~ _-t_-'lltl'l. C:)- _-\oudjel. \Ye:St of _-\leppo.

~ atuLa.

:?0:?. ~ 1 il <:::> -,- Tsetar-::::t:·th. (r'. :?1 G. T :-;dar-seta: ~ u~ 1 _ :?2:3. Ta-:-:ita: al::::o ,.,: -,Ji'\', E:-:ther i. 10, and S,1tarna. q§J I~~~-~~. prince of Xaharina ( .z,,it.. 1.'3."'0-82 ). _-\ :-:~.:al at Aleppn bore the Phc~C.>llic·ian prince·~ name ""\J-,:-:~~ ((,;., Smith, ·· A~s;Tian Discnn~rit:s." p. 4:?1~). Cf. Biblical namt·:-: "~""\J-,=· ;'1'"""\J"""~:-. \Yith the prince's namr> I ,,-uulcl compare Sathourin, ::-:outh-east of Latakieh (R•'!l). If be the god Set. it is noti('eahle that he i:-: IH1t yet banished. witness Deir :3eta. 1wrth of Elllip. r·r-"'11) ..... :?0:3. "4 "--"'->-- . ..J y 1 ·:':': _-\itlma. Perhaps this name and the I~· ll J • ....t:;:__'::- llf:'Xt wa:- l,e rr·fe1Ted tn the Itu'a and Snkkia nH::nti•,ued 1,;- ~ar~nu in his Khorsabad in~cription·

:?11:>. c.":~~}( l Tuaub. Kefr T,·,b. .. ancient town:' 11"rth ,,f Hamah. (·· Portt-r.'' p . .).~2.) (r: =-~·nn. f~ . .7,, 0dm 1ul. :~~ '·". I\: afar-T a h. Jiuk,-uJ,la."i. 10. 84-.

~ '--21 ~~I<=> c . (:ol. anrl J[,_hlwro. _-\.bel- l>~· -~ I~ tdh. P••::.::-ibl:- m•·a•l• '"-· or irrig-a tetl lnw1. ,,f Tat. at m(•11th r.f \\',i.,l:- Tat. 1111 thL· \\-a;- frnm _-\leppn tn 1\:irmr·:-rin: ··ruin::.: .. there. (See .. rnexplored :';-ria ... Yol. II. p. l.· ~ ~ nn 207. Illii .lf N'NVV' ~ ~ ~ ~ Shairnakai. Cf. 15~, 1 ~1;), 211. Snrnnca, ea:-;t of Enphratc:;;, oppo.sitc to Bnr­ balissus. ( SpJ·une1·.)

208. b ~ <===:> c:::=. Aurm:l, i1lentir·al with 31B. 'Ovpfla., Jf I __jJ ry{ryavTor;. .:\fa:;;pcro, Xeit., 187V, 55. Onrunm, Wl'l-:t of Enphrates.

20!:1. Imperfect. ~~ 1/VV'/VV'o~ ~ ~ . Jlfr.rsJ)('J'O. * * thnai. Perhnps 0.~ ~ Bntme hetwccn Khnrrm1 and Enphratcs: P~ulan. Apparently the name lingers at Tell Fetl1lan.

210. Con·. ~~a~~~~ ~~ 1~ Gol. *a [or m] ta. ~~ /VV'/VV'o~ 1~ . ~~ ~~ . ~~ ~ J.lluspPJ'O. * * nntha.

211. Corr. Illii ~ \\ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~Ill~. r:ol. und J.llaspero. Shaianauregnna. Gf 207. 214.

212. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ Kainah. Cannnl>a, hc·hn•f•n Edessa aml Enphrates. (SpnmPr.) Cf. the KinaLn of Assurnnzirpal.

213. ~ ~ ~ ~ Als. Cf. 2Bil, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (S"e Brngsch, '' GL~np:. Iusl'hr.,'' Yol. II, p. 40, plate xiii ; Chahns, "]~tn(lcH/' 8:l' .. 21)0 ).

Jlasl)l'J'O • Annuteua, Anau, north-we~t of .Aleppo.

') 1 ~ - .u), south-west of Aleppo.

21G. ~I 1~::: 1~ THctnrsethn. CJ. 202 .. Deir Seta. lH>rth ()f E1llip, not far fru1n Den· cl I3enttt. 217, anLl west uf ed-Ujilleh, ::!lD.

217. a...}(~ <===>j /VV'/V\1'.~ ~. TuJl,elJta '· Tu1-lwntha (Scmitie, 1 •mound of the daughter·"). Sayee, Ti·uus. St)(', IJi/1, _lrclt.. Y~ ,J. YII. p. :?~0. C/ Dur-ummu­ banit. built in Babylonia by Khammnragas (•• \Vu lag (Jas ParaLlie~"? p. nll ). Also ~t: Kar-banta, il1id.. p. 1 ~10: aiHl 1\:ar-baniti in the Delta of Eg·:·pt (sf'l' onr-Biuti. ,. all cl identifies this plaC(· ·with the fortified Yillag·e of De'ir el-Ba11at, the Custr1tm Put'llcu·wn of EatStenl Latin Chronicles. 11earl:· mithYa.'· lJet"\Yeen Aleppo and Antioch. I am incliHe~1 to read D1tr- in::;tead of Tul- after reaLling .JI. .Jia~pero's remarks, and to accept his id enti fie a tion. Profe~snr :--:aycf~ su;;·g·ests to me, .. perhaps ·mound of the C'reatrt:s:-; ( gotlt1es:-:) [l)(witt].'.. EYidently the n:=.ii:.: of CJeog. du Tal11wd, -!18. :n.~. ~}? 1ll .Jiauti. Perhaps the Yari-mnta of the Tel el-.\.marna ta hlets. now (I think) Armuthia, south of Killis. (j: 318.

ruH'A ~0 "t\. Gol. and Jla.']lf'ro. .Naapi. Perhaps _B ~\\ Xnppi-gi (-= Ki. suffix). near ..\Ilit-kinu. This may be -:\abag·ath markl'd Ly Spruner as identical ''"ith Klwbnra, ea:-;t of Euphrates, south of.Khabur (.Jiap XXYII). ~ 'T c=:: ~ <:::> ' :?:20. ('oi'i'. ~ ,!; <:::> Jf • Gol. and Jlaspero. Perhap~ 1 to be read ~-\.khmaul. and no\Y Akhmil, east of Tenuib.

:!21. ~ 6 \~ <:::>. ~-\.tur. •· The country of Ya'turu of ~~ Jr I A:':!'.'Tian text:-:~ one of the di:-;tiicts of Patin.'' ('' Les Orif!·ine:-: de l'Histuirl:',~· Y ol. IlL p. 328 ; •· \Y o lag da~ Paraclie~ '? ·· p. :!7 4.)

222. ~ ~ <:::> 1~ ~ Y l Kartamernth. I used to take this fur jli~ jl~ij; . .Jiarathus. lii~ on its cums. But thi8 shuuld begin with LJ like 11 on PLHE IV. GEOGRAPHICAL LIST Of PLACES IN SYRIA CAPTURED BY THOTHMES ID. FROM THE GREAT TEMPLE AT KARNAK MARIETTE PLATES. !9 2D 21 the list of Palestine, not with 'CA (see, however, 270). And perhaps we have a dnu in North Syria, for in Hey's Map I find west of E~~a~ a Karat, and about six. miles sonth-:-:;outh-west of Knrnt, 1\Iarat. These two 11ames Hecm to give the mnterials of Karta-merut. For l\brnt. cf. Shitu mrat. See 2Hi. ahm 23-l-. 1\Iarata, west of Tennib. ( Rey, Sy,·ia.) Professor Sayee notes "'CA = jl in Kaclesh.'' .M. 1\faspero (Zeit. f. A eg. Sp1·., 1885, p. ()) reads this name '· Gart-Amrouti," making tlJL' former clement a dialectic variant of ~ ~, but not explaining the latter, 11or identifying the plauc. 1\Iy "1\larat ., may agree with this. 223. ~ \\1 ~- A-sita, cf. 21G, 202. Lenormant reads : "Asita, the Asati of the stela of Shamshi-ramman ; one of the districts of N a"iri." (" Les Origines de l'Histoire.'' Vol. Ill, p. 328.)

224. C:::::S I"NVV\A <=>. Ta-nires. Ill\\--. 225.% CO?'?'.~~=\.· Gol. But J\Iaspero reads~~~~, Ianu. Perhaps Einyah, south of ed-Deir, west of Euphrates. One of the three fortresses taken l1y Thothmes III, Anaugas being another. See No. 148. 226. ~ ~ 16 ~ ~- Atehana, cf. 2:28 for Ate. 184 and Karbana in the Delta of Egypt for -bana (Mm;pL·rn. "1\Ielanges," etc., Yol. I, p. 110). See :217. A the, goddess = Aoa, "Bal>ylonian Hera," Ifesychius. (" Les Origines de l'Ilistoire/' Vol. IIJ, pp. 288. 308, 309.) 1\Ir. Ball suggests ~~.J..ii.l', " A the redificavit..'' Proceediuys nf S. D. A., J !)87, Gt'. Dabana on Belikh. ( Sp1'w1er.) 227. Cor1·. ~ ~ I@ ~ j. Gol. and Jiaspero. Ashamcb. ~'.:J'1'i.!)~, Ashima. 2 Ki11gs, x.vii; the divinity of * See Plate IV. VoL. IX. lG the men nf Eh~1.mnt h ( Tra"'"· So,·. Eif,. 4l1·ch., Vol. YII. p. :.! 7(1 ). LL'Iwrm:mt giY(·:-:. .. _L·iJ/ut of the cnnl'if11nn L1t •t'lllJll'llt:-:. nn the \\·e:-:t bank of Enphratc·s.'' ( ·· L(·~ Origiw·:-: L1e l'Hi~t( •ire." Yol. III. p. ;~~~~.) Ya:-:illlah. "'''·' f~t'O{'· cbt Talmud. 3g3_

2~8. ~ ~ 1~ <:::>. Athakar. (f. :!:21~. ~81~ ... Atha-kar (?) .. cit;· of the· g~··(ldc·~:-: _\tht·." (~a;·ce. Trans. Soc. EiD. ~-lrch .. YL•L YII; p. :!~~~.) Idicara. on west bank c•f Euphrates. ( SpJ'Ilitu·.) For Kar. cf. :?ti-1, I\"ar-shana. (S(·t> He,-. C . .T. Ball. Proceedings c:r' S. LJ. _1,. 1·'381. Gl.)

::::..--)C) . ~'i'll ~-~ ~~. 'I:'-t.c·.c·t." ~" P erI wps Z~a1 'tl 1a on th e wes t bank of EnphratPs.

(( :?t10.

Gol. Thau kmr * * . c,r: St'djimir. south-west of ( R''!'· S!n·ia.)

:?:1:?. ~? ~~ 1l ..:-\.bta. 1/ Ht.S. Obtin. ~outh of Sarmeda, :!:H.

DefectiYe. ~-\r * * *

:? 3-!. GoT. S * rmeret *.

Sannada. cf 143.

C. J. Ball,

name after Alta. Lcnonnaut rc~ads Amtha = .Aru<.IiN, on Euphrates. (" Les Origines de l'Ilis­ toire,'' Y ol. I 11, p. :!;:s.) .Nor1 h nf Birc:jlk, 011 the \vest bauk. Hathcr AlatiH nl'ar ~nra. we~-;t of

Eur >h ra tcf:(.

==0 238. Con·. : [) [L_il. G&l. Ta-tatu. l\IaRpcro reads

c:=:> C:::::fS. Atiiu, pl., perhaps .A tltii-l, west ofAlatis. I '\::, I I I

er IVVVVV\ ~ n ~ 239 to 243. Erase cl, except ~40. 1 1 1 1 ?]§ y ~. Go!. and Jlf<.t8])('7'0. 244. Defective n ~ ?]§?]§~. not. y 2!:r ~~~ 245. Erased.

246. Con·. ~ j 1?. Ool. Lehn. 1~ J1? . ~Iuspero. Khnlebn, cast of the riyer. (?) Aceallian, "glory.'' ( Su!fCr>, I Iibbat hf'Ctll1'CR.) Khelcbi on Euphrates. Bit.-Klmlnpe, •· Khilibn.'' Xaf....v(3(tJV of Ptolemy (V. 15. 17). Se~ cle::;cription iu Sachan, 25G.

247. Con·. ~ ~ f{ ~. Go!. uud ..JE.tsjiCro. Farina. Paripa, \\'est of Euphrates. LenoJ·mmlf, '· Les Ori­ gines de l'Histoire.'' Vol. III, p. 3:!8. •· \Vo lag das Paraclies? .. p. ~~14. 248. Sesben. rr J =. Zeit. 1880, 4 7. Nos. G7. 74. •· Paripa was a little Bonth uf the SnjCtr. Sazabe wa:-; nut far distant." Su.';ce. Sazabie (" \Vo lag daR Paratlies .. ? P· 2 ns ). fortified town of kings of Karkemish, on west hank of Euphrates. :N"ow. I think, Tell Ksnl>LP. Suclwlf, :!;)(i.

~ ~ - 'C::Al ~ ~~ 249. Corr. o IilJ1 Uol. o 0 IilJ1 ~ ~t1· Jl[uspero. = 0-- C==> __&:~ ~03 Kehi.i-lhli.. The name N<.:ems preNerYe< l at Ga br Alm 'r\tish. a little abnve 'l'ell 1\:-;nblw. b11t on the east. hank. Saclwu. :!5(i. ( Su!fCC.)

~50. :251. Emscd. lG * :!.-J:!. l_~~"An.t Ji , L.:::....:::..- Snr. ~Cu· oH Euphrate~ (~uriyeh), capital of the S1mkhites (•: \Vo lag clas Paraelie~-;"? p. :!78). (.Se1' Proc. Sot·. BilJ. A1·cll., 9th .January, 1~8:1.) Leuormant tulupt~ this. •' Surn in Bit­ Khalupe.'' See 241i.

r'f 29G. Lenonnant ''-rites: .. Puppa, associated in the iu!::icriptious of Sargon ,vith Rukkia." (" Les Origines de l'Histoire." Yol. III, p. ;~:28.) See 153.

2;)-±. ~ '9.7_ 1 ~ Xutsena. Lenormant savs: "the Nazama 0 ~ ~ u of Ptolemy, in the country of Apamea." (':Le::-; Origines cle l'HistoirL·,'' Y ol. Ill, p. 329.)

:2.1.1. ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Tscmankn. Es-Semnn!ga, Routh-east of Aleppn. (Sa<.:han, 114.)

:2 515. DefectiYe ~~ anai. -::-:::-::!? ~ nn . ~~ .VVVVV' ~ ~~ 2:>7. ~~ r1 ~ nan-askhn. Perhaps Khan Shekhun, 110rth of Hamah. 2 5~. Era sell.

;!.j!l. l ~ ~ fJ 1-._ ~ Snkihaki. For-baki, cf. 1.55, t Ji \\ ·~ \\ Satekh-beg. and Ba'albek. For Suki, (:f. Sukkia (·' \Yo lag cbs ParacliL·s ''? p. .:!!)4). and 153, 20-±. (See ·' Les Orit:;·ines cle l'Histoire," Yol. Ill, p. 281.)

:!titl. Co;·1·. 0~::: o ~. r;ul. Tarnu. Perhaps Kefr Tcn·in, west of Hamah. ( Hl'y.)

::!til. ('on'. ~ ~ ~ o. Uo/. Kamrn. Prof. l\Iaspero sut;'gests to me that the determinative shows Kamru to be a Ilittite word for ·'house" or "fortress;' pe:rhapR .. temple.'' There is a place Kammara south-west of Aleppo. (Sachau.) 2(i2. C.oJ'J'. ~I\/ a~J[ "<\:7"' ~I,·:;r u·or' 1.. ntn \ b a. p er ]1aps }} ata b , Hortl1-wc~t of llamah. (Rey. S,ltria.)

:21)3. c=> ~ IVVVVV\ .Athi11i . .Atini (" \ro lag da:-:; Paraclies ( ., I '\> \\ \\ p. "277 ). 1\tin. wcst-snuth-wust of l\la'arat en N o'aman (•• UHexplorcd Syria,'' Vol. II, p. "20ti ). Lenormant snyR: "_I thini, "·hich the Assyriau (loemue11ts (_'all ~ 1dnuw, a town depending· on KhalYalln = Aleppn." (" Lcs Origines de 1' IlistiJire," Vol. Ill, p. :3"2~1.)

2fiJ. ~ ~ ~ f( ~ Kar shana. (f. 2"28. 28:2. In P1·oc. Soc. lJiD. _irclt., 188:_:, p. 50, T have givun my n_.asons for thiukiug that Shaui"i refers to the Nhana (or Slwsn) Beclawin. Iu Kiepert's map of north ~yria we find a hill-conutry of ~chawa west of ~lembitlj.

1 265. ~ c=> c== Leta-mu. '· Leta region., (Sayee.) Tell a0111---Ll Lata, 11orth of .l\fa'arat en N o'aman.

~~~~ 1 .c..)66 • cOJ'J'. ~~ IVVVVV\ I • u/-'ol • (lJI(l -"uasper( 'J ·0 thel1ts 1 1 1 * * , - , . Teftanaz, north-east of Kefr Lata, seems likely. 2ti7 to 2GD. Erased.

Uol. Karkamasha. 1\l. n oleuiseheff wa~ so happy as to reall

271. 1~ ~ 1 y ~ Tsatscqa. Cf. 13fi. lGl, HJ7. ·> - ·> <:::::::> <:::> ' c:=.. ~~,'\:~ c:=.. ~' l-annnar.- "'I-_, anr .~manr' - -'-· __n_lf I -~n I = _1' ~ ( Su!tt··· ). (_f. 1uttitc rwr~·~nal name <:::::> . I <:::::::> __n I ~ . ~Ianr:'ar. TherL· i~ a ~I m·muT ea:o;t- ..J'J I n••rth-ea:'t uf Dc

21;). Defel'tin~. Set ***·

2 i-± to :2 'i 8. Era:'etl.

:2 i~l. 1~ ~ ~ =3? Khuitn. Cf. lb'it. 11orth of Riblah.

0 280. ---'~ '\..I'VJ Pederi. Pethur (Brng:~~:h). the Pitru of ~ \\ .-\ ...;~yrian l'eL·onh: a Ilittite Ilallle. ~a;-s Shalma- ne;-;er II: the :3ame 11ame a~ Pteria. 110\\ Boghaz­ keui. a :;Teat llittite capital in C'appadoc1a.

<:::::::> ,y..-...... ~ 281. 1 _-\tlitc·n-u (pl.). Suggests Tulhl.n. ~ ';812'J \\ I I I north-east of _\leppo. ( Rt'!'· .Syria.) But it must he Thilati Comnm. ea~t of Enphrate:-:. and not far from Lctljah.

c:=. -~ n _.., r.T.r ~ 28:2. __n T:Tii ~ J ( ~ ~Iashaua. (r: :!1)-±, <3te ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ in Pap. Anast. l (·:The ~Iohar's TraYeb .. ), ~ Land uf Slwua. a-3 ~Iaf;·og. land of n, '.:.;·. It i:' illtL'l'l'Still~~: tO filltl ~ :g ~ ft ~ reappL'ar Ul the Wt:;o;t ttf E~:~::~pt (Brngsch, .. Ge~·.~·. In:'l'hr. ... Yol. IlL pp. 7~l. ~0) in the ~lax:·an:-:. LL·unrmant make~ )Ei~hana the mttmnnin rau~:e ,,f ~Ia~iu;;:. ( ·· L es Originc;'; de l'Hi:--t<~irL·. · \~~~1. HI. p. ;):!~t.) But l c;umot agree. \\~L' fiwl Sdw"·a. a llluuntain (li:-:tril't ,,·e~t of ~Iern­ hi.Ij. in I~iq)t·rt":-: map _\~,,·d-.':n·i· "· <.::::> I I I ~ 283. Co1'r. ~ <=- ~ . Gu1. aJtd Jllaspn·o. Allega : 1 Alligtt of the .Assyriaus; clearly '1\:ll t·l .\lnnidjeh (Honth of .Jerablus) ill Hey'H map. (SeP Sacl1au, 170.)

284. NVWV\ <:::.:>\\ ~ ~ 11.Jr ~'' N ep1rmnu. . . . fJomec fortreNs un 0 \\ <=-I Jr' Enphrates called by Thothmes III N eferu-nl. after his favourite daughter. See Proc. Soc. JJib. AJ·c!t., XI, 78. 285. ~ r: ~ Nakclina, ARsyrian N nqnclina, mentioned with Khazu (I.lasH), all<1 Ara (Tel Ara). See No. Ii3±. 28G. ~ .illl1 \ ~ y ~ Atama. Cf 22G, 228, 297. 1 Cf. Aclamim in the .1\Iohar's TraYels.

287. ~ .illl j ':f: ~ ~ Abrennu. ?Afrin RiYer. Assyrjan Aprie. But perhaps Aboron below Anatho on Euphrates.

288. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ A'irenel. ? A'iran, north of Birejik.

289. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ A'irenel (iLlenticaluame with 288). ? A'ilan, north-enst of Aleppo, or vice veJ'S(t.

290. ~ ~ S ~ ~~ Annaui (1·ead ~} Tell Annazi. Sac/tau, 144: cf. Tharg-annas in the poem of Pentaiir. 2~ll. 1~ '7, ~. llfaspe1·o. Thaknn. Perhaps Tell Tolmn, south of el .1\Iatkh. ("Unexplored Syria," Vol. II. p. 80.) Cf. Tnkhan of Tiglath-pileser ll. 292. 1~ ~ 1 Talekh. 1\I. l\Iasp~r~ propose~ .LJo""A£X1J in Commagene (north of Am tab). ( Zezt., 1879, P· 55.) Doulouk. (Rey, Syritt.) (/. nS.n (man's name) 1 Chron. vii, 2 5. There was a Talakh on . ?" '')~) the Eulmns. ('' \Vo lag clas P ant<-l1c::;. p. ;):.., '. But Wt· may rt:acl Darkha. and it Ina;- be Tell ~\_bu­ llL·rilt

;2~1:). :!':::"D ~ <:::> ---~~- ~\.m·nn. Cr'. .:\ss.Yrian .\rna (Sa,.-ce) ,· ~r-. JI I _L:, • ::;u L•.·lll•rJ.nant. ·· ll('ar Eupbratt:;)... Tell Arau ~-outh-•:a:-t of ~\.lt:.. ppo ':

<::::> I ,...,. .·/'.. -~ '\ ~ c:::::= <""" Jfa."J·n-o. Rc:m'anai. This seems to _____fl I I I _li_ ~ I illY«-'ln:: Hannnann ( RimnH)Il). Pu:-:-i1Jly Bel-Ramfm, ;)nuth-c·a::-;t of ~-\.leppo. Rimmun was the god of Aleppo. ;2£15. Era=-- eel.

*' .

Attak * * .

\.Q 7 ...., ~~~ DefectiYe. Arsha,. ~ <::::> -r:"': '~ k~~ .Jfas11ero. ~ ~~ I _IT_~ ~~~ Perhaps Arshia, south-wbt of Ezzaz. (Arrou·- srnitlt). See 2313.

:?89. L, ~ c::> fJ~~ Jlasot:i'O. jJari Perhaps __..# .ill 11 ~~~ .l * * . ~laria11a. Yery near Ezzaz.

:306. ~ ~ j ~ Aibre. Cf :!8 7, and the name of the riYer Afrin, and toy;n of :-:a me name ( Baedeker).

307. U <::::> c:::::= 1 \\ {) Qarmatia. Earamata. on the descent I I __-u ~ ~rom the Beih'ln pa~s to the '[ mk plain. See map m ·· Lart:~ and Pt:na tes..... ruin~ of a great town of antiquity.'' near (Saclwu. J!jJ ).

308. A~ 5 LJ i .Amaiku (pi.). .. Perhap;) the present ~ ~l \\ I I ·cmk plain prt:serYes the name. near Antioch" ( CoildPi·). Clearly so. ··The corn-store of all Syria'' ( Sacltwt ). C/ Ameuk Keni, south-eaE-t of the Lake of Antioch. ( Rey. Syria.) 30~. U ~ ~ Kat~el. PruLaLly 1\:iz:il Dag-h. or Kizj] Kaia iu Amauns. 310. CoJ'J'. ~ ~ =~ \\ ~. Gal. Wl(l Jlaspel'o. Amnaaia. llllma, (f Am-gnli (lak:l~).

311. 1~ ~ j ~ ~ Klmldm. ..Aleppo. I\hilelm, with a ~utekh, iu treaty of Hamcse~ Il. Cf :!4.).

312. c:J ~ ~~ /VVVVV\ ~ Pianr. Le11onnant proposes Piuara m I I I I Pieria. ('' Les Originef' de l'IIi~toire,'' Vol. Ill. p. i)i)O.) Rather the uame Pieria itself~ now .febel 1\lusa. (·'Lares and Pvnntes,·' p. 2(iK.) l\lountaiu district nurth-··we~t of .A 11tiuc-h.

313. Col'J'. ~ ~ <.::::> c==. Uol. and J.liaspero. Annna. See Jf I __]] :!08, identical. Cf. Urnmaya. Hittite triLe. There is Unl.m Kcnpri near Cynlms on the way to Samalla land. "Tl1e plain of Antioch is called sometimes the Umq of Uerem" (Ainsworth, "Researches i11 Ass.)'l.·ia," ~!lU). But possibly "Arima. Greek geographers giYe this name tu the Cilieian Ta urns." ( Per1·ot, Rev. des deu,v lllondfs, Juillet 15, 18Sfi, p. 330.)

('0''1'. ,E,I f l I :lr 314. 1 ~ ---.LJ~ ~n \£~ D'tf l ~.~ (JO . Wll J.tlUSJICro. k)a-~ maalna. Cf. ~ ~ ~ ~, proper nmne of a man. ( Tl'ans. Soc. lJi!J.-' I reiL, Vol. YI, pp. ::?08, 3~l;~, 404.) Sam'alla, land. (" \Yu lag dns Pnraclics?" p. 274.) (See ., LeH OrigillCR lll· nli~toire," Y(ll. III, p. 27 5.) Cf 8chamla, Wl'l-lt of Ezzaz. "ThiR is certainly tl1e Samahla (sic) of the AR~yria11 monmnents, Samalis Leing; the ~amahlin11.'' (Sa!Jcr:.) The IIittite mountain region 11orth of Patilln. -- -~ c::::::::::. ~ ~ '1 .... :)1.), ~~--:;:, ';'\,, . ~\kmn'a. \\. /) \~ ._1_,. fflrll~lSClz. ~ J..;.:~ __[] ~ ,..-· ..fl:~ -~ .. f ~c·•~g. In~l' .... JI. -!-!.) ~\kma Da~·h. 1wrth of Pil·ria. f~r'. ~~.:;~. (•· G~o. du Ta1mlll1."' p. 3G8.) <:><= :- (f. 0 ~~~, propc·r name nf a l!Hlll. ( Trans. Sc11·. 1Ji1•. ~I n-It .. Ynl. YI. pp. :! ....; ..:::._ .!.I L!.)

:311~. 0 \~ <=> ~ Pnreth. Ilc·brew i'r''l:"'_. Ass~rian _jj I "J'J'. • . Bnrattn. Euphrates. El Dnr:"tt. east of Euphrates. :-;oluth of Jc.-ralJltis. (R.:y. $,un'a.) There was ill later times a di:-;trict of Euphratt·::.:ia.

Sarresu. Cf •· Sutekh of th1· city nf Saresu.'' in the Hittite treaty (Brng,.:l'h, .. Hist . .'' ,-ol. Il. p. 1:!; .. Rec. of Past.'' Yul. IY. p. :31.) rr: ~ira:-:u. king of the Shinguriai. ( l>u11s. Soc. JJ;z,, ~-hclt .. Yol. 111. p. :!~13.) Sn~s:it. We:-t elf Euphrates, opposite to el-Burat with nuns. ( .St_u.:lunl.)

<:::::> 0 1...., . 31ti. ~l. \~ • _\npeuekha. Lenormant thinks ~~c::.l' \\. ~.V./V'A ...b:.~ ..:\ripenekha. •· perhaps a Yariant of Arrapkha. in the neighbourhood of the Kheta-u. (" Les Orif6nc·s cle l'Histoire." Yol. Ill. pp. :!7~, 330.)

319. ~ <:::::> h__ Jfaq)/:ro. Arits. (/. 13~1. 1GG. Perhaps ~~~·~ to be read ,,·ith the following name.

3:!0. 0}? L ~~}?. Puqin.

3:! 1. Erased. except ~~~~}? " . Jlaspao. ~~

~~.-.. /V,,~ c:::::=> ·) ·> ·> d--· un.v, \~> . Thinunr. C'r'. 'Ain et Tannin\ ~outh \\ f'--- _LL I . of lake of Hom~. (See Cunder, •· Heth and ~Ioab. p. :3fi. &e.) There are '1\mml.rins north of ~-1.fka. Perhaps Thannnrimn in :Jlesc,potamia. (Procopius, p . .) I.: On or near the riYer Khabur. Ou the 'l'opogmphy of LVo7'theJ·n 8yl'io. 2f>i1

323. ~- <=> ~ rB. 'Tscrnas. ·· Purhap~ ~unum of the ~~~ <·mwifurm texts, oH the right ballk of tlw Enphrate:-;." (" Lel':l Origiues Lle 1'1 listoire, Yul. 11 f, p. ;-)i30.) Bather Tsafinm, east of Ezzaz. ( flf'!J. Sy rill.)

324-. ~~ <=> ~ ~. JI((snero. NureJWR. Kcfr Nuran, oJ:( 1 .1&1 1 south-west of Alcppo. (Rf'!J·)

1 325 to 332. Erased.

<:::>c== 333. \\ ~. Iurima. Urima, west of Euphmt<·s. ~ \\ ---D above Birejik, uow Udun. (" Les Origines lle l'Histoire;' Vol. Ill, p. 3iH .) Hather Urim. south­ west of Aleppo." There are three Urirns in tbi~ ancient disti·ict. Con·. ~~~'"0"~ Col. and \\ NV\IVV\ ~'~'''. lllaspeJ'O.

DefectivP. 33 V{~. ~ ~ ~~~ J.lfaspeJ·o. ~~~~~~· CSLJ<=>%%% 3i:i7. ?1?1?1 Defective. Shiirr Perhaps ---D <::::> ~~~ . * * . Shannh, west of Aleppo. "Unexplored Syria:' Vol. IL p. 200.

338. ~g:::=:;~~ .Jfaspe1·o. Thithup. Tetif, east of 11 lr . Aleppo. 339. Defective. A * * * *.

llfaspero. Ts* * * .

342. Defective. 1 <=>1~%%~~. .Jiaspero. Tserkhu.*' I ~~ Perhaps Zarka, on the way from Aleppo to .

DD ,...e.,~, 343. \~ lQl Shuserenu. Jl[aspel'o. ( Cf fSisaura11a Jr' I~· at the heild of the Khabur in Babelou's map), Possibly Shaizar, now callell Kala'at-Sedjar). :2 .-,-!:


i1-±.1. ..A b~ha tna.

. r-- ..... <:::::> -0 <=:::> :3-J:ti. ~ -- ro \b or pt_·rhaps 0 \~ . Jlaspero. ~ c:__· -'l · --'-1. I .Ji I f): 1:!:!. ?Tdl ..:\muur~-n. suuth of Apamea. ('tlL.) :)-±i. l~SL}-=. Thamiiqnr. C/c~*~~~o. nncl ~ ___!;; lj 1A. ~ ) __ ~ ~ (l'ha ha.". "Etudes/' :2 eel .. p. :!11i: XIX. du~- .. p. 1111). This,Yordof Yaric·cl form :-.eems to :--is:nif~- .~ ht::aYen .. (see deter­ mina tiYe.. f)'. .Jlazmakhur. :':llutb c.f ~Aintab. (Re!'· S!tria.)

3-±8. Retep. (~ --\.. ram. =:.! . ~:.!~. Hebrew, ·• applied I to a Ion.:.!.· f:ton~- \-alle:-... ( P. E. F. ~Yame List, p. :3-±5. Rezc·ph. on the way tn Euphrates from Palmyra. (:2 Kin~·:-:, xi:s:. 1:?: Is. xx:s:Yii. 1:?.) Assyrian ('; \Yo lag clas Paraclies?" p. :!~1/ ). modern He:-tifeh. ( .. Les Origines de l'Hi~toli·e, ., Y ol. III. p. 33U.)

~<:::::>..<-! 34~1. c::::= ~ 11 L \~, . :Jiii uriq a. .JI oclern .JI urik. .. Two ___i] ...1l .Ll:....) telb. ont_· conspicnc.n:--.'' ( .. l~ne:s:plorecl Syria/' Y ol. I I. p. 1 ill.) ~ orth-uortL-ea:-:;t of Hamah.

c:::> ~~~ 3.jCl, DefectiYe. ~ :~ ~~ A * * ., . ..:Ul after this erased I ") ~~~ • to the encl.