Mescal: the Divine Plant and Its Psychological Effects
MESCAL THE 'DIVINE' PLANT AND ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS HEINRICH KLUVER Ph D NET PSYCHE MINIATURES GENERAL SERIES ICEGAN PAUL PSYCHE MINIATURES General Series No. 22 MESCAL Il y a u,u esp~ce d'uniU dans la varilU qui me psnnstt,·a de ,Adige, sans t,op de peine ceU8 monog,aphie de l'ir,resse . .. CHARLES BAUDBLAiltE., PSYCHE MINIATURES Each 2/6 Net MEDICAL SERIES Migraine F. G. Crookshank, M.D .• F.R.C.P. Aphasia S. A. Kinnier Wilson, M.D., F.R.C.P. Rheumatic Diseases M. B. Ray, D.S.O., M.D. Types of Mind and Body E. Miller, M.B., M.R.C.S .. D.P.M. Dermatolo({ical Neurose., W. J. O'Donovan, O.B.E., M.D. Diagnosis F. G. Crookshank, M.D .. F.R.C.P. Medicine: and the Man Millais Cu]pin, M.D., F.R.C.S. Idiosyncrasies Sir Humphry Rolleston, Bart., K.C.B., F.R.C.P. The Constitutional Factor Arthur F. Hurst, M.D., F.R.C.P. The Troubled Conscience Professor C. Blonde! Mirror- Writing Macdonald Critchley, M.D .. M.R.C.P. GENERAL Science and Poetry I. A. Richards OtJer-Populatio,i P. :Sargant Florence Man Not A Machine Eugenio Rignano The Hunter in Our Midst R. Lowe Thompson Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum H. J. Massinaham M:,th in Primitive Psychology B. Malinowski The Father in PrimititJe Psychology B. Malinowski On History A. L. Rowse Economics and Human Behauiour P. Sargant Florep.ce Fatalism or Freedom C. Judson Herrick Emergent EtJolution W. Morton Wheeler Man A Machine Joseph Needham Intelligence Claude A.
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