iiiiiiiiiiitoilf911)1118iiiiiii ERRATUM Activities of the Resource Development Branch Newfoundland Region March - September, 1974 p 16. fifth line from bottom of page should read Four of these were tagged in 1971, , four salmon were recaptured on the south coast of Insular Newfound- land; one was recaptured in Salmonier Arm, Rex Porter Activities of the Resource Development Branch Newfoundland Region January-February, 1974 , On Friday, March 1, 1974, the Branch Executive met at 3:00 p.m. Attending were V.R. Taylor, B.R. Bauld, R.J. Wiseman, W.J. Walsh, J. D. Pratt, L.G. Riche, and C.A. Whalen. General: Discussion of the 1974-75 budget took up almost all the meeting time. Generally speaking, the Branch budget for 1974-75 is not substantially greater than that of the past fiscal year. The general concensus expressed was that some "belt-tightening" would be required by all Groups if we are to keep our operations within budgetory limits. Meetings! On January 3, 1974 an informal meeting was held in Building 302 between representatives of the Branch and H. Lear and R. Payne of the St. John's Biological Station to discuss the agenda and format of the forthcoming Program Working Party on Atlantic Anadromous Fish to be tentatively held during April 23-25 in St. John's. Representing the Branch were V.R. Taylor, J.D. Pratt, R.J. Wiseman, and D. Waldron. R.J. Wiseman, C.A. Whalen, M. Farwell, and L. Coady of the Branch attended the 27th Annual Meeting of the C.C.F.F.R. held in Ottawa during January 7-8, 1974.
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