RIEMSER Group International Product List
RIEMSER Group International Product List Product Active substance Presentation Indication Product Category Channel EMB Fatol Ethambutol • POI 1g/10ml Treatment of several forms and stages of Anti-infectives Rx dihydrochloride • TAB 100mg tuberculosis • FCT 400, 500 mg Eremfat Rifampicin • GRA 1.2g/60ml Anti-infectives Rx • POI 300, 600mg Tuberculosis therapy , combination treatment of • FCT 150, 300, 450, 600 leprosy, prophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis, treatment of infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria Isozid Isoniazid • TAB 50, 100, 200 mg During Chemotherapy, -prophylaxis and - Anti-infectives Rx • POI 500mg prevention for / of tuberculosis Isozidcomp Isoniazid / pyridoxine • TAB 100mg / 20mg Chemotherapy, -prophylaxis and -prevention for / Anti-infectives Rx • FCT 200mg /40 mg, 300mg/60mg of Tuberculosis PAS-Fatol Sodium aminosalicylate • POI 13.49g Chemotherapy for tuberculosis, caused by Anti-infectives Rx dihydrate mycobacterium tuberculosis and mycobacterium bovis. Peteha Protionamide • FCT 250mg Treatment of tuberculosis, leprosy and diseases Anti-infectives Rx caused by so-called ubiquitours (atypical) mycobacteria Pyrafat Pyrazinamide • FCT 500mg Combination therapy for all types of tuberculosis, Anti-infectives Rx • TAB 500mg caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, mycobacterium africanum, or mycobacterium microtti. Terizidon Terizidone • CAP 250mg Treatment of tuberculosis caused by Anti-infectives Rx mycobacterium tuberculosis Vancomycin Enterocaps Vancomycin • CAP 250 mg Treatment of certain types of bowel
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