Washington, Thursday, November 16, 1944
A, UTTEBA r'u £ SCRIPTA % EDERA! REGISTER O s «4? 1 9 3 4 VOLUME 9 NUMBER 229 Washington, Thursday, November 16, 1944 The President Sec. CONTENTS 12.301 Extent of regulations. 12.302 Definitions. THE PRESIDENT 12.303 Retention preference classification. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9500 12.304 Completion of employee records. E xecutive Order: Pa#e 12.305 Determination of competitive area. Trust periods on Indian lands E xtension op T rust P eriods on I ndian 12.306 Special rule relating to consolida expiring during calendar Lands E xpiring D uring the Calendar tions and mergers. year 1945, extension of___ 13699 Y ear 1945 12.307 Compilation of retention register. 12.308 Sequence of selection. REGULATIONS AND NOTICES By virtue of and pursuant to the au 12.309 Actions. thority vested in me by section 5 of 12.310 Notice to employees. Civil Service Commission: the act of February 8, 1887, 24 Stat. 888, 12.311 Reports to the Commission. Reductions in force, retention 389, by the act of June 21, 1906, 34 Stat. 12.312 Special rules on liquidation. preference regulations___ _ 13699 325, 326, and by the act of March 2,1917, 12.313 Appeals. 12.314 Actions disapproved toy the Commis Coast G uard: 39 Stat. 969, 976, and other applicable sion. Approval of equipment:________ 13733 provisions of law, it is ordered that the 12.315 Effective date. Tank barges on Gulf intra periods of trust applying to Indian lands, coastal waterway, vessels whether of a tribal or individual status, Authority: §§ 12.301 to 12.315, inclusive, Issued under authority of sec.
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