Tmux Keyboard Shortcuts

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Tmux Keyboard Shortcuts Page 1 of 1 tmux cheat sheet Installing Tmux then Ctrl + Left arrow / Right To install Tmux, type sudo apt-get install tmux in arrow Ubuntu or Debian command line. Ctrl + B then Toggle between pane layouts Space Sessions Ctrl + B then O Switch to next pane Ctrl + B then S Show all sessions Ctrl + B then X Close current pane Ctrl + B then $ Rename session Copy mode Ctrl + B then ( Move to previous session Ctrl + B then ) Move to next session Ctrl + B then [ Enter copy mode Ctrl + B then $ Rename session Ctrl + B then Page Enter copy mode and scroll one Up page up Ctrl + B then D Detach from session Q Quit mode Windows G Go to top line Up arrow / Down Scroll up / down Ctrl + B then C Create window arrow Ctrl + B then N Next window H Move cursor left Ctrl + B then [0 - Switch / select window by number J Move currsor down 9] K Move cursor up Ctrl + B then , Rename current window L Move cursor right Ctrl + B then P Previous window W Move cursor forward one word at a time Panes B Move cursor backward one word at Ctrl + B then ; Toggle last active pane a time Ctrl + B then % Split pane vertically / Search forward Ctrl + B then " Split pane horizontally ? Search backward Ctrl + B then { Move the current pane left N Next keyword occurrence Ctrl + B then } Move the current pane right Shift + N Previous keyword occurrence Ctrl + B then Switch pane to the direction Space Start selection Arrow keys Esc Clear selection Ctrl + B then Q Show pane numbers Enter Copy selection Ctrl + B then Q Switch / select pane by number Ctrl + B then ] Paste contents of buffer_0 then [0 - 9] Ctrl + B then Z Toggle pane zoom Misc Ctrl + B then ! Convert pane into a window Ctrl + B then : Enter command mode Ctrl + B then Resize current pane height updwon or Ctrl + B then Ctrl + Up Help arrow / Down Ctrl + B then ? Show shortcuts arrow Ctrl + B then Left Resize current pane width Last modification: 11/11/2019 8:10:46 PM arrow / Right arrow or Ctrl + B More information:
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