tmux Cheat Sheet by im_Tavo (gamejia90) via

 Outside Sessions  .tmux.conf (cont)  Shortcuts tmux (cont)

tmux tmux: start bind k select-​ pane -U # k select up-pane mode termux bind l select-​ pane -R # l select right-pane​ nf​ .lo​ tmux list-​ se‐​ bind C-h previou​ s-w​ indow # M-h C-a + r  reload ssions: ​ ​ select previous-window .tmux.conf show bind C-l next-wi​ ndow # M-l C-a + [Enter]  Enter into copy- listed select next-wi​ ndow mode session bind r source-​ $TMUX_CONF C-a + :  go to tmux tmux attach [-t foo] attac​ h-‐​ \; display "$​ TMU​ X_CONF reload‐​ command​ -line tmux a [-t foo] sess​ ion: " # r as reload attach to config_​ file C-a is the prefix, the default prefix is target bind e new-window -n "$​ TMU​ X_‐​ C-b session CONF​ " "$​ TMU​ X_E​ DITOR $TMUX_CONF full command list foo ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ && tmux source $TMUX_C​ ONF​ " # tmux -server kill-​ se‐​ e open config_​ file list of commands in commad-​ line rver: tmux bind '%' -w​ indow -h -c "#​ kill all {pa​ ne_​ cur​ ren​ t_p​ ath​ }" kill-server Kill all instances of sessions bind '"' split-w​ indow -v -c "#​ tmux tmux kill-session [-t target] kill-​ se‐​ {pa​ ne_​ cur​ ren​ t_p​ ath​ }" kill-window Close window C-a ssion: # ======​ TES​ TIN​ G==​ ===== + & destroy the .tmux​ .co​ nf is the configu​ ration file and you kill-panel Close panel C-a + target can create it in the $HOME directory x session ~/.tmu​​ nf tmux new [-s foo] new-se‐​ download last version link Info ssion: https:/​ /tm​ uxc​ hea​ tsh​ eet​ .com/ start  Shortcuts tmux https:/​ /g​ i​ t​ hu​​ m​ /​ g​ pa​ kos​ z/​ .tmux session named as foo

tmux rename [-t foo] bar renam​ e-‐​ sess​ ion: rename the target session as bar.

tmux lscm list-​ co‐​ mmands: list all commands supported to more cmds about session check the Official Manual [link]

 .tmux.conf

#setting prompt color C-a + % ◫ Split set -g default​ -te​ rminal "x​ ter​ m-2​ 56c​ ol‐​ terminal or" Vertically TMUX_CO​ NF=​ "~/.tmu​​ nf​ " C-a + " ⊟ Split TMUX_ED​ ITO​ R="​ v​ im"​ terminal unbind C-b # disable default Horizo‐​ set -g prefix C-a # as C-a ntally bind a send-pr​ efix # a as C-a + [h  j  k  l  ] ◨ Move normal C-a between bind C-a send-pr​ efix # C-a as panels normal C-a C-a + q + [number]  show/s‐​ set -g base-index 1 # start 1 elect panel setw -g pane-ba​ se-​ index 1 [number] set -g mouse 1 C-a + [space]  Reorder # ======​ ==V​ IM=​ ===​ ===== panels #Move to the panel as VIM ->  ]  Swap x>hjkl Panel bind h select-​ pane -L # h C-a + x  Close select left-pane panel C-a bind j select-​ pane -D # j + :kill-​ select down-pane panel

C-a + z Toogle Maximaize Panel

C-a + c  Create new window

C-a + [C-h  C-l  ] move between windows

C-a + [number] Select window [number]

C-a + [tab] Previous window

C-a + &  Close window C- a + :kill-​ win​ dow

By im_Tavo (gamejia90) Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 25th November, 2020. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 1 of 2.