Administrative Report on the Census of the Central India Agency, Madhya Pradesh
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ON THE CENSUS OF THE CENTRAL INDIA AGENCY, 1921 BY Lieut.-Colonel C. E. LUARD, C.I.E., M.A. (Oxon.), 1.A., Superintendent of Census Operations CALOUTTa SUl'ElUXTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA 19;?·~ Agents tor the Sale of Books Published by the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, Calcutta.. OJ EUROPE. COl1:stable & Cn., 10, Or .. n·~c StrJet, L)i'Jester, Wneldon & Wesley. Ltd., 2, 3 & 4, Arthur Street, London, W.C. New Oxford Street, London, W. C. 2. Kegan, Tr'cndl, Trnbne" & Co., 68.;4, Carter L"ne, E.C., "au :J\I,New OKlord Street, London, Messrs. E~st and West Ltd.., 3, Victoria St., London, W.C S. W 1. BernMd Quaritch. 11. Gr",fton Stroot, New Bond n. H. Blackwell, GO & 51, Broad SLreet, OxfonJ:. Streot, London, W. Deighton Bell & Co., Ltd., Ca.mbridge. P. S. King & Sons, 2 & 4. Grea.t Smith Street Westminst~r, London, S.W. Oliver & Boyd, Tw"eddalo Ccmrt, Edinburgh. H. S. King & Co .• 65, Cornhill, E.C., and 9, Pal E. Ponsonby, Ltd., l!6, Grafton Stroot, Dublin. Mall, London, W. Ea.rnest Leroux, 28, Rue Bonap"rte, Pal'is. Grindla.v & Co., 54. Parliament Street, London, S.W. Lnzac & Co, 46, Grea.t Hussell Street, London, W.C· MarLinu. Nijhoil', Tho Hague, Holla.nd. W. Thacker & Co., 2, Crew, London, E.C. Otto Harrassowitz" Leipzig. T. }<'isher Unwin, Ltd., No. I, Adelphi Terrace, Friedlander and Sohn, Berlin. London, W.C. IN INDIA AND CEYLON. Thacker, Splllk & Co., Calcutta and Simla.
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