

Ariella P Dale, Christian Marchello and Mark H Ebell

Clinical gestalt to diagnose , , and : a meta-analysis

INTRODUCTION Abstract Instead, clinicians rely on their overall The overall clinical impression, also clinical impression. As the overall clinical Background called ‘clinical gestalt’, is an intuitive impression can incorporate additional The overall clinical impression (‘clinical gestalt’) is approach to decision making used by variables not included in the CDR, it has widely used for diagnosis but its accuracy has not been systematically studied. to make clinical diagnoses. the potential of being more accurate. It takes into account multiple signs and For example, while a clinical rule may Aim To determine the accuracy of clinical gestalt for symptoms without necessarily using an categorise a patient as being at low risk the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia analytic approach such as a point score for group A beta-haemolytic streptococcal (CAP), rhinosinusitis (ARS), acute bacterial or algorithm, and is an inductive approach (GABHS) pharyngitis, knowing that a sibling rhinosinusitis (ABRS), and streptococcal based on pattern recognition rather was diagnosed with GABHS pharyngitis the pharyngitis, and to contrast it with the accuracy of clinical decision rules (CDRs). than a hypotheticodeductive approach. week before could be an important factor. Some studies have shown that inductive For acute , Design and setting Systematic review and meta-analysis of outpatient pattern-recognition strategies may be CDRs have been developed to diagnose diagnostic accuracy studies in . more widely used and more successful GABHS pharyngitis,8,9 acute rhinosinusitis 1–3 Method than hypotheticodeductive strategies. (ARS) and acute bacterial rhinosinusitis 10 PubMed and Google were searched for studies However, proponents of evidence-based (ABRS), and community-acquired in outpatients that reported sufficient data practice encourage the use of clinical pneumonia (CAP).11 In this study, the authors to calculate accuracy of the overall clinical decision rules (CDRs) for diagnosis, as do performed a systematic review of the impression and that used the same reference standard. Study quality was assessed using practice guidelines. CDRs use a formal accuracy of the overall clinical impression Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy approach such as multivariate analysis for GABHS pharyngitis, ARS, and CAP, which Studies-2 (QUADAS-2), and measures of accuracy or recursive partitioning to identify signs, has not been systematically studied before, calculated using bivariate meta-analysis. symptoms, and point-of-care tests that and evaluated how its accuracy compared Results are the best independent predictors of a with that of CDRs for the same conditions. The authors identified 16 studies that met the diagnosis or clinical outcome. They are then inclusion criteria. The summary estimates for the positive (LR+) and negative likelihood ratios typically converted to a simple point score METHOD (LR–) were LR+ 7.7, 95% confidence interval or algorithm such as the Ottawa Ankle Search (CI) = 4.8 to 11.5, and LR– 0.54, 95% CI= 0.42 Rules for ankle injury,4 or the Wells rule to For this systematic review, PubMed was to 0.65 for CAP in adults, LR+ 2.7, 95% CI= 1.1 diagnose .5 The goal searched for published studies using a to 4.3 and LR– 0.63, 95% CI= 0.20 to 0.98 for CAP in children, LR+ 3.0, 95% CI= 2.1 to 4.4 and of CDRs is to improve the efficiency and search strategy (available from the LR– 0.37, 95% CI = 0.29 to 0.46 for ARS in adults, accuracy of clinical diagnosis and thereby authors), combining synonyms for overall LR+ 3.9, 95% CI = 2.4 to 5.9 and LR– 0.33, 95% reduce unnecessary testing.6 clinical impression, the clinical diagnosis, CI = 0.20 to 0.50 for ABRS in adults, and LR+ 2.1, 95% CI = 1.6 to 2.8 and LR– 0.47, 95% CI= 0.36 However, CDRs may be cumbersome and ambulatory care. The reference to 0.60 for streptococcal pharyngitis in adults and to access and use at the point of care. lists of all included studies were also children. The diagnostic odds ratios were highest As a result, CDRs are only infrequently searched to identify studies not captured for CAP in adults (14.2, 95% CI= 9.0 to 21.0), ARS used in real-world clinical practice.7 by the PubMed search strategy. In addition, in adults (8.3, 95% CI = 4.9 to 13.1), and ABRS in adults (13.0, 95% CI = 5.0 to 27.0), as were the C-statistics (0.80, 0.77, and 0.84 respectively). Conclusion AP Dale, PhD, MPH, healthcare-associated Email: [email protected] infections surveillance data coordinator, Colorado The accuracy of the overall clinical impression Submitted: 24 November 2018; Editor’s Department of Public Health and Environment, compares favourably with the accuracy of CDRs. Denver, US. C Marchello, PhD, MSc, fellow, response: 19 December 2018; final acceptance: Studies of diagnostic accuracy should routinely University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 4 January 2019. include the overall clinical impression in addition MH Ebell, MD, MSc, professor, Department of to individual , and research is ©British Journal of General Practice Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public needed to optimise its teaching. Health, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, US. This is the full-length article (published online Keywords Address for correspondence 18 Jun 2019) of an abridged version published in acute rhinosinusitis; community-acquired Mark Ebell, 125 Miller Hall, University of Georgia print. Cite this version as: Br J Gen Pract 2019; pneumonia; diagnosis; evidence-based medicine; Health Sciences Campus, Athens, GA 30602, US. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp19X704297 overall clinical impression; pharyngitis.

e444 British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 Inclusion and exclusion criteria How this fits in The present research was limited to prospective studies that reported diagnostic It is known that the overall clinical impression is widely used in clinical data regarding the accuracy of the overall practice but has not been systematically clinical impression (clinical gestalt) studied. This study showed that in to diagnose CAP, ARS, ABRS, or acute adults the overall clinical impression GABHS pharyngitis. ARS was defined as had good accuracy for the diagnosis of abnormal imaging, and ABRS as abnormal community-acquired pneumonia, for acute rhinosinusitis, and for acute bacterial culture of antral puncture fluid. Studies rhinosinusitis. It had moderate accuracy were limited to the ambulatory-care setting for diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis (outpatient clinic, urgent care, or emergency and for pneumonia in children. In each department [ED]) as hospital-acquired case, the accuracy of the overall clinical and ventilator-associated pneumonia impression was similar to or better than that for a clinical decision rule for the are separate clinical entities. All patients same conditions. Thus, the overall clinical must have received the same acceptable impression has good accuracy and is an reference standard: (CXR), important diagnostic tool that is deserving ultrasound, or computed tomography of further study and quantification. (CT) for pneumonia; imaging or antral puncture fluid analysis for ARS; and culture for GABHS pharyngitis. The authors published systematic reviews of the clinical excluded studies of nosocomial infections, diagnosis of GABHS pharyngitis, CAP, and infections in immunocompromised persons, ARS or ABRS were searched for additional or studies of the diagnosis of bacteraemia studies,12–16 as were the first 50 results or . The authors included studies of returned by a Google search of ‘ both children and adults. Studies of ARS diagnosis clinical impression’ for each using inspection of antral puncture fluid or disease. The search was not restricted by bacterial culture as the reference standard language, country, or date of publication. were classified as also diagnosing ABRS.

Records identified through Additional records identified database searching through other sources (n = 2109) (n = 1) Identification

Records after duplicates removed (n = 2110)

Screening Records screened Records excluded (n = 2110) (n = 2056)

Full-text articles excluded, Full-text articles primarily due to lack of assessed for eligibility data regarding accuracy of (n = 54) clinical gestalt ( = 38)

Eligibility n

Studies included in qualitative synthesis (n = 16)

Studies included in Included quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) (n = 16) Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of study search.

British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 e445 Data abstraction Gatsonis.19 The authors used a summary Each title and abstract was reviewed by two receiver operating characteristic (ROC) investigators to identify potential studies for curve to plot 95% confidence intervals for inclusion. Any study identified for full-text the summary estimates and calculated the analysis by one of the reviewers was reviewed area under the ROC curve (AUROCC), also independently by two investigators, and called the C-statistic. Heterogeneity was any discrepancies were resolved by a third evaluated using inspection of the summary reviewer (lead investigator). For studies that ROC plots and confidence intervals, as I 2 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, two is not recommended for use in diagnostic reviewers abstracted study characteristics, meta-analysis20 or when there is a small data regarding the accuracy of clinical number of primary studies.21 To facilitate gestalt, and study design characteristics for comparison with a dichotomous overall the quality assessment, with discrepancies clinical impression for each diagnosis, resolved via consensus discussion or, if clinical decision rules were dichotomised necessary, by the lead investigator. All of into low or moderate versus high risk, the included studies were reviewed a final or low risk versus moderate or high risk time by the lead investigator to confirm the depending on which approach provided the accuracy of data abstraction. highest diagnostic odds ratio (DOR). Where a study reported the accuracy of clinical gestalt using more than two RESULTS categories (for example, ‘sure’, ‘quite sure’, The initial search identified 2109 articles, and ‘unsure’), the results were collapsed of which 54 were evaluated as full text and into two dichotomous categories, that is, 15 met the inclusion criteria. A review of ‘sure’ versus ‘quite sure’ or ‘unsure’. The references of included studies identified selection of category combinations was no additional studies for full-text review. based on the combination that provided the The Google search identified no additional highest diagnostic odds ratio (DOR; ratio of studies, whereas the review of previous positive to negative likelihood ratio [LR]), a systematic reviews identified one additional measure of discrimination. Where studies study of pharyngitis22 for a final total of 16 reported estimates of probability, included studies (three acute pharyngitis, >50% versus ≤50% was used. One study nine CAP, and four ARS or ABRS). The reported data in the form of a figure.17 The search is summarised in Figure 1 using the figure was enlarged, digital vertical lines Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic drawn to determine the intercept, and a Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) ruler was used to calculate the number framework. of patients in each category. Data were reported separately for the three study Characteristics of included studies sites in this study (Illinois, Nebraska, and The characteristics of the included studies Virginia), as each site enrolled a distinct are summarised in Table 1. A total of six population and found somewhat different studies took place in the US, four in Sweden, sensitivity and specificity.17 and one each in Ireland, Israel, Lesotho, Norway, Spain, and a consortium of 12 Quality assessment European countries. Most gathered data The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic in either a primary care clinic or the ED or Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) framework a combination of those sites. Regarding was adapted to evaluate the quality of the age group, 11 studies enrolled only adults, included studies. Studies at low risk of bias four only children, and one both adults and for all four domains (patient selection; index children. All studies of pneumonia diagnosis test; reference standard; and patient flow used chest radiography as the reference and timing) were judged to be at low risk of standard, all studies of pharyngitis used bias overall.18 Those with a single domain , and studies of rhinosinusitis at high risk of bias were judged to be at used either antral puncture revealing moderate risk of bias overall, and all others purulent fluid23–25 or sinus radiography.26 were judged to be at high risk of bias. The rhinosinusitis and pneumonia studies generally included patients where there was Statistical analysis already some clinical suspicion for these The authors performed the meta-analysis diagnoses; an exception was the study by using the Reitsma function in the mada van Vugt and colleagues that included any package in R (version 3.4.3), which uses patient with acute .11 The prevalence of a bivariate model equivalent to the pneumonia varied from 5% in the van Vugt hierarchical summary receiver operating study to 44%; the median prevalence was characteristic (HSROC) model of Rutter and 15%. The pharyngitis studies had broad

e446 British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 Table 1. Characteristics of included studies

Patient Setting Operationalisation Mean or Prevalence Study sample (number of of clinical median of disease, Country, date of author, year size, n physicians) Presenting symptoms gestalt definition Age group age (range) % data collection Pneumonia Grossman, 198827 155 ED (NR) Diagnosis of pneumonia was considered Clinical impression Children (0 to 18 years, 62% <2 years of age) 33 US, NR Mahabee-Gittens, 510 ED (5) Presenting with one or more of laboured, rapid, Physician probability Children Mean 15.3 months 9 US, 2000–2002 200528 or noisy breathing; chest or ; ≤50% versus >50% Redd, 199429 226 Outpatient department Children at high risk for pneumonia Clinical diagnosis Children Mean 15.1 months 17 Lesotho, NR of a hospital (NR) of pneumonia (3 months to 5 years) Gonzalez Ortiz, 141 ED (NR) Fever for 48 hours plus lower respiratory symptoms Diagnostic judgement Adult (≥15 years) 38 Spain, NR 199530 Lieberman, 250 Primary care clinic and ED Acute febrile illness plus at least one of Physician’s judgement Adult Mean 39 years 8 Israel, 1999 200331 (15 primary care, ED NR) cough, , coryza, or hoarseness Melbye, 198832 71 Primary care Patients with clinically Physician probability Adult Mean 48 years (15 to 79) 15 Norway, 1986 clinic (25) suspected pneumonia by their GP >75% versus ≤75% Moberg, 201633 100 Primary care clinic (NR) Clinically suspected pneumonia Suspicion of pneumonia Adult Mean 56 years 44 Sweden, 2011–2014 sure versus quite sure or unsure Tape, 199117 1364 ED (NR) Physician thought pneumonia was a possibility, Probability of pneumonia Adult Mean 45.4 years in Illinois, 14 US, 1987–1988 or at least two of fever, cough, , pleuritic pain, estimated >50% 47.6 years in Nebraska, and dyspnoea, , or altered mentation 41 years in Virginia van Vugt, 201311 2810 Primary care Acute or worsened cough (<28 days) Clinical judgement of GP Adult Mean 50 years 5 12 European clinics (294) or judged to have lower respiratory countries, 2007–2010 GABHS pharyngitis Attia, 200134 58 ED and two Signs or symptoms of acute Physician probability Children Mean 6.8 years (1 to 18) 37 US, 1999–2000 outpatient clinics (NR) pharyngitis estimate 0 to 5 versus 6 to 10 Centor, 19818 234 ED (NR) Complaint of sore throat Resident physician’s ‘guess’ Adult NR 17 US, 1980 Dobbs, 199622 206 Primary care clinic (1) Main symptom of sore throat Physician clinical diagnosis Both (≥4 years) 35 Ireland, 1988–1991

British Sinusitis Williams, 199226 247 General medicine Self-described sinusitis, Clinical impression high Adult Median 50 years 38 US, NR Journal clinic (86% by one nasal discharge, or versus intermediate or of three authors) non-traumatic facial pain low of Berg,198123 50 Otolaryngology Suspected acute sinusitis Probably or definitely Adult Mean 46 years 50 Sweden, NR General clinic (NR) purulent sinusitis versus other Berg, 198524 90 Otolaryngology Suspected acute sinusitis Evidence of suppuration Adult NR 48 Sweden, NR e447 Practice, July2019 clinic (NR) clinically Berg, 198825 155 ED (3) Suspected acute maxillary sinusitis Sinusitis versus no sinusitis Adult Mean 38 years 51 Sweden, NR ED = emergency department. NR = not reported. US = United States. Table 2. Assessment of study quality using the QUADAS-2 framework

Domains Patient selection Index test Reference standard Flow and timing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Overall

Study, year Consecutive control Not case criteria Exclusion Risk of bias Applicability blinded Index prespecified Threshold Risk of bias Applicability used puncture Antral blinded Reference Risk of bias Applicability standard All had reference standard All had same reference for All accounted Risk of bias Attia, 200134 Y Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L L Centor, 19818 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L L Dobbs, 199622 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L L Gonzalez Ortiz, 199530 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L L Moberg, 201633 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y Y L L Williams, 199226 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L L Tapea (Nebraska, Illinois), 199117 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y Y L L van Vugt, 201311 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L L Berg, 198524 U Y Y H H Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y Y L M Berg, 198825 Y Y Y L H Y Y L H Y N H H Y Y Y L M Grossman, 198827 N Y Y H H Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y Y L M Lieberman, 200331 U Y N H H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L M Melbye, 198832 N Y Y H H Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y Y L M Redd, 199429 N Y N H H Y Y L H Y Y L H Y Y Y L M Mahabee-Gittens, 200528 N Y Y H H Y Y L H Y U L H Y Y Y L H Tapea (Virginia), 199117 N Y Y H H Y Y L H Y N H H Y Y Y L H Berg, 198123 N Y Y H H U Y H H Y Y L H Y Y Y L H aThe quality Tape, 1991 was evaluated separately for data gathered in two sites (Nebraska and Illinois) versus data gathered in Virginia because of different methods.L = 0, M = 1, and H = 2+ domains with high likelihood of bias. Y = Yes. N = No. L = low risk of bias. H = high risk of bias. M = moderate risk of bias. QUADAS-2 = Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2.18 U = unclear risk of bias.

inclusion criteria of any patient with a sore differences in the clinical presentation of throat, with prevalence of GABHS pharyngitis pneumonia in children and adults, as well ranging from 17% to 31%. as observed heterogeneity in the summary ROC curve, results for the accuracy of Quality assessment CAP in adults and children with suspected The assessment of study quality using the pneumonia are reported separately. The QUADAS-2 framework is summarised in summary estimates for the positive (LR+) Table 2. The authors judged nine studies to and negative (LR-) likelihood ratios were be at low risk of bias, six to be at moderate LR+ 7.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 4.8 to risk of bias, and three to be at high risk of 11.5 and LR– 0.54, 95% CI = 0.42 to 0.65 for bias. One study reported data from three the diagnosis of CAP in adults; LR+ 2.7, 95% sites, two of which were judged low risk of CI = 1.1 to 4.3, and LR– 0.63, 95% CI = 0.20 bias and one high risk of bias.17 to 0.98 for the diagnosis of CAP in children; LR+ 3.0, 95% CI = 2.1 to 4.4 and LR– 0.37, Accuracy of the overall clinical 95% CI = 0.29 to 0.46 for ARS in adults; LR+ impression (‘clinical gestalt’) 3.9, 95% CI = 2.4 to 5.9 and LR– 0.33, 95% The accuracy of clinical gestalt as a CI = 0.20 to 0.50 for ABRS in adults; and diagnostic test for GABHS pharyngitis, ARS, LR+ 2.1, 95% CI = 1.6 to 2.8 and LR– 0.47, and CAP is summarised in Table 3. Due to 95% CI = 0.36 to 0.60 for GABHS pharyngitis

e448 British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 Table 3. Summary estimates of diagnostic accuracy of clinical gestalt for the diagnosis of common respiratory infections

Author, year TP FP FN TN Sensitivity Specificity LR+ LR– DOR AUC CAP (adults) Gonzalez-Ortiz, 199530 24 6 29 82 0.45 0.93 6.6 0.59 Lieberman, 200331 14 37 5 194 0.74 0.84 4.6 0.31 Melbye, 198832 3 3 8 57 0.27 0.95 5.5 0.77 Moberg, 201633 14 2 30 53 0.32 0.96 8.6 0.71 Tape (Illinois), 199117 58 108 63 876 0.48 0.89 4.4 0.58 Tape (Nebraska), 199117 24 9 14 72 0.63 0.89 5.7 0.41 Tape (Virginia), 199117 24 14 6 96 0.80 0.87 6.3 0.23 van Vugt, 201311 41 31 99 2639 0.29 0.99 25.2 0.72 Summary estimate (95% CI) 0.50 0.93 7.7 0.54 14.2 0.80 (0.37 to 0.62) (0.87 to 0.97) (4.8 to 11.5) (0.42 to 0.65) (9.0 to 21.0) CAP (children) Grossman, 198827 41 33 10 77 0.80 0.70 2.7 0.28 Mahabee-Gittens, 200528 6 56 38 410 0.14 0.88 1.1 0.98 Redd, 199429 19 20 21 166 0.48 0.89 4.4 0.59 Summary estimate (95% CI) 0.46 0.84 2.7 0.63 5.5 0.80 (0.12 to 0.84) (0.70 to 0.92) (1.1 to 4.3) (0.20 to 0.98) (1.1 to 16) ARS (adults)a Berg, 198123 21 2 4 23 0.84 0.92 10.5 0.17 Berg, 198524 33 11 10 36 0.77 0.77 3.3 0.30 Berg, 198825 52 16 27 60 0.66 0.78 3.0 0.44 Williams, 199226 72 55 23 97 0.76 0.64 2.1 0.38 Summary estimate (95% CI) 0.73 0.75 3.0 0.37 8.3 0.77 (0.66 to 0.79) (0.64 to 0.84) (2.1 to 4.4) (0.29 to 0.46) (4.9 to 13.1) ABRS (adults)a Berg, 198123 21 2 4 23 0.84 0.92 10.5 0.17 Berg, 198524 33 11 10 36 0.77 0.77 3.3 0.30 Berg, 198825 52 16 27 60 0.66 0.78 3.0 0.44 Summary estimate (95% CI) 0.74 0.80 3.9 0.33 13.0 0.84 (0.61 to 0.84) (0.72 to 0.87) (2.4 to 5.9) (0.20 to 0.50) (5.0 to 27) GABHS pharyngitis (both) Attia, 200134 157 148 61 221 0.72 0.60 1.8 0.47 Centor, 19818 29 47 11 147 0.73 0.76 3.0 0.36 Dobbs, 199622 44 47 28 87 0.61 0.65 1.7 0.60 Summary estimate (95% CI) 0.69 0.67 2.1 0.47 4.6 0.73 (0.61 to 0.76) (0.57 to 0.76) (1.6 to 2.8) (0.36 to 0.60) (2.6 to 7.8) aARS was defined as sinusitis diagnosed using any reference standard, whereas ABRS was defined as sinusitis diagnosed using antral puncture fluid inspection as the reference standard. ABRS = acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. ARS = acute rhinosinusitis. AUC = area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. CAP= community-acquired pneumonia. DOR = diagnostic odds ratio (LR+/LR–). FN = false negative. FP = false positive. GABHS = group A beta-haemolytic streptococcal. LR– = negative likelihood ratio. LR+ = positive likelihood ratio. TN = true negative. TP = true positive.

in both adults and children. Based on the and 0.73 for GABHS pharyngitis in adults diagnostic odds ratio, clinical gestalt was and children. Note that the C-statistic most accurate for diagnosis of CAP in for CAP in children was unreliable in the adults (DOR 14.2, 95% CI = 9.0 to 21.0), authors’ judgement based on the small ABRS in adults (DOR 13.0, 95% CI = 5.0 number of studies and high heterogeneity. to 27.0), and ARS in adults (DOR 8.3, 95% Inspection of the summary ROC curves CI = 4.9 to 13.1). It was less accurate for the in Figure 2 reveals different patterns of diagnosis of CAP in children (DOR 5.5) and heterogeneity for each disease. There GABHS pharyngitis (DOR 4.6). was good homogeneity for the diagnosis The summary ROC curves are shown of acute pharyngitis, despite the fact that in Figure 2. The summary AUROCC of the the three studies enrolled children in one, overall clinical impression as a test for CAP adults in another, and both in a third. For was 0.80 in both children and adults, 0.77 sinusitis, there was good homogeneity with for ARS in adults, 0.84 for ABRS in adults, regards to sensitivity (range 0.71 to 0.84) but

British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 e449 Figure 2. Summary receiver operating CAP (adults) CAP (children) characteristic curves (ROC) are shown for the

accuracy of clinical gestalt in the diagnosis 1.0 1.0 of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in

adults, CAP in children, group A beta-haemolytic 0.8 0.8 streptococcal (GABHS) pharyngitis, and acute

rhinosinusitis (ARS). 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 Sensitivity Sensitivity 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 False positive rate False positive rate

ARS GABHS pharyngitis 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 Sensitivity Sensitivity 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 False positive rate False positive rate

less with regards to specificity (range 0.61 had the highest specificity (0.99) but among to 0.92). the lowest sensitivities (0.29), perhaps a For the diagnosis of CAP in adults, the consequence of the low prevalence of CAP.11 ROC curve showed a pattern that was consistent with a threshold effect. That is, as Accuracy of clinical decision rules sensitivity increases, specificity decreases, For comparison with the overall clinical with the points arrayed along the ROC impression, the authors determined the curve. There was also better homogeneity accuracy of CDRs for GABHS pharyngitis for studies of CAP in adults compared with in children and adults,8,35 CAP,36 and acute studies in children, which are presented bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS).10 The separately in the ROC curves. As noted accuracy of the Strep Score for GABHS before, most studies in this group were pharyngitis in adults and children was limited to patients with clinically suspected obtained from recent systematic reviews.13,35 disease. The one study with very broad The accuracy of the CDR for CAP was inclusion criteria of any patient with cough obtained from a large European study of

Table 4. Accuracy of selected clinical decision rules for pneumonia, pharyngitis, and acute rhinosinusitis

Study Sensitivity, % Specificity, % LR+ LR– DOR CAP (adults)36 45 90 4.4 0.61 7.2 Sinus Score for ARS a (adults)10 89 53 1.9 0.53 3.6 Sinus Score for ABRS b (adults)10 78 63 2.1 0.35 5.9 Strep (Centor) Score (adults)13 82 49 1.6 0.37 4.2 Strep (Centor) Score (children)35 41 85 2.0 0.8 2.5 aReference standard for ARS was abnormal CT.b Reference standard for ABRS was antral fluid culture positive for a . ABRS = acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. ARS = acute rhinosinusitis. CAP = community-acquired pneumonia. DOR = diagnostic odds ratio (LR+/LR–). LR– = negative likelihood ratio. LR+ = positive likelihood ratio.

e450 British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 outpatients with acute cough where all the results for the accuracy of clinical received a chest radiograph.36 The CDRs gestalt were fairly consistent for adults for ARS and ABRS were developed by the with CAP, ABRS, and pharyngitis based on author based on a study of 175 primary care inspection of the summary ROC curves. patients who all underwent CT, and antral Other strengths of the present study include puncture for fluid and culture if fluid was the use of modern methods for diagnostic seen on CT.10 ARS was defined as abnormal meta-analysis, a comprehensive search, CT, and ABRS as abnormal culture of antral and that only three of 18 studies were puncture fluid, as in the clinical gestalt judged to be at high risk of bias. This study studies. The accuracy of the CDRs are had several limitations as well: the clinical summarised in Table 4. decision rules discussed above for ARS and CAP have not been prospectively validated. DISCUSSION However, accuracy usually suffers during Summary prospective validation, so the fact that This is the first systematic review of the gestalt was as accurate as these proposed accuracy of clinical gestalt or the overall CDRs is notable. There were a fairly small clinical impression as a diagnostic test. number of studies, several were quite old, The authors found that the overall clinical some were at high risk of bias, and three of impression is an accurate diagnostic the four for ARS were by the same author. test for CAP, ARS, and ABRS in adults There was also considerable heterogeneity (DOR 14.2, 8.3, and 13.0, respectively), and with regards to inclusion criteria, the age of is moderately accurate for the diagnosis of participants, and the reference standards GABHS pharyngitis in adults and children used. Finally, the studies of pneumonia (DOR 4.6) and for the diagnosis of CAP in generally only included studies where there children (DOR 5.5). was already some clinical suspicion of CAP. Clinical gestalt is more accurate than However, only a minority in each of the nine individual signs and symptoms for all three studies had CAP diagnosed by radiography. conditions, and compares well with clinical decision rules. For example, using a cut- Comparison with existing literature off of three or more out of four symptoms The authors conclude that clinical gestalt as a positive test, the Strep Score had is either similarly accurate to or more diagnostic odds ratios of 4.2 in adults and accurate than CDRs based on usual metrics 2.5 in children, compared with a DOR of 4.6 of diagnostic accuracy. Since clinical gestalt for the overall clinical impression in mixed requires no calculations, no algorithm, and populations of adults and children. The no computer, it is not surprising that it is CDR for CAP in adults had a DOR of 7.2, far more widely used than CDRs for clinical compared with a DOR of 14.2 for the overall decision making. That said, the ability to clinical impression in adults. For ARS, the use clinical gestalt as an accurate test for CDR had a DOR of 3.6 compared with 8.3 pneumonia or acute rhinosinusitis is not for clinical gestalt. For ABRS the CDR had innate. It must be developed and cultivated, a DOR 5.9, compared with 13.0 for clinical as any skill, and likely requires exposure to gestalt. In all cases, the overall clinical a great many cases with a known outcome impression performed as well or better (‘patterns’) before it is fully developed and than the clinical decision rule. accurate. Artificial neural networks can be Patterns of heterogeneity differed ‘trained’ to create a complex algorithm by between conditions. There was good exposing the network to a large number of homogeneity around estimates of the patterns with known outcomes, eventually accuracy of gestalt for pharyngitis, for ABRS developing the ability to accurately make using antral puncture as the reference predictions for new cases. standard, and for CAP in adults. A threshold Multivariate models and neural networks effect can be observed for the diagnosis of typically require several hundred or more CAP. A threshold effect is the result of a patterns to create a predictive model. How trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, many of these known cases or ‘patterns’ and may occur when different definitions of are required before the human brain is the outcome of interest are used, such as trained remains unclear. Bierema proposes different thresholds for diagnosis of CAP. a model for professional knowledge Some physicians may prioritise sensitivity at development that identifies stages of the price of specificity, and others specificity novice, beginner, competent, proficient, at the price of sensitivity. expert, and generative leader.37 For novice and beginner learners, CDRs can be used Strengths and limitations to hone diagnostic skills and teach them A strength of this study is the fact that the best independent predictors of disease,

British Journal of General Practice, July 2019 e451 providing focus and a framework for their to or better than that of clinical decision diagnostic training. For the proficient and rules. Experienced clinicians should be expert physician, the CDR moves to the confident in their use of the overall clinical background, while a physician who is a impression and use clinical decision rules generative leader may further develop and as a backstop to that judgement. Trainees, improve CDRs. on the other hand, may benefit more from explicit use of CDRs until they develop Implications for research and practice their clinical skills. Further work is needed The authors propose that use of formal to understand how to best teach clinical CDRs is potentially most useful for early- stage clinicians, who have not yet been gestalt to trainees. exposed to a large number of patterns. Future studies of clinical diagnosis As they develop their own clinical gestalt, should primarily include an ‘overall clinical informed by repeated use of validated impression’ question to gather further data CDRs, they may eventually rely less and on the accuracy of clinical gestalt for a less on the CDR. But even for experienced range of conditions, including of course clinicians CDRs can serve as a back-up non-infectious conditions such as chest to their clinical gestalt. For example, if a pain, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary physician judges that a patient with CAP embolism. If found to be accurate and can be treated as an outpatient, it is still reliable for the diagnosis of a disease, the worthwhile to double-check that judgement overall clinical impression could be built by calculating the CRB-65 prognostic score into guidelines regarding the evaluation of for pneumonia.38 In fact, both the clinical a range of conditions such as suspected decision rule and clinical gestalt only sepsis, , depression, identified about half of the patients with pneumonia, missing the other half. Thus, and early diagnosis of . It will also use of a CDR and clinical gestalt may be important to consider how an overall be complementary and supportive of each judgement about the likelihood of disease other rather than an either/or proposition. fits with the threshold framework for In conclusion, clinical gestalt is accurate decision making, such that a judgement of for the diagnosis of CAP, ARS, and ABRS in ‘disease is unlikely’ also falls below the test adults, and the overall accuracy is similar threshold for that disease.39

Funding No funding was received for this study. Ethical approval This study was exempt from ethical approval as it was limited to secondary data analysis. Provenance Freely submitted; externally peer reviewed. Competing interests The authors have declared no competing interests. Discuss this article Contribute and read comments about this article: bjgp.org/letters

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