Su Rsu R,R-Soleno WATER Aurhortry
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SU { I u ) ./. a \ u I a a a Su rsu r,r-Soleno WATER AurHoRtrY BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lori Wilson, President John D. Kluge, Vice President Jane Day Guido E. Colla Michael A. Segala Lance A. Porter Wanda Williams Mike J. German Anthony Adams Michael J. Barrett EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, February 4,2019 9:00 a.m. Suisun City Hall Conference Room 701 Civic Center Boulevard Suisun City, CA AGENDA 1. Preliminarv 1.1. Call Meeting to Order 1.2. TELECONFERENCENOTICE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953, Subdivision þ), thefollowing Suisun-Solano Water Authority meeting will include teleconference participation Board Vice President John Kluge From 1120 N Street, Room 5100, Sacramento, CA 1.3. Approval of Agenda 2. Presentations None 3. Public Comment (Non-Asenda Items) 4. Informational ltems 4.T Capital Improvement Project Status Report (Page 3) 4.2 Status of Capital Projects identified in the 2012 CHWTP Condition Assessment and the 2015 Water Rate Study (Page 8) 5. Consent Calendar 5.1 Approval of the Minutes of the January 7,2019,Executive Committee Meeting Billing A Joint Powers Authority Operations 701 Civic Center Blvd 1090 Avìator Drive Suisun City, CA 94585 Providing Drinking Water to the City of Suisun City Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 42t-',7320 (707) 448-6847 1 5.2 Request for approval of Amendment 3 to the New Cement Hill Pipeline Design Contract (Page 38) 6. Scheduled Items 6.1 Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (Page 43) 6.2 Items for the SSV/A Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, February 11,2019, at 6 p.m. 7. Adiourn 2 SUISUN.SOLANO WATER AUTHORITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MEETING DATE: February 402019 AGENDA ITEM 4.1 Capital Improvement Project Status Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current status of the capital projects approved by the Board for FY 2018-19 are listed below Other projects and issues affecting the Capital Improvement Program are also listed. STAFF REPORT: Updates to the project list and status of projects are shown in bold text. A. Replacement Projects These projects are funded from the Replacement Reserve Fund. 1. Sectionalizine Valve Replacement Proiect Scope: replace broken andfrozenmain line valves on an annual basis. Proiect Budeet: $83,000 from the Replacement Reserve Status: Some valves needing replacement have been identified and scheduling their replacement is in progress. Construction will proceed after larger capital projects are completed. B. 2016 Bond Fund Projects These projects are funded from the 2016 Bond Fund. Cement Hill Water Treøtment Plant (CHWTP) Projects 2. New Cement Hill Pioeline: Scope: design and construct a new pipeline parallel to the existing Cement Hill Pipeline for water quality and redundancy purposes. Proiect Budeet: $1,912,000 from the2016 Bond Fund Notes: construction of this project is planned after completion of the Tank 2b construction project. The design engineer is Bennett Engineering Services. Status: . The final design is in progress. USBR is are doing their environmental assessments prior to granting a right-of-entry permit for the new pipeline crossing the Putah South Canal. The public hearing and planned adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been rescheduled for the March Board meeting. 4.1 FY 2018-19 CIP Status EC SR 1 3 a Fairfield is preparing an encroachment permit to SSWA for a contractor staging area on an unimproved road right-of-way. o An updated easement on Cement Hill for the pipeline and access road is being negotiated with the landowner. a Construction is scheduled for 2019. 3. Clarifiers 2 &.3 and Tank 3 Reconstruction: Scope: Design Plant2 raw water treatment equipment reconstruction as follows: Clarifier 2: install flex connections into inlet and outlet piping; recoat the clarifier vessel inside and outside; replace the clarifier equipment Clarifier 3: install flex connections into inlet and outlet piping, recoat the clarifier vessel inside and outside; replace the clarifier equipment Tank 3: repair roof structure, install flex connections into inlet and outlet piping, and recoat the tank inside and outside. Proiect Budeet: $150,000 for design from the 2016 Bond Fund; Status: . Design is in progress. o I sole-source contract to ClearStream Environmental is on the Board agenda for the January, 2019, Board meeting. Approval to invite bids for construction is planned for the March, 2019, Board meeting. Amendment of the CIP Budget as needed, award of the construction contract and issuance of the notice to proceed is planned for May, 2019. This is timed to coincide with the availability of 2019 Bond proceeds to fund the construction. Equipment fabrication is planned for June through September,2019. Field construction is planned for October,2019, through January,2020 4. Cement Hill Plant Meterinq Replacement: Scope: Upgrade existing water flow meters and add new meters where needed. Budget: $25,000 from the 2016 Bond Fund Status: . Final specifications and drawings for the meter replacements are done. Construction by SSV/A crews is deferred to FY 2019-20 to optimize use of funds 5. Chemical Svstem Replacement Scope: The scope includes several rehabilitation proj ects recommend ed in the 2012 Condition Assessment of the Cement Hill Water Treatment Plant (CHWTP): . Fumish and install new pumps, equipment and piping in the chemical room; . Replace exterior piping from control buildings to plant equipment (trench piping); . Change from gaseous chlorine to liquid hypochlorite disinfection. Proiect Budeet: $316,000 for design from the 2016 Bond Fund. Notes: Construction is planned in FY 2020-21. Status: . The preliminary design report has been submitted for review and final details are being worked with staff. Geotechnical borings at the location of the new hypochlorite storage tanks have been completed. Distribution Facility Proj ects 4.1 FY 2018-19 CIP Status EC SR 2 4 6. Benton Court Facilitv Uperade Scope: Add a motor operated valve (MOV) within the Benton Court Pressure Reducing Station to allow remote control of alternating the filling of the Gregory Hill Tank and service into the Old Town area. Proiect Budeet: $123 ,000 in FY 2017-18 from the 2016 Bond Fund Notes: this is aFY 2017-18 project that is nearly complete. Expenses are within the approved budget. Status: The work is complete. Planning Projects 7. CIP Pro sram ent Services Scope: provide program management services including overall scheduling, contracting and construction management. Proiect Budeet: $165,000 from the 2016 Bond Fund Notes: Costs are spread to CIP projects that are being managed. Status: project planning is ongoing. Regular meetings are being held and a CIP program schedule and action item list are updated for the meetings. Water Loss Control Projects 8. Meter Replacement and AMI Implementation Scope: replace all existing customer meters in the SSWA system with new Badger meters. Install an advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) system for meter reading compatible with the new meters and City Finance billing operations, customer service and data storage. Proi ect Budset: $4,300,000 from the 2016 Bond Fund Notes: the SSWA system serves about 8,400 residential, commercial and landscape services. The existing meters are Sensus TouchRead meters, many of which are outside acceptable accuracy limits. Status: . The contractor is working with staff to prepare public information materials. The contractor is reviewing the inventory of meters to be installedo especially the larger meters. Work is on schedule. C. New Capacity Fund Projects These projects are funded from the Capacity Fund. 9. Cement Hill Tank 2b: Scope: construct a new 2 million gallon storage tank on Cement Hill above the water treatment plant Project Budeet: total project: $5,898,000; FY 2018-19: $2,995,810 from the New Capacity Fund Status: . Submittals are being reviewed and approved. Completion of the dome roof penetrations (hatch and vents) are in progress. Installation of electrical conduits and minor piping is planned to start. 4.1 FY 2018-19 CIP Status EC SR 3 5 o Concrete for the footing for a retaining wall will be placed as soon as the weather permits. o Site cleanup and installing stormwater control measures are in progress. 10. Water Master Plan Update Scope: update the 1996 Water Master Plan Budget: $150,000 from the New Capacity Fund Notes: consultant proposals for this project will be requested, and the project budget may change based on negotiations with the selected firm. Status: Preparation of a Request for Proposals is in progress. D. Other Projects The following items include potential and pending capital projects, and Authority non-capital work (administrative, financial, operations and maintenance) affecting capital projects and planning. 1 l. Corp Yard Tank Replacement/Railroad Avenue Facilitv Scope: . Construct a tank and booster facility on a new site between the railroad tracks and the extension of Railroad Avenue, north of Old Town Suisun City. Construction of two pipelines to direct supply of water to Old Town completely through this facility for TTHM reduction is included in this project. The parcel for the facility will be retained within the 30 Acre Site development. Mapping the parcel is approved and funded. Estimated Cost 2017 update, including two pipelines: $6,060,000. Budset: Mapping of the parcel for the facility: $6,600 from the Rehabilitation Reserve Status: . Mapping of the parcel is complete. Updated site plans of the tank-and-booster facility are being reviewed. 12. 2019 Bond Issuance Scope: Issue the second bond offering per the 2015 Financial Plan in order to raise an estimated $5.2 million to fund capital projects Budeet: no financial impact (expenses are paid from the bond proceeds) Status: . Approval of the Bond Sale is on the agenda for the Februaryo 2019, meeting. Funding availability is planned for May, 2019, in advance of approval of the FY 2019-20 CIP Budget and award of the contract for the Clarifier 2&3 and Tank 3 Rehabilitation project.